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Auntie May


I live on the California coast. We have the same problems there you have wherever you live except we get to get a tan while working them out.My parents moved here before I was born. They had their own business and enough money to buy a big, fancy house with a view that would knock your eye out. Just as I graduated from high school, things went bad. The business started to lose money and my parents had to sell and move elsewhere. It took almost everything they got from the sale of the house to buy another business elsewhere. Since I was embedded in the local JC, they snagged the little shack over on Grape Street, where I now live. I can live in the shack and continue at the local JC for at least another year and a half and by then I will have enough scholarship money to finish out at a local four-year college. I had a date for the big Labor Day weekend and then it was to be back to school. However, I got a call Thursday from my date and she had ‘other plans.’ Read Billy, the biggest ass hole in town, decided to ruin my weekend.Friday evening, a rental car pulls up in my drive. This hot looking babe walks up to my front door. Turns out that it is my Auntie May. I know who she is, but I have never met her before.Auntie May has a problem. She is headed for a job in Hawaii. However, she made a little stop at an Indian casino and gambled away all her cash. She has some payment coming from an ex- husband, but not until Tuesday. She had planned to stay with my parents, but they are gone. She tracked me down and here she is with no place to stay.I tell Auntie May that she can stay with me. I can sleep on the couch and she can have my bed. She asks why I am so sad. I explain that my weekend is ruined what with my broken date.Auntie May says, “No problem! You need a date, you got a date.”Auntie May is maybe early 20s. She looks hot. She can easily pass for my 18 year old out of town date for the weekend.I say, “Hey! That will work. We can relax on the beach and at least it will look like I have a date.”Auntie May takes my hands, looks me in the eyes and says, “You were planning on getting laid this weekend weren’t you? No problem! Auntie May is a full service date.”We have supper and Auntie May explains. She has been married three times. None of the marriages worked out. She got some money from her ex-husbands and will get more. She wants to find a fourth husband. However, she does not want to go grocery shopping when she is hungry, so to speak.We plan out the next morning and then Auntie May tells me to get ready for bed. I am lying there nude when Auntie May comes out of the bathroom also nude. I am so horny I think I am gonna rape her right then. Auntie May has been around and she tells me: “You are gonna heat up your Auntie May before you climb on boy!”Under close supervision I work Auntie May’s tits and then gently rub her pussy lips. After a bit she begins to moan and buck her hips a little. I may be young, but I am not dumb. The time has come!I mount Auntie May and she is ready and active. We screw like two maddened animals until she climaxes and makes me cum a pint in her!Auntie May cuddles to me and we rest for a bit. She then critiques my performance. I turns out I did not do too badly, but I needed to work a bit more here and a bit harder there. She then says, “We can try again in the . . . Ohmigod! You are 18 years old aren’t you?” Since she has my rock hard cock in her little hand, I presume that her husbands did not have my recovery time.We try it again. This time she has me put her legs over my shoulders and I am in control! She not only doesn’t care, she shows me how to use my fingers on her tits while I am screwing her. In addition, she is using her own fingers around the edges of her pussy. She comes quickly, but I am not there. I manage to hold out for a while as she climaxes again and again. When I do cum, she is almost unconscious from the pleasure and we both sleep until morning. In the morning I again fuck Auntie May legs over shoulders. This time, she does not work her clit and we both finish at her second orgasm. She cuddles to me and says, “The local girls will recognize that I have just been fucked, stud! It’s called advertising.”I get the beach stuff together and am ready to go. Auntie May comes out of the bathroom in something called a Wild Weasel. A WW is an exercise in how to make a girl’s bathing suit out of an absolute minimum of cloth.We go down to the beach and stake out a spot at the far edge of the Residents Only beach. As the locals wander in, every male on the beach ogles Auntie May. She has a shape like Miss Universe and a killer rack. And the WW aint doing much to interfere with the view.When she goes to the ladies restroom she leads a parade of the hottest local chicks. When she returns she confirms that they were looking for tips as to how she was doing it. Auntie May then asked me, “Are many of the local girls sexually active?”I told her, “Unfortunately, no. Most of them just lie there like dead meat.” Turns out that wasn’t exactly what she wanted to know, but nonetheless, good information.We stay until early afternoon. We go back home and have supper while we plan to go dancing that night. Auntie May tells me that the local beach does not allow topless ladies, however if enough of the local girls go topless, what can they do? I tell her what I would like to do, but she tells me that doing it on a public beach would be a bit much.We dance at The Roof, which is an open-air beach spot favored by the 18 to mid-20s crowd. There are no walls, just a roof. I am delighted to see that Billy is over by the bar, alone. Amy has obviously bailed out on him after seeing me with Auntie May. We dance and Auntie May likes it close and romantic. We are so close she can feel just how romantic I am.We go home after dancing and it is time for more lessons! She gets on top of me and shows me how to support her with my fingers on her rib cage and my thumbs gently massaging her nipples. I learn so quickly and so well, that she climaxes and collapses on me. No problem, I roll her over and fuck her brains out until we climax together in another shattering orgasm. In the morning, we do it face to face on our sides. It takes a little time before I fully get with the position, but then I am able to drive us to another mutual climax.As we get ready to go back to the beach, I ask if she really has to go to Hawaii. Auntie May tells me that she does, “However, by the time I am finished with the local girls, you will have all the pussy you can handle!” I French kiss her and tell her, “Yeah, but it will be second best pussy!”Auntie May is really turned on. I watch the wiggle/jiggle show all the way to the beach. I am not the only one. The whole town wants a glimpse of my date. Actually, the boys want a hell of a lot more than a glimpse. It can’t get any better than that!Then Auntie May later goes to the ladies restroom. This time there are more girls in the parade and something is up. She, and the rest of the girls, return topless. It just got better and I can tell you what was up. Auntie May lies down and asks me, “Do you think the police will make us put the tops back on?” I respond, “No, lynch mobs get really ugly.”The beach is wall-to-wall tit. The scene will be talked about for years to come. And, what they will talk about is my date!That night we dance again. Auntie May wears a micro-mini skirt and the top from her WW. How did it look? Well, I didn’t have to pay for our drinks all night! (Cokes only, we are pretending that she is 18, alas.) We dance the night away. Many of the girls went next door and removed their bras, but the advantage remained with Auntie May. I don’t know if they jiggled the handle, but everything else sure as hell jiggled!That might, in a town of beautiful girls, I took home the only girl anyone remembered! If looks could actually do something, Auntie May would either have been pierced with daggers or raped.However, we waited until we got home for the rape. Auntie May showed me how it was done doggy style. I helped support her while trying to drive my cock all the way forward into her throat. Judging by the sounds she made I did not get that far, but far enough! Her ass wiggle brought me off before I really wanted to cum, but it was still intense.Later, Auntie May showed me more about how to penetrate her pussy from behind. It was OK, even good, but I could not get my full length in from that position. Auntie May cuddled to me and whispered, “Not all of the girls can take that the full length of that lethal weapon, big boy.”In the morning Auntie May wanted to be fucked into complete submission. “Let them see that you were the boss and I was put in my place!” I did it legs over shoulders and managed to bring her to three orgasms before I joined her.Auntie May had me bring a ball to the beach. After a ladies room trip, she got several of the hottest babes in town to join us for a little game of topless catch. After we got started, she left us claiming severe fatigue. I was left with topless girls crashing into me. They crashed tit first and I could see a lot more close contact in my future.We danced the last night away. Auntie May wore a see-through blouse with no bra and a slit micro mini skirt to show that she was wearing garters and stockings. The girls who tried the bikini top thing of the previous night were left face down in the sand, so to speak.That night, Auntie May did not remove the garter belt and stockings until we finished our first fantastic fuck. Then she did remove the stockings, but left the garter belt on. What difference did just a garter belt make? My cock knew! In the morning we had one last doggy style fuck for the road. Auntie May did not want to be too used up for the rest of her trip.We said goodbye out by the drive with a French kiss that got me hard again!It was the last I saw of Auntie May. However, she did send me a post card. It showed a scene from a Hawaiian beach nudist camp. One lady in dark glasses was staring out over the ocean with only her tits on display. The rest of the people were nude, but too far away to really be seen. The message said, “The days were great! But the nights were fantastic!”The local girls did not believe the message. They just had to find out for themselves.Thanks Auntie May, wherever you are!