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Lucky Jim


This story started in a chat room and was to change my outlook on sex completely. I had been chatting to this guy, we will for the sake of this story call Jim, because I am not at all sure whether or not he appreciate being identified especially when I tell you comes from West Yorkshire and is an ex-miner and not the sort that he would want his mates to know about his wife sharing bit. Far too macho for that.We had over a period of some two or three weeks chatted about all sorts of things. Marriage, girl friends, masturbation, cars, holidays, porn videos all the usual things guys chat about on line. Any how it turns out he had been married for about three years. A girl from his village. He seemed intrigued by my lifestyle and the fact that I only shag other people’s girl friends or wives. He asked about how the boyfriends or husbands reacted to watching their other halves getting shagged by a stranger.I graphically told him about some of my adventures. How some men want to join in. Others are quite happy just to watch. And on rare occasions I even had a guy who used to watch through a partially open door although he was spying on his wife. I wasn’t allowed to shag that one. The deal was. I would arrive pretend to be a salesman or something. She would invite me in. parade herself nude in front of me. Then whilst he watched from behind the door. She would get my cock out, kneel in front of me and give me the most amazing blowjob. Then as soon as I filled her mouth with my cum he would march into the room give her a bollocking for being a dirty bitch and then proceed to fuck her brains out. I could tell by the questions he kept asking that he quite fancied seeing his wife get it off with some one other than himself. After he thought he had got to know me enough to trust me. He actually admitted he would like to share his wife, but wasn’t at all sure whether she would go along with it. ‘After all’ he said, ‘I am the only man she has ever slept with.’My curiosity was aroused. Especially as I knew they were both in their early thirties and were according to the descriptions I had managed to extract from him over the previous few conversations quite an attractive couple. And seemingly we had a lot in common apart from them being happily married and me being a bit of a sexual cuckoo.My next objective was to arrange to exchange photos. Well you can’t be too careful can you? The photos were taken on their last years holiday. Showed Jim in tee shirt and shorts but more important Sarah was topless. A tanned, dark haired slim woman with a flat tummy beautifully firms little boobs. I say little because they were, but perfectly formed. Her legs looked long and smooth, her bum. Well that was a bum to die for. I love little firm sticky out bums. I suppose I am a bit of a bum man, it seems to be the first thing I look at in a woman. This woman had everything I love. To crown it all, she was blonde and blue eyed and even in this holiday snap sported the most mischievious smile I’d ever seen. So much so that I found myself masturbating at the thought of what it would be like to f**k her. Oh yes. I certainly wanted to know what she would feel like and how naughty she really could be.During the course of our next chat I just had to type it to see what the reaction was going to be. ‘Thank you for the photos – Your wife’s gorgeous and I would really love to fuck her’ I hesitated for a second or two then pressed send and waited. The message came back.‘Jim says thought you might. Lol.Closely followed by; ‘I have a stonking erection just thinking about watching you.’ I couldn’t believe my luck as I stared at the screen.The next message was ‘Now comes the difficult bit – getting her to agree’. I stared at the screen but before I could reply, another message came back. ‘We have talked about her having a another man whilst in the throws of passion and this has really turned her on – so in her head or fantasies she is up for it – But in reality – who knows. – I am going to ask her tonight and give her time to think about it. – Keep your fingers crossed. Talk to you tomorrow. – Bye.’The following night – guess what – I was online. After the introductory niceties and me dying to ask how he had got on the night before, but thinking I’d best leave it to him to approach the subject this message appeared. ‘Talked to Sarah last night and she’s more than interested, in fact she is sat beside me now at the putor’ I could only type one word back, - ‘Brilliant’.‘She has seen your photo and likes what she has seen – but she has a request’‘Yes anything’ I typed.‘She wants to see a photo of your – you know – cock – is that ok?’‘No prob.’ I replied.As this is not an unusual request for some one like me, I have a picture already on file. I called it up, transferred to file to be sent. Click and it’s on its way.After what seemed to be an age, whilst they downloaded the file at the other end, my screen flickered and up came this message. ‘Sarah says how and would like you to come to Sunday lunch this week end it you can make it. We could meet in our local pub – then if we all got along alright we could come back here for lunch – then who knows.’Of course I agreed, even though it would mean travelling just short of a hundred miles to meet them. Well this is my hobby – shagging other men’s wives (with their consent of course) and a little effort and expense is not out of the way to fulfil one’s hobby is it?Sunday morning arrived, up early, a long luxurious soak in the bath followed by a shave, clean my teeth, plenty nice smelly after-shave, non-of that cheap horrible stuff just a nice hint of manliness. Select my favourite designer boxer shorts, a pristine pair of jeans, my favourite tee shirt – luckily it was clean and ironed. Out to the car at about nine thirty. Then as an after thought. Supposing they want me to stay over night. Back into the house a few things thrown in an overnight bag and back to the car.Just over a couple of hours later I was stood at the bar of the pre-arranged pub. A nice family sort of pub, lots of couples and children milling about preparing themselves for their Sunday lunchtime treat. The barmaid that served my pint was very personable and chatty. I wondered how chatty she would have been if she knew the reason for my visit to her pub. ‘Oh me – Well I am here to meet this guy and with a bit of luck within a couple of hours I will be fucking his wife’s brains out whilst he watches.’ True as it may well be I don’t think that would have gone down to well.Half way down my well-deserved pint and Jim and Sarah joined me. I ordered drinks for them as we exchange nervous greetings. Sarah turns out to be far better looking than the photo – she is gorgeous – Something I liked was the fact that she was not dressed to kill. Quite the contrary. She wore a pair of jeans that fitted fairly tightly, showing off that bum. Her top was just a loose fitting woollen jumper. But for all her dressing down she could not camouflage her sexiness. At this stage I was more than happy. Jim was just as I imagined he would be. Although obviously a little nervous, he was the laid back sort of guy that I had spent hours chatting to online. Sunday lunch a bit to my surprise was to be in the pub. Not that I minded, it was just that I had for some reason expected Sarah to be cooking it. ‘We often do this’ Jim said as we made our way to a vacant table. ‘Saves a load of work at home and we can both relax and enjoy our Sundays’ As we studied the menu he said laughingly, ‘It also gives us a chance to get to know you.’And get to know each other we did – We talked about all sorts of stuff. Strangely enough everything other than sex and why I was there. Now I have to admit once over the first couple of minutes of nervousness, the next hour and half seemed to fly by. Plenty of chat. Some serious some flippant. We had laughed, giggled and before long we were like old friends. Jim looked at his wife in a sort of questioning manner. She nodded her head and smiled. He turned his glance to me and said, ‘Well I suppose we had better show you where we live.’ Soon after following them out of the car park their car stopped outside what I would best describe as a cottage or a small Victorian town house. As soon as we were all in their small but cosy living room Sarah said she would go and make some coffee. For the first time leaving Jim and myself alone. He said. ‘It’s going to good, although Sarah hasn’t said anything as yet – she is quite looking forward to this, - But we must let her start the ball rolling in her own way. – And to be fair, if she gets cold feet nothing will happen. – OK?’ ‘That’s ok with me’ I smiled ‘We’ll just play it by ear’.She came back into the room armed with the coffee on a tray, placed it on the coffee table and handed round the cups. I had noticed that Jim had sat in one of the chairs. His favourite no doubt – I sat on the sofa, leaving the other chair vacant. Sarah picked up her own cup and sat beside me. ‘That’s promising I thought’ - ‘So!’ she said softly ‘you two have been doing quite a lot of chatting about me and what I might like.’ Her eyes sparkled as a smile spread across her face. She looked so beautiful and mischievious. She giggled and continued ‘I just wonder what you two thought you might do to little me.’I swallowed, then smiled, ‘Hopefully have a lot of fun, become very close friends and all of us act out our greatest fantasies’. Jim spoke next -‘That sounds good to me’ followed by ‘What do you think Sarah?’ there was a hint of nervousness in his voice – but had he felt nervous or worried this was soon staved off by Sarah’s new found confidence. ‘It sounds like a lot of fun to me’ she quipped, - ‘ especially as it’s me that is going to get the most attention.’ She laughed.My next move was to place my hand on her shoulder. She turned faced me, put her hands on my shoulders, leant forward and kissed me on the lips. A long, tongue probing, passionate kiss. As I felt my cock twitch and harden she broke away, looked at her husband, smiled and waited for his approval. He just nodded his head and smiled.This was my signal to take her in my arms and return that kiss. I felt her body react as my tongue slipped into her mouth. My hands were around her waist lifting her jumper so as to feel the softness of her smooth skin. I slid my hands upward taking the jumper with them. I lifted it over her breasts. Broke off from the kiss continuing to lift her jumper. She raised her arms allowing me to lift it over her head and free her of the garment. As it slipped over her wrists I admired her upturned breasts; I placed the jumper over the back of the sofa and continued to study her bra less torso. ‘You like’ she smiled. ‘Oh yes’ I replied, ‘very much’ and leant forward kissing each of her pert little nipples in turn. ‘Ooh – that’s nice’ she giggled. I took each of her boobs in my hands, lifted them gently, leaned forward again took one of those hardened nipples between my lips and sucked gently. Her body stiffened. I took the other nipple between finger and thumb and rolled it. She squealed with delight. I gently bit the nipple between my lips. She began to breathe heavier. I shot a quick glance towards Jim. He was still sitting in his chair, his eyes glued to his wife. I smiled – he smiled back. His wife was sat facing me her hands on my shoulders, her back arched backwards as I bit each of her nipples, sucked and massaged their undersides.She looked towards her husband smiled and asked if he was Ok. He replied a little dry mouthed ‘Oh yes – you enjoy yourself’. - ‘Oh I am’ she repliedI stood her before me. She faced me with her back to her husband. I undid the waistband of her jeans, pulled the zip down. She made no resistance. I slid her jeans down past her thighs, until they fell in a crumpled heap at her feet. She kicked them off nonchalantly. Before me she stood her tummy and breasts rising and falling with her breathing. Her treasure box covered by the skimpiest pair of white silk knickers. Yes knickers, not a G-string not a thong but a little pair of bikini pants. I don’t know why but I just love proper knickers. She looked so beautiful, so sexy. It was obvious by the tiny damp patch that she was already aroused. I couldn’t resist. I dropped to my knees, placed my hands on her beautiful bum. I covered her silk encapsulated sex with my mouth. My tongue pushed into the material probed her sex. I sucked, tasted her bitter sweetness. She stiffened and moaned. Her hands held my head. She parted her legs for me. I licked the length of her slit. Lingering where I thought her clitoris to be. She squealed her fingers dug into my head.I pulled away. Slid her pants down uncovering the most amazing pussy. Her jet-black pubic hair was long and straight. Neatly trimmed showing off her swollen brownish lips. I slipped a single finger between them and slowly run it upward towards her clitoris. She opened showing me the damp pinkness of the interior of her pulsing vagina. ‘Not a natural blonde eh?’ I laughed. She didn’t reply, just giggled.I slid my hand up her inner thigh and pushed my thumb into her tight, slippery little tunnel. My tongue sought out her clitoris. I flicked it with its very tip. She panted. Gyrated her pelvis around my thumb and mouth.I leant back, looked up her, slowly pushing my thumb in and out of her whilst my fingertip teased her clitoris. Her eyes were closed her mouth open. Firmly I asked her, ‘Do you want to cum?’‘Yes please’ she moanedMy mouth covered her sex again; my tongue busily flicked her clit. My thumb slid rhythmically in and out of her. I felt her shudder. Stiffen. I heard a stifled little scream as her muscles gripped my thumb. It wasn’t the most powerful of climaxes. I think best described as a nice cum.Seconds later I felt her weaken. I supported her in my hands and lowered her to her knees. I sat back on the sofa and watched her tremble and fight for breath. I heard Jim say, ‘That was beautiful. – Was that a good cum love’.‘Oh yes’ she panted. ‘It was lovely’. Still tasting her juices I felt quite proud of myself. But my cock was painfully hard and pushing against my jeans. ‘Excuse me’ I said, ‘I’ve got to do this’.I undid my belt and waist band, pulled down the zip opened the front of my jeans pulled the waistband of my boxers down and allowed my cock to spring free. It was such a relief to free it from its confinement. It stood proud and erect, sticking out from my jeans. Sarah’s eyes were riveted to it. She reached out wrapped her finger around it’s shaft, squeezed it. Slowly her hand began to slide up and down its length. She cooed and told me how nice it was, then lowered her head and took it into her mouth. I felt her lips close around my dome. I slid into the warmth of her gently sucking mouth. My hands reached out for her shoulders. I looked over her bobbing head towards Jim. He smiled. I panted, ‘Come on, - I thought this was to be a threesome, come and help me out will you.’I watched as he stood, slipped out of his jeans and pants and with his cock in his hand walked over and knelt behind Sarah. I felt the pressure of her lips about my cock release as she opened her mouth to squeal. I knew he was inside her. I watched as he grabbed her waist and started to fuck her. Her mouth closed around me again as she pulled my cock towards her hungry mouth.She looked up at me, her eyes wide open, her mouth full of cock. She looked so gorgeous. So sexy. I love to watch a girl suck.‘Please’ I begged ‘slow down – you are going to make me cum and I don’t want to cum just yet’.‘Spoil sport’ she laughed as she let me slip from her mouth. ‘But I suppose I’d better not make you cum yet. – We haven’t finished with you yet have we Jim?’ ‘Suppose not’ he grunted between strokes.She looked over her shoulder and said in a mocking tone ‘That’s enough for now – you know you will get over excited’. And with that she wriggled herself free from his cock. She looked at me and said ‘Come on lets get those clothes off – you look ridiculous like that.’ I must admit I did feel a little uncomfortable with my jeans round my ankles and my cock sticking out of the top of my boxers. As soon as I was undressed Sarah said, ‘Lay down on the floor’ Why not I thought – so I did. Then she said ‘This is for Jim – He wants to see me suck your cock – you don’t mind do you’.With the thought of my cock slipping between those lovely lips again how could I object?Sarah knelt by my side; Jim knelt on the other side. I lifted myself on my elbows to see the two of them inches from my throbbing cock. I watched as Sarah lowered her head and took me back deep inside her mouth. Her gentle sucking action felt wonderful. The excitement enhanced by the thought of her husband watching my cock slide in and out of his wife’s delightful mouth. I relaxed my elbows and lay on my back and let her suck to her hearts delight.I laid there in a wonderland. I felt my cock being stroked and gently sucked, then a pause then she would suck harder more forcefully, then back to gentle sucking. It felt brilliant, far too nice to cum and spoil it all. So I closed my eyes and enjoyed what was probably the best blowjob I’d ever had.I felt the powerful sucking again; it felt like my insides were being sucked out through my cock. I lifted my lower half to meet it. It felt so good, so powerful, so bloody wonderful.Then I felt her soft lips kiss mine. I returned the kiss passionately. Suddenly I realised my cock was still being sucked. I broke away in a panic. Sarah face was right above me. I looked up at her wicked smile, ‘You don’t mind do you’ she giggled. ‘We have been sharing you for awhile – but I thought it would be nice to let Jim have you all to himself for awhile’. ‘Fucking hell’ I thought another man is sucking me off. But even though my mind was in total panic I couldn’t stop myself lifting my hips to meet his sucking action. He was that good. What he was doing to my cock was totally unbelievable.‘Shit!’ I managed to exclaim, followed by, ‘It’s a bit late NOW!’ Then just as I was about to object she covered my mouth with hers and Jim sucked harder. Shit it felt so good I nearly shot my load there and then. ‘Well you see this was all part of the plan’ she whispered in my ear. ‘Jim has always wanted to know what it would be like to suck a cock and the thought of watching him really turned me on. So when you two got chatting about sharing me I thought it a good opportunity to let him realise his dream.’ she giggled coyly and continued ‘If you don’t like it – why are lifting your bum like that.’‘I don’t know’ I laughed and looked down at Jim head bobbing up and down on my shaft.She laughed again ‘I think you two are getting to like that too much. – I think its time you watched me suck him. - You’d like that wouldn’t you?’I didn’t have to answer. She had already told Jim enough was enough. To be perfectly honest I am not at all sure I had had enough. But was a bit of a relief to feel my cock slip from his mouth. Me being the macho heterosexual male and all.But it has to said to all you men out there. If you haven’t been sucked by a man then try it. For if Jim was anything to go by, men suck cock completely different to women. And believe me I’d never felt anything quite like it.Now the mischievious little Sarah had another little treat in mind. She got me to lay on the floor and watch her stroke his cock. She reached out took my cock in her other hand, giggled and said ‘ooh that’s nice two cocks to play with.’ Then she lowered her head and took him deep into her mouth. She looked me straight in the eyes as her lips slid up and down his shaft. I could see her eyes were laughing as I watched his cock slide in and out of her mouth. She had hold of him by the base, squeezing him hard whilst she sucked. She did this for a few minutes not once neglecting the cock she had in her other hand. She let his steaming wet cock slip from between her lips, looked at me, smiled and said, ‘Go on then – hold it’. As I thought ‘fuck off’ for some reason unknown to me at the time I allowed her to take my hand and place round his shaft. It felt so hard and yet so nice nothing like holding my own. Without thinking I started to wank him. Perhaps it was because Sarah was watching or perhaps it was what she doing to me. I don’t know but I was getting a kick out of wanking this cock.‘Go on’ she said, ‘suck it’ ‘Not bloody likely’ I replied indignantly.She laughed and said, ‘Go on – I dare you’ another giggle then, ‘Any how if you want to fuck me – you are going to have to. – I want to see him get sucked by a man’.‘You horny little minx’ I replied whilst my brain fought for a way out of this situation. I felt her hand tighten on my shaft and give it a couple of sharp jerks. I caught my breath. ‘Go on please – try it for me,’ she said in a very persuasive tone of voice..Bloody hell more confusion, she was doing such wonderful things to my cock and I didn’t want her to stop. Slowly I lowered my head, opened my mouth and nervously took his dome end inside it. To my amazement it felt good in fact better than good it felt great. She pumped his shaft towards my mouth. I sucked. I knew now why women like sucking cock, there was something so sexy about it. ‘My turn now’ she quipped. I let him slip from my mouth. His cock stood hard and proud throbbing and jerking. ‘Ooh – he is so close – I don’t think he can hold on much longer do you?’ – ‘Looks that way to me’ I said watching the cock twitch and jerk. ‘One more favour’ she said sweetly. No I thought immediately I am not going to have him cum in my mouth. If she thinks that she can think again.I felt her hand expertly jerk my cock again. ‘Will you help him cum into my mouth?’ she smiled.‘You want me to wank him into your mouth?’ - ‘Yes please’ I seemed so relieved that that was she wanted without thinking I agreed not knowing that this was to be an experience I’d never forget.She took his dome into her mouth and began to suck. Her lips were closed tightly behind his ridge. With her cheeks sucked in, she opened her eyes and looked at me. I couldn’t refuse that look. I wrapped my hand around his shaft again, squeezed it hard and began to pump it towards her mouth. His bum left the floor. I felt him straining. I moved my hand up and down faster. He started to moan and groan. I felt his cock throbbing in my hand as I watched Sarah relentlessly suck. Then I felt it – yes I actually felt his cum pushing its way along his shaft. It felt so powerful. He yelled like he was being strangled. I both knew and could feel him cumin into Sarah’s mouth. She was sucking and swallowing. I couldn’t stop I pumped harder. Her eyes tightly closed still she sucked. She sucked until his bum fell back onto the carpet and he went completely limp.Sarah opened her eyes let his limp cock slip from her mouth and smiled. I said, ‘I’ve done some kinky things in my life but that was really something’. ‘I know’ she smiled, ‘I cant describe how that felt it was so brilliantly horny I have never known him cum so much – he just kept cumin it even made me cum’.Poor Jim was exhausted. He just lay on his back whilst Sarah gently stroked my cock every now and then slipping into her mouth and sucking it. What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. As soon as she felt me getting too close. She would stop. Kiss both Jim and myself then return to pleasuring my cock. Jim had managed to get himself to his chair and there he sat watching his wife play with my manhood. ‘You have a nice cock’ she said her hand gently slid up and down it as I lay on the floor. I thanked her, like you do. I don’t know how long she just laid by my side stroking, sucking and kissing, but seemed to be a long while. Not that I was complaining. It’s nice to have someone give you a long prolonged lazy wank. She had taken me to the edge so many times then let me relax before starting again. I don’t ever remember having such a long drawn out wank it was wonderful, full of so many terrific feelings. Eventually Jim came over from his chair sporting a semi hard on. He lay by the side of his wife. She took hold of his cock with her free hand and soon had him hard again. She seemed to really enjoy having two cocks to play with. She would suck me then move over and take her husbands cock into her mouth. Then back to stroking. Then a bit more sucking. I rolled over stroked her hair and said, ‘You really like sucking cock – don’t you?’ She smiled ‘Oh yes – I love it - this is so nice having two to suck and play with.’ She smiled and said ‘I think I am in need of a little more stimulation’.And with that stood, then knelt, her knees either side of Jim’s head. Lowered her head and took Jim’s cock into her mouth. He stretched up and covered her pussy with his mouth. Her lips slowly slid up and down his shaft as her bum rocked back and forth over his head. I thought this must be my cue.I moved round, knelt behind Sarah’s pretty little upturned bum. My cock rested neatly between her cheeks. I was about to take hold of my cock and aim it towards its target when I felt Jim’s hand take hold of it. What the hell I thought as he wrapped his hand round it and firmly stroked it between Sarah’s thighs. As his hand slid back and forth along my shaft he was guided it’s bulbous end between Sarah’s pussy lips. I felt her wetness as he slid to and through along her crevice, she felt so smooth compered with the roughness of his hand around my shaft. He slowly wanked me. Not at all an unpleasant feeling. Then he gripped me a little harder I felt my cock expand in his hand. He nudged my dome end against her entrance. It felt terrific. I was completely in his hands. He pulled me forward a little. I felt her open and the tip of my cock slide in. His hand slid down my cock pulling me back out again. He squeezed me hard at the base then slid his hand forward again. My cock entered her pussy again this time a little further. Just as I was getting used to this gorgeous tight pussy, he pulled back again, each time he did this he allowed me to go just a little deeper into her. Sarah’s bottom was pushing back trying to get me inside her. The feeling in and around my cock was amazing I honestly don’t know if Jim knew what he was doing to me – but believe me it felt superb. He pulled me out of her again, held me tight. I felt my cock being lowered then he took me between his lips and sucked. He sucked so hard I yelled. Shit did he know how to excite. I felt his hand cup my balls roll them then squeeze. He released my cock from the captivity of his mouth and with one hand on my balls and the other wrapped around my shaft he guided me back into her. This time he let go of my cock and with the hand that held my balls pulled me towards her. My cock slid smoothly into her. I heard her shout ‘Yes’ he squeezed my balls as my cock penetrated her to its limit. She felt so tight, so smooth, so wonderful. I put my hands around her waist. And fucked her long deep and slow. On every forward stroke Jim would squeeze my balls, it felt so good. I could feel her bucking back to meet each of my forward strokes. She was panting and yelling. I some how knew Jim was licking her clitoris I also knew she was very close to cumin – I could feel her muscle clamp around me as I gave her my full length. This wasn’t just a fuck this was amazing. Involuntarily I speeded up I couldn’t help it – my cock was in control now – rapidly it slid in and out Jim still held my balls. I felt my cum rising and this time there was no one to stop me and I wasn’t going to stop. I rammed into her. She screamed. I thrust again and again. Then one long powerful thrust. Jim gripped my balls until they hurt. My spunk burnt its way down my shaft and I was filling her tight hole, flooding her very depths. I yelled like a man possessed. I felt my cum shooting into her. It was so much worth waiting for. It was so fucking incredible.Sarah was panting and shaking I guessed she had reached her climax too. As my senses returned I hoped that Jim had filled her mouth because he seriously deserved it. The next thing I knew was that we were all in a crumpled heap on the floor. Now it has to said, I have shagged a quite a lot of women in my time – Mostly in the company of their husbands, so I suppose I am far from being narrow minded and have tried most things during my sexual adventures. And of course because of my chosen life style there always was the chance of meeting what you may call the not altogether straight male. But because this had not happened I never gave it a great deal of thought. Apart from that the thought of a couple of guys wanking each other off in some seedy toilet was to say the least – to me – abhorrent. But as I lay on Sarah and Jim’s floor and when I’ve thought about it since, for this was a few weeks ago. I had then and have now not a single regret. In fact it was probably one of my best sexual adventures to date. Quite a revelation eh? To find that after so many years of heterosexual sex. You have a leaning in the other direction. Now this does mean that I consider myself gay or even truly bi-sexual because to honest I still do not fancy men in the way I would fancy a women. But after that experience it would have to be said that my horizons were definitely broadened.So for all you male readers that haven’t rushed off to the loo to throw up in disgust my story didn’t end there. I did stay the night and after an evening of recuperation at the local pub. Where the three of us seemed to do nothing but laugh and joke about the events of the afternoon. Not one of us showing any forms of embarrassment or regret, in fact quite the contrary. Some of the events being discussed at great length.It was as the time drew close to closing time that they suggested I stay. Not looking forward to a long drive home and the prospect of an interesting night I of course agreed.So to cut a long story short. We all three wound up in bed together. There was mainly because all three were a little too tired to exploit this situation to it’s fullest, except possibly Sarah, who probably was the one to gain the most. Well this is where women have the advantage over us men. Although it is every mans dream to fuck more one women at a time, it is of course when you get to my time of life virtually impossible to cum more than once, twice if you are extremely lucky. But women – Well!So without dwelling on the subject too long. Jim and I took it in turns to fuck her until both of us exhausted ourselves and fell asleep. This does not mean we neglected Sarah. She got more than her usual Sunday night climaxes. By a lot! For a woman that had only ever had one man in her life she certainly knew how to make up for it. It was late on a dull northern Monday morning, that I fumbled for my mobile and phoned my office, crying sick. Jim was missing from the bed but Sarah was still soundly sleeping next to me. I slipped out of bed, found the bathroom and had a wonderful long hot shower. Feeling totally refreshed I slipped on a clean pair of boxers and wandered down stairs. Jim was stretched out on the sofa drinking a cup of coffee. He greeted me with a smile and indicated towards the kitchen, ‘Plenty coffee in the pot – help yourself.’I returned from the kitchen with my mug of steaming coffee. ‘Sarah alright?’ he asked as lay sprawled on the sofa, his dressing gown open and making no attempt to cover his limp cock that lay nestled between his legs. ‘Yes’ I said ‘ sleeping like a baby’ - ‘Oh!’he replied sounding surprised, he laughed, then said, ‘I thought you would be giving her one’. ‘I am not very good in the mornings – takes me awhile to come round – but apart from that I didn’t want to disturb her and I wouldn’t any how without you being there or least ways saying it would be ok.’ ‘I like you Mike’ he said, strange this was the first time he had used my name, but must admit it was nice. I smiled in acknowledgement. He smiled back and said, ‘After last night I would not of thought – you would of felt the need to ask.’ He paused then said ‘but I suppose your right she does need her beauty sleep – she was a little greedy last night’. Then he laughed.‘No regrets in the cold light of day’ I asked. – ‘Bloody hell. No! – Haven’t had so much fun for years’. He paused again, averted his gaze, and continued ‘Apart from that thanks to you and Sarah I realised a dream that has been nagging at me for ages.’ Another pause this time a trifle pregnant. ‘What about you – I take it that was the first time for you too?’ – ‘Christ yes!’ I replied. ‘So’ he continued showing a little more confidence ‘What did you think?’ ‘To be perfectly honest’ I replied, ‘I have mixed feelings.’ I coughed nervously, ‘I will however tell you one thing – you gave me the best blowjob I have ever had and as regards the rest of it, - well that was so bloody exciting – I would not of thought it possible – does that answer your question?’‘Yes’ he replied, looking at me again, ‘I’ve never felt so turned on’. I noticed his hand had slipped between his legs and he was fondling himself sort of unconsciously – he wasn’t wanking as such just playing – but the effect was the same his cock was growing to an erect state. Suddenly he seemed to realise what he was doing. He looked extremely embarrassed. Let go of it and said in a nervous tone ‘Sorry – didn’t realise I was doing that.’‘No problem’ I replied, ‘After last night I don’t think it would make a lot of difference do you, it’s hardly going to upset me. – You carry on if you want’.He dressing gown fell further apart as he parted his legs and took hold of his cock and slowly stroked it. ‘I’ve always wanted to do this’. He said, ‘openly masturbate in front of some one – I haven’t even been able to muster the courage to do it in front of Sarah – she always does it for me – looks upon my cock as being hers’. ‘Well she didn’t complain about giving it to me last night’. I laughed. ‘No’ he said, ‘that’s because she gave it to you.’ – ‘Now it’s me that’s doing it for me and hopefully you’.‘So you want me to watch you?’‘Yes’ he panted, ‘you are sure she is still asleep’ ‘Oh yes’ I replied, ‘dead to the world’Because of what I do I have obviously seen a lot of guys wanking themselves. But never before had I sat opposite and actually watched. The crazy thing was I didn’t object. It was a new experience to see a guy pleasuring himself. His technique quite different to that of my own. Quite soon I was finding myself fascinated by his masturbation technique. His cock hard, dome stretched as his fingers and hand worked at it. I glanced at his face, the expression showed without a doubt how much he was enjoying himself. He panted, ‘Do you want a closer look’.I knew this would turn him on even more so I knelt at his feet and watched his hand slide up and down a shaft that I am sure was bigger that the cock I remembered from last night.He let go of it. Laid back on the sofa it stood hard and erect protruding from his groin. He lay there although proud of it as it twitched and throbbed. I must admit it did look awesome and not to put a too finer point on it - inviting.He made no attempt to touch it. It was although he was asking, but without saying a word. Confusion and curiosity flooded my mind. Curiosity won. Between my fingers I felt its power and hardness. It twitched. I felt it throb. I slid his loose silky foreskin up the shaft, covered his knob end best I could then slid it back down again, exposing the pink rounded dome, it’s teardrop of precum escaping from it’s weeping eye. My thumb flicked over it, wiping it away. I gave him a few more long slow strokes. Each time I felt him raise himself of the sofa to meet me. He was panting and groaning. I had a tremendous feeling of power. Here laid back on the sofa was a six foot ex miner and through what was in comparison a small part of him I had total control over him. I gripped him at the base of his cock, watched him throb and expand, then I pulled my hand towards his dome. He yelled, lifted his lower half right off the sofa. Held himself in this position whilst my hand slid powerfully back down. He panted as his fingers dug into the cushions of the sofa. His whole body went stiff, every muscle contracting. I was oblivious to any thoughts or anything that was happening around me. All my thoughts were concentrated on the manhood in my hand. I lowered my head, opened my mouth and took the cock inside it. My lips shut tight behind his ridge, my tongue flicked over his dome then I sucked. It felt brilliant. I felt him push. His cock slid into my mouth, bumped against my tonsils, I choked slid back. My free hand found his balls. I squeezed their tightness, rolled them between fingertips all the time sucking on the throbbing flesh between my lips. My hand was sliding back and forth along the part of his shaft that wasn’t in my mouth.I felt him begin to jerk, his cock end expand in my mouth. I gripped harder with both hands. He yelled painfully. Then I felt it! – That gush of hot liquid splash against the back of my throat. My mouth was full I had to swallow or choke, so I swallowed. Drank the salty bland tasting cream. To my surprise it tasted ok, even nice. His cock expanded again and filled my mouth again, and again I drank. Then I knew what it felt like, knew why women liked it so much. It is the most amazing feeling.His cock was still twitching in my mouth when I heard this voice. ‘That was Beautiful’ the sound ripped into my dream like state of mind. It was Sarah. Guilt flooded my already confused mind. She was stood at the door wrapped in a towel - How long you been there?’ I asked somewhat guiltily ‘Oh long enough’ she replied laughing. Jim was totally fucked, couldn’t say or do anything, just had this half-stupid half-guilty grin on his face. He looked like a little boy who had been caught doing something he shouldn’t of. – Which of course he had.As I stood trying hard to recover some semblance of dignity. She spoke again, ‘Don’t look so guilty – I told you – it was beautiful – I loved watching you two’. She looked down at the enormous bulge in my boxers and focussing on the tiny damp patch said, ‘It looks like you enjoyed it’.I said nothing. I could still taste Jim in my mouth, my cock was throbbing. I needed to cum. I walked over to her, pulled her towel off, took her hand lead her to the table, bent her over and with no thought nor ceremony slid my cock deep into her. ‘Oh Yes! She screamed ‘Give it to me’. I was so excited so horny and so much in need of relief I just slammed into her. Stroke after stroke. Hard, deep and fast. It was not long before I felt my balls tighten, my groin ache and my cum fill her. I had no idea whether or not she had cum and to be honest didn’t care. All I wanted and certainly got was my own satisfaction. She said afterwards that she had cum, but I don’t know maybe she was just being nice to me and trying to make me feel less guilty for being so selfish. She obviously knew how much I needed a really powerful cum and obliged wonderfully. So there is my story A little after that I drove home but have made a couple of really good friends so much so that we are planning to go on holiday together – Lucky me eh?Please let me know your comments and don’t be frightened to praise or condemn my behaviour. When I return from the holiday – Oh yes I did agree to go – Who in their right mind wouldn’t? I’ll write an account of what promises to be quite some winter break.Ends……………………