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Daddy to Dad to masterbation.


A progression of daddy to dad to oo! D-A-D!

Over the period of several years that me and my dad had now been on our own. There had been some changes,mainly in me!I'd grown from refering to him as daddy to now calling him dad. In other words I was growing up.

At the daddy stage after mum had gone, I thought nothing of jumping out of the bath and in complete nakedness, I'd scurry about oblivious of my scrawny young body showing my tiny slit. Generally, daddy would say, 'Kirsty, put some clothes on before you catch your death' - this in turn resulting in me jumping into my dad's lap having put on a nightdress. I didn't realise at the time why he'd jerk with a gasp, ['course I now know I'd probably squashed his bollocks]

Meanwhile dad done as he always had as long as I remembered. - He on having a bath/shower would appear from the bathroom in his towelling bathrobe. [A shorty type,going to just about at his knees] - That was it,but as time went on, I got to notice stuff. This is how it started. Our old TV. if not turned on reflected dad as he sat in the seat immediately in front but across the carpet from it. [Most times I sat around on the carpet] So now nearing puberty,I became aware that because dad had a habit of sitting with one leg flat on the squash of the seat and the other at ninety degrees, [Straight up with his arm resting on his knee,usually holding the top edge of whatever he was reading]

There before me was the darkened shadow up this garment of... dad's penis. I nonchalantly switched the tele' on and moved round to have a closer view. [Dad was devoid of what I was doing] Taking a paper from the rack, I made out to read it while all the time raising my eyes towards dad's groin. Dad had only just come from the shower and I became fascinated as I could see his penis,but what atracted my vision more was dad's penis was laying on my dad's soft balls and as I watched, they seemed to be crinkling up making his penis raise itself as tho' on an air bed.

Very slowly it left the cushion until the sac dad's balls were in had crinkled real stiff and were now all tight and round while his penis looked like a spout laying on top and over the front of the balls. [This was the first time I'd really become aware of dad's penis or balls] Guiltily I looked down at the paper I had as dad turned the page of his, looking straight down at me - "Alright down there?" - "MMM! Yeah, I'm fine" - "Ah! Right!" - Dad went back to reading. In the guilty moments, I realised the light thrown by the TV was highlighting up under dad's towelling.

I now realised, that not only had he turned the pages but had slightly moved his stance. I knew he had no idea he was exposing his sexual parts to me, but now I could see the large amount of pubic hair he had above his penis. I reasoned, that if he had hair, I would have hair there as well! - In my nievity, I mentioned this to my girl friend and she having a mum confirmed it was a sure bet,because her mum had a huge bush of hairs on her vagina. - We giggled at this revelation, but she did take a good look at my pussy to check if I had any, then I checked hers. Nothing!

So! We knew our breasts were doing things,we even consulted each other about strange feelings in them, but took it in our stride as they became more prominent. I made much in my endeavours to see my dad's bits, but his pubes really facinated me. What did they feel like? Would mine feel the same? Then one day I became totally excited, not only had I noticed a couple of hairs in my armpits,but low-and-behold a very distinct shadow appeared over my vagina. I had pubes growing.

I couldn't wait to show my friend and she confirmed, yes! they were there alright, tiny but hairs they were. Then she confronted me with a shock - "Will you shave them off then?" - "NO! Why would I do that, I've only just got them!" - "Me neither! I heard my aunt saying to my mum" [Never again, its alright taking them off,but god when they grow back it pure hell!" - "Anyway,what do you mean shave them, like I said, I've only just got them!"

So that was it. But I still hadn't figured out about my dad. I so much wanted to show him I'm growing up and anyway, I had no problem looking at his hairs,so what's so different I reasoned about him looking at mine! - Came the evening and I just stood in front of dad before going up to bath. - "Dad. I want you too see!" Stood right in front of his face, I upped my dress and downed the front of my knicker's - See? I've got some hairs there!" - Still standing with my pussy proudly on display. - "Christ Kirsty, you shouldn't be showing me like that, pull your pants up for goodness sake!" - I shot out the room totally in despair. Then in the bath I became mad,then truculent. - Who did he think he was, I only showed him what he's unknowingly been showing me! Horrible! Horrible! That's what my dad is!

Of course, I realised really that the sight of me growing up may have shock,but more likely excited him. Had I really knew this and was trying to get my dad's penis to react? - A tap at the door. "Are you okay? I didn't mean anything,sorry Kirsty, as your dad,I shouldn't have gone off like that, its difficult I know with no mum,but it is for both of us!" - "Come in if you want, I know, I realise what it was now,we'll be alright" - Dad entered and not thinking, I only realised then that he hadn't ever seen how my titties had swollen, but he probably had noticed just like I'd started noticing dad's penis.

Sitting on the throne, he couldn't not see my breasts, although he was consciously trying not to look. I just carried on soaping away not ever realising what this may do to a man as they jiggled about. I did see him trying to look into the bath and guessed he was trying to have another look at what I'd so innocently placed before his eyes downstairs.

"I'll leave you to get on with it now we're okay again!" - He stood and didn't go out straight away,so I lifted my belly up in the cloudy water and he quickly moved off,but not before I spotted that his towelling had a certain bulge at the front.- Not to be cruel,but in my new more adult mode, I tingled, knowing I'd had an effect on my dad. - I knew I had to continue what I now realised I'd started. - When I got back down to the living room, dad was in his usual seat,but had his feet firmly on the floor. [had he realised all this time that he'd been exposing his bits to me?

After a small amount of time, he, if he had realised reverted to form and his legs were back up as usual. I'd changed now into a nylon type nightdress,rather than my usual winceyette one. Laying flat on my tummy I was sure dad was able to see my bum outline thro' the material, but he indicated nothing. I having become tired, wanted to head off to bed,but I had to know! Know if I'd had any effect on dad. So on standing up, I stretched rather more than one would and I saw dad's eyes look straight at my crotch. - Had this stretch lifted the hem just high enough for dad to see my slit?

I would never know but on moving against dad to give him a good night kiss, his towelling got pushed apart,just enough to show that my dad's dick was a whole lot longer than I had ever seen it under the towelling before and although not stiff, it was firmer than I'd ever saw it. - Later I heard noises in dad's room and had no idea why or what,but I knew it was dad making them. From then on, whenever I helped dad change his and my bedclothes, I noticed a dry sort of sheen over the one side of dad's bottom sheet. Always at the same side of his bed! The left hand side.


A new moment then...
I had gotten a new pair of snug fit jeans. I'd even put a second mirror set so I could see my back view, but my bum mainly. On heading down ready to go out with my friend, - Dad exclaimed, - "Christ Kirst' do you realise what those things are doing to you, bloody hell girl, your bums showing the creases,everytime you move!" - "Oh! Dad, you're so old fashioned, every girls wearing these now!" - "Wearing! Christ I'd suggest,to get into them, you must pour yourself into them!" - "Dad. You worry to much! they're stretchy" - "TOO RIGHT I WORRY! God woman, don't you realise what a sight like that can do to a man?" - "Hey dad! Do you realise what you just said, you said I was a woman!"

Excitedly, I was off. - A woman was what had triggered me. I had made sure dad had had a continued view of my pubes as they developed and now he knew I had a fine bush and I knew it gave him a stiff penis,but he made no complaints since going off at me when they first sprouted. - I also knew that having thrown a grenade at dad on one sheet change he wanted to vapourize. - all I said was, - 'Hey dad, this stuff that makes your sheets all shiny is wet just here and passed my hand over what I'd figured out was his sperm.

I also had worked out that me making him see my pubes and pussy had been the reason he forever was wanking himself off over me. - Of course he never indicated this, I'd worked it out all by myself. - I was soon to find out just how successful I'd been. - Having gloated at my ass [For that's what my dad had done] in my new jeans, dad was still up when I returned. - I wondered if it was to assess if any boys had got at me or was it to enjoy some more of what he'd seen earlier.

"High dad, I'll just go off up too bed I think!" - "Hey pet, there's me thinking you'd just come in and lay about a bit as other nights!" - I wasn't inclined too, because unknown to dad, I'd had a small amount of alcohol and it had given me the giggles as it had my friend,but other than that, no! We'd danced and had fun, but were more worldly than dad imagined I guess! - So relenting, I got into my bedclothes, well not really, I just came down with a dressing gown on and nothing underneath. [The drink had just loosened me up enough to be a bit brazen with my dad]

I sat over on another seat rather than on the floor. I thought dad looked disappointed,but said nothing. I wonder if he had all this time been looking at me as I displayed myself. For the first time I felt my pussy going wet,only a little bit,but wet nonetheless. He sat as though not sure as to how to say what was obviously on his mind. - "No chaps then?" - He finally got out - "No dad! No chaps,you worry too much!" - "Worry, christ Kirst' thank goodness you came in and took that stuff off, they're all dead out there,but I'm not!"

Dad moved uncomfortably and in doing so, I got a glimpse of what he meant,. My dad's penis was stiff, I mean really stiff. Dad had a hardon! - He knew I'd seen it. "Sorry Kirst, but you going up those stairs just now, well I couldn't help but stare, then you come down again,surely you realised the thing you got on opened, well it opened enough for me to see you've got nowt on but your skin and that fur you're always flouting at me!"

My dad had admitted he had a hardon because he's just seem my pussy. - "Kirsty. Do you do it to me, because... well because!" - That small amount of booze had caught me now. - "Dad. If I admitted and said yes, what then?" - "I'd ask you to come over and sit in with me" - I done just that, I squeezed myself down on to dad's over large seat. - "What now?" - He smiled and just looked in his lap. I for the first time realised my squeezing down in to dad's chair had drawn his towelling off of his lap and his penis was laying slightly more soft now down against his thigh. I smiled and lay my hand on and around his dick, for the first time I now knew what it felt like.

As soon as I touched it I could feel it swelling back to a full hardness. Instictively I squeezed and released his penis as it hardened. - "Its going longer again, will it stand up as I do it?" - Dad's eyes were cliosed, but he made his cock pulse in my hand. Then his own hand came over the top of my own and peeled the skin off the end. The dark dull blueness of his cocks head came clear of its foreskin and it seemed all so natural to be smoothing this penis that I'd spied at for a number of years.

Moving my hand up onto this now loose foreskin, - "Move your hand up and down the shaft using that loose skin. I'll let you know when to go faster" - Now marvelling at how every line and rib of dad's penis seemed exagerated under the foreskin on to my fingers and palm. I moved as tho' I'd done it to him forever. - "can I?" - I knew what he meant and moved a bit to allow my dad's fingers to touch me on my pussy. - "Can you open your legs a bit more?" -"Not like this, I could on the floor or the settee!" - "The floor" - We stood and my dad's cock was now bigger than I ever dreamed it was looking at it up under his gown.

The gown dropped away as he dragged a couple of cushions on to the floor. Get down comfortable so I can play and I'll get so we can do stuff together. Dad's penis now drooled what he described as love juice and told me it was to help a penis go in. At this moment, I thought, I'm soaking between my legs, we'll not need that, always assuming dad intended to put this big thing inside me. Now excited, my hand pumped up and down my dad's cock until with a grunt my hand and fingers were instantly covered in my dad's sperm.

I loved the way that just before he came his bum pumped up at my hand as he seemed to be trying to fuck my hand even faster than I was pumping him until it went all out of control and dad's cum spurted up and over everywhere. - In no time he had moved and pulling my legs open even more than when he was feeling me. - "Now for your turn!" I cringed at first as suddenly my dad's head disappeared between my thighs. That is until the first suck! God, my body physically shuddered and in moments my hips and vagina was chasing his tongue all over the place as with every sensation he extracted another tingling throb of my pussy, - "Dad! Dad! What's that you're doing?" - "Licking you on your clit" he gasped as I felt his hot breath on my belly.

Seconds later my belly was thrusting at my dad's mouth just the same as his belly had been jumping at my hand as I wanked him. - I felt a new sensation, I was peeing. For a second I felt embarrassed until dad just said, - "Fuck Kirsty, I really made it cum then, you shot your love juices all over my face" - "My love juice. I thought you'd made me pee!" - "No darling, that was pure woman cum,god you came a bucket!" - I'd forgotten about whether dad intended to fuck me. I just lay exhausted as he smoothed me off too sleep. - I awoke some time later and knew I was in my bed, I knew dad had carried me upstairs and I knew he hadn't put his dick into me. Now in utter bliss I felt my pussy and it was soaking with my own love juices.

I didn't hear dad's bed going or any grunting, well not until I woke earlier than usual the following morning, then I heard my dad cumming in his bed as he said over and over in gasps, - 'Fuck Kirsty, fuck me harder! Fuck me!' - For the first time I masterbated as I heard dad awake but dreaming he was fucking me, his own daughter! - I don't know if he heard me cum then,but I shrieked noisily as my orgasm shot thro' too my very soul.