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Teaching the Teenagers (Ch. 3)


so when he asked her what she did last night she simply told him she watched a bunch of movies with M&M and fell asleep on the couch. That seemed to satisfy him, and she headed up to her room to prepare for their date later tonight as well. She wanted to dress up in something extra special for her boyfriend after their incredible lovemaking sessions last night and this morning.Zach showed back up at M&M's place first, looking particularly handsome. His wavy black hair was slicked back and he was wearing a tight white t-shirt and blue jeans with an old jacket slung over his shoulder, looking somewhat like John Travolta in Grease.Tiffany arrived ten minutes after Zach did, her curly blond locks flowing down to her shoulders seductively. She had on a streetwalker red evening dress that clung to her body down to her waist, then flared slightly at her hips, showing off her fabulous figure. Zach was instantly hard when he saw her, and told her that she looked absolutely stunning. Tiffany could only blush and offer a shy "Thank you" before softly kissing the young man she had lost her virginity to less than a day ago.Mark had opted for a dark blue dress shirt and black slacks. Monica had on a knee-length skirt and a blouse that showed off her cleavage tastefully. Doublechecking that they had everything they needed, the mid-twenties couple let the teenagers into the backseat of their car, got in, and pulled out of the driveway."Oh, by the way, please remind us to dump the sheets in the dryer as soon as we get back," Monica casually mentioned once they'd pulled onto the main road, smirking at Zach. The boy just grinned sheepishly and offered a small "sorry.""No problem, you guys had to have had a hell of a time getting them that way! How was he, Tiff?" she asked, twisting around to look at the young woman sitting behind her. Mark glanced at her reflection in the rear view mirror and smiled at Tiffany's goofy grin."Incredible. Perfect." she sighed, holding Zach's hand. He gently stroked her hand with his thumb and lightly cupped her chin before kissed her romantically. Monica and Mark both smiled, and Monica placed her own hand on Mark's atop the gearshift to give it a little "I love you" squeeze.The two couples arrived at the Italian restaurant a quarter to six, but were unable to be seated promptly because the restaurant was so busy. Fortunately, that worked perfectly into Mark's plans; they used the half hour they had before being seated to go get their pictures taken in a photo booth located in a shopping center a block down the street. Mark fed the machine bills as both teens got their pictures taken individually and together, then posed for a group picture with Monica sitting on his lap and Tiffany sitting on Zach's, their four smiling faces pressed together. Everyone agreed it looked great when they saw how it turned out. Then they collected their growing pile of photos and headed back to the restaurant in time to be seated.After finding their table, the two couples chatted about the various movies out currently and made minor small talk until they were ready to order. Mark had a simple meal of spaghetti with white wine; Monica ordered angel hair pasta with clam sauce and two Coronas, causing the waiter to raise an eyebrow. Tiffany opted for ravioli and root beer while Zach decided on a pizza and coke. The waiter waltzed off to place their order as Zach cleared his throat."Umm... I wanna thank you guys again for having us over and everything." He paused, prompting a look from Mark that asked if he had more to say. "...but I gotta question." He hesitated just long enough for Monica to lean in with an expectant "yes?""Um... why are you guys doing all this?"Monica was never the type to be at a loss for words, but wasn't sure how she could adequately answer his question without scaring the two teens off. She had planned on being able to gradually ease them into seriously considering the idea of group sex with the married couple, and Zach's uncharacteristic bluntness had caught her off guard. Mark jumped in and saved her the trouble by playing dumb."We wanted your guys' first time to be special, without having to worry about parents walking in or anything." Mark reiterated, understanding what Zach was really asking but avoiding the issue for the moment."No, I know, and I wanna thank you guys for that, but that's not it." He rested his chin on one hand and stared at the couple. "You guys want us to... you wanna..." Zach gestured vaguely, knew what he wanted to say, but was unsure how he could phrase it without putting their friendship at risk. After a few seconds he simply gave up and stared at the couple, daring them to make the next move."Um, okay, look Zach... Tiff. You guys get us hot," Mark explained. "I'm sure you know that already. We're doing all this because... well, I guess because we'd kind of like to teach you a little bit, show you what to do and how to do it."Zach looked a little bit upset. "We already know how to do it, Mark. And what do you mean by show? Do you want us to watch you screw? Is that all, or...?" Zach shut up, realizing he had said too much, as Tiffany glanced over at him. The couple, seemingly as one, merely shrugged."We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, guys." Monica laid her palm on the young boy's hand, likewise taking Tiffany's. She spoke slowly and deliberately to the young couple, looking into Tiffany's eyes, then Zach's, then back again: "We'd like you guys to be a part of our lovemaking. We want to be a part of yours, too, but only if you guys are comfortable with it, and only however far you're willing to go. The truth is, I hadn't planned on talking to you guys about this stuff for awhile, so you could maybe get a little more comfortable with the idea first. I'm a little surprised you brought it up already, but now there it is, out in the open. I think you guys need to take the time to figure out how you feel about everything first, before you answer."Both teens looked very unsure, completely on unfamiliar territory despite the past twenty four hours."Zach, Tiff..." Mark interrupted. "The one thing we absolutely need you to know is that you two decide how much you want to do, if anything. You're bound to be a little uncomfortable and that's okay, because this is so new to both of you. But we need you to know that if you decide you're just not comfortable with any of this then that's okay, and nothing's going to happen."Both teens, while still extremely hesitant, at least appeared to be considering their words. After a long moment of awkward silence, the food arrived. The teens seemed glad to have something to distract them from the conversation and ate in contemplative silence while Monica gave Mark a worried glance and began to pick at her own plate of food anxiously. Everyone finished within a few minutes of each other and Mark pushed away from the table, motioning for the teens to remain seated as they too began to rise. He took Monica's hand and told the teens they were going to pick out a pie for dessert and they'd be right back. The young couple nodded silently and watched the pair go."What do you think, Tiff?""I dunno Zach, I'm scared.""Me too Tiff." He paused a moment to consider. "Although M&M have always been nice to us." He hesitated again, collecting his thoughts and glancing at his girlfriend for her take on the situation."Zach, I..." she swallowed, unsure. "I don't think they'd hurt us or anything, and they said we didn't have to do anything we don't want to."Zach seemed to consider this while Tiffany stared down at her lap, feeling very confused indeed. Friends didn't do stuff like this... did they? Would Zach want to do sex stuff with M&M? What would he think of her if she did and he didn't? And did she want to? How would this affect the relationship between the two teenagers, or between the two teens and the married couple? He didn't have any answers to her questions and it scared her. The young boy reached over and took her hand, giving it a little squeeze for reassurance. Then Mark and Monica returned with two boxed pies."Banana creme." Mark hefted one of the boxes. "Apple." He motioned with the second."Monica, I-" Tiffany began. The girl stopped talking as Monica put a finger to her lips."Just take some time to think about it. Please. Figure out what you're okay with and what you're not, even if it means we just stay friends and that's it." The hint of tears started to well up in Tiffany's eyes and she dropped her head to her chest, wondering what she was supposed to think of all this. "I'm sorry this had to come up now, before you guys were ready for it. Do you still want to go see the movie?" Both teens nodded, and the married couple scooped up the pies for later and paid the check.Nobody said anything on the short drive to the theater, but all four heads were abuzz with questions and things they wanted to say but couldn't. Tickets were purchased, popcorn and drinks were obtained, seats were taken, and the movie began. Throughout the movie Tiffany and Zach whispered to each other, sharing private thoughts and asking each other pointed questions. Mark and Monica did likewise, to a lesser extent, none of the four really paying any attention to the movie. It was a romantic comedy that involved a complex love triangle; on any other night the four would have found it amusing and romantic, but tonight it simply hit a little too close to home. As the credits scrolled the foursome shuffled out of the theater and headed for the car, unwilling to say anything just yet. The drive home was likewise uncomfortably tense, broken only by the gentle whine of the brakes as Mark pulled the car into the driveway. All four got out."Well, we had a nice time guys. I'm sorry we-" Mark stopped as Tiffany and Zach began to head for the door to M&M's house, then quickly jogged ahead and unlocked the door for them. All four piled into the house and shut the door."Look Mark, Monica. We, um..." Zach scratched his head nervously."We're scared. But we trust you, I guess." The girl admitted. "But you gotta promise we don't have to do anything we don't want to!" she blurted quickly."Of course." Monica breathed an obvious sigh of relief. "How about we all agree to take things slow, one little baby step at a time, and just see what happens, okay?" Now it was the teens' turn to sigh in relief."Follow me, please." Mark began up the stairs, followed by his wife. The two teens hesitated, suddenly very unsure once again. Monica merely looked back down at the teens from the top of the stairs and simply said, "trust us." She turned and walked to her bedroom.Zach and Tiffany glanced at each other, unsure what to do. They tentatively began climbing the steps, half-expecting to find Mark and Monica stripping off clothing as they prepared to fuck the young teenagers on their bed.In fact, they were merely sitting on the sheetless mattress, waiting. Tiffany and Zach looked lost, prompting Mark to chuckle nervously and point to the largest drawer of a dresser. "In there," he spoke ominously before cracking up into a lopsided grin.Zach hesitantly stepped up to the drawer and pulled it open, his jaw dropping when he saw what it contained. Tiffany came up behind him and likewise was dumbfounded by what she saw. Inside were packs of condoms, several dildos and vibrators of varying types and sizes, video tapes and DVDs, sex manuals, cock rings, blindfolds, silk scarves, a riding crop, and more, some of which the inexperienced teens couldn't even begin to identify."First off, you're welcome to anything in there anytime you like," Mark said. "Except Monica's birth control pills, of course. If you're not sure what it's for, just ask us." The teens just gawked at him, then back at the drawer. "And no, we're not going to be using any of that tonight, unless you guys decide you want to. Probably much too early for that though." He couldn't help but smirk a little."So why did you-" Zach began."Pick out the DVD on the top, if you would please." Zach did so. The title imprinted in fine blue text around the central hole read Wet and Wild Poolside Couples. Zach turned to face Mark and was greeted by their sly grins. "We picked that up - along with a few other things - while you guys were fucking this afternoon. Oh! Speaking of which!" Mark ran downstairs to put the damp bedsheets into the dryer and the pies in the fridge, leaving Monica alone with the teenagers. She stood and beckoned for the teenagers to follow her downstairs.Monica reclined on one of the couches and motioned Zach to pop the DVD into the player, then instructed them both to sit down on the other couch, the one the two had first lost their virginity on only a day before. Mark returned and sat down in front of his reclining wife as the porno began to play.At first it was just a shot of an indoor pool with the title blazing over the water, light reflecting off the water and onto the walls and ceilings, various waist-high planters and the occasional piece of pool equipment breaking up the expanse of the tiled walls. Then a couple, a man and a woman, walked into the scene. They were approximately Mark and Monica's age, wearing swimming attire. They were followed by a second couple, and then a third, all of whom placed their towels on the nearby beach chairs and slipped into the waist-deep water. They began to play, splashing water at each other, and it wasn't until 5 minutes had passed that the man in the first couple removed his girl's top. Tiffany and Zach watched the screen intently, simply watching the video unfold. Mark and Monica watched for their reactions, and when the pair looked over at them they said, "If you get uncomfortable with any of this at any time, we'll stop." Then Mark lifted his arms over his head as Monica unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his body, then laid down next to her.The teens were torn between watching the porn, and watching Monica undress Mark. The couples in the video were having fun splashing around in the pool topless as Monica slid Mark's slacks off his legs and dropped them at the foot of the couch with his shirt, leaving Mark wearing only a pair of boxers with an obvious tent pole sticking up. Both teens were breathing slightly heavily, aroused and anxious and excited all at the same time.While the women in the video slipped off their mates' swimsuits and their own bottoms, Mark began to undress Monica. He unbuttoned her blouse slowly, exposing her tits encased in a lacy black bra, then tossed it on the floor on top of his own clothing. Then he gingerly undid her skirt and whisked it off her, making her giggle as the sliding fabric tickled her skin. Despite the couples having moved onto eating each other out, the porno was losing out to the married couple in terms of attention.Monica kissed her husband passionately as she slowly slid off his boxers, freeing his confined cock, then glanced at the staring teenagers and winked. Both looked back towards the porno, embarrassed to have been caught looking. Mark simply said, "It's okay if you guys want to look."Zach kept his gaze on the porno, watching the couples make small waves in the pool as they sucked and fucked, but Tiffany couldn't help but look back at Mark's thick dick. It seemed like it was a lot bigger than Zach's, and Tiffany wondered how that monster would feel inside her. She turned red and dismissed the lusty thoughts; she had a boyfriend! She couldn't be thinking those things! She spun and kissed him in a vain attempt to silence the little voice in her head that pointed out how fun it would be to get laid by Mark.Zach, in one of life's little ironies, interpreted Tiffany's impassioned kiss as a sign that she was beginning to get hot and bothered... which she was, actually. He kissed her back and cupped one of her jiggling tits, resting his other hand on her back and pulling her closer. Tiffany moaned softly and slid a hand down to massage her boyfriend's dick through his jeans.Meanwhile, Mark had undone Monica's bra, freeing her bouncing tits. She wasn't huge, but they were enough to catch Zach's attention. She saw him looking and gave them a little shake, making him turn nearly crimson and quickly kiss Tiffany to hide his reddening face from her. She stood, prompting both teens to look for a moment, so that Mark could slide her panties down her legs. She had a neatly trimmed triangle of curly brown pubic hair between her legs, and her pussy lips were just barely visible. Monica gave the teens a look of smoldering lustiness, then turned and straddled her husband sitting on the couch. Neither teen could tear their eyes away.Monica placed both hands on her husband's face, feeling the slight scratchiness of the beginnings of stubble, and kissed him deeply. Mark wrapped his hands around her, sliding them up and down her back, occasionally squeezing her ass. Monica pressed her ample tits into his chest, her tongue wrestling with his in her mouth, then his. She broke the kiss and rested her forehead on her husband's."Put it in me, Mark." she whispered. They felt like teenagers again themselves.Zach and Tiffany watched, captivated, as Mark slid a hand down Monica's ass and between her legs to grasp his thick cock. He pointed it up at the entrance to her pussy and kissed her as she slowly slid down onto him, taking him completely inside her with a gasp. Both teens watched, captivated by the sight of Mark's cock slowly disappearing between Monica's open legs only to reappear, glistening with her juices. Monica rode her husband for a minute before pulling up off of him, standing, and turning around to give the teens a better view. She took a step back and sat on her husband's lap, spreading her legs wide as she lifted her hips up and sank down onto his cock, sighing heavily. Monica closed her eyes to relish the feeling of him sliding in and out of her pussy as she bounced up and down. The teens could only gawk and stroke each other's crotches as they watched Mark's dick slide in and out of Monica's exposed pussy. They had never seen anything like this before,and it was making both of them extremely horny.Tiffany had undone Zach's pants and was slowly stroking her boyfriend's cock under his underwear. Likewise, Zach had slid a hand up his girlfriend's leg and was pushing aside her damp panties so he could finger her dewy slit when Monica opened her eyes and gazed at the young couple masturbating each other."Oh c'mon guys, that's a lot less fun. If you're going to fool around, at least take off your clothes. We promise we won't look if you guys feel self-conscious."Zach paused to take a deep breath before saying, "It's okay, you can look." Tiffany turned to him, incredulous. Monica arched her eyebrows and grinned, surprised at the boy's boldness. He merely shrugged and pointed out to Tiffany that the only way they could get comfortable with having the pair see them naked was to just do it. He pulled off his shirt and slid his jeans off his legs, then with a little bit of trepidation, took off his underwear too. Tiffany was feeling extremely shy and wasn't sure she was ready to for this, but seeing Zach naked got her excited. She wanted to fool around with him, feel his dick inside her again. And since it seemed like the only way she could do that was to get naked in front of the couple, she bit her lip and stood up gingerly. She turned and asked Zach to undo her zipper, then let the dress drop to the floor.Tiffany had on a simple red bra underneath, and a pair of white panties with an obvious wet spot between her legs. She shyly clasped her hands in front of her crotch and sat back down, embarrassed. Zach, however, was having none of that, and motioned for her to stand up again. Unwillingly, she got up, and crossed her arms over her chest protectively as Zach undid the clasp to her bra. He slid the straps off her shoulders carefully and asked her to lower her arms so he could slip the bra off. She hesitated a long moment, then relented. Zach slid the bra down her arms and cast it aside, then moved down to grasp her panties at the hips. Upon feeling him begin to stretch the elastic, she whimpered a small, wavering, "no." Zach stopped for a moment, then simply said "please Tiffany?" The girl dropped her head in shame, clasping her hands in front of her again, while Zach slowly slid her panties down her legs. Mark and Monica were riveted.Zach slid the moistened panties down to her ankles, then tapped her feet to get her to step out of them. Finally Tiffany was left completely nude, hands clasped in front of her, head on her chest, eyes closed, face red from embarrassment. Zach put his arms around her comfortingly from behind. Monica spoke:"Tiffany, look at me." Tiffany's head came up, tears glistening in her eyes. She sniffled. "You look gorgeous." Tiffany looked away, face burning. Mark chimed in: "You have nothing to be ashamed of Tiffany. You look beautiful." Then Zach whispered to her softly, "It's okay baby. I love you. They love you too. It's okay." Tiffany wiped away a tear and sat down on the couch, hands in her lap, watery eyes downcast. Mark and Monica smiled sympathetically, while Zach sat down next to her, his legs curled underneath him."Tiff, I love you." He cupped her chin in his hand and lifted her face to meet his. "I love you. It's okay." He kissed her and rested a hand gently on her shoulder. She sniffled, then pulled his body closer to hers. Monica smiled and mouthed a silent "awwww" to her husband as the two nude teens kissed each other lovingly.Finally Tiffany broke the kiss and stared into Zach's eyes as she took his hand resting on her shoulder and slid it down to her breast. Zach merely smiled and leaned back in to kiss her as he gently massaged her with one hand while stroking her hair gently with the other. The married couple merely sat and watched the teenage couple, sharing in their innocent love for each other.A full ten minutes passed like this before the couple broke the kiss and looked over at M&M. The married couple was slowly grinding, Mark's dick still in Monica's pussy, but weren't really doing much besides keeping each other aroused. Monica cleared her throat and said "if you guys want to fuck but you're too self-conscious with us here, I might have a solution." She lifted herself off of Mark and walked up to her bedroom, then came back down the stairs a few moments later with two black objects in her hands. She shook them out to reveal they were blindfolds, then walked over to the naked teenagers.Tiffany's modesty had apparently vanished, as she did nothing to hide her body as Monica approached. Monica put a knee on the couch and leaned over Tiffany to tie a blindfold around her eyes, then did likewise with Zach. She took his hand and placed it in hers, then stepped back to let the two teens enjoy themselves, silently motioning to Mark.He quickly got up and silently hurried off while Monica leaned back on her couch to watch the naked teens grope each other blindly. Tiffany found Zach's hips with her other hand and slid it up his body, seeking his face. When she reached his cheek she playfully honked his nose and laughed softly, then slid her hand around to the back of his neck and pulled his face to hers to kiss him.Mark returned silently, holding a camcorder. He gave Monica a little thumbs-up signal and popped out the LCD display on the side, then began recording. Tiffany had reclined on the couch, pulling her beau on top of her. Without sight to distract her, she could feel every inch of his skin against hers intensely. Zach grazed her nipple and she gasped, clutching him to her. Mark just smiled as he circled around the pair, zooming in and out occasionally to catch a reaction or pull back for a wider view. The blindfolds were working; the two teens had mostly forgotten about Mark and Monica being in the same room.Tiffany spread her legs eagerly, needing to feel her boyfriend inside her pussy again. Zach took the hint and slid up her body slightly, both teens grinning at the delicious contact. Tiffany reached between her legs and found Zach's cock waving gently, then grasped it and guided him towards her opening.Mark was in position at the foot of the couch, zoomed in on their crotches, waiting for Zach to slide his dick inside her. She positioned him at her entrance and put her hand on Zach's butt, urging him gently into her. Zach felt the spongy yielding resistance of her pussy at the tip of his cock and joyously pushed his hips forward, slowly burying the young boy's cock in her pussy.Both teens groaned loudly, focused completely on the sensations the other was creating in their bodies:Zach could feel the muscular ring at Tiffany's entrance sliding down his engorged shaft, felt the gliding drag of her soft inner tissues on his skin. His sensitive head burrowed deeper and deeper inside of her, sliding into the recesses of her wet tunnel. He was amazed at how hot and tight and wet she was, and panted heavily as he pushed the final inch into her, feeling the sweet bump of his pelvis against hers and the amazing sensation of having his cock completely buried in his girlfriend.Tiffany felt his slickened head slide around a little between her lips, then settle at her entrance and begin burrowing its way into her tight tunnel. She was literally quivering as Zach slowly slid his seemingly enormous dick inside of her. She felt stretched wide open, and could feel every tiny bump and vein in Zach's cock as it slowly plunged into her. Finally his hips met hers, their patches of pubic hair enmeshing, and she curled her legs around him, gasping at being filled once again with her boytoy.Mark was recording all of this as if he were an experienced adult movie director. He got a good shot of Zach's dick sliding into Tiffany's pussy, then silently walked around the couch to get a shot of the expressions on both teens' faces as they panted and groaned and gasped, feeling only the touch of each other as they made love. He panned down to capture Tiffany's hands cupping Zach's ass, urging him deeper, and then zoomed out to get a perfect shot of the two teenagers, writing on the couch as they screwed passionately once again.Monica was on the other couch, legs spread, her fingers dancing over her clit quickly. Watching these two got her so hot! She groaned softly, trying to stay quiet so as to not disrupt the oblivious teens, and slid a finger inside her. It wouldn't be long before she came, she knew.Zach gasped to his panting girlfriend beneath him, "I'm not gonna last long, Tiff!" She writhed underneath him, pulling him deeper inside her, and replied with a winded "neither am I, Za-OHHHH!" Zach shuddered as Tiffany clenched down on him, pulling him deep inside her. He wasn't sure whether she was coming or not, but he did know her pussy felt better than anything he had ever imagined, even including their two previous times making love.Tiffany hadn't come yet, but was achingly close. She moaned loudly with each of Zach's deep strokes and hugged his fiery body close, savoring his weight pressing against her. She threw her legs open wide and pushed her hips up to meet his thrusts as she came, calling his name out over and over in her orgasmic bliss. Zach exhaled shudderingly as he felt Tiffany's pussy rhythmically squeeze his cock and pounded his hips into hers, desperately seeking his own release. Monica's pants became heavier and several audible moans escaped her lips, reminding the teens that they had an audience. Neither cared at this point; their only concern was fucking and getting fucked.Tiffany came down from her orgasm, disoriented, feeling the savage thrusting of Zach pushing her hips down into the couch's cushions. Her pussy was extremely sensitive after all the newly-discovered abuse it had taken, and she was right on the cusp where pleasure turned to pain. She pushed her horny boyfriend off of her and dropped off the couch, slightly banging up one knee. She didn't care. She felt around for Zach's legs and finding them, ran her hands up to grasp his invisible cock. She loved her boyfriend, loved getting him off, loved her newfound power over the incredible pleasure she could gave the young man. Tiffany dipped her head to his lap and took his burning cock into her mouth.She tasted a peculiar tang on him and realized she hadn't even considered that he might taste differently after having been in her pussy. She was surprised at first but then mentally shrugged; she didn't really mind the taste, and in a strange sort of way she almost enjoyed it. Then she pushed the matter from her mind and began to suck his dick in earnest.Zach was close, very close. He could feel every little hint of suction, felt her lips slide wetly up and down his shaft. Her tongue swirled around his head, eliciting moans of near-pain as she rapidly drove him towards his climax. His hips started to buck gently of their own volition and Tiffany, remembering their previous experience, pulled back to wrap her lips around the head of his dick and suck.That did it. With a moan that could wake the dead, Zach arched his back and began pumping his come into her mouth... one shot, two, three, five, eight... A little dribble of warm come escaped Tiffany's mouth as she milked out his dick for any final drops, then licked her lips and slid up her boyfriend's body to give him a kiss, straddling him. He could feel the wetness on her thighs and tasted the peculiar saltiness of his come on her tongue, but he didn't care. He loved this girl much too much to care.Mark stopped recording and hid the camera, then gathered the bedsheets from the dryer as Monica gently removed the teens' blindfolds. They gave them both tired smiles, still recovering from their enthusiastic humping and respective climaxes. Monica took Zach's hand and lifted him from the couch while Mark did likewise."Come sleep with us," Monica offered. Both teens snatched their hands away, not ready for this.Mark only laughed. "Bad choice of words, babe. She means 'come sleep in our bed.' We promise not to do anything you don't want us to do." The teens smiled and followed the pair up to their room, helping to make the bed before they climbed in. Monica took the outside nearest the dresser of toys, with Mark by her side. Tiffany was in the middle, sandwiched between the boys, with Zach clinging to her side, pressing his warm body against hers. Monica rolled out of bed to switch off the light,then climbed back in and hugged her husband close to her chest."You guys were fucking hot," Mark announced. Monica concurred with a tired "Mm-hmm!" Both teens smiled in the dark and nuzzled each other, enjoying the delightful afterglow of a really good fuck and the company of their friends. This had been one hell of a Saturday night date.Final Chapter coming soon!