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In Search of the Final Freedom: Chapter Twenty-Five

Erotic Novels

In Search of the Final Freedom:
An Erotic Socio-Political Novel
By Pat Tomason
[email protected]


About the time that Cooper had left the house to go to Herb and Sherri’s, Bonnie was arriving at her destination. She pulled her coat closed, the cold was bitter, possibly the coldest weather she had ever experienced. She quickened her pace to cross the tarmac to the small terminal as fast as possible. She was quickly getting over the glamour of flying all over to speak. This was her third flight of the long day: Atlanta to Chicago, Chicago to Minneapolis to Duluth.How did Amy book an engagement on the Canadian border in December?

She had gotten her travel kit down to one carry-on so she was able to bypass the baggage claim.

In the one room terminal, she had no problem finding the woman holding the “Campbell” sign.

“Welcome to Duluth Ms. Campbell. My name is Gayle and I’m the regional coordinator for Free Thought Society.”

“Oh, I rate the big cheese” she quipped.

“Not really, I’m the only paid staffer in the Great Lakes Region, so I get the title.” Gayle said cheerfully as she took Bennie’s carry-on bag.

Exiting the terminal the cold bit into Bonnie. She had worn her heaviest coat but it was clearly inadequate for the job. By the time they reached Gayle’s Subaru she was shivering. This was her first convention to which she had been invited to speak. She had two different lectures to present, one was a new version of themulti-media presentation that was not complete, the other was a lecture on the history of the suppression of sexual behavior as a tool for political oppression. She, Cooper and a colleague of his at work, Dr. Teranova had worked up just for this trip. The material was largely things that simply they simply did not have time to put in the 90 minute power point presentation.In addition to the two lectures she was also to be part of a panel discussion called Divergent Views, she wasn’t sure what that was.

“Forgive my ignorance”” Bonnie asked as the car drove down the snowy road “What exactly is the Free Though Society”

“It’s really an umbrella organization for a number of smaller groups. However, the FTS we are able to publish a monthly journal, sponsor individual lectures and regional conventions like this. The common theme of all the groups is a desire to free the society from historically confining fears, dogma and censorship. We have mostly political groups, philosophical groups and social justice groups.”

“How many speakers will you have?”

“We have twenty-one presenters for the day. Most only have one lecture and one forum, but you do know you have two lectures. I must say from what we have heard, I’m looking forward to your presentation.”

“If you’re looking for new ideas, I think I have enough to get everyone buzzing.” And so the conversation went until they arrived at the Radisson. It had been a long day and she was asleep minutes after hitting the pillow.

When she crawled out of bed, she was pleased she didn’t have to speak until 10:00, so she was not rushed. She had brought a smart looking charcoal skirt suit and both a solid white silk blouse and a white polyester blouse with alternating opaque and seer stripes. She decided the silk one was more appropriate. In either case, she hadn’t even brought a bra to wear under the blouse and the silk felt good on her bare breasts.

She called and woke up Cooper as she got dressed. He was groggy and assured her he did have a good time at Conner’s last night. And yes they did have sex, but he would tell her all about it later, but just then he wanted to go back to sleep.
A twinge of jealousy welled up that Cooper had been to bed with Sherri while she as out of town, but she reminded herself of how many people she had made it with when Cooper wasn’t there.It’s been good for the goose for years, it’s only fair the gander get some too.

Later in the lobby, she was surprised the hotel appeared to be filled with delegates. When she was given her speakers badge she asked how many people were present, Gayle told her the final total was 664. She had brought 300 FFF brochures and 150 copies of a hand-out she had prepared just for this convention.

“I was told to prepare for 150 people in each session.”

“Right, we did ” Gayle answered “We moved you to Hall C because we have heard a good deal of interest in your presentation. The hotel says your multi-media is set up and all you have to do is hoop up your laptop when the first speaker is finished.”

Bonnie thanked her and headed to Hall C. She arrived just as the first lecture was letting out. The room was with out a doubt the largest she had ever spoken in. A wave of butterflies tickled her stomach. She tried to allay the nervousness as she hooked up the laptop. She had gone over the new lecture several times on the long trip but this would be her first public go though.

By the time she had gotten the laptop hooked up and the title slide cued the room was already half full. The Butterflies resumed. To calm herself she walked over to the front row to meet a few of the delegates.

“Hi, I’m Bonnie Campbell with the Final Freedom Foundation” She said extending a hand to a serious looking bearded man in the front row.

Returning her smile, he reached and shook her hand “I’m Clyde Jablanski, I teach poly-sci and philosophy at Eau Clair University in Wisconsin. I’m looking forward to your talk.”

“Oh, good. Have you heard of our work?”

“I read a mention of your organizing in an article about Dr. Douglass and when I saw the organization had a representative here I wanted to hear what you had to say.”

“Well, I hope I generate some thoughts that might be discussed in some classrooms next week.”

“That’s why I’m here.” He cheerfully answered.

She followed up with a question she’d been wondering “So are many of the delegates here from the academia?”

“A fair percentage, I’d say over half.”

“What other professions are represented” she followed-up.

“Oh, in past years there have been a fair many political activist, representatives from a number of liberal and libertarian publications and a surprising number of people in fields that have no direct baring on the topics but they are interested in new ideas.”

“Thanks for the information; it helps to know to whom I’m speaking.” She said before moving off to meet a few more people.She was speaking to a psychologist from St. Paul when Gayle come on the speaker and asked everyone to find a seat so the session could get started.

A few moments later, Gayle moved to the microphone to introduce Bonnie “Our speaker in this session is Bonnie Campbell from the Final Freedom Foundation based in Augusta Georgia. Some of you may have read about this organization and it’s campaign for sexual liberation in America. I have had several talks with Dr. Amy Douglass, the executive director of the FFF, as they are called, and I think you will all find her talk very provocative. Bonnie is the Public Relations Liaison for he FFF and I look forward to hearing her speak, so let’s give a warm welcome, because I know she thinks she’ll never be warm in Minnesota, to Bonnie Campbell.

Bonnie rose and Surveyed the room, not completely full but she estimated well over 150 people for which she had brought hand-outs. Not bad, she just hoped the new talk would flow well so she had some people to come to the next session.
“Thank you Gayle, I’m glad to be here, though I did think I might freeze solid out of the tarmac last night.” She opened with a laugh from the audience. A good sign, her nerves calmed.

“As she said I am the Public Relations Liaison for the Final Freedom Foundation.” She motioned to the FFF logo behind her. “The FFF is a foundation dedicated to supporting local and national efforts to promote freedom of sexual expression in the United States.We are not an activist organization ourselves, but a Foundation that supports and promotes those who are. The FFF is unapologetically of the belief that free and open sexual expression is as much a right as a free and open press or the right to have free and open religion or even to freely and openly express your ideas.”

She cued the first slide for this presentation. Unlike the many slides for the main presentation with it’s 150 pictures, this one had only text slides to go along with the outline.

“In my next session I will talk more in detail about the FFF and it’s aims, but this morning I will be address how sexual oppression throughout the ages has been the handmaiden of political oppression.” And off she went citing cultures throughout the last three millennia and how in each the rulers used the control of sexual expression to control people’s behavior and even thoughts.

She stuck to her notes far more than she did in the regular meeting but still was able to keep the audience with her. When she realized she had not paced well and would have to cut the discussion nearly all of the second half of the 20th century off she paused to say “I’m sorry, this is the first time I’m given this presentation, so if it seemed a bit rough I apologize. I see I have less than five minutes left, so rather than rushing though 30 minutes of material I’ll just promise to put it on the FFF web site for you. I can assure you the next presentation is much better, and hope you’ll give me a second chance after lunch.”

With that she cut to the conclusion and wrapped up, mortified that she had blown her very first large presentation.She wished there was a back way out so she could avoid everyone.

“Very interesting take on history” It was the professor from Eau Clair University in Wisconsin.

“Interesting good, or interesting bad?” She asked
“Interesting, interesting, neither good nor bad just interesting” he said staring intently in her eyes.

Not feeling any better about herself she said sourly “I’m sorry it was not my best presentation, I will do better next time.”

“Oh, your presentation was fine.” He said, genuinely looking surprised at her evident self reproach.“It was actually far better than we usually get at this meeting. You should have been in my first session, you were Ophra Winfrey compared to him. I meant your content, it was taking a rather extreme position, I’m not sure I can buy into it all.”

She stared to talk but he cut her off “Now, I don’t’ know I can’t disagree with the overall thrust, but it will give me something new to talk to my classes about.”

Feeling much relieved, she said “Good, that was my intent; getting people thinking.”

She put her notes back into the black binder she carried them in and made to leave, but the man persisted.

“Do you really believe the government should not have a say in what is done sexually, even in public?”

She looked back at him “Of course. Does the government have a right to tell you how to wear your beard, or what color to paint your car? Freedom of expression can not be denied just because some people don’t want to see it expressed.” She didn’t mean to sound combative so she added.“I’m not saying we have the right to harm others with our freedom, like shout fire in a theater, but I would suggest that the constitution does not enshrine the right for all people to free of offences. Sure some, and where I live most people would be offended if I had sex with my husband in my front yard, but does that mean they have the right to forbid me to do so? I don’t think so.”

She could tell she scored a point and he smiled “I hear you, but I just am saying I need some time to think this through.”

She noticed that he was not bad looking, handsome even. He was on the short side, maybe 5’ 8” but cute. And his eyes were an intense shade of blue. She moved toward the back of the room and the door way. He began to follow but Gayle approached and he turned away.

“That was great!” she said enthusiastically.

“I don’t know” Bonnie responded with much less enthusiasm.

“Really, it was very thought provoking. I’m so glad you came.”

Feeling much better Bonnie followed her to the speakers table in the adjacent banquet room for lunch.

The other presenters seem so full of themselves, Bonnie was grateful when she was soon after eating, able to excuse herself pretending that she had to prepare her lecture. She in fact slipped up to her room and rested in her bed for an hour before going back down for her second session.

Her assigned meeting room was filled when she arrived and the hotel staff was busy bringing in more chairs. She must not have done was poorly as she had thought and even without all the revisions, the second presentation was much better.

She looked across the hall, ten times the number of people she had previously spoken to in any one place, and full of Ph.D.’s to boot. Her apprehension did not last long as she clicked on the first slide and moved into her lecture.She was pleased as she moved on that clearly she had the audience with her. The large audience empowered her, this would be one of her best presentations yet.

As she wrapped up she knew she was feeling very successful, she was sure the presentation had been well received by the vast majority of the people present. Her conclusion with the photos of her engaged in sex with several different people brought the customary shock in many faces, but when shut off the computer and thanked the audience for coming there was only a mometary hush before a lively applause filled the room.

As she gathered up her notes to the lengthy applause of the room, Gayle came to the lectern, “I think we will all agree that that is a presentation we will not forget. Thank you Bonnie for that amazing presentation.” She told the assemble people. “I’m sure many of you have questions for her, so come to the Panel Discussion in the Grand Ballroom at 3:30, that is in just about 25 minutes.

As soon as she dismissed the group she was surrounded by people wanting to meet her.

“That was so bold.”

“Simply amazing.”

“How did you have the nerve to use pictures of yourself?”

“Congratulations for a great presentation.”

“Could you speak to my classes?”

And so the comments and questions went. She felt a bit befuddled but very pleased with herself. She did her best to be polite and to answer as many questions as possible but it was all such a blur. After some time Gayle came to her rescue and told everyone to save their questions for the Panel Discussion, and to let Bonnie get a break before it started.

“Thanks, I felt like I was being mobbed” Bonnie said quietly as the room emptied.

“No problem, and besides how was I going to get to talk to you if they didn’t leave?”

They packed up her notes and the laptop; there were none of the handouts or brochures left.

“That really was quite a presentation, I’ve seen a lot in this business but I can assure you no one has ever seen what you presented.So many people come and talk about what should be done, but damn, you showed pictures of you doing what you say – with what? Three different people? That is putting feet, or should I say your whole body, to enact what you say.”

Bonnie wasn’t sure what to say so she just smiled.

Gayle went on “You probably don’t know what a shock your presentation was to this group. See they nearly all fancy themselves to be free and open thinkers, but I would dare say there were more than a few blushing faces.”

“Oh, is that bad?”

“No, its just that it reminded some of them that it is so easy for them to spin their platitudes about how the world should be, but you rubbed it in their faces that there is a world of difference between talking about making a better world and putting yourself out on a limb to make one.”

Bonnie thought she seemed to be talking in circles, but she knew what she was getting at.

Gayle went on “and well, I guess what I really wanted to say it that I admire you for doing that. I remember when I was an undergraduate I had the courage to just do what I thought was right and hang the consequences. Then as I became a Graduate Assistant, then went out into the job market I started self-censoring worrying about how my words and actions would impact my career more than how they would impact the world.But here you a woman, not just any woman but a mother and wife, from the Bible belt no less, and you have as part of your lecture photos of yourself nude, not just nude but having sex.” Her words got faster as she spoke “I just, I just, as a fellow woman want to thank you for not being ashamed of what you believe and putting it right out front. This is what we need now this kind of courage and leadership from women.”

Bonnie wasn’t quite sure what she was getting at, clearly she meant something to her but Bonnie wasn’t quite sure what it was and it was getting a bit embarrassing so she excused herself to go to the ladies room before the next session.

The Grand Ball room was not that much bigger or grander than Hall C, but she could tell there were a good many more seats and all were taken when she arrived. At the far end of the room there was a raised platform with a table and four chairs and table microphones facing the audience. To the right was a lecture behind which A man that Bonne seen Gayle with at lunch.

The man, seeing Bonnie, came down the center isle to greet her.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Gustine, I hear I missed quite a presentation, I’m sorry but I was speaking in another room. You’ll have to give me the short version over dinner.”

He motioned to the table on the platform, come on up and we will start in just a minute. He was brusque and even in his compliments seems somewhat condescending. She knew he was not the sort of person she would enjoy spending time with.

As she took the two steps to the platform, An older woman, and two men were taking the other three seats. She took the seat nearest the lectern and sat down.

The woman introduced her self as Dr. Felmier, and the men introduced themselves as well. She couldn’t help but notice that she was the only one on the stage with out a “Doctor” before her name.

She suddenly felt she should not be here. She was not prone to panic, but she felt this was not going to come out good for her.

A balding man in his 60’s adjusted his microphone and began the session “This is the Divergent Views panel discussion. For those who do not know me I am Dr. Gustine, the Executive Director of the Free Thought Society and professor of Philosophy at Case Western Reserve and I am your moderator this afternoon.”

“Our topic is the Divergent Views of 21st Century Philosophy. On our panel is Dr. Caleb Birk, from Thinker magazine, Dr. Flora Schmitt from the University of Chicago, Dr. Kristen Simmons-Felmier from the Humanist Society and Ms. Bonnie Cooper from the Final Freedom Foundation.”

“The format will be for 90 minutes I will both moderate and pose questions to the panel. Then we will take a short break and then we will have open Q&A time until 5:30.So let us open with this ‘What forces have been chiefly responsible for the increasing homogenous nature of public discussion over the past quarter century?’. Dr. Birk would you care to open our discussion?”

Bonnie was glad that Dr. Birk and then Dr. Schmitt spoke for long enough for the moderator to cut them off and go to the next question, “Please, be brief as we would like to cover a good bit of ground in the next- well we now only have 70 minutes. Dr.Simmons-Felmier, What forums or platforms are best for introducing and expounding views that diverge from the current orthodoxy?”

Bonnie was sure she needed to add something, and since this was nearer her job than the other question she jumped in when Dr. Simmons-Felmier finished, “I would agree with my colleagues assessment” Bonnie began, though in reality she wasn’t even listening, rather she was formulating her ideas, this was after all a room full of PhD’s.

“I would however suggest that real change in attitudes that would allow for the acceptance of new value paradigms need to come from the institutions that the middle-class already trust. Institutions such as local churches and civic clubs will in the long run have far more permanent impact on the nation as a whole than will academic or even political based approaches.” She, pleased with her opening, went in to as description of the FFF’s approach for impacting the larger culture.

Bonne sensed just a bit of condensation when Dr. Schmitt, in effect, rebutted her argument stressing the need for the forward thinkers to take command of the political and educational structure to usher in a new eras of divergent thinking.

She opted out of the next two questions and then gave, what she thought to be extremely weak comments of two other topics. All told she was exceedingly glad when the moderator said “OK, my hour is up. Now we will open this up to your questions.”

Bonnie was relieved when the next question was pointed directly at her, at least she knew she had something to say when a young man near the front asked “Ms. Cooper, does the FFF use it’s funds to support gay rights groups in their effort to bring homosexuality into the mainstream through legalizing gay marriage?”

Before she had a chance to answer the moderator cut in “I’m sorry, but we would prefer the questions to stay a bit more general, but go ahead Ms. Cooper and comment if you wish.”

“Thank you Dr. Gustine, I’ll answer but be brief. “While the Final Freedom Foundation is sympathetic to gay and lesbian rights groups, we focus our funding to those groups who are more universal in their goals, and frankly the gay community’s efforts are generally well funded on their own. Additionally the FFF rejects the Cartesian dichotomous view of sexuality supported by many of these groups. We believe it is not useful to assign all people at label of being straight or gay. We would suggest that sexual attraction and arousal is never exclusively based on genitalia and in a state of evolution throughout ones adult life”

He last words were clipped short by Dr. Schmitt who with a vengeance decried “That is a cop out, it sound as if you just don’t’ want to be associated with gay groups. The fight for gay and lesbian rights must be fought and won. It is far more important than your idea nudism.”

Bonnie was dumbfounded by the venom in the attack, she struggled for an answer when Dr Simmons-Felmier calmly said “I see the merit in Ms. Campbell’s position but, also see understand how the legacy of sexual repression had indeed fallen hardest on those in the gay and lesbian community”

Dr. Gustine took that opportunity to shift call on a woman on the front row who had raised her hand earlier.

“Could several of you comment on the proposition that a society with open and pervasive sexual culture would be more intellectually enlightened or would such a culture lead to a debasement of human interaction lowering it to one of simple biological imperatives.?

Dr. Birk began in his measured monotone “The intellectual life is one of reflection and introspection. I can not see how by increasing the visibility of sexuality does anything but lower the culture to the lowest common denominator. It certainly would do nothing to stimulate creative thought.”

He was more polite than Dr. Schmitt, but he clearly was on the same vain of thought and no sooner had he stopped speaking that Dr. Schmitt began her angry tirade again.

“Our society is already one of pervasive exploitive sexuality. If we wish to bring liberation to the oppressed we must essentially do the opposite of what Ms. Campbell is suggesting. It is only by exercising the strong arm of the state to increase it’s presence in policing exploitive sexual practices will we improve the intellectual climate of the nation.” She took a long breath and then continued “Force of law was needed to desegregate the south. Force of law was needed to begin to address gender discrimination. For the foreseeable future, force of law will be needed to fight discrimination based on sexual orientation. And, contrary to Ms. Campbell’s rose colored view of the world, force of law will be needed to control the sexual images and actions that are keeping women in bondage.”

Bonnie just sat wide eyed as she was being verbally attacked.

Dr. Schmitt continued “If we just assumed that all sex private, or in her world public, is consensual just because the man doesn’t use a knife to rape the woman is to invite a world of public humiliation and degradation of women.”

For a second time Dr. Simmons-Felmier came to her rescue.

“I’m not convinced that such pessimism is warranted.I understand the concerns of my colleagues, but I must differ in the application. I personally, and I think this group as a whole, is committed to personal liberty. I would suggest the power of sexuality to harm and discriminate and demean is rooted in the historical shame attached to all things sexual. Please consider the end result of de-mystifying sexuality. It is worth considering the idea that the normalizing of free and open sexual behavior would in fact reduce, not increase, the ability of sex to be used as a weapon and a tool for oppressors. Further, I simply cannot imagine the benefit to freedom of thought of the state becoming even more of a sex police than it already is. Haven’t we learned from the past that the freedom to express our individuality is only hampered by state intrusion? We as a society have come so far in the past half century, I would suggest that Ms. Campbell’s vision is simply to keep the progress moving to its logical conclusion.”

Bonnie, still in shock from the viciousness of the attacks was slightly more prepared to speak when the moderator asked for her comments.She leaned forward and searched for words.

“I.. “ she paused “I, am a bit taken off guard by the hostility to these ideas of personal freedom, especially from a group like this so vocally committed to free thought.” As she spoke her head cleared and she became more confident.“I am used to opposition to our ideas back home in the Bible belt,” She recalled what Cooper had told her earlier of the group Margo was forming “I have learned just this morning a group is being formed in Georgia, in response to the FFF’s campaign, to roll back the freedoms won in the past decades for freedom of sexual expression. I just can’t imagine free thinkers joining the puritan crusade to move society back to the restrictions of the 1950’s, but that is exactly what it sounded like Dr. Schmitt is suggesting.”

Her comments clearly found resonance with the audience, but it appeared Dr. Gustine did not like the direction this was leading so he reasserted control by abruptly asking for other discussion topics.”

The forum lasted only about 18 minutes more and Bonnie, still reeling from the attacks said nothing. She was busy maintaining her composure, holding back the tears that were welling in her eyes.

When Dr. Gustine was giving a wrap-up of the conference, Gayle slipped up behind Bonnie and asked in her ear “Could you be available for a meet and greet in the hospitality suite tonight after dinner?”

Bonnie, a bit surprised, nodded yes.

When Dr. Gustine finished, Gayle took the stage and spoke of next year’s conference and other such matters. Then just before dismissing the meeting she said “And, for those of you not heading home right now, Ms. Campbell has agreed to join me in the hospitality suite at 7:30, so if any of you have more input for her she will be available then.” After this Gayle closed the conference and the room began to empty quickly.

Bonnie sat at her seat pretending to organize her papers. not wanting to get into a discussion with the other panelist, until both Dr. Schmitt and Dr. Birk had exited the ballroom.

It had been so draining, she was tired and just wanted to rest. She had known, had always known that many people were vehemently opposed to what she and Cooper and the FFF were trying to do, but this was the first face-to-face confrontation she had experienced.It was far more upsetting than she had planned for. She just wanted to go home right then and there.

Gayle invited her to dinner but she declined, opting to go to her room and rest. On the phone with Cooper, she broke down and cried. Afterward she felt better.

He told her in some detail of his evening with Sherri, Herb and the others.There was no mistaking that he had a good time without her, and that irritated her slightly, though she knew that was unfair.

The hotel phone woke her. She had fallen asleep after talking to Cooper. She stumbled for the phone. It was Gayle.

“The suite is full of people wanting to meet you, are you coming?”

Bonnie pulled herself together and told Gayle she was on her way.

She brushed her hair and teeth. In the mirror she saw her silk blouse was now wrinkled, she pulled the other one from the hanging bag.She buttoned only the first few buttons and pulled on the grey suit jacket and headed out the door.

The hospitality suite was actually a conference room set up like a lounge area, with sofa’s and overstuffed chairs, and fortunately for Bonnie who had not eaten since lunch, a table of finger food. The room was not crowded but there were at least two dozen people sitting or standing in small groups.No sooner had she entered than every eye turned to her.Though she was now used to being the center of attention, after the last session she was apprehensive despite the warm smiles directed her way.

She quickly noticed that the group waiting for her was visibly younger than most of the conference attendees. She had earlier been taken by the sea of middle aged baby boomer faces in the audience only sprinkled by perhaps one in ten who appeared to be in their twenties or early thirties; but in the hospitality suite it looked like a college group with only a hand full of the thirty-odd people showing gray.For Bonnie the most important thing at that moment was that she did not feel any hostility, it was much more like the groups that to whom she had presented before.

“Bonnie!” Gayle called “Just in time, the natives were getting restless” she quipped as she crossed the room a bespeckled and slightly overweight young man in tow.Arriving by her side she introduced Orin, her husband. She went on to say he was Dr. Orin Perkins, assistant professor of philosophy at University of Minnesota at Duluth.

“I was able to sit in on your second lecture.” He began extending his hand “It certainly pushed the boundaries and I’m sure it will stimulate discussion for some time.”

She took his hand “That is the whole idea, get people thinking and talking”

“That it did” he agreed
Gayle took Bonnie by the shoulder and led her to a place near the center of the room and raised her voice “OK people, Bonnie Campbell is here to meet and greet. I’m sure you will find her even more fascinating one on one. Show her some good Minnesota hospitality.”

After a short round of applause Bonnie thought she should say something “I’m glad to be here, but I’m not sure how interesting I am.” As she looked around the room speaking, she moved her eyes from person to person. They were watching her intently, waiting for her to say something.

To give herself time she said “It’s a bit stuffy, don’t mind if I take off my jacket”, and it was a bit stuffy, but she knew their response to her shirt of alternating narrow opaque white stripes and wider sheer stripes white would give her a clue as to how she might go forward. Out of habit she straightened her posture to lift and accentuate her bust. Across from her was the buffet back by a mirror.In it she could see her reflection and the fact the overall effect was less sheer than she thought it would be; however, she was pleased she looked firm and perky in the half see-through shirt. Scanning back across the room she judged the looked on the faces.

Not surprisingly every man’s face had a smile, and she was pleased that there were only a few scowls from the women and even those were not hostile. She relaxed, feeling at home in a friendly crowd she began speaking “If you’ll give me a minute I’ll tell you a little bit about me.”

“I am in reality just a fairly typical wife and mother.I’ve been married for over twenty years,my husband and I have two teenage children, I am active in my church. I have a bachelor’s degree, but until recently I have been a full time, stay at home mom. I’ve been a homeroom mom, a cub scout den mother, a PTA president, an assistant tee-ball coach, and even the president of the local garden club.”

“For the majority of my married life my husband and I were monogamous, and it was me, not him, that initiated our move from monogamy.Further, it was not out of some attempt to save a doomed marriage, we, in fact came to believe monogamy was not the only good lifestyle choice some years before we actually acted on it the first time.My first foray into open marriage was with my best friend and then with her husband as well. I say all this to let you know that I teach this material because I believe it and I live what I believe. I don’t’ believe that monogamy is wrong or second class, or even celibacy, rather I believe each person should make his or her own lifestyle choice and be free to live out that choice without shame or a need to hide behind closed doors.”

“So if you’ll excuse me I’m going to raid the buffet for a moment and then I would like to meet and get to know you as you get to know me.” Bonnie said before moving the buffet.

Behind her Gayle said “I don’t have the figure to pull off that outfit, and even if I did I wouldn’t have the courage.”

Bonnie began picking out some finger sandwiches, “Gayle you are very cute, you would look great in this.” And Bonnie was sure she would at 5’ 4” and about 110 lbs she wasn’t a supermodel, but she was cute and well proportioned. Yes, she would look good in the semi-sheer shirt. “But that is not the point,” Bonnie went on “I’ve seen many, many naked women, and I have found most of us look pretty much the same. It’s just feeling confident about who you are, under the skin, then the it’s easy to be comfortable in your skin.”

She looked back at Gayle and smiled.

The evening went quickly. Many people just wanted to voice support, others were professors who wanted to ask about speaking to their class or campus leaders who asked about presentations to their student group.

At nine, Gayle flashed the lights and told the remaining people the hospitality room would close.For the next ten minutes Bonnie gave out her FFF email address ten times and handed out the last few of the business cards she had brought to Minnesota.

Soon the room was empty and Gayle and Orin were picking up the last of their literature from the different tables.Bonnie relaxed on arm of a sofa “I think that went well, thanks for suggesting it.”

Gayle slipped down onto the sofa across from Bonnie “Yea, I think it did. What do you think Orin, some of your colleagues were here”

He stood behind Gayle’s couch, “Oh, I think they were quite taken with Ms. Campbell.” He looked up at Bonnie “You have quite a way about you. I’m afraid my fellows rarely get to rub shoulders with people as winsome as you”

“Well, I’m now winsome. I like that” Bonnie chucked.

Gayle corrected “Oh, he’s right. You are a breath of fresh air. I’m afraid the musty and dull comes with the ground in the world oh philosophy. Trust me between my events and Orin’s, I had begun to think all the world was stuffy, self absorbed and disdainful of all things fun and alive.I really think that is why you got attacked at the open forum, you made a broadside attack on their belief in the superiority of tedium.”

It was Orin’s turn to chuckle, “Well said Gayle. I think I might quote you in class on Monday”

Gayle acknowledged the complement then added “and to top it off, when you took off your jacket, I thought some of their eyes would pop out of their heads.”

“oh, was it too much?”

“No, just right I’d say.After the slides in your presentation, it was just enough to keep them off balance, while supporting your overall premise.” Gayle supported while Orin nodded in agreement. “And besides, you look very hot.”

“I’m glad you thought it worked. I actually had not planned on wearing it today, but I wrinkled the other blouse. I still think it would look great on you. I bet Orin would agree.”

She looked to her husband who grinned but clearly was not sure whether agreeing or not would be in his best interest.

Gayle shook her head, “I told you I’m just not pretty enough to wear something like that.”

“Orin” Bonnie chided “Are you going to let her say that?”

“You would look great in that” he sheepishly answered. Then paused and tentatively said “What I would give to see you at a party in that”

She turned her head to look at him “Really? You wouldn’t mind if I wore something like that?”

“Well, not on campus, but like to one of her events, sure. You look great, I’ve told you that a hundred times.” He answered with increasing confidence.

“But isn’t that like showing me off like some possession?” she asked, partially defensive.

Bonnie intervened before this got out of hand “Gayle, it is my experience that the confident and respectful man wants his wife to feel good about herself and it is the man who wants to hide is woman away is the one to watch out for.”

Gayle looked back at Bonnie and evidently thought through what she had said “I guess, your right. I should be glad he is confident in me, and my ability to choose.”

Bonnie nodded.

“I just cant imagine having the confidence to do the things you do.”

“Like what?” Bonnie queried.

“Like showing a photo of you having sex.Am I right in understanding that you do it with other people in the room watching?”

“Sure, sex is positive and natural and not bad for the environment” Bonnie said feeling a bit empowered. “I guess I should be surprised that a erudite, educated free thinker like you has only had sex behind closed doors. It would seem to me that that is, or should seem more unusual.” She cocked her head looking for an answer.

Clearly Orin was uncomfortable, but Gayle was pondering the question.

“I’m not trying to be combative, but how can you feel free from centuries of repression when you have never engaged in the most basic and important life events when firmly hidden from all other people. Can’t you see that is the long arm of the puritans governing your life even now?”

Gayle continued to think and even looked back at Orin for support, he just looked back at her as if to say he had no response. After a few moments of silence she said“Well, it’s not like I’ve never been in a room where people are having sex. In college one year I had a room mate who had her boyfriend sleep over like a couple nights a month.The first few months of the semester I just quietly slipped out of the room when he came over, but one night I had a paper to work on and the came over and before I knew it I could hear them behind me, doing it.Now she said the same kind of things you do and had called me provincial for my embarrassment over she and her boyfriend having sex in our room. So I just stayed at my desk, but to be honest I didn’t get any work done, in fact I went to the bathroom to get myself off even before they were done. After that I just stayed in the room and pretended it was no big deal.”

“And was it?” Bonnie asked “A big deal, I mean”

“Well, yes and no. It did get to be normal, but it also made me feel bad that I couldn’t’ be so open.”

“Were you sexual active at the time?”

“Well, I had been, but that semester I wasn’t’ dating anyone”

“So you were celibate the whole year?” Bonnie asked

Gayle glanced back at Orin then slowly said “Well, no, not exactly.”

“Not exactly?”

“Well, no, I had a friend, he wasn’t like a boyfriend, but he and I would get together from time to time and mess around. I didn’t date all that much in college. I was rather a drab bookworm.”

Orin cut in “Don’t give her that! What she means is the guys were too intimidated by her. She was quite the young scholar and could have gone to any school she wanted but chose to go to little Juniata College where she was leaps and bounds the brightest one in school.Gayle here is quite the scholar in her own right, and barring any unforeseen rejection of her dissertation in the spring, she will be Dr. Simmons-Perkins, Ph.D.”

“Well congratulations” Bonnie put in.

Gayle shrugged “What can I say, my great grandfather was President of Juniata College, I had to go to the school when the dorm was even named Simmons Hall for my family.”

Bonnie nodded.

“But yes, I’ll admit it I was a big fish in a very little pond. And yes that did hurt my chances in dating”

“So why didn’t you invite the ‘friend’ over to your room when your roommate was home?”

“I couldn’t, he was seeing someone”, She smiled broadly “He was and is, a very flamboyantly and publicly gay. He had a boyfriend, but he and I did it with me regularly on the sly for about three years until he graduated, and then” she paused “A few times since then we have gotten together.”

Orin looked surprised. She looked up at Orin “I’m sorry I never told you.”

He patted her on the shoulder “You never pretended to be a virgin when we met, I certainly wasn’t. And if it had been a big deal to me I would have asked.”

She smiled and turned back to Bonnie “To by honest I was very much in love with him, but he was committed and convinced he was gay despite how much we enjoyed sex together.”

“So, for me it had to be just fun with a friend, And ,,,,, yes, I had wished I had brought him to let Collette watch, I fanaticized about it a lot, and then the next year when she moved out and I had a new roomy I fantasized about having her watch us, but I let the chance slip away.”
“Well,you are still young and don’t have to hide your love. You and Orin should talk about it, step out and try bringing your sexuality out of the closet.”

“Yea, right” she said looking around to Orin, “He’s so shy, he’d never do it”

Orin looked back “I don’t think your giving me enough credit. I’m more adventurous than you think?”

“Really?” she responded a bit wide eyed.

“Yes, really” he said somewhat indignantly.

“And who do you know who would just let us get down right in front of them?”

He was taken aback, “I don’t know, I just said don’t count me out, if you wanted to do it, I’d be right there for you.”

Gayle turned back to Bonnie “Well, I think you may have made some converts, though I don’t know when we would really have an opportunity to really try it out.”

Bonnie slid off the arm of the couch and into the deep cushion.

“The first time I did it in front of spectators was on a big rock, on the side of a jungle lake.” Bonnie said, knowing full well it was not exactly the first time she had been seen having sex but it fit the narrative better “My husband’s company sponsored a trip to the Caribbean and ………” She related the story, except leaving out the part about the group of teenagers, that would just be too much she thought. “…… and I loved others joining in by watching, it was like this whole new world had opened up. Why did I have to wait all those years, when I had fantasized about it for more than a decade? Fear? Guilt? What ever it was, I wish I had been your age when I stepped out.”

Bonnie saw Gayle and Orin’s minds working and so decided to push the issue “Those same reasons will not go away, you just have to push them aside and decide to claim the day as yours, the opportunity is right in front of you to try.” She knew these were bright people; she didn’t need to be any more direct than that, so she stopped speaking and relaxed on the sofa.

Gayle slowly looked back at Orin, and gripped his hand. Bonnie and surely Gayle could see the tent formed in her husband’s slacks. Gayle looked back at Bonnie who waited then said “I think it is up to you.”

Gayle’s eyes scanned the room, clearly thinking this through then looked back at Bonnie “will you want to join in?”

“How about I just play coach for now?”

Gayle nodded, her eyes now showing a bit of panic, Bonnie knew she would need to help. “Here” she said rising to her feet “Stand up”

Bonnie crossed the space between the facing couches and offered a hand to Gayle. Bonnie helped her to her feet then turned her to face her husband.

“Orin, come on over here” Bonnie softly commanded and before he arrived, she reached to the hem of Gayle’s blouse and began raising it. Gayle silently obliged by lifting her arms and the blouse came off and was dropped to the floor, followed by the Playtex bra.

Orin’ eyes focused on what Bonnie estimated to be a 36B chest with tiny pink nipples.His style as he began to fondle her breast left something to be desired, but his enthusiasm was intense and he took each breast in turn and suckled hard.

While the young couple kissed like first time lovers, she let her left hand rest on Gayle’s shoulder while her right hand silently unzipped her own skirt and let it fall to the floor. When their kissing began to slacken, Bonnie had no trouble loosening the fastener on the back of Gaye’s skirt and guiding it to the ground beside her own. As expected, where Bonnie wore only a pair of thigh high stockings under her skirt, Gayle sported full pantyhose and panties underneath.

Having also removed her own blouse, Bonnie pulled up close to Gayle, her firm nipples pressed on the younger, shorter woman’s upper back. She knew full well the jolt of energy that would give as she held Gayle’s hips in her hands. She whispered in Gayle’s ear “Nice isn’t it?”

Only a small gurgle was the positive reply.

Orin finally took some initiative, hooked his fingers in her pantyhose, and pulled the hose and panties down to her hips.

“Good idea Orin, but I think she will need to sit to get all that off.”

Bonnie turned the couple around and pulled Gayle down in her lap on the sofa. Bonnie splayed her legs and Gayle slid down to the cushion just in front of her mentor.

“Here, this will work better” Bonne told the now eager husband, and he quickly went to work freeing his wife from her shoes, skirt, hose and panties before burring his face in her thick pubic hair. He legs spread wider and she pushed back on Bonnie, whose smoothly shaven mouns was firmly wedged at the small of Gayle’s back.To stabilize the woman in front Bonnie wrapped her arms around her waist as her husband’s ministrations were beginning to show effect.

Bonnie was surprised at how quickly Gayle’s hips began to undulate in front of her and how good the undulations felt on her own vulva. “Looks like I’m going to get off after all” she thought as the vertebra in Gayle’s back rubbed up and down on her clit.

Bonnie’s hand’s, without her conscious thought, slipped up and embraced the two breasts just above them. Gayle’s chest arched to meet the hands, confirming her enjoyment. Shortly thereafter began deep breaths, the harbinger of Gayle’s climax.It took longer than Bonnie had expected for her new friend to crest, and her hips moved from gentle undulations to wild bucking; so much for getting herself off with this wild ride.

Before Gayle’s heart had even begun to slow after her full body orgasm, Orin had shed his pants and guided his not particularly large penis into his wife and immediately commenced full speed thrusting. Bonnie could see over Gayle’s shoulder to the penetration point and it was apparent her sitting position coupled with his short reach was not working. Bonnie grasped Gayle’s thighs and pulled upward, bringing the knees to her chest and tilting her pelvis forward, toward Orin’s efforts.

Bonnie could see and feel the solid pelvis to pelvis contact the next thrust made. Gale’s soft thighs compressed completely as Orin gained a better purchase by reaching beyond his wife and gripping Bonnie’s shoulders as an anchor point. By the third thrust Bonnie was feeling the strong impact, though Gayle’s body onto her mound pressed, and spread open on her backbone.His vigor surprised Bonnie as he drove his penis down hard over and over again with out losing speed.

“He’s good” Bonnie said into Gayle’s ear, but loud enough to encourage her husband. She followed up the comment with a series of soft kisses on Gayle’s neck.

Orin pressed home and held, then kissed his wife deeply. At first Bonnie though he was climaxing, but then he began to grind on her while continuing the kiss. Bonnie had clearly underestimated this geek. He did not lack the ability, just the knowhow..She wondered if her new friend knew and appreciated her husband’s staying power..

His kisses lowered to her chest and he took each small, but full breast in his mouth and gently kissed and sucked the nipples.With his body now holding Gayle’s legs, Bonnie extended her grasp to Orion’s hips.She felt the circular grind punctuated with pelvic thrusts.

Gayle’s hands reached back and down to Bonnie’s hips and she began her hip thrusts again, meeting her husband thrust to thrust. He second climax was followed soon by a quivering Bonnie could feel in Orin’s hips as he ejaculated hard with, one, two, three, four manly shots into his wife’s womb, before becoming limp and sliding to the floor.

With out his body pressing her onto Bonnie, or Bonnie holding her legs, Gayle slid off the sofa into her husband’s lap were the held each other, breathing very hard.

Bonnie, very aroused but not finished, swung her legs up on the sofa and began to finger her clit with purpose. She knew her climax was close, so she closed her eyes and focused her energy on her sensitive crotch.The sensations were intense, but she kept letting them build, holding off her orgasm.

She was not disturbed or even surprised when a soft hand began to caress her thigh, then a second slid across her tender swollen breast.In the back of her head she was aware that Gayle evidently had done this before as she did not interfere with her rhythm (as a man would) but enhanced the moment with additional supporting stimulation. Just the right support to bring off a first climax and the soft hands did not change their rhythm as Bonnie quickly worked up to a second, then a third climax in rapid succession.

By then Bonnie was oblivious to everything but her own pleasure “Put your fingers in me” she ordered without opening her eyes or changing the rhythm on her clit. The hand from her breast and thigh moved. One returned to pull her right thigh off the sofa to make room for a small hand between her legs.

Two fingers parted her sensitive lips and one pressed in as far as it would reach.

“Three fingers” Bonnie commanded.

She dimly felt one set of fingers spreading her lips and a group of fingers push into thesensitive flesh of her inner self.

“Do me hard” Bonnie again barked.

The first two thrusts were tepid.


The next was firmer and the next made her shake.

“Yea, like that.”

The moment had not been lost to Bonnie, but the change had slowed her progression down. It took several minutes of had rubbing and hard finger fucking to get her back to the brink. But she did and over the top like a bursting water balloon the shock waves swirled from her now painfully sensitive sex. One big wave followed by a series of waves that rippled through her until she lay still, and unable to move.

She turned her head to the side after a moment and opened her eyes. Gayle was on all fours beside the sofa, and Orin, evidently ready to go again, was guiding his renewed erection into her.

“Well” Bonnie” groggily said “I guess even stuffy professors are good for more than a one shot evening.”

Gayle looked up to her right and smiled at Bonnie.

Orin, pressed his organ home and said “I must admit this is unusual for me, but you did put on quite a show that seems to brought life back to my penis.”

Still gasping for air, Bonnie said “I was just the audience, you and Gayle were the show. And you did much better than I had expected. Gayle should know she’s lucky to have a good lover like you.”

He blushed, gripped his hands into Gayle’s soft ass and began short but firm strokes. They came fast, due to their short stroke length and with each ram home a shock wave moved through her thighs and buttocks. She kept her eyes on Bonnie’s as her body shook from the impacts.

“Good?” Bonnie asked?

“Oh, yea” she said breathlessly.

“I thought you said you didn’t have much sexual experience in college. You knew what you were doing on me. You were no novice, I know better.”

Laboring to speak though the pounding she was taking from her other end she said “I said…. I was not real….. popular with the guys….. but in the …..girls dorm….we learned to ….. take care of ……our dorm sisters…..”

Bonnie laughed, her feeling coming back to her body, “Oh, yea I understand.”

“yea….we wall flowers….. .had to stick together…”

“When you weren’t fucking your gay friend”


Although Orin’s penis might have been ready for round two, his cardo system was not. After not more than four or five minutes his breath was ragged and sweat was running down his face and chest. He took a pause, then started again more slowly and less firmly.

Gayle looked back at him “You OK?”

He heaved out an affirmative, but it was clear to Bonnie he was not. Gayle evidently could see that too. She rocked forward, releasing his still fully hard penis, and rolled to a sitting position.

She reached forward and began stroking his penis. “Here, you don’t have to cum now, we can wait till later.”

He, very red in the face and clearly at the end of his endurance did not disagree and just collapsed down on his side.

Bonnie pulled herself to a sitting position “I think you need to get him home.”

“I think so too.” Gayle agreed and she began gathering her clothes.

Dressed and ready to go Gayle pulled Bonnie in a close hug. “Thank you so much for coming and, well everything.”

Bonnie was moved by the sincerity of her emotion, “This is my mission in life now, and I am so happy to be here.” She hugged her back and then said in her ear “And besides, you kicked my ass with that finger fuck” and kissed her on the cheek.

Gayle offered to pick Bonnie up at the airport, but Bonnie declined saying “I think you guys should stay in bed late tomorrow. I’ll take the hotel shuttle.” with a wink before closing the door to her hotel room for the night.