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Mom and Dad Are The Experts


They finished putting the bags away and went out to join the girls in the back yard. Mary and Alice were sitting on the back porch drinking white wine and talking like two women who hadn't seen each other in over six months, which they hadn't. Sam and his dad sat down and joined in the conversation. Sam and Alice told his parents how busy her practice was becoming. The area in which they were living was undergoing a housing boom, with many young couples buying the new houses. Young couples had young children and Alice's pediatric practice was getting a lot of the new children, which was keeping her extremely busy. Sam's law practice was also benefiting from the housing boom. New businesses were coming into the area and he was getting many of them for his clients. His office had enlarged; he had expanded to have three lawyers working with him. That was very good for a young lawyer not yet even thirty-five. Mary and Phil couldn't have been prouder of their son and daughter-in-law. They weren't surprised, Sam worked hard in high school and college, and he was always studying. They were surprised he took time away from his studies to meet Alice, but after getting to know Alice, she was just like Sam, always studying. After Sam and Alice finished telling them about the last six months and how busy they were, Phil and Mary caught them up on their lives. For a couple in their middle fifties, they were sure busy, a trip to Vegas, one to New England and a visit to Disney World. Phil's business was established and able to get along without him for weeks at a time. This was different from Sam's childhood, when his dad was always working. Maybe that's why Sam felt very close to his mother, she was always there for him, her only child. After they had caught up on each other's lives, Sam looked at Alice; there was a look of apprehension in his stare. Alice gave him a slight nod to show him some encouragement. Sam began to explain why he and Alice had taken time out of their busy schedule to visit Phil and Mary. He told his parents that while Alice's and his professional life were excellent; something in their personnel life was not – their sex life. He explained that both he and Alice were very much in love with each other, but their sex life was not what they wanted. They didn't get the extreme satisfaction out of their love making, not like some other people. Sam went on to explain that they both were very inexperienced when it came to love making. Both he and Alice had had only one other partner before they met each other and it wasn't very satisfying for either of them. They had tried to spice up their love life. They had rented porno movies, but they could never duplicate, with the same success, what they saw on the screen. They read books about sex, which helped somewhat, but not to the degree they hoped for. They had both came to the same solution, they needed another couple to teach them. Sam explained that they had thought about placing an ad in the personals, but they felt it would be too risky. If they were identified, it would ruin their careers. So they came up with one conclusion, Sam paused, glanced at Alice, whose smile gave him encouragement and told his parents they wanted them to, be their teachers. Phil and Mary seemed taken back by their son's request. Phil wanted to know why they thought he and Mary could help them. Also, what kind of help did they want from Mary and him? He didn't know how he and his wife could explain it any clearer than a book. How did Sam think they could help with Sam and Alice's sex life? Sam nervously cleared his throat and explained how he Alice had arrived at their conclusion. First, when he and Alice realized they needed expert help, they tried to think of all the couples they knew and how sexually happy the couples seemed. The second important ingredient was how compatible he and Alice were with that couple. The last point was how much they could trust the couple to be secretive about the arrangement. Sam explained that his parents were the only couple that both he and Alice agreed would fill all their requirements. Phil wanted to know what Alice and Sam specifically wanted from Mary and him. After all they were his parents and the "it" seemed, to him, that Sam was suggested a "hands on" approach to the problem. Alice, who had let Sam do most of the talking, spoke up. Her eyes were looking down at the table and her voice was almost a whisper when she talked. She and Sam had discussed this for more than a year and they tried to come up with a more logical solution, but they always returned to this solution. She glanced up and looked directly at Phil and then Mary, She told them how much respect and love they both felt for Phil and Mary. She and Sam would understand if they did not want to help them, but she asked them to listen to the reasoning behind their request. Alice told her in-laws that she and Sam were well aware of how much sexual electricity was between Phil and Mary. She remembered the first time she visited their house, they had just gotten engaged, and she was awakened during the night with the sounds of passionate love making come from Phil and Mary's room. It was very vocal and seemed to be quite intense, this was something entirely new to Alice – her parents seemed to be bored with each other. When she got up in the morning, she asked Sam if he had heard the noise coming from his parent's room. His response was that you get use to it, they are always making love, and sometimes they're even louder. Alice told Mary and Phil that after she and Sam got married, they tried to reach the level of enjoyment, in their sex life, that Mary and Phil seemed to have achieved, but without a great deal of success. In fact, the results in the beginning were dismal, Alice seldom had an orgasm and Sam's orgasms did little to satisfy him. Alice told Phil and Mary, she and Sam wanted what they had. Mary joined in the discussion. She told her son and daughter-in-law that she was flattered that they thought Phil and Mary, a middle-aged couple, were their role models for sexual success. She and Phil would help them as much as possible, but it sounded like they wanted Phil and her to actually involve themselves in Sam and Alice's love making. Mary expressed a lot of reservation, after all that was incest, wasn't it? Sam spoke up, yes they were asking for his parents to get involved in their lovemaking. However, he pointed out, Mary and he never had a traditional mother/son relationship. It was more like friends, very close friends. Turning to his father, Sam said that he knew he was attracted to Alice, Phil had commented on how beautiful and sexy Alice was when she let her "hair down." A few vacations they took together, such as those days at the beach, Sam had seen his father staring at Alice in her bikini, so he knew there was an attraction there. Alice had always found Phil very attractive and sexy also. Alice looked at Phil, half smiling half blushing. Yes it was true that she found Phil very attractive and sexy, she commented, she had thought that, from the day they met. She had given long, serious thought, almost a year, as to whom she wanted for a teacher. She thought of different men, but she came to the same conclusion, if anyone were going to teach how to have a fulfilled sex life, it would be Phil. Phil stated, yes it was true, when Alice was a very sexy and attractive lady. He did find her very desirable and was very flattered to find out she felt the same way about him. He was pleased that a man of his age could be someone with whom Alice would want to be sexually involved. He did think of her as a daughter, but she wasn't really related, so there was not a big problem. However, what about Sam and Mary, they were mother and son, that was an entirely different situation. Sam spoke up. He had thought about the consequences of Mary teaching him how to make love to a woman. At first, he dismissed it as something perverted and wrong. However the more he pondered all of the solutions, the more he realized that his mother would be perfect. He thought back to his childhood, Mary was always there for him. Usually she was his playmate. His dad's business was just getting started, it demanded an enormous amount of time, and so Mary and Sam were alone often. She was his best friend. Sam, as a toddler, was a sickly child; he couldn't go out and play with the other child. This caused him to become a bookworm. When he became stronger and could play outside, it usually was with his mom. She showed him how to throw a baseball, climb a tree, kick a ball and all the other things boys his age could do. She was always there to comfort him if he hurt himself or the other children picked on him. Mary was never modest around Sam, for that matter neither was Phil. If Sam came into her bedroom when she was undressed, she never made an effort to cover up. When he was curious about where babies came from, she told him the truth, she didn't use the old stork fable. He always heard his parents making love and at an early age, Mary told him that was the way she and his father showed how much they loved each other. During his teen years, Phil's business was quite profitable. They could afford a house in the country with a swimming pool. Sam's summer break from school was spent around the pool with Mary. She always had sexy bathing suits, but she only wore the most revealing ones when she was with family. Sam loved to look at her body. He had seen Playboy magazines and their pictures, but he always thought Mary was prettier and sexier than any of the models. Sam looked at his parents, with his profession he had learned how to read the faces of people and tell how his case was affecting them. Now he was trying to determine what his parents thought of the pleading of his case, he couldn't get a read just yet, so he continued his story. He told of how Mary would suntan topless, first only when he wasn't around. However, he had accidentally caught her sunbathing topless so many times, after a while; she did not bother to cover up when he was around. He loved to look at her breasts. He thought they were the prettiest things he had ever seen. At that age, he thought they were huge, much bigger than ay of the girls in his classes at school. Now he realizes they were probably a C or D cup. They didn't sag much and he liked the way they bounced up and down when she walked. The nipples were deep red, about the size of a quarter. When she would get out of the pool or a breeze would make her chilly they became erect. He liked that the best. He told of the day he will always remember. It was the summer in which he had turned fifteen. He and his mom were lying around the pool sunbathing; she was topless as usual. She was lying on her stomach painting her nails. When she was finished, she turned over and lay on her back. Within a couple of minutes, she realized that she needed to reapply some suntan lotion. She couldn't apply it because of her wet nails. She asked Sam to rub it on her. Sam put it on her shoulders, arms, stomach and legs, he avoided touching her breasts. Mary looked at him and told him she did want to have sunburned boobs, his father would be upset if he couldn't play with them for a few days, so Sam should also rub the lotion on them. Sam couldn't believe his ears; he was finally going to touch the object of his fantasies for the last few years. He put some lotion on his hands and he gently rubbed one of her breasts. He took his time making sure every inch of her breast was covered with lotion; finally he got to the nipple. It was already getting hard when he touched it and he felt it get even harder as he rubbed the lotion on it. He looked at his mother to see how she was reacting to his caresses. Her eyes were closed and she had a funny look on her face. Soon, she mentioned that that one was finished and he should do the other one. He repeated the same process, but when he got to the nipple it was as hard as rock. When he was finished, Mary opened her eyes and looked at him; she thanked him and called him her good boy. Her eyes went down to the bulge in his bathing suit, by now Sam had a raging erection and it was quite evident in his tight bathing suit. She quickly looked up at him and told him he was no longer her little boy; he was now her young man, her big young man. Sam was embarrassed and horny; he quickly excused himself and went into the house to masturbate. He went into the powder room, where he could look at his mom while he jerked off. What he saw surprised him, she was still lying on her back, but her hand was inside her bikini bottoms rubbing herself, Sam realized she was playing with herself. When Sam finished his story, he realized he was flushed and breathing heavy. As he looked at his parents and then his wife, he found he wasn't the only one caught up in the telling of his favorite story. His wife had heard it before, it never failed to get her excited. When he looked at his parents, he saw that they too were aroused, just like him and Alice. Phil looked at Sam and then at Mary, he said he had forgotten about that incident. Sam was shocked to find out his father knew about it. Phil told Sam and Alice, how he and Mary were worried about Sam during his teenage years. He never seemed to have many friends, he didn't play any sports, and he was always had his nose in a book. He was very content to hang out at home with his mother. They started to have some crazy ideas about his sexuality; they thought he could become a homosexual. Mary then took over telling the story. She and Phil decided to find out if Sam liked girls. Since she was the only girl Sam seemed to be comfortable around, she would test him. She deliberately wore revealing suits around him and even started to go topless in front of him. She thought she saw him stealing glances at her, but she wasn't sure. Phil came up with the idea of having Sam apply lotion to her breasts and observe Sam's reaction. She was relieved to find out Sam liked doing it and that he became very aroused. What amazed her was that she also became aroused and enjoyed Sam's caresses. She admitted that she and Phil had a very passionate love making session that night, after she told Phil of the results of her experiment. Sam wanted to know if Mary felt any guilt now, when she was recalling the incident. He felt some remorse when it first happened, but now he gets very aroused thinking about his incestual contact with her. In fact, some of the best lovemaking he and Alice have ever had, occurred after he told Alice the story. He wanted to know how Mary felt about that day. Mary admitted that she too had more positive than negative feelings about Sam's and her actions that day. She hadn't thought about it for a long time, but she admitted that she was aroused just thinking about that day. She looked at Phil, then at her son and his wife. Maybe what Sam and Alice were proposing was not that bad. After all, she always was there to help Sam, why should this be any different. She looked at Phil and said, after all it maybe more exciting than our last little adventure in Vegas. So you two are still swinging, was Sam's response to Mary's comment to his father. Both Phil and Mary looked shocked, Sam knew of their sexual activity. Reading the shock in their faces over his comment, Sam decided he better explain how he knew out about their swinging life style. Our vacation to Bear Lake was when he realized his parents were swingers, explained Sam. It happened on the day he was supposed go on a canoe trip with the other children, Sam divulged, he was thirteen and still shy. He didn't go and instead he went back to the cabin to see if he could sneak out a book and read someplace, that way his parents would know any thing about his unwillingness to be with other children. He quietly opened the back door and was about to sneak in his room, when he heard his parents making love again. Being a thirteen year old male with hormones raging in his body, he decided to peak in on them. He carefully crawled into the hallway leading to living room and stopped at the doorway. When he looked in the room, he not only saw his mother and father, but the couple that was in the next cabin. Sam paused and looked at his parents, then at Alice. Alice knew what he was about to say; this was another one of the stories about Sam's parents that got them hot and horny. Sam's parents looked a little shocked, but didn't seem very embarrassed. Sam continued, He told how he saw his father on his knees pumping his cock in and out of the red haired lady from the next cabin. She was on her knees and Phil was behind her, Sam could see her big tits sway back and forth every time Phil slammed into her. The woman's face was contorted and she seemed like she was in pain, later in life, Sam realized she was in the throes of an orgasm; at the time he thought his father was hurting her. Sam watched as Phil reached down and started kneading the woman's tits. When he squeezed her nipples the woman moaned even louder. She started yelling, telling Phil to fuck her harder and faster. Soon the woman gave out a loud moan and her body started shaking as she collapsed onto the floor. At the same time Sam's father grabbed her hips and shoved his cock all the way inside of her. He too moaned, and held on to her hips as he kept pumping faster and faster, then he collapsed on top of her. Phil looked at Sam, then Alice and finally at Mary. Phil explained he remembered that day and vacation. Almost boasting, he stated what a great ass that Jenny, the woman had and how he enjoyed screwing the shit out of her. Mary smiled at Phil and stated she had a great time with the woman's husband. Both Alice and Sam thought his parents didn't seem embarrassed at being caught by Sam. Sam looked at Mary, she really did enjoy it, as he recalled. He continued with his recollection of that day. After his father and the woman had finished, Sam had shifted his attention to his mother and the man. The man was lying on his back and Mary was on top of him. They were positioned so that Sam was looking at a profile of his mother. At first she was moving up and down on the man's cock, very slowly. When she came down and had all of the man inside of her, she seemed to grind her body into his. What ever she did, it seemed to be pleasurable for both of them. Watching Mary's breasts bounce up and down on her chest, her nipples were very hard, as hard as Sam's cock became by watching the two couples, fascinated Sam. He watched as the man, underneath his mother, reached up and grabbed her breasts, paying particular attention to her nipples. This stimulated Mary, who responded by increasing the tempo of her movements. Suddenly the man sat up and sucked on Mary's breasts, even biting them. This sent Mary over the edge, she moaned and cried out for more Soon they were both groaning loudly and breathing very heavy. All of a sudden the man's body stiffened, he grabbed onto Mary's hips and slammed her down on his cock. Mary reached behind the man and played with his balls. That did it; the man began to pump his cock in and out of Mary for about ten or fifteen seconds. Then he yelled and his body went limp. Mary collapsed on top of the man a few seconds later. As Sam looked around the table, everyone was flushed and breathing quite heavily. Alice was the first to speak. She told Phil and Mary that the first time Sam told her that story; they had some of the best sex of their marriage. In fact, any time he told any story involving his parent's; their sex was better than usual. Phil spoke up. He felt that what just happened was interesting. They had all gotten quite turned on from Sam account of an incident that happened almost twenty years ago. As he looked around the table, no one seemed embarrassed. In fact, if his erection was any indication of the other people, just the opposite had occurred, they all got quite horny. Maybe they could help Sam and Alice; he glanced at Mary to see how she felt. Mary agreed with Phil, she too was very turned on, somehow hearing an account of their sexual encounters, as told by her son, was quite stimulating. What Sam had seen or had experienced at a young age, didn't seem to have caused any type of neurotic behavior in Sam, at least other than the fact than Sam appeared to have a slight obsession about his mother. Alice said it herself, after any of Sam's recollections about the sexual side of his mother; Sam was a much better partner in bed. Possibly, if Sam fulfills this deep seated desire to have sex with his mother, he and Alice can have a better sex life. Moreover, if that was not the case, then they can learn from her and Phil. So her answer was that she would help them. Sam and Alice seemed relived; they hoped that this would solve their problem. Everyone got up from the table and started hugging and kissing each other. First the spouses hugged and kissed each other. Then Sam and Phil hugged, as did Mary and Alice. Finally Alice went to Phil and Sam went to his mother. They hugged and started kissing; however, this was a different kiss between them. It was a typical father/daughter-in-law kiss or a mother/son kiss in the beginning, but soon it changed. For both couples, they became kisses between a man and his woman Alice felt Phil press his body tight up against hers. The kiss became more passionate, soon their mouths were open and their tongues were exploring each other's. Phil's hands went down to Alice's tight butt, he squeezed it, very gently, and then he pushed her body tight against his. Alice felt his erection pressing into her body; he felt smaller than Sam did. She responded by pressing her breasts into Phil's chest. She hoped he could feel how hard her nipples were, she sure could. Phil could feel Alice's hot body pressing against his. He always loved to have younger women during his and Mary's swapping incidents. In fact, his orgasms were more intense when the younger woman reminded him of Alice. This weekend will allow him to fulfill the deep seated desire that he didn't want to admit, even to himself, until now, he wanted to fuck his son's wife. He could feel her perky breast pushing against his chest. Was there any better feeling than having a woman’s breasts pressing flat against your chest? Phil wondered, he didn't think so, not for him, at least. When their kiss was finished, they realized that their mates were watching them and smiling. Both Sam and Mary were very happy that Alice and Phil seemed so wrapped up in each other. It was obvious to Phil and Alice, that Sam and Mary had strong feelings for each other and had them for a long time. Now, the way Alice and Phil were reacting to each other, there wouldn't be any problems when the mother/son incestual relationship does finally happen. Sam and Mary hugged, not like they hugged a thousand times before. This time there was new meaning in this embrace. It was a lover's embrace, not a mother/son embrace. They both enjoyed feeling the other's body pressing tight against theirs. They could allow the feelings of lust for each other come forth; something neither one had every let happen. Their lips met in a kiss, tentative at first then, more and more sexual. Soon their lips parted and their tongues were plunging deep into the other's mouth. Sam's hands traveled up and down Mary's back, finally coming to rest on her ass. He kneaded, squeezed and fondled it. It wasn't as firm and tight as his wife's, but it was his mother's! He was squeezing his mother's ass and she was responding by pushing her pelvic region tight against his body. Sam was in heaven, he had only fantasized about this day, and he never thought it would happen. But here he was making out with his mother, in front of his wife and father and every one was happy with it. Mary, too, was enjoying this lover's embrace, with her own son. She was becoming very turned on by it. Feelings she suppressed for years were coming to the surface. She started grinding her pelvis against his erection. She wanted to jump her son's bones. She couldn't believe a few minutes earlier, she had reservations about it. Now it appeared to be the most normal thing imaginable. Phil's voice brought them both out of their sexual trance. Come on you two, let's go inside and continue this. They both looked up and saw Phil and Alice walking arm in arm, toward the back door. Mother and son followed, knowing that they were about to change their relationship forever. The two couple went into the family room and sat down. Phil spoke up and again took the lead in the conversation. He pointed out that although he and Mary were swingers, and had been for a long time, Sam and Alice weren't. They might have reservations about having sex in front of other people. He mentioned that if he and Mary were to help their son and daughter-in-law have a better sex life, and then they would have to see how Alice and Sam made love. Phil pointed out you can't fix something until you know what broken. He also noticed that Alice, in their earlier discussions, said that the best sex she and Sam had, was after Sam told a story involving his mother. Taking into account everything that has happened and was spoken in the last hour, Phil had come up with a plan. It should solve both the problem of Sam and Alice having sex in front of people and it would give him and Mary the opportunity of observing Sam and Alice at their best. Phil suggested that Phil and Mary make love first, in front of their son and his wife. This should make Sam and Alice more relaxed about having sex in front of people. It also should make Sam hornier then every, which should lead Sam to be at his best Phil looked around the room to see if the other participants agreed with his plan. One by one, they nodded their heads in agreement. Seeing that he had their approval, Phil set things in motion. He and Mary got up and went to the closet, off the family room. They came back into the room with a large roll of something. They set it down and rolled it out onto the family room rug. It was a large, plush mat. They looked at Alice and Sam, Mary said, this will make it much more comfortable than just the carpet. She told her son and his wife how their swinging parties used this mat in the family room. When you become at ease of having sex in front of other people, you can experience the full effect of the room, Mary told them. Phil looked at his son and wife sitting together on one of the sofas. Phil suggested that it would be fun if the two couples continued what they were doing outside. When everyone gets naked, they would go back to their spouses. Everyone was still worked up over what happened out on the porch and they readily agreed to Phil's plan. Phil and Mary got up and went over to where Alice and Sam were sitting. Phil grabbed Alice's hand, helped her up and led her to the center of the room. Meanwhile, Mary sat down aside of her son. Phil took Alice in his arms and again started kissing her on the lips. It was a very passionate kiss. His hands roamed up and down her body, grabbing her ass, caressing her back, and rubbing the sides of her breasts. Alice's hands were busy also, roaming up and down Phil's body. Gently, Phil lowered Alice to the floor where they were laying in each other's arms. Phil broke the embrace and nibbled on her ear and neck. His hands moved down to the buttons on Alice's blouse. While he was undoing the buttons, his kisses found her other ear and then the neck. Finally he had her buttons undone. As he opened her blouse and was in the process of removing it, his lips found her shoulders. When the blouse was removed, he moved back and admired Alice. She had on a very sexy, lacy bra hat pushed her breasts up and gave her ample cleavage. Phil thought Alice never looked sexier than now. She was almost glowing. Phil buried his head in the valley of those beautiful, sensual boobs. As he was kissing them, his hands moved to her back and he quickly undid the clasp of her bra. He gently slipped it off her shoulders and again he moved back to enjoy the view. Phil had seen Alice in a bikini many times, but this was the first time he saw her topless. The first thing that caught his eye was the firmness of her breasts. They hardly sagged when her bra was removed. His attention then went to her nipples, which were a beautiful pink color. They were perfect circles, about the size of a quarter and they rock hard, sticking out about a half of an inch. Phil couldn't resist himself, what man could, he thought? He bent down and took a nipple in his lips, he sucked it gently into his mouth, and a slight moan escaped her mouth. Then Phil gently nibbled on it, biting it while he was sucking it in and out of his mouth. This caused a louder, longer moan from Alice. He then did the same to the other breast. Alice's breathing became louder and more rapid, she pulled Phil's head to her breast, crushing it against her body and held him there. Suddenly, Alice's body shock and a loud, long moan escaped from Alice's mouth. Mary turned to Sam, and pulled him into her arms, this is getting hot. Alice just had a tit orgasm; at least that is what Mary calls them. She told Sam, she had many of those, Phil is so sensual orally, and no woman can resist it. They returned their attention to Phil and Alice. Phil was starting to remove Alice's shorts. As he took them down her legs, his attention focused on her panty-clad pussy. Alice had worn a skimpy black thong panty, cut high on the hip, with only a brief triangle covering her mound. She had chosen this particular under ware because it was the sexiest ones she owned. Alice wore it in anticipation of this moment. Phil was certainly happy she did. After he totally removed her shorts, he paused to admire the lovely body before him. Alice's waist was thin, her stomach was flat and her thighs were also well shaped. She definitely spent some time at the gym or working out at home. Alice could see Phil was admiring her, so she rolled partly onto her stomach, giving him a full view of her ass. With her wearing thong under ware, it was like she was totally naked. She saw the smile on his face, it was a smile a person has when they admire something truly impressive. That turned Alice on even more and she wiggled her ass very seductively. Phil rolled Alice on her back and slowly removed her black panties. As her pussy came into view, it was apparent that she had a bikini wax, just a short time ago. In fact she only had a small amount of hair located above her pussy, leaving her lips naked. Phil couldn't resist himself; he leaned down and gave her pussy a few quick licks and kisses. Alice was a very sexy, naked, lady. Alice looked at her husband and his mother, they were both slightly flushed and their breathing was heavier than normal. Alice saw Sam's look of pride as everyone looked at Alice's naked body. She now went to work on Phil. Taking a page out of Phil's book on how to undress someone; Alice slowly undid the buttons on his shirt. Each time she undid a button; she opened the shirt wider and kissed the newly exposed flesh of her father-in-law. When she took his shirt off completely she embraced Phil, mashing her naked breasts against his naked chest, she kissed him hard on the lips, then she went to work on his pants, unbuckling his belt and then opening the snap. She went to work on the zipper, sliding it down so that his pants could be easily removed. He lifted his rump off the carpet, as she slid his pants off. That left him clad in only his jockey shorts, sporting a rather large tent in them. Alice couldn't wait to see the stiff rod that had been pressing against her for almost thirty minutes. She removed his shorts allowing his erect penis to come into view. It was slightly longer and wider than her husband's. She leaned down, kissed its head, licked the shaft and then allowed her lips to encompass the head, just for a few seconds. That brought a soft moan from Phil's lips. Reluctantly, she removed her mouth from his cock and kissed her way up his body until her lips met his. They could feel each other's naked body pressing tightly against their own. They were in a sexual trance, one of breasts mashed against a chest and a hard dick pressing against a slopping wet pussy. They were lost in each other's embrace until; they were brought back to the reality by their spouses' applause and comments. Both Mary and Sam were very turned on by the show put on by their spouses. It was now their turn to provide a show. However this was different, this was between mother and son, not father-in-law and daughter-in-law. This was between a mother, who watched her son grow from a child into a teenager and then into a man. A woman who thought her feelings for her son, were ones of pride. Now she realizes that the feelings of lust and sexual desire have very much to do with her feelings for her son. What they are about to do is so perverted that Mary can't remember when she was this aroused. She looked into Sam's eyes and saw the lust in them; he was even more turned on than she. Mary gently grabbed the back of her son's head and brought it closed to hers. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, the way a mother would kiss her son. Then she gave him a quick kiss on the lips, again a motherly kiss. She looked into his face and saw the smile in his eyes. That was all she needed, she began to kiss him again, first gently like before, then more intense. She parted her lips and touched her tongue to his lips. When he opened his lips, she pushed her tongue inside, exploring his mouth. His tongue met hers and they inter-twined, it was almost like their tongues were making love to each other. Finally, she mashed her lips tight against his and shoved her tongue into his mouth as far into his mouth as was physically possible. Mary's fingers went to her son's shirt. In her haste she didn't bother with unbuttoning it, she just pulled it apart, ripping the buttons off the shirt and opening it in one motion. Her lips now moved down his body kissing his ears, then his neck and finally his chest. She sucked one nipple into her mouth and nibbled on it, just as Sam's father likes it. She did the same to his other nipple, before moving downward, kissing his stomach, tonguing his belly button and finally reaching his pants. She quickly undid the belt, the snap and then the zipper. She was like a women possessed, she had to see his cock. Mary had finally allowed the truth to come to the surface; she wanted her son as much as he wanted her. She pulled both his pants and under ware off in one motion. She was ready to claim her prize - her son's erect cock. She just looked at it for a few seconds. She had seen literally hundreds maybe thousands of cocks in her lifetime, after all, she and Phil had been swingers for over twenty years, but none had turned her on as much as the cock she was drooling over right now. It took all of her will power not to inhale her son's cock and deep throat him until he shot his load deep into her throat, she knew that would come later. Instead, she gave it a quick kiss and suck, and then looked up into her son's face, as a loud moan escaped from his lips. Sam could not believe his fantasy was coming true. He had thought about this moment ever since he was a teenager. He had jerked off to the fantasy of his mother sucking his cock. It took all of his will power not to grab her head, shove his cock deep into her throat and keep it there until he came, deep in her throat. He too, realized that would come later. He gazed into his mother's face, saw the lust in her eyes and knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He looked over at his father and his wife, naked in each other's arms, their hands roaming over their partner's body. Their eyes were fixed on Sam and Mary. Their expressions seem to say; they knew just how Sam and Mary felt. Sam turned his attention to Mary, his eyes traveled down her body. He couldn't wait to see her naked and to explore her naked body with his hands. He kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear lobe. His hands went to the buttons on Mary's blouse. He undid the first few buttons and stopped. His eyes looked downward focusing on her breasts as they came into view. He had seen his mother in a bathing suit and even topless many times, but she was never sexier than she appeared to him at this exact moment. He leaned down and kissed the part of her breasts that was exposed. He continued unbuttoning her blouse and gently took it off. He reached around his mother, his hands fumbling around until he felt the clasp of her bra. In one quick motion, he undid it, slipped her bra off her shoulders and then off her body. A gasp escaped from his lips as he looked at his mother's naked breasts. He hadn't actually seen them in many years; however, he remembered what they looked like perfectly. He took one in each hand and caressed them very slowly and gently. He took a nipple in each hand and rubbed them between his fore finger and thumb. Now it was his mother's turn to moan. Sam couldn't believe how hard the nipple felt in contrast to the softness of the rest of the breast. He turned his attention to her pants, like his mother he too had an urgency to see her totally naked. Quickly he undid the snap and pulled down the zipper. He hooked his thumbs in her pants and in one motion removed her pants and panties. A gasp could be heard escaping from his mouth as he saw her pussy for the first time. He was staring at his mother's bald pussy; he realized his mother shaved her pussy. He couldn't believe how sexy it looked, it was even more than he imagined. He had to taste it. He moved his head between his mother's legs and ran his tongue the length of her slopping wet pussy. It was wonderful. He had never tasted anything that good in his life. It took all his will power not to continue licking his mother to an orgasm. He knew that would come later, reluctantly, he stopped. He moved up to give his mother a kiss and let her taste her own juices on his lips. His father's voice got Sam back to reality. Phil wanted to know if they should continue with the plan of having him and Mary make love in front of their son and his wife or if anyone had changed their minds. Did anyone want to stay with his or her current partner? Alice spoke first, which shocked Sam. The reason why they were here was to improve their sex lives. She had never seen Sam so excited. She wanted to feel Sam's passion. She hoped to reap the benefits of Sam's fantasy come true. In fact, she suggested that she and Sam go first. Sam couldn't believe his wife was volunteering to make love in front of his parents. He was so horny. His workout with his mother had excited him beyond anything he could remember. He wanted to make his wife happy and contented. Instead of answering her, he got up and went over to where she was sitting. He took her hand and led her to the center of the room. Sam embraced and kissed his wife. He wondered if she could smell or taste the lingering scent of his mother on his lips or feel how the heat of his passion. He could feel the sexual heat from his wife. Her hard nipples were boring holes in his chest and he could feel her pussy juices running down her leg and his. Yes, they both were more excited than they had ever been. He just knew they would have the best sex of their married life. He lowered Alice to the floor without breaking their kiss. His hands roamed over her body, squeezing her breasts, touching her nipples and then moving his hand down to her pussy. As he inserted his fingers into her pussy he realized he never felt her that moist. Moist, hell, she was soaked. He felt her juices running down his fingers as he worked them in and out of her pussy. He moved his thumb up to rub her clit, while he finger fucked her. It only took a few seconds before Alice was grinding her pussy against his hand. Soon, she was moaning loudly and her whole body was quivering. She had never come that quickly. Alice couldn't believe the feeling that was going through her body. She realized that watching her husband strip his mother naked and caress her got Alice extremely hot. Phil's attention to her also helped immensely. It even surprised her how fast she came and the fact that she was still extremely horny. She reached down and fondled her husband's cock and balls. Maybe it was her imagination, but he seamed bigger and harder than ever. She moved, so that she could work on his cock. She first licked the shaft up and down. Then, she nibbled, very gently, at the skin around the head of it. Finally she opened her mouth and went down on it. She played with his balls while she sucked him off. He had always asked her to do that and today they felt hot and full. After a few minutes she felt his body stiffen and his breathing become rapid. She actually felt his balls unloading its load of sperm. The first blast hit the back of her throat. She quickly moved her lips so they were only covering the head of his dick and at the same time used her hands to jack him off. She milked every drop of sperm from his cock. Sam couldn't believe what he was feeling or how Alice was acting. He had never come with that intensity. He was so worked up, after the session with his mom, that as soon as Alice put her lips around his cock, he was ready to explode. He was still hard. He had just come and his cock didn't go soft, it stayed erect. When the last drops of semen entered Alice's mouth, she finally removed her mouth from her husband's still hard dick. She needed to come and now it was her time. She straddled his body and placed the head of his cock in the entrance of her pussy. In one motion, she pushed down on his cock, with all her weight, until her pussy lips were touching the flesh around the base of his cock. What a feeling, one second you are empty, craving for some hard cock and the next second you're full. She leaned down and gave Sam a kiss, shoving her sperm coated tongue into his mouth. He could taste his juices, for a change. After all, he had shoved his tongue, covered with her pussy juices, into her mouth many times. Sam tasted his own sperm, for the first time, it was an interesting taste. He had thought it would be disgusting, but it really wasn't. Alice broke the kiss, sat upright and moved her hips up and down. She would rise up until his cock was almost outside her pussy and then she would push down, impaling herself on his cock. She reached down, grabbed his hands and brought them up to her breasts. He got the idea and starting playing with them, especially the nipples. Alice increased her pace of going up and down one her husband's cock. As she got closer to a climax, she told Sam to pinch her nipples harder and harder. Sam couldn't believe it was his wife riding his cock that way. When she asked him to be rough with her breasts, he was astounded. He could feel her getting close to coming. At the moment her body started its gyrations of lust, he squeezed her nipples hard and held on. That drove Alice crazy, she screamed, her body got stiff and collapsed on top of Sam. Sam held Alice tight for a few minutes, waiting for her to come down off her sexual high. Slowly, he started to move his cock in and out of her pussy, very gently at first. Soon, he felt Alice responding to his thrusts. He picked up the pace, his cock urging Alice to respond, his hands kneading her ass cheeks, urging her forward. Alice did respond. What a wonderful feeling she was experiencing. She was climbing very quickly to the orgasmic point. She ground her pussy hard against his cock. It wouldn't be long before she came again. She increased the movement of her hips thrusting against Sam. He took the hint and increased his movements. Alice went over the top and again collapsed on Sam. Her body began undergoing involuntary spasms, sounds were coming out of her mouth that he didn't know she could make and her pussy was still in spasms around Sam's hard cock. Alice's heart was pounding hard, so hard Sam thought it would explode. Sam rolled onto his side, still holding Alice in his arms and keeping his cock buried deep in her hot pussy. Her body was still quivering, her breathing was rapid and her pussy muscles were still grabbing his cock. Sam waited a few minutes, and then he began to work his cock in and out of his wife pussy. He proceeded slowly and gently at first, then with more force, as his wife responded to his thrusts. Sam heard some moaning, he turned to see that his parents were fucking on the family room floor. There was his mother, his sexy mother, on all fours, facing Sam and Alice. Phil was behind her, on his knees, pumping his cock in and out of her pussy. Sam's mother tits were hanging down, swaying to the rhythm of Phil's thrusts. Both his mother and his father were watching their son fuck his wife, what a turn on for Sam. This caused Sam to intensify his fucking of his wife. Soon, both Alice and Sam were on the verge of coming. Just then, Mary started moaning and yelling at Phil to fuck her harder and faster. That was all that Sam and Alice needed to put them over the top. Alice came first. Then with one giant thrust, Sam came, his cock buried deep in his wife's pussy. He could feel her pussy contracting and squeezing his cock. That helped to milk all the sperm out of his cock and he collapsed on top of Alice. The orgasms of their son and his wife pushed Phil and Mary over the edge. Soon they were moaning and groaning. Mary was still yelling for Phil to fuck her harder and deeper. Sam and Alice turned to watch them come. Phil give one final thrust, one so hard it collapsed Mary's arms and her head was resting on the floor. Phil held his cock inside of Mary for a few seconds, and then he shoved it in and out of her pussy two or three more times. Then he collapsed on top of Mary. It was a few minutes before everyone return to reality. They slowly returned to normal, that is if you can call a mother, father, son and daughter-in-law all naked and having just fucked in front of each other normal. Phil was the first one to talk. He wanted to know what help Sam and Alice needed. It looked like they were quite proficient in their lovemaking; he didn't think they needed Mary's or his help. Mary nodded her head in agreement with her husband. So if they really didn't need help, why did they drive all the way up here and ask for help? Sam and Alice looked at each other; their expressions were of one caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Sam told his father, that he was correct. They really didn't need help. Most of their story was true, he and Alice weren't very good at love making in the beginning of their marriage. They had consulted books and videos, just like they told Phil and Mary. However, through reading and practice, they were able to get quite good at their lovemaking. After all, both he and Alice were great bookworms. Mary looked surprised. She wanted to know why they asked for help, when they really didn't need it. She asked hat was their motive behind their request for help from Phil and her. Alice answered her mother-in-law. She explained that during their research into improving their lovemaking, they had stumbled on to a hidden secret in Sam's life; he wanted to screw his mother. That was something they realized after they tried to improve their sex life. Just like they told Phil and Mary earlier, their sex life was always better when Sam remembered anything sexual about his mother. Alice told them how she made Sam acknowledge his secret obsession with his mother. Alice told her in-laws, it was she who came up with the idea of telling Phil and Mary the lie about needed help. She wanted Sam to realize his fantasy. Besides, Alice had her own fantasy about her father and she thought Phil would be perfect to help her satisfy her fantasy. Sam told his parents he was sorry that he had deceived them. However, after he realized the sexual feelings he had for his mother that was all he could think about, it became an obsession; he had to fuck his mother. The thought of him having sex with Mary dominated his life. The encounter with Mary, a few minutes ago, was unbelievable. He never had any orgasms more intense than the two he just had with Alice. He also noticed that his mother seemed to enjoy both making out with her son and watching her son and his wife fuck. Mary had to admit that Sam was correct; she did enjoy both those things. She didn't realize herself that she had sexual feelings for her own son, not until today. She thought they were just feelings of pride, ones that a mother has for her son. In a way, she was glad Alice and Sam concocted that story, she probably would not have agreed to have sex with her son, just for pleasure. Now, however, she's wants Sam almost as much as he wants her. Phil was only too happy to fulfill Alice's fantasy. He always thought she was a very sexy woman and due to the open marriage he and Mary had, he wanted to have sex with her almost from the first time Sam brought her home. He told everyone, even though he and Mary had been involved in the swapping scene for years, this sexual encounter was probably the most erotic one in which he had ever taken part. Mary agreed with Phil. She suggested that everyone take a shower, and then have something to eat. Then, they could do something about fulfilling everyone's fantasy. They all agreed. In about thirty minutes, there were four naked people in the kitchen. Mary and Alice were preparing sandwiches, while the men were making the drinks. In a few minutes, they were all sitting around the table eating and talking. It was like any normal family meal, except everyone was naked. The conversation was about Sam's practice and Alice's jobs; Phil's business and Mary's garden, normal conversation. When the meal was finished, the women cleaned up while the men made another round of drinks. Someone suggested they go back to the family room. They paired off, walked into the family room; Sam was with his mother, while Phil was with his daughter-in-law. As soon as the sat down the mood changed, both couples could feel the sexual energy in the room. Soon, both couples were engaged in foreplay. Phil was kissing Alice's neck, his fingers rubbing her pussy. Sam was sucking on his mother's tits and biting her nipples, while she was playing with his cock and balls. Things began to heat up very quickly. Phil began to kiss his daughter-in-law's breasts, first one then the other. Alice lay down, her eyes closed, her breathing becoming deeper and more frequent. Phil continued to go lower and lower toward his goal. He was kissing and licking her navel, when Alice grabbed his head and pushed it toward her pussy. She spread her legs wide, giving Phil easy access to her hot wet pussy. She threw her legs over his shoulders; his head was now in between her thighs. He kissed, sucked, licked, probed, and nibbled her pussy. His hands went up to play with her tits, but when they got there, Alice's fingers were already there, pinching her nipples. Not wanting to disturb her, his hands went to base of her tits, where they kneaded them like dough for making bread. This went on for quite a few minutes, soon Alice's breathing got very rapid and her moans became very loud. Knowing Alice was very close to coming, Phil devoted his complete attention to her clit, and he sucked it in and out of his slightly opened teeth. After doing that for a few seconds, he sucked her clit into his mouth as far as it would go and with his tongue, he worked her clit side to side, just like a boxer would work a punching bag. All of a sudden, Alice's thighs clamped on Phil's head and held it there. Her hips moved forward mashing her pussy against his mouth and her hands pushed his head hard against her pussy. Her head flew back, her eyes shut, and her mouth was wide open. She screamed and moaned, unintelligible sounds escaped from her throat. Her body was racked with spasms. Phil stopped all his movements and hung on for dear life. Soon, Alice's thighs relaxed, her breathing returned to a more normal pace and her whole body became relaxed. Her head moved upward and she was able to see Phil through her half opened eyes. She gave him a big smile and told him how wonderful her orgasm was, as if he didn't know. Phil moved up aside of her and pulled her close to him. He liked the feel of her breasts pressing against his chest, her hard nipples being pushed deep into his chest. He would give her a few minutes to recover, before he would plunge his hard cock deep into her young, hot, moist pussy. Sam and Mary would have been quite turned on by what Phil and Alice just did, that is if they weren't busy in their mother-son love fest. The kissed and fondled each other for a few minutes, but the very thought of what they were about to do had excited both of them to the point of not needed much foreplay. Sam sat on the floor, his back resting against the sofa. He told his mother he wanted their first fuck her to be in this position. He explained how he always visualized them having sex, she would be on top, her tits bouncing up and down, He wanted to be in a position to be able, with very little trouble, to see the expressions on her face, to be able to lean forward and kiss her or take one of her tits in his mouth, and to look down and see his cock plunging in and out of her pussy. Mary told him, if that's what he wants, then that's what her son will get. She straddled his body and slowly lowered herself onto his hard, rigid cock. They both couldn't believe the sensation. Mary felt her son's cock, slowly filling her. She could feel it go deeper and deeper into her pussy. In her life, she had many cocks in her pussy, but they never felt like this one, not like her son's. When she finally got all of his cock inside of her and she could feel her pussy lips touching the base of his cock, she remained there for a minutes, hardly moving, just enjoying the sensation. Then, she moved her hips in a side-to-side motion; this caused her son's cock to brush her g spot, again and again. That shot waves of pleasure throughout her whole body. She opened her eyes and looked into the face of her son. His eyes were fixed on hers; he had a smile of contentment on his face. Mary leaned down and kissed him hard on the lips, driving her tongue deep inside his mouth. At the same time, she began to move up hips up and down, very fast and forcibly. Sam's cock was slamming again and again into her pussy. Within minutes, her head was thrown back, her mouth was wide-open and loud moans and groans were coming out of it. With one final downward thrust, she impaled herself on Sam's cock, screamed and collapsed onto his chest. Alice opened her eyes and looked at her father-in-law. Alice told him how fantastic her orgasm felt and that he really knew how to treat a lady. She told Phil, that she and Sam could learn something from Mary and him after all. Phil replied that's what parents are for. They both laughed at his comment. Phil kissed Alice and she responded by rolling on her back and pulling Phil on top of her. She reached down, grabbed Phil's cock and put in at the entrance to her pussy. He took the hint and began to push it into her still moist pussy. She spread her legs wider and wrapped them around his waist. After a few minutes of fucking in this position, Alice expressed her desire to have Phil's cock even deeper within her pussy. Phil reached around and grabbed one leg then the other. He pushed her legs forward and out to the side, so that her ankles were almost behind her ears. This caused Alice's pussy to be opened as wide as it could be and allowed Phil's cock to go deep into her pussy. Phil was not only enjoying the physical sensation of his cock being plunged in and out of her pussy, but also the vision stimulation of seeing Alice spread wide open, that turned him on even more. He knew he would come in a few minutes; he wanted to make sure Alice came with him. She must of read his mind, she reached up and began pinching her nipple with one hand and rubbing her clit with the other. That pushed Phil over the edge; he pumped his cock in and out of her pussy faster and faster. He came with one giant plunge, he held himself in that position while his cock shot come deep in his daughter-in-law's pussy. Phil's orgasm caused Alice to rub her clit furiously and pinched her nipples extremely hard. Soon she came, too. When Phil felt her pussy walls contracting around his cock, he resumed fucking her pussy, maximizing both his and her orgasms. When he was finished, he collapsed on top of Alice, laying there, panting and moaning. His cock was still buried deep within her. He could still feel her pussy contracting around his cock and then releasing it, however as his erection faded, so did his sensation of it. They both lay there, oblivious to what else was going on in the room. Sam and Mary had rested for a few minutes and then resumed their lovemaking. Mary told her son he had given her a great orgasm and now it was up to her to return the favor. Sam's cock was still rock hard, even after coming twice already with Alice. Mary loved young cocks because of their staying power and she knew Alice was a lucky woman to have her son for a husband. Mary started to fuck her son again, very slowly; she was making sure his fantasy coming true would be one to remember. She continued to move up and down on his cock, she leaned down and kissed him on his lips, allowing his tongue to invade her mouth, just as his cock was doing to her pussy. Sam's hands went to her ass, grabbing it at first, but soon controlling the tempo of her fucking. Mary changed her movements to follow her son's guide; she increased the tempo of their screwing. Soon, she could tell her son was getting close to coming. Knowing that, she reached down grabbed the back of his head and shoved it forward so that it came to rest in between her tits. She proceeded hold his face between her tits. This caused her tits to rub up and down his face as she rose and fell on his cock. Sam tried to kiss and nibble on his mother's tits, however with her body movements he was really only able to lick her tits. This caused Sam to get closer to coming and Mary sensed that. She held his head with one hand and with the other; she reached behind her back and between Sam's legs. She grabbed on to his balls and gently played with them. That did it for Sam; he came for the third time in the last few hours, but this time it was deep within his mother's pussy. His fantasy had come true! Sam held her hips still as his cock pumped his come, what little he had left, into his mother's pussy. He collapsed onto the sofa. Mary slowly moved up and down on his cock, milking the last bit of sperm out of him, this movement also caused Sam's orgasm to continue it also caused Mary to have an orgasm of her own, not as good as her last orgasm, but she had concentrated on making sure his orgasm was as good as he fantasized. She looked down at her son, his eyes closed, breathing rapid and a look of contentment on his face. She grabbed his head in both her hands and pulled it to her bosom, much like a mother would hold her son. The two couples sat with their spouses on the floor in the family room, they were all still naked. They were discussing what had just happened between them. In the case of Sam and Alice, this was the first time they had been involved in swapping partners. They felt no guilt; in fact Sam was elated that his fantasy had come true. Alice expressed pleasure in having sex with her father-in-law. Sam and Alice wondered where do they go from here. What is their future relationship with Sam's parents? Sam and Alice didn't have all the answers, but they knew one thing for sure, this was the best sex they had ever had. Mary told them how wonderful she felt and in fact she wanted to continue this new relationship. Phil nodded in agreement with his wife, but mentioned that no one should feel pressure to do something they did not want to do. It was getting late; Phil suggested they go to bed. They should go to their rooms with their spouses and discuss what had just occurred. In the morning, they would discuss this further. They all got up and headed toward the bedrooms, Sam and Alice were first to go upstairs. When they half up the stairs, Phil called to them. He told them, if they liked what happened tonight, next weekend was the monthly meeting of the swapping club that Mary and Phil attended. If they were up to it, they could all go. Usually, about thirty couples attend and they fuck their brains out till dawn. It was up to Sam and Alice to decide. Sam and Alice turned toward each other; both had big smiles on their face. Yes, they were going to like their new life. I like feedback on my stories. You can contact me at [email protected]