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Hotel cleaning Girl ( sex story )

Sex Stories

I travel a lot and was staying in a very nice Hotel in Dubai recently and the cleaning staf was very nice , I like to sleep late some weekends and alwayse in the nude I was laying reading one morning in the bed when a young cleaning girl interd the room and the door closing behind her , had not paid much atention before and was usualy coverd , this morning I had been reading a sexy novel and had a huge hard On and was laying there when I heard the cleaning person enter the room I didnt have time to cover up and saw it was this young girl and she was staring right at my hard cock and not seeming to be botherd by my condition I tried co cover my cock with the book and she said in her acented english No it is ok .

I like to see you , you have nice body . Well that was a huge releif and I just lookd at her and lifted the book and my Cock and balls were in full desplay for her to see..I showd her the picture in the book I had of a naked Man and Girl and she said , O' you like sexy read . I was stund and sat up on the pillow and held my balls and cock and said , Im surprised you didnt run out of the room , You are very cute and i dont want to get into trouble here . She blushd and said , I see naked Men a lot sometimes in the place I live and Like them to get big when they talk with me .I askd her if she ever had sex with any of them . And she said no it wasnt alowd there , But she alwayse would like to with one of her brothers .I was a bit surprised by that and By now just chating with this Beautifull young girl had a huge hard on and acking balls . I sat on the edge of the bed and She had walkd over by me and was staring at me with her big brown eyes and i askd her if she would like to touch it ...I stood up and walkd to her , She was very short and Im about 6ft. So my cock was staring at her a little below her face level , She lookd down at it and said it is beautifull , And very Big, Her brothers were much smaller and not shaped the same . I think meaning they were not circumsizd . By this time I was throbing , I askd her how much they paid her to work here in this hotell. She said not very much and her family was very poor , This got my mind to turning and I had to ask her if she would like to un dress and show me her body for a bit of money , She told me she could get fired for that , But I told her the door was lockd and we were alone on this weekend Morning and no one would ever know . She lookd like she was about to cry , so I held her to me and my cock and balls were up against her and i felt her body quivering , I told her she was beautifull and reachd down and felt her nice firm ass cheeks whle slowley easing her against the side of the bed . I laid her slowley back onto the bed and lifted her little work skirt up and with my hands very gently easd her panties down and off her legs . She was almost totaly hairless and her pussy was most perfect i had seen in a long time , i had her stand up now and took her skirt and top off and had her little bra off and she had very nice full breasts ,i thaught i was going to cum right there , She hadnt been in the room more than 18 min and here she was totaly naked with me sprouting a massive hard on wanting to just Fuck her right now . I just had her lay on the bed and crawled over her and told her to just have a good look at me and put my cock right in her face while stradeling her there on the big bed . I pulld my cock up and rubd my balls on her face and put the head of my cock at her mouth , But she moved to the side so I didnt get it in her mouth . I slowley backd down her body and laid my cock at the top of her pussy without trying to enter her , and rubbd it all over her , She was slowley crying softley and saying she could get in trouble . But I asured her it was alright and she was so beautifull , I roold her over to look at her cute ass and gently spread her cheeks to see her perfect little ass hole and pussy lips . i knew i had to cum soom , So I just askd her to sit up and help me here a little bit OK I kneeld in front of her and askd her to hold me with one hand and to take the other hand and cup my balls like this I showd her . She put her hand around my cock It barely went all the way around it and was trying to hold my balls , This girl lookd like a litle doll and I was so horney I didnt realy care , She was older than she lookd I think But so very inexperencd. i helpd her stroke my cock and was so built up from all this for play I shot Cum all over her cute face and she squirmed away and was surprised by that , . Well I helpd her clean up and had her wipe my cock and balls up with a warm towll and helpd her dress and , Told her to come back sometime , And to not tell her brothers about us ...She said No No can not do that Big trouble if they knew...I gave her a lot of my spare Money and she left , And I was thewre for a few days longer But she didnt get back , I did see her in the Hotell once and winkd at her , She just waved and went along her way ...But she was sure a good Girl and I would have liked to have had more of the same ...Maby my next trip over she might still be around...But doubt I could be that lucky again ...These things dont happen often ,,,But enjoy getting caught by the maid service sometimes .. Usualy sorry Sir and run away ,,,But once it was Grand...

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