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The Gambler's Debt pt. 1


The Gambler’s DebtCh. 1Clint Walleti parked his hog in front of the run the down mobile home, flipped his half burned buttless smoke into the garbage strewn yard, and entered the cluttered kitchen-dining room area of the twenty five year old trailer. Many of the cupboard doors hung open and all of them had their veneer peeling out at the corners. The sink was full of dishes and trash mixed with organic refuse spilled onto the floor from the trashcan as a swarm of flies circled in the middle of the room. The counter top room divider was cluttered with wrinkled beer cans candy wrappers and more dirty dishes covered with old dried food scraps.“Anybody here,” he shouted into the buzzing flies, “hey, Linda, you home yet?” after listening to the silence he muttered to himself, “Dumb cunt!” While opening up the refrigerator and grabbing a beer he continued muttering sarcastically to himself, “if she was ever on time it’d be a fucking miracle.” as he looked at the clock noting it was three thirty and then taking several large chugs from the long necked bottle staring into the refrigerator cluttered with moldy cracked dry cheese, tomatoes that were so moldy they were melting across the bottom, wrinkled dry lettuce leaves laid next to an unrecognizable wad of something. There was dried out franks in an open package next to a half empty loaf of bread. There was little if any edible food, but there was plenty of beer and the gin bottles looked new. He let out a long, loud, wet belch and slammed the door closed.Clint walked into the surprisingly spacious living room muttering, “Christ the mutt did it again she knows I wanted the boxes out of here,” he gave them both a kick to the wall. Then looked at the picture Linda’s mom Pearl took of them at the park. She was beaming a warm smile as she mugged for the camera and with a smug chuckle said, “Boy have I got the hook in her!” as he noted the smudge of makeup under her left eye concealing the black eye he had given her a day earlier. Then laughed out loud adding, “God…! What a wet and wild ride but dumb really, really dumb!” He was about to plop down in front of the TV when he heard an oddly familiar female voice coming from the bathroom at the far end of the trailer singing quite happily. He made his way through the clutter, to the bathroom door and tapped lightly. He knew it wasn’t Linda got nosy and opened it up a crack. He could hear the woman’s voice clearly over the water beating on the Formica walls and heavy plastic curtain and recognized the voice. Clint began chuckling to himself hissing, “It’s Pearl come to tease me again.” Then quickly stripped off his clothes and quietly slipped inside the towel strewn bathroom, and without the slightest warning, jerked the moldy shower curtain open and just stared wild-eyed at Linda’s mother, Pearl, stumbling from the startle, and gasping from the shock of Clint’s abrupt action, with a stunned look on her face as she tried desperately to cover herself!Nonchalantly as you, please Clint eyed her top to bottom a beer in one hand and stretching his still limp shaft with the other. He drained his beer spilling most of down his front and tossed the empty onto the stained carpet then casually asked as he stared at her full soapy wet bush only half covered by her hand, and in a chuckling voice he asked, “So, Mrs. K, how’s it going?” ending his query with an exaggerated slurping sound as he slipped into the small shower.“W-what are you doing in here, Clint!?” the mortified woman stammered while turning away to hide her large breasts and thick black bushy hair from Clint’s rude gaping gaze. Pearl continued swishing her hand over her round hairy buttocks trying in vain to cover her backside.“Well…” he said while eyeing her fanny hungrily and in a strained southern drawl continued, “I was thinkin’ you was Linda, but now I’m glad you ain’t!” He stood there grinning and letting the water splash over him as he pulled his limp penis.Even in her stunned state, Pearl Knight couldn’t help taking furtive glances at Clint’s moderately long but skinny penis noticing it becoming erect, and with a wavering voice ordered, “N-now you get out of here right now or I’ll tell Linda about this!” her front still half turned away in an effort to conceal her privates.Clint laughed evilly, “Shit tell her don’t tell her I don’t give a fuck!” Clint was amused at the older woman’s obvious predicament, and then brayed, “Well, now I know where Linda gets her good looks and tits, shit you look good and you’ve got milk too! You know what else she must of gotten all the clitty too!” Now Clint just stood there stroking his erect penis looking at Pearl and sporting a very crooked grin he added, “I’ve seen you look at me when I had a boner pushin’ my pants out… yes I think you want a taste and I want a look at that bushy bush of you’res!”“Your mind has been playing tricks on you! Now get!” she scolded. Pearl never really approved of Clint but in an effort to maintain her relationship with her daughter, she kept her misgivings to herself. Now she was ashamed to admit his brash biker attitude was a turn on to her. Pearl now understood how her daughter was enamored with the insolent and obtrusive young man. Had she had learned it from her, or did she pass it on in her genes? For all of his brash nastiness, and demanding nature he had an attractive aura of arrogance and sexual self assured about him that even she found irresistible. She thought of her persistent fantasy; how like today she would show up while her daughter was away, and the images of him taking advantage of the situation, maybe raping her while his body reeked of stale sweat, beer, and cigarettes, or forcing her to suck him off and filling her mouth with his sperm.Pearl’s disapproving attitude slipped further into the back of her mind as her vagina began flooding with Bartholin fluids; she felt dizzy and out of control as Clint moved in closer to her; she offered only a hint of resistance as he slid one hand around her side cupping a plump breasts milking the large hard nipple with his fingers and as he nibbled her ear he began diddling her taut button of a clitoris with the other. Pearl just gasped and moaned, and her body flexed and jerked shamelessly to his impetuous stimulation.“You’re hotter than I thought you could get, ain’t you baby?” he exaggeratedly whispered, blowing his hot breath across her wet neck salaciously adding, “I could tell you were hot for me.” While fingering her hard nipple, and pulling her erect clitoris he warmly asked, “Tell me, are you as good at suckin’ cock as your little honey!?” The muscles around Pearl’s clitoris were so tight they were throbbing she was in such a state of arousal that she would have fucked a donkey, so just picturing her sweet daughter on her knees with this small but hard penis in her mouth was enough to make her knees go weak, and when he tweaked her nipple even harder, a shudder swept through her body Pearl spun around and she slipped to her knees taking Clint’s hard penis into her mouth.“Oh, baby!” he sighed as the middle aged woman hungrily vacuumed his meat making loud slurping noises. Clint had both hands full of her long black hair and was making exaggerated movements with his hips as if he had a large member and then in a dreamy voice remarked, “all the women in your family must be talented, cuz I gotta say, you both have a fuckin’ gift!?”Pearl didn’t know if it was a gift or not, but what she did know was that for as long as she could remember, she loved taking a man’s cock into her mouth and bringing it to fast and wet orgasm. She loved the feeling of hot sperm gushing into her mouth and its taste was so very satisfying. She thought about uncle Ted and the dozens and dozens of men she dated through the years, as she skillfully worked on Clint’s throbbing penis. Even during her three marriages she was easy for them to have and use as a toy and how quickly she could get them to cum in her mouth and now Clint her daughter’s husband a gambling, scam running philanderer who lost more money then he ever earned, the worst of it was he had taken all her daughter’s inheritance as well. When she felt his pecker stiffen and the inside of her mouth turn creamy, she knew he was about to climax. Pearl pushed him away as disgust exploded inside her mind; the memory of how this bastard spent all of her daughter’s money and now her own infidelity turned her passion to ice and she bolted from the tub grasping at a dirty towel from the sink.“Now you just hold on there! You little teasing bitch!” Clint growled as he grabbed a handful of her long black hair causing her to slip and fall. “I am going to cum in you one way or another. You just hold still while I slip this stiff dick in your ass!” he grunted out as he maneuvered behind her. As he stuffed her head into the toilet Clint sneered, “You are going to get fucked right here and now!” He thrust his penis several times between her legs missing her opening and bouncing off her thighs, her vulva, and glancing off her clitoris as Pearl squirmed in an effort to avoid being penetrated.Clint smashed Pearl’s head into the toilet tank, “Hold still god damn it!” He shouted and shoved her head under the yellowed water. Water splashed from the bowl as Pearl floundered trying to escape; her knees slipped on the wet floor spreading her legs wider. She coughed and gagged while her head remained underwater; her arms flailed about as her hands could not get a grip on the dirty wet toilet rim. Soon the struggle began to slow, her body convulsively heaved, and Clint let out a loud grunt as he stuffed his tool into Pearl’s vagina and pulled her out of the water. Clint feverishly pumped while Pearl’s face grimaced from chocking and gagging, as she caught her breath. It took only a few minutes for Clint to ejaculate Pearl hadn’t even caught her breath when he started hissing and groaning from climaxing. His knee slipped and out popped his penis shooting a thick rope of sperm across Pearl’s buttocks and back before he could stuff it back in. Clint gave her a few more convulsive thrusts and relaxed, but kept Pearl’s head pressed against the toilet tank.“I can’t believe ya…” Her tirade of disgust was cut short.“You can’t believe me…! What the hell was you doing taking a fuckin’ shower in my house? Washing ole Gregory’s sperm out of your cunt after fucking him in the park?!” He snarled as he tightened his grip around her side keeping his penis pushed as far in as he could and grabbed another handful of hair yanked her head back and growled, “Yea that’s right I know about him but does ole hubby the man’s brother? I guess you like keep’en it inside the family fucking hubbies brother. I’ve seen you lookin’ you rubbin’ your tits on me, you even come over here smellin’ like a bitch in heat… Yea you come over here to get a turn on, and then go home and fuck your tired old man, but when you close your eyes is it the last guy you blew or is it me you see.”“No! No that’s not tru…!” Clint cut her short with a shake of her head.“No!?” He crooned angrily, “I own you just like I own your mutt daughter. Now get dressed and leave before she gets home it’ll just make things worse for her if you are still here when Jimmy gets here.”“My god…! You bastard you’ve sold her again…!” Pearl moaned disgustedly.“Yea my team didn’t come through with the spread.” Clint rubbed his face and then barked as he yanked the towel from her hands, “Shit…! Hurry up god damn it… your dry enough get dressed!” and he started pushing her around the floor towards the door with his feet.“I don’t kn…” She blinked as she was interrupted again.Clint’s snappish growl cut her short as he had anticipated what she was about to say, “She sees the same fucking thing you see!” he paused as he watched her dress and then sneered, “Now grab your shoos and get the fuck out of here!” As Pearl headed out the door he sneered, “Don’t tell her anything, you’ll just make it a lot harder on her if you mess up this weekend.”The four forty five buss arrived at the stop just as Pearl got there, and as she sat down she started to cry. The shame she felt over her attraction for the bastard, the dread she felt for her daughter, and her inability to help her was more than she could keep inside. Jimmy the shark a well known biker, dope peddler, loan shark, just an all round bad guy, and he was trouble to be avoided at all costs. He was rumored to run a whorehouse, a gambling hall, and used violence and fear of violence to keep the people tangled up in his web in line. As her tears burned her face she realized that Clint was right, when she closed her eyes during sex with her latest husband it ‘was…’ him she saw. The fantasy she had was; he was having sex with Linda while she was kissing her and feeling her sweat running in sheets across her body, and smelling the scent of his sperm mixing with her daughter’s vaginal fluids. Her heart was racing as the bus pulled up to her stop. Pearl stumbled out and watched it pull away and with conviction said; “I’ll get you out of this mess baby I promise!”As Clint sat in the chair sucking down another beer staring at the replays of the game that lost him a lot of money, his team won the game but they just didn’t make the point spread. He was steaming mad and getting angrier by the minute with Linda because she hadn’t cleaned the house like she was told to do and the clock was ticking. He was so nervous about what The Shark would do if Linda weren’t here when he arrived. Then he heard the buss stop and knew Linda was back he told him self, “Use the charm man, seduce her just like all the other times, what ever it takes to keep her here until Jimmy gets here.”The door opened and Linda came in with her arms full of groceries. She just closed her eyes in an effort not to see the clutter, and set them on the table by shoving the junk against the wall and shouted, “Honey I’m home!”“I know.” Clint acknowledged giving Linda a start by being so close.Her shoulder length dark blond hair flew back as she spun around in surprise. Her pouty naturally red lips were open as if ready to scream, her large dark brown eyes were blinking in a wild expression of fear, and the nostrils of her big nose were flaring. The expression on her full fleshy face quickly turned soft and a warm smile began to shine. “Wow you gave me quite a start.” She pointed out and flinched a little when Clint neared. The periodic abuse Clint inflicted on her had made her a little jumpy and uncertain with what to expect.“I was starting to worry about you, you were suppose to be back thirty minutes ago.” He admonished and paused as he stepped behind her and started to rub her shoulders and asked, “What kept you?”“The bus was running ahead of schedule and pulled away just before I could get there!” Linda paused as she caught her breath then hissed, “I was so mad! But that is starting to make me feel much better.” Linda closed her eyes and she began to enjoy the shoulder rub.“Well no harm done, I’m not really very hungry anyway.” Clint reassured.Lind turned her face to his chest and then purred, “Are you sure you want to go through with this, and give me a child?”“Sure I’m sure honey!” He whispered and added, “It will change everything for the better. Besides we or you’ve been talking about it for a long time now” And gave her an affectionate bear hug.“Well then we can try tonight; my breasts have been aching all day, and I had a really long hot flash on the bus.” She paused as a warm smile bubbled onto her face and saucily purred, “So I’m pretty sure I have started ovulating.” And then gave Clint a kiss on his throat.“So tonight it is then.” Clint warmly said adding as he motioned towards his chair, “Let’s sit here a while and start warming up.” As they walked to the chair Clint noted the time five ten and a sigh of relief washed over him.Just as they sat down and started kissing the front door flew open with a crash as it hit the wall and in walked Jimmy the Shark his knotted, long, salt and pepper black hair surrounding his head, nearly hiding the long scare on his cheek, and laying on his muscular shoulders. His sleeveless unbuttoned denim shirt accented his powerful arms and hairy barrel chest, and his dirty blue jeans were wrapped tightly around his bulky legs. Linda’s eyes quickly focused on the bulging outline of his heavy soft cock as it snaked down his leg and the bulge of his scrotum. The two of them jumped as he dropped his backpack.“Hi Shark come on in.” Clint said hesitantly.“I thought I told you to have this pig sty cleaned up before I got here!” His voice scolding as he glared at Clint and a sarcastic smile beamed as he looked at Linda squirming in Clint’s lap as she tried to jump up and he asked, “You miss me baby?” and when he turned his gaze at Clint it turned hard and angry looking and he growled, “This is going to cost ya.’”“I trie…” With a wave of Shark’s hand Clint went mute.“I know what you were doing; yesterday you were losing at poker, and today you were watching your lame ducks not make the spread so you lost even though they won, and now you are into me for a ‘lot…!’ of money.” Shark paused as he walked across the floor and very angrily asked, “What else did you forget?”Panic was beginning to cause Clint to tremble as he stuttered, “Nothing else Shark…really.”Linda now standing and looking frightened gasped as she asked, “What is going on here? Clint!? Clint you…you didn’t sell me again!” She whined painfully and held the back of her hand to her mouth and her body convulsed with every gasping breath she took.“A ‘lot…!’ of money!” Jimmy the Shark snarled as he eyed Linda and smiled as a tear fell from both of her eyes.“I had to baby he was going to brake my legs because you didn’t do it good for him the last time!” Clint cried out gasping for breath, “I had to promise you to him again!” Clint said quite excitedly as fear of Shark was taking a grip on him.“It took two weeks for my black eye to heal and the bruises on my face to go away, and my ribs are still a little soar… You promised me… never again!” Linda sprayed spit as she shouted with both fear and anger ravaging her body, causing her to soak her Levis with urine as she sobbed loudly.“Quite!” Barked Jimmy and then growled, “Tell her!”“Honey if you act like a mopey mutt you will be treated like one.” Clint explained his voice trying not to waver.“Now come on over here and give ole Jimmy a little sugar.” Shark urged. Linda’s knees warbled, her eyes glancing all over the room searching for a way out of this then she glared sternly at Clint as he started nudging her. “Go on baby give him a little kiss.” Clint urged and then added, “It’ll go easier for us both if you just give in to him!”Linda surrendered and walked over and gave him a fast kiss and started to walk away when Shark pulled Linda back by her hair and gave her another kiss, much more forceful and longer. When the kiss broke she started to walk back to Clint but Jimmy hissed, “What do ya think you are doing you stay right here by my side!” and with one hand pushing her face into his armpit by the hair he pulled out his cell-phone with his free hand and made a call. The tones from the speed dialer could be heard across the room and then he snapped, “I’m here at the pig pen send the cleaning crew.” He put the phone back in his pocket and with her nose still in his armpit stuffed his free hand up her shirt and started squeezing and twisting a nipple.“Oowha…! God damn your hurting me…!” Linda whined and she started squirming from his abusive pawing.“Hush!” He snapped and then ordered, “Sniff my hairy arm pit and I want to hear you so sniff it loud!” the mucus in Linda’s nose gurgled loudly as she inhaled the three or four day old sweat. She swallowed her mucous down as it filled her throat while complying obediently with his disgusting order. “That’s my good baby another couple more really deep sniffs now you keep that nose of you’res buried in my black curlies and then take a look at these pictures, and take a ‘good…!’ look.” and threw them on the table.Her eyes shot daggers at Clint as she shuffled through the photos. Linda gasped and her eyes grew large as she looked at one of the pictures recognizing her niece Brenda right away; then started trembling as she quickly shuffled through the rest and then frantically started over, noting Brenda’s house, her mother and father, her pets, Brenda’s school yard, and the bus she rides to school. After looking at them, all several times, she began gasping for and finding enough breath and pleaded with a strained howl of anguish, “Please don’t hurt my little Brenda! She is only fifteen, she has never had a boyfriend she doesn’t know very much about sex yet, and she is really a sweet girl!”“Weather we do or not is up to you, and besides those are all good selling points, she’ll fetch a really good price on the market.” Jimmy sharply and coldly pointed out, “Last month you made me slap you around and that took a lot of the fun out of it for me, and so you are going to make up for the last time, by doing a very good job this time and I do mean ‘double time…!’ and ‘double good…!’” He paused and petted her much like the way one might pet an animal and then with forceful suddenness jerked her face next to his and angrily said, “The first mopey mutt bullshit and sweet little Brenda’s daddy gets beaten the second time her pet dog gets tossed into her bedroom dead, and the third well the third mopey mutt bullshit she disappears. Now look at me and smile.”Linda looked up, smiled a weak, thin smile and her eyes were stained and red from tears, and in a weak shaky voice said, “I’ll do anything you want me to I swear I will!”“Tell me what I want to hear!” The Shark growled.Linda looked up smiled a weak smile and in a weak shaky voice said, “Service with a smile a smile with service.”“That’s good that’s good. We have a few surprises for you this weekend, now take a look at this!” Jimmy directed as he pulled out his palm-pilot and cell-phone again. Linda recognized the neighborhood right away and saw a van, a dirty green van parked across the street.“I see you are there so blink your lights.” Jimmy calmly spoke into the cell-phone. Linda’s eyes flared as the van on the screen blinked its lights. Then with a click snap and shuffle the electrics went back into their pockets and he pulled Linda’s face close to his again and sneered, “I have a fleet of cars, vans, and trucks babysitting your sweet little niece’s house all weekend long, so you better be a good little play toy.”“All weekend?” Linda asked in a very shaky voice consigned to knowing the answer before she asked.“That’s right the ‘whole…!’ ‘fucking…!’ weekend and that is just the tip of the proverbial fucking iceberg…! So you best behave!” Shark said in a threatening manner then slid his hand down her pants and then added, “Did she…” Shark’s query was cut off by Clint’s quick knowing response, “Yea Linda said she started ovulating today.” He looked down at the floor his back slumping over and head getting lower.“You bastard…!” Linda howled her body trembling with rage.“Shad up…!” The Shark growled and sneeringly adding, “It’s your own fault for hang’en with a fucking loser like him any way!” He stood there eyeing her from head to foot. “You strip out of those pee soaked pants… in fact take all your cloths off!” He firmly directed watched and waited, and then he barked loudly, “Now…! God damn it!” causing Linda to jump then rip her flimsy shirt off and strip her pants and panties in one shucking move stumbling to the floor as she tried to kick off her last shoe. With a sneering voice, he asked Clint, “And you… you left her alone all month like I said?” Jimmy cast a glaring look at Clint as he waited for his answer.“Yea man just like you said. Honest!” Clint painfully replied adding, “I didn’t even get her to give me a blow job.”“Is that true little honey?” Jimmy teased as he began tweaking her exposed nipple again and firmly squeezing her large clitoris. He smiled broadly as she squirmed to his ministrations and in a mock whine asked, “Is that true baby.”“Uh auw Yeasss…! Ouch…! You’re hurting me!” Linda said her voice ringing with discomfort as she squirmed from Shark’s roguish pawings.He sat there watching her squirm as he twisted her nipple and clitoris then in a deep voice and an exaggerated southern drawl asked, “And did you think of my fat red skinned snake wriggling between your legs.”“Yes Jimmy…! Just the thought of your fat cock and my fanny gets soaked” Linda assured with gasping breaths and feigning a smile.“You think he was fuck’en someone else?” Jimmy hissed softly into her ear.” “I don’t know I was starting to worry some!” Linda responded with a strained voice as the painful tweaking of her nipple continued. With a thin smile she added, “I was starting to get horny! I kind of wished you would’ve come over.” Hoping to win a few extra points and get Jimmy to let go of her clitoris and ease up on her nipple a bit.“That was good.” Jimmy said letting go of both her sore nipple and genitalia. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a dirty white t-shirt. The full length of it unfurled as he held it by a sleeve showing several crusty stains front and back with most of them running down the front between the two eyes where breasts could be found and along the bottom third. The room quickly filled with the smell another woman’s stale sweat and the scent of semen mixed with vaginal juices; there were holes where one might find nipples, bellybuttons, and armpits, and the neck had been cut away. “Lift your arms and turn around a few times so’s I can look you over” Shark directed as he held the t-shirt to his nose watching Linda turning around and quaffing its scent. When she faced him, again he threw the shirt at her and ordered, “Put it on!”Linda’s face made a twisted grimace as she whined, “It’s filthy…! And smells rancid!”“It’s just my wife’s sweat and cum mixed with my sperm besides it is her favorite nighty and pussy wipe.” Jimmy explained and then barked, “Put it on! I want to see what it smells like after you’ve been sweating in it for a while.” and looked down at the pictures on the floor. Linda frowned as she quickly slipped it over her head; it covered her half way to her knees and the holes only showed her armpits it was obvious the shirt belonged to a much bigger woman. Linda’s nipples were bulging through the cloth just above the holes where the other woman’s nipples would be if she had it on.“What’s a matter?” Jimmy asked as he noticed Linda standing stiff bodied, her arms away from her side and an ugly grimace across her face.“God Jimmy this is rank!” she groaned unable to hide her disgust.“It’s just pussy juice, sweat, and sperm. Now you grab up a couple of handfuls and hold them to your nose and take in that wonderful aroma and keep your eyes on ole Clint while you do!” He calmly directed, “I’m glad you remembered to tell her to stop shaving.” Jimmy chucked as he looked at Clint and then brayed, “I love a hairy woman!”Again Linda glared at Clint over the top of the crumpled shirt pressed against her nose and said in a disgusted tone, “I thought it was for you… you bastard; watching my cycle, marking the days off, you fucking bastard, and all this itching while I got use to all this hair! Goddamn you!” and she continued to scowl, inhaling deeply the rank stench and then as the rage swept through her she growled, “You…! You…! Fucking…! Goddamn Bastard…!” a few convulsive sobs escaped as she started to cry but she quickly regained control.“Enough of that whining from now on you better do a fucking good job of acting like you like love it all!” Jimmy forcefully demanded adding as he growled, “Lift those arms over your head and start turning around… slowly so’s I can see how you look in my wife’s nighty! Speaking of my wife’s nighty how does it smell now?”“Sweet Jimmy! So sweet I want to meet her and go down on her after you and her have had sex” Linda replied smartly feigning a warm smile, sultry voice, and hiding her nausea. The door was kicked open just as Linda started turning and stopped. “I didn’t say stop! Keep going!” Shark sneered.A parade of rough looking women came in carrying trashcans, trash bags, and three of them had vacuums. The biggest of them looked saying, “She sure looks like one sweet ride Shark but my nighty is way too big for her so don’t you even think about cutting holes in it for her nips or I’ll cut holes in you!”“That’s my wife ain’t she sweet?” Jimmy said as he beamed a wide grin. Linda looked on in surprise as the biker women turned on the vacuums and got in to the task of cleaning her pigsty of a house. They were dressed like biker mamas in full leathers chains, boots and all of them had tattoos. They started throwing the dirty dishes into the cans, the trash into the bags and vacuuming the floors. The sound of breaking glass was ringing out loudly as the women swept across the tables and counters and the loud whirr of the vacuums were deafening.“Wait… sta…” Linda’s order was cut short.“Shut-up! Suck and bite my nipples!” snapped Jimmy. Linda complied immediately as she watched the women throwing away her dishes and cleaning up the trash. Soon the crashing sound of breaking dishes and glasses was replaced with the sound of heavy cans being dragged across the floor and more garbage bags being flapped open as the women went quickly to picking up the discarded debris and dirty laundry throughout the house. As quickly as it started, it was over and the place looked completely different as the women walked through the door with their hands full of vacuums, trash bags, and trashcans.“They took everything…!” Linda remarked with astonishment coupled with anger, she was about to say something else when the door flew open when the women returned.“Now you get over there, say thank you to each one of them, and give them each a nice long wet kiss!” Jimmy directed with a laugh and added, “And give the big one a special kiss and a thank her for the nighty that’s Lola my wife.”Linda staggered as she walked toward the women all of them taller and meatier than she. Linda neared the biggest woman first and was picked up by her, and she quickly sucked her upper lip into her mouth as she wrapped her legs around her torso. Lola’s lip popped free as Linda snaked her tongue into Lola’s mouth, for what was a long and passionate kiss. Linda’s lips parted from Lola’s and she went to her earlobe and gave it a firm stretching bite and let it pop free then whispered into her ear while exaggeratedly blowing her hot breath across her cheek, “Thank you for everything…! And your nighty too!”“Gaaawwd…! Damn…! It…! Jimmy…!” Lola gasped shouting, “You’ve got your self one wild ride!” She brayed while rubbing her crotch after another woman took Linda into her arms and held her face out to the group.Linda’s effort to say thank you to the next closest woman was thwarted as she slipped her long tongue down Linda’s throat another one stepped behind the woman holding Linda up and wrapped her arms around them both. Loud gasps sounded as she stuck her fingers into Linda’s vagina then started twisting her nipple while the woman holding her up started biting her ear. Linda could only moan as the forth, fifth, and sixth women took their turns kissing her and pawing her privates.“I want a look at that monster clit lay her on the floor and spread her legs out wide so I can get a real good look!” howled one woman.The others all chimed in, “Yea! Yea! Me too! Hell yea!”“I want see that handful of clitty!” Brayed another.“I want to see her squirt like she did when Clint squeezed that thing on the web-cam!” Brayed yet another.“Yea god damn it I am jealous so I want a ‘good…!’ Look!” ordered another as she let Linda slip to the ground. After they all had their say the room turned quiet, and Linda was walking back towards Jimmy.“Well what are you waiting for!?” Sneered the Shark and then he barked, “Give it to’em… pull that shirt up to your shoulders, lay down, and spread those beautiful legs.” He paused as he mused at her expression of stunned bliss, complete embarrassment, and burning passion then snapped, “and wide!”Linda quickly obeyed as if it were a reflex and the women eagerly crowded around, “Look at that thing dance!” the first woman excitedly remarked as she wrapped her hand around Linda’s amazingly large clitoris and squeezed admiringly saying, “Look at her face turning red and the sweat start to bead!”“Yea…!” Lola agreed whining, “The pictures on the web don’t do it justice!” Another brayed in a deepening voice as she pinched Linda’s thigh, “Look…! At the size of that thing, honey you can put your slippers under my bed any time!” and then excitedly pointed out, “Look she’s creaming the floor!” “Let me feel it!” one cried out as she pushed her way into the crowd and as she too wrapped her fingers around it and sang out, “My..! My…! It’s longer than my hand is wide see how it goes way past my thumb!” and she started to jack-it-off just as if it were a penis. All the women grabbed a limb as Linda started to gasp and squirm under their ministrations.“My…! God…! She’s a squirter!” another passionately remarked and cooed with astonishment as she slid her fingers into her vaginal opening and then enthusiastically added, “See how she squirted cream all over my arm!” and then added with admiration as she swished her fingers inside Linda’s vagina, “That is one haarrdah G-spot!”“Yea it looks like it is true, the Shark has another gusher!” another pointed out lasciviously, and then locked her mouth stifling Linda as she began to cry out from her explosive orgasm.“I want a feel of it!” another whined out loudly then quickly stuffed her fingers in with the first ones. Linda flailed about drumming the floor with her buttocks as she started to convulse. All of them tightened their grip holding Linda down as she bucked and squirmed.The two with their fingers inside Linda’s vagina sang out, “Those are some tight gripping muscles in there... it looks like the boys are in for a wild ride tonight!” When Linda settled down Jimmy ordered, “Enough of that I want you all to watch while ole fuck head performs a wedding ceremony and joins me to his wife.”The women all stood up and Linda staggered as she they helped her up exposing a big wet spot on the carpet. The t-shirt fell covering her sweated body and cream covered fanny the bulging nipples and clitty could clearly be seen bulging under the cloth as she walked towards Shark taking her place at his side. The angry look on her face was gone and a look of satisfaction now beamed from the red, sweat covered face. Linda was doing a good job of concealing her feelings of betrayal and confusion of the unfolding events by smiling and with obedience.As they all gathered around Lola remarked, “Those are some puffy red pussy lips Jimmy!” and giving Linda’s butt a playful swat.“So you think she is ready for mating?” Jimmy asked with a smug laugh.“Oh yea…! The bitch is in season all right!” She eagerly assured.“Well little lady it looks like we’re going to give you a break from the monthly curse.” Jimmy said with a laugh then barked “Here!” as he tossed a paper at Clint and then growled, “You do it and make it sound like you mean it!”Clint’s eyes grew large as he scanned the page and with astonishment and remarked, “These are wedding vows!”“The stupid fucker can read!” one of the women sang out sarcastically.“That’s right… and you are going to perform the ceremony.” The Shark sternly pointed out and then ordered, “Girls get the web-cams set up.Lola and another woman started leaning on Jimmy kissing his ears and rubbing his big cock while three of them hurried out side a sixth started to brush Linda’s hair and cooed, “You want to look good for Jimmy right?”She looked at the pictures on the table, at Jimmy, leered at Clint, and scowled at the floor then answered, “Of course I do!” Fear that Jimmy might not honor the arrangement and was going to hurt her niece any way was beginning to throb in her mind forcing her to call out, “Jimmy…!? You promise you’ll leave Brenda alone!?”“You’ve heard a lot of bad stuff about me; well I might cheat at cards and fix a fight, but I ain’t never sold bad dope or went back on a deal?” Shark proudly brayed, “You do like I tell you and everyone will be fine… I promise.”One of the women placed a frilly white hat with lace trailing down the back on Linda’s head; another lifted up her top and smeared a thick jelly like substance on her nipples that caused her to bend over and shudder as they turned hot and tight.“What did you just do?” She quizzed with a look of surprise on her sweated red face.“That stuff will keep those long and fat nipples of you’res haarrdah and give all our viewers an extra eyeful while you give your vows!”“Viewers…!?” Linda howled then shuddered violently as it sank in ‘web-cams’ then asked knowing the answer already, “What do you mean viewers?”“Oh didn’t I tell you?” Shark chuckled and laughingly added, “Surprise, surprise, surprise, all of tonight is going to be a live web-cam broadcast to thousands.”“You better learn to fly or you’ll fall and take that pretty little niece with you.” warned the women that just drugged her as she whispered into her ear. The warning took her by surprise and caused an ice-cold chill to race across her body. Linda suddenly realized that she was going to have to give an Oscar winning performance for both original screenplay and best actress without a script or a single rehearsal. She was going to have to forget the burning rage and the terrible feelings of betrayal, and call on her hot blooded passions and free herself of all inhibitions and do what ever she has to do in order to save her niece from Shark’s evil intentions.“Everyone we will go live in a few minutes so there will be only one chance to do good!” Jimmy the Shark hardheartedly cautioned and then twisted Linda’s face forcing her to look at him. She smiled reassuringly.“The log-in counter is whirling, so many people are logging on to the show!” shouted one of the women.Linda felt her sweat streaming from her armpits and running down her sides and her forehead was burning hot, and the stuff on her nipples made them so tight they ached. As she watched a woman moving around getting the different cameras into position Linda’s heart started to race and pound in her ears. The words; boys, weekend, tip of the iceberg, and surprise rumbled in her mind as she watched everyone being so busy. She wondered what all was in store for her; just how many more surprises were there. She felt dizzy then shuddered and felt some vaginal juices start to ooze down one of her legs as she thought of Jimmy, and his huge penis cumming in her, and remembered how he hurt her when he hit bottom the first time. A painful knot formed in her groin when she thought, “My god getting pregnant by Jimmy how revolting!” “Seventy-three thousand eighty-nine hundred plus viewers!” announced a woman and then enthusiastically added, “and the counter is still ticking off a few late comers!”“Hear that?” Shark queried then remarked, “You could’ve made a lot of money tonight if you had come to work for me when I asked, but instead you are paying off that loser’s debts and not making a single penny for you efforts!” The light in the room turned bright as a few of the women joined Jimmy and Linda. Linda was certain that some kind of hokey music was playing for the viewers to hear as a wireless ear-sized speaker was stuffed into her ear. Her anger returned briefly, as she watched another women stuff one into Clint’s ear and thought, “My God thousands of people will be watching me suck that bastard’s dick and letting him fuck me. Clint that bastard I’m going to kill the son-of-bitch…! When this is over I will find him and cut his fucking balls off and flush them down the toilet!” The loud crackling sound in her ear brought her back to the event.Clint and Linda both shivered a little as the command to start crackled in their ear-pieces and Clint started, “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join Jimmy the Shark with this little angle and bless all the fucking this man and woman are going to do.” The room filled with riotous laughter as Clint read, it became so loud he had to stop.Linda strained out a real looking smile as everyone laughed out loud, “That is just so fucking perfect!” a woman shouted out between laughs.“I think I am going to cry!” another said sarcastically and the uproar quieted.“And bless this weekend and hope they both cum their fucking brains out.” Again the room filled with riotous laughter causing Clint to stop as Jimmy looked around beaming a bright smile one of the women stepped in close behind Linda lifted her shirt and stuffed two gooey fingers into her rectum causing her to jump and gasp out loudly.“Easy there girl we have to finish the ceremony first!” Jimmy soothed as he petted her head, smiled and nodded at Clint and then urged, “Hell padre I think you best get on with it cause this little filly is a bite’en at the bit to get started with the honeymoon.”“I bet she is!” extolled one woman as the room turned quiet.“Do you Linda solemnly promise to obey to the very best of your ability Jimmy’s every wish no matter how silly or demanding, how easy or hard, sensual or disgusting?”“I do ‘ooo…!’ promise.” Linda responded just as the woman stuffed her gooier fingers back into her rectum and again causing the crowd to start laughing.“Better watch out Jimmy she looks like she’ll fuck the shit out of you!” One of the women teasingly shouted, causing everyone there to roar with laughter even Clint and Linda were beside them selves and then everyone quieted down. Linda’s rectum was starting to feel like it was melting inside; her stomach turned warm, and her clitoris began to pound and ache terribly with every throb and her vaginal muscles were beginning to quake. “Who is and what are… they putting inside me!?” Linda thought while Clint started again.“Do you Linda solemnly promise to give as much sexual pleasure as you know how to do to Jimmy and anybody else he gives you to?”Before Linda could answer the unknown woman, jabbed her fingers into her again with more of that gooey stuff and caused her to urine to dribble. She was unable to stop the flow as her muscles were numb, and she felt the warm liquid running down her legs and pooling at her bare feet causing her to squirm and fidget. Linda felt her labia turn hot and swell and her vaginal well felt as if some one had put a balloon inside her and was now blowing it up. She bravely faked a bright smile and looked right at Jimmy saying, “I do so promise to give him and his friends as much sexual pleasuring as they want! Any way they want it, and any time they want it!” and then started pushing her butt onto the intruding fingers as her body filled with a very warm and pleasurable feeling. Her eyes fell closed and she could feel Jimmy’s huge cock gliding into her rectal cavity and was jolted back awake when she caught herself falling.“Do you Linda solemnly promise to milk every drop of Jimmy the Shark’s sperm and treat every little drop of semen as if it were gold!”“I do promise to milk him as best I can!” Linda answered with a deeper and breathier voice as the drugs Jimmy’s girl put inside her took affect. “And do you Jimmy the Shark promise to give her a good fucking!” every one chuckled quietly when he read that even Linda.“I will, I do, and I can!” Shark brayed.“Well then by the power granted to me by Jimmy the Shark I pronounce you Jimmy’s girl. Jimmy you may place the collar around her neck. Lola stepped up and with a snap locked a shinny new choke chain dog color around Linda’s neck and handed the leash to Jimmy.“And you Linda may now kneel and suck Jimmy’s dick.” A loud riotous cheer filled the room as Linda slipped to her knees, unzipped Jimmy’s fly and felt everybody’s eyes on her as she fished his long, thick, dark red colored cock from inside his pants. It was still soft but its veins were quite visible. Precum was already dripping from the gaping hole in the middle of the flared head and oozed onto her hand. Linda’s right cheek became shinny as she rubbed the gland on it and then slurped the oozing gelatinous mass as it dangled from the opening into her mouth, and began noisily suckling the meaty head and milking the swelling shaft.Clint’s face turned long as he watched her suckling and he started to slump as the full impact landed with a surprising shock. All this time he thought he was just stringing her along while tricking her out of her money and cheating on her and talking bad about her at the bars to anyone that listened. His head turned down as the memory of how willing she was to do every thing he asked of her and how good she made him feel when she coaxed his seed from his belly. Now she belonged to The Shark.“You watch!” one of the women angrily hissed while grabbing his penis and squeezed quite painfully. “Stand still!” she barked angrily when Clint started trying to get away.Two other women Kneeled next to Linda and started rubbing more of Jimmy’s gooey drug on her breasts and slathering more of it on and in her anus.Lola towered over her ordering, “Get all of it down your throat!” and then pushed her head cramming her nose into Jimmy’s shiny black pubes. Wet gurgling noises could be heard as Linda gagged, while women continued their ministrations to Linda’s breasts and anus. Lola was pressing Linda’s nose firmly into Shark’s pubic hairs and when she pulled her head back Jimmy’s swelled cock sprang free, flinging a long stringy rope of precum across Linda’s face, some fell onto and hung from her chin and stretched down to the t-shirt.As the swelled shaft vanished back into Linda’s mouth and down her throat Lola ordered, “Lick those ball baby! Come on stick out that tongue of you’res and lick’em good.”As her tongue snaked out Jimmy sighed loudly and sang out, “Baby oh ‘baby…!’ yea baby that feels good!” and began to slide the full length of his member in and out of Linda’s mouth pausing only long enough for her to lick his balls and then with a stretched out dreamy voice sighed, “I want to feel that pussy squeez’en my meat when I slide this love tool into it.” He paused while he watched her noisily suckling his now bright red head and swallowing his juices.He wrapped the chain around his wrist and spun her around grabbed her around the stomach and taking a breast in each hand lifted her up and ordered as he squeezed her nipples, “Lola suck that giant clitty and stuff my meat inside that hot, wet tunnel of love!” Clint’s eye blinked as a full surge of urine gushed out when Lola locked her lips onto Linda’s pulsing clitoris and started suckling, and when the flow of urine slowed to a dribble she began teasing her labia with Jimmy’s flared gland. Linda had her legs wrapped around Lola and both of her hands full of Lola’s dark red hair as she tried to stuff Lola’s head in with Jimmy’s cock. Linda’s legs spread wide and a deep throaty groan erupted as Jimmy’s thick shaft slipped in through her vaginal sphincter aided by Lola’s guiding hand and she started rapidly pumping it moving it ever so slightly up and down in and out almost shaking it.Linda was oblivious to everyone there and completely mindless of the ninety plus thousand watching her world wide on their computers, as she raced to her climax. Her gasps were now voiceless as she panted and squirmed within Jimmy’s tightening grip. Sweat was pouring off Linda in sheets as Lola continued her ministrations to both Linda and Jimmy. Linda’s breathing turned into panic laden gasps, her legs began to bicycle, her toes splaying, and her body surged as her orgasm washed over her and after several loud gasping moans, and she went limp. A loud squelching sloppy wet suction sounded when Jimmy’s cock slopped out followed by a long rope of semen that started to slide down her thigh as Linda slipped slowly to the floor. Lola slurped up the stringer of sperm then helped her on to all fours.“Well boys and girls this is going to feel good!” Jimmy brayed as he maneuvered between her legs pulling the chain taut and looked at Lola saying warmly, “You put it in baby.”While still rubbing Linda’s large taut clitoris with one hand, she maneuvered the swelled gland on Shark’s hard meaty shaft with the other between Linda’s puffy wet labia, with a slight coaxing Jimmy pushed, and in it slipped. As it slid in Linda’s thick meaty labia vanished as they rolled in, then slipping out and fanning wide when Jimmy stopped pushing. Linda was now moaning louder and pushing her buttocks into Jimmy’s member as it slipped deeper in. Linda’s head bobbed up suddenly; a twisted grimace filled her face and a painful sounding grunt sounded, as her vaginal vault strained against the helmet of Jimmy’s long thrusting penis. It was only the second time she had ever felt anything like it and held her body still as Jimmy worked his magical thrusting for several minutes. Linda’s elbows buckled as Shark’s long shaft stretched and deepened her vaginal well with every thrust. The depth of his thrusts numbed her body; even the ministrations from Lola no longer caused her heart to race. It was the tight sweaty grip of Jimmy’s shaking hands on her hips as his body began to tremble that caused the knot to swell in her groin and throat and make her heart race.“Lay down on your back.” He directed breathlessly a loud wet squelch sounded as he pulled out of her. Linda looked at his hard wet flexing cock as she lay on her back. When he got on his hands and knees Jimmy warmly ordered, “You rub the head of my dick all over your clit and look into my eyes while you do.” Before the last word Linda was rhythmically rubbing his huge gland over her pounding clitoris her gaze fixed on Jimmy’s eyes and blinking only when her body shuddered.“Now guide him into you and keep rubbing your clit.” Jimmy crooned. Linda gasped and quaked as his flared gland slipped through her labia. She continued massaging her clitoris while Jimmy’s helmet bobbed just inside the lips of her vagina, and within a few short minutes her eyes began to wink and she gasped loudly as a subtle orgasm washed over her and her gaze was still fixed to Jimmy’s eyes. Her backed arched as twelve of Jimmy’s fourteen inches plunged into the deepest part of her womb. Linda began grunting as he painfully pushed the head of his cock against her vaginal vault. With one last painful thrust Jimmy let out a loud growling groan and was now keeping his huge cock pressed in as deep as he could with convulsive movements both their bodies rocked back and forth. When he pulled it part way out the thick flexing shaft could be seen clearly as some of his semen dripped from it. Both of their bodies were covered with sweat and they were both panting like mating animals. They were both silent for a few minutes as they lay in each other’s arms, Jimmy was licking her lips teethe with his tongue allowing his saliva to cascade into her mouth. “Okay Linda I want you to suck the last of this load into your mouth and give my dick a good tongue bath!” Jimmy breathlessly ordered as yanked his penis free and sat back on his knees and rattled the chain. Quickly and obediently Linda spun around and onto her knees in time to catch a thick long rope of sperm as it oozed out and dangled from his thick bright red shaft, and then started licking the rest of the shimmering cream from Jimmy’s still hard shaft and hairy scrotum. Lola collected the thick gel with a wide ladle as it oozed out from between her labia and scooped it from her legs.“Oh yea…! That is good!” Shark sighed as he stretched out on the floor and with a wet smile beaming said, “Lola has a present for you baby!” then let the chain fall to the floor.Linda turned to see what it was and knew right a way by the smile on Lola’s face and the spoon in her hand and opened her mouth. “Not so fast Linda!” Lola corrected and then softly ordered, “Say please let me have Jimmy’s sperm.” Linda managed a warm looking smile and purred, “Please Lola let me have all of Shark’s sperm.” Linda jumped and shuddered as Jimmy stuffed two of his burly rough fingers into her gaping pussy.With a laugh remarked, “She sprung a leak.” The room filled with laughter, as Linda slurped the sperm from the ladle swallowing it straight down and giving an approving yum, yum.“Now take off the shirt and give your crotch a wipe with it so’s everyone can see!” crackled her earpiece. Her face turned beet red and the chain rattled as she stripped the shirt in obedience wiping her sperm covered hairs and then put it back on, as it draped down a big shiny wet spot appeared right between her breasts. Linda straightened out the chain and held it out to Jimmy.“Now give the girls a nice warm kiss tell them all thanks and ask them leave cause you want some one on one time with Jimmy.”Trying to hide her puzzled look as she wondered who was talking Linda smiled warmly as she kissed every one of Jimmy’s girls and cooed as she thanked them and with a salacious smile and purred as she asked them to leave rubbing her clitoris telling them how much she wanted to be alone with Jimmy.“I got first dibs when she comes back into play!” Lola excitedly claimed, and then salaciously expressed as she rattled the choke chain, “I want some serious one on one with her myself!”“You got it baby!” Shark assured as he gave his wife a wet kiss.“I’ll do you good Lola.” Linda said her voice quite sexy. “Oh man I got to be next!” another pleaded as she walked out the door. “Is it set up with Linda’s sister?” Shark asked in a cross tone when Lola closed the door. Linda looked up with a shocked look on her face stunned by yet another surprise.“Yea Jimmy. I called her this afternoon and told her Linda asked me to invite her over for breakfast and a day of shopping. She said she would be here in the morning around ten.” Clint confirmed and just stood there like an idiot kicking at the floor.“What do you mean Jimmy?” Linda asked her face grimacing with renewed anger at Clint and keeping a thin smile on when looking at Jimmy.“Surprise, surprise, surprise!” Jimmy laughed as he stuffed the leash into a bulky leather bag tied the leather straps the chain, sat down and flailed his still hard cock at Linda adding, “I told you this weekend was going to be full of them. Now mount this throbbing slab of hot beef.” Linda swaggered over and started to climb on facing Jimmy when he sharply admonished, “No! No you plant your sweet ass on my belly and look at Clint as you slide my hard cock into that tight pussy of you’res.” Linda turned around and scowled at Clint as she maneuvered her vaginal opening over Jimmy’s flared helmet and with a wriggling of her sweet shapely hips it slipped into her opening. The angry scowling look on her face quickly turned warm and soft as the first half of Jimmy’s thick shaft vanished into her womb, and Clint eyes grew wide as Linda’s clitoris exploded in size and started pulsing. Tendrils of her juices started oozing out and coating his belly and her fanny a shimmering ring of gelatinous mass formed on his shaft marking the depth of her thrusting. Linda’s body shuddered and she gasped as her creamy juices gushed out coating his large hairy scrotum with more the shimmering jellylike mass.“That’s my little honey.” Jimmy sighed and asked, now tell me true it’s me you’ve wanted ever since the first time I made you suck my dick?”“Yes Jimmy I’ve wanted to you to fuck me ever since I sucked your dick.” Linda cooed dreamily in reply as she methodically undulated her fanny then warmly added, “I’ve always been sorry for not doing you better the last time.”“Then it’s me you see when close your eyes while that limp dicked loser humps you?” He sighed as he stroked Linda’s pulsing clitoris.“Yes I just close my eyes and imagine you’re the one mounting me.” Linda softly assured and then started pushing more of Jimmy’s throbbing meat into her womb and after several minutes, Linda’s body began to tremble. “Okay now pump it…! Pump it deep, pump it hard, and pump it fast baby!” Jimmy excitedly groaned as his body flexed, and soon a copious mass of seminal fluid erupted from Linda’s vaginal opening and began coating, her fanny, his scrotum and thighs and continued gushing as his huge flexing shaft thrust inwards and in a few seconds the two of them sat quietly in the chair. Both Linda and Jimmy’s pubic hairs, and thighs were covered with Jimmy’s sperm and Linda’s vaginal juices.The earpiece made Linda jump as it crackled again, “Kick Clint out!”“Get the fuck out of here you pencil dicked loser.” Linda angrily yelled the force of her voice grunted Jimmy’s cock out as she seized the opportunity to vent her suppressed rage and in a shitty tone affirmed, “It was the truth what I said to Jimmy.” She paused then smiled as she guided his rigid shaft back in. She closed her eyes and added, “Now leave us you dickless fuck I want to be alone with Jimmy!”As he headed for the door Shark admonished threateningly, “You best head straight for the down town clubhouse!” and then reached into his bag, tossed an envelope at him and sneered, “There’s the first half of your fucking dough now get!” and he was gone.“Oh…! Jimmy I think I am going to hurl may I please go to the bathroom.” She begged her face twisting from panic.“Best be going I guess.” He said with a laugh. A loud wet sucking squelch sounded when she jumped off and before he could speak, she was making a mad dash for the toilet. A loud wet belching groan resounded inside the toilet as she heaved violently. Jimmy followed the trail of sperm dollops to the bathroom and entered just in time to see and hear the loudest of the retching convulsions and watch his sperm gush out with every violent heave, some of it ran down her thigh, some just plopped onto the floor and some of it hung dangling from her labia and clitoral hood. A few short minutes and the loud vomiting was over, and Linda was hanging on the toilet panting as she caught her breath, while Jimmy rubbed the sweat on her back Linda looked up with a funny look on her face like she had been sitting on a turntable.“I don’t know what happened.” Linda groaned out as her head continued to swim in its haze.“Don’t worry you’ll be fine, it is just the dope. I know you don’t use but you belong to me now and if I tell you to take and eat something you best do it.” The Shark calmly assured and began to rub his sperm all over her buttocks and thighs stuffing his spermy fingers into her anus. Jimmy watched Linda’s body quaking from his firm massaging of her clitoris and then softly added, “I’m glad you stopped shaving I like the hair on your legs. Come on brush your teeth, and wash your face no one wants to smell puke; get a drink of water, and catch your breath, the boys are going to be here soon and they ‘are…!’ horny and I promised them a hot and horny chick and they know it’s you.”Linda looked at the clock as she entered the living room let out a long sigh and thought, “Shit it isn’t even eight o’clock!” then almost afraid to Linda breathlessly asked, “What is going to happen to Beth Ann when she gets here?”“The same thing that is happening to you a lot of sucking and fucking. Do like I tell you and both of you will come out of this.” Shark assured then asked, “Why do you hang with that loser? You let him squander almost all of your settlement from the estate.”End pt. 1This is a fictional story of bondage and rape; I do not take pleasure in reading about rape in the newspapers but watching it in the movies or reading a fictional story is different. Chapter two is being worked on as this story is being posted.Any constructive comments can be sent to‘ [email protected] ‘ any and all reasonable e-mails will be responded to.Thank you for your time writermike