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our first mmf meeting


After some talk of our fantasies we eventually decided to try some mmf fun and hunted the internet sites for someone suitable.

F, who is gorgeous, was understandably going to be fussy- she was adament that the guy was going to be 30ish good looking and what she described as nice. So we started to chat to guys. Lots were pm'd lots were cammed but none fitted the F test. Then when I had given up hope a 'nice' guy started to chat to us. In a nearby city not so far away and we did the exchanging of pics and then, probably the big test mobile phones and chatted. F liked what she had seen on profile and how he sounded. He didn't have a car so he had to come by train ( I know sounds far fetched but true). So the day arrived- saturday early evening- he called to say he was on the train and would be at the station at 6pm. We had a 2 seater car so I went to pick him up alone.
Wow the nerves of it all. F in her sexy gear that we had talked about all week bought from a sex shop a few weeks before. Black body with attached stockings. But she couldnt meet him just in that- so a slinky black dress was over the top. I set off for the station a bag of nerves looking for a guy whose pic I had seen on the internet. Parked right outside entrance to the station. Then he appeared- no problem picking him out- tooted car horn and he walked over. 'Hi you Tom' I asked ' he nodded 'have you come to fuck my wife? i asked thinking - how cool!! Drove him back to house chatting how we had gotten into this scene.
When we got to house F wasnt to be seen!! Living room, kitchen- shit I thought he will think I ve set him up- then she appeared in her gear from the dining room- his eyes lit up. He gave her a welcome kiss that I'm sure included a discrete fondle of her bum and tits. After the hellos we go o living room and sit down. F and Tom on the settee me on chair opposite. 'How the bloody hell do we start this' I say- everyone laughs nervously. Well I needn't of worried, after the 2nd glass of wine - I go for a 3rd and think- Ill stay in kitchen for a while. After 18 mins or so I go back having heard nothing and wow F was straddled Tom and the were well into kissing. His hands strayed over her body and hers were all over him- searching downwards.
I sat in the chair and watched the growing passion.
She was slowly being stripped down to her outfit. He loved it. I said do you want to be more comfortable and layed a duvet on the floor. He looked me in the eye and winked and said thanks. The petting grew and grew, He was soon naked. We both took F' outfit off and I offered Tom a condom. He slipped it on- I said F sit on him. She sat on his huge cock slowly and lowered herself on him. She rose and fell on him and after a short time he said' fuck I'm coming' Well the vening went on for 3 hours he was fantastic. Putting her into every position and she was crying out as she does- orgasm followed orgasm. Well I took him back to the station and we chatted about how much he enjoyed it- We have to thank our Tomm as he then set us off on meeting many more guys- and we still do- F gets her pleasure and I get my pleasure from watching horny sex in front of me. Probably not the sexiest story but one that is true and begun a series of others that have happened over the last 2 years.
Thanks Tom your work was well done and much appreciated by both of us