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Christmas Leave – a GI's train ride ( Day 1 )


When the time arrived I took a bus to Oakland and boarded the Union Pacific for the long ride across California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and Nebraska. I had packed a couple of books that I had been wanting to read and settled down for the trip. In order to be eligible for a military discount ticket I was required to wear a ‘Dress Green' uniform. The train departed in the late afternoon, around 4 p.m., so it wasn't long before the Porter came thru and announced that dinner was being served in the dining car. I ate a light dinner and then wandered into the lounge car for a drink. The bar was quite small, L shaped and I believe about six or eight bar stools. I had taken the end stool, up against the window. Not being much of a drinker, I ordered a shot of Seagram 7 with a water back. A trick I had learned in college was with this combination I could appear to be drinking while toying with the 7 and bending my elbow with the water. Nobody seemed to notice, or at least they never said anything. Always a people watcher I noticed a lady, who had been in the dining car, as she entered the lounge car. She appeared to be about 30 or so, a little older than I would normally take interest in (Young and foolish that I was). She was blond, about 5' 5", quite slim (Varga Girl if you remember), looking as if she had just double-checked to make sure that every thing was in the right place. And it all seemed to be. She was wearing a light gray ladies suit with a white high necked blouse, high heeled pumps and hose. (Remember the days before panty hose?) Her skirt was rather short for the time and tailored narrow accenting her figure. The lady approached the bar and seated herself, leaving one stool between us. When the bartender arrived and asked her pleasure she ordered a Vodka and seven. When her drink arrived, she sampled it, sighed appreciatively and turned to me. "Enjoying the trip soldier?" she asked, smiling pleasantly. "Yes ma'am," I replied, "trains have always fascinated me and I love to sit and watch the countryside stream by." "Me too," she said, "the motion of the cars and the sound of the wheels on the tracks are so relaxing." "I'm headed to Chicago," she said, "where are you bound?" "I'm going home to central Nebraska to see my parents for Christmas" I replied. We chatted for a while about things in general. She had been born and raised on a farm in Iowa so we were both Midwestern farm kids. She was just recently divorced and was going to stay with her sister for the holidays and then was headed back to California after the first of the year. I told her that after college I still had no idea what I wanted in life so I had enlisted in the Army. After a few minutes she slid off her stool, displaying a very shapely calf and some nice thigh, and moved over to sit down next to me. I was sure that she had noticed the attention I had given to the exposure of flesh but gave no indication that she knew or cared. When she sat closer, I became aware of the scent of her perfume, the same scent that the first girl I dated more than casually, always wore. To this day that aroma brings back memories whenever I encounter it, a sweet and wistful nostalgia. After about ten minutes, Lisa suggested that we go to the observation car as a nearly full moon had risen. She ordered another drink and I got a refill on my water. I let her lead the way thru the cars and up the stairs to the observation deck, throughly enjoying the view of her slim waist and shapely hips. Other than the moonlight the only illumination was small lights near the floor that lighted the aisle. She led the way to a center seat and sat closest to the window. The moon shone brightly, casting a silvery romantic glow on everything as telegraph poles whizzed by in the night. We discussed the pros and cons of growing up on a farm. We talked about our activities in high school and college, finding that we had a number of common interests. Some comment struck us as funny and as she laughed she placed her hand on mine. Without conscious thought I gently squeezed her hand and immediately became aware of her silky smooth skin. She made no effort to remove her hand but instead continued to hold and discretely massage my fingers. At that age any contact such as that stirred a sudden sexual response. Trying to get more comfortable I shifted slightly to relieve the growing pressure, hoping that she wouldn't notice. The conversation took a sudden turn in subject as she began to question me about the girls I had dated. "Are you currently involved with anyone?" she asked. "No," I replied, "I still have some good friends at home, one girl that I write to and will probably go out with when I'm home, but no romantic involvement at the moment." "Who was your favorite girl and why?" she queried. I hesitated, going over the girls I had known. "Oh come on," she chided, "don't be bashful." Finally I replied, "I hope you won't think badly of me, but I believe that my all time favorite is a cousin of mine that is two years older than I." Her immediate response was to tighten her grip on my hand and say, "Not at all, my favorite person is also my cousin." "I've had a crush on him since I was 12 and he was 15." We were both silent for a moment then she turned to me and asked, "Did you ever DO anything with her?" Again I hesitated, then thinking, ‘What the heck', I said, "Yes." "What?", she urged. Figuring the cat was already out of the bag I replied, "We had oral sex." "How old were you and did you do it more than once?" she asked. "I was 18 the first time and we did until she got married." I said. "She's your favorite because you had oral sex?" she asked. "Well, not just that, she was the one who taught me how and just knowing that has made my life way more interesting." "How is that?" she pressed. "Well, especially in college, well you know how girls talk, anyway when the word got around that I was willing to do that, well I never had any shortage of dates, I mean the girls could still get off and didn't have to worry about getting pregnant." The words just seemed to tumble out. She released my hand and my first thought was ‘Oh damn, I blew it, it's all over now'. However my fears faded as she looked at me and grinned, placing her hand on my crotch, grasping my hard cock. "If we could find a suitable place, would you like to demonstrate your expertise?" Completely taken aback I could only nod my assent. "Good," she said, "now follow me, stop in the lounge car, pick up a large 7up to go and come into the next car where I'll be waiting." I stood up, stepping back to let her get up. As she moved into the aisle she smiled, touched my crotch playfully and with a grin said, "Don't let that get away." I followed her down out of the observation car and into the lounge car. She continued on past the bar and out the far door without looking back. I stopped at the bar, got a large paper cup of 7up and continued on through the door she had used, still not sure what was really happening. When I opened the door to the next car, I found myself in a First Class Pullman car. There she stood, about half way down the car, motioning me on. As I approached, she turned, opened the door to a compartment and stepped inside, holding the door for me. As I entered, she took the 7up and without a word placed it on the small cabinet. Then turning to face me encircled my neck with both arms and kissed me deeply, grinding her pelvis against my rigid dick. I responded by pulling her close and probing her mouth with my tongue. I circled her waist with my arms, placing a hand on each of her firm round buttocks, pulling her against me. With one hand remaining on the back of my neck, her other hand snaked between us and began to undo the buttons on my uniform blouse. When the buttons were unfastened, she opened the jacket and pressed her full breasts against me. The heat of her body penetrated my shirt. As I moved to unbutton her jacket, she broke the kiss and backed away. "Hold on a second," she said, "I have a notion that this may last a little while. Do you have a bag where you were sitting?" "Yes," I replied with some question in my voice, "there is a gym bag under the seat." "If you don't mind, tell me where it is and I will go get it. That will cause fewer questions than if you were to traipse back and forth. Besides if I go get it now I won't have to get dressed just to go for it." I told her which car and what seat and described the bag and the tag that was on the bag. I didn't mention that it held my stash of condoms but knowing that she would be bringing them back gave some hope. I might be glad they would be handy. As she opened the door to leave, she turned back to me. With a smile she said, "Don't be shy, kick off your shoes and at least loosen your tie." Without waiting for my response she closed the door and was gone. I stood there at least a full minute, probably with my mouth hanging open in amazement. In all the times that I had ridden a train I had never been a First Class compartment. There was a couch on one side and on the other a bed (bunk?) already made up and turned down. A door opened into a small shower combined with a commode and a folding lavatory with a mirror,. I removed my uniform blouse, took off my necktie, unbuttoned my shirt sleeve and rolled them up. I sat on the couch and removed my shoes and socks. I leaned back, exhaled deeply, hoping I hadn't gotten in over my head. About that time the door opened and she entered carrying my bag. I rose to meet her. She grinned, saying, "It was probably best that I did go get this." "The porter looked at me rather quizzically but I just smiled at him and all he said was ‘Have a good evening ma'am'." Lisa placed my bag on the floor, extended both hands, grasping mine and pulling me close saying "Now where were we before I so rudely interrupted?". I stood back slightly, and with both hands unbuttoned her jacket. She shrugged her shoulders and the jacket fell to the floor, forgotten for the moment as we resumed the kiss where we left off. As our bodies pressed together I could feel her breasts pushing against my chest. Lisa moved slightly and I sensed her hard nipples. My hands went up her back searching for a bra strap. Not finding one I moved my hand around and cupped her breast, exploring with my thumb and forefinger for a nipple. I found it, hard as a little pebble. When I massaged it she moaned quietly and pulled me closer, moving her pelvis in little circles against my reawakened manhood. Lisa removed one hand from the back of my neck and reached for my other ‘head' which by now seemed to have more blood than my brain. She laid her open palm against me, her fingertips cupping my balls and slowly drew upward pressing against me. A small ‘Mmmm' mingled with our kiss. After a moment hesitation she reached for and mastered my military belt buckle followed by the button and zipper of my pants. As they slithered down my legs I felt a smooth warm hand enter the fly of my military style boxers. She took a light hold on my cock, her palm facing me, three fingers extended downward to my balls and her thumb and little finger along each side of my engorged member. The heel of her hand pressed my dick against my stomach as she began a slow easy massage. I wanted to return the favor and moved my hand toward her pelvic area, thinking I could get my hand into the waistband of the skirt. I fumbled, finding the skirt too tight to get into I tried to unbutton it in the back but failed at that also. She stepped away saying, "Let me help, see if you can keep up." She turned her back, removed her blouse, reached back and unzipped her skirt. With my eyes glued to what was transpiring I raced through removing my shirt, my GI boxer shorts and T-shirt. When she unbuttoned her skirt, I realized that she wasn't wearing any panties. Lisa lowered the skirt in agonizing inches displaying a bit at a time an amazing pair of buttocks, matching little dimples on each cheek. Pausing for effect just as she reached her thighs she then released the skirt and let it fall. Her legs were just as gorgeous as I had imagined. The seams in her hose were as straight as an arrow. She undid her hose from the garterbelt and rolled the hose down her legs, bending forward from the waist as she did. My position behind her allowed tantalizing glimpses of her pussy as she did this. When she stood up after removing the last stocking I stepped up behind her, my cock laying upright in the crack of her ass. I reached around and placed my hands on her breasts. Firm and perky, her nipples seemed to drill into my palms. I leaned down, nuzzled her hair aside, kissed her on the neck and held her close to me. She threw her head back against my shoulder. I looked down and beheld the most perfect set of tits I had ever seen. The quarter sized areolae were tipped with nipples standing straight and proud, the size and shape of gumdrops. I traced a finger around each and felt her inhale. I cupped my hands under them and let them rest in my palms, feeling the weight and texture. Lisa ground her hips seductively onto my dick then quickly turned to face me. Tilting her head back she reached up and pulled me to her. Our mouths met and we began a passionate probing kiss. Her hands found my penis, drawing and squeezing. I held her with one arm around her shoulders and reached between us with my other hand, searching out her pussy. My fingers encountered her pubic hair, fine and sparse, and probed on, questing for her clit. I touched the hood covered nubbin and she reacted as if to an electric shock. "Oh, yesss" she hissed, momentarily breaking our kiss. We stood together, our hands gently exciting each other as our bodies swayed with the motion of the train. Our kisses and actions grew more intense with each passing moment. Our tongues probed and our hands explored. My fingers slid downward spreading her moist labia, reaching for her hot and willing hole. I inserted a finger and massaged front wall of her vagina as I pressed the heel of my hand against her clitoris. Her hips began to thrust, trapping my cock against her pelvic bone and shoving my finger ever deeper into her cunt. A sudden motion of the train car broke our rhythm and caused us to step apart to catch our balance and breath. After a quick peck of a kiss she turned and stepped away to open her overnight case. She extracted a small case resembling a makeup compact and something that resembled a tube of toothpaste. ‘Somewhat strange,' I thought, ‘but what the heck, why should I complain, so far this has been great.' As she turned back my eyes were drawn to her pubic area. The hair on her pussy was almost invisible, pure blond and fine, the first really true blond I had ever seen. Looking at me she asked, "You like?" I replied, "Very much, all of it is great." "Good," she said, "Now lay down on the bed and I'll be with you in a minute." With that she stepped into the shower area and closed the door. I did as I was told. This lady seemed to be totally in charge, knowing exactly what she wanted and orchestrating it to happen in that way. Quite a change from the girls I had known, who had some idea what was supposed to happen but were usually afraid to say what they really wanted. The thought passed my mind that I sort of liked this. I had lain there thinking of this for only a couple of minutes when she reappeared. She replaced the items in her case, came to the bed and lay down beside me. "Now we can get on with this," she whispered, "no more interruptions." Remembering the conversation that had led to this I figured that she was ready for me to demonstrate my ‘expertise'. What I had learned from the college girls was ‘take it slow'. I kissed Lisa lightly on the lips and then started the long trip. I kissed her chin, her jaw line and down to her neck. Tenderly licking, sucking and kissing I made my way downward. I laved and kissed her throat and the indentation where her collarbones met. Lisa rolled on her back, pulling up and opening her knees. I moved between them supporting myself on my knees. Placing my right hand on her left breast I pinched and twirled her nipple. I returned to kiss her on the mouth then lowered my head and took her right nipple between my lips and sucked in between my teeth. Nibbling carefully I continued to work on her left breast with my hand. Withdrawing her nipple from my mouth, I ran my tongue across the underside of her right tit. I bathed the entire breast with my tongue and finally ended up in the hollow just below her breastbone. Lisa had placed her hands on my head and was tracing her fingertips from the top of my head to my neck and across my shoulders only to begin the circuit again. Gently but firmly she urged me on, an occasional sigh or moan spurring my efforts. I embarked on the trail to her navel, nipping and kissing my way. Her abdomen convulsed in little spasms as I approached and circled this indentation. Her hands on my shoulders coaxed me downward. I continued on my journey, my tongue creating little spirals as it twined downward. When I reached the hair on her mound, I grasped a tuft between my lips and gave a faint tug. Her hips rose from the bed. I released the hair and let my tongue take a path that followed the outline of this blond patch around to the juncture of her legs and torso. The aroma of her pussy beckoned me, but I wanted to make this as good as I possibly could. I flattened my tongue between her inner thigh muscles and grasping her calf raised her leg as I licked to her knee in one long stroke. I kissed and sucked back toward her pussy and stopped just as I made contact with her outer lips. Changing to her other leg I repeated the same scenario. This time I stopped, hovering just over her open lips. I puffed small jets of my hot breath on her pussy and was rewarded by a moan and pressure from her hands to the back of my head. I shoved both hands under her ass and moved her buttocks upward planting her pussy firmly against my mouth. Extending my tongue, I delved into her willing snatch. More pressure on the back of my head. Her juices had already begun to flow and the taste and smell were heavenly. I pushed and probed as deeply as I could and she began to slowly ride my face. My tongue seemed to take on a mind of its own, flicking here and tasting there, always on the move. Moving up toward her clitoris, I ran the tip back and forth across the covering hood. I could feel her clit start to swell and I used my tongue to raise the hood. Feeling under the hood I touched her naked clit with the tip of my tongue. She slammed her pelvis into my face while holding my head tight against her mound. I maneuvered the hood with my tongue to uncover her clit and then sucked her little pearl between my lip-covered teeth. Holding her ass with both hands and pressing my head down to maintain my grip, I began to minister to the point of her clit that protruded in, between my lips. Lisa moaned, her thighs flailing along side my head as her pelvis rose and fell on my face. My tongue moved up and down, back and forth and in little circles, changing direction each time I thought that she might be approaching a climax. My rod was like steel, deriving pleasure from knowing I was giving pleasure. "Oh, SHIT!" Lisa yelled, as her legs clamped tightly around my head and her body was racked with spasms. I held tightly to her clit with my lips but let my tongue rest. As her climax subsided and her body relaxed I loosened the hold on her clit and ran my tongue down her slit. Thrusting into her cunt I tasted the profusion of her fluids. I explored her labia, licking and sucking them into my mouth. I entered her vagina, curling my tongue and trying to consume as much of her sweet nectar as I could find. My ego was not going to be satisfied with only having helped Lisa to one climax. I began to lick and suck on her privates once more. I had only just began when she lifted my head and broke the contact. Raising herself up on her elbows, she looked down at me and smiled. My heart sank, thinking that I must have messed up someway. Lisa chuckled, I suppose at what must have been my expression of extreme chagrin. My heart sank even further. She began to speak, "Don't worry, you did very good." "Would you be offended if I would offer some hints that might make it even better?" Always being open to learn something new, especially about sex, I replied, "Not at all." "Good," she replied and reached back, retrieving a pillow. Folding it in half, she raised her butt and placed the pillow under it. "That will free your hands for better things. Now do you know the alphabet?" "Alphabet?" I puzzled aloud. "Yes, you know ABC's." "Yes, of course, but..." " Well." she interjected, "just to add a little unexpected variety occasionally, use your tongue to write them on my clit." "Try it, I think we'll both like it and it will let you use some new tongue muscles and let others rest." Eager to get back to the sweet taste and smell of her pussy, I started over. I began with the alphabet, finding it much easier to accomplish than I had imagined. From deep in my memory emerged the old childhood rhyme, ‘ABCDEFG' ‘HIJKLMNOP'. Pausing between each verse I would revert, for a few moments, to my tried and true motions and then continue with the next verse of the rhyme. I inserted the index finger of my left hand into her vagina, seeking that soft spongy area on the front wall that always seemed to be more sensitive than others. Finding what I sought, I curled my fingertip up and down. Reaching up I gently applied pressure to her left nipple with the thumb and forefinger of my right hand. Pulling and rolling the nipple I caressed her breast with the remaining fingers. Lisa was responding more quickly this time. I didn't know whether this was from the effects of the new techniques or from the residual of the previous climax. Lisa again placed her hands on my head, holding me firmly in place as I continued both my oral and manual attentions. As Lisa's breathing quickened, I moved my right hand from her breast to her lower abdomen, pressing in gently on the area just above where her pubic hair began. Once again her hips began to rise and fall and her thighs picked up an ever increasing cadence. "Yes, yes, YES, Oh God," she cried as I continued, "I'm CUMMING, YES, YESSS." My head was caught in the vise of her thighs. I withdrew my finger from her cunt and with both hands removed her hands from my head and held them tightly as her body rocked to the conclusion of her climax. When her thighs relaxed enough for me to extradite myself, I moved up in the bed and enfolded her in my arms. I smothered her face with little kisses, her forehead, her eyelids, her nose and her cheeks. Our mouths met and opened, our tongues probing and wrestling. The taste and smell of her juices flowed from my mouth and face to hers, exciting us both. We lay together, reveling in our pleasure, arms entwined, lips locked in a passionate kiss. My still turgid cock was pressed tightly between our bodies. Occasionally she would rotate her lower torso slightly causing me to pulse against her. Lisa finally broke the kiss and pushed back, looking into my eyes she asked, "After you satisfied a girl at school what would happen?" "That all depended on the girl," I replied, "sometimes they would give me a hand job, some liked to go down on me and some times nothing. In that case I would go back to the dorm and masturbate. Occasionally we would just snuggle. I've even had to awaken some so they could get back in time to beat the 18 p.m. curfew at the women's dorm." "Would you let me watch while you masturbate?" she asked. "I suppose I could," I replied, perhaps a little disappointed. "Great," she said, "I really like to watch a man do that." With that she got up from the bed, got a tube of what turned out to be a lubricant from her case and returned to sit on the edge of the bed. "Here, this will help some, just don't cum." she said. "Get really close and then let me know." I sat up against the end of the bed, squeezed a small amount of the gel into my right hand and began to work it around the head and shaft of my penis. I closed my eyes and began to slowly move my hand up and down my cock. Knowing that she was watching made the situation even more erotic. With my eyes closed the sound of the wheels of the train on the track came though and with the sway of the car became part of the beat. I opened my eyes to find Lisa sitting on the far end of the bed, her eyes riveted on my cock and both hands on her pussy. She had spread her labia with two fingers of her left hand and the index finger of her right hand moving in tight furious little circles on her clit. I began to pound my rigid cock with renewed vigor, feeling my balls drawing up against the base of my prick. "Now, NOW!" I rasped. In a flash she lunged forward, grabbing my cock out of my hands and plunging her mouth over its head. Her lips and tongue worked up and down my penis, one of her hands cupped my balls, kneading and squeezing. Up on her knees now, her other hand was frantically thrusting into her cunt. "I'm cumming" I moaned. Lisa engulfed my cock and squeezed my balls. Her body stiffened as I shot load after hot load down her throat and she reached yet another climax. She rolled the head of my dick with the base of her tongue causing my whole body to shake. The glans of my penis was so sensitive that any movement of her mouth caused me to writhe with pleasure bordering on pain. As her own climax ebbed Lisa released her grip on my cock, letting my slackening member drop from her mouth. She rose to kiss me full on the mouth, her tongue stabbing between my lips. Her cum and mine now mingled, forming an exotic cocktail. We continued to kiss, enjoying the taste, smell and slickness of mixed cum on our faces. We moved prone on the bed, our bodies pressed together, my still flaccid cock nestled next to her groin. My mind raced, reviewing the pleasures, both given and received. Sated, we relaxed into a state of euphoria. Lisa stretched lazily, raising her arms above her head, accentuating her firm breasts. Stifling a yawn she said "That was really fantastic, you are a quick learner." "When are you supposed to arrive at your destination?" she asked. "Some time after noon tomorrow," I replied. "Would you like to stay the night, I would love the company and we could start in the morning where we left off." Ecstatic, I readily agreed. Visions of more of these delights filled my thoughts. Lisa turned her back and spooned against me. Her butt fit perfectly against me. I reached around and nestled a breast in one hand. I heard her say sleepily, " ‘Nite, sweet dreams."End of the first day.This has just gotten too long. Let me know if I should continue into the next day.And yes, if you're wondering, we did, more than once