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Kalla: Ch. 3


Chapter 3One half an hour past the twelfth, Princess Dakota would become Queen Dakota, the youngest queen to date in our empire. I had left Dakota at the eleventh hour and began my preparations. Stepping from her best friend zone, I became her manager; incredible responsibilities now were bestowed to me. Mother helped a lot too. After that day of widespread panic among the empire, mother did not know where she fit in. The council kept her in the palace as I was the Princess’s head servant and she herself was a very valuable asset with her extensive knowledge of the royal family. They proposed to position her under the Princess but I protested to Dakota that I did not want to govern my own mother in such a way. Dakota under the wishes of mother to remain employed, promoted her to a royal advisor. She claimed to the council that her knowledge of the royal family in all its history and current policy, would provide the current advising court with great wisdom and intellect. I don’t think that Dakota herself worded it like so but that was how the council inducted her.After that issue was solved, Dakota no longer wanted to live with me as her servant. She knew that I wished most to work for her and knew that with my knowledge, indeed it would be best for me to work for her rather than just play as a friend. She went to the council and demanded that I be promoted to the head advisor. Both the council and I protested. The council for I was too young and inexperienced; I for not wanting to be directly over mother. Dakota was determined though and began investigating everybody in the palace about me. I learned of this from the servants claiming that I was in trouble with the Princess. It wasn’t until a sentry approached me after such a confrontation and informed me that there was no worry. Dakota was determining my strengths, what I did for her when I was not directly with her. Dakota never told me about it, I learned all I knew of it from that one sympathetic sentry at that one time. I knew that Dakota was waiting, when she was crowned Queen, she would promote me to something that she knew that the council would never let her do under their power, I just hoped that she would respect my one wish of not putting me over mother. I walked onto the palaces main balcony upon the third floor. It was a bit higher than the third floor of an average commoners house (that is if one were to have three floors), the palace floors were very tall and grand. I looked out to the front yard and saw a sea of people; there were more people than I had ever seen. The lead sentry following me reported that there were and estimated twenty-five thousand people currently on royal grounds to watch the crowning, with another forty thousand people in the neighbor city.“Ninety percent won’t even be able to make out the shape of the balcony, why?” I asked.“Many for pride in just being present for such an event, and many for fear that they would be questioned for not showing their support,” the sentry replied.I looked to my left and right and could not even count the number of sentries lined shoulder to shoulder from one end to the other on a balcony that stretched the length of the Royal Palace. There where at least a thousand more between the people and the palace itself on the ground. The twenty five thousand people were broken into gigantic squares leaving a narrow grid to lace the land. Sentries marched in units of six, one pair after the other, down the lines of the grid, the lead sentry yelling into a enormous cone magnifying his or her voice. “What are they saying?” I asked.“At crowning of the Princess, great flags will be raised over the palace and horns will sound, at this time, all will bow. Not even the new Queen will be able to protect you if you do not bow at this time for it is the last show of total power in the council that she shall not pardon any who disobey this one act of respect,” he said.“That is not true, the council has no such power after Princess Dakota is crowned. They can have such offenders punished but they cannot prevent the Queen from pardoning.”“It is merely a scare tactic to suppress those who believe that such a young Queen would be sympathetic and easy to sway.” I shrugged what he said away. I was still in awe of the people. So many people, and they were all here for my master, my best friend, the one who sees me as her older sister. “What you see is not even half the protection in place,” the head sentry boasted to me. His bragging would probably be right too. If you wanted to wipe the government clean from the empire, targeting the palace now would be the best time. The entire council was there, the new Queen, all her advisors, and everybody who was anybody in the government. Not to mention, royal subjects from three other nations were present for the inauguration. But with seeing about two thousand royal sentries that day, and that only being half of the protection, plus the addition of about twenty-five thousand supporters in the immediate vicinity, one would need an unimaginably large army.Though as the day played out, no discrepancies followed through except one, one which we did not learn of until several days later. The council did find another discrepancy though, but not too many people count that. Queen Dakota pronounce me as the Royal Confidant, a position that she decided to make up. I think that she should have come to me first for a better name but it wasn’t the worst title one could be given by a fourteen year old girl. It was much like the head advisor but a bit different in that it was completely separated from the advising court and it basically placed me on an equal pedestal to the Queen. The way she tried describing it to me, it sounded a lot like being a Vice President to a President in a democratic nation. I had only learned of such government from ancient texts of our origin, people here and now had too much love for power to attempt such a feat. After fumbling long enough with an explanation, Dakota just gave up and told me to do whatever I wanted and I would have the power to do it. I just basically outranked everybody in the empire except her. She did word it though that I would use the advisors as she did, so I wasn’t directly over mother but worked with her as an advisor, or simply put, as a mother.It was four days after the crowning when our first international situation arose. The nation of Sydnee sent four infuriated representatives. Sydnee was a nation of mages, the only nation of mages. They were small but powerful. They never really played a large role in any documented historical events unless they were threatened. Generally, they kept to themselves, but they were always glad to help those of us who lacked their abilities. It made international relations less shaky when the occasional rouge mage became a bit power hungry and began playing with our kind.At the crowning of Queen Dakota, approximately twenty-five thousand minus one people bowed to the new ruler. The one was taken and imprisoned as expected and with no telling of the Queen, the council’s way of having her not intervene. Now four Royal Mage Guards were demanding that their prince be set free. Dakota, after hearing that her people had imprisoned the prince of an allied nation, turned infuriated. The mages had wanted a response but found the one Dakota presented a bit too extreme. They attempted in calming her.“The young master has done such things before, and from the scout sent to follow his escape, he was dressed as a mere commoner so it would be easy to mistake him for one.”The mages were let to stay in the Palace as long as they pleased, by Dakota’s ruling. By night, the prisoner had arrived. I stood to the right of Dakota as the Prince was presented. Prince Elijah. At nineteen, he looked amazing wearing the royal garments brought for him by his guards. Too amazing; he did not look as if coming from a prison. I knew he had been bathed beforehand but a sentry had told me to expect the worst. They had thought him a supporter of the attempted usurp and treated him no less. It was the first time his guards, Dakota, or I had seen him that day and we were all amazed at his perfection. Dakota was taken to a whole different world while looking at him. Dakota had chosen to change into her royal garments for the arrival of the Prince. She was said to be the most beautiful Princess and then Queen in the Kalla’s history, and in her royal garments, her beauty was multiplied by three. It was constructed of magnificent pure white and thick cotton clothes, layered onto her body as if they grew from her shoulders as naturally as a flower’s pedals. In platinum laced silk, bold swirling designs decorated the cloth with empirical beauty. Her royal shoulder blade length hair fell down her back, and only the slightest of drag in the gown beset the floor behind her. A mere finger would be all that one could press under the front of her garment and the floor. Dakota didn’t wear it often because it restricted her movement for running around the palace. She wore it outside the palace and for important guests only. When she did sport it though, she loved every minute of it. It was heavy enough to make her feel safe but when she wore it, it was all she wore. After a day of visiting the public, she would push the gown off her with incredible speed and jump her naked body onto her bed and begin releasing all the built up pleasure she gained throughout the day. She loved the feeling of being completely nude in public under a single loose fitting gown.I could only imagine how she was now dying at the sight of the Prince in front of her. Such a man standing before her in all his majesty and she was in the nude under that garment. All he would have to do would be put each hand on her shoulders and pull the cloth straight up over her limp arms; she would be completely naked and at his mercy. I looked over and could easily see that Dakota was dying in the room with so much potential but no release.Prince Elijah was a bit taller than the average man and his showing muscles were very tone. I did notice that his four guards looked outraged beyond description but held it in as best they could. They saw something in him that Dakota and I did not see. The Prince walked before Dakota and knelt to one knee and waited for her to raise her hand. Slowly in shock from about to be touched by such a man, she lifted her hand. Raising her arms had always teased Dakota more. As her arm lifted, the large opening for her wrist dropped down bringing a cool draft into her garment directly into contact with her budding nipple. If angled correctly, one could easily look up the dark tunnel to meet the view of the young Queen’s budding breast. I believe at least two young boys were graced with such an honor; a pity though that they were too young to appreciate it.At a low angle toward the Prince, Dakota moved her arm meeting it with his hand. Prince Elijah gently took hold of her hand and honorably kissed the back of it. For a girl as sexually excitable as her, Dakota was probably afraid to move. Her vaginal bulge had probably dripped a few drops onto the ground by now, consisting of a mixture of sweat and her natural forming lubricant, spilling from the slit.“I would truly love to speak with you, your highest,” the Prince spoke as he moved up from kneeling, “but I feel that my Royal Guards wish my private presence immediately.”“You may send for me whenever you are ready,” Dakota replied as coolly as she could.The Prince bowed and turned to leave. Dakota looked to me, then to the floor below her. I understood. She turned and took a step forward. I casually took a step behind her, placing my foot on the slight drag in her gown and rubbed it into the floor absorbing any liquids. If she would have had her legs closed, it would have only run down her leg, but then again, she would have probably lost balance at the sight of the Prince.Quickly, I followed her to her room. One of the guarding sentries saw us speedily marching toward Dakota’s quarters and raced to unlock the door. I stepped before the Queen and pushed the heavy door open. Dakota sprang in and I shut the door quickly and locked it.Dakota had little more patients. She squirmed her arms into her sleeves while in the small front room and pushed the garment over her head with incredible speed. The heavy fabric fell to the ground by the wall as she dropped to the floor immediately and drove the palm of her hand between her legs. Her knees flew into the air as she outstretched her legs to their furthest. Her young nude body laid on the floor as she panted insanely while pushing her arm’s muscles between her legs. She pulled back her palm and replaced it with her fingers, sliding them rapidly with immense pressure over her slit. She pulled back once more and then pushed forward driving her small middle finger into her slit. A very long stream of Os and As radiated from her mouth. In and out, she repeatedly drove her single finger through her organ’s opening. She didn’t care how loud she was. Her barely visible breasts puffed in and out rapidly from her breathing. Her almost screaming tone seemed to do little justice to the pleasure she was showing in her face. Her eyes were closed and air shot with amazing speeds in and out of her small throat as her finger pounded inside her tiny hole. Dakota’s voice began to break as the piling sweat from her chest rolled to her back and melted into the carpet. The young naked female body below my eyes squirmed and shuddered as she rode on the brink of orgasm. Her screams and pants echoed through the occupying entry room. Her tiny legs shivered back and forth, squeezed her thumping hand deeper into her near convulsing organ.Then her back arched high into the air as her eyes scrunched even tighter shut and her hips began bucking back and forth. Her screams broke into spurts with the movement of her hips. I could only admire as the muscles in her young virgin vagina pounded and squeezed back in victory onto the invading thrashing finger inside.She looked about to faint when finally her back fell to the ground and her eyes sprang open with her lone finger holding still inside of herself. Her stomach panted up and down as she stared up at me. “Do everything in your power to keep that Prince here,” was all she could squeeze out of her throat.I grabbed a clean handkerchief from an end table and knelt down to Dakota’s hips. I gently took hold of her hand and slowly slurped it out of her tiny soaking crack. Pushing it to the side, I gently massaged between her legs with the napkin to absorb her body’s fluids. Her small panting tummy slowed gradually as her young naked form laid exhausted on the carpet.Continued...