Chemistry is important for me especially when it comes to having an great escortGFE And IMO we didn't have much chemistry. She felt frigid and not warm. Our encounter felt restrained. I sort of regret paying the amount of money I did. Its like all the hype just fell felt. After her I think I can finally quit this line of encounters.
Her name is Rose at least that is the alias she given me. Anyway Rose isn't 24 so that needs to be corrected. She some where's around her late 30s (so this needs to be corrected) but she looks like in her late mid to late 20s she is really good about her health. I have met her about 4 times while in Odessa and she was great for company especially t ... imes when I felt alone. She very safe when it comes to her sexual practices, a true professional, and gives you an intelligent thought provoking conversation after having sex. I only have two complaints and don't let this deter you in deciding to acquire her services. One is I wish DFK is involved in her services and second trying to make her get an orgasm is not a good idea. It's actually one of her turn offs. She would rather give pleasure then receive it. I guess you should take advantage of her work ethic in that sense. I highly recommend her, she is honest and legit. more
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