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Tom's Adventure's Part VI - The Date


Tom hoped to change that this evening. He had to beg his sister, Suzy, to borrow her car. She had gotten the car for her 16th birthday. He had gotten a computer for his. Tom’s parents thought that he was still a little to immature for a car. He had his driver’s license, but the cost of insurance and his parents thinking prevented him from getting his own car. He usually drove his mom’s minivan around when he had to do errands on his own. He wanted tonight to be special, so he had begged and pleaded with Suzy and his parents in order to use her car. He had to wash her car, inside and out, in order to use it. Suzy would inspect the car before she would give him the final OK, and know Suzy, she was going to do the “white glove” test. Tom had began by backing the car into the driveway and washing it with a bucket of soapy water and a sponge. As the morning turned into afternoon, the sun got higher and higher in the sky. He took his shirt and shoes off and was just washing the car in his shorts. Tom was being so picky about cleaning the car, he even opened the hood and was wiping down the grease-covered hoses and battery! While he was at it, he checked the oil. The oil was low, so he did an oil change on the car for his sister. He diligently wiped off the chrome tires and tried to get the “little crevasse” around the exterior of the car with the sponge and hose. He vacuumed out the interior of the car. He got some window cleaner and cleaned the dashboard. He got a screwdriver and popped out the vents in the dashboard and cleaned those off. He was NOT going to take a chance that his sister was going to say no. Tom then put the car back in the garage and began applying a coat of wax to it. He turned on some music on the radio that was in the garage. He wiggled his ass as he sung to the music that played. Someone pinched his ass. He jumped and hit his head on the car as he stood up. He turned around and Jessica and Suzy were standing behind him. “Doing a good job, bro,” Suzy said. Suzy was the stereotypical blonde high school cheerleader. She and Tom exercised together almost daily, so she had a great athletic body. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a pony-tail and she had on a white tank top and faded pink shorts. The top of the tank top was wet with sweat. Tom could see the sports bra that his sister had on under it. Jessica then came up and gave Tom a hello kiss. Jessica had brown hair in the same style as Suzy. Jessica was just a hair shorter than Tom’s six foot tall. She was the captain of the girls’… “LADIES’ team,” Tom kept reminding himself… basketball team the next year. She was going to be a senior, just like Tom. She wore no tank top. She just had on a blue sports-bra and matching shorts. “Isn’t this sweet,” Jessica said in a Southern Belle voice. “Washing and cleaning the car, just to impress little ol’ me!” “I’m only washing the car because my sister told me this was the only way she’d let me use it,” he replied with a smile. “Don’t blame me! It was Dad’s idea. He said my car was a mess after he drove you to camp.” “If women took better care of their automobiles, mechanics would become extinct,” Tom said with a smile. This earned him a nudge and a glare from both women in the garage with him. Ever since returning from camp, Jessica and Suzy had began hanging out with each other a lot more. They had become a lot closer than they were before. Emily, Suzy’s best friend, had gone on vacation with her family for three weeks. Tom just assumed that Jess was taking Emily’s place as friend for a while. This didn’t bother Tom at all. It meant that Jessica wanted to come over more often. Tom and his family had talked and did not want to expose Jessica to the sexual exploits of the entire family, yet {see Poker Night series}. Jess knew that Suzy and Tom had slept together, but did not want to expose her to the fact that he was also having sex with his mother at times! The family had agreed to keep the secret. “Well, we’re going swimming. The jog makes me so hot, I gotta cool off!” Suzy said as the girls’ turned away from the garage towards the back yard. “I’ll try to hurry up so I can join you. I’m almost done with this coat of wax,” Tom said. “Let me know when you’re done so I can inspect it!” his sister called. Tom started to work faster on the car when he realized that he had missed taking the wax off on a spot. He kicked himself for it and slowed down, going over the entire body of the car again. He didn’t want to risk his not being able to utilize the car at all this evening. Finally, he finished. He backed the car out of the garage to let it sit in the driveway. He wanted to show it off to anybody that passed by. As he backed out of the garage, he looked down. There was only a quarter of a tank of gas! He continued backing and pulled into the street. “I’ll just go fill it up now,” he thought to himself. As he drove down the street, he got whistles from other high school girls that were walking down the street. He honked and waved at a few of his friends as well. He continued driving down the street towards the corner of the small town that had all the gas stations on it. As he pulled away from a stop sign, he suddenly heard a brief howl of a siren. He looked in the review mirror and the blue lights of a police car were flashing. He immediately pulled over and the police car did the same, behind him. It was then that he realized he was only wearing shorts. He didn’t have shoes or a shirt on! As the officer got out of the police car, Tom kept his hands tight on the steering wheel. He looked in the mirror and breathed a sigh of relief. Emily’s dad came up to the driver’s door with a smile. “Didn’t mean to give you a heart attack, Tom,” he said with a big smile. “No problem, sir,” I just thought I had done something wrong. “Oh! I didn’t pull you over for speeding or anything like that. I just noticed that your tail light was out and wanted to say hello. I hadn’t talked to you since you left for basketball camp.” “The tail lights out?” Tom asked in surprise. “Sure is. Come look,” the officer said. As Tom unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out of the car he asked, “I thought you and your family were on vacation for a few weeks. Thought you guys were going up to the lake.” “The wife took Emily and her brother up early. They wanted to ‘break-in’ the boy for his fourteenth birthday this week. I’m going up on Saturday when I get off my shift,” the officer said as they walked to the rear of the car. “Well, I’ll be!” Tom exclaimed. “I’m on my way to the gas station. I’ll pick up a replacement bulb when I get there.” “Get it fixed quick. None of my peers would be this nice. I may not be this nice next time I see it, either!” Emily’s dad said with a big grin. They shook hands and Tom got back into his sister’s car and continued his journey. Tom realized that he was blushing. As he drove down the street, all the kids in the neighborhood had come to see why a police car was flashing its lights. Tom was rather embarrassed when people recognized him talking to the officer. Tom pulled into the gas station and took the last of the open pumps. He pressed the PAY INSIDE button on the pump and waited for the attendant to authorize him. He pumped the gas and went inside to grab a bulb and pay for the gas. As he approached the counter, the attendant gave him a meaningful look. “You’re not supposed to be in here without a shirt and shoes,” the man said. “Oh, yeah! Sorry, I won’t let it happen again,” Tom said as he handed his dad’s credit card over. “Be sure you don’t. I could lose my job and my boss would have a hefty fine if a health inspector saw. Besides, thanks for the good show,” the guy gave Tom a wink. Tom signed the receipt and walked back to the car and drove home. He pulled into the garage. He didn’t want a bird crapping on the clean car and have to wash the car off again. As he got out of the car, he rubbed a towel over the steering wheel to erase the fingerprints he may have smudged on it. “No chances,” he said to himself. He then walked out of the garage and towards the back yard, thinking about Jessica and his sister sitting by the pool. He opened the gate and walked in. The water in the pool was still. It looked as if nobody had been in it. He looked around and Jessica and Suzy were no where to be seen! Tom started walking towards the back door. As he entered the house, he stopped and listened. He didn’t hear anything. He walked into the kitchen and didn’t see anybody. He then walked upstairs and looked into his sister’s room. He couldn’t find anybody. He then walked down the stairs and stood at the top of the steps to the basement. He could see lights on down there, but could not hear anything. As he walked down the steps, he called out, “Suzy? Jess? You ladies down here?” Tom stopped at the bottom and smiled. There was a movie playing on the big screen television. He looked at the couch and Jessica and Suzy were sitting there masturbating each other with their fingers. Tom looked up at the screen and realized it was the video Tom’s coach had made of him and Jessica fucking the first night at basketball camp! The sound was muted. Tom walked over and sat down on the floor, facing his girlfriend and sister. They didn’t say anything, just smiled at him as they continued to masturbate each other. Without saying anything, Tom took off his shorts and started masturbating himself. He was hot and sweaty yet, so he didn’t spit on his hand or anything. He just grabbed his now hard cock and began moving his hand up and down the shaft. He sat there and watched his sister’s hand play with his girlfriend’s cunt. He heard the slurping sound the fingers made as they moved in and out of the wet, dripping hole. The ladies switched between watching the movie and watching him play with himself. Suddenly, Suzy’s legs stiffened as she let out a low moan and a gasp. This set Tom over the edge as his cock spurted semen into the air and then leaked it all over his fist. Suzy’s fingers moved faster and faster on Jess’ cunt. Jess started moving her hips back and forth. Suddenly, she let out a loud moan as she too, released her orgasm. The teens sat there and looked at each other. They were flushed from their orgasms. Then, Jessica stood up and started putting her shorts on. “I’d better get home and get ready for our date,” she said. She bent down and took Tom’s hand. She began licking the semen off his hand and smiled down at him. Suzy had gotten up and started putting on her shorts and tank-top as well. Tom stood up and put his shorts on. The trio walked up the stairs to the front door. Jessica kissed Tom and she started jogging towards her house. Tom turned and looked at his sister. “Car ready for inspection, Ma’am!” he shouted in a military voice. Suzy punched him in the shoulder as she walked out the front door and turned towards the garage. Tom shut the front door and followed her. He watched her shapely ass move as he walked behind her. Tom stood behind the car. Suzy immediately climbed into the car and started it (they never took the keys out of the ignition!). She threw the car into reverse and let it idle its way out of the garage. Tom jumped onto the hood of the car and rolled into the backseat! Once she saw that he was out of the way, she stepped on the gas and pulled out into the street. She threw the car in drive and left skid marks on the road as she peeled out. Tom, in the backseat and upside down, worked his way to a proper sitting position (after considerable pain!). He looked at his sister, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” “Taking the car out to see how clean it is!” she replied. She reached down and turned on the radio. She turned the volume up full. Tom climbed over the seat and sat down in the passenger seat. He immediately put on his seat belt as his sister drove like a maniac through town. She drove down the main street and got onto an entrance ramp for the expressway. “Where we going,” Tom asked. “I’m horny. You’ll see where we’re going,” she replied. Suzy drove down the highway. Her blonde hair was blowing in the breeze, since the top to the convertible was down. Tom held onto the door handle as she swerved in and out of traffic. After about a half hour of driving, she pulled into a rest area. She parked in a spot and turned the car off. “You ready?” she asked looking at Tom. “Ready for what?” “You’re driving us home,” she replied as she got out of the car. Tom, not knowing what else to do, climbed over into the driver’s seat. He turned the car on. He looked out the windshield and noticed that his sister was standing there looking at him. “You coming?” he asked her. “In a second!” She started swaying her hips and running her hands over her body. She grabbed the top of her shorts and pushed them down to her feet. She kicked them into the air with her left foot and the shorts landed in the car. She turned around, holding her hands above her head. People in the rest area were looking at her. Women were giving her rude looks while the men started cheering and clapping. She then grabbed the bottom of her tank top and ripped it off. She pranced around to the passenger side of her car and jumped in. “GO!” she yelled. All the men around the rest area were clapping and applauding. She blew them kisses as Tom gunned it down the entrance ramp and onto the highway. Tom got off at the next exit and got back on the freeway. As he got on, he pulled into the fast lane and alongside an 18 wheeler. The driver looked down and saw Suzy. She had spread her legs and was fingering her cunt while she massaged her breasts. She looked up and smiled at the truck driver. The driver picked up the microphone to his radio and spoke into it. He then yanked the chain on his horn. Tom slowed down and matched the speed of the truck. Suzy then grabbed Tom’s right hand and positioned it at her cunt. She lay the seat back all the way. Tom ran his hand over Suzy’s shaved mound. He then took a few fingers and inserted them into her hot box. The truck driver sounded his horn again. Tom began moving his fingers in and out of his sister’s pussy. He stepped on the gas and pulled away from the truck. The truck tried to keep up, but a slow car made it slow down. Tom continued fingering Suzy’s hot cunt as he sped down the freeway. He didn’t notice the drivers of other cars attempting to keep up with him. When he looked at the speedometer, it said he was going about 100 mph. Just as Tom began to slow down, he noticed the two highway patrol vehicles sitting in the median of the freeway. He noticed one cop rush to get into his cruiser. The other cruiser was already making it’s way onto the freeway, it’s lights and siren turned on. Tom immediately started to pull over to the right. He didn’t stop fingering his sister’s cunt. She obviously was in too much ecstasy that she didn’t notice he was slowing down. The cop cars pulled up behind Tom. He continued fingering the cunt that was sitting next to him. As the Highway Patrol officer walked up to the car, he stopped and saw what was going on in the car. He walked over to the passenger side and motioned for the other officer to come forward. Both officers stood there and watched Tom finger Suzy’s bald cunt. One of the officers then leaned over and put his elbows on the passenger door. Suzy then let out a loud moan as her legs clamped Tom’s hand between them. As her orgasm subsided, she opened her eyes. She let out a shriek as if she had seen a ghost at the site of the two state troopers looking down at her. “Ma’am,” said the closest officer, tilting his hat, “if you hadn’t given us that show, you’d both be in the back of my cruiser right now. However, since your boyfriend obviously has a good reason to be in a hurry, I’ll just say watch your speed. Thanks for the show.” He knocked on the door to the car and began walking away. Tom looked as his sister and smiled. He looked into the mirror and pulled out into traffic. “You could have told me,” Suzy said. “Your right. I COULD have told you,” laughed Tom. Suzy folded her arms and looked at Tom with a glare only a woman can give a man. “You’re not going to get dressed?” Tom asked her. “No. The whole point was that I was so horny, I had to get off. When you made me drive home from the mall naked, I couldn’t stop having orgasms. I wanted to try to get that feeling again!” Tom smiled. His sister and her best friend, Emily, had made him dress up as a girl and they took him to the mall. They made him go into Victoria Secret’s to buy a thong and he ended up fucking one of the sales girls in the dressing room. When he got done, he realized that the dressing room door was open and his sister and friend, as well as half the store had stood there and watched him fuck the store employee. To get back at them, he made Emily and Suzy drive back to his parents house naked. Tom drove back home. His sister never did get dressed. “So, I can borrow the car tonight?” he asked. “I was never going to say no anyways. This was just a way to get my car clean so I didn’t have to do it myself,” she said in a giggle. Tom parked the car in the garage and both teenagers walked into the house, Suzy still naked. Tom went upstairs to him room. Suzy followed him. “What you gonna wear for your date tonight?” she asked him. “I dunno. You go pick something out for me. I’m gonna shave and shower,” he said. He took his clothes off and revealed his cock to his sister. “You better empty your gun before you go into the saloon, partner,” she said. “What?” he asked “Don’t you know? According to the movie ‘Something About Mary’, you’re not supposed to go out on a date without jacking off first!” “Very funny. Why would I have to jack off when I have you to suck it?” he said. “Because I promised Jessica that I wouldn’t touch you until after your date tonight.” Tom sighed. “Well… Jessica will just have to relieve my blue balls tonight. Besides, it’s been four days since I’ve shaved my pubes and it’s easier to shave when I have a hard-on.” He walked into the bathroom that separated his room from his sister’s and climbed into the shower. He grabbed the bar of soap and lathered up his pubic area. He then took the disposable razor and shaved all the lather from the area. He then continued showering. When he got out and dried off, he reached into the medicine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of cologne his sister had bought him for Christmas. He dabbed some on his fingers and then rubbed his fingers behind each ear. Then he dabbed a little more and ran his finger just above his still-hard dick. His mind told him to jack off. His willpower told him not too. He walked into his bedroom and on his bed were lying a pair of cacky shorts and a navy-blue polo shirt. There was a note saying for him to wear sandals and no underwear. He quickly dressed in the outfit his sister had laid out for him and went back into the bathroom to brush his teeth and hair. As he walked down the stairs, he called out for his sister. There was no answer. He walked around the house and then out to the garage looking for her. The car was gone. He walked back into the house and got a drink of water from the kitchen. He heard a car pull into the driveway. It was his mom. As his mom walked into the house, his dad pulled into the driveway. He was getting worried. He was supposed to pick Jessica up at her house in thirty minutes. “Wow, honey, you look great!” she said as she walked into the kitchen. “Ready for your date tonight?” “I would be if Suzy would bring back the car! She took off while I was in the shower!” Just then Tom’s dad walked into the kitchen. “Wow. Going all out for a girl that you’re already having sex with?” his dad asked. “Now, honey, you went all out for me!” said Tom’s mom. “Yeah, but you notice, the only thing I went ‘all out’ for after we first had sex was our wedding and honeymoon.” “That’s because you weren’t all that good in bed until I trained you right,” said Tom’s mom. “YOU? Train me? I don’t think so!” Tom’s dad said as he began tickling his mom. She pulled away from him and ran up the stairs. His dad was close behind her. Just then, Suzy pulled into the driveway in her car. As she got out, she reached down to grab something from the back seat. Tom didn’t stay to look. He walked out the front door and stomped towards the car. {Begin true story!} “Where the fuck have you been?” he shouted at his sister. “I got out of the shower and was looking all over for you! Now, I’m going to be late in picking up Jessica!” “Oh, don’t worry about that. You’re supposed to be late on the first date. Besides, I went out and picked up these for you to give to her.” Suzy turned around and held out seven long stem roses. “I got six because her jersey number is seven.” Tom said, “Oh sis! I’m sorry I yelled at you! These are perfect!” “Yeah. I figured I’d better start training you on how to treat a woman now, before you get into too many bad habits,” she said laughing. Tom put the roses in the back seat of the car as his sister handed him the keys. He hugged his sister and gave her a big kiss as he climbed into the car and started it. She stood there and waved as he drove down the street. Tom drove the three-quarters of a mile to Jessica’s house. He pulled into the driveway and grabbed the roses. He then walked up to the front door. Before he could ring the doorbell, the front door was flung open. There stood Jessica’s two thirteen-year old sisters. Identical twins! They both had long blonde hair, like their older sister had brown hair. They had blue eyes and both had on yellow sun-dresses. One of them had what looked like chocolate on her chest. The other had what looked like chocolate around her mouth. “They must have been eating ice cream,” Tom thought. “We heard you and my sister are going horse back riding tonight,” said the twin closest to me. “Oh, who told you that?” Tom asked. “Our sister said that you went horse riding during camp and that she hoped you went again tonight,” said the other twin. “Girls! Let Tom in!” I heard a deep voice say from farther in the house. The door opened wider and the girls ushered me into the house. “Flowers? Ewwww!” one of the twins said. They ran off into the house in a fit of giggles as Jess’ mom walked into the foyer. “How you doing today, Tom?” she asked me. “I’m doing fine, ma’am. Is Jessica ready?” “Why don’t you go wait in the family room with her dad. She’ll be down in a minute. She’s trying to be ‘fashionably late’ for your ‘first date’.” She did the fashionably late and first date making the quote signs with her hands. Jessica’s mom had to weigh at least 300 pounds. She wore a dress that would have looked better as a bed sheet. Tom always thought of her as nice, but so disgusting to look at, you couldn’t NOT look at her! As Tom walked into the family room, he saw Jessica’s dad sitting on a couch. Her dad looked a lot like her mom. He made the couch look like a recliner! He sat there in boxer shorts and that was it! {Author’s Note: Due to the kind hearted nature I have, I’m omitting what else Jessica’s father looked like. Use your imagination} Then, the twins made another appearance. One was chasing the other with a frog they had found outside. “Jessica must like to work out so she doesn’t turn into pigs like her parents,” Tom thought to himself. Tom sat down on another chair, across the room from Jessica’s father. “So, where you kids going tonight?” Jessica’s father asked. “We’re going to dinner at McDonald’s. They’ve got a special tonight. Double cheeseburgers for 99 cents,” I replied. “Then, I figured I’d take her downtown and sell her into slavery at a brothel. I need a car, so I figured this was the best way to get the money.” “Tell you what. Bring me a cheeseburger and ten percent of what you get. Then you can take the wife and twins down there and sell them too! You want anything to eat?” Jessica’s father laughed. Tom always liked Jessica’s parents. They were always trying to feed him, and he didn’t eat a lot. Jessica’s father always had a dirty joke to tell Tom and her mom was always nice. Tom liked the twins too, but they were rather annoying some times. Jessica’s parents were ALWAYS doing something to support their daughters. They always made it to the home and away games that she played in. They always offered to have parties at their house after the home games. Jessica’s mom was one of the favorite substitute teachers at their high school! “No thanks. I have a big dinner planned for us tonight. I don’t want to ruin my apetite.” “You have an appetite? How can you say you eat? You don’t have any meat on your bones! You’re too skinny. My daughter’s too skinny. You kids need to exercise less and eat more!” he said with a big grin. Jessica’s father always kidded Tom and Jessica about their sports playing. Jessica explained it that her father was insecure about his weight, so he made fun of people that were physically fit. Jessica’s mom then appeared in the doorway. She had a camera in her hand. “She’ll be ready in just a minute. I want to get pictures of you giving her the flowers. No boy has ever given her flowers before.” Tom dreaded the picture taking. He wanted Jessica to come down the stairs so they could just leave and start their romantic evening together. Then the twins appeared at their mother’s legs. “We want to see too!” said one of them. “Did Tom bring us flowers?” the other asked. “When do we get flowers?” “You girls can watch, but you have to be quiet,” Mom said. “You’ll get flowers when you’re old enough to start dating.” “Yeah. When you’re twenty-five and not living under my roof,” Jessica’s dad said. “But Jessica is only seventeen! Why do we have to wait until we’re twenty-five?” one of the twins asked as they stomped off crying. Suddenly, that twin turned around and ran back. “She’s coming downstairs! She’s coming downstairs!” Tom stood up and walked to the doorway. He stood there as Jessica came walking down the stairs. She looked like an angel. Jessica was wearing a white, sleeveless dress. Her hair was braided. She had almost no makeup on, except for some blush and some lipstick. There were some tan lines that you could see if you stared, but her tanned skin looked very dark next to the white fabric of the dress. Under the dress, she wore some white sandals. Her toenails were painted red, just like her fingernails. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Tom said, “You look gorgeous!” He held out the flowers to her. “Thanks! You look hot too!” she said. “Thank you for the flowers! They’re beautiful!” She leaned forward and gave Tom a peck just as the flash of the camera went off! Tom wished the kiss had lasted, but one of the twins interrupted it by saying, “Ew! Gross! Girls shouldn’t kiss boys!” Jessica disappeared into the kitchen and came back holding one of the roses. “You gave me seven! My jersey number! That’s pretty neat!” “Shall we go, my cutie?” Tom asked. He opened the front door for her. “Wait! I want one more picture!” her mom said. Tom moved and put his arm around Jessica’s waist. They looked at the camera and the flash went off. The camera didn’t go down, so Tom didn’t move. He suddenly felt something wet on his ear as the camera flashed again. Jessica had licked his ear and her mom had gotten a picture of it! “Have a good night, kids,” Jess’ dad yelled from the family room. Tom took Jess’ hand and led her out to the car. He opened the car door for her and shut it after she got in. He then got into the car. “Wow. Openning doors and everything for me tonight!” she said. “Hey, hon! Chivalry ain’t dead yet!” Tom replied as he leaned over and gave her a kiss. The kiss lasted for several seconds. They pulled away from each other when they heard the giggles from Jessica’s sisters coming from somewhere. Tom started the car and they drove off. “So, where we going to dinner?” Jessica asked? “That’s a surprise. I have most of the evening planned. It’s only six o’clock. Our dinner reservation isn’t until 7 PM. Then we have something else we have to go do.” Jessica sat back and sniffed the rose she was carrying. “This is the first time anyone has ever given me flowers,” she said. “Your mom told me. You’ll have to thank Suzy for that,” Tom said. “You aren’t supposed to admit that to a girl!” Jess laughed. “Why?” “Girls want to believe that men already know everything. We don’t want to know that we have to train you!” “I’m never going to understand women!” Tom exclaimed as he accelerated onto the freeway. “Men aren’t supposed to understand women. They’re only supposed to do our bidding,” Jessica laughed. They continued talking about school and basketball until Tom got off the Freeway. “We should be right on time for our reservation!” he said. They pulled into one of the state parks and drove through the woods. Tom then pulled into a parking lot that surround what looked like a HUGE log cabin. A lake could be seen behind the lodge. As they pulled up, a valet opened the door for Jessica. Tom got out and took a ticket from another valet. As he walked around the car, he offered his arm to Jessica. She took it and he led her inside. As they walked in, the hotel desk was to their left. The smell of chlorine was in the air due to the indoor pool the lodge had. They walked straight and turned to the right. They then walked into a fancy dining room. A man in a tuxedo was standing there. “May I help you?” he said in a fake French accent. “Reservation pour deux,” Tom replied in French. The man just looked at Tom, not knowing what was just said. “You have a reservation for two.” Tom then said in English. “Ah, oui, monsieur!” the man replied. “Follow moi, please.” Tom looked at Jessica and she was about to die laughing. They followed the maitre d to a table. The table was in front of a huge picture window that overlooked a marshland and then the lake. Birds could be seen flying and diving into the water after their dinner. The sun hung low in the sky. As the man handed Tom a menu, Tom said, “I’ve already placed our order. We shouldn’t need the menu, thanks.” The maitre d looked put off by this. The gentleman then lit the candle that sat in the middle of the table. “Merci, monsieur,” he said as he walked off. Just then another person walked up to the table with two wine glasses and a bottle of white wine. He set the glasses down in front of Tom and Jessica and poured a little bit of wine into Tom’s glass. Tom lifted the glass and took a sip. It tasted rather sweet. The aftertaste made Tom’s mouth salivate. “That’s awesome!” Tom said. The man nodded, smiled, and then filled both their glasses. He set the bottle down and walked away. Tom lifted his glass. Jessica followed suit. “To us,” Tom said as they clicked their glasses together. Then, a woman walked up. “Hope you enjoy the wine. Don’t drink it too fast. Consider it a present,” said the waitress. “Thank you, Aunt Cindy,” Tom said. “Jessica, this is my Aunt Cindy. She’s my dad’s sister.” “Nice to meet you, Ma’am,” Jessica said. “Oh, don’t call me ma’am here! I may think I’m the one being waited on!” Cindy joked. Cindy looked a lot like Tom’s mom. She was pretty thin for her age and had long, black hair. She looked like she was tired from walking, but the smile made her look easy going and fun to talk too. “Your order has been put in, I’ll be out with an appetizer shortly. If anyone asks for your ID, point them to me. I’ve come up with a great plan. You’re the only ones in my section tonight, so if you don’t tip me well, I’ll call your dad,” Cindy said as she walked off. “She looks like a fun lady,” Jess said. “Yeah. She is.” Tom said. “She’s had a rough time. My uncle was killed in a motorcycle accident five years after they were married. She’s had to raise all three of my cousins by herself. They live near here, somewhere. I’ve always ridden, but never driven, to their house. We’re actually going there after dinner.” Tom then shut up hoping he hadn’t given too much away. Jessica didn’t press on. Jessica put her hand on the table. Tom took it in his and then they both sat there looking out the window. A deer came to the edge of the water. There were two smaller deer, with the spots showing, right next to the big deer. The big deer looked around and then stepped forward a few steps. The two smaller deer then jumped from the edge of the wood and into the water. The deer stopped and drank water. Then the two younger ones continued to play and jump while the mother(?) drank some more water. Cindy then reappeared with a hot plate in one hand and a basket in the other. “Here is some escargot and some bread. Be careful, the escargot is hot,” she warned. “What’s escargot?” asked Jessica. “Eat it and then I’ll tell you,” Tom said. “Once you’ve eaten the escargot, you’re supposed to dip the bread in the butter and garlic that the escargot is sitting in. Enjoy!” Cindy walked off. Tom picked up the small fork that was on the edge of the hot plate. He took on of the “snail” shells onto his appetizer plate and looked at it. There was a blackish thing sticking out of the shell. He pulled it out with the fork and looked at it. It looked kind of like a big piece of snot that fell out of a nose that had been bloody. He looked at Jessica and she was looking at him. “I’ll try it if you will,” he said. She repeated his process and then that sat there. Both with forks ready to pop a piece of escargot into their mouths. Tom threw his into his mouth. Jess followed. Tom had a look of discust on his face that then turned into a look of revelation. Jessica just chewed. “Tastes pretty good!” Tom said after he had swallowed. “Yeah. Doesn’t taste nearly as bad as it looks,” said Jessica. They continued eating until the escargot had been devoured. Tom then took a piece of bread and dipped it in the garlic and butter. He held the bread out for Jessica to take a bite of… Jessica smiled and leaned forward to take a bite. She sat back and chewed as Tom took a bite of the bread. They continued eating for a bit and then Cindy returned with a salad. “So what did you think of the escargot?” “It was awesome! What was it?” Tom asked. “I’ll tell you after dinner,” she said. “What is for dinner anyway?” Tom asked. “I thought you said you ordered already,” Jessica said. “I ordered for you guys,” Cindy chimed in before Tom got into too much trouble. “Dinner is calamari with a side of something else I’ll tell you after dinner. I called your cousin. Everything is all set.” “Thanks, Aunt Cindy,” Tom said. Jessica and Tom ate their salads in silence. By the time Cindy returned with their main dishes, Jessica and Tom had drank most of the bottle of wine. Cindy placed the dished down in front of the kids and walked off. The gentleman returned with another bottle of white wine. He opened the bottle and refilled the kid’s glasses. Tom and Jess sat there looking at the plates. The larger dish had what looked like breaded noodles that were fried. The other plate looked like chicken strips in butter. Tom reached out with a fork and picked up one of the noodles. He put it in his mouth and started chewing. “Kind of chewy, but juicy,” he said. “Has a hint of ocean water.” Jessica picked up one of the chicken strips and started chewing it. “Tastes like salt water chicken. Kinda more juicy. Tastes like you do after a shower,” she said giggling. They sat there and ate. They talked mostly about basketball and what college they were hoping to go too. Tom wanted to go to Duke and Jessica wanted to go to North Carolina. Both knew they were being scouted by the big basketball schools. After the food was gone, both kids were full. The second wine bottle was empty as well. They looked out the window and the sun was almost to the top of the trees. Cindy returned. “Your bill has been taken care of. Your ride is now outside and waiting. You better hurry up before it takes off!” Tom stood up and gave his aunt a big hug. She returned the hug. Jessica stood up and gave Aunt Cindy a big hug also. “Thank you so much for dinner,” Jessica said. “No problem. Just be sure to keep this boy straight. If he’s anything like his father was, or is… you’ve got your work cut out for you,” Cindy said with a smile. Tom offered Jessica his arm again and she took it. They then walked to the main entrance of the lodge. Standing outside was a boy, about fourteen, who was holding three horses. One of the horses had a big satchel behind the saddle. Tom and Jess walked through the door. “Evening, Tom!” said the boy. “How you doing?” “Doing just fine, Ernie,” Tom said. “Jessica, this is my cousin Ernie. He’s Cindy’s oldest.” “Nice to meet you, Ernie,” Jess said smiling. Ernie handed Tom the reigns of the horses. “Can I help you onto your horse?” He asked Jessica. “We’re going horseback riding?” Jessica looked at Tom. “Sure. Thought we’d go around the lake and watch the sunset,” Tom said smiling. “I thought you knew! Your sisters knew we were going.” “I didn’t know! How would they know?” Jess said as Ernie instructed her how to mount the horse. Once she was up there, Ernie took the reigns back from Tom. “Nice girl. No underwear and a shaved pussy,” Ernie whispered to Tom. Tom just grinned back. Tom then mounted his own horse and he realized that Jessica’s twins must have overheard Jessica telling someone about their fuck sessions at basketball camp. Tom reached out and took the reigns from Jessica’s horse into his hands. “I’ll hold onto your horse until you feel comfortable to ride.” Jessica took the reigns back and said, “You never asked if I knew how to ride?” “OK, do you know how to ride?” Tom asked. Jessica kicked her horse and it bolted away from the lodge. She expertly guided it down one of the paths that could be seen from the lodge entrance. “I’d say she knows how to ride,” laugh Ernie. Tom took off after Jessica. He caught up to her as she slowed her horse to a walk. They continued down the trail looking at all the nature around them. They followed the trail, which snaked right along the lake’s edge, for about a half hour. They came to a clearing. They stopped their horses and Tom dismounted his. He tied the reign to a tree and then tied Jess’ horse to a tree right beside it. Tom then helped Jessica down from her horse. As he did so, he noticed that she wasn’t wearing underwear and was shaved, just like Ernie had stated. Tom then went back to his horse and pulled out a big blanket from the satchel behind the saddle. He took Jess’ hand and they walked a few feet closer to the water’s edge. The sun was half way below the horizon. They spread the blanket out and Jessica sat down on it. Tom returned to his satchel and returned with another bottle of wine and two blankets. “It’s going to be dark soon,” Jessica said. “Yeah, but I thought this was pretty romantic. We used to camp right here and I’d sit and watch the sunset all the time when I was little,” he said. “It is romantic,” she said as she looked around and he sat down. “I was wondering how we were going to find the path to get home.” “Don’t worry about that,” Tom said. He poured them each a glass of wine and they sat there watching the sunset over the lake and enjoying the view. Jessica set her glass of wine down and moved closer to him. He put his arm around her and they cuddled while the sun set. Not a word was spoken. After a bit, the top of the sun was behind the trees on the other side of the lake, Tom felt Jessica shiver in the evening cold. He got up and removed a second and a third blanket from the satchel. He went back over to the blanket and sat down next to Jessica. He covered them both up with the new blankets. Jessica cuddled even closer to him. He looked down and met Jess’ mouth. Jess pushed him back so he was lying on his back. They kissed passionately. Her hand began running over his chest and down his legs. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. Her hand then started unbuttoning his shirt from the neck down. When she reached the top of his shorts, she pulled the shirt out from the shorts. She pushed the shirt back on Tom’s shoulders and he sat up and took the shirt off. As he laid back down, Jessica began kissing his earlobes and neck She worked her way down to his chest and moved the blanket off of him. The cold air shocked him as he shivered. Jessica continued down his chest towards his belly button. When she reached the top of his shorts, she kissed around the waist band. Then, she rubbed her hand over the hard on in his shorts. She then started kissing back up his chest. He tried to give her a deep French kiss when she reached his mouth. Before he could, she put a finger between their mouths. She reached down and pulled off her dress. Tom looked at her. With the exception of the sandals she was wearing, she was now totally naked. She grabbed the blanket, pulled it over her back and laid down on top of Tom. Again, he wrapped his arms around her. She rolled over onto her side and Tom followed. She then rolled on her back and Tom was then looking down at her. Tom turned his head and started kissing her earlobes and cheeks. Jessica began to pant. Tom continued all around her neck. Jessica’s hands were rubbing Tom’s back. When her hands would reach the waist of his shorts, they’d work their way back up towards his head. Tom continued kissing downward. He started underneath her armpits and kissed the edge of her breasts. She shivered as he did this. “Are you cold?” He asked. “No. That just tickles a bit,” she responded with short breaths. Tom continued kissing. This time, touching the tip of his tongue to her skin. He continued around the base of her breasts. He did this up the valley between the two breasts and then around the other. He slowly circled both breasts in a figure eight. Each time, the figure eight would get a little smaller. Finally, he had found a nipple. He sucked on the nipple hard. Jessica let out a loud sigh and Tom felt her body go stiff below him. “You alright?” he asked her. “Oh yeah,” she said in a whisper some time afterward. “I’ve never had an orgasm without being touched down there.” “Wow. I must really be turning her on,” Tom thought to himself as he began sucking on her other nipple. Jessica’s body went stiff again as soon as his mouth touched the second nipple. Tom kept sucking until he felt Jessica begin breathing again. He then started kissing down her side. Tom kissed all the way down Jessica’s left leg. When he reached her toes, he took off her sandals. He then kissed each toe. Then he worked his way up the inside of Jessica’s left leg. He kissed behind the knee. He then continued up the thigh. When he reached the top of her thigh, he kissed up to the belly-button. He paid extra special attention not to touch her pussy. The smell of her juices invaded his nostrils. He wanted to badly to dive right in and lick up the juices that he could see dripping from her cunt. He wanted to tease Jessica first. From the moans and smile on her face, he was obviously succeeding. From her belly-button, he kissed down her right leg, repeating the process from the left leg. He sucked on each of her toes. Then he began kissing up the inside of her leg. This time, when he reached her pussy, he looked up. She was looking into the starry night. Tom could see the full moon almost directly above them. Tom looked down and saw her clit nice and hard, just begging to be licked and sucked. He lowered his head and took a big sniff of Jessica’s womanhood. He moved his hand and felt the wetness on the blanket beneath her pussy. His tongue reached out and licked her clit. Jessica jumped. Tom’s finger then found her hole, just below her clit and started massaging it. His tongue took a longer lick of her clit. Tom then put his entire mouth on Jessica’s clit and sucked hard. His left had then reached out and began massaging her right breast. His left hand started moving in circles around her pussy, while he sucked on her clit. He slowly inserted one, then two fingers into her hot hole. He felt more juices come flooding out. He continued sucking and licking and moving his fingers in and out of her hot cunt. Jessica’s legs suddenly tightened around Tom’s head. He felt her cunt muscles tighten around her fingers and she let out a loud scream of pleasure. When she relaxed, Tom moved up to her face and she put her arms around him. They kissed passionately. She kissed her pussy juices from his face. She then pushed him onto his back. She sat up and helped him removed his shorts. She seemed kind of surprised that he didn’t have any underwear on. That was when they heard the horse whinny. They both looked at the horses. One horse was climbing on top of the other. The one that was climbing was obviously male. The horse’s dick had to be two to three feet long! The female horse flicked her tale. The male horse was suddenly on top of her. He started bucking and finally, his dick found it’s target. Jessica moved and straddled Tom’s cock as they watched the horses. They watched the horse’s dick move in and out of the other horse’s cunt. It became shiny in the moonlight. Tom reached out and started fondling Jessica’s breasts. Jess was moving on Tom’s dick almost to time with the horse moving in and out of the other horse. Tom started panting. Jessica started moaning. The horses both started whinnying. Suddenly, the male horse stopped bucking and pushed it’s cock deep into the female horse. The male horse let out a long sound that sounded like a moan and whinie. The female horse let out a long whiny. Tom let out a cry of pleasure and grabbed Jessica’s ass. Jessica moaned and tightened her legs around Tom’s waist. All four of the creatures involved in sex seemed to climax at the same time in one massive orgasm. Jessica stayed on top of Tom for what seemed like ten minutes. Her legs didn’t release their grip on his waste for that amount of time either. Finally she rolled off of Tom, just as the male horse climbed off the female. Tom followed her roll and they kissed. Tom put a finger at Jess’ cunt and felt her juices and his semen leaking out. He then moved down and started to lick her cunt clean. She motioned for him and they formed a 69. He, cleaning her cunt. She, cleaning his cock of their love juices. Tom got hard again, in her mouth. Jessica had three more orgasms before Tom decided that his tongue was tired. He moved around and they both kissed again. Tom moved on top of her and she grabbed his cock in her hand. She guided him to her cunt and he entered her in one, smooth motion. He looked into her eyes as he moved his cock in and out of her pussy. Not a word was said. Nothing seemed to move except their hips bringing their love muscles together. Jessica wrapped her legs around Tom’s waste. He started moving slower and slower. Finally, he stopped. Tom leaned down and kissed her. She reached around him and pinched his ass. He jumped as started moving in and out of her. She slapped his ass and he moved faster and faster. She let out another cry as her cunt tightened around his cock. That set him over the edge as he filled her cunt for the second time that night. He rolled off of her and she spooned up against him. He wrapped his arms around her and she pulled the blankets over them. She then wrapped her arms around his. He felt tears fall onto his arm. “What’s wrong?” he asked with concern in his voice. “This was just a perfect evening. I don’t want it to end,” she said, almost crying in her voice. “It’s not going to end until sunrise, my love.” He nibbled on her ear. He rolled over onto his back and she rolled over and put her head on his shoulder. They laid there cuddling, masking in the lovemaking they just completed. He looked up at the night sky and saw some shooting stars. “Why would I make a wish when I’m already in heaven?” he asked himself. “My wish is already granted,” he heard Jess say. “What?” “I just saw a shooting star. I was wondering why I would need to wish for anything else.” “Oh. I was just thinking that I was already in heaven.” Jessica kissed him once and then laid back down with her head on his shoulder. Shortly thereafter, he felt her snoring. Tom pulled the blankets closer to them and then fell asleep himself. The duo woke up, in the exact position they had fallen asleep when the sun started rising behind the trees. They woke up to birds chirping. When Tom looked up, there were four deer drinking from the edge of the water. When he looked around, he saw the biggest buck (male deer) he had ever seen. He counted 22 points on the antlers. To the buck’s left, there was a smaller deer that only had straight antlers. The buck continued to look at Tom. Tom nudged Jessica and she just said, “Uh huh.” She obviously saw what he saw. The humans laid there and cuddled while watching the deer around them. When the female deer were done eating the grass and drinking, they went into the woods. The male deer then both came forward and took a drink from the lake and grazed in the meadow. Every time Tom or Jessica moved slightly, the deer would stop and look at them. After a minute, they would go back to eating and drinking. After a while, the deer left. The sun was now above the trees. Tom looked and the horses were both grazing in the field as well. Tom rolled over on top of Jessica and they fucked again. Jessica had four orgasms before Tom released his sperm into her cunt. They laid there and cuddled some more. Finally, Jessica said, “I’m hungry.” “Yeah. Me too. We’re supposed to ride to my aunt’s house and we’ll have breakfast there.” They got up and got dressed. The morning dew had made the grass wet, but they didn’t put their shoes on. They folded the blanket and put them in the satchel on Tom’s horse. They poured the rest of the wine into the lake and put the bottle and the glasses in the satchel as well. They then rode the two miles to Aunt Cindy’s house in silence. Every time Tom looked at Jessica, she had a big smile and a look of content on her face. Tom thought that he had just had the perfect first date.More Taboo Incest Hardcore AtTRUE INCEST&INCEST CARTOONS&INCEST THEATER