Hanna opened the front door of her 2 bedroom appartment, walked in and closed the door. She set her cheer bag down and wiped the moisture off her face from the hot summers day. The cold air conditioning sent shivers all through her sweat soak body. Her cheer shorts, silk pink thong and tight white shirt all felt a chill. Two hours of practice in the sun had made a soaking wet vixen of her, but to her she just felt gross. She walked into her bedroom past megan's and layed back on her bed. She velt the soft white cotton sheets start to obsorb her natural zest, so she rose quickly. She lifted her tight shirt over her head, and her 34 C's bounced down. She bent over pulling down her shorts, then taking off her panties. Before she threw her thong in the dirty clothes, she put it up to her face and inhaled. The smell of pussy made her entire body spasm even if it was her own. All of the sudden she felt sexy. She watched herself in the mirror transform from a sweaty, dirty blonde to a sulty beauty. She pinched her nipples until they stood on end. She turned around to check out her own ass; it was shaped like a godesses as should be. slowly she moved her hand down to her pussy where her fingers covered every familiar inch.
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