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A Stroll In The Park


XXX-Women   Profile 9: A Stroll In The Park (Mishi, Greg, She-Man, Jubilee)   NOTE: is you just wanna get to the nasty stuff, you can skip themarked-off section that deals with the background and set-up...   * * * * *   The Premise:   XXX-Women   After founding the original X-Men, Professor X was often found to bemissing or believed to be dead or off on some secret mission he told no-oneabout.  In truth, Professor X was training an entirely different, totallynew team of mutants.  These mutants he isolated from the others for severalreasons.   Firstly, he felt this second team was in need of more help than theother team, they had darker histories and were not likely to be accepted bythe first team readily.  Secondly, he felt that having a backup team was agood idea, in case anything ever happened to one of the teams.  He alsofelt it important to not tell either team about the existence of the other-this way they could not implicate each other in any way and not become aliability to the other should anything unforeseen happen.   Finally, the new group was formed entirely of women.  Professor X hadseen how women were being treated differently, how society was prejudicedagainst them.  He wanted his students to feel equal to anyone, to not haveany feeling of being inferior.  He could see how Marvel Girl had beensubconsciously limiting the use of her powers due to her generallysubmissive feminine attitude in a group with 4 other men constantly gawkingat her and treating her like a "girl".  He had considered transferring herto the new group, but did not want anyone to have knowledge of both teams.   Professor X started this second team in California.  The only otherliving person who know of the existence of both schools is MoiraMacTaggart. This is the story of how the XXX-Women came to be.   The founding team was comprised of (in order of recruitment) Miss Morph- a shapeshifter and flesh morpher, Supernova - a beautiful Italian girlwith the power to start fires, Ilsa - a tall, strong German girl with thepower to cancel out other mutant's powers, Jade - a super-strong andinvulnerable but shy she-male and Nervosa - a brooding goth girl with thepower to manipulate other people's nervous systems.   At one point, Professor X was out of commission (or missing in space orpretending to be dead, etc.) and the two teams, unaware of the other'sexistence, met and battled one another.  This occurred four times.  Oncebefore the second X-Men team was formed (around issue 60 or so), onceshortly before Marvel Girl became the Dark Phoenix (around issues 120 -130), once just after Kitty Pryde had joined the team (around issues 140 -145) and once again after Rogue joined the X-Men (around issues 171 - 173).   The first encounter occurred while Professor X was away.  The secondencounter happened while Professor X was there, but he stayed quiet andobserved the outcome, ensuring that no-one got seriously hurt.  The thirdtime the XXX-Women had decided they didn't need him.  Professor X told hisX-Men the truth about the other team and told them to stop them.  Theyfailed and the other team escaped, but took Storm and Kitty with them forseveral months.   The final conflict came when they decided to "steal" Rogue, Kitty andStorm (the female members of the X-Men) and failed.   Mystique later was off-and-on-again affiliated with the XXX-Women andX-Men, sometimes serving as their leader.  At other times, the White Queenhas run either of the teams.   * * * * *   The Characters (only those used in this story):   Nervosa (Mishi) - Has the ability to control another person's nervoussystem by touch (can paralyze them or control them by touch).   Greg (Rubber Boy) - Mishi's devoted and pathetic boyfriend/slave, hisonly power is being involuntarily stretchy (can be stretched by others,can't do it himself).   She-Man (Lynne) - Hermaphrodite hero/heroine from Eternia, formed whenHe-Man and She-Ra were mortally wounded and used the power of the combinedPower Sword to resurrect themselves.   Jubilee - Asian teen mutant   Fido - Mishi's horny, hung and filthy dog   * * * * *   She-Man and Mishi are laying back on a picnic blanket.  A picnic basketis open, the contents strewn about them, the food eaten, the drinksfinished.  Jubilee is lying next to She-Man, resting her head in She-Man'slap, sucking her cock.  Greg is resting his head in Mishi's lap, she'sholding his head and slowly, deeply, casually face-fucking him.   MISHI   Ahhh...  this is the life...   SHE-MAN   Yeah, isn't it a beautiful day?   GREG   Yes, Mistress MISHI   Shut up, faggot!  No-one gave you permission to speak!   She fucks his face savagely, he gags.   MISHI   Fuckin' worm!   SHE-MAN   Your slave is a little impetuous.   MISHI   I'm sorry, Mistress, you'd think he'd be well-trained by now.   SHE-MAN   Well, you'll just have to teach him a lesson.   MISHI   Definitely.   Greg groans.  Mishi picks up her riding crop.   MISHI   Fido!  Here, boy!   Her giant Marmaduke-sized dog runs over to her.   MISHI   Yeah, you're a good boy, aren't you!  Fido licks her face, Mishi suckshis tongue, kissing him.   MISHI   Here, boy, fuck!   She taps the riding crop on Greg's ass.  Fido goes to his ass, sniffsit, then fucks Greg's ass with his 18-inch cock with animal abandon.   GREG   Unh!   MISHI   Yeah, Greggie-poo, you're a nasty little bitch, aren't you?  You'reFido's hot little bitch!   GREG   Mrmm...   Jubi and She-Man are watching, Jubi starts masturbating while suckingShe-Man's cock and watching Greg getting ass-fucked by a dog.  The dogstarts howling and butt-fucking him savagely.   GREG   Rrm!  Rrm!  Rrm!   SHE-MAN   God, that is so hot!   MISHI   Oh, God!  Unh!  Take it!  Take it up the ass!  Oh god!  FUCK!  Swallowmy cum, you fucking bitch!  Yeah!  Unh!   She cums in his mouth, he audibly swallows and Fido finishes cumming uphis ass.  Fido pulls out.  Mishi taps the riding crop on Greg's mouth, thenon Fido's dick.  Greg lifts his mouth from her cock, saliva and cum isdripping from his lips, he licks it up and gives her cock a last few quicksucks to clean it.  He then sees what Mishi wants him to do, then looks ather pleadingly.  She Man looks at Mishi and shakes her head indisappointment.  Mishi scowls at Greg, and he obediently, albeitreluctantly, licks Fido's shitty cock clean.   MISHI   (continuing; petting Fido)   Good boy!  Good boy!  Greg looks up at Mishi, pathetically, whilesucking fido's cock.   MISHI   Not you, you stupid bitch!  You've been very very bad today!   She spanks his ass with the riding crop, he jumps at the pain and farts,some of Fido's sperm comes oozing out.  Jubilee comes over and licks it up,then pulls back Greg's head and spits the cum in his mouth.  He swallows.Fido starts to whine.   MISHI   What's that Fido?  Oh, okay.   She taps the riding crop on Fido's ass.  Greg watches in horror as sheguides the riding crop to Greg's face and taps it on his lips.   GREG   N-..  No, please...   MISHI   Shut up!   She slaps him and shoves him down on his back.  Fido squats over hisface.  She forces open Greg's mouth, and he keeps it open, tears runningdown his face.  She-Man comes over and watches, making Jubilee suck hercock again.  Jubi starts masturbating again, moaning.  Mishi manueversbetween Greg's legs, spreads them and pushes them back as she enters him.   MISHI   Shit, Fido, shit!   Fido shits a long, soft shitrope in Greg's mouth, he gags, but startseating it.  The shit is incredibly nasty and soft, he gags, almost barfs,but swallows anyway.   MISHI   Mmm, yeah, good boy, eat that nasty dogshit!  You know, my first shitwas dogshit!   SHE-MAN   yes, I remember, you loved it!   MISHI   Well, besides horseshit, it's my favorite!  it's so damn nasty and soft!   GREG   Urk- gulp!  Ack- belch- eghh, urk- hurk!  Munch, munch, chew, gulp!   Jubilee starts moaning loadly as she rubs her clit and comes, screamingon She-Man's cock.  She-Man moans too, and cums in her mouth.  Jubigreedily swallows it all down.   FIDO   Fltthhhltthhhh!   MISHI   God, that smells nasty!  Oh, fuck!  Unh!  Unh!  Yeah!  Fuckin' shit!   She cums up Greg's ass and shoves Fido down so that his ass is directlyon Greg's mouth.  Fido whines lowly and we hear a very wet farting sound.Greg's eyes widen as the shit starts to spill over, but he gets most of it.His face is covered in shit when fido gets off, and he obediantly licksFido's ass clean.  Meanwhile, She-Man pisses in Jubi's mouth, and shedrinks it willingly.  The two french-kiss afterwards.  Mishi pulls out ofGreg, picks him up, and shoves her cock in his mouth.  he's not ready forit, and barfs.   MISHI   (continuing; slapping him, knocking him down)   That's it!  You useless little fuck!  You're going to get it!  Come on!   She grabs him by the leash and drags him away.  He scurries on all fourstrying to keep up with her, slipping on his own vomit.   MISHI   Come on, fido, let's go boy!  Greggie's been bad!   Fido follows along excitedly.  She Man and Jubi look at each other.   SHE-MAN   Such a nice couple.   JUBILEE   (licking cum from her fingers)   Mmm...