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For the love of family Pt 3


I was suddenly ripped back into reality, by a gallon or so of cold water slamming into me mid-chest.  My eyes flew open just in time to see Lisa pitch the bucket to one side as she dove back into the pool.  I wasn’t more than a second behind her.  I grabbed her by her ankles and quickly pulled her back.  Wrapping my arms around her slim waist, I did a couple of underwater rolls before pushing off on the bottom to bring us both back to the surface.
As we broke the surface, I saw Kala at the shallow end of the pool laughing hysterically.  If it weren’t for her holding on to the side of the pool, I’m sure she would have collapsed into the water.  Lisa started laughing right away as well.  She turned herself around, not pulling free of my arms, but just so she could face me.
“So what was that all about”, I said in as authoritative a voice as I could muster up at the moment.
“Well, gee Uncle Jim, I thought you needed some cooling off.  I mean you were becoming quite the site over there.”  She followed with a giggle and glanced down into the water between us.
My gaze followed hers and realized that although the water was starting to subside it, I still had a huge hard-on protruding.
“Well Jesus……”, I fumbled for the words to explain this to Lisa, but they simply wouldn’t come to me.  I released my hold on her but she didn’t swim away as I would have expected.  In fact, she pulled herself up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.
She moved her mouth up next to my ear and spoke softly, “It’s not like we don’t both know what a hard-on is, Uncle Jim.”  “It was just……well kind of funny seeing you like that.  I mean… You were so big that we could see it from the other end of the pool.”
At this point I was starting to see a little humor in the situation myself.  ‘And you have nothing better to do than check out your Uncle’s hard-on?”  I managed a short laugh, but at the same moment became aware the close proximity of her young cunt to my prick, was causing my hard-on to return ten-fold.  A fact that I was sure she could not help but notice, though she showed no sign.
“Well, actually it was Kayla that noticed it first.  She wanted to sneak over for a closer look, but I thought the water was a better idea.”  She then squirmed slightly, pulling herself even harder against my cock.  “God, you really are big”, she giggled.
Then with a softer, almost passionate look she pressed her barely covered virgin cunt hard against my rock hard cock just for a couple of seconds.  Suddenly she shuddered slightly and without a word released her hold on me to quickly turn and dive back into the water.
Kayla had been moving slowly closer toward us as this had all been going on.  If she had gotten much closer she would have seen it all.  Thankfully Lisa popped up out of the water just in time to head off her approach.  I turned and dove under the water in the opposite direction.  I was still trying to clear my head and sort out what had just taken place, when I reached the deep end and pulled myself up to the side.
Was my barely pubescent niece thinking about what I thought she was?  Surely, this was just all in my head!  Maybe I was just projecting from what I’d been thinking about earlier.  As much as I wanted to just blow it off, I just couldn’t justify the last few seconds.  She had intentionally pressed her young virgin cunt against my cock!   There was simply no way to rationalize in my mind that it was anything other than what it was.  Lisa wanted to fuck!  Maybe not her Uncle, I was probably just a target of opportunity.  It was pretty damn obvious though that it was on her mind.
The real truth was that it was on my mind now as well.  What the hell was I going to do about it?  Sis and I had enjoyed a very special relationship.  Starting at such an early age and continuing right up until three days before she left on this trip.  Tom wasn’t home much and I gather from what sis had told me, he was rarely in the mood even when he was home.  I only lived a couple of miles away.  So when ever either of us were in the mood, we just came up with an excuse to be together for awhile.
This was a whole different thing though.  What would sis think if she found out I wanted to fuck the brains out of her little girl……my little niece!  I wondered briefly if she knew that a girl as young and pretty as Lisa would have me thinking this way?  If so, why would she have agreed to let her spend the summer with me?  Unless… she planned it that way!
My cock had pretty much subsided back to normal, so I pulled myself out of the pool and sat on the side for a moment.  I looked over at Lisa and Kayla.  They were talking softly and giggling a lot.  I had a pretty good idea of what the two of them were discussing.
I looked closely at the both of them, closer than I ever had and probably a little closer than I should.  Lisa was the spitting image of Dawn at 13.  Small but firm little breast, maybe 32’ish.  Perfect hips that had flared out to what I love to call “Breeder Hips”.  A tight heart shaped ass that just begged for your eyes to watch.  She had long brown hair that framed her face and beautiful green eyes.  Kayla was just a few months younger than Lisa.  She would be 18 in about two more months.  Her breasts were just as big if not slightly bigger than Lisa’s.  She had short blonde hair and her face, with lingering traces of baby fat and a splatter of freckles was even cuter than Lisa.  Her ass was just a little wider than it should have been at her age.  But that was just enough to give a man ideas, certainly not enough to be a turnoff.
I thought to myself, “Damn, I’d love fuck either of them right this moment.  Maybe even both of them!”  The familiar stirring in my crotch reminded me that I needed to get my mind off the subject.  I decided to head for the house for awhile.  I mumbled something about getting dinner as I tried to hurry past the girls.
Lisa, thank God tried her best to look me in the eyes as I spoke, but Kayla made no effort at all to pull her eyes from the bulge in my trunks.  A fact that I overheard Lisa pointing out to her and giggling as soon she thought I was out of ear shot.
I pulled a few things out to make for supper, watching the girls at the same time.  I stood there at the counter for a few minutes.  Watching them take turns diving off the side.  Those firm little ass’s calling out to me each time they bent into the dive.  That was all I could take.  I retired to my bathroom and with a hand full of lotion, I’d fucked them both in about five minutes!
With the poisons out of the system and my mind cleared, I was sure I could get through the rest of the evening.  I was only partially right!
He girls had both switched to loose fitting tops and shorts for dinner.  That made things a considerable easier for me.  We finished up and watched TV for an hour or so.  Then Lisa wanted to play Monopoly.  So we all three flopped in the middle of the living room floor for the game.
That’s when those rumbling of earlier started all over again.  Each time one of them leaned forward to reach their piece on the board, I had a clear view down the front of their loose fitting blouses.  Neither of them were wearing a bra, so I had a clear view of their delicious young tits.  After awhile I suspected that they were leaning far over on purpose.  I caught them giving each other a little glance and sometimes a wink.  I considered saying something, but then I got another surprise.  Kayla shifted a little and now I could see up the leg of her shorts, right to her crotch.  The underwear she had on had either shifted to the side or were just too small for her to begin with.  I could clearly see half of her hairless little mound, stopping just short of her young crack.
I had one hell of a time pulling my gaze from that exquisite site, but I finally did.  I glanced up at her and she looked back at me innocently at first, but then gave way to an ever so slight smile.
We finished up the game about Ten o‘clock or so.  I was glad, since I didn’t think I could take much more teasing.  I suggested the girls get off to bed.  Kayla got up right away and headed off to their bedroom.  Lisa stayed though.  As I sat up and started picking up the game, Lisa’s eyes went straight for the lump in the front of my pants.  She looked for several seconds, then she looked up at me with a strange little smile and started helping me pickup the game.
As we both got up from the floor, I bent to kiss her good night.  I was going for the cheek, but she turned to kiss me on the lips.  She held the kiss for a long moment.  I felt her jaw relax as though she was going to kiss me open mouthed.  But two seconds later she pulled away, blushing and headed for her room with a “good night” over her shoulder.
I put the game away and went to the kitchen to finishing cleaning up from dinner.  Half an hour or a little more had passed, when I poured myself two fingers of scotch sat down in the living room and flipped the TV on.  I didn’t really care what was on, as much as I needed an excuse to sit there and try to sort this day out.
If it weren’t for the experience of my youth with my sister, I would never have believed that two girls this young would even care about sex.  Much less with someone who was pushing 40!  Contrary to the things I’d read so long ago, most young girls aren’t ready to fall onto their backs with their legs in the air for someone my age.  But unless I was reading thing wrong, that’s exactly the signals I was getting today from the both of them.  It was about that time that Lisa’s head poked around the corner.
“Uncle, could I sit with you for a little while?”
I patted the seat beside and she came slowly into the room with a blanket rolled up under her arm.  She was wearing a thin white nighty, which was so short it left her panties exposed.  The only thing thinner than her nighty, was the panties she was wearing.  They were so thin I could quite literally see the shadow that was her crack.  I sat my scotch down and turned with one leg up on the couch.  Lisa sat down, snuggling with her back up against my chest and pulled the blanket up over her.  The crack of her young ass was mere inches from my once again hardening cock.
She laid there for several minutes, watching the TV or at least pretending she was just as I was trying to.  My right hand was under the blanket, resting on top of her stomach.  Only her nighty separated it from the soft skin of her young belly.  Her hand was on top of mine, slowly caressing my hand.  I was really wishing that material wasn’t in the way but I wasn’t sure I should try to reach under it.  I was afraid it might scare her off.
I lost interest in the TV and was pretty much just looking at her sweet young face in the soft room light.  Then she surprised me!  With her other hand she tugged at the front of her nighty, to pull it out from under my hand.  At the same time she softly pushed my hand down stopping right at the waist of her panties and began to caress mine again.  She did it without saying anything.
Her skin was the smoothest I could ever remember touching.  A fact that was bringing life into my cock again.  I tried thinking about what was on the TV.  I knew if I let my cock get much harder, it would be poking her in the crack of her ass in no time.
After a few more minutes ticked away, she suddenly said “Do you think I’m pretty?”, not taking her eyes off the TV as she spoke.
“Of course you are Lisa”, I replied.  “I’m surprised you have to ask though.  A girl as cute and sexy as you probably has all the boys in school chasing you.”
Lisa giggled and rolled on to her side, turning her face up so she could see me.  No not all of them.  A couple maybe, but they both dorks.  They’re always loud and rude.  I don’t like them at all.
She paused for only a few seconds, and in a more serious voice, “you really think I’m sexy?” She finished with a big smile, sure that I would say yes.
“You’re the sexiest girl I know”, I replied.  At the same time I bent to kiss her on her cute little nose and again on the forehead.  Without thinking, I went to hug her at the same time.  My hand came up from its resting place on her belly, up her side bringing her nighty with it.  I stopped only when I realized that my thumb was against the bottom of her young breast.  I didn’t pull away.  I’m not sure if I just didn’t want to or if I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, and maybe scare her or something.  So I just hugged her tightly and left my hand, seemingly innocently, right where it was.
“Do you think moms sexy too?”
“I do”, I replied and then followed with “Your mother has always been sexy, just like you.”
Lisa sat up and turned to lean back against my one leg.  She pushed the blanket aside and laid her legs across my other leg.  “You really love mom, don’t you?”, she asked next.
When she sat up her nighty unfortunately fell back down part way, but not enough to cover her belly.  I sat up a little straighter and put my hand back where it wanted to be before answering her.
“Of course I love her.  She is my sister after all.”
That answer brought a curious little smile to her face briefly.  Then she quickly looked down at my hand, as though she’d just noticed it there.  Without looking up she asked, “If she weren’t your sister, would you have married her?”
I was starting to wonder at this point, just where this conversation was going.
“I don’t know honey.  I never really thought about that.”  I considered it for a few seconds and then added, “I guess maybe…I probably would have married her.”
That brought her face back up quickly, with a huge smile.
“That would have been so cool”, she blurted out.  “I think you would have been a great dad.”  She pulled my hand from her belly up to kiss it.  She didn’t return it to her belly though.  She laid it on her bare thigh.  My fingers extending around to her inner thigh, mere inches from her sweet treasure.  My heart skipped a beat as I considered this.  Both of her hands were resting on top of mine.  It seemed as though she wanted to make sure I didn’t pull away.  She looked down briefly and as her eyes came back to meet mine, I knew she was about to get serious.
“You told me a long time ago that I could always come and talk to you about anything.”  With out waiting for a reply, she went on.  “’cause I’d really like to talk to you about something and maybe ask you some things.  I don’t want to make you mad though.  I mean…If you don’t want to talk about it…I’ll stop and never ask again…ok?”
I wasn’t sure about how she had asked that.  I could see that she was nervous.  So I mustard up a smile and gave her thigh a little squeeze, while nodding for her to continue.
“A couple of weeks ago, dad was at work and mom was sitting in the living room, drinking some wine.  She gave me some and then I guess she decided it was time to give me one of those special talks.  You know…about sex and things.  She really wasn’t telling me anything I hadn’t already learned in school.  But you know how mom is, so I just let her talk.”
Lisa paused for a few seconds.  I could see she had more to say, but wasn’t sure about saying it.  After several seconds, she went on.
“She asked me if I had been thinking about having sex.  I sort of lied to her and told her I had only thought about it a couple of times.”
“And that was a lie”, I asked to prompt her on.
She nodded slowly.  “I’ve been…kind of…well you know.  I’ve been touching myself…you know…down there.  It’s been for over a year now…really often.”
“Often”, I asked”?
“Like…almost every night…sort of”
The mere thought of that was enough to send another gallon of blood to the wrong head.
Is that all, I thought to myself, feeling somewhat relieved.  I could easily put my mind at ease.
“Honey, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  Most everyone does that at some point during their life.  A lot of people won’t admit it, but they do it anyway.  Don’t give it another thought.  Just enjoy it!”
I figured my work was done.  I was wrong.
“Well, mom said if I was thinking about it, she was going to take me to the doctor and get me on the pill.  Just in case…you know.”
I nodded my understanding, but her next statement floored me.
“That was when she kind of told me something.  I’m sure she didn’t mean to, but it just kind of slipped out.”  She paused briefly, biting her lower lip before continuing.  “She told me about you and her…you know…when you were kids.”
I like to shit a brick right there!  What in the hell had Dawn been thinking, I thought to myself?  All that blood that had been in route to my cock, took a sudden detour to my face!
When I didn’t say anything right away, Lisa decided it was ok to go on.
“It’s ok…I mean I’m ok with that.  Well…not at first, but as she explained it all to me, I understood.  She told me how much you loved each other and that you were really good to her.  You never tried to force her to do anything and stuff like that.  Anyway, she made me promise not to ever tell anyone and then hurried me off to bed.”
It was my turn to stare downward.  I guess a full minute passed before I finally looked up and spoke.
“Well honey, I do kind of wish she hadn’t mentioned that.  That is not a thing most people would understand.  As a matter of fact, it could cause a lot of problems if the wrong people found out somehow.”
Lisa pulled herself up tight to me, laying her head on my chest.  “It’s ok Uncle Jim.  I’ll never tell anyone, I swear.
I took some comfort in that, but at the same time made a mental note to chew Dawn’s ass out good when she got home.  What else could I do at this point?
She didn’t look up, but started to speak again anyway.
“For the next couple of nights when I was in bed…you know…doing myself, I thought about how nice it would be to have a big brother.  I tried to picture one,  but he would always start looking like you…just when I was…about to get over.”  She paused for a second to let it sink in, then went on.  “That’s when I had an idea…kind of!”
The next day, I asked mom…Well I asked her if…if maybe it would be ok for me…for me to do it with you.”