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Lara's Tale (Master/slave)


She found herself biting her lips trying to make no sound as he trailed his hand down to her center, fingering her dripping hole and tormenting her swollen clit. Just when she knew she could no longer hold back from the orgasms threatening to course through her body, he stopped all stimulation and quietly said, “No.”. Tears welled a bit in her deep green eyes as she panted, trying to hold back. She managed to quell the overwhelming desire to cum under the watch of his beautiful blue eyes. She glanced up at him. He was watching her panting efforts at controlling herself. He wore a small smile on his face, and he had his arms propped on the table, hands cupped underneath his chin.He sighed and leaned back in his chair, eyes trailing over her. “Very good, my sweet.” He rewarded her with a quick hard pinch to her clitoris, while squeezing a nipple tightly. She was still in a heightened state of arousal and the quick surprise action almost pushed her over the edge. “No.” He said again, very sternly.He rose from his chair to head to the shower. Lara scrambled off the table and followed after him cross the cold slate tile of the kitchen, through to the master bedroom and the adjoining large marble bathroom. She crawled over to the shower to fix the water temperature. She always crawled in his presence, unless specifically asked otherwise. She was instructed to do this, very firmly, in the very beginning of their relationship. The lesson was not something she would ever forget…---After she fell in love with her Master and moved into his home, he instructed her that she should crawl whenever he was home, unless told otherwise. On her first weekend as a full-time slave, the telephone rang and without thinking she jumped up and ran to answer the phone; her Master was sleeping, and she didn’t want the noise to disturb him. She hung the telephone up and turned to see her Master staring at her from the doorway of the bedroom. She immediately felt her heart rise to her throat. Heart pounding, and her body covered in a flush, she fell to her hands and knees and went over to nuzzle his feet in mute apology. “You must learn that there are no exceptions, Lara. I thought you were bright enough to catch on, but obviously you will need some encouragement.” Her Master walked into the bedroom, and she heard him opening up doors. She knew he was in the closet she was not permitted to see. She crouched on the floor, staring at her hands, wondering what was going to happen. Her Master was very loving, and not cruel at all, but one did not disobey. Lara learned the consequences of disobeying very quickly that afternoon.He walked out of the bedroom, with that cold look of disapproval on his face that tore at her heart. The sadness quickly turned to anxiety, though, when she saw the leather straps, chains and dildos in his hands.“On the chaise, please, my sweet.” He said quietly, already walking towards the dark blue velvet chaise in the living room. She scurried across the floor climbing up on the chaise quickly, so as not to cause further reprimand. She started to lay back on the chaise, when he said sharply, “On your hands and knees, facing the wall!” She jumped and turned onto all fours, eyes tearing a bit in anxiousness as she stared at the wall. She heard the clinking of chains, and jumped a bit when she felt him place something like a belt around her waist. He made no sound as he did this, and she felt her juices flood her and her nipples harden as a new flood of anxiety coursed over her body. She felt the probe at the entrance to her vagina, and quickly realized he was placing a dildo inside her. He pushed it severely and quickly until she was full to the hilt. It wasn’t very wide, and the feeling was quite pleasant. His hands left the dildo, and she squeezed every muscle she had, trying to hold the rubber cock in. She felt her juices pooling, making the task more difficult, as the dildo became more slippery. Lara had no idea what his intent was, but so far, it was quite a nice ‘punishment’, if a bit cold. She began to relax a bit and enjoy the feeling of the complete fullness.“Enjoying that, my sweet? You do like a full hole, don’t you?” Her Master said in as he slapped her ass sharply. The surprise and sting made the dildo slip a bit, and he ‘tsked’ and shoved it firmly back in. He twisted the dildo around, sliding it in and out of her wet opening, while his other hand snuck around and started twisting a dangling nipple. She held herself very still, trying not to move with the rubber cock. She wanted to pound into the cock, and fuck it hard. She could feel her juices start to drip down her leg. “That’s wonderful, my sweet.” Her Master said, with a laugh in his voice as he trailed a finger through her juices. “You are as always, beautifully responsive.” He pulled the soaking dildo out in mid thrust, leaving her bereft and empty. Before she could take a breath, he shoved the dripping dildo into her puckered anus. She gritted her teeth and braced herself as she felt her walls expand to accommodate the invasion. “Your juices work wonderfully, my sweet.” He said as he gave the dildo a twist, making sure it was in her anus as far as he could safely push it. She felt a rush through her body, and her hole spazmed, gasping for the deprivation of the rubber cock. She felt incredibly stuffed and extremely empty at the same time.Lara heard her master fumble for something, and heard a “click” as he attached a strap to the belt in the middle of her back. She felt him attach the other end to the dildo sticking out her anus. He tightened the strap, and she could feel the pull of the plug with every indrawn breath. Lara bit her lip, things weren’t so pleasant now. She held very still, taking shallow breaths, waiting for her Master’s next move. Suddenly he slapped her ass and she jumped a bit. Quickly she felt him ramming in another dildo into her dripping hole. She was so full she thought she would split. He twisted the dildo, sliding it in and out a bit, teasing her. She could feel the two rubber cocks inside her, and couldn’t suppress a small whimper.She felt him attach another strap to the belt, this time in the front. He quickly drew the strap between her legs and attached it to the dildo in her cunt. He tightened this strap as well, just enough so it rubbed lightly over her clit. She heard and felt another click, as he somehow fastened the two dildos together. She felt trussed and fuller than she had ever felt in her life. Her anus and her vagina pulsed around the dildos trying to displace one or the other. Lara’s eyes welled with tears. She wished she could beg her Master and promise she would never forget to crawl again, but knew to stay quiet else the punishment would be worse. Her Master wasn’t finished. She felt him attach straps again, on the front and the back of her horrible belt, and then she got a glimpse of him as he attached a collar around her neck. She could see the bulge in his trousers, and was in so much anxiety; she didn’t even have the normal urge to gobble his flesh. She felt him attach the straps to her collar, front and back. He pulled the straps tight, not painfully tight, but tight enough so there was a constant pulling sensation from both dildos. She didn’t know whether to cry or moan. She understood her Master’s plan. The tightness of the straps insured she would definitely not be walking until he removed the contraptions binding her to her hands and knees.“Turn around now.” Her Master said sharply. She turned around as gently as possible, feeling the dildos with every small move. He was standing in front of her, with his beautiful 9 inch cock in his hand. He pushed his cock into her face, and she opened her mouth in quick obedience. He rammed his cock into her mouth and she started sucking hard. He reached over and smacked her ass sharply, and her whole body wracked with shivers of slight pain and pleasure. “You do wear straps well, my sweet.” He smiled as he grasped his fingers in her hair, holding her to his member.She sucked his cock; she didn’t have a choice as he almost pushed himself down her throat. She felt his balls slapping her chin, and her hair fell down over her eyes. He tightened and she could feel he was ready to release. He made a small shout and she felt the hot cum splatter the back of her throat. She kept sucking until she was sure he was completely milked.He stepped away from her, and crossed his hands in front of his chest surveying her. Her lips were red and swollen, and covered in cum. Her golden brown hair fell around her face as she met his gaze. He, unlike some Masters, wanted her to always look him in the eye. He always said he could tell if he was being a proper Master, by the expressions in Lara’s eyes. “You look like you aren’t enjoying this fucking session as much as I, my sweet.” He said slowly, frowning slightly. “Let me see if I can help.” With that, her Master reached under her, and began playing with her clit, sliding his fingers around slowly, working her juices all over it. He started pinching her nipples, twisting and tugging on them. She flushed with shame as she felt her body quiver with arousal. “That’s much better, pet.” Her Master chuckled as he continued his ministrations to her clit. She could feel her cum flooding through her, as her desire built to a fever pitch. She started moaning, and pressing herself into his hand. The dildos, initially unwanted, filled her like she had never been filled before, and she started panting like an animal. Just as she started floating on the verge of orgasm, her Master pulled away. She moaned, unable to control a small humping motion, trying to continue through to the end. Her Master saw this, and smacked her ass sharply. “No, pet. Slaves that disobey do not orgasm.” He smacked her again, and she dropped her head, unable to hold back the tears overwhelming her. “I hope this lesson will teach you I mean what I say.” He turned and walked towards the door to the street. As he grabbed his coat and opened the door, he said over his shoulder, “And Lara, no sleeping, laying around, and especially, no cumming. I want you to make sure the kitchen and bathroom are clean before I get home.”With that, he left her in her packed misery. After she was sure he was gone, she left the tears fall freely. Her Master had never been this harsh before. She spent the morning, crawling on the floor, scrubbing with a rag, as she couldn’t stand to use a mop. It was torture to feel the fullness, with no release. There were times when she had to hold completely still, willing the orgasms away, and other times, she wanted nothing more than to rip the dildos out, giving her release from the torment. She felt the urge to urinate, and couldn’t accomplish the task, bound as tight as she was to the two invading cocks. The afternoon was a long one, and not a moment went by when she didn’t curse herself for displeasing her loving Master.Her Master came home at dusk, bearing Chinese take out. He walked in the door and she scurried as fast as possible, given her restraints, to greet him. He pat her head as he set the Chinese on the dining room table. Walking quickly to the kitchen, he surveyed her cleaning and then on to the bathroom. “You did well, my sweet.” With that he led her into the bathroom. He knelt down and filled the whirlpool bath, and then turned and gently released her restraints. He gave her permission to use the toilet, and then he picked her up and placed her in the warm swirling water. The warm water caressed her chafed body, and she couldn’t stop the tears from dripping down her face. Ignoring her tears, her Master bathed her body gently, and shaved her completely. He picked her out of the tub, and patted her body dry, then rubbing lotion all over, he took special care over the chafe marks left from the straps. After her bath, her Master laid her on the chaise, completely naked and glistening. He fed her Chinese with his own hands and caressed her worn body gently. Soon, she was soothed physically and mentally. She was in a half state of sleep when she felt him turn her over and spread her legs. He gently slid his cock into her over used hole, sliding in and out slowly. She felt her body respond slowly, traitorously, and soon the nerves were humming throughout her body and she beaded with sweat. He pushed into her, and pulled out slowly, so gently it was almost maddening. She started to push against him, wanting him to plant himself into her more fully, he obliged and then flipped her around, so she was facing him. He continued to pump into her, twisting her nipples and pinching the surrounding flesh, as he watched her fever rise. He reached down and lightly twisted her nub, and she was so overcome with a hard orgasm she screamed. He pumped himself into her, watching her body convulse as he held her hips off the chaise to hold her steady. She felt him tense, and he quickly pulled out of her and pulled her by her hair to suck his cock. Her Master pumped his seed down her throat, twisting her nipples while she fingered his anus. After she sucked every drop of his salty fluid, he pulled away from her, picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Her belly still quivered from the earth shattering orgasm she’d just had, and she snuggled into the soft midnight blue comforter and drifted to sleep. Before she lost consciousness, she heard her Master ask, “Did you learn your lesson, my sweet? Don’t ever disobey me.” She snuggled into his warm chest and whimpered at him, too exhausted from her ordeals to speak.---To be continued, if there is interest.