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The Dirtier, The Better


I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to find a position in thehard wooden desk that wouldn't cause my ass to go numb. Just five more minutes. Five more minutes and then my weekend could begin. I hated friday classes. They always seemed to drag on, and this one was no different. And to make matters worse, this particular lecture took place in the oldest classroom on campus, complete with hard wooden chairs circa 1904. I put my pen down, clenching and unclenching my tired fingers as Icontinued to listen to Dr. Cross's rousing lecture on skeletal muscle physiology. Glancing around the room, I noticed the rest of the class was just as bored as I was. Slumping back into my seat, I crossed my arms and began to wait out the last few agonizing minutes. "I think we'll end a little early today," Dr. Cross stated, setting hispapers down on the desk in front of him. No sooner had those words exited his mouth than the room was filled withthe rustling of papers and the clicking of binder rings as the students gleefully packed up their belongings. "Oh, one more thing," he shouted above the noise. "If you missed lastclass I need to speak with you about the project." "Dammit," I muttered to myself. "I guess the weekend will have to wait afew more minutes." As the rest of the students filtered out of the room I made my way downto the front. I expected more people to remain behind, but to my surprise only myself and one other student were left. Although I didn't know her name, I recognized the girl from a few of my classes. Although she was extremely attractive, she always seemed to be by herself. I found this a little strange since the hot ones usually had throngs of friends and followers. She was quiet, which many people, including myself, had often mistook for snobbiness, and had an air of maturity about her. I knew many of the guys lusted after her, but as far as I knew none had ever come close to getting anything at all. I could count myself among her group of admirers, although I had never even spoken with her. She was about 5'5 with dirty blonde hair, which she maintained at a medium length with a simple style. Her face was gorgeous, and her eyes carried a certain element of shyness which intrigued me. And although her facial features were impeccable, it was her body that took center stage and really made every heterosexual male drool at the site of her. Her breasts could only be described as perfect. They were full and round, large enough to be considered 'big' but not 'ridiculously big'. Her ass, too, was full and round and more than once had I caught myself staring at it as she walked. Her voluptuousness was what really set her apart from the other girls in the sports medicine program who tended to be either quite toned and muscular, or else a little too skinny for my liking. And although this mystery girl's body was amazing, she never dressed in a provocative manor, although this day she was wearing a low cut white top which showed of quite a bit of cleavage, and a pair of extremely tight jeans showcasing her delicious behind. "Okay," Dr. Cross began, handing us each a sheet of paper. "This is yourassignment. Since you two were the only ones to miss last class when we divided into groups, you'll have to be partners. I trust this is okay?" I had to keep myself from smiling. "Yes," I answered. "That's okay with me." Mystery girl nodded as well. "Good," Cross continued. "Now unfortunately, since you are the last onesto choose a topic your choices will be limited. Also, you will have to take the only remaining presentation time slot which is one week from today." I groaned. There goes my weekend. "Any questions? No? Okay then. Good luck." With that, Cross gathered up the rest of his things and headed towardsthe doorway. I turned to acknowledge my new partner. "Hi, I'm Erica," she said in a soft feminine voice, extending her hand. "Damon," I said with a smile, shaking her hand. Her skin was soft andsmooth, and her touch was extremely gentle. "So I guess, we'll have to get going on this thing pretty soon," I said.Erica nodded. "Yeah, I'm actually really busy next week, so if we could get it donethis weekend, that would be great." I agreed. "How about Sunday?" she asked, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Sure. Where do you want to work on it?" "How about my place?" she asked. "I live just off campus. We can each doour research and then meet there to discuss the specifics of the presentation." "Sounds good." With that, we exchanged phone numbers and email addresses and went ourseparate ways. Although I was a little pissed off at having to do work over the weekend, I was looking forward to spending a little time alone with Erica. Although I didn't actually think anything would come of it, I was happy nonetheless about being in the presence of such a hot girl for any time at all. I spent Friday night in the library gathering references and gettingideas, before calling Erica on Saturday morning to run them by her. We decided on a general topic and planned to meet Sunday at 2 in the afternoon at her place. I wrote down her address and said goodbye before hanging up the phone. I awoke on Sunday morning with the sun beating down on my face thoughthe tiny window in my bedroom. I had a feeling it was going to be a good day. I spent the remainder fo the morning organizing my work before headingto the gym for a quick workout. After that, I returned home and had a shower before setting off for Erica's place. Since it was so nice outside I decided to walk, still making the trip in under thirty minutes. When I arrived at Erica's apartment, I popped a piece of gum into my mouth (just in case) and buzzed her room number. A few seconds passed before I heard her soft, sweet voice over the intercom. "Come on up," she said, followed by a loud buzzing noise. I pulled the door open and walked inside, stopping just long enough tocheck myself out from the reflection in the large glass window. I then made my way to the elevator and headed up to the third floor. As I reached Erica's door, I checked my breath once more and thenknocked. "Hey," Erica greeted, quietly as she opened the door to find me standingthere. "Come on in." I walked into the small apartment, leaving my shoes by the doorway. Erica was wearing a pair of tiny tight shorts so I was happy to glue my eyes to her ass as I followed her inside. She was also wearing a tiny blue tank top that made her breasts look even more perfect that usual. I was actually happy to see her showing a little more skin than normal, and had to really try hard to prevent myself from gazing too long at her body. "Is it okay if we work in my bedroom?" she asked. "My roommate is cominghome soon with some friends and she can be pretty distracting." "Sure," I responded. "Whatever you say." I definitely had no problem spending time in Erica's room. "Sorry about the mess," she warned as I followed her into her room. "I've been really busy lately." I laughed. Other than a few clothes on her bed, her room was spotless.Nevertheless, Erica began frantically picking up the stray garments and tossing them into her closet. As I set my backpack down on the bed, she lifted up a pair of pants and a small black plastic object fell to the floor at my feet. "Oh my God!" Erica gasped, reaching down to snatch the thing back up. It took me a moment to realize, but it was a vibrator! I just stoodthere stunned as she grabbed the small makeshift plastic penis and tossed it into her closet along with her clothes. By this time, Erica's face had turned a bright shade of red and I could tell she was severely embarrassed. And I had to admit I couldn't blame her. "Let's just pretend we didn't see that. Okay?" she said, averting hereyes from mine as I stood there smiling. Normally I would have bugged her about it, but since I barely knew thisgirl, I decided to play it cool even though I was very intrigued. I never would have thought that a goody-goody like Erica would even own something like a vibrator! "It's not mine," she blurted out suddenly. "Well, I mean...It'smine...but I didn't buy it! It was a present from..my friend. I think it was a joke or something." I just smiled. "It's okay," I offered, sitting on the bed. It's really no big deal.Lots of girls have them. Your's seemed kind of small though." Erica sat down as well, still looking quite flustered over the wholesituation. "Well..." she began. "I think its for... No! No, we can't talk aboutthis! I barely know you. Oh my God! I'm so embarrassed right now!" Erica dropped her head into her hands in an attempt to hide her crimsonface. "Well, how about we get started then?" I said, changing the subject,trying to relieve her of some of her embarrassment. "Yes!" she said exasperated. "That's a great idea! Let do that!" I pulled out my books and we began to talk about the project, puttingthe whole "vibrator incident" on the back burner. Erica was quite shy at first but soon began to loosen up as we talked. Even though she was quiet, she definitely was not the snob that most people had her pegged as. In fact, we often found ourselves getting off topic and before we knew it a couple hours had gone by and we still had nothing accomplished. "Oh dammit!" she blurted out suddenly, jumping up from the bedfrantically looking at the clock. "What? What?" I asked, confused. "I rented a movie yesterday and it has to be back by 4:30! Do you mindif I run down and return it quickly?" "Not at all," I replied. "Do you want me to come with you?" "No that's okay. Why don't you stay and try to get some more info offthe computer. I'll be back soon." "Sure," I responded, although I was a little surprised that she trustedme enough to allow me to stay alone in her room. "Thanks," she said, crawling across her bed to grab the movie that wassitting on her nightstand. As she bent over, I snuck a quick glimpse at her ass, relishing the sight of her beautiful curves being hugged tightly by her jeans. "Could you pass me that book over there?" I asked, referring to a bookthat had slipped off the bed and fallen to the floor. Erica looked back over her shoulder and smiled. "You just want me to bend over!" she joked as she reached down to pickup the book. "Maybe I do," I returned with a smile. "Maybe I do." Erica tossed the book in my lap and headed for the door. "See ya soon," she said as walked out, leaving me all alone in herbedroom. As she left, I sat down at her desk and began to search her computer forinformation as she had suggested. However, I noticed a folder on her computer desktop titled "My Movies" and couldn't resist taking a peek. I double clicked and a window popped up showing a large number of icons, although they were all named simply Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3 and so on. Choosing "Movie 1", I clicked on the icon and watched as a smaller screen appeared and the movie began to play. It was then that I experienced my second surprise of the day. Even though there was nothing pornographic in nature happening on thescreen, I had seen enough porn in my day to recognize one when I saw it. There was an attractive young woman on the screen sitting on a couch being interviewed by a man behind the camera. I maximized the screen to get a better look and then fast forwarded the movie a few minutes. when I stopped, another man had entered the scene and the girl was now on her knees with his dick in her mouth. I was astounded! First the vibrator and now this! What else was this seemingly sweet, innocent girl hiding? As I continued watching the movie, the scene quickly degenerated intoone of the dirtiest pornos I had ever seen. I had known a few girls to watch porn, but it was usually the more romantic, sensual stuff. This was hardcore! It had everything from ass fucking to ass licking, and everything in between. It was, however, right up my alley and I quickly noticed myself becoming quite aroused. I fast forwarded the movie to the end just in time to see a close up of the actress's recently fucked asshole, dripping cum as she waved goodbye to the camera. I closed the window and clicked another random movie icon. More porn,but this time it was a girl getting double teamed by two guys. I clicked another to see a girl getting fucked in the ass and then another to see the same girl taking two cocks in her butt! As I flipped through Erica's movie collection I noticed a definite trend. All the movies involved anal sex in some way or another, with lots of ass-to-mouth action and ass licking. Was Erica into this? It was dirty,dirty stuff and I was getting far too turned on. I closed down the movie screen and started searching for information forour project, figuring I should at least get some work done while before Erica got back. I had barely even started looking, however, when she returned. "Did you miss me?" she asked, showing that she had lightened up a littlemore since my arrival. "Oh, definitely," I answered, just then noticing that the bulge in mypants was completely visible. I think Erica saw it too, but she pretended not to, instead asking me afew questions about the project. As we talked my hard-on subsided, but I couldn't get the filthy pornographic images out of my head. I then decided, that since she was beginning to loosen up around me I would try to bring up the subject. "I'm not gonna lie to you," I began, turning to her. "I spent the wholetime surfing for porn on the internet." "Oh really?" she said with a disbelieving smile. "Did you find anythinggood?" "No, not really. Do you have any suggestions?" Erica was about to say something, but stopped herself at the lastminute. She then narrowed her eyes and glared at me, suspiciously. "Why?" she asked. "Do I look like the kind of girl that watches porn?" "No, but I figured since you had a vibrator..." Erica cut me off by giving me a playful punch in the shoulder. "I still can't believe you saw that", she said, smiling in a cute, coymanner. "What a great first impression!" Things were going just as planned. "I must say I was surprised when I saw that," I began. "You don'texactly seem like the type." "Oh?" she asked, slumping down on her bed. "And what type is that?" I spun around in the computer chair to face her before answering. "You know...A good girl." Erica smirked and laid back, resting on her elbows. "So you think I'm a good girl huh?" "Well I did until I saw that vibrator." "So what do you think about me now?" "I think you're a good girl with a vibrator." There was then a pause as we both considered what to say. Erica finallybroke the silence. "So do I really seem like a goody goody two shoes?" "Well...." I began to answer. "It's okay, you can tell me the truth." "Well then, yes. Definitely. You just seem so cute and innocent." Erica smiled and blushed a little. "So you think I'm cute huh?" It was then my turn to blush. I was thinking of something witty to say, when Erica spoke again. "I think you'd be surprised," she said, running her hands through herhair. "About what?" "I'm just not as innocent as people think. That's all." The conversation was going exactly the way I had wanted. "Prove it," I said bluntly. Erica looked up to the ceiling as if to ponder her next move. I just satacross from her, waiting patiently. "Ok," she said finally, sitting back up on the bed. "Well you know howwe were talking about porn earlier?" I nodded. "Well...I do like it. A lot actually." "Really?" I asked, trying my best to sound surprised. Erica nodded, biting her bottom lip, trying not to blush. "Do you have any?" "Just on the computer," she answered. "Cool," stated, spinning back around in the chair. "Let's see it." Erica hopped off the bed and rushed towards me. "No!" she shrieked, grabbing my hand away from the mouse. "Oh come one!" I said, smiling. "Let's see what you've got." "Umm, I think we should get back to work," she suggested, still firmlyholding my wrist. "Don't be silly," I said. "It'll be a good study break." Erica relented and released my hand, looking a little nervous as shestepped back. "Okay," she said finally. "But I have to warm you, they're prettydirty!" "Hey!" I exclaimed, placing my hand back on the mouse. "The dirtier thebetter!" Erica smiled and then directed me to the folder containing the movies,as if I didn't know. She suggested one and I clicked on it, opening up the screen as I had done only fifteen minutes before. The movie she had suggested featured a couple female porn stars that I recognized, along with a male actor. It started with the two women fucking each other with a dildo and eating each other out. As the movie progressed, it turned from a girl-on-girl duo into a full on threesome with all the usual dirty characteristics. As I watched, I noticed Erica move up closer behind me, resting her hand on the back of the chair. "Wow," I exclaimed. "You have good taste in porn!" "Thanks," Erica replied with a giggle. "I still can't believe I'mwatching this with you. "But isn't it more fun than homework?" As I asked the question, I turned and caught a glimpse of Erica runningher fingers over one of her nipples. Quickly she dropped her hand to her side, not wanting me to notice how turned on she was getting. I turned back to the computer screen, smiling to myself. "So," I continued as I watched one of the woman on the screen gettingfucked in the ass. "This is what you're into huh?" Erica exhaled deeply and ran a hand through her silky blonde hair beforeanswering. "Well," she began. "I like to watch it." "But you don't like to do it?" I pressed. "Well, I haven't really had the chance." "But you would if you had the chance?" Erica was beginning to revert back to her previous shade of red as myquestioning began to delve deeper into her personal life. "Maybe," she said softly, with a bit of a giggle, biting her finger asher eyes remained glued to the computer screen. I was thinking of another question to ask, when she spoke again. "I mean...There are some things that I would like to try but..." "But what?" I asked, urging her to continue. "Well...I can't just go and pick up random guys and ask them to fuck mein the ass!" "Why not?" I asked, extremely turned on at what Erica had just said. "That's every guys fantasy!" "Not every guy's!" she returned. I had a boyfriend once that broke upwith me because I asked him if we could try it. "Really? What an idiot! But seriously though, ninety nine percent ofguys would jump at the chance to sleep with a girl like you, let alone fuck you in the ass!" "Aww, gee thanks," she responded, tilting her head to one side andflashing me a cute smile. "How can sound so sweet and so dirty at the same time?" I just laughed and continued watching the movie, which was actuallyturning me on as much as the conversation. "So." I said, after another brief pause. "You like it in the butt?" Erica seemed a little surprised by the bluntness of my question, and letout an embarrassed laugh before answering. "I like to watch it in porn," "have you done it for real?" I asked, probing the subject just as thewoman on the screen was getting her ass probed. "Well...." she said said, scrunching her face up as if confused. "Nottechnically I guess." "Technically?" I asked. "What do you mean?" "I've never had a guy fuck me in the ass. Let's put it that way." I was a little confused as I pondered Erica's response. "Sooo....." I began, before she cut me off. "Yes." she stated. "That's right. That vibrator you saw earlier? Let'sjust say, I've made extensive use out of it!" My mouth dropped open. "you mean you.....?" "Yes." "In your...? "Yes." "Wow." "Oh my God!" Erica blurted out suddenly, dropping her face into herhands. "I can't believe I told you that!" I couldn't believe it either. As much as it turned me on, I justcouldn't picture this sweet, wholesome girl watching porn and fucking herself in the ass with a vibrator! "Actually," she continued, regaining her composure. "There are a fewthings I'd like to try." "Like what?" "Oh no!" she said, shaking her head. "I think I've told you enough. Youprobably think I'm a dirty slut now!" "Well, dirty? Maybe. A slut? Definitely not. And like I said. Thedirtier, the better!" "Well, that's good, I guess," Erica muttered, moving a little closerbehind me. "Wow!" she exclaimed suddenly, looking down at the tent that had formedin my pants. "Looks like I'm not the only that likes porn huh?" I laughed but made no effort to cover it up. "Actually", I said. "I think was the thought of you and you vibratorthat did this. Not the porn." "So that's not weird for you?" Erica asked, with a coy smile. "Are you kidding? It's such a turn on! Do you a have any other toys?" "Maybe," Erica said softly, her voice resembling that of a child thathad done something wrong. "Well, let's see!" I said enthusiastically. Erica thought about it for a moment, but she knew there was no satiatingme now. Without a word she walked back over to her bed and dropped to her knees. Reaching under, she pulled out a small wicker box. Rising from my seat, I adjusted my hard-on and walked over to sit on the bed as she also sat, placing the box between us. 'Well here it is," she said flipping the box open. "This my secretstash." I couldn't contain my smile as peered inside to see a variety ofvibrators and dildos, along with a few other items. I had known girls to own a vibrator, maybe even two or three, but this was ridiculous! Erica had to have about ten of all shapes and sizes. In addition, there were a couple pairs of handcuffs and a few bottles of lube. "Well what do we have here?" I asked jokingly, reaching in to grab ared plastic, elongated diamond shaped object from the box. Erica giggled like a school girl. "I think you know what that is," she said, smiling mischievously. I inspected the butt plug, forming a picture in my mind of it slidinginto Erica's tight little asshole. "Damn," I said, placing it back into the box. "You must really have ananal fixation!" "Yeah," she said with an embarrassed laugh. "I guess i do." "And you've never tried it for real?" "Nope." "Do you want to?" Erica stopped and stared at me, biting her lips nervously. My heart waspounding in my chest as I waited for her response. She was still silent, her big blue eyes transfixed on mine. Then without a word, she pushed the box of sex toys out of the way and crawled over to me, knocking me back onto the bed and locking her lips around mine. She flipped one leg over my body, straddling me as she drove her tongue into my mouth. I couldn't almost feel the warmth emanating from between her legs as she shamelessly ground herself into my body, moaning as our tongues danced. "So I guess that's a 'yes' then?" I asked as she broke away for a quickbreather. "Uh huh," Erica responded, nodding. She quickly pressed her lips into mine once again, letting out a hornymoan into my mouth as her pelvis pressed hard into my body. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close before rolling over, flipping Erica onto her back and coming to rest on top of her, her legs still wrapped tightly around me. I broke my lips from hers and moved down to her neck, tasting her soft skin as my hands migrated southward. She closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure as my tongue touched her sensitive skin and my hands came to rest on her hips. I kissed my way down her neck line, eager to get at those ample breasts of hers which were pressed tightly against my chest. I slid down Erica's body, taking in her fresh scent as I pushed up hershirt and planting a soft kiss on her navel. She giggled and squirmed with delight under my tongue as it wriggled its way into her belly-button. Her hands were everywhere, tousling my hair, grazing my neck and pulling me closer. As I started to push her tiny blue tank top up farther, Erica reached down and grabbed it, peeling it over her large, firm breasts and tossing it over the bed onto the floor. I smiled and moved upwards, dragging my tongue along her midsection until I found myself pressed firmly between her two succulent mounds of firm flesh, my cheeks rubbing along the silky outside of her white bra. Reaching under her back, I unhooked her bra and it soon joined Erica'sshirt on the bedroom floor. I took one of her perfect tits in each hand, kneading and groping them before reaching out with my tongue and flicking one of her sensitive nipples, causing her whole body to shiver with anticipation. I'm usually not much of a breast guy but I was finding Erica's tits irresistible! Wrapping my lips around her little pink nipple, I gently sucked while still teasing it with my tongue. "Mmmm," Erica purred. "That feels so good." I moved to her other breast, giving it the same treatment with my mouthand hands, before working my way back down her stomach. When I reached the waistband of her tiny shorts I ran my tongue crossways along her skin as my hands caressed and explored her smooth thighs. I looked up at Erica's face as I licked her, and noticed her gazing intently at the computer screen as she squeezed both nipples with her fingers. I smiled and went back to work, tucking my fingers into the waistband of her shorts. Erica was obviously as horny as I was, and she lifted her hips to allowme to slide her shorts down her legs. Tossing them aside, I lowered my head once again kissing her, this time, just above the knee. Her toes clenched and Erica wriggled with agonizing anticipation as I deliberately dragged my wet tongue up the inside of her thigh. She groaned loudly and spread her legs wide, urging me to continue. I could see a small wet spot had formed in the crotch of her little lacy white panties and I made my way towards it. Erica swallowed hard and clutched at my hair as she felt my hot breath on her most sensitive area. "Tell me what you want," I said, flicking my tongue out across the softlace over the area I assumed her clit would be. "Lick my pussy!" she moaned, arching her back and pressing her wetpanties into my face. "Lick it please!" "Well since you asked so nicely," I responded with a smile beforepulling down her underwear. I tried to tease Erica by doing it slowly, but she wiggled her hips andgrabbed the tiny undergarment, yanking it from her body. I placed my hands under her meaty ass cheeks and admired her pussy, before dipping my tongue into her moist depths. Like the rest of her, it was near perfect. Pink and shaved, with the exception of a small tuft of blonde hair near the top. My mouth was filled with her taste as I enclosed my lips around her hole and deeply kissed her tight little cunt. "Oh God," she seethed through clenched teeth. Erica continued to exclaim and pulled my face harder into wet pussy asshe dug her heels into my back. Apparently she was enjoying herself as much as I was. Soon, I pulled my tongue from between her engorged lips and flicked it across her clit as I pressed my index finger against her soft opening. "Yes. Yes!" she gasped. "Stick it in!" I complied, sliding my finger in up to the knuckle in her acceptingpussy as I nibbled away on her clit by pressing it between my lips. She continued to writhe in pleasure until I finally pulled my face away. "Get on your hands and knees," I suggested, prompting Erica to rollover. She followed my order, flipping onto her stomach and raising thatbeautiful ass into the air as she pulled herself up onto her hands and knees. "Oh yes!" I exclaimed quietly, running my hands over her ass inadmiration. Erica shivered as I planted a soft kiss on one of her voluptuous cheeks,subtly prying it aside to sneak a peek at her little pink asshole. "Mmmm," she purred as my kisses increased and I returned my finger toher wet, waiting pussy. Slowly, I trailed my tongue along her cheek, kissing her gently on thetailbone before moving back down, just grazing the crease of her ass. Erica knew what I was about to do and I could tell she was aching with anticipation. "Do you know what I'm going to do now?" I asked, laying another wet kisson her tender flesh. "I..think so," she managed to say. "At least I hope so." "Have you ever had anyone do it?" "No, but I've wanted it for so long!" I planted another kiss on Erica's ass, this time on the inside of hercheek causing her to moan with appreciation. "Really?" I asked. "Uh huh." "You wanted this?" I asked, flicking my tongue out over her little pinkring. "Oh fuck yes!" she blurted out as she felt the wetness of my tongue onher sensitive asshole. "Do it Damon! Please! I want to try it. I want to try everything!" "Everything?" I asked, using one hand to push her asscheeks apart as Islid another finger into her pussy. "Yes! I want to do all the dirty things those nasty porn stars do!" I smiled contentedly to myself, silently thanking my good fortune as mytongue blazed a trail from Erica's pussy to her ass, leaving a line of glistening wetness in it's wake. She gasped once again as I touched her anus, lightly stroking it with soft, gentle licks. "Spread your ass for me baby," I suggested, giving her a light slap withthe palm of my hand. Without any further encouragement, Erica reached back with both hands,lewdly pulling her cheeks apart as her face flattened against the bed. "Good girl," I complimented before spearing her tight ass with mytongue. Erica's ass reflexively tightened, trapping the tip of my tongue withher muscular ring. I pushed my fingers in as far as they could go and began to wiggle my tongue up her ass. Her howls of pleasure were muffled by the bed sheets as I continued to orally violate her asshole. Her body was shaking and shuddering as I withdrew my tongue from within her and began giving her long wet laps before rimming her with a circular motion. "So what other things would you like to try?" I asked, kissing herlittle wet butt hole. "I want you to handcuff me," she blurted out. "Really?" "Yeah. Cuff me and then use my mouth." "Is that something you saw in one of your pornos?" I asked, reachingdown to retrieve the two pair of handcuffs from Erica's "sex box". "Uh huh," she said with a giggle, flipping onto her back. "Is thatokay?" "Absolutely," I responded enthusiastically. "I told you, we can tryanything you want." Erica placed her head on her pillow and stretched her arms out over herhead seductively. "Okay," she said with a sexy smile. "I'm all yours!" I clamped one of the pairs of cuffs around her small wrist and thenclamped it around her bed post before repeating with her other arm. Erica was now lying under me, naked, handcuffed and under my complete control. My mind was racing as I thought of all the dirty things I could now do with this fine female. I left her on the bed as I undressed. I tried to remain calm but inreality I was probably shaking with anticipation. I noticed Erica's eyes light up when I removed my shirt and then again as I pulled my pants down. She licked her lips as I approached the bed, reaching out to fondle her gorgeous tits some more. I then climbed onto the bed, my erect cock swaying back and forth as I moved. Erica looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes as I placed my hands on the headboard and dangled my dick over her face. She extended her tongue, trying in vain to touch me as I kept out of reach. Slowly, I lowered my hips just enough for her tongue to come in contact with the tip of my cock which was wet with a small drop of pre-cum. Eagerly, she wiggled her tongue around in my dick hole before withdrawing it back into her mouth to savor the taste of the sticky liquid. Looking up intently into my eyes, Erica mouthed the words "Give it tome!" I gazed back down at her and smiled before my hard cock descended into her waiting mouth. We both let out a sigh of satisfaction as I felt the warmth of her lips and tongue envelope my aching shaft. She moaned around my dick, swirling her tongue around my head as she sucked it deeper. "Oh fuck baby!" I groaned, pushing my dick into the back of her throat."I can't wait to stick this thing up your ass!" My dirty words must have turned Erica on even more, as she began bobbingher head up and down, her lips still tightly wrapped round my shaft. Reaching down with one hand, I stroked my fingers through her silky blonde hair as I admired the sight of my cock disappearing into Erica's mouth. I then tightened my grip on her hair, pulling her head back a bit. "Is that what you want?" I asked as my dick popped free of her lips."You want my dick up your tight little ass?" "Oh yes!" she moaned. "I want it so bad!" "Good. But first I'm going to fuck that sweet little mouth of yours." "Oh yes! Do it! "Fuck my mouth! Fuck me like a slutty little pornstar!" Within seconds, my balls were bouncing off Erica's chin as my hips roseand fell in a rhythmically motion, repeatedly driving my cock into her accepting mouth. After a few minutes of fucking her beautiful face, I withdrew my saliva covered dick leaving a glistening trail down her chin and neck. Staring down into her eyes I moved upwards, placing my balls over her mouth. Erica smiled as I lowered myself down onto her, feeling the warmth of her wet mouth cover me. As my balls came into contact with her lips, her nimble little tonguedarted out bathing them with wetness. I pressed harder, pushing them completely into her mouth almost fainting from the pleasurable feeling. Cautiously, I began to stroke my dick as Erica's tongue and lips went to work on my balls. I was now straddling her face and, with my free hand, I reached around sneak a few feels of her fabulous tits. Then the idea hit me. "I want to tit fuck you!" I blurted out, pulling my balls away fromErica's hungry mouth. "Okay," she replied with an enthused tone. "I've always wanted to trythat too!" I dismounted Erica's prone, handcuffed body and retrieved a bottle oflubricant from her box. I then squeezed out a liberal amount of the cold gel into the crevasse between her breasts, causing her toes to curl at the feel of the cool substance touching her skin. Squeezing a little more into my hand, I started to stroke it onto my cock as I took a moment to admire the naked, willing body laid out before me. Erica smiled back at me, her adventurous expression beckoning me forth to continue. I climbed up once again, this time pressing my lubricated dick inbetween her large globes of flesh, using both hands to push them inwards, trapping my cock within their warm confines. Erica's face was glowing as she stared at my dick, pushing its way through her tits to emerge just inches from her face. Extending her tongue, she managed to tickle the tip of my dick head, before I withdrew. After a few more test runs, I was plunging my cock between her tits, shaking the bed and filling the room with a wet, slurping sound. "Oh yeah baby!" she said with a playful smile. "Fuck my tits! Fuck mytits and cum on my face!" I stopped briefly, slightly surprised at her last request. "Really?" I asked. "You want it on your face?" "Uh huh," she answered, biting her bottom lip, looking both innocent andsexy at the same time. "I want you to shoot it all over my face and mouth like they do in porn." I smiled and shook my head in happy disbelief. Where had this girl beenall my life? I resumed fucking Erica's tits as she urged me onward. "Just remember," she warned as I felt the cum rising in my balls. "Youstill have to fuck me in the ass!" A few more thrusts and I suddenly let loose a wild stream of hot cumthat fired out from my dick like a cannon, blasting Erica's neck and chin. I quickly pulled free of her slippery tits and lurched forward, eager to paint her beautiful face with my cream. "Ohhhh, yessssss," she hissed as she closed her eyes in ecstasy, feelingthe warmth of my cum splash across her lips. Eagerly, she opened wide in hopes of taking in come of the sticky fluid,extending her tongue to lick up a bit that had collected in the corner of her mouth. I aimed my next shot right at her open mouth, firing a white stream directly into the back of her throat. Erica closed her lips to swallow the fresh load, taking another couple shots across the cheeks and forehead, before opening back up to swallow the rest of my jism. I sat back on the bed, suddenly feeling a little light headed. There wasa brief moment of awkwardness as the excitement subsided and I freed Erica from her restraints, allowing her to wipe the excess cum from her face. "Well, that was fun," I stated, reaching for my pants. "Hey, not so fast!" Erica scolded with a smile. "We're not done yet. Iseem to recall you promising me something." I exhaled and ran my hand through my hair. "I think I might need a minute," I said. "It's going to take me a whileto get back to..um..full form." Erica grinned and crawled towards me. "I think I can help you with that," she responded, kissing me lightly onthe lips and reaching down to fondle my well-spent balls. "In fact," she continued, holding up a pair of the cuffs. "I think it'syour turn to get handcuffed." I agreed without much hesitation, laying back passively, and allowingErica to bind my hands to the bedposts in the same was she had recently been restrained. Just the act of getting handcuffed already had my dick on the rise, and I watched with anticipation as she walked over calmly to retrieve her slender back vibrator from her closet. She was smiling exuberantly as she returned to the bed, placing the toy with the others in the wicker box. She then glanced over at the computer screen where a woman was on her hands and knees getting eaten out from behind. "Mmmm, she purred, stroking her fingers lightly across her breasts."That looks so good." Just as I was beginning to think Erica was forgetting about me, sheturned back with a devilish glare. It was a look that I had not seen before and one that looked quite out of place on her innocent face. Then without saying a word, she climbed onto the bed, straddling my chest with her back facing me. "So you like my ass huh?" she asked, looking back over her shoulder. "Oh yeah," I answered, my eyes locked on that very prize as we spoke. Erica leaned forward and arched her back, her voluptuous behindirresistibly close to my face. "Mmm, Damon," she cooed, reaching back and running her hand over hersoft cheek. "I can't wait to have a real dick in my ass. I've wanted it for so long." "And I can't wait to fuck your ass," I agreed, watching as she slowlypulled her fleshy cheek to the side, exposing her tiny pink rosebud. "Oh yeah?" she teased, running her fingertip over her puckered hole."You want to fuck this little thing here?" "Oh fuck yes!" I gasped as Erica began to push her slender fingertipinto her asshole. "Mmmm," she moaned, pushing it in up to her first knuckle. "This feelsso good." "It looks good too," I added, watching in amazement. "Does it?" she asked, her voice still maintaining its teasing tone."Maybe you should have a better look?" With that, Erica shuffled her body backwards, coming to rest with herass about six inches from my face. By this time my dick was hard again, but I think she was enjoying teasing me enough to let the game continue. In fact, I knew I was in for more of a show when she grabbed the bottle of lubricant and flipped open the cap. I then watched as she let some of the slippery, clear liquid drip down onto her asshole, making it clench up reflexively at the feeling. "Ohhhh yeah," Erica continued, massaging the gel-like substance into herhole with her middle finger. "That's good." I was becoming more and more surprised at Erica's sudden personalitychange, but I was certainly enjoying it. My dick was now fully erect and aching to be inside her, but for the moment I had to settle for the "ass show" that was unfolding before me. "Does that look good?" she asked, pushing her finger deep into her tightlittle asshole. "Uh huh," I murmured, mesmerized by the sight of Erica's finger slidingin and out as her muscular ring gripped tightly onto her slender digit. The show continued for a few more minutes before she decided to upgrade,picking up the thin black vibrator that had started the whole adventure. "Do you want to see this in my ass?" she asked seductively, running hertongue along the smooth plastic object. I nodded. Erica placed turned on the vibrator, which emitted a quiet buzzingsound, and placed the tip against her tiny pink star. I had never had such a close-up view of a girl's ass being penetrated before, but I was definitely enjoying the experience. I watched in awe as her tiny butt hole opened up before my eyes and slowly began to swallow the black plastic shaft. As more and more of the makeshift cock disappeared into Erica's ass, she tossed her head back in enjoyment, letting out a low lusty moan. In and out, she worked the vibrator, fucking her own ass as I watched onwith continued awe. With each thrust, she delved deeper into the dark recesses of her hole, sliding easily with the help of the lubricant which was now glistening on the fake plastic shaft. "Oh yesssss!" she hissed, withdrawing the vibrator almost all the wayout. "This feels so good, Damon, but do you know what I really want?" "What?' I asked hopefully. "Well...." she continued, her signature shy look crossing her face onceagain. "I really liked when you licked my ass. Will you do it again?" "Of course," I said smiling, amused once again by her shyness. Enthusiastically, Erica pulled the vibrator from her ass and tossed iton the floor. She then pushed herself backwards, her wet pussy leaving a sticky trail on my bare chest as she placed her knees on either side of my head and positioned her ass right above my face. "Are you ready?" she asked, reaching down to lewdly pull her ass cheeksapart. "Yes," I answered plainly, gazing up at her puckered hole, shimmeringwet with saliva and lubricant. "Okay, here it goes," she said before lowering herself down onto myface. Erica's slippery little asshole came to rest right on my lips and Iimmediately went to work with my tongue, licking and prodding her sensitive ring. "Ooooooooo," she squealed with delight as she felt my warm tonguestabbing at her ass for the second time that day. Her voluptuous ass cheeks engulfed my face as she rode my tongue, herbody wiggling and squirming in ecstasy. She placed her hands on my chest and actually began to move back and forth, grinding her ass over my lips and tongue. "Oh God yes!" she exclaimed, almost smothering me with her ass. "Lick itDamon! Lick my ass! That's it! Shove it in! Stick your tongue up my ass!" Erica changed from a grinding movement to a bouncing motion as her bodybegan to move up and down. I stiffened my tongue as much as possible and started to actually penetrate her, slipping inside her tight confines and tasting the sweetness of the lubricant deep inside her. I was no longer licking Erica. She was fucking my tongue with her ass! I could feel her body begin to shake and quiver and, although I couldnot see, I assumed she was playing with her pussy as I tongued her butt hole. She moaned and squealed uncontrollably as her tight ring pulsed around my tongue, which was wriggling it's way up inside her like a snake. "Oh yeah", she groaned. "Just a little more! I'm going to cum! I'm goingto cum! I'm..going to...Ooooooooohhhhhh!" Erica's raspy, broken dialogue quickly turned into an incomprehensibledrawn out moan as her asshole repeatedly clenched and unclenched and I felt a deluge of warm, sticky fluid drip down onto my chin. Her ass cheeks tightened as well, squeezing my head in between them as she continued to writhe with pleasure as her orgasm reached its peak. "Mmmm, thanks," Erica gasped, crawling off my body. "That was amazing!""Glad I could be of service," I said gasping for air, my arms stillbound to the bed posts. "Here," she said with a giggle. "Let me help you with that." Erica unlocked the cuffs, leaning down as she did so, to plant a deeplong kiss on my tired lips. As my arms came free from the shackles, her hand drifted down my body and wrapped around my turgid shaft. "I guess you're ready for more," she stated bluntly, feeling thehardness of my cock. "You better believe it!" I responded, sitting up and pushing Erica backdown on the bed. "But first, let's see what other toys we can make use of." I frantically rummaged through Erica's collection of sex toys, quicklyfinding what I was looking for. I pulled out the red plastic butt plug and placed it on the bed beside her, before climbing on top of her prone body. We kissed a little more, and Erica moaned quietly as she felt the head of my dick graze her swollen pussy lips. Reaching down, between her legs, she used her fingers to spread her lips as she also spread her legs wide. "Put it in," she whispered, flicking my earlobe with her tongue. I rotated my pelvis, sliding my cock about halfway into Erica's soakingwet hole. She moaned again and pulled my body close to hers, biting into my neck and pressing her firm tits against my bare chest, urging me to go deeper. I quickly complied, driving my dick to the base in her needy pussy. The bedroom was soon filled with moaning and the faint slapping sound of skin on skin as I finally fucked the girl I had been lusting after all semester long. "Look," she said softly, turning her head back towards the computerscreen which was still showing a steady stream of porno. "Isn't that hot?" I glanced over to see a girl getting fucked from both ends by two men. "Oh yeah?" I said, looking down into Erica's eyes. "You like that?" She bit her lip and nodded, wincing suddenly as I drove my dick into herparticularly hard. "Yes," she responded with a soft moan. "I wish that was me." "Oooh, you are a dirty one," I said smiling down at her. With that I grabbed Erica's legs, pushing them up in the air, decidingto test my limits. Her face lit up at the change in position and she reached up to grab her own ankles. I then leaned forward, my shoulders pressing into the underside of her knees, forcing her legs up beside her ears. "Oh yeah, Ohhhhh! Fuck yes!" Erica moaned as I resumed pumping in andout of her tight, wet pussy. "Do you like it this way?" I asked, bringing my face within inches ofhers. "Or would you like it even dirtier?" "Dirtier!" she blurted, clenching her pussy around my invading cock. "Iwant to be so fucking dirty!" 'Okay,' I thought to myself, smiling. 'You asked for it.' Pulling my dick from her hungry hole, I roughly flipped Erica onto herstomach and prompted her back up onto her hands and knees. My cock, shimmering with her pussy juices, was swaying subtly in front of her face as she submissively awaited my next move. Gathering up her hair in one of my hands, I gently pulled her head back and rubbed the head of my wet cock across her lips. "Open up baby," I prompted. "Taste your pussy on my cock." Erica parted her lips eagerly, allowing my dick to slip into herthroat. Using my grip on her hair to hold her head in place, I began to fuck her mouth as she fought to hold off her gag reflex. Reaching down her naked body, I slid my middle finger between her supple ass cheeks and began to massage her tight little pink knot. At the feeling of something touching her sensitive ass, Erica moaned around my cock, sending vibrations through my shaft and balls. Encouraged my her response, I hooked my finger into her tight sphincter, pulling back towards myself. A coughing sound erupted from Erica's throat as her body lurchedforward, driving my dick deeper into her throat. Impaling her from both ends, I continued my combined oral and anal assault, even adding another finger to her virgin asshole. Erica sputtered and gasped with relief as I pulled her head back off mycock which was now covered in sticky strands of saliva. Leaning down I kissed her deep and hard, driving my tongue into her mouth, tasting the faint flavour of her pussy which she had just sucked off my cock. She closed her eyes and moaned into my open mouth, straining to hold her head up. As I broke the kiss, I leaned over and began to rummage through Erica'stoy box for a new toy. I quickly found what I was looking for and pulled out the red plastic butt plug. Erica's eyes lit up and she smiled enthusiastically when she saw it, guessing correctly my intentions. Taking Erica by the hair once more, I pressed the plastic object against her lips. "Suck it," I urged. "We need it nice and wet if thing is going in yourass." Erica looked up into my eyes seductively as her beautiful soft lipsparted again, this time to accommodate the elongated object which slid over her outstretched tongue and into her wet mouth. "Good girl," I said, giving her a gentle pat on the ass as she continuedsucking the plastic plug. As she lubricated the object with her mouth, I ran my hand down down herbackside, dipping my fingers into her pussy. Erica moaned and arched her back, encouraging me to continue. I pulled the saliva soaked butt plug from her mouth and placed it against her tiny pink hole. Erica raised her ass higher and used one hand to pull her fleshy cheek to the side. Slowly, I pushed the glistening plastic plug past her tight muscular ring, watching as her ass stretched to swallow the toy. I could hear a faint squealing sound emanating from her lips as it slid farther and farther into her ass. When the round, flattened end of the plug finally came to rest on her ass the entire length had been buried inside her. Erica threw her head back in ecstasy, her honey blond hair splashing against the smooth skin of her back. I crawled back onto the bed behind her, positioning Erica so she was facing the computer screen. I then ran the head of my engorged cock along her juicy slit, coating it with her fluids before slipping it back into her waiting pussy. "Oooohhhh," Erica groaned as she felt both her holes being filled. I took a hold of her hips and pulled her body back onto my dick,impaling her fully on my stiff shaft. I could feel the hardness of the butt plug through the thin wall separating her pussy and ass as I began to fuck her. Glancing over at the computer, I noticed the actress in the movie was on her hands and knees while the male actor was sliding his incredibly huge cock into her ass. "Look at that," I said, grabbing a handful of Erica's hair and pullingher head up to view the scene. "Look at that slut getting her ass fucked! That's going to be you in a few minutes. Is that what you want?" "Yessssss," she hissed, her eyes now transfixed on the screen. "That'swhat I want! I want you to fuck me like a porn star. Fuck my ass! Use me! Use me like that little slut is getting used!" The relentless stream of sexual profanity that was spewing from Erica'ssweet innocent mouth would have taken me off guard, but I was becoming less and less surprised with her actions. I just smiled, reveling in our combined lust as I continued fucking her from behind. Each thrust brought my hips into contact with her ass, sending slight ripples through her flesh and causing her body to lurch forward. Only my tight grip on her hair and thigh kept her from tumbling head first off the the bed. A few more minuets of fucking Erica's pussy and I was ready for the mainevent. I slowed my thrusting to a moderate grinding action as I began to tug the butt plug out of her well stretched ass. I watched with joy as her tight hole clenched back up as the plastic object slipped out. "Are you ready?" I asked, testing the waters by running my fingers overher virgin asshole. "You have no idea," she said, looking back over her shoulder at me."Just do it! Shove that cock in my ass!" At last, the moment we had both been waiting for had arrived. Tremblingwith anticipation, I took the bottle of lube and squeezed out a liberal amount into my hand. I then coated my dick with the slippery substance as I gazed down at Erica's tight little hole, winking in anticipation as well. "Oooo," she winced as she felt the cold feeling of the lubricanttouching her sensitive asshole. "Try to relax," I suggested, placing the head of my cock at her backdoorentrance. "And play with your clit. It'll be easier that way." Erica took my advice, reaching between her legs to touch herself as Irubbed my dick up and down the crack of her ass, smearing her hole with lube. Then, using one hand to open her ass wider, I pushed my head against that tight puckered ring, feeling her open up beneath me. The butt plug had loosened her up a little so it was no difficult task to slip the head of my dick past her tight muscular ring. "Oh yessssss," Erica cooed as she felt her asshole stretch toaccommodate my cock before clamping down tightly around my shaft. "I have a cock in my ass!" "How does it feel?" I asked, slowly pushing more of my meat into herhungry hole. "Fucking great!" she gasped in response. I want it deeper though. Fillmy asshole with your dick!" Using both hand to stabilize her body, I pushed forward watching asErica's asshole slowly swallowed my cock. The deeper I went, the faster her hand moved on her clit causing her body shake slightly. I was about halfway in when I withdrew my dick and plunged forward again, this time sinking all the way to my balls in her butt hole. Erica moaned and squealed as I filled her ass with cock and then started to slowly fuck her. "Oh God!" she howled, clenching her asshole around my shaft. "That feelsso fucking good! Don't stop! Don't stop fucking my ass!" I reached around under Erica's body to cup her large, firm breasts inboth hands as I buried my dick inside her. She even pushed backwards into me, forcing my cock even deeper into her ass. "Oh yeah!" she exclaimed, wiggling her ass with my shaft embedded insideit. I groped her tits as she squirmed under me, her hungry ass sucking at mycock. I pinched her nipples in between my fingers as she increased the pace on her clit. I could hear her breathing becoming more labored as she dropped her head down to the bed, gasping and moaning. "I'm cumming!" she squealed suddenly as I felt her asshole tighten itsgrip on my dick. "I'm cumming with your cock in my asssssssssssssssss!" Erica pushed herself back on my dick, pressing her soaking wet pussylips against my aching balls as her body shuddered through an intense, long lasting climax. As it subsided, I slowly resumed fucking her ass with long, gentle strokes. "Wow," she gasped. "That one kind of snuck up on me." "Are you doing okay?" I asked. "Oh yes. This is fucking amazing!" I continued sliding my dick and and out of Erica's tight butt hole,which now seemed much more relaxed. Erica moaned softly and brought her fingers to her mouth, sucking her juices from them as she looked up to acknowledge the computer screen again. "Look at that slut now," she said between moans. "Let's do it that way!"I tore my eyes away from the beautiful sight of my dick lodged firmly inErica's asshole to the computer screen where the couple had switched positions. The woman was now in what they call the "pile driver" position, with her shoulders and head against the floor and her legs folded back towards her head. The man was standing over her sliding his cock in and out of her well fucked ass. "Really?" I asked, in amazement. "You want to try it?" "Yes! I told you I want to try everything!" "Okay," I said, pulling my dick from her ass with a 'pop". "Let's doit." Erica's face was glowing as she crawled off the bed onto the bedroomfloor. I had never done it in that position so I was excited as well. She laid down on the floor kicked her feet up into the air, balancing herself on the back of her shoulders and propping herself against the bed. I stepped up and held her by the hips to stabilize her in the comical position. Her legs were now dangling down by her head as she looked up me through her wide spread thighs. I peered back down at her, pulling my eyes away from her smiling face to gaze at her pink, wet pussy and stretched asshole which was now slightly swollen and glistening with lubricant. I positioned my cock near her wet, inviting hole, my head buttingagainst her tight little ring. Then, lowering my body I began to submerge my dick into Erica's asshole once again. It was easier this time, and I managed to sink most of my shaft into her butt without much delay. I studied her face, watching as she closed her eyes in pleasure, reveling in the feeling of having her asshole filled. "Mmmmmmm." Erica let out a long soft moan as I once again, began to fuck her ass,lowing my hips downwards into her. Her hands gripped the back of her knees, pulling her legs towards the floor. Up and down, in and out, my dick repeatedly penetrated Erica's gaping asshole. "Does that feel good?" I asked, sinking my meat deep into her hole as myballs came to rest against her tailbone. "Oh yeah," she cooed, looking up at me with those sexy eyes. "Keepgoing. Don't stop fucking my ass!" I looked down as I withdrew my cock again, Erica's tight assholeclutching in vain at my slippery shaft as I pulled free only to plunge back into her delicious depths. Over and over, I fucked her, using her ass as if it were a pussy. Her hand migrated to her clit and began to strum her little fleshy button and her eyes closed in pleasure. She even pushed two fingers into her hole, pressing against my dick through the thin wall separating her cunt and ass. "Oh fuck Damon!" she gasped. "I love your cock in my ass!" As she spoke she opened her eyes staring intensely into mine. "Now stick it in my mouth!" she blurted out suddenly, causing me to stopfor a moment. I looked down at her beautiful face in amazement, shocked at her filthyrequest. "Really?" I asked with a smile. "Yes," she confirmed. "Just like in the porn movies. Make me suck itlike a whore!" With that, I straightened my legs, pulling my cock free of the confinesof Erica's well used, gaping wet hole and shuffled forward pointing my dick towards her face. I then lowered myself down, pinning her legs against the floor as she opened her mouth in acceptance. Erica's eyes remained locked on mine as her sweet lips wrapped around myslippery wet cock and sucked it into her mouth. I dropped it into the back of her throat, pressing my balls against her chin before cautiously fucking her face once again. Once i had had enough, I pulled my dick from her hungry mouth and slipped it back into her inviting asshole. "Oh yeah!," Erica exclaimed, licking her lips. "I love it! i love beinga dirty little whore! I want you to cum in my ass!" I could already feel the cum boiling in my balls as I resumed fuckingErica's ass. "Oh yeah?" I asked, smiling down at her. "You want it in your ass?" "Yesss!" she hissed, gritting her teeth. "Fill my asshole with yourcum!" Erica's words were sending to the edge and i could feel myself nearingthe point of no return. As my body tensed, the first couple spurts of hot cum blasted deep into her ass. I quickly withdrew, grasping my shaft in my hand as the next shot fired into her gaping hole. Pumping my cock, I sent the remainder of my cum plastering her pussy and ass, dripping down onto her neck and face. Erica opened her mouth as soon as the first drops touched her skin, extending her tongue to catch as much as possible. I squeezed out the final few drops before sitting back on the bed as my study partner rolled over onto her knees, a smile spreading across her cum covered face. "Thanks," she said, wiping a small white droplet from her chin. "That'sexactly what I needed." "It wasn't too dirty for you?" I asked, reaching for my pants. "Hey", she responded with a smile. "The dirtier the better." The End