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My brother, my lover, Part Six - Bobby and Jan again!


Author’s note:
      No more boy- boy tales ever, I promise!
My brother, my lover, Part Six – Bobby and Jan again!
“Hey, sis! How’s about going to town and getting a pizza?”
“Okay, sounds good to me! Your truck or my car?”
“Oh, let’s go in my truck. And just to show I’m not pissed at you for the other day on the dock, I’ll let you drive!”
“Really? You never let anyone drive your baby! That’s so sweet, big bro! I love you!” I said, as I kissed him hard on the lips, and thrust my mound against his big penis, growing suddenly under his baggy shorts!
“God, Jan! Knock that shit off! I’m getting hard again! You sure know how to trip my trigger, don’t you?” he laughed, as he swatted my butt, and put his arm over my shoulder! He steered me out to his truck, tickling me in the ribs, and playfully nibbling on my ear lobe!
He even opened the driver’s door for me! He’s so cool! Most of the other guys he hangs with wouldn’t ever do that!
 Then it dawned on me what he was up to, and I giggled.
“I’m wise to you, sneaky! You just want to look up my skirt, when I climb up into the cab, don’t you?”
“Can’t put anything past you, little sis, can I? Okay, so I like your legs and cute little firm ass! Is that a crime?” he laughed!
I looked down, from the high seat in his truck, at his cute smiling face, and giggled, as I opened my legs, to give him my best beaver shot, though this beaver was the furless variety, smooth as a baby’s butt, as they say!
His eyes locked onto my naked little cunt lips, staring him in the face at eye level, and he gasped, as I saw his bulge rising up under his shorts! His mouth parted, and he licked his lips, as he ogled me, until I closed my legs, and slid under the steering wheel, and slammed the door!
I looked down out the window at my sweet big brother, still standing there, panting, and blushing, and staring up at me, like he wanted to fuck me so bad, that he couldn’t stand it a moment longer!
Then I rolled down the window, and said,
“Bobby, get in the truck! You look stupid standing there, with your big dick straining against your shorts, and your tongue hanging down to the driveway! Come on, sweetie, let’s go eat!”
He finally snapped out of his trance, and grinned at me. Then he went around, and leaped up into the cab, and slid over real close to me! He grinned some more, as he blew softly in my ear!
“Bobby, stop that! I can’t drive with your tongue in my ear!”
“Would you rather I put my tongue somewhere else?”
“Bobbeeee! Quit, now! I’m starting to get wet! Give me a break, please?”
“Oh, alright, party pooper! Drive my fucking truck, but be careful! If you get a scratch on it, I’ll whip your little butt, until you can’t sit down for a week!” he laughed, as he socked me gently on my shoulder!
I started into town, driving very, very carefully! At the first red light, Bobby laid his hand on my leg, and began to make little circles, higher and higher up my thigh! I gasped at his warm touch, and little tingles rolled over my body!
I acted like nothing was wrong, and drove on through town, as I stifled the urge to open my legs wider, and grab his hand and shove it up my wet little slit! I pulled into the parking space at Pizza Hut and shut the engine off.
“There! How was that? Didn’t even get dust on your effin’ little truck, did I?”
“You did great, little sis, even though you were panting up a storm under your breath! I heard you! You don’t fool me for a minute!” he chuckled, as he reached up under my mini skirt, and grabbed my wet cunt lips, and spread them open!
“Oh, God, Bobby! Stop that!” I yelled, as I yanked his wet fingers out of my cunt, and pushed him across the seat so hard, that he hit the door with his shoulder!
“Fuck, Jan! What did you do that for? Don’t you want my hand up your pussy? ”
“Oh, Bobby, of course I do, but we have to wait until we eat first, okay? Please?”
“Oh, alright! I’ll let you go this once!” he giggled, as he leaped out of the truck, and ran around to open my door!
“Now cut that out!” I laughed, as he leaned way down, and looked up my skirt all the time I was sliding off the seat, until I was standing on the ground, and he was bent way over at the hips, licking his lips and making slurping sounds, as he tilted his head,  and stared up at my naked cunt under my mini!
“Bobby! People will see you! God, you are impossible!” I giggled, as I pulled him up by his hair, and slapped him on the shoulder!
He staggered back in mock horror, as he yelled, “Ouch! Damn it Jan! Can’t I have any fun? Shit! Big bad sister won’t let little bro ogle her sweet little naked cunt! Unfair!”
That cracked me up, and then he, too, broke into raucous laughter, as we held each other up, walking into the diner, so totally lost in our glee that all the people looked up to see what all the commotion was!
Bobby ordered our pizza, after we had regained some sense of respectability, still chuckling and hugging each other, as we tried to keep from going off again in uproarious giggling!
Then we sat down in the booth, to wait for the serving girl to bring our drinks and silverware. Bobby moved over close again, as I eyed him warily, waiting for his next outrageous move!
“Hey, Jan! “he whispered in my ear, as he blew softly, “Want me to slide under the table and lick your hot little clit?”
“Bobby!” I whispered back, “Cool it, okay? God, you’d think you never got any, ever, the way you’re acting today! Is it because you finally got to screw Angie? Is that what brought all this on?”
“Well, sorta’” he chuckled. “But mostly because I want to fuck you so bad I’m going nuts here! I guess I’m just trying to make up for all those years that all I could do was look at your fantastic little figure, and never touch!”
“Oh, Bobby! That’s so sweet to think you’ve wanted me, your little sister, all that time! I’m really flattered, you know, and also very much in love with you!”
“But not enough to ever give up Angie?”
“I’m really getting confused lately, big bro. I don’t know what I really want any more! I’m going a little crazy trying to figure it out!”
“Shhh! You’re getting a little loud, honey! And don’t sweat the small stuff! It will all work itself out in due time. But in the meantime, let’s fuck!” he grinned, then made a kissy face at me, and shoved his tongue in and out real fast!
Luckily the girl arrived just then, and saved him from getting whacked by me! She looked back and forth at us, and smiled.
“You guys on a date, or what?”
“No, we’re brother and sister.” Bobby said, grinning from ear to ear!
“Sure could have fooled me!” She replied, as my face turned crimson, and my lips trembled slightly from embarrassment!
“He likes to tease me is all.” I said, as I looked at Bobby in my best ‘cool it bro’ look!
He shrugged, and smiled at the girl, and I could see the pulse in her slender neck speed up, as she blushed at Bobby’s ‘come fuck me’ smile! He is soo smooth! Girls fall all over him at school, and are constantly coming up and asking if I ever fucked my gorgeous brother! They all say they sure would, if he was related to them!
Before the day on the dock I would always smile, and say “No, I never got the chance!” But since then, I grin, and say, “Every chance I get!” And then watch their mouths gape open, and little shudders run down their bodies, as they envision me humping his big penis, that is so evident under his tight jeans, because he never wears underwear!
I picked up a slice of pizza, and slid the end between my lips, as Bobby stared at my mouth!
“God, Jan! You do that so sexy! I can just see that pizza slice as my big fat cock sliding over your puffy little lips!”
I stopped dead, and stared at him, with the piece still stuck between my teeth, as I felt moisture seeping out between my swollen puffy cunt lips! I shuddered, as I tried to bite the slice, but my mouth just wouldn’t close, as I panted, looking into those cool blue eyes, which I adore so much!
I tore my gaze away, and choked down the bite, as sweat broke out on my upper lip, and I clenched my legs together real tight, to pressure my throbbing little clit!
“Bobby!” I whispered softly, as I gasped for air! “Please? I’m getting so wet from looking at you! Help me please? I can’t take it any more!”
He slid over close, and kissed me very softly, as he reached under the table, and slid his hand up my leg! I felt his big fingers brush my clit, and I jerked, and shivered, as little vibrations started in my breasts, and echoed in my hot cunt walls!
I stared down at the table top, as he fingered me, faster and faster, until the orgasm slowly spread up my body! I grabbed the table cloth, and gasped, as I closed my eyes and whispered, “Oh, God! Bobby! I’m cumming! Right here in the pizza Hut dining room, in front of all these people, and I can’t stop!”
“Finger me faster! Faster! Oh, shit1 Bobby! I’m cuuumming! Oh Bobeeee! Oh, God!” I whispered, frantically!
Then I jerked so hard that my feet rattled on the floor, and my head kept twitching around, as I tried in vain to hold it all in! But it finally won, and I gasped loudly, as people turned to see what was happening to me!
Bobby had his arm around my shoulders, holding me tight against his side, as he continued shoving his fingers in and out, until I jerked again, and spewed my juices all over his hand!
I looked around, nervously, at all the gawking faces, and my face felt like it was on fire, I was blushing soo bad! Bobby was laughing in my ear, as he wiped his wet fingers on the table cloth, which was hanging down over my lap!
“That was a good one, sis! I thought you were going to scream out loud there for a minute!”
“God, Bobby! It was all I could do to keep from ripping my blouse off, and jamming your mouth over my nipples! Talk about an orgasm! Wow!”
“My pants are soaked, sis! I can’t stand up, or I’ll look really dumb, with this big splotch on my fly!”
“You deserve all you got, big bro! See what happens when you take advantage of your poor helpless little sister?” I giggled, as I snuggled close to his chest.
“Well. Looks like we won’t be eating here anymore! These people are in a state of shock!”
“Let’s get out of here! Here! Hold this big napkin over your front, and head for the door, as fast as you can!” I whispered, as I stood up to shield him from the rest of the room!
We high tailed it out the door, and leaped up into the truck, as I gunned the engine, and pealed rubber across the parking lot, and out into the street!
I glanced over at Bobby, and saw he was doubled over, holding his stomach, as he tried to breathe, he was laughing so hard!
I grinned, and reached over to pat his back, and he slid over next to me, and giggled in my ear!
“Jan! You should have seen your face when those people were staring at you! It was priceless! You looked like a little kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar!” he said, as he once again doubled over with raucous laughter!
“Well, I wasn’t the one who looked like they had peed their pants, bro!” I retorted, as I burst out in my own giggling fit!
We finally settled down, and Bobby kissed my face as he nuzzled my ear, and whispered sweet nothings, until I was glowing from his words of love and devotion! I am soo lucky to have a big brother like him!
As I passed the lake he motioned for me to pull into the parking lot. I drove all the way down to the end, and stopped under a huge oak tree. Bobby opened his door, which was on the side away from the traffic.
Then he turned my face toward him, and softly placed his sweet lips on mine, and slid his tongue around in my mouth! I threw my arms around his neck, and pulled him over on top of me, as I slid down flat on the seat!
He hitched my mini skirt up above my naked cunt, and I pushed his shorts down off his cute little butt, and then yanked his tee of over his curly blond hair. He pushed my little top up around my neck, and my nipples stiffened immediately, when he leaned down and nibbled on them!
 Then he slowly slid his big fat penis into my wet little vagina! I was in heaven, it filled me sooo nice! His thick head teased my walls unmercifully, as I wiggled under him!
I stared into his eyes, as he slowly began to move up and down over my excited little body! Then he started fucking me, faster and faster, until I was being hammered into the vinyl seat, over and over again! The truck rocked, as he fucked me even harder, and I screamed, as he gave a last big shove, and spurted hot cum up into my gaping little hole!
I felt the wet fluid run out around his pulsating cock, and I clenched my thighs tight around his thin hips, so he couldn’t move out of me! Then I gripped and released his penis with my cunt muscles, until he was gasping again, and starting to move in and out once more!
This time he really fucked me hard, almost like he was furious with me, until I was screaming out loud, over, and over, for him to fuck me, and fuck me, and fuck me, harder and harder!
Then we climaxed together again, as we jerked against each other, and held each other tight, as the shock waves ran up and down constantly, and sweat poured from his face down over me!
He smoothed my hair out of my face, and grinned at me, as he, oh, so slowly, pulled his soft penis out of my still twitching cunt!
“God, Bobby, what was that? It was awesome, wasn’t it?”
“I never felt anything like it! Even when I fucked Angie, it wasn’t that intense! I feel like my insides have been pulled out of me!”
“Me, Too! This seat is slippery, it’s so soaked!”
“Yeah, I know! If we could bottle it, the country wouldn’t ever need oil again!” he chuckled!
“Ready to go, sweetie?” I finally asked.
“Yeah, I guess we better! Mom will be worried, since we’ve been gone so long!”
We sat up, and cleaned up as best we could, then I drove home.
When we walked through the door, naked little Angie came rushing up to me!  She threw her arms around my neck, and slammed me against the wall, as she ground her big clit into my sore little cunt lips, through the fabric of my mini skirt!
“Oh, brother!” I thought, “Here I go, Si