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A Surprise for Tim


Just then Erica bent down to fix her sandal, and realizing that her dress might be too short and expose herself to everyone in the lobby, she turned to face the corner. As she bent down on one knee, the curve of her firm ass cheeks pressed out against the thin material so that the dressslid slightly into her ass crack, looking like a second skin. The lackof panty lines revealed that she was either wearing a thong or no underwearat all. That thought make my head spin, and my penis began to stiffen. “Whoa man, relax. You can’t talk to her in that condition,” Shawn said as he picked up on how I was reacting. “Just go talk to her.” “Listen, I told you once already. I’m not talking to her,” I replied. “No, you asked why you should go talk to her, and I think you just got your answer. Now go talk!” and with that he shoved me inher direction. I was still a good 30 feet away from Erica on the otherside of the lobby, but not wanting to look stupid in front of my classmates (who had already begun exiting the lobby at the end of the school day), I tried to make it look as graceful as possible and continued to walk in her direction. As I approached Erica, I did exactly what I knew I shouldn’t do. As she stood up with her back to me, I started tracing her figure with my eyes. I started down at her feet and slowly worked my way up the slight curve of her slender legs, then up her thighs to where they met the bottom of her dress. Her butt stayed the center of my attention for a few seconds until she shifted so the material fell from her ass, and then I concentrated on her hour-glass hips. She started pulling back her hair, and with her arms raised, the curve of one of her breasts and the protrusion of a nipple became visible. I felt more of my crotch bulge, and walking without looking like a duck became a chore. Watching her hands go through her blond hair sent me once again to that imaginary place where her body was sitting on top of mine, rocking back and forth and I was staring into her eyes and looking up at those naked breasts as her hips grinded against my crotch, my dick pushed all the way into her and making her gasp in delight. That fantasy stopped as I got closer to her and she spun around, shocked to see that I was there. “Oh, hi Tim,” she half mumbled and forced a smile. “Hi Erica,” I said with a gulp. My shorts werereally tight, and I could barely think of what to say. “Hey, I was,uh, wondering if, umm, you would like to…maybe, go to a, movie or something,with me on Friday……if you wanted to?” I knew how bad that sounded assoon as I said it. “Uh, well, I’ll have to see if I’m doing anything,” she replied. Well, I guess that wasn’t total disaster. “Hey Ashley,” she suddenly yelled across the lobby. Everyone went silent. “Are we doing anything this Friday? Tim here wants to go to a movie, or something,if I want.” Ugh – it was disaster, totally! Now the entire lobbyheard that I had asked Erica out. This wasn’t going to go well. “Erica, yeah. We’re umm, going to that all-girl orgy. I’m not sure you can get out of it!” came the shouted reply. There were laughs and chuckles from everyone in the room. “Hmm, yeah,” Erica said coolly as she started to smirk. “Tim, it doesn’t look like I can make it, but maybe some other time, ok?” She started laughing and walked away. My self-esteem dropped to nothingness, as did my cock. At least I could walk again. Shawn came over to try to comfort me. “Ouch, that kinda hurt. I don’t know why she had to do that,” he said. “Well I know, Shawn! It’s me! Look at meShawn! I’m not as popular or as cool as you! I don’t know whyyou talked me into this! I knew this would happen!” I was almostin a rage. My face was completely red with embarrassment and I wasletting one of my only friends have it right between the eyes. He tookit like a sport and then calmly said he was going to go home, but maybe wecould hang out this weekend. Though my anger melted away, there I stoodwallowing in my self-pity. I turned to walk out the door when someonelightly tapped my shoulder. “Umm…Hello?” came a soft feminine voice. “I’m sorry,” I said. “Please, no more jokes. Go have your kicks with someone else.” “Oh, no, that’s not what I was going to do…I just saw what happened and…” She didn’t know how to finish. “oh…felt sorry for me?” I asked. “I don’t needanyone to feel sorry for me,” I objected as I spun to look at the personbehind me. I almost jumped when I saw her there. Here stood agirl about 5’7, slightly taller than Erica, but who looked just as gorgeous. Her thin figure was shone off by a pair of very tight jean-shorts, and awhite strapless top that exposed a sexy, lightly tanned midriff. Herstraight black hair fell a few inches below her shoulders and her big browneyes watched me take an inventory of her assets. “No,” she said softly. “It’s just that I’m newin the city and I thought you might be able to show me around. Oh,I’m Rachel,” she said as she extended her hand. I was again at a loss for words. “Hi, I’m Hand, err, Tim,” I said as I shook her hand. She giggled at my reaction. “How about picking me up on Friday at eight?” she asked. Somehow I managed some kind of affirmation, and she wrote down directions to her place and her phone number in case I wanted to call her (like I’d havethe nerve). “Very nice to meet you,” she said as she turned to leave. “Nice to meet you,” I said managed. She turneda few steps out and waved, and I waved back. I couldn’t wait to tell Shawn! I suffered through the next two grueling days of class, being made fun of and laughed at for how I had approached Erica. It was so humiliating that I didn’t remember my date with Rachel until Friday after school. I quickly called her to make sure that we were still on,and she said we were. I quickly showered and threw on a pair of darkslacks and my favorite shirt, and drove off to find Rachel’s house. I pulled up to her address and my jaw dropped. I had seen a lot of large homes on the west coast, but this house had tobe the largest I’d ever seen. The circular driveway was maybe halfas wide as the house, which was at least three floors high and had a hugeporch on the front featuring several large, white columns. There, onan elegant bench on the porch, sat Rachel. Her hair was pulled backslightly and she was wearing a white spaghetti-strap dress which hung looselyat the top of her thighs. She smiled as she slowly descended the bricksteps in front of her house and I got out of the car to open her door forher. “You look amazing,” I said as she approached me, hereyes sparkling. “Thank you,” she said. “You clean up pretty well yourself.” I blushed and she smiled as she gave me a quick kiss on thecheek and slid into my car. I couldn’t help but notice as she sat downthat, while her breasts were not as big as Erica’s, they firmly pushed againsther dress, exposing enough cleavage to make any guy look twice, so I did. “So what are we going to do tonight?” she asked. “I’m a northern Cali girl. I haven’t seen much of southern California.” “Well,” I said. “I thought we’d start off withdinner. I love this Italian place close to the beach.” I didn’ttell her I had only been there once with my parents. “That sounds great!” she said, and we were off. While we enjoyed some small talk on the way to the restaurant, I couldn’t help but keep looking over at Rachel – she looked so good. Her hands stayed folded in her lap (probably to keep her dress down), but looking at her figure – long slender legs, a flat stomach, those plumb breasts, slender arms, and a neckline to die for – made me glad I was going to be followingher around all evening. We got to the restaurant and waited shortly for a table. Rachel excused herself for a brief moment, but by the time she came back ourtable was ready – a small table for two. Over the course of the meal,I found out that Rachel had grown up around San Francisco and her father wasa very successful businessman. Her family had just moved to the areato accommodate his job and as an incentive to relocate, the company paidfor their new house. Rachel then asked me about my family and my past. I had to admit that background wasn’t as flashy as hers, and while I knewmy stories had to sound dull compared to what she was used to, my past seemedto intrigue her, and it looked like she was actually getting turned on. As I told her about myself her eyes seemed to get wider and her speech seemedto have an aroused quality to it, and her listening included deep Hmm’s andOhh’s. I wasn’t really sure what was going on, so I kept talking untilI felt her foot gently touch mine. I stopped and had a questionablelook on my face until she said, “Please, continue.” I continued mycurrent tale for a few moments about how I had never been very popular inschool, and her foot continued to slide up my leg. I shifted in myseat as I felt my dick harden. Rachel must have been able to tell thatI was enjoying her attempts to arouse me, because she smiled and leaned forward,placing her head in her hand and revealing her cleavage that I had so admiredbefore. I wanted to reach out across the table and take one of thosebreasts into my hands, delicately massaging it, but somehow I managed tocontinue the conversation. Then her foot worked its way up my leg untilher toes started rubbing and pushing against my erection. There I was,looking at this beautiful girl as she practically begged me to cum at ourtable in the restaurant. Just as I was about to excuse myself to goto the men’s room (though I wasn’t sure I’d make it), she removed her footand she insisted we finished our meal quickly, though I felt like I was aboutto burst. As we left the restaurant, I couldn’t take it anymore, and tried to excuse myself in order to use the men’s room. “Let’s walk down to the beach!” Rachel said. “Didn’t you want to see the city?” I asked, confused. “Let’s just go to the beach,” she said again with a big smile. She must have known that I needed to jack off because she would not excuse me to go anywhere by myself, only repeating her desire to walk down to the beach. We walked from the restaurant to the edge of the sand, took off our shoes, and headed down closer to the water, out of sight from the people in the restaurant. We sat down side-by side on the sand andlooked out at the water under the moonlight. Rachel sat and hugged herknees to her chest. While her long, smooth legs were totally exposed, I wished I had sat more downhill so I could have seen her panties. Butto my surprise, Rachel placed her hands at her hips and slowly slid her handsdown her legs. Gripped from the sides was a black thong, which shetook off and set to the side. “Well now what should we do?” she asked. I just sat there, my penis trying with all its might to escape my boxers. Sheslowly reached her hand over and patted my thigh, and then felt the bulge in my crotch. “Hmm, that’s interesting!” As she continued to gazeout towards the water, her slender fingers slowly unzipped my slacks andundid the button on my boxers. My dick sprung free and her hands lightlycaressed it. “Yep, that’s what I was looking for,” she said under herbreath, which had picked up a little. She stood up and walked in frontof me, still looking out over the ocean, and slowly placed her hands on herhips, sliding them under her dress and lifting it up to reveal two perfectly-shapedass cheeks that were exactly what I pictured Erica’s to be. Rachelthen slowly turned around to show me her neatly trimmed pussy, which wasalready glistening with her juices. “What should we do, Tim?” I couldn’t answer, all I could do was look at her. As I stared at hercunt, she slowly walked towards me and sat on my lap so the shaft of my dickrested slightly against her pussy lips. She began to rock back andforth, her short mound and pussy beneath gently gliding against the bottomof my erection while she firmly gripped the top of my shaft and began tostroke it. With her other hand she lowered the straps of her dressto expose her breasts to the cool night air. Finally I had her breastsright in front of me, and they needed attention. She then rocked backon her ass and spread her pussy wide open with her fingers. Takingher cue, I pointed my cock towards her hole and let her slide onto my longpole. As she shifted closer and closer, taking more of my dick intoher, she let out low moans, and when she couldn’t come any closer, she letgo and her pussy engulfed me right up to my balls. I was entirely inRachel. Her pussy was warm and soft (yet tight and firm) against mydick, and as she slowly began rocking again in a rhythm, I felt my balls tightenand her vagina dampen even more as she started taking shorter breaths. She increased her rhythm and I started matching it as I took one of her beautiful breasts into my mouth, sucking on the nipple, while massaging her other breast with my hand. My other hand gripped that ass of hers, and I sent one of my fingers drifting along her crack, which made Rachel sigh and start tomoan louder. Fucking Rachel was like a fantasy come true. Herbody was like something out of my dreams, and I couldn’t believe how goodit felt to fuck her. All the sudden I felt a small pulse run through my cock. It slowly began to spread to the rest of my body as I prepared to shoot my load. Rachel seemed to be getting close to orgasm, as her moans rose in pitch and she pulled my head into her breast. All of thesudden my balls released three or four streams of cum into Rachel’s hot pussy. Immediately her back arched, grinding her cunt down as far as it would goon my dick and she tightened around me. I sent two more streams ofsteamy cum into her and her whole body tensed harder around my dick. With a shudder, wave after wave of her juices streamed down onto me, flowingdown my cock and wetting a rather large area of the front of my pants. Her scent was intoxicating. Our bodies both slowly started to relax, and Rachel came off of her high first. She passionately kissed me as she raised herself off of my penis, which made me groan rather loudly, and apologized sweetly for getting my pants wet. It was hard for me to say anything, but I assured her that an apology wasn’t necessary. She kissed me again and by the end of the kiss I was returning to myself. I zipped up my fly and stood up. Rachel picked up her thong and we headed to the car. We got in the car and I just sat there, looking out the window. “First time?” Rachel asked. I just gulped and nodded. “You were great…Hey, I’m sorry about this, but do you think you could take me home?” she asked. “It’s getting a little late.” I looked at my watch and saw it was only 10:30, but I nodded and tried to assure her thatshe was better than great, though I’m not sure exactly what I said. She looked and me and laughed as I turned the key and started to drive her home. Aside from Rachel looking at me and giggling every now and then, nothing much was said on the way back to her house. When I pulled into her driveway, I got out of the car, opened her door, and walked her to her front door. I turned and kissed her gently, and tried to tell her again how great she had been when she interrupted me. “Why don’t you come inside?” she said with a wink. “What about your parents?” I started to object. “Gone for the weekend.” I couldn’t believe it. Not only had I just hadsex with this beautiful girl, but she wanted me to come inside. Myself-esteem grew as I followed her into the house. “Why don’t you go out back to the hot tub and get out of those clothes. I’ll meet you in a second – I’m going to change.” Rachel started up the stairs as I walked through the elaborate living room and kitchen in the direction she pointed me until I came to a deck, only litby the moon. I slowly stepped through the door and saw the edge of the hot tub to the right. I walked straight out to the end of the deck, looked out over a large pool and admired the view from the top of the hill. I slipped off my shoes and unbuttoned my shirt when I heard someone clear their throat. I spun to my right in the direction of the hot tub to see through the shadows the silhouette of a young woman slowly rise from thehot tub and walk in my direction. As she got closer, I saw that itwas Erica in the sexiest swimsuit I had ever seen! I almost fainted. Her white bikini top fit so tightly around her breasts that I expected it to break at any moment and fly in my direction. Her nipples stood straight out and were completely visible through the wet fabric, and a matching bottom transparently covered her shaved pussy – her swollen lips could be clearly perceived through the stretched material. I stared in amazement at herwet body as she pulled her hair back, forcing her breasts to stand out evenmore. A voice came from the back door and I spun quickly to see Rachel there in a light blue bikini similar in style to Erica’s, but witha semi-transparent wrap pulled around her waste. “You’re probably confused,”Rachel said (and that was an understatement, though I wasn’t complaining), “…so let me explain. Erica and I have been friends since we were young. We went to the same school for years until she moved here freshman year. When I found out I was going to come here, she was one of the first people I looked up. However, what I learned before I came, and what you proved tonight, is that shy guys generally not only have huge dicks, but also huge sexual appetites since they never work up the nerve to ask a girl for sex. That’s why I was getting so turned on during dinner – I knew I was going tohave fun. I bet you masturbate at least twice a day, right?” “Usually three or four,” I replied, somewhat embarrassed, though I realized that since I was frustrated so much with the teasing at school, I hadn’t masturbated at all in three days no wonder I had been so charged today! “And how big do you think he is?” Erica quickly asked as she gazed at my crotch. “He’s at least a 9, maybe a 10,” Rachel replied. Erica put her fingers to her pussy and gave a light moan. I could feel my dick start to harden again. Rachel continued, “When we got to the restaurant, I thought Erica might enjoy what I knew I would enjoy at the beach,so I excused myself and gave her a call, telling her to meet us here.” “And here I am,” Erica said as she walked closer to me, her breasts bouncing with every step as they pushed with more and more force against her bikini top. She kept stroking her pussy through her swimsuit until she got close enough to me to cup my cock through my pants. I felt my dick react to her touch and Erica moaned again as she felt it too. She kissed me passionately, inserting her tongue and dancing it around my mouth. I felt my penis grow in her hands and she undid my belt. She broke our kiss and licked Rachel’s juices that had been on my pants off of her fingers. Turning to Rachel she said, “Mmm, you taste good!” Rachel blushed and Erica turned her attention back to me. My pants felldown to my ankles and Erica’s hand went into my boxers, stroking my growingerection. Rachel walked over to me. “Let’s lose these,” she said as she slid my boxers to the ground and I stepped out of them. In the process, my dick sprung out of the cotton, and Erica’s eyes widened as she looked at my huge cock. “Oh my! Well, I’ll see your very large one…mmm,” Erica paused to lick her lips, “…and raise you another,” she said as she slowlypulled her elbows behind her back to touch each other, forcing her breaststo jump out of her bikini. I felt my body shudder as I stared at thoselarge breasts against her athletic frame. As I stared, Erica threwher bikini top over her shoulder. There was only one more little pieceof clothing left on her hot little body. I started to reach for Erica when Rachel stepped shoulder-to-shoulder with her and said, “I’ll call.” She undid a snap on the front of her bikini and it fell loosely in front of her, revealing both of her breasts. I was standing in front of two beautiful women and four gorgeous breasts, not knowing what exactly to do. Suddenly, Rachel jumped and shrieked as Erica had slyly inserted a finger under her blue bikini bottom and into her pussy from behind. Both the girls laughed and I smiled. Then Rachel turned towards Erica and kissed her deeply, pushing their breasts and pussies together as they both started to moan. They kept kissing and started grinding their pussiesagainst one another when in unison they slowly stopped and turned back towardsme. They both slowly stepped forward and instinctively I started tostep backward. Erica smiled and stepped out in front Rachel to holdmy cock again and give me a kiss, then she pushed me and I stumbled intoa low-seated beach recliner that I didn’t know was behind me. Boththe girls giggled as I started to get up. “Oh no,” Erica said. “You can stay down there.” She sat on my lap and started to inch her still-covered cunt near my fully-erected dick. Although Erica’s body had dried off from being out of the hot tub, her bikini bottom had stayed wet and transparent from the state of her pussy. Rachel stepped behind me and started removing my shirt while Erica began to squirm on my legs, giving me what turned into a lap dance. Her hips wiggled and her hands ran through her hair, down her neck, and over her breasts. She squirmed on top of me, getting closer and closer to my penis. Her breasts jiggled and her abs twisted, and that’s when Ilooked down and saw them. Through the transparent material of her bikini,Erica’s pussy lips seemed to leap out towards my cock, reaching for it, andeventually the pussy of my dream girl hugged my shaft though it was stillcovered. Gazing from Erica’s breasts to her pussy, I lost it. I felt a shiver run through my crotch and I started to cum, spraying streams 12-18 inches in the air. “We can’t waste it!” exclaimed Rachel with a smile, and Erica quickly lifted her ass into the air and bent down to suck me dry (giving me a great view down her bare back to that wonderful ass). Hermouth and tongue ran along my dick, and I shot stream after stream of mycum into her mouth and down her throat. At one point I was giving hercum faster than she could swallow and some dribbled out of her mouth ontoher chin. I had never ejaculated so much cum, and when my balls hademptied themselves and I recovered from my state of shock, Erica gave myballs a good lick and then stood up. “You missed some, babe,” Rachel said as she walked over to Erica and licked my cum off of Erica’s chin, then kissed her. “Mmm,” Rachel moaned as she tasted me. “You should get on that thing before it disappears,” she said as the girls broke their kiss. “Oh yeah,” Erica nodded in agreement. “We’re not done yet!” Both girls stood in front of me and removed the rest of theirbikinis exposing their pussies (though Rachel left her wrap on) and Ericastraddled me again. “This should be fun!” Erica said in delight. She started to lower herself onto my cock and she let out a groan as soon as the head of my cock touched her shaved pussy lips, which were cool to thetouch. As my dick entered Erica, the sensation of her shaved pussy againstmy cock brought be back to a state of arousal. Somehow I felt my ballsstart to firm up again, as they began to prepare for another workout. Erica’s pussy felt great, and although at first she seemed slightly looser than Rachel, it was clear that I had the largest dick ever to be in her pussy. She started out only sliding down about half of my cock, and slowly inched herself onto more and more of me. Though she was loose in the beginning, I could feel my dick stretch her as more of my cock entered her hot pussy. “I don’t know that I can get all of it in,” Erica gasped. “Sure you can, baby. Just go slowly,” Rachael replied as she started to massage one of her own breasts, clearly getting hot by watchingErica try to take all of my dick. Erica finally made it the whole way down my long pole, though not in silence by any stretch. She was soon sliding her pussy up and down along the full length of my dick. Erica began to pant and breathe heavier. “Ohhhhhhhh,” she moaned. As the depths of her vagina loosened up, she started to quicken her tempo. I couldn’t believe that I fit in her. All of the sudden, the back of the beach chair let out from under me and I fell flat on my back. There stood Rachel above me,her pussy clearly visible from the angle I was at. “You didn’t thinkI was going to let her have all the fun, did you?” she asked as she spreadher legs over my head, which also stretched her pussy above me. “Enjoy,I’m confident I will!” she said and she slowly lowered her cunt onto my face. I immediately began to suck her juices from her pussy, drinking all thatI could get. I almost forgot about Erica until she started poundingherself on my dick as I began to flick my tongue around Rachel’s hot pussy,looking for her clit (hey, I was a virgin – I wasn’t stupid). Rachelstarted moaning first, and she spread her legs even more to give me as muchaccess to her vagina as possible. I found Rachel’s clit and flickedmy tongue around it, immediately releasing from her an orgasm which broughtmore of her sweet taste into my mouth. Then I heard Erica. “It’s so big…It’s so big,”she panted in-between groans and shrieks. Rachel’s wrap had surrounded me, so that the only thing I could see clearly was the sight of her pussy, which was all I wanted to look at anyway. As I tasted her juices pouring into my mouth again and again, I felt a tingling sensation in my balls for the third time tonight, and I knew I was going to cum again. I forced my head up, going deeper and deeper into Rachel’s pussy with my tongue. She responded by letting out a high-pitched groan and once again her juices flowed into my mouth. I drank all of Rachel that I could. While she calmed down from me eating her out, I felt Erica’s pussy tighten with a strength I’d never felt around my dick. Her pussy muscles took me for all I was worth, and when they finally loosened, I shot my cum into Erica, bringing her to a second orgasm and tightening her pussy around my cock again. Rachel lifted herself off of my mouth and I sat up to bury my face in Erica’s breasts as she forced herself harder and harder down on my crotch. Ifelt a burning sensation in my cock as her pussy muscles continued to grip me. I took as much of her left breast as I could in my mouth while Rachelstarted to suck on the other. Erica reached orgasms again and again,her juices flowing over my dick and legs. With one last bounce on mydick, I felt the tip of my cock bump into something inside of her, and Icame once more, which was followed by her final orgasm. While I continuedto suck her breast, I ran my hands down her back and over her hips and finallyacross her legs as her panting slowly decreased. Erica fell againstme, gasping, “ohhhhh…that was great!” Rachel just winked at me. I brought the back of my chair into the upright position and laid back againstit. Then Rachel sat on my stomach in front of Erica, and we kisseduntil we fell asleep. When I woke up it was late morning. A cool breeze was hitting my face and I pulled the blanket up around my neck. Jolting awake I realized that I was still on Rachel’s deck. I saw a piece of paper flapping in the wind on a nearby picnic table, so I wrapped the blanket around my waist and went over to see what it was. Weighing it down weremy keys, and underneath it was Rachel’s thong that she removed at the beach. Written on the note was the following: Tim, I hope you enjoyed yourself last night as much as I did. I hope you’ll forgive me, but Erica and I have to run some errands today. Feel free to grab breakfast in the kitchen and use the shower upstairs. Give mea call, and we’ll do this again next weekend when Erica’s parents are outof town. Consequently, her older sister will be home from college. See you then in school, Rachel I picked up my keys, the note, and Rachel’s panties, and headed into the kitchenfor breakfast. I was already looking forward to next weekend.