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Stepmum Srprise


Topic: Oh Brooke, how we fuckedIt was an accident to begin with. She was making the bed and rushing to go out when I arrived and I offered tohelp. I furtively looked her over, bright yelloe T-shirt stretched over her large breasts and a pair of tight denimshorts and barefoot, my eyes flicked down to the tight crotch and I could make out the shape of her prominent mound. I looked away before she caught me looking -- or so I thought!She had married my Stepfather 5 years before, at the time I thought her a serious Goldigger, she was 28 and he 77 but as time went on I realised she actually loved him. When he died I fought my Brothers for her to keep theHouse and some money he left her. None of us needed money that badly! To tell the truth I found her excitingand often wodered about the old man fucking her! She had a bit too much to drink at the Funeral and toldme they never had sex, he was not able to do it, but she really loved him and wished they could have done. Ishould have realised an unsatisfied woman wore the panties I had carefully eased from the washbasket so manytimes in the past year were those of a horny woman, the white streaks and scent those of a woman lubricating and when they were sosticky and smelt so much of vagina that she had probably masturbated either with them on or pulled them up after she had cum. ( I did it almost every time I visited, masturbated in the Bathroomsniffing her worn panties!)Brooke was quite stunning in some ways, a little plump here and there with large full firm breasts, not tall but with very long legs and perhaps over heavy thighs and a slightly large bottom. Her mother was half Jamaican so she had a lovely skin colour and slightly wavy short black hair.As she bent over I could see down her shirt, I looked away and asked if she was going anywhere special, shesaid no, just meeting some girls for a drink. I felt devilish so I playfully swung a pillow at her, she dodged, pickedup the other one and swung at me, suddenly we were on the bed having a pilloow fight, laughing like a coupleof kids! I slipped and fell against her, she fell backwards and i fell on top of her. We lay there panting and laughing,It came over me like waves, the desire for her, and I became hard immediately, I had never experienced that before, an instant erection, must have been less than a second from soft to iron hard straining against my jeans. I couldn't hide it, she must have felt it happen and it was against her mound through her shorts, neither ofus said anything, the silence seemed to alst an age, impulsively I fastened my mouth onto the soft full lipsof her mouth and she responded, our tongues played together and she began to breathe heavily. I ground myslef against her, literally fucking her through our clothes and my hand moved to cup her heavy warmbreast inside her shirt. We both were out of control as I almost ripped her T shirt as I dragged it over head with one hand the otherunzipping her shorts, she squirmed out of them naked now except for her sheer black panties before pullingdown my jeans and pants in one movement grasping my hard penis, her rands running all over it. Suddenly we were naked, I lay between her thighs and the heat was so intense!I looked into Brooke's wide eyes, I could feel her warm sweet breath on my face as her breathing quickend, her fullbreasts rising and falling, my hands gently squeezing them and my thumbs caressing her hard erect nipples. I kissed her full lips as I moved my hips so my hard penis rested against her wet open lips, adjusting until I foundthe hot wet opening, sliding my swollen head upward to rub againts her erect clitoris, then downward to enter hervery slightly before repeating the movement. Each time entering her further. She broke from our kiss and shuddered and a sort of mewing sound emitted from her half open mouth. My foreskin was now fully rolledback by her tight vagina and i felt so hard. I moved a little further, my penis entering to half of its length as I beganto make love to her more seriously, repating the movements except now she was pushing up at me as i slidup against her clitoris. Suddenly her whole body jerked spasmodically and involuntarily she sucked my penis deep into her. She cried out, shuddering, I felt her vagina pulsing and contracting as she orgasmed. I lost controland frantically jerked my long hard penis in and out of her contracting slippery warmth feeling my spasmsbegin and the lovely sensation of pumping my streams of hot semen deeply into her. Brooke's mouth was wide open, she was panting nd writhing and shuddering, I collapsed on her, with one hand squeeing her swollenfirm breast, kissing her neck as her spasms subsided and I felt the last of my semen dribbling into her.I eased myslef upward, my penis softening inside her and could feel our liquids running down my testiclesand onto the sheets. Brooke's eyes were half closed and she was breathing slower, I looked downward over the magnificent breasts, her nipples still firm, her smooth skin shining with perspiration, I realised how wewere both absolutely drenched from our excitement and exertions. My eyes slid downward over her rounded belly to the thick black curls and our union where my softening penis was embedded, held by her tightened vagina.She open her eyes, and smiled, then stretched like a cat, the movement cause my penis to slide from herand a gush of liquid ran from her, over my penis and down on to the sheets. There was a wet patch growing there,and I knew I would masturbate smelling it for days.We rolled apart, the gentle breeze from the air-conditioning cooling our bodies. I could smell her perfume, muskyand heady and through it the acrid sent of my semen and her vaginal secretions. I gazed at her and realised she wassleeping, her breast rising and falling, and as I watched she moved, her legs stretching apart, one kne slightly bent. I carefully rose up, sliding don the bed until I could gaze at her vagina, her lips almost closed now and thickwhite juice still oozing from her. I felt myself stiffen slightly. I drifted gently into sleep. I awoke after only minutes,Brooke had not moved.I slid gently round and gradually eased myself between her wide, solid thighs, as I moved closer the scentof our juices getting stronger until I was an inch from from her vagina, I sniffed hard and my erection gainedstrength, I moved until I was breathing on her slit, I eased my tongue out and very, very gently teased her lipsapart, I was greated by a rush of wamr scented fluid over my lips and tongue which I swallowed greedily. Myerection strained against the bed, my chin sliding on the slippery wet sheet, I moved to ease the pressureand Brooke moved slightly, widening her thighs and sighed in her sleep.I began to very gently lick along her opening lips, widening as my tongue sought to open then enoughto see her clitoris. I gently probed inwards until my tongue had entered her and i felt an involuntary tighteningas the walls of her vagina tightened around my tongue, then relaxed. I gently fucked her with my tongueand was rewarded with the lips opening wide so I could clearly see her clitoris, still covered by it's female foreskin but beginning to swell and poke out! I could hardly control my breathing and my erection wasaching.Very gently I moved within those heavy spread thighs and pushed against her side, she sighed again and turnedover, her legs almost closed now, I stared at the rounded buttocks before moving back, very gently easing herlegs apart until I wa staring at her slit, slightly open, pink and gleaming before is resumed my gentleopening of them and probing wth my tongue. As she opened to me I was so excited my penis was dribbling alreadyand I began to tongue her seriously. I kissed her hard there, like a mouth, and quite literally fucked her withmy tongue, she moaned and ground into me and I knew she was awake!I climbed upward until I was supporting myself on extended arms and Brooke knelt under me, I took hold of her heavy full breasts and eased myself gently but purposely into her, it was as if her vagina was sucking meand I nearly came then. I was very excited, and began to slam myself in and out of her, the wet squelching was so loud accompanied by a little grut from her each time my pubic bone slammed against her. I reached roundwith one hand, laying over her back, and began to masturbate her clitoris as I was fucking her and squeezing the large swinging breasts. She began to jerk against my fingers, I could feel her begin to contractand I leant backwards, mesmerized I stared at her bottom and my cock going in and out of her, the scent of my stale semen and her juices in my nostrils. Gently I covered my finger in our slickness and eased it intoher puckerd hole, it seemed as if she sucked it into her and crying out I felt her spasm, somehow without us fallingshe snatched my fingers from her clitoris, and she screamed! I had no control, her muscles milked me and Icame and came with her, so excited, and feeling the finger in her bottom being rythmically squueezed. Suddenly she stiffened in one last spasm, and ejected my finger from its anal prison, she fell forward andI popped out of her still hard with the semen still flowing from me, i grasped it tight and stroked the lastbubbling globs out which fell on her round cheeks. I fell down next to her, both of us exhausted, soaked in our own fluids and out of breath!After a moment I looked into her eyes, Brooke moved and kissed me, her expresion became one ofwonder, disgust, almost hatred and love moving continually. I realised with some shock that she was crying, the tears ran down, she began to sob uncontrollably, saying go, just go, now! She rolled into a foetal position andwhen I tried to comfort her she eased for a moment, looking right at me said that I should just go quietly, thiscould never happen again, she could not stand so much guilty pleasure, and it would never happen again.But of course, we both knew it would, and next time there would be no remorse.