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Donny: Stories of Sexual Discovery, Donny's Lessons from Aunt Sue


Aunt Sue and Grandpa live on Grandpa's farm just outside of town. It only takes about thirty minutes to get there, so having to stay at their place isn't that much of a problem. The main difficulty is that they have only two bedrooms and I have to sleep with Aunt Sue in her big double bed. I have my own bedroom at home, and getting used to sleeping with someone else wasn't easy--particularly when that someone else was a pretty girl like Aunt Sue.Although I complained about having to go to Aunt Sue's, I really didn't mind it that much. Grandpa kept beer in the refrigerator, and sometimes he would let me drink a bottle when he did. Aunt Sue would fuss, but Grandpa would tell her to leave us alone, that we are about "men's business." Of course, that would make me feel ten feet tall. Even though she put on a show, Aunt Sue wasn't really concerned about it and never told Mom.Despite her mock scolding about my drinking beer, Aunt Sue and I became good friends. She insisted that I call her simply "Sue," that "Aunt Sue" was way too formal. She laughed, her face turning a little red, and said if we were going to sleep in the same bed, we should at least be on a first-name basis.With respect to sleeping in the same bed, I have to admit that the arrangement was beginning to cause me a problem. The problem is that being in bed with Sue makes me terribly horny. (Not that it takes much, anyway. Being horny is a steady-state condition for me.) I was very much aware that right next to me was a female, a girl who had big breasts and a pussy. Sue usually dressed in bulky loose-fitting clothes --even her night clothes were heavy material--so I could only guess at what those parts of her anatomy might look like. Even so, knowing that all that separated her probably virgin pussy from my definitely virgin cock was just a few inches of bed space made me ultra-sensitive to our sleeping arrangements. I went to sleep many a night with a hard-on and had erotic dreams about girls. To make it worse, the girls in my dreams looked like Sue.Although the extra travel involved with staying at Sue's place during school time was a little inconvenient--she had to take me to school and pick me up--staying there in the summer was a real treat. Even though all of us still referred to it as "the farm," it really wasn't one anymore. Grandpa quit farming years ago, and now it was simply pasture land he leased out for grazing a few head of cattle. Sue had a little vegetable garden, but other than that it was just a lot of open space. For a boy of fifteen, though, it is a wonderland. There are lots of areas that I still haven't explored, and staying there in summer gives me opportunity to just roam around, laze in the shade, and generally goof off.Sue is a great lover of the outdoors, and sometimes when the weather is especially nice, she goes to extra trouble to carry all the food out to the big picnic table under the oak tree so we can eat in the wide-open. It's always a lot of fun, the three of us laughing and making a festive occasion out it. That is, until Grandpa gets sleepy and decides it's his nap time. He always takes a nap after lunch, and even the fun of eating outdoors doesn't deter him from his daily schedule. He always put in a good two hours of log sawing, and thunder, lightning, or even a earthquake couldn't wake him until he has his nap out. He sleeps just as soundly at night, too. Sue said that on several occasions she had tried to wake him, but it was next to impossible.One morning when I was in the kitchen with Sue, she asked me if I had ever been down to the creek at the far end of the farm. I had never explored that part of the farm and had no idea there was a creek there. I told that I hadn't but now that I knew it was there I would go explore that part of the farm. She said that she had an even better idea--that the two of us would carry a lunch basket and have a picnic there. She indicated that Grandpa wasn't up to walking that far, but she would feed him his lunch and while he was taking his nap we would go there and have our picnic. That sounded great to me. It combined two of my favorite things--exploring and eating--and I waited impatiently for lunch time to finally get there.Shortly before noon, Sue called to me and said she was just about ready. I went back into the kitchen and found Sue and Grandpa there. I was more than a little surprised by what else I found--Sue dressed in a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. Seeing her dressed like that, I was mystified about why she hid herself in such full, baggy clothes. She had a super figure: long-legged, slender-waisted and big-boobed. I couldn't keep my eyes off her and my cock twitched in my pants at the sight.Sue set out lunch for Grandpa and told him to have a nice nap afterward, that she and I were going down to the creek and have a picnic. He didn't pay much attention, just told us "kids" to have a good time. Sue pointed to the picnic basket and said that a big strong guy like me should be the one to carry it.Since Sue knew the way, she took the lead and I followed. Walking closely behind her, I couldn't help but notice the way her rear end twisted and the cheeks of her ass moved as she walked. Her shorts were really short-shorts, and after she had walked a little way, they worked upward on her ass so that the bottoms of her ass cheeks showed. I could see the edge of her white panties peeking out from under the shorts, and the sight worked on me like waving a red flag excites a bull. I had been excited from seeing some of Sue's hidden charms revealed, but getting a peek of panties made my cock get rock-solid hard and bulge out the front of my pants. I was relieved that I was behind her so that she couldn't see the effect she was having on me.By the time we finally arrived at our destination, I was about as horny as I had ever been in my entire life. Having watched Sue's firm ass as it squirmed and twisted for the last twenty minutes had my cock throbbing and aching. My horniness, though, was almost secondary to my frustration. The realization that the ass I had been watching, indeed the whole of Sue's beautiful body, lay beside me each night, so close yet so far away and untouchable, made me gnash my teeth. I couldn't help but groan and give a big sigh of anguish.The place where Sue had taken us was really nice. The creek had a limestone bed and was surrounded by grass that was almost like a lawn. Big oak trees shaded a lot of the area and made it so quiet and restful that I could easily see why Sue considered it a good place for a picnic. At one time, someone had dammed the creek so as to make a pond, and even though part of the dam had washed away, there was still a nice-sized pool. The water looked cool and clear, ideal for swimming.Sue spread a tablecloth and laid out the food from the basket. Seeing and smelling the food made me realize how hungry I was, and I dove in with relish. Sue seemed to have a good appetite, too, and between the two of us we quickly disposed of the picnic lunch. Feeling full and relaxed, I stretched out on the grass and gazed up at the sky. Sue laid down beside me, and together we just lay there silent, enjoying the peace and quiet of the warm afternoon. I shifted positions a little, and when I did my hand came into contact with Sue's. She didn't move her's so I left my hand where it was. It may have been just an accidental touch, but it was electrifying to me. Seeing Sue in her scanty clothes had caused me to become infatuated with her woman's mature body, and being able to touch her, even if only with a mere touching of fingers, sent little shivers through me.After a while I sat up and looked at the water in the pool. "That sure looks like a good place to swim," I said.Sue said, "Yes, it is. When your mother and uncles and I were kids we used swim here real often. I was the littlest of all, so about all I got to do was stick my feet in. We all went skinny-dipping, back then.""You went swimming naked?" I asked."Yeah, we sure did," Sue said with kind of an embarrassed laugh. "None of us owned a bathing suit.""Was it fun? Swimming, I mean.""Oh, yes. Course, we didn't keep it up too long. After we got old enough to know what the difference between girls and boys meant we had to stop.""Do you ever go swimming now?" I asked."Well, sometimes I still sneak out here and take a dip.""You skinny-dip?"Sue laughed, her face flushing just a little, and said, "Yeah. I still don't own a bathing suit.""I sure would like for us to go swimming right now," I said."Well, I've already told you I don't have a bathing suit and you don't have one, either, so I guess we're just out of luck.""We could go skinny-dipping, like you say you do."Sue's face turned red and she said, "Donny, I sure know the difference between girls and boys now, and a good-looking boy like you surely does, so we couldn't do that."Undaunted and still practically panting to see more of Sue's body, I said, "We could swim in our underwear. That wouldn't show any more than a bathing suit does."Sue's eyes kind of narrowed and I could tell she was thinking about my suggestion. Finally, she said, "Well, maybe we could. You're right, the way bathing suits are today, our underwear would cover more than they do. Okay, we'll do it. But not a word about it to your mother. She'd skin me alive if she knew we did such a thing."I took my hand and made like I was zipping my mouth. "Not a word. You have my solemn oath."Having made up her mind, she was almost like a kid, eager to get on with it. She stood up and pulled the tee-shirt over her head and unbuttoned the waist of her shorts. The shorts were tight and she had to wriggle her hips to get them off. Seeing her there in her panties and bra, her hips squirming like that made me forget that I was supposed to be undressing too. Sue saw me staring and said, "Now cut that out, Donny. I'm already a little embarrassed--don't make it any worse."I pulled off my shirt and started lowering my pants so that I would be dressed in just my Jockey shorts. I realized then that I had a real problem. My cock was hard and throbbing and my state of arousal would be obvious to Sue. Turning my back, I managed to cram my cock down into the crotch of my shorts so at least I didn't look like I had a fat sausage pole stuck in my shorts. Some bulge still showed, but maybe Sue would just think I was well developed.Half way presentable, I ran down to the water and waded in. Being in first would give me a change to look at Sue without appearing to be staring. I turned around and watched Sue as she carefully inched her way to the water, wincing a little as the rocks hurt her feet. It was a good thing I had my cock tucked in secure because just watching her coming toward me, white panties and bra on, would have turned the front of my shorts into a tent. "Come on in, the water's just great," I said. Talking to her required me to face her, and that's exactly what I wanted to do. This was the first time I had ever seen a girl in her underwear, and even though I couldn't see any more than I could have if she had on a bathing suit, just the thought of it's being underwear excited me beyond any point I had been before then.Sue waded out a little way and sat down in the water, sub- merging herself to a level that her breasts were just at the water line. They bobbed up and down, as if they were floating on the surface, and my hands itched to reach out and feel them, to discover for the first time what it felt like to put my hand on a girl's flesh. I knew, though, that doing that would probably make her more than a little angry, and that she would want to get out right then. All I wanted was to stay there with her as long as possible, drinking in the sight of her creamy skin and reveling in the idea that I was so close to an almost-nude girl.I dog-paddled over to her and sat in the water alongside her. She had a smile on her face and I knew that she was having fun. I said, "I can see why you like this place--it's a super swimming hole. Is it deeper in the middle?"Sue said, "Yeah, quite a bit. Come on, I'll show you." She paddled out a ways and stood up, the water almost up to her neck. I came out by her and stood, too. We were so close that when she turned toward me her breast brushed my arm, its firm weight pressing against it. She didn't seem to pay any attention, and I was very happy about that. She said, "It's even deeper than this right out here," and stepped toward the middle of the pond. Suddenly, she went completely under, her head disappearing under the surface. Instinctively, I reached out for her, my arms and hands extended, to pull her back up. I ducked under the water and grabbed her under the armpits and lifted her up. When I did, she fell back against me and my hands slipped around to her front, each hand cupping one of her round, firm breasts. I couldn't help myself--I squeezed and kneaded them, gently massaging them through the fabric of her bra.Sue went stiff in my arms, her body straightening out so that she stood full erect. Her hands came up and covered mine and for just a few moments we remained frozen in that position. She turned around then, dislodging my hands from her breasts, and said, "Wow, I guess I stepped in a hole there. Thanks for being so quick and pulling me up. I'd better get back in the shallow water where I'll be safe."Sue waded into shallow water and sat down, her legs apart and extended in front of her. The water came up to only the tops of her thighs and it was so clear and clean that I could see all the way to the bottom. The bottom, though, wasn't what I was looking at. Sue's panties, which had been opaque when dry, were completely transparent now that they were wet. I could clearly see the full extent of her swatch of black pubic hair and even distinguish the top of the cleft that ran down the middle of that dark triangle. My breath caught in my throat and I became dry-mouthed. I had longed to see a girl's pussy, and now I was getting at least a partial look at Sue's. My cock worked its way out of its tucked position and completely bulged out the front of my shorts.I immediately turned around and went back out to deeper water where I could readjust my cock without Sue being able to tell what I was doing. Once again presentable, I came back to her and sat next to her. I couldn't tear my eyes off of Sue's sexual area. Since she was beside me, she couldn't see how my eyes bored into the space between her thighs. I was so distracted by the sight that I couldn't even carry on a decent conversation, just saying "Uh-huh" and "Yeah" to whatever she said. After a while, she stood up and said that it was getting late and she needed to get home to start supper. Even though I tried to turn my eyes away in time, she caught them zeroing in on her crotch. Looking down at herself, she said, "Oh, God, just look at me. I thought underwear was safe to wear, but I might have well have gone skinny-dipping. Come on, let's get out of here and get dressed." We got out and put our clothes on over our wet underwear and headed for the farmhouse.That night after Sue and I were in bed, she said, "Donny, since my wet panties showed so much that I might as well been naked, if we go swimming tomorrow we can skinny-dip if you'd like to. But, again, absolutely no word of it to your mother. Understand?"I could hardly keep from stammering as I answered, "Yeah, I'd like to go skinny-dipping. And as far telling Mom, I've already made a blood oath with you.""Just checking to be sure. Good night, Donny."I was so excited that I wasn't able to go to sleep immediately as I usually did. My cock was hard and throbbing at the thought of being completely naked with Sue, of seeing a real live fully nude girl for the first time. As if that weren't enough, Sue's action at this time made it even more difficult to go to sleep. She rolled over in bed and in the process pressed her hand up against my buttocks. It felt like a hot ember burning a hole in my skin. Sue's breathing was slow and regular, so I figured she was asleep and it was an accident. After a long while, even with the heat of her hand against me and the discomfort of a hard and aching cock, I too fell asleep.When I woke up the next morning, the front of my shorts were a gooey mess--I had had a wet dream. The sheet had a wet spot, too, and I knew Sue would see the evidence of my reaction to seeing her in her transparent panties. Remember- ing the dream I had, I was not surprised at the mess I had made. Sue and I had just finished swimming, both of us completely nude, and we were on the bank, lying together on a big towel. I had one hand on her breast and the other buried between her thighs, my fingers delving into her pussy. She was busy, too, with a hand clasping my rigidly hard cock and stroking it up and down. In my dream, I shot off into the air and all over her hand. I must have shot off in real life, too, with the come in my shorts and on the bed the result.I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and put on clean shorts. I planned to try to clean the sheet with a wet wash cloth, but I was too late--Sue was already making the bed and had seen the wet blotch. She stroked her fingers across the wet spot and then rubbed them together, feeling the slippery texture of my boy juice. I was standing in the doorway and there wasn't anything I could do to avoid her confronting me about what had happened. She looked at me and said, "Looks like someone had a naughty accident last night. You must have been dreaming about one of those cute little high school girls." I was embarrassed and didn't answer. Sue laughed and said, "Well, she must have been a real knock-out. Who was it, Donny?"I sure didn't want to admit that it was she I dreamed of-- she'd probably faint from embarrassment. I figured the best thing to do was just not answer. Sue saw that I was going to stay silent and teasingly said, "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?"Responding to her teasing persistence, I said, "Okay, if you just have to know, I dreamed about you."Sue turned just a little red, apparently not as embarrassed as I was. I turned away, determined to go outside so that she wouldn't see me red-faced. As I was leaving, I heard Sue whisper in a way I'm sure she didn't intend for me to hear, "I dreamed about you, too."I managed to stay away from Sue until noontime when she called me into the house. She didn't seem the least bit perturbed about what happened that morning. She was smiling and seemed happier than I had seen her in a long time. She told me she had packed a picnic lunch and if I wanted to we could go down to the creek and eat it. I told her I would like that very much. I grabbed the picnic basket and we left the house and started for the creek.About half way to the creek, I asked, "Can we go swimming?""If you want to.""Swim like you said we could?" I asked, almost breathlessly."If that's what you would like to do, then that's what we'll do. DO you want us to go skinny-dipping?"Hardly believing my good fortune, I almost shouted, "Yeah, I want us to go skinny-dipping."When we finally got to the creek, Sue spread a table cloth and a blanket. She said that since we were going to go skinny-dipping we may as well take advantage of it and get a little sun tanning at the same time. Just the thought of being on a blanket with Sue and both of us naked brought my cock to half mast. Oh, God, maybe she'll let me touch her a little, I fantasized.Sue started to take the lunch out of the basket and put it on the table cloth, but I told her that maybe we should go swimming first. After all, I told her, swimming gives a person an appetite, so it would be better to wait until later to eat. The truth was that I really didn't care when we ate or if we at all. My mind was on Sue taking off her clothes and getting naked and I didn't want anything to delay that. I was getting ready to see my first real pussy and I didn't want to wait one second longer than necessary.Sue smiled and said, "You're not fooling me, Donny. You're just eager to go skinny-dipping. Isn't that it?"I tried to act nonchalant about the matter, keeping a straight face, and said, "Well, what I said about eating is true, isn't it?"Smiling even broader than before, Sue said, "Sure, you're right, all right. Okay, skinny-dipping it is. That means it's down-to-the-buff time. Start shucking, Donny, let's see who can be the first one in the water."I wasn't in any hurry to undress. What I really wanted was to watch Sue take her clothes off, to see all of her feminine secret areas exposed to my view. She was making a contest of it, though, so my hopes to see her disrobe were frustrated. Well, I could at least get into the water first and get to see her as she came toward me. That way, I would get a good look at Sue's jiggling breasts, but most of all, get my first look at a girl's pussy. I stripped my clothes as fast as I could, almost ripping the buttons off, in order to be first in the water. Before I even had my shoes and socks and shirt off, though, I heard splashing and giggling behind me. Turning around, I saw Sue's back as she waded out into the water, only her naked backside visible to me. Sue quickly waded out into deep water and ducked herself under so that only her head and shoulders showed. Damn! I cursed silently to myself, I missed my chance to see Sue.Sue wasn't missing a chance to see me, though. As I walked down to the water, my rigid cock bobbed and weaved before me, moving up and down and around in circles with each step. Sue stopped her giggling and watched, her eyes never leaving me as I came forward, my cock like a ship's bowsprit. Finally, the target of her stare went under the water and I waded out beside Sue. She grinned at me, giggling once more, and said, "I cheated. All I wore was just my dress."I grinned back at Sue and splashed water into her face, partly playing but also partly to get even with her for cheating me out of a good look at her privates. Instead of my getting to see her, all that happened was for me to give her a good show of my hard cock. I guess I should have been embarrassed about having a hard-on, but Sue's giggling and grin dispelled any of those feelings.Without warning, Sue jumped toward me and pushed my head under water, giving me a thorough ducking. I came up sputtering and lunged for her, determined to get even. She had anticipated my move, though, and had already swum away. I raced after her and grabbed her foot, pulling her under. Still grinning, she made another grab for me, trying again to duck my head under water. I managed to dodge and grapple with her, my arms and hands around her body. As we grappled, she brushed her front against my hard-on, pressing it upright against my stomach. At that same instant, my hand covered one of her breasts, stroking against it and squeezing it. Sue jumped away, and laughing, said, "Uh-uh, you're breaking the rules. One of the rules of skinny-dipping is no feeling each other up. Everyone can look all they want, but no handling the merchandise."Her grin was infectious, and grinning just as big as she, I replied, "All right, no more feelies, but you have to quit ducking. Okay?"Mollified, but still grinning, Sue said, "Okay, but you're taking the fun out of it."And you're taking the fun out of it for me, too, I thought to myself.Remembering Sue's words about being able to look all we wanted and the way she gave me the once-over as I waded into the water, I thought that maybe there was still hope to see Sue's naked body in its entirety. Determined not to waste a chance, I waded out of the water, dried off, and sat on the blanket. "Hey, Sue," I shouted, "I'm hungry. Come on out and let's eat.""Yeah, I'm hungry, too," Sue said, and waded out of the deep water toward me. As she advanced, her breasts emerged, bobbing up and down in the water and then fully exposed, jiggling on their own. Her waist came into view and then her navel. I sat there, holding my breath in anticipation, as Sue's dark pubic triangle came into view. Her thighs followed, and then she was fully out of the water, walking toward me. I couldn't take my eyes off Sue's hairy center. The vertical line of her vaginal cleft was clearly visible as she advanced toward me. The sway of her hips and the easy way her breasts moved up and down with each step made a beautiful backdrop for the main attraction--her fur-covered sexual center. I couldn't have torn my eyes away even upon threat of death. My breath came in little pants as I gazed in wide-eyed rapture upon my first real-live, fully naked woman.Sue ignored the way I was staring, a slight smile on her face the only evidence that she noticed. She sat down on the blanket and took our sandwiches and cold drinks out of the basket. The table cloth was no longer needed--eating in the raw required something other than the ground to sit on. Once she had completed our culinary arrangements, Sue sat cross- legged and started in on her sandwich. I took a bite of mine but my mouth was so dry that I couldn't even chew--I had to take a drink of Coke to get rid of the cotton. With Sue sitting in that position, her vulva gaped wide open, I had an unobstructed view of the moist, pink flesh inside the cleft that split her thighs and was almost trembling in reaction. It's a good thing we were eating and not trying to talk--I wouldn't have been able to get anything out except stammers and mumbles.During the silence of our meal, Sue did her own looking. Although she tried to be more circumspect about staring than I, she kept her eyes mainly on my throbbing, rigid cock. She apparently meant it when she said that looking was okay.When we finished eating and Sue had cleaned up the remains of our lunch, she stretched on the blanket. Taking that as invitation, I stretched alongside, our bodies close, but not touching. For a few seconds we just lay there silent, each aware of the sexual electricity our nakedness was producing, but reluctant to speak. Finally, Sue broke the silence by saying, "You know, the problem you have is why we had to quit skinny-dipping.""What do you mean?" I asked."Well, when our older brothers started getting like you are now, Mother made us quit swimming together. She said we were getting too old. Course, I was just a little kid then and didn't know what was going on, but your mother explained it to me when I got older." Sue laughed and continued, "I guess it was too late then, though. Your mother and Ned got eyes for each other and ended up making love."I could hardly believe Sue's words. I turned on my side, facing her and said, "You mean Uncle Ned screwed Mom? He screwed his own sister? You saw it?"Sue laughed again and said, "No, I was too little then. Even if I had seen them, I wouldn't have known what they were doing. Your mother told me about it later. They were lovers for two years before Ned went off to college. They used to come to this spot right here."I had never thought of Mom as having a sex life, of being a sexual person. She was just Mom, that's all. Now that I thought about it, I realized that Mom was really very pretty and that as a teenager she must have been a real heart- breaker. I saw in my mind a picture of she and Uncle Ned, just teenagers like myself, coming to that very spot, naked like Sue and I were, and thoroughly loving each other. The thought excited me so much that drops of pre-come oozed out of my hard cock and covered its head with a shiny liquid coating."You mustn't ever tell her I told you that. You know that don't you?""Yeah. Don't worry, I'll never tell."For a few moments after that we just lay on the blanket, side by side, enjoying the warm sunshine. Then, in a very quiet voice, Sue said, "Donny, is this the first time you've seen a naked girl?"Knowing from Sue's seeing my reaction to her nakedness that it would have been fruitless to lie, I said, "Yes. This is my first time.""I kind of got that impression," she said with a soft laugh. "Well, if it's any consolation to you, you're the first boy I've ever see naked.""But you must have had lots of dates," I said, mystified. "Surely on some of them you must have gone far enough to get naked with the guy.""Well, living out on the farm like this, I haven't had many dates. And those I've had have been with guys I sure wouldn't want to go very far with.""I guess that explains why you've looked at me as much as I've looked at you," I said.Laughing again, Sue said, "Yeah, I guess it does."The silence we experienced earlier returned. After a few moments, Sue turned on her side and faced me. In the same sort of quiet voice she had used before, Sue said, "Donny, tell me about your dream last night. You know, the one that caused you to have your...ah...accident."Remembering what Sue and I had done in my dream, I was reluctant to tell her. If I did it would probably make her upset and angry. Hedging an answer, I said, "Well, it was just one of those kind of dreams, you know. One that caused that to happen to me.""Donny, you cut that out. Come on, tell me, please. I promise I won't get embarrassed or upset."Recalling that she hadn't gotten as upset as I expected when I told her she had been the subject of my wet dream, I decided to go ahead and take another chance and tell her the details. She knew that what I dreamed resulted in my coming all over my shorts and the bed, so it wasn't any secret that the dream was about sex. If she really wanted to know, then I would go ahead and tell her. And not only tell her, but show her.Turned as we were on the blanket, we were now face to face. I looked right into her eyes when I said, "Well, in my dream we were right where we are now, on a blanket or a towel here at the creek. And naked just like we are now. In my dream, though, we were touching each other." I reached out and cupped one of her breasts in my hand, holding it in a gentle grasp, saying, "I had one hand right here." Reaching my other hand down, I put it between her legs, right on top of her pussy, saying, "And I had my other hand right here, rubbing and feeling." I moved my fingers inside the cleft my fingers had found, and stroked them up and down, gently and softly. Sue lifted one leg and bent it at the knee, giving my hand freedom to further explore the whole area between her thighs."You said we were touching each other. Was I touching you here?" Sue said, reaching her hand out and wrapping it around my wet pulsating cock."Yes," I whispered, "We were making each other feel good.""I dreamed about you, too," Sue said."You did? What did you dream?"Sue smiled and said, "Same dream as yours."Sue closed her eyes, the soft smile still on her face, and I took this as license to continue. She apparently didn't need any license, because she continued to fondle and caress my cock, causing more drops of pre-come to ooze out and cover her hand. In almost a trance of rapture, I continued touching and stroking Sue's breast and pussy. I couldn't believe how wet her pussy was becoming. If anything, she was wetter than I. Using her wetness as lubrication, I probed a finger into the hole I found at the bottom of Sue's cleft. I realized that I had my finger in the same hole a cock was supposed to go in, that for the very first time I was finger- fucking a girl.My thumb found a little nubbin right at the top of Sue's gaping furrow and rubbed it with little light strokes. Sue's hips started squirming and rotating in little circles, moving against my fingers. Sue moaned softly as I continued my attention on what I realized was a focus point for her pleasure. I worked my finger in and out of her hole and stroked her little swollen nub, increasing the pace as my own passion level soared.Sue's hand on my cock was driving me to levels of pleasure I had never before experienced. I had masturbated many times, but never had the pleasure even approached what I felt then. I knew that soon Sue's hand would be getting baptized in my hot come. I could feel the pressure building and building with each of Sue's strokes and squeezes.Sue's hips were rotating faster now and her thighs pressed in and out against my hand, with a steadily increasing rhythm. Sue moaned louder this time, and thrust her hips against my hand, rotating them and thrusting with an almost frenzied motion.Sue reached out and pulled my head toward hers and pressed her mouth to mine. We kissed open-mouthed, our moans drowned in each other's oral cavities. My sensual sensors were overpowered and even though I would have liked for the pleasure I was receiving from Sue's hand and from feeling and loving Sue's body to last forever, I was beyond control. My body stiffened and my hips thrust forward against Sue's hand. My cock started jerking and went into contractions. Come spurted out, huge blob after huge blob arcing into the air. It spattered on Sue's stomach, and some even got down on her pussy, increasing the lubrication of my stroking even more. I groaned aloud, unable to restrain the expression of ecstasy being produced by the most intense orgasm of my entire life. Soon come covered Sue's hand and dripped down on the inside of my thigh, forming a warm, white pool.Sue's thighs clasped my hand between them, immobilizing it. "Oh, God! Oooohhhhhhh...." she moaned, she moan trailing off as she trembled and spasms wracked her whole abdomen. She stopped her hand movements on my cock and we lay there, still, unmoving, with after-waves of pleasure washing over us. After long moments of silence, Sue opened her eyes and said, "Is that what happened in your dream?""Yeah," I whispered. "But it was better in real life than in my dream.""This is what happened in my dream, too. And you're right. Real life is better than any dream."Sue sat up and looked at the way come had spattered and dripped on both us. "God, we sure made a mess, didn't we. Looks like another dip is in order." We both went into the water and rinsed the evidence of our mutual pleasure from our bodies. "My gosh, it must be getting late. Come on, we need to get back to the house." I followed her home again, watching her ass squirm under her dress, knowing that the dress was all that covered it. Just thinking about her bare pussy under the dress kept my cock swollen to a half-hard.That night after Sue and I were in bed, I reached out and stroked her ass, lightly caressing it. Sue whispered, "No, not now. Wait'll tomorrow, when we can go back to the creek." She turned to me and gave me a little pecking kiss on the lips. "Be good now. We'll have a real good time tomorrow." Without success, I willed my erection to subside. Finally, even with a hard-on, I drifted off to sleep.The next morning, after breakfast was over, Sue announced that she was going into town to pick up some groceries and other items. I offered to go with her, but she asked that I stay with Grandpa and keep him company. She got a funny expression on her face when I asked where else she going other than the grocery store, and said, "Oh, I've just got some errands to run." When I asked her if she were going to be back in time to go the creek, she got kind of a secretive smile on her face and said, "Oh, yes. After I get back we'll sure want to go down to the creek." The expression on her face and the tone of her voice held an unspoken promise. She was tacitly communicating that she was planning something, that she had a surprise in mind. Whatever it might be, I could hardly wait. Just the hope of getting to see her naked again, to get to touch and fondle all the secret, wet parts of her body, and to make hand-love to each other again had me almost quivering in anticipation. If she had something special planned, it could only be like another of my dreams coming true.Sue got back home shortly before noon and immediately started preparing lunch. I was very disappointed to see her setting out three places--it meant that we wouldn't have our picnic at the creek. Sue must have seen the disappointment on my face because she came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing her full mounds against my back, and whispered into my ear, "I'm worried that Grandpa might be getting suspicious of us. After we eat and he goes to sleep, then we'll go to the creek. Okay?"I nodded my head to indicate agreement and Sue rewarded me by putting her mouth back to my ear and blowing into it. As she blew, she moved her hands lower and rubbed my groin just above my cock. Cold shivers ran up my spine and my cock instantly jumped to attention, bulging out the front of my pants. Sue laughed and said, "Quick, sit down at the table or Grandpa will be more than suspicious."Somehow we managed to get through lunch without incident. My cock stayed at full mast all through the meal so I couldn't get up until Grandpa had left the room. Sue cleaned up the kitchen and after checking to be sure Grandpa was settled down, she beckoned to me with her hand and I followed her out of the house. Instead of the usual picnic hamper and other gear, Sue got only some towels, her handbag, and a blanket. I slung the blanket over my shoulder and we struck out for the creek, hurrying faster than we ever had before.When we arrived at the creek, we were both a little out of breath from having hurried so fast. Sue spread the blanket and put the towels and her handbag on it. She had never brought a handbag before so I was a little curious about why she had it. I though that maybe she bought some suntan lotion, and the thought excited me. Maybe that was her surprise--getting to rub lotion all over each other. Just the idea of being able to rub lotion all over Sue's naked body brought my cock back up to full erection. Sue noticed the way the front of my pants tented out and said, "You'd better get out of those clothes before that thing breaks off."This time Sue didn't trick me by jumping out of her clothes and into the water. Indeed, she was very slow and deliberate in disrobing, standing on the blanket facing me and taking off one garment at a time, almost as if she were putting on a show. Taking the cue from her, I faced her and performed my best version of what I thought a strip tease would be.Sue took off her shoes and socks and then slowly pulled her dress over her head, revealing her panties and bra. Her panties were white again today, but were bikini style, high cut and much thinner than the ones she had worn before. She reached behind her and loosed her bra, shrugging her shoulders so that it fell off into her hands, each cup falling away to reveal the creamy mound it had held. She dropped the bra to the ground and cupped her luscious beauties, gently squeezing them and tweaking the nipples between her fingers and thumbs. She dropped her hands to the waist of her panties and slowly pushed them downward, wriggling and rotating her hips as they moved downward, first showing the softly rounded curve of her belly and then the top of the dark mass of her pubic hair. She continued pushing them down until they reached her hips and then fell of their own accord to her feet. She lifted one foot upward, the panties clinging to it, and took the wispy fabric and added to her pile of clothes. As she lifted her leg, the slightly gaping cleavage splitting her thighs showed its moist pink flesh. Her eyes had never stopped boring into mine as she completed the baring of her flesh. A slight smile curved her lips upward. She moistened those lips by snaking out her tongue and licking across them, seeming to relish their taste and texture.I had gotten down to my Jockey shorts and then went into slow motion, caught up in Sue's revealing the secrets of her femininity. My eyes were glued to her sexual center. God, I believe I could have gazed at her pussy forever. It was only after she had completed bared herself that I finished lowering my shorts, stretching them over the protruding rigidity of my cock. Only as it popped out of its confinement and sprang outwards, rigid and throbbing, did Sue take her eyes from mine. As my cock came into view, she dropped her vision to it, staring long and hard. She licked her lips again as I lifted a leg to remove my shorts from my feet. During our strip show not one word had been spoken. We had both held our breaths, taking in the entirety of the other's body, and only after we were completely nude did we breath again, taking deep gulps of air.I expected Sue to head for the water but she lay down on the blanket instead, stretching supine, her legs slightly apart so that all the area at her groin was open to my inspection. She looked up at me and said, "Do you think I have a nice body, Donny?"There wasn't any way I could be objective. To me, Sue at that moment was Venus de Milo, Aphrodite, and the Mona Lisa all wrapped up into one. She was sex personified, the subject of all my wet dreams and masturbatory fantasies. I licked my lips as she had done and said, "Sue, you are absolutely perfect. Your body is beautiful.""Am I as pretty as your mother?"The question caught me completely by surprise. I paused for a few seconds and then answered, "Well, I've never seen Mom like you are now, but as far as I'm concerned, you're just as pretty as Mom. And that's saying a lot, because I think Mom is very pretty."With strange, almost twisted smile, Sue said, "I bet you would like to see her like this, though, wouldn't you?"I had never before thought of Mom in that way, but now that I did, I realized that I would, indeed, like to see Mom naked. I could picture she and Ned, right where we were then, screwing each other. In my mind's eye, Ned's cock was pounding in and out of Mom's pussy, pushing her down to the ground with each stroke. "Yeah, I guess I would," I answered, stretching the words out and saying them slowly.Sue reached up and cupped her breasts with her hands, holding each one and squeezing it. The look she gave me was the most wanton I had ever received in my life and her words matched it, "Well, I'm all there is right now. What do you intend to do about it?"Even though I didn't fully understand it, it was a challenge I couldn't turn away from. Yesterday, she had been a little shy, somewhat embarrassed about exposing herself to me. Today, she was coming on like a sexpot. Kneeling down beside her, I decided to quit asking myself questions and just take advantage of my good fortune.I reached up and lifted her hand away from her breast, leaving it open to my sight. With my lips wide open, I lowered my mouth to that soft mound and licked my tongue across the pebbly surface of the hard nipple and its surrounding ring of brownish colored areola. Sue arched her back upward a little, pushing her breast up to my exploring mouth. I reacted by opening my mouth to its widest and sucking in as much of her spongy flesh as possible. I suckled and slurped on her breast, rubbing my tongue all around its surface, laving it with a tongue bath. Sue responded to my oral caresses with a soft "Ummnnn" that seemed to come from deep within her chest.While I massaged and suckled her breast, my other hand explored the lower portion of Sue's body. I moved my finger tips in soft circles over the gentle curve of her belly, moving them progressively downward with each stroke, until they made contact with the mat of her stiff pubic muff. Delving through the curly forest, my fingers found the indentation signalling the beginning of her labial furrow. Sue facilitated my explorations by spreading her legs even further and lifting one leg up and bending it at the knee. In this position, Sue left the whole of her sex available to my seeking fingers, spread wide for me to find and delve into her inner lips and wet opening.Eagerly accepting such an invitation, I stroked my fingers down into the depths of her sexual area, spreading the moist cleft even wider. My finger tips traced over the little swollen knob at the very top of the furrow and moved down, seeking the channel I knew I would soon come to. My explorations were rewarded as my fingertip moved into her hot, slick feminine well, intruding itself into the heat of her pelvis. I moved my finger with an in-and-out motion, pushing into and then withdrawing from the tight clasp of her vagina. I put another finger along the first, doubling the amount that was penetrating into Sue, and continued the motion that my cock was aching and throbbing to imitate.By now, Sue was returning the pleasure I was giving her by holding and softly squeezing my rigid, outthrust cock. The combination of knowing that I was playing with a woman's pussy, finger-fucking her in fact, and the way she was moving her hand on my wet, aching penis had me panting with lust. My hips worked against her hand, pushing my cock in and out of the circle made by her palm. My pre-come had oozed out and now coated her entire hand, and I used it as a substitute for her pussy. I thrust my fingers in and out of her wet hole, simulating the action my cock wanted so much to be doing.I had my fingers all the way into Sue, stroking with long deep strokes. Her passage was almost completely unobstructed, only a narrowing about two inches from the entrance slowing down the action of my fingers. From what Sue had told me, I knew that she must be a virgin, but where was her maidenhead? I knew that virgins were supposed to have maidenheads that boys break the first time they make love, so I was puzzled by Sue's lack of such a barrier. "Are you a virgin?" I asked, seeking an answer to my questions.Sue had her eyes closed and her mouth open, a slight trace of saliva drooling from the corner of her lip, and her hips were gently pushing up against my hand, matching each of my inward thrusts with one of her upward ones. Without opening her eyes, she said, "Yes, but I think I broke my hymen riding a horse when I was a little girl. I recall it hurt and I bled a little. Mother said I had probably put myself into a condition that I would disappoint some boy when I grew up." Sue smiled, opening her eyes and looking up at me. "Are you disappointed, Donny?""Oh, God, no! This is the best thing that's ever happened to me."With a soft voice, Sue said, "You're a virgin, too, aren't you?""Yes, this is the most I've ever done with a girl."With an even softer voice, almost a whisper, Sue said, "Do you want to take my virginity? And let me take yours?"If it had been possible for my cock to have gotten harder, it would have. As it was, it only pulsated more and jerked in Sue's hand. I could hardly believe what she was asking me. In my wet dream, what I was doing with Sue was as much as we had done. That Sue would actually want me, ask me in fact, to put my cock inside her was beyond anything I had even imagined. "Oh, God, Sue. Can I? Will you let me fu....will you let me do that? That's what I want more than anything in the world."Sue smiled at my slip of the tongue and said, "Yes, Donny, I want you to fuck me. I want to be a real woman, not a virgin stuck out here on a farm." She reached out an arm and got her handbag, bringing it to her and opening it. "This is the real reason I went to town this morning. I went and got these." She pulled a small box out her purse. It was wrapped in cellophane, with the word TROJAN printed on it. God, I thought, mentally shouting with joy, she bought some rubbers! I trembled with excitement at the prospect they offered. Having rubbers meant we could fuck anyway we wanted to and not have to worry about Sue getting pregnant. She handed the box to me and said, "Here, open these up and put one on. I want to feel you inside me, not just hold you in my hand."There's no way you can want it more than I do, I thought, as I struggled to get the wrapping off the box. Even though my hands were shaking, I managed to tear away the box's wrapping and pull up its end flap. Nestled inside it were six condoms. I would have been happy with just one, but having six and the promise of multiple joy they held out absolutely thrilled me. Then I remembered that my mother was supposed to pick me up the next morning. My God, I wondered, would it be possible to use all six rubbers before then? Having so little experience, I had no basis for making a determination. I did know, though, that if Sue were willing, I would sure try my damndest.I had never put on a rubber before, but the mechanics were simple enough. As soon as I had it on, I knelt down between Sue's legs and edged my way up to where my cock was brushing against her wet, gaping vulva. Grasping the rigid rod at its base, I ran it up and down Sue's slick channel, getting the latex-covered spear ready to put in her sheath. After I was satisfied with its lubricity, I probed down, seeking the opening to Sue's depths. Down near the bottom of the cleft I found the right place and gently nudged the head into Sue until it penetrated about an inch. "Go slow, please, Donny. I know this might hurt, and I'm willing to have it hurt if that what it takes, but try not make it hurt anymore than it has to," Sue said in her softest of voices.Although I knew Sue was doing this as much for herself as for me, knowing that she thought enough of me to let me have her for the first time filled me with feelings of tenderness toward her. Along with that tenderness came the realization of how vulnerable Sue was, of how trusting a woman has to be to offer herself to a man for the very first time. I vowed that I would do anything I could to make this experience together as loving and joyous as possible, to avoid to any degree possible giving her unnecessary pain.I put my hands down alongside Sue and lay my belly against hers, slowly and gently pushing my penis into the heat of her tunnel. Gradually, inch-by-inch, it penetrated into Sue's body. The heat and tightness of the fit sent shivers of pleasure over me, flowing upward from the point of our coupling to all parts of my body. There was no obstruction, only a slight constriction, a ring of extra tightness after I had about half my cock into her. She had her breath held, her eyes closed, as if expecting to feel pain. Without meeting any barrier, our pubic hair met and intermeshed. My pubic bone pressed against Sue's and I bottomed out. I was all the way in, my cock completely immersed, buried to the hilt in Sue. Her eyes opened wide in wonder as she let out her long-held breath with a whoosh. She looked up at me and whispered, "It didn't hurt. It doesn't hurt at all." Then in a louder voice, one filled with elation, she said, "Oh, God, I feel like I'm filled completely up...I can feel you all the way up inside me. You're touching places that have never been felt." She reached up and pulled me down against her breasts, hunching her hips up against my still hilted cock. "It just feels good." She hugged me even tighter and shouted, "Oh, God, Donny, it feels so GOOD!"I couldn't have been in more total agreement with her. Matching her motion, I thrust myself hard against her, and echoed her words by saying, "Ooohhh, yes, good." I pulled my cock out until only its head was left in and then slowly pushed it back in. As it went in, I murmured slowly, my words matching the slow penetration, "Yesssss, ooohhhhh, goooood....."As I pushed in, Sue gyrated her hips in miniature bump-and- grind motions, whimpering, "mmmmmnnn, mmmnnnn, mmmmnnnn" in time with the small rotations of her pelvis. She sounded as if she were tasting something delicious and saying "yum, yum, yum." When I had finished thrusting all the way in, Sue said, "Ooh, do that again. I love the way you do that."She couldn't have loved it more than I. I thought that Sue's getting me off with her hands the day before had been the ultimate in pleasure, but the feeling of having Sue's warm sexual flesh pressing against and clasping every millimeter of my cock's surface went way beyond that. The heat of being in the depths of Sue's body, the friction of her wet flesh sliding against my most sensitive of areas, the feel of her hard nipples pressing and rubbing against my chest could not be compared with anything I had experienced before. My senses were in overdrive and I could feel myself climbing up, up, up, and upward, reaching toward the fall into cascading, shimmering, exploding ecstasy.I continued my slow thrusts in and out of Sue's warm cavern. With each stroke, her lubrication increased, and soon our coupling was producing soft, liquid sounds. She soon matched my motions, raising her receptacle up to be filled each time I pushed my rigidity into the hot depths of her woman flesh. She muttered, "Oh, God, how could I have been missing this. Oh, this is so good. Oh, yes, Donny, like that." Her pace picked up, her thrusts increasing in tempo, and I matched mine to hers. Soon we were racing each other, thrusting faster and faster. Sue's eyes glazed over, and her sounds simply became a repetitive, "uh, uh, uh," soft sounds that were combination grunt and growl.Sue brought her legs up and wrapped them around my hips, holding me tight within their grip. Her arms wrapped more tightly about me, clutching me, an almost desperate clasp as if she were holding on for life. Her passion carried mine higher and higher, and soon I was no better than she. My life centered at the point where our flesh joined, and I pounded my cock furiously in and out, a frenzied drive toward fulfillment.Suddenly, Sue thrust herself up and her whole body stiffened. Her legs tightened even more about me, making it difficult to push in and out. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and screamed, "Oh, Donnneee! Donnnnneeeeeeeee....."My ecstasy matched hers as pleasure flowed over me. Come erupted from my cock, pouring out in a seemingly endless stream of jerking and spurting. If I hadn't had on the rubber, I would have flooded Sue's pussy with my outpouring. Sue grabbed my head and pulled my mouth down to hers. She shot her tongue out into my mouth and I extended mine and wrapped it around and around hers in wild, oral stroking. Both our hips continued to move in thrusts, pleasure still gripping in our loins. Slowly, over several minutes, our motions slowed and then we came to a complete rest.We were both completed relaxed, our bodies limp from the intensity of our orgasms. Our mouths continued to move on the other's, soft, liquid embraces expressing our gratitude for the pleasure each had given the other. Soon, Sue stirred a little under me and I realized I was probably crushing her with my weight. I put my hands down and lifted myself up so that our only contact was where my cock, now half-soft, was still lodged in her vagina. Sue reached up and stroked her fingers lightly across my cheek, a loving touch of affection that I so much enjoyed. "Thank you, Donnie," she whispered. "Now I'm a woman." She smiled and continued, "Oh, am I EVER a woman."I touched my lips to hers, just a light kiss showing my affection, and said, "I should be thanking you. Because of you I not a virgin any more. No boy could have lost it in a way better than what you just did for me.".Sue returned my light kiss, just a brush across the lips, and said, "We ARE good for each other, aren't we?"About this time, my cock, finally fully limp, fell from out of Sue's body with a soft plop. Sue said, "I'm going to miss having that for company, but we'd better get in the pool to clean ourselves off and get back to the house. Grandpa's probably already waked up from his nap."We completed our ablutions and got back to the house only a few minutes before Grandpa waked.After Sue and I got in bed that night, I got a raging hard- on. Not only did the memory of our afternoon's dalliance reignite my passion, but also the knowledge that Sue was there beside me, her body only inches away, her hot pussy only a short thrust of my rigid cock away. Our bodies weren't touching, but we were so close that I could feel the warmth radiate from her flesh. Having experienced the pleasure of Sue's body, of finding for the first time the joy that comes from being flesh of one flesh, all I wanted was more and more of the same. I could hardly bear the thought of having to leave her and return to my house without experiencing that pleasure at least one more time.I made up my mind to at least hold her and, if nothing else, caress the lush curves, the forest of pubic hair, and all the other secret places of her body. Just as I started to turn to her, she turned to me instead. She reached out and put a hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Oh, God, Donny, you're going to have to go home tomorrow. Just as I've...no, just as WE'VE found out how good we are together, you have to leave. I don't know if I can wait until you come back again." She pulled me against her and held me tightly, a sigh of frustration escaping her lips.I wrapped my arms around her and pressed myself against her, my cock pressing against her groin. She pushed back, squeezing my shoulders at the same time, and muttered, "Ummn, that still feels so good." She put her lips right against mine and whispered, "Donny, do you think we can do it again? Right here and right now? Grandpa sleeps so soundly, if we do it real quietly we can get by with it. Do you think you can be quiet?"Do it again! I would have stuffed my mouth with a gag if that was what it took to get my prick into Sue's pussy again. I whispered back, "I promise not to make a sound."Sue stood up and pulled her gown over her head, leaving her standing nude there in the dim light of the bedroom. She reached into a dresser drawer and handed me one of the condoms she had bought. "Get undressed and put this on," Sue whispered, excitement showing in her voice. Without a sound, I wriggled out of my shorts and rolled the rubber down over my stiff extended penis.As Sue lay back down, she said, "Let's do it on our side." Sue faced me, just close enough for her nipples to brush lightly across my chest, and wrapped her top leg across my hips. As if it had eyesight, my cock fell into the space between her legs that this move created. She put a hand on my cock and guided it into place, barely within her slippery cavern. Between my thrusting forward and her pushing and working her hips, I was soon completely engulfed in Sue's warm flesh. With her lips brushing against mine, she whispered, "We've got all night. Let's go nice and slow and make it last a l-o-n-g time. This time may have to last us for a while."I pulled my cock all the way out and then returned it to its warm hiding place, using long, slow pulls and thrusts. After I bottomed out, I ground my pelvis against hers, pushing my pelvic bone hard so that it massaged her clitoris. We worked in complete silence, the only sound a soft noise of the mattress's slight stirring. Thank goodness the springs didn't squeak. If they had, we would have had to get on the floor. There was no way that I was going to fail to complete this last coupling. If all we had had was hard concrete, I would have gladly used it.Sue began to hold me tighter and to work her hips faster against mine, increasing the tempo. Her mouth, which had been almost touching mine, opened wide as it hungrily moved into full contact with mine. We kissed with our tongues thrusting into and out of each others mouths, showing with our oral actions the reaction to our bodies' pleasure. Sue muttered a soft, "Oh, God!" into my mouth, the sound swallowed in our kiss.Sue rolled over so that she was on bottom and I was on top, my legs between her spread and lifted knees. With her mouth still against mine, she said, "I can't wait. Do it hard and fast. Oh, God, put it in me deep and fast."I needed no coaxing--I was on the brink of orgasm and wanted so badly to do just what she was asking. I drove my cock in and out, moving as fast as I could make the strokes go. Sue was gripping my back, her grip becoming tighter with each stroke. She shoved her hips against each of my thrusts, and soon our movements became a frenzied meeting of wet flesh against wet flesh. She wrapped her legs around my thighs and thrust one final hard thrust. As she did, she put a hand in her mouth and bit down on it, using it to muffle the ecstatic cries that were trying to come from her throat.On the shimmering verge of orgasm myself, I grabbed her legs from around my thighs and pulled them up against my chest. Her pussy was now completely open to me and my thrusts drove deeper into her belly than I had ever been before. After about five of such deep, full thrusts, the explosion came. My cock felt like it was swelling to completely fill Sue's wet vagina, and my come came jetting out--hot fluid spurting and spurting and spurting. As much as I had tried to maintain silence, I couldn't prevent a long moan of ecstasy from escaping my lips.I lay on top of Sue for a long time, our bodies trembling and shaking with spasms. Finally I rolled off and lay on my back, softly panting. Sue turned on her side and cuddled up against me, moving her hand across my chest and caressing me with such a gentle touch. She put her mouth against my ear and whispered, "Oh, Donny, I hate to see you have to leave. We've just found out about loving and now you have to go." Without waiting for an answer, Sue reached over to her dresser and got a handful of Kleenex. Reaching down, she removed the rubber from my now-soft cock and dried its limp head and shaft. She got up and put the remains of our loving in the wastebasket and redonned her gown. I found my shorts at the foot of the bed and pulled them up to cover me. With arms around each other, we slept the kind of sleep that comes only after loving of the kind we had.When I waked up the next morning, Sue was already up. I could smell breakfast cooking, so I put on my pants and went into the kitchen. Sue said, "Your mother called and said she would be here promptly at ten. Why don't you eat your breakfast, take a shower, and then I'll help you pack. How's that sound?""Okay, I guess," I said forlornly, recognizing that soon I would have to be leaving Sue."Yeah, I know how you feel. I feel the same way. Anyway, eat your eggs while they're hot."I ate breakfast, took a shower, and then went to Sue's room to pack my clothes. It didn't take long to finish my packing, so we ended up with time to spare. Sue took me in her arms and hugged me, a sad expression on her face. "I'm going to miss you. Let's see if we can arrange for your mother to go out of town as soon as possible."I hugged Sue back and in no time our bodies molded together. The chemistry of the situation went to work and I was prodding Sue with my bulging hard cock. "Oh, God, Donny, don't do that and then go off and leave," Sue said, pushing her pussy against my hardness.Sue glanced over at the clock and said, "Hmmn, it's only 9:30--that gives us enough time. Grandpa's in the living room watching TV so he won't know." Sue reached down and rubbed my bulge, massaging my stiff rod. "Go wait for me in the bathroom. I'll be right there."I went into the bathroom and waited like she said. In only moments, Sue came in and locked the door behind us. She grabbed my belt buckle and undid my belt. Then she unbuttoned the top button of my pants and pulled down the zipper. Using both hands, she pushed my pants and shorts down at the same time, all the way to my feet. She pulled the lid down on the commode and handed me a condom saying, "Sit here and put this on."I sat down on top of the commode and rolled the rubber down on my stiffly standing cock. As soon as I had finished, Sue lifted her dress up and came toward me. My cock jerked in reaction to how Sue looked. She was completely bare-assed. If she had had on underwear, she had removed them before coming into the bathroom. Her pussy was right there in front of me and she apparently meant to use it.With her dress held up to waist level, Sue put one leg over me and straddled my cock so that her pussy was right above it. She lowered herself until her pussy touched my cock and then reached down and took it in hand. She probed with my cock, seeking her entrance, moving it all around her wet furrow. She finally found it and then slowly lowered herself until her pussy slid down and she had completely impaled herself on my stiff rod. She lifted my head up so that I faced her. Her mouth lowered to mine, and we kissed. "We have just about enough time for a quick one for the road," she said with a broad smile.Sue did all the work, lifting herself up and down, grinding her wet flesh against my groin. She moved faster and faster, working against the clock, determined to get one more taste of the pleasures we had discovered. Soon she was rewarded. Her eyes grew wide and got that faraway look in them. I could feel her pussy tighten down on my cock like a clamp, clutching it in its warm grasp. He hugged me tightly and muttered softly, "Yes, yes, yes."Her orgasm carried me over the brink and my cock jerked in time with Sue's orgasmic pulsatio