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The Barn Dance

Slut Wife

The Barn Dance by Jacques BonCoeur
This story was inspired by a letter I read some years in a popular men’s magazine
3rd August 1960 2130hrs
George parked the car in the lee of the old barn amongst machinery that was more at home in a museum than a modern farm.  He took a cigarette from its packet and lit it in the gathering gloom and dragged hard on the filter tip drawing the smoke deep into his lungs.  His mind was drawn back to that warm summers evening 20 years previously when he had stood with his friend Paul and looked at the fires burning in the south, over Liverpool and its docks that was suffering an air raid. 
George took a last drag from the butt and turned towards the barn noticing the lights burning through the doorway, much like it had all those years ago.  As he approached the big barn door he heard the primeval grunts that pulled his mind back to that night buried so deep in the past.
August 1940
George and Paul had piled out of the bus and climbed up the winding road that led to Wynne Farm.  Paul’s Mum and Dad owned the farm and had been forced by the Ministry of War to take land girls on to work the farm in the absence of conscripted farm workers.  Pauline, George’s sister was one of the girls and had asked and received permission for George to spend his summer holidays from school with her. 
At first George had found it hard to blend in with the Wynne’s who had farmed the land here about for generations but Paul was easy going and at 18 yrs old was vastly superior in the ways of the world than George. Although older at 18 yrs. George had been sheltered in public schools from the age of eight, whilst his parents had travelled the world spreading the word of British colonialism.  In the week he had been on the farm Paul had taught George the secrets of scrumping, petty thieving, voyeurism and this night a lesson on masturbation that would last him a lifetime as well as a library of memories that would support his strong right hand.
The two lads had left the cinema at around eight p.m...  Pauline had shooed the two of them away at the beginning of the performance and had sat between Paul’s older brother Clive and a couple of the younger farm hands all around 18 years old and to young for the draft. 
It had been dark in the cinema but George had caught a glimpse of Pauline’s Ivory breasts as the lads had mauled her during the performance.  Needless to say at the end of the film the boys had been left to find their own way home whilst Pauline and her beau’s had driven back in the farm wagon.  Paul and George had arrived back at the farm just as dusk was falling and had smoked a couple of  pilfered cigarettes as they looked at the beginning of the evenings bombing over the city and docks about 20 miles to the south of them.
Finishing the cigarettes the boys turned towards the barn and noticed lights in the gathering gloom coming from the door that had been left ajar.  Stealthily approaching the door the boys could hear the unmistakable sounds of fucking.  During the previous week George had been guided on more than one occasion to scenes like this and had seen fleeting glimpses of splayed legs, rutting arses and grunting worthy of the pigs in the nearby sty. 
Paul had brought his finger to his lips and motioned George to follow, leading him towards and up a wooden ladder that led to the hayloft above the barn floor area.   It took some time for George’s eyes to become accustomed to the light that was being supplied by three hurricane lamps that hung from the beams above where the action was being played out.
Three, no four bodies were involved in a veritable orgy.  The woman, completely naked, was kneeling over a man whose huge cock was thrusting upwards into her lower body.  Another man was straddling her and also thrusting into this area.  The third man was at the woman's head and was thrusting his cock into her mouth. 
It only took seconds to recognise that the girl was Pauline and that the man buried deep in her arse was Clive, Paul’s brother.  The other two protagonists were the farm hands.  As Georges eyes became more accustomed to the light he could see for the first time his sisters beautiful white breasts tipped with copper coloured teats swaying backwards and forwards as the three men sawed their cocks into her orifices.  George was never to lose the image of how wonderful a tableau these four rutting human beings had looked and whenever he needed a fantasy to push him past the portals of orgasm, this one could be relied upon to foot the bill 
May 1960
The years had passed and although all their circumstances had changed the memories had lingered on.  During the late 1940’s and 50’s George had spent the occasional summer with Paul at the farm but like all relationships life takes over and communication had petered out to the occasional postcard and, a seasonal robin sitting on a gate at Christmas with some inane rhyme of greeting inside. 
Clive had been killed in the latter years of the war, fighting to cross the Rhine. Pauline had married twice and seemed for now at least, happy with her present lot. 
Both of Pauline and George’s parents had died in the camps of Singapore.  George had been tremendously successful in the city but unfortunately had become the innocent victim of a fraud, that had cost him and his fellow traders millions of pounds. 
As sometimes happens when one finds themselves at the bottom of a situation, George had walked into a local city library and literally collided with a young lady carrying an armful of books, knocking them out of her hands.  Amongst a profusion of apologies they had simultaneous bent down in order to retrieve the books and had knocked their heads together causing  them both to sustain concussion. 
Waking in the local hospital accident department George was greeted by the image of an angel lying on the trolley next to him and immediately fell in love. 
George was to find out over the coming weeks that Susan was 22 yrs old and the only daughter of an elderly couple from Pinner.  She was a virgin, determined to be so on her marriage. She loved music, books and walking in the countryside.  Within a week George had met her parents, proposed marriage and begun to set his financial affairs in order.  They were broke but they could face life together in the knowledge that they owed no-one anything and that the future held such wonderful promise to those so deeply in love. 
Late July early August 1960
The wedding took place on the first of the month. As a surprise and knowing that funds would not allow a lavish honeymoon George had contacted his old friend Paul and arranged for the newly married pair to spend a fortnight on the farm, walking in the surrounding hills and dales and working on the farm to pay for their keep. 
Arriving on the Saturday evening only hours after their wedding, George had led his virgin bride upstairs into the room provided and proceeded to fuck her brains out.  As Susan lay next to him George was struck by how similar she was to his sister, her full round breasts were the image of those that he remembered on that evening all those years before.  She was the same height and even had the same quiet confidence that Pauline had possessed.
As they lay in the soft afterglow of sexual love, George found himself telling Susan the story of that distant evening and the days that followed, where the two boys had witnessed so many penetrations of Pauline’s willing body.  Susan was captivated and kept him awake late into the night asking questions about all of the why's and wherefore's of that distant scene. 
The following morning George was late down to breakfast and arrived at the table to find Susan questioning Paul about the intimate details of his memories and collating with what George had told her.  George was shocked, confused but excited that Susan, responding to Paul’s down to earth phrases, like fucking, cunt and cock had used the same vernacular as she questioned them both. 
Later that morning she demanded to be shown where the foursome had committed their dirty deed, the positions that they had each of the orgies participants had been in and the place where the two boys had witnessed the incident.  That evening Paul was cajoled into putting out hurricane lamps into the positions that the pair remembered, so that she could imagine the tableau that had presented itself before them. 
On going to bed it was George that was fucked into oblivion that night and his last waking thoughts were that he might have lit an unquenchable flame within his new bride’s sex, and that maybe he might not be able to provide the fuel to satisfy the conflagration.
3rd August 1960 0500hrs
The Monday morning had dawned a fabulous summers day, Susan and George had awakened early and had helped Paul to bring in the cows for milking, a tribulation that had passed to Paul on the death of his parents some years earlier.  Being the only son since Clive’s death and never having married, he had to employ local labour to work the farm, but times were hard and the early milking was a job that he couldn’t afford to hire out. 
The milking over and breakfast finished, the pair walked over the hill that backed against the farm and laying in the lush grass Susan was quick to remove her knickers and after the disappointment of seeing George’s limp penis she bent forward and took it into her mouth, sucking gently along its shaft until it was rock hard.  This was a first for George and he was soon on the edge of coming into his bride’s luscious mouth but Susan wanted satisfaction and knelt over the erection and lowered herself down upon it. 
She was soon in a world of her own bucking up and down, babbling, ‘fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, harder, harder, harder.’  Shocked that the woman above him could have changed so much in just a couple of days, George was unable to come.  In fact his cock was sore from the unaccustomed use it had been put through since their wedding. 
Susan recognising that something was wrong came out of her sexual trance and rummaging into her day sack produced a jar of Vaseline. Kneeling on all fours she proceeded to rub the grease around her arsehole pushing the finger inside and demanded that George stick his cock inside her and fuck her bum.  Despite his soreness, seconds later George’s cock was buried inside his wife’s arse.  He bent over her and pushed her top over her head, ripped off her bra and cupped the dangling tits as they pivoted backwards and forwards as he pistoned into her arse.  His main pleasure was that he hadn’t had to wear a condom, as over the last two days Susan had demanded that a baby was not an option.  It was so good to pump his now diminished reservoir of spunk inside her body even though it was her arse and not her cunt that received the inundation.
That evening a band was playing traditional folk music at the local pub and a group from the farm was attending.  George and Susan were asked along and Susan was thrilled, even though George was knackered.  The evening had gone marvellously for Susan who had danced with all and sundry.  George was so tired that he had managed only a couple of dances and was quite content that his young bride was having such a ball.
As George was driving he thought it best to keep a clear head.  The drive home was a madcap journey, everyone other than him was pissed and Susan was lying across the laps of the two farm hands Jim and Ron, in the back of the car and Paul sitting in the passenger seat was leaning over kissing her and joining in touching up her tits. 
George whilst glancing in the rear view mirror was sure he had seen her knickers removed and by the time he stopped the car in the yard next to the barn, Susan had leapt from the car naked from the waist up and ran into the barn closely followed by Paul, Jim and Ron.
George thought how history often repeats itself.  He paused at the barn door and listened, recognising the unmistakable sounds of a woman being thoroughly fucked.  20 years ago it had been his sister and tonight it was his wife. 
Instead of entering the barn he retraced his steps to the wooden ladder that led up to the hay loft.  He moved to the vantage point that Paul and he had taken all those years before except that today he was alone and Paul was between his new bride’s legs thrusting a huge cock into her gaping cunt.  It was strange; his memory of Paul’s cock was of a normal size, as they had both wanked while they had watched Pauline being fucked.  Tonight even in the lamplight given off by the hanging hurricane lamps he could see the massive proportions of Paul’s cock as he reamed Susan’s cunt. 
It seemed incredible that a couple of days had passed since she had given her virginity and now here she was babbling obscenities in one continuous orgasmic flow.
Had his recounting of Pauline’s exploits started all this, or was Susan already predisposed and predestined for the same fate, George didn’t know.  In fact George wasn’t sure of anything other than how exciting was the performance being played out before him and how suited Susan was to play the lead.  
Jim and Ron were on either side of her each supporting a leg and stretching her wide to allowing Paul full penetration.  They were moaning that Paul was so big he was turning her cunt into a bucket and that after he had finished no normal sized man would touch the sides.  Paul said that after he had come they would position Susan so that the lads could both try to get their cocks in her, side by side.  And to facilitate this following act Paul began to speed up the pounding he was giving Susan’s cunt and suddenly George could see his arse cheeks clenching together as he pumped his come into the willing body beneath him. 
George had descended from the hayloft and arrived at the scene as Paul's cock slipped from Susan sodden gash.  He had not worn a condom and his spunk was dripping from her red raw cunt and running down between the cheeks of her arse.  Paul smiled at George and said, ‘My God George, she’s a good fuck but I doubt that even the four of us could keep her happy, she’s born for it’. 
Susan seemed to be laying in a coma but was unceremoniously pulled to her feet and Jim threw himself down in her place, she was directed to kneel over his cock and lower herself onto it, impaling herself. 
Her tits hung down exactly as George had remembered Pauline’s and at that moment Susan opened her eyes looked at him and said, ‘I’m sorry but I couldn’t help it. It just had to be.  Please forgive me.’  Ron straddled her and George could clearly see his sizeable cock slip inside her cunt next to the one already in occupation. There followed only minutes of rigorous fucking. Susan’s tits were flying backwards and forwards with the pounding she was receiving and George lent forward and grasped the nipples to steady them in case she hurt herself. 
It was probable that Susan never even noticed his caring action as she was in a world of her own, only recovering her wits as the lads shouted that they were coming and began to pump her full of their hot come, flooding her unprotected cunt.  Paul pushed Ron aside and his cock plopped noisily out of her cunt.   Paul’s amazing strength allowed him to lift Susan bodily from Jim’s softening cock still fixed inside her cunt. Holding her under her thighs and she with her arms held upwards and backwards around his neck he slowly lowered her onto his huge stiff cock and ordered George to guide into her arsehole.  George stuck two fingers inside Susan's gaping cunt and hooked out a palm full of spunk which he smeared around the rosebud that had only first been penetrated a few hours before.  Pushing the finger inside the tight hole he ensured that the inside was well lubricated before he grasped the shaft of Paul’s huge cock and guided the head inside. 
At first Susan’s bum would not allow such a massive object to enter her but suddenly her muscles gave and the head and most of the shaft slipped inside.  George stood back, thrilled at the magnificent sight of Susan supported by Paul’s hands under her thighs but mostly on the cock embedded in her bum.  Her beautiful tits swung back and forward as Paul lifted her up and down along the shaft of his cock.  Her cunt gaped open and spunk was pouring from her but George could only think of adding his own meagre offering. 
He approached her and clasping her under her knees his cock found its own way into the huge gash.  Susan opened her eyes as he began to thrust inside of her and he bent to kiss her beautiful lips driving his tongue deep into her mouth.  Paul ordered George to take Susan's weight and as his hands were freed he reached around and grasped her tits, finding the tumescent buds of her swollen nipples he pinched them hard, pulling them up and down and side to side. 
Susan was losing it, her breathing was becoming ragged and her breasts were heaving, the orgasms shooting through her was almost physical pain. Simultaneously Paul and George began pumping spunk into the girl’s body. 
Susan was then placed on her back. Jim and Ron asked if they could fuck her once more.  She nodded but said that she was exhausted and would not be able to help.  George and Paul sat on each side of her sucking her tits and holding her legs wide open so that the boys could gain the deepest penetration. Ron rammed into her for several minutes before flooding her cunt. 
Susan was passed orgasm and lay quietly enjoying the sensation coming from her nipples and the stretched muscles of her cunt but as Ron began pumping her full of come, she asked if Paul would fuck her mouth while Jim fucked her bum.  It was arranged that Susan would lay on her front impaled on George’s cock and that the Jim would straddle her from behind fucking her bum.  Paul would kneel astride George’s head allowing Susan to suck his huge cock.  Mainly because all concerned were by now exhausted this last fuck was to last nearly an hour and so it was that as Susan received the last helping of her lovers spunk she was exhausted and almost asleep, and had to be carried to her bed.
Surprisingly, the next morning Susan was not the wreck she deserved to be, considering the rigours her body had been put through.  She allowed George to bathe her. He commented on the love bites on her body, particularly her tits which were covered with them.  She admitted that they were a bit sore and he gently rubbed a soothing cream into them.  Her cunt was still very stretched and when George pushed his finger inside she was full of stale spunk, as was her bum. He gently washed her clean whilst assuring her of how much he loved her and how wonderful she had looked as she was fucked by the men.   She admitted that it had been thrilling and she was amazed that only four days earlier she had been a virgin. In such a short time her life had changed and her body had been used in ways she had never thought possible. 
During the remainder of the honeymoon Susan’s body was used in similar fashion on numerous occasions.  In the months that followed, the incident was discussed often and both admitted that they had no regrets, had loved and enjoyed it so much, that they had to repeat it.  When Susan discovered in October that she was pregnant it was decided that they would return to the farm and celebrate with all the possible fathers and Wet the Babies Head so to speak!!!