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New Next Door Part 4


Chapter 18 – An Extra Set of Eyes
As I watched Mrs. Perry lift and drop her hips on the chair I thought I saw her bedroom door open. Thinking I was hallucinating I went back to watching Mrs. Perry masturbate. Then I saw the door move again, this time it opened wider. Startled I jumped off the clothes box and thought of yelling to her someone was behind her. I decided not to as I would probably wake up my family then I would really be in a mess. So I looked closely over Mrs. Perry’s shoulder at the door. I stared intently at the door hoping to see whoever or whatever it was that opened the door. Mrs. Perry’s shoulder was in the way however. Hoping that she would just drop her shoulder out of the way briefly I continued to stare at the crack in the door.
Finally Mrs. Perry dropped her shoulder out of the way for a second, revealing what I thought was Maria watching what was going on! I stared more intently at the door waiting for another glimpse over Mrs. Perry’s shoulder. Suddenly I saw the door open wider and the figure stand up in the crack. It was Maria! Our eyes met and I knew she saw me. Maria and I stared back at each other for moment and then she motioned for me to be quiet. Suddenly Maria jerked the door closed and I saw Mrs. Perry remove her hand from under the blanket and push her self up in the chair, opening her eyes. Mrs. Perry then stood up slowly and wrapped the sheet around her waist. “Great!” I thought. “I missed her cumming!” Mrs. Perry climbed off of the bed, came to the window and motioned me to give her the panties.
I climbed off the bed and grabbed the pole, sticking it out the window carefully, hoping not to drop the panties on the lawn. Mrs. Perry reached out and grabbed the pole, pulling it in her window. She took the panties slowly off the end of the stick and turned them inside out. She look them over and slowly raised the cum coated crotch up to her mouth and started to lick it off. As she licked I could just barely see my cum sticking to her tongue and then breaking off as she pulled her tongue away. I could feel my cock start to go hard again as I watched and decided not to jerk off again as I might make a mess of my hand. Mrs. Perry licked the panties for a few minutes and then climbed back up on to the chair. I watched as she undid the blanket around her and spread it once again a crossed her lower body.
I fully expected her to go back to licking the panties, but instead I watched as see took the crotch of the underwear and stuck it under the sheet and started to rub it against her crotch. I couldn’t believe it! But for some reason the thought of the time I masturbated with my sisters used panties that were hanging from her door handle came to mind. I remembered that when I was done with them I put them on the furnace register to dry and then hung them back up on her door. That same night I remember seeing her taking them off the door when she went to have a shower. Later on that night I got a glimpse down her pants and saw she was wearing them! I remember that night I really jacked off good thinking about her having my dry cum in her pussy! Mrs. Perry did this for only a minute or two and then climbed back off of the bed and wrote another note to me. She attached it to the pole with some tape and sent it a crossed. I tore it off of the stick and read it.

That was amazing!
we should do this every night
unfortunately we can’t
your cum tasted good! Yum, yum!
I like it better though straight
from the source though!
I’ll see you Tuesday at 10:30 at school
meet me at the parking lot at the front doors

Sweet Dreams Honey!

            I looked up at the window and saw Mrs. Perry blow me a kiss. I blow one back and saw her shut the window. I quietly snapped my window screen back into place and closed the window. I then quietly as possible moved things back to normal in my room and laid in bed. I glanced over at my alarm clock and surprisingly it said eleven o’clock. I thought to myself, “Wow, that only seemed like was a few minutes!” I closed my eyes gradually fell asleep.

Chapter 18 – The Wait

            The next morning I woke up at six-thirty to get ready for school. The first thing that popped into my mind after the dreadful thought of having to go to school was that of Mrs. Perry and I masterbating together. I slowly got out of bed and sluggishly brought myself out to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I finished eating and then got myself ready for school that morning. My mom drove Emily and me to school and we both went off to class for that day. That night we got home at three-thirty and as we were going in the door Mrs. Perry pulled into her driveway with Maria and her sister Destiny. Not wanting to give any hint to anyone I ignored the car and entered the house. That night at ten o’clock I climbed out of bed and looked out my window to see if Mrs. Perry was at the window, unfortunately not even a light was on.
            Six-thirty arrived Tuesday morning and I found myself almost giddy with excitement. I arrived at school that morning at ten after eight and headed for class. It seemed like English class lasted for ever as I waited intently on ten-thirty to come. English ended at ten-twenty and I hurried out to the front doors of the school. I opened up the front doors and walked out into the parking lot, surveying it for Mrs. Perry’s car. I looked and looked but no car. So I stood off to the side of the parking lot hiding amongst the pine trees waiting for Mrs. Perry to arrive. About five minutes later I saw her car pull into the parking lot, parking in one of the spaces. I walked out from hiding in the pine trees and came up behind the car. I quickly walked up beside the car and opened the door. I stepped into the car and sat on the seat, shutting the car door behind me. “Where were you?” asked Mrs. Perry. “I was hiding over in the pines trees so no one would see me waiting.” I replied. “Oh!” she said, “You kinda of startled me because I didn’t see you coming from behind.” “Sorry!” I said. “That’s alright!” she said. “Are you ready?” “If you are?” I replied surveying Mrs. Perry with my eyes. She had just come from work and was wearing a pair of grey suit pants with a pair a black high heels and a white blouse. “Well let’s go then!” she said as she backed out of the parking space. As she turned around to look out of the rear window I couldn’t help but notice her breasts once again and just stared at them out of the corner of my eye. Mrs. Perry pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive down the street and asked, “Did anyone see you?” “No, I don’t think so!” I replied, “I hurried out of class to the parking lot and hid in the trees so no one would see me.” “That’s good!” she replied.
As we drove home we continued with the small talk with me asking her how her day was so far and what she did and with much of the same coming from her. We came down the street and pulled up to Mrs. Perry’s house. Mrs. Perry turned around and grabbed her purse from the rear seat and said to me, “You wait here while I go open the front door. When it’s open you can get out of the car and hurry in the front door.” To which I replied, “Ok!” I watched as Mrs. Perry got out of the car and walked up to the front. She opened the outer door and then unlocked the inner door, then turning to motion me to come inside. I quickly jumped out of the car and hurried to the front door Mrs. Perry was holding open. I slipped by Mrs. Perry and entered the front hallway, followed by Mrs. Perry.

Chapter 12 – How Bout Lunch!

As I immediately stepped into the entry hall I realized that the layout of Mrs. Perry’s house was actually much different than my house.  The front entrance hall of the house was fairly much the same other than the staircase leading upstairs was on the right hand side instead of the left. Down the hallway appeared to be the living room and off to the left was the kitchen and the dining room. As I bent down to take off my shoes Mrs. Perry asked, “Have you had lunch yet?” “No.” I replied. “How bout we have lunch first before we have some fun?” she asked. “Ok!” I answered with reluctance, even though having lunch did sound like a good idea. Mrs. Perry walked past me, as I followed her to the kitchen for something to eat. We entered the kitchen and Mrs. Perry said, “How bout I make us some ham sandwiches?” “Yeah, that’s fine.” I answered. “You can have a seat in here if you want or go out into the living room while I make lunch.” Mrs. Perry replied.
So I decided to take a seat at the kitchen table and wait for Mrs. Perry to be done. Before long I found myself watching and undressing Mrs. Perry’s body as she moved about the kitchen. Even though Mrs. Perry was wearing suit pants that really didn’t show many curves I found myself watching her plump butt move about underneath her pants and every now and then undressing her with my eyes as her panty line appeared and disappeared. After about five minutes Mrs. Perry sat the sandwiches on the table in front of me and asked, “Do you want a drink with that?” “Sure, what do you have?” I replied. “You can have juice, milk, or some pop.” Mrs. Perry answered. “Juice! Milk!” I thought to myself, “If it’s from where I think it is, I’ll take both!” Retreating from my perverted thoughts I answered, “I’ll have some pop thanks!” I watched as Mrs. Perry walked over to the fridge and bent down to grab the pop. I could only stare as her butt got bigger as she bent down, calling out to me, “Come and fuck me!”
Mrs. Perry began to stand up and I snapped from my trance, pretending I hadn’t been looking. Mrs. Perry sat the cans of Pepsi down on the table and sat down, as we began to eat. We finished eating and Mrs. Perry said, “I’ll just do the dishes and then we’ll get started.” “Alright.” I answered. “You can go and sit out in the living room if you want where it’ll probably be a little more comfortable.” she said. “Ok, are you sure you don’t need any help.” I replied looking for brownie points. “No thanks, I’m fine.” she replied. So I got up from the table and walked out of the kitchen as Mrs. Perry dropped the plates into the kitchen sink. I walked into the living room which was really nice looking even though it was pretty girlly. The carpet was a light purple colour and the walls were painted a light pink. I plopped down on the white suede sofa that engulfed me as I sat down. As I settled into the couch I began to feel really comfortable as the very soft sofa wrapped around every contour in my body. I listened in the background as I heard water splashing and dishes clanging together. Before long I heard the water drain from the sink and footsteps moving a crossed the floor.

Chapter 18 – The Temptress

            I peered toward the door as the footsteps got nearer, waiting for Mrs. Perry to appear. Mrs. Perry appeared in the door way and continued into the living room, approaching me on the couch. I could feel the tension inside me build as I watched Mrs. Perry walk in front of me and sit down beside me on the couch. “How was lunch?” she asked. “It was good!” I replied cheerfully. “That’s good!” she said, “I bet you’re ready to get started?” “Yeah, kinda of!” I replied trying to conceal my excitement. “Well let’s get started!” Mrs. Perry said as she turned to me. Mrs. Perry gently leaned herself toward me and kissed me on the cheek. I turned my head towards her as she pulled away from the kiss and leaned into me, pushing me onto my back on the soft couch. Mrs. Perry laid on top of me as she pushed me down and then kissed me again, this time on the chin. I watched as she pulled herself up length wise on top of me and this time kissed me on the lips.
Not having any experience with girls in the past I wasn’t sure exactly how to kiss Mrs. Perry back on the lips but tried to make an effort anyway so I didn’t completely seem like an idiot. After a few seconds Mrs. Perry stopped and said softly, “You’ve never kissed a girl before have you?” “Ah, no. Not like this at least.” I said. “Well then I’ll have to teach you then.” she said innocently. “Now when you kiss a girl your not trying to take her lips off with your teeth. You wanna use you lips as much as possible almost like if you were trying to eat an ice cream cone and you didn’t have teeth or tongue. And do it gently. Now try it again.” Mrs. Perry kissed me again and I tried doing what she had suggested. “Good!” she said, “Now when you’re kissing me don’t worry about what your lips are doing because if you do that you won’t be a very good kisser. Just let your lips do what comes natural to them and you’ll be just fine!” She leaned forward again and we started to kiss again as I tried to keep doing what she said.
As we kissed I could kinda feel myself get into a rhythm with Mrs. Perry and started to forget that only minutes earlier I had no clue what I was doing. We lay on the couch, Mrs. Perry lying on top of me, with my legs hanging over the side of the couch and a tent slowly growing in my pants. The sound of our saliva being traded, filling the air. We laid in this position for several minutes and then I felt Mrs. Perry pull back from our make out session. I opened my eyes on saw Mrs. Perry slowly pushing herself up off of me and watched as she slowly undid the top two buttons of her blouse. Mrs. Perry looked down at me momentarily and smiled as our eyes met. She looked back down at her blouse and continued to undo the buttons. As she reached the third or forth button her white bra became visible. I could feel my cock gently push hard against my pants, making them peak. Mrs. Perry looked down at my crotch and saw the small tent in my pants. “Someone wants out, don’t they?” she said as she again smiled at me.
She continued to undo the final buttons on her blouse and then pulled the blouse out of her pants. She then slowly shifted herself away from me and then grabbed my legs pulling them onto the couch. I bent my legs and slowly pushed them between her legs. Mrs. Perry then bent down on all fours while looking up at me and slowly crawled towards my head. I watched her breasts as she crawled towards me, hanging from her chest, jiggling back and forth, being held in by her bra. Slowly she brought herself up to my face and kissed me gently on the lips and then moved up even further, placing her breasts just above my face and her blouse hanging off to the side of her on both sides of my face. She began to gently swing her boobs back and forth above my face as I stared directly at them, following them back and forth as they moved. She then said, “How they look?” “Good!” I replied feeling my dick once again push against my pants. “Well maybe you’ll like them even better if I take my bra off?” she said seductively.
I nodded my head in reply and watched as she pulled back from my face and gently sat back on my waist, pushing my hard dick down in my pants. Obviously feeling something hard touch her, she looked down between her legs looking for whatever it was that was hard and then looked up at me. “Well maybe before I do that I should see who else has come to play!” she said softly and seductively. Mrs. Perry slowly shifted herself down over my cock and sat down on her knees. She then took her hands, grabbed a hold of my jeans, and undid the button. She then slowly pulled the jeans up off of my cock. She gently started to unzip the jeans, and carefully pulled the zipper over top of my hard cock. Immediately as the zipper got out of the way my cock stood up, now free from the constraints of my pants. “It looks like somebody’s friend is excited!” Mrs. Perry said innocently. “That’s cause he knew he’d be seeing you!” I replied smartly. “Well then maybe I should introduce myself to your ‘friend’!” she said as my cock started to grow again. “And maybe I’ll introduce you to one of my ‘friends’.”
Calmly I replied, “I think we’d like to meet your ‘friend’!” “Well then let me get her…in a minute!” she said. Mrs. Perry got off of the couch as I watched her boobs move as she got up. She then grabbed the bottom of my pants and started to pull them off. I raised my butt off of the couch and helped her remove my pants, excitedly waiting for what was to come. She pulled my pants off and dropped them on the floor and then grabbed hold of my socks pulling them off, dropping them on top of my pants. Feeling the sudden urge to take off something I sat up and removed my shirt as Mrs. Perry watched. When I pulled off my shirt over my head and looked at Mrs. Perry, I could see she was no longer looking at my face or my shirt, but at my penis.
I through my shirt aside onto the floor. Snapping from her trance Mrs. Perry looked at me again and smiled as she began to remove her left arm from the blouse. I watched as her left arm came out of her blouse, then her right, leaving Mrs. Perry standing in front of me with only her white bra on and her grey suit pants. Next I watched as she reached behind her back and undid the bra, allowing her breasts to spill out underneath her bra. She slowly peeled the straps from her shoulders, only to fully reveal her big slushish breasts. Mrs. Perry took and undid her button to her pants, then slowly undid the zipper revealing her white underwear underneath. I then watched as she slowly and temptingly bent over, causing her big breasts to fall forward and swing back and forth like I thought I could only imagine, causing my penis to slightly twitch and stiffen up. She slowly pushed her pants down her waist fully revealing her underwear, changing the gaze of my eyes from watching her swaying boobs to the crotch of her panties. Mrs. Perry pushed the pants down over her knees and her breasts appeared almost like they where hanging down in her face. Mrs. Perry slowly stood up, as her breasts followed the force of gravity, staying almost completely vertical until they came crashing against her body. She then stepped out of her pant legs one by one, making her breast swing back and forth a crossed her.
She then sat on the arm of the couch, as I watched her breasts jiggle as she sat down and removed her socks. With my penis standing up in the air, Mrs. Perry stood up and turned to me. She slowly placed her left leg over me, as her breasts dangled about and then brought her right leg up on to the couch, straddling me. She crawled up on me a little and then bent down, bringing her face within inches of my erection. Mrs. Perry looked into my eyes for a second and then without warning stuck her tongue out and licked the underside of the head of my penis, causing it to tilt toward my stomach. Her tongue chased after it and pinned it to my stomach. Holding it down with her bottom lip she then began to lick the bottom part of the head and the top part of my shaft, licking the foreskin up and down. With only the small movements of her tongue around the top of my penis I could feel myself get ready to cum.
“Stop or else I’ll cum!” I said as I beared down trying not to cum yet. Mrs. Perry stopped licking and pulled her head back and said, “Oh, I see! I’ll leave this guy alone for the moment! We don’t want it to end this early! It looks like you have pretty good control over yourself for year age though!” “Yeah, it’s not bad! I replied relaxing myself again as my penis started to shrink a bit. Mrs. Perry then crawled up, placing her breasts over my face again. She looked down at my face and I looked back at her and then she lowered her breasts down onto my face, placing it directly between her boobs. Mrs. Perry then shook her breasts back and forth over my face as I closed my eyes. I felt her smooth fleshy breasts move back and forth over my face and could smell the sweet smell of her breasts brushing past my nose. I thought I was in heaven but obviously had no clue as what to was to come.
I could feel my penis rise again and just barely touch Mrs. Perry’s underwear. She continued to rub her breasts against my face for several more seconds and then pulled the fun bags away and said, “What is that I feel against my underwear?” she asked seductively as she looked down between our bodies. “Oh, it’s our big ‘friend’” she said innocently. She looked back up at me and gently gave me a peck on the lips, then she stood up on her knees, hovering above my hardened member. She then looked me in the eye and looked back down at my penis. Mrs. Perry then slowly lowered her crotch down onto my penis just hard enough to give the basic outline of her pussy lips on her underwear. I could feel more blood push its way into my penis making it go harder and apparently so could Mrs. Perry. “Someone likes that, don’t they?” she said. “Yeah, I really like it!” I said as I focused on my penis pushing up against her pussy lips.
She then glanced up and then back down as she started to slowly rock her hips back and forth, allowing my penis to trace her slit under her panties. As she rocked her hips over the head of my penis I could hardly bare the great feeling and finally said not being able to take anymore, “Stop, our else I’ll cum!” Mrs. Perry stopped rocking her hips and lifted her crotch up. She then looked up at me and said, “Ok, I think its time to go upstairs and let that big guy out and play before you blow yourself apart.” Mrs. Perry got up off of me and then stood up. I rolled off the couch and stood up beside her. Mrs. Perry then said, “Just leave you clothes here, we can come back and get them after we’re done.” “Ok!” I replied as Mrs. Perry started to walk. I followed her down the hall and up the stairs watching her nearly naked body shake back and forth as she walked up the stairs and down the hall to her room. The first room we came to on the right was by what I could tell was her daughter Destiny’s room and then on the right hand side was from what I though was Maria’s room.
Next on the right was the bathroom that looked similar to ours and on the left we entered Mrs. Perry’s room. Finally I got to see the inside of the room that I had been looking into all this time. Directly in front of us on the wall was the window opposite to my window. Below it was her bed and to the right was a big mirror. Also next to the bed were two night tables. Off to the left was her closet and dresser. Her room was also fairly girlly as this room also had light pink paint of the wall and a flower border going around the top.

Chapter 18 - Let the Fun Begin

Mrs. Perry stopped at the bottom of the bed and turned around to face me. After making eye contact with me she began to take off her panties. “Finally!” I thought to myself as my erection started to come back to my deflated penis. I watched as she bent down and removed her panties. From my angle I couldn’t really see anything as her body was blocking any sort of view that I had. She then stood back up, brushing my penis through her hair accidentally. My penis followed her hair and then plopped down again in front of me as my eyes suddenly picked up on the most wonderful thing I had ever seen in my life, Mrs. Perry’s vagina.
I suddenly got hard as I stared at Mrs. Perry stepping out of her underwear fully transfixed on her holy grail. I could see as Mrs. Perry stepped out of her panties that she had moderately big pussy lips due to the fact she had had two children and wasn’t a new spring chicken waiting to be plucked. She had a healthy growth of brown pubic hair that from what I thought was trimmed pretty recently. Finally I had full view of Mrs. Perry totally naked, and I surely wasn’t disappointed. Sure she wasn’t a model, and she wasn’t exactly drop dead gorgeous like I’m sure she use to be, but what more can you ask for, she’s got big boobs, a decent body, and above all a pussy ready and willing to be fucked by a boy who’s half her age. Suddenly Mrs. Perry moved toward me, grabbing my hips and lowered herself down in front of me. She looked up at me and said, “I want you to cum in mouth, don’t hold back!” Without even giving me a chance to answer she tilted her head sideways, took my penis into her mouth, and closed her lips around my throbbing cock with her hands firmly holding onto my hips. She slowly went down my shaft, taking me into the base of my dick. She then slowly came back up my shaft, with her tongue running along the underside of my cock.
She pulled out to my head and licked around before slowly going back down my shaft. She reached the bottom of my shaft again and began to gently suck of my very hard penis, I knew that it was only a matter of time before I cummed. She then took her right hand while still sucking on my cock and felt my testicles. It was driving me wild and I couldn’t handle anymore. I quickly placed my hands on the side of her head, readying myself. “Here it comes!” I said. Mrs. Perry quickly drew her lips back on my shaft and I felt her tongue rub past my head as the cum was billowing down my shaft. I felt it erupt from my penis in several long spurts and then splashing off of inside of her mouth and landing on and around my penis. Soon after I felt Mrs. Perry’s tongue brush by the head of my penis, causing me to let out another shorter spurt of cum into her mouth.
I felt her tongue moving around the bottom of my penis licking up the cum. I started to feel my dick go soft and said, “I’m done!” Mrs. Perry then swallowed hard taking down my cum and then started to lick the head of my cock again, keeping it from going limp. I could feel as her tongue moved around, the warm cum slowly coming off my penis. I felt her swallow again, and then remove my penis from her mouth, grabbing it with her right hand. I saw her swallow again and examine my cock for reminites of cum. Then she looked up and said, “That felt good didn’t it?” “That felt great!” I replied. “Good! You’re cum tasted even better! Now we don’t have to worry about you making a mess on the bed before we even get started! Just go and lay on the bed for minute. I have to make a stop to the little girl’s room! When I come back I’ll teach you how to pleasure me!” she said seductively.
Mrs. Perry walked by me, down the hall to the bathroom as my eyes followed her and my erection dimmed. Hearing the door close, I turned around and crawled on the bed. I turned over onto my back and waited for a second, then pondered the thought of looking in her night table. With hormones taking over my sensibility I turned over and quietly opened the drawer. In the drawer all I saw were gardening and decorating magazines. I closed the door and rolled to the other side of the bed to examine the other night table. I began to open the drawer when I heard the toilet flush and quickly closed the drawer, and then rolled into the center of the bed. I laid on my back with my legs spread open and watched for Mrs. Perry to appear. From around the corner she appeared in the door way and walked in. She climbed onto the bed as I watched her boobs flop about, crawling on top of me until her waist was directly above my face. She then stood up on her knees, giving me a close up view of her vagina.
Having seen women’s vaginas before in porno's I was somewhat familiar at what they looked like. However, I noticed that Mrs. Perry’s vagina was a bit different than others I had seen. Her pussy lips were fairly large and stuck out quiet a bit, revealing a lot of her wrinkled up labia. I figured that this was probably because she was older and she did have two kids, unlike the younger women in the porn I had looked at. To me her vagina was almost like a small mouth just waiting to have something put in it. Mrs. Perry said, “Lick the piss from my pussy!” Being somewhat shocked by her request I hesitated momentarily. Suddenly, Mrs. Perry slowly lowered herself just above my face. It was almost like everything had gone into slow motion as her vagina got closer to my face. Her vagina got closer and closer, and started to open up as she bent down. Mrs. Perry stopped within about an half and inch above my mouth. I slowly stuck my tongue out and for the first time felt the warm flesh of a woman’s pussy lips.
I started to lick very softly up the outside of her labia and then back the other way. As I licked back down her labia I could taste a salty taste of urine on my tongue. I reached the bottom end of Mrs. Perry’s labia and was going to go back up when Mrs. Perry lifted away from my head and shifted herself just above my chest. She then gently brought herself to rest on my chest as I felt her butt cheeks spread out over my chest, gently pinning me underneath her. I looked up at her, not having whole lot of choice of where I could look. Mrs. Perry looked down at me and said, “Are you ready?” “Yeah!” I said. “Good!” she replied as she raised herself off of me, laying on the bed beside me. “Get up and I’ll lay down.” she said. I did as she asked and moved myself to the side of the bed. Mrs. Perry then moved herself into the center of the bed and laid down, spreading her legs open. “Crawl in between my legs!” she said. I crawled a crossed the bed and positioned myself on my hands and knees in between her legs. “Now lay down in between my legs so your tongue can lick my vagina.” Mrs. Perry said.
I slowly positioned myself onto my stomach and then looked up at Mrs. Perry. “You ready?” she said. “I think so.” I replied. “Ok, first let me see if you can give me good oral the first time or if you need help.” She answered. Not really knowing what to do I stuck my tongue out and softly started to lick her labia again. After only about maybe twenty seconds Mrs. Perry said, “Ok, stop for minute. I’ll tell you what to do.” I pulled my head back and looked up over Mrs. Perry’s body and looked at her face. Suddenly Mrs. Perry sat up on her left elbow and brought her right hand down into her crotch. “The first thing you need to know is that you can lick a lot harder than you were, I’m not going to break.” She said in a motherly voice. “And secondly, you can go inside my pussy lips and lick in there. Ok?”
 “Yeah!” I answered somewhat embarrassed. “You didn’t do anything wrong, you just weren’t doing it right because you have no experience. That’s why I’m here, to teach you!” Mrs. Perry said. “Now the first thing for me to teach you is what all of this is.” Mrs. Perry reached down and slowly opened up her pussy lips. “Now these pieces of flesh are my labia and really don’t serve much of a purpose other than being used to suck and nibble on. And in here is my vagina.” She said as she stuck her index finger in. “This is where your penis goes when you have sex. Which you probably already know?” I shook my head yes. “Up her is where you should be licking.” She said as she moved her fingers up her labia exposing a small bump at the end. “This is my clitoris! Do you know what it is?” she asked. I replied, “Not really, I heard of it before though.” “Ok, well, this is where a lot of nerve endings are. Kind of like the head of your penis. It’s really sensitive and if you lick or suck there on a woman, you’ll give her an orgasm.
So this is where I want you to lick.” She replied. “Ok!” I answered. “Now when you lick my clitoris you can do it however you want, anything works.” She said. “Alright!” I replied. “So start licking me there and I’ll tell you if you’re doing it right. You can use you fingers to if your tongue gets worn out, but try and just use your tongue.” Mrs. Perry said. I once again lowered my face back into her crotch and tried to do as she said. I slowly opened up her labia with my fingers and found her clitoris once again. I stuck my tongue out and licked up and down. As I licked her clit I could taste an even more strong salt taste on my tongue. After about a minute of licking Mrs. Perry said suddenly, “Keep it up and you’ll me orgasming in no time. If I start to moan you’ll know that I’m close!” I continued to lick her clitoris for several more minutes and I could feel my tongue gradually getting worn out.
So I took my right hand and started to gently rub her clit. I looked up at Mrs. Perry and could see that her breathing had increased and that her cheeks had begun to turn red. After giving my tongue a break I began to lick up and down and around in circles on her clitoris once again. I continued to lick for several more minutes and felt my tongue start to wear out again. Finally I heard Mrs. Perry quietly cry out, “Ahhh!” I couldn’t believe it! She was actually starting to orgasm. Rejuvenated by her cry I closed my eyes and intensified my licking over her clitoris as I could feel my erection grow again. Up, down, up, around in circles I went trying to get Mrs. Perry to cry out one more time.
Suddenly I felt her hands land on the top of my head and push my head down towards her vagina. I continued to lick with her hands firmly on top of my head, holding it down. Soon I felt her legs move and straddle them over my shoulders. I could feel her legs slightly squeeze against my head as she again cried out louder this time, “Ahhh!” I knew she must be a least close to orgasm and I continued my licking. Suddenly, I felt her hands shove down on my head, her legs squeeze against my face and her entire body tighten up as she cried out loud, “Ahhh…ahhh…AHHH!” Then gradually Mrs. Perry untightened her vice lock around my head. She pulled her hands off of my head and I looked up at her to see what had happened. I could see that Mrs. Perry was now breathing very heavily and that her face had turned a light red.
As I looked at her face she lifted her head and looked down at me. “That was perfect!” she said breathing heavily. “Do you want to try something else?” “If you want to?” I replied. Mrs. Perry raised her legs from over my shoulders and placed them down beside me. “Is that friend of yours ready to fuck me?” Mrs. Perry asked. “Yeah, I think so. I’m getting hard again.” I replied. “Good!” she replied. “Now give me a kiss!” I carefully pulled myself up on top of her trying not to break my dick in half and kissed her on the lips. “Is your dick hard enough to go in?” she asked. “You tell me!” I replied as I lifted myself off of her. “It looks hard enough for me!” she replied. “Now lean closer to me so I can put it in me.” I did as she said and lowered my hips closer to her vagina and felt her grab a hold of my hard cock in her hand. I felt the head of my penis graze her pussy lips and then slide in between her wet and warm lips. Next I felt my dick become surrounded by her wet and warm vaginal flesh. “Now push it in!” she said. I lowered my hips and pushed my penis into her warm depths.
As I pushed in I could feel her warm vagina wrap around the shaft of my penis. I had never felt anything like it before, not even oral sex felt like this.  “Are you in?” Mrs. Perry asked. “Yeah, I think so!” I replied. “Now lay yourself against me and thrust your hips back and forth to pull your penis in and out. Began to thrust my hips back and forth, getting use to having to move my hips instead of my hand. Gradually I started to get use to thrusting my hips, all the while fighting off the urge to cum inside of Mrs. Perry that soon. “You’re doing good!” said Mrs. Perry. “When you want to cum, just do it inside of me so I can feel your warm cum coat my pussy.” Not thinking I asked her, “Shouldn’t I be wearing a condom so I don’t get you pregnant?” “Of course not, I can’t get pregnant anymore! Thank God for menopause. I hated having to use a condom.” Mrs. Perry replied.
Having Mrs. Perry give me the OK to cum I started to thrust faster knowing that I was only seconds away from cumming. I closed my eyes and within four thrusts of my dick going in and out of Mrs. Perry I felt cum race through my dick and out into Mrs. Perry’s vagina, splashing against her vaginal wall. “Your cum feels good!” Mrs. Perry said. I felt five or six shots come out and then my penis began to go flat again. I stopped thrusting and laid on top of Mrs. Perry, trying to recover from the most wonderful thing I had ever felt. Silently as I laid on Mrs. Perry I could feel my penis slowly shrink and could feel Mrs. Perry’s vagina gradually starting to close up again as it pushed my penis out. Slowly I pushed myself up and pulled my penis out and laid next to Mrs. Perry. As I laid down on my back Mrs. Perry sat up and went for my cock which had very little cum left on it. She quickly picked it up in her mouth and licked it best as she could now that it was no longer hard. “All clean!” she said innocently.
Mrs. Perry then straddled my body and laid down on top of me, wrapping her arms around my neck. Silently Mrs. Perry and I laid on her bed, trying to pull ourselves together. Breathing heavily I watched as my chest pushed Mrs. Perry up and down on top of me as I took a breath in and out, and I could feel Mrs. Perry’s sweaty body smoothly glide a crossed my sweaty body. Mrs. Perry and I laid on the bed silently for what only seemed like a minute but in reality must have been a least an hour. Quietly Mrs. Perry broke the silence and said, “How was your first time?” “Really good!” I replied happily. “That’s good! I enjoyed it too.” She answered. Again we laid in silence for only about a minute and then Mrs. Perry spoke up again, “It’s been a while since I had sex last. The last time I had sex was when I was married.”
“How long ago was that?” I replied wanting to know more. “About five years ago, I think. Yeah, I think it was about five or six years ago because Maria was about nine and Destiny was about seven.” She answered. “How come you haven’t had sex since then?” I asked. “Um, well. I just haven’t really wanted to bring men home with me while my daughters were around. And I don’t like the idea having casual sex either with someone I just met because who knows where they’ve bin!” Mrs. Perry replied. “Well, why did you want to have sex with me then?” I asked. “Well I didn’t ever plan on it, but when I saw you watching me through the window it triggered something and I suddenly felt really in need of having sex with a man, any man, no matter how old or young they were. The thought of having sex with you came to mind but I fought the urge for a while because this is pretty risky having sex with you seeing as your only sixteen. But it’s just as risky having sex with some dirty old man, who could have a hundred different diseases. And after our meeting in the kitchen, I knew that you obviously didn’t have any disease. After that I was even more turned on to having sex with you because you had no experience at all and I could teach you.” Mrs. Perry answered.
“Are you mad?” she asked. “No, I’m not mad. I loved having sex with you! I was just wondering why you chose me instead of someone else.” I replied. We laid silent for a second and then I asked, “Did you masturbate?” “Did I masturbate!” Mrs. Perry said as she turned her head to face me. “Of course I did! I couldn’t have waited this long to have sex without it!” she replied. Mrs. Perry then pushed herself off of me and said, “I’ll show you!” as she leaned over to the right side of the bed and opened the night table drawer. I watched her breasts sway about as she reached in and pulled out her dildo, then sat down in between my legs, and my hardening member once again. I surveyed the dildo in her left hand and thought that it wasn’t really that big. It was more about the size of my penis, just a little longer than mine with a light blue see thru colour to it and had what looked was gel inside of it. “This is my plastic lover!” said Mrs. Perry trying to act serious. “I don’t know where I would be with it!” “So what do you do with it?” I asked, already knowing what it was used for. “What’s it used for? I think this is a trick question isn’t it?” she replied suspiciously. “I think you already know what it is. You just want me to use it! Your ‘friend’ seems to want me to.”
 “Well maybe I know what it is…a bit!” I replied. “I thought so! You’ll have to wait until next time to see what it ‘does’, because it’s already one-thirty. We can’t be late getting you back to school or someone might think something’s going on.” She said. “Yeah, I guess your right.” I replied reluctantly. Mrs. Perry got up off the bed and placed the dildo back in her night table, as I climbed off the bed.
Chapter 18 – Still Hungry?

She walked over to the doorway where I was standing and I followed her down the stairs back to the living room. As we walked down the hall I began to watch Mrs. Perry once again with my semi-erect penis. I followed her down the stairs and into the living room and watched as Mrs. Perry bent over and grabbed her socks from the floor. As Mrs. Perry stood up, I bent down to a least look like I was making an effort to get dressed. Mrs. Perry sat down on the couch and lifted her right leg up, putting her first sock on. Then she lifted up her left leg, doing the same for it, as I slowly turned my pants the right way up while out of the corner of my eye watching Mrs. Perry getting dressed, still with my semi-erection. I turned towards Mrs. Perry, bringing into her full view of my semi-hard cock. I watched as she looked around looking for something on the floor. As I bent down to put my left leg in my jeans Mrs. Perry said, “Your penis is still hungry, huh?” “Yeah, it wasn’t before but I think it’s ready again.” I replied.
“Well seeing as I forgot my underwear upstairs, come a fuck me on the couch!” she said. “But this is the last time! Alright!” “Yeah, I promise!” I replied happily. Mrs. Perry leaned back on the couch and scooted her butt to the front of the couch cushion, spreading her legs. I walked in between her legs and she said, “Ok…ahh, I guess what your going to have to do is bend over me and bend your legs to get in me. I’ve never done it like this on the couch before!” Mrs. Perry lifted her legs in the air while I got close as I could to the couch and bent and spread my legs far enough to put my dick in her pussy. I leaned forward over Mrs. Perry, placing my head just over her left shoulder and put my arms down beside her on the cushion.
Mrs. Perry reached forward with her right hand and grabbed my now hard dick and directed it into her pussy. “I’m not really sure how this is going to work, but thrust your hips at me or do anything I guess. Just make sure when you cum, you do it in me and not on the couch.” She said. “I’ll try.” I said. I began to pump my hips into her as my dick squeezed into her, disappearing into her vagina causing Mrs. Perry to sink back into the couch. I pulled out and Mrs. Perry bounced toward me. I pushed back in, sinking Mrs. Perry back into the couch again. “Kept doing like that but faster, it’ll be easier with me bouncing back and forth.” Mrs. Perry said as I thrust out. I thrust quickly back into her pussy and then out. I could feel my cock already to blow one more time, with my balls firmly being held against my body.
I thrust in and out 3 more times and then as I thrust out I could feel myself ejaculate. I quickly thrust back in feeling ejaculate flying down the shaft of my penis out into the warm surrounding vagina. I took a short thrust out, expecting more cum to be shooting out. I thrust back in and felt my penis twitch inside of Mrs. Perry’s vagina, this time however not feeling ejaculate come out. “Could I be out?” I asked myself. I pulled out and thrust back in again hoping something would come out. Nothing did though. I stayed in her vagina for a second and then felt my erection fade again. “Are you done?” Mrs. Perry asked. “I think so.” I replied as I pulled my cock out of her pussy. I slowly stood up and backed away from Mrs. Perry as she lowered her legs to the ground and began to stand up. “Wow, that was different!” she said as she stood up, “That felt kind of good. I’m going to get my underwear.” Mrs. Perry walked out of the room and out of sight.
I looked over my penis and saw that other than pussy fluids I was clean enough to put on my clothes again. I began to get dressed and Mrs. Perry returned to room to get dressed. We both got dressed without saying a word and headed to the car. We got into the car and Mrs. Perry drove me back to school. About a minute or two before we got to the school Mrs. Perry said, “I enjoyed that!” “So did I!” I answered. “Good! We’ll do it again sometime.” She replied. “But you won’t see me at the window tonight.” “Why?” I asked. “I think Maria is getting suspicious of what’s been going on at night.” She answered. “What makes you think that?” I asked knowing that Maria already knew about our late night encounter. “I’m not sure, I just have that feeling.” She replied. “So no more stuff at the window for the next week. Ok?” “Ok!” I replied. “If I get a chance to have sex with you again I’ll call you over to the house. Alright?” “Yeah!” I replied.
Mrs. Perry pulled off to the side of the road in front of the school and let me out. Mrs. Perry drove off and I headed off to finish off the best ‘school’ day ever.