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The Kids Call Me FT - Chapter 4: Virginia's Suede Challenge


What I couldn’t fathom was the link between that and the dick brushing I had enjoyed. I was determined to find out, however. To that end, I had just asked the class, “If a friend dares you to do something, and you get caught doing it, what’s the right thing to do?”Hands were waving, and Ginny was trying to make herself as small as possible in her seat. I looked directly at Virginia as I called on one of the other kids. It wasn’t going to be too difficult to lead the discussion to the reasonable conclusion that when caught, the best solution was to come clean. The next step was to accept responsibility, especially if the dare involved doing something wrong.The class discussion had picked up speed. “That’s right, Billy...” He was Officer Friendly’s snot-nosed kid. “Peer pressure can be really tough.” I caught Ginny glancing up at me. “But, what do you do about it?”As Billy launched into some misguided answer, I strolled over to Virginia’s desk and purposely slid my hands into my pockets. I knew Ginny was warily observing me, and I clenched my hands in my pockets, quickly making a cloth bridge across my crotch. I caught the slightest trace of red tingeing her ears. I relaxed my hands.I went back and forth with the class, each time asking the question: “What do you do about it?” As I did, I kept circling closer and closer to Ginny, repeatedly making the little bridge in my pants, and looking directly at her. She had rearranged herself and was now sitting properly at her desk. Had I seen this body language on a woman, I would have concluded she had resolved to stand up to the challenge. However, this wasn’t a woman, but a nubile 18-year-old who had just started strutting her budding sexuality. The little guy in my pants was stirring in hopeful wonderment.I continued to stalk my little prey, coaxing the discussion along while furtively roaming my eyes over her. Her black slacks were snuggled tightly around her, dipping low under her navel. Her bare tummy was flat and toned, showing no sign of the little rolls of baby fat that many girls her age had. Her perky, nicely proportioned chest supported a long, sinuous neck draped with auburn tresses. The vision was capped with two dark eyes that sported deep, black pupils. When she smiled, they emanated a heat that was disarming. The effect was wanton and waif-like.As the discussion whirled around us, I found her beginning to hold my looks. She had loosened up to the point of almost seeming defiant. Glancing at the clock, I was surprised to find but two minutes remaining in class. Time to end things.“That was excellent!” I walked to my desk, retrieved a prepared envelope and turned to the class. “Matter of fact, I’m so pumped about you guys really getting a grasp on this peer pressure thing, I’m giving you the weekend off!” The class erupted. Weekends without homework were always a major score. I spoke over the din. “Jim, here’s the progress report for your mom and dad.” He looked a little scared as I handed him the envelope. “Nothing to worry, buddy. You keep applying yourself, and you’re going to pass.” He beamed. As I turned back to the desk, the kids were shuffling around, getting their things together and waiting for the impending bell. “Oh, and Virginia… please see me right after class.” I had pointedly not looked at her. I didn’t want to tip my hand. The bell sounded and a tidal wave of kids spilled out into the hall. Ginny was standing in front of my desk, defensively hiding behind her armful of books. I steeled myself for my first parry. Drawing an audible breath, I looked down as I slipped my hands into my pockets and created another cloth bridge. I relaxed my hands as I slowly looked up at her. She had caught this little action, but showed no particular response to it. “I want you to report to me directly after school.”She was horrified. “But… but, I can’t. The cheerleaders are all goin’ over to Beth’s house to make signs and stuff for the game tomorrow! If I don’t go, they’re gonna get pissed. I could even get kicked off the squad!” She was pleading in earnest. I didn’t say a word.“Please, FT. Can’t I do it on Monday?”She wanted to negotiate! I heard opportunity lightly rapping. I stirred up my gentle, warm voice. “No, Ginny, I’m sorry. I really think we need to talk today.” Her face fell. I let her stew for a moment, then continued. “Look, you’ve got one more period left today. I want you to take some of that time and think. If you decide to be honest, and up front with me, it shouldn’t take much time. As a matter of fact, if you happen to miss the bus, I’ll even give you a ride over to Beth’s house.” She was beginning to loosen a bit, but was still bummed out.“However, if you can’t be open and direct with me, like I am with you…” I paused for effect. “If you decide to con me, or to bullshit me, then you’ll have to suffer the consequences.” I looked her directly in the eyes. “Fair enough?”She sighed. Her eyes dropped to the floor. “Okay.” “Then you better head off before you’re late for Last Class.” She turned and trudged out the door. I watched her leave, the tight black pants cupping her buttocks and the line of her panties accentuating the natural sway of her hips. Then the vision was gone.I turned back to the empty room. By some stroke of fate, the only free period I had on Fridays was the final one. I settled into my chair, and unconsciously, my left hand circled around my cock. I began to replay my little fencing match with Ginny. Why was I cornering her like that? For that matter, what was it about the past couple of days? Why did these young girls suddenly seem so accessible? How had I managed to get my dick licked by four different girls? I wasn’t unlucky with women… but I wasn’t that good.My mind turned to the morning’s exchange with Gordon, and the eventual offer of a full-time position. “What the hell is up with that?” I had muttered out loud, and was surprised at hearing my own voice. I shook it off, and began to correct homework.It took the better part of the period to wade through the papers. I was just like the kids. I didn’t want to have homework over the weekend, if I didn’t have to. My mind was working on next week’s meeting with Gordon, where we would discuss my new role as Life Skills teacher for the school. He had mentioned some required involvement with the high school and I was mulling over what that might entail when the bell rang. I took my post in hall.The kids were jabbering and jostling each other as the sound of slamming lockers reverberated through the halls. I was nodding to the kids as they passed. I found myself becoming rather humbled, (and pleased), at the number of students who called me FT.“Hey, FT!” That voice belonged to Luanne. She sidled up to me, her soft, full lips breaking into a sensuous smile. My mind leapt back to the previous night when my dick had enjoyed that incredibly talented mouth. “I missed ya today. Saw ya in the office this morning. Thought you were in trouble with old man Gordon when he took you in the office and closed the door.” She actually seemed concerned.I chuckled. “So did I, kiddo! So did I!” “Ya not in trouble, are ya?”“No, sweetness. Matter of fact, everything’s going well.”“Good. Well, gotta go.” She started down the hall, whirled around and called back to me. “You going to the game tomorrow?”“Wouldn’t miss it.”“Cool. See ya there.” She turned and melded into the throng. The halls were thinning out when I saw Ginny round the corner. She was obviously dejected, and was heatedly talking with her shadow, Beth. Beth was shaking her head, repeatedly saying “no”. Beth glanced my way, and upon seeing me, broke into a mischievous smile that was definitely a little too old for her. She waved, then looked back at Virginia. She sternly said something to Ginny and the fight seemed to slip out of her. Turning back to me, Beth flashed another smirk of a smile before scooting down the other hall. Ginny was abandoned there, and had little choice but to begin walking toward me. She had her purse slung over her shoulder, and her gait was deliberate. That struck me as a bit odd. She had obviously made some sort of decision, and was now resolutely pursuing it. The low dip of her slacks tantalizingly highlighted the flatness of her tummy, and the gentle sway of her low-riding waistband was mesmerizing. I had to force my eyes away as she closed the gap between us.I stood sideways in the door, letting her pass in front of me. My dick leapt in astonishment as my trousers were brushed once again! I fumbled for the doorknob, and finally grasping it, drew it closed. I cleared my throat.“That’s exactly what I want to talk about, young lady.”“What?” She knew what. “That’s the second time today that you have, um… accidentally brushed your hand against me.”“No, it’s not.” She was standing directly in front of me.I hate it when the kids argue with me, especially when they know that they’re wrong. “You most assuredly did!’ I had a firm frown on my face, which deflated her defiance a bit.“But, FT… I didn’t. I mean, well… I did, but…” She lapsed into silence. She wanted to get something out, and I needed to make it a little easier on her. I softened my voice. “Ginny, what is it?” The question seemed ignored. Throwing caution to the wind, I tried another tact. “Okay, let’s try it this way. If I accidentally brushed against you like this,” I reached out and quickly drew my curled forefinger along the imaginary line from just below her navel to the tender nether region hidden behind the tight, black slacks. I deliberately retracted my hand as I continued, “How would you feel?”She gave me a half-nod shrug. “And, if you thought it might be deliberate, like this…” I lightly squeezed her small, right breast, and quickly pulled my hand back. “How would you feel?” Again, no reply. My voice took on its silky, warm tones.“Ginny, we need to talk about this. It wouldn’t feel right, would it? It wouldn’t seem fair.”“I know.” She was looking at the floor. “I’m sorry.” She half-gulped, half-sighed, then bravely carried on in a small, quiet voice… never once looking up from the floor. She told me how it was Beth that had put her up to it, and that it was indeed a Suede challenge. Beth had invited her to become a “Suede”, and Ginny said that it was something she had always wanted. In a way, I couldn’t blame her. Inclusion in that exclusive clique was a guarantee of popularity, which in turn, was a powerful lure for a kid like Virginia.“But, to join, you gotta go through initiation. There’s bunches of ways to do it, but the Senior guys always make the girls give’em blowjobs as part of it.” She looked at me, and I was careful not to disclose my joy at discovering that little tidbit. “Well, not always. I mean, there’s like 7 or 8 of them, and they make the girl do it to all of them, all at once, unless one of the Queens chooses something else. Beth’s a Queen, and ‘cause me and her are friends, she said she’d get me out of it. She said she done it and it was kinda gross.” I cringed at her grammar, but now was no time to bring it up.“I see.” The image of Beth on her knees with a team of high school seniors taking turns poking their dicks in her mouth was pleasant. The image of her cum-splattered face was even better. I pushed the pornographic scene out of my head. “Exactly what did Beth tell you to do?”There was a pause. “That I had do it with a teacher.” She was speaking so softly that it took a moment for her words to sink in. “She said she’d pick the teacher, and I’d hafta to do three things. I gotta keep rubbing his…” She paused, obviously searching for words. Finding none, she hurried on. “…his dick. But, I hafta to do it in front of people, like in public, and I hafta to do it whenever she tells me to. Then I hafta to let him feel me up.” She was blushing, and her discomfort at this confession was palpable. “Then I hafta to blow him.”The little guy in my pants raised his head and screamed, “Score!” “Why me, Ginny? I mean, what if another teacher had seen you touching me, what would they have thought? Surely, they wouldn’t have believed for a second that it was something you wanted to do.” I bored my eyes into her. “They would have blamed me.” She was withering under this onslaught, but I had to continue. “Don’t you think they would have reported me? Don’t you think the principal would have fired me? Don’t you realize, that if things got really bad, I could even get arrested?” I quickly wondered if I was projecting my own, unspoken fear. I tucked it away for future contemplation. “Did any of that ever enter your mind?”She was truly concerned. “You wouldn’t get fired, would you? Why would they arrest you? It wasn’t like you were coming on to me, and stuff.”“Ginny, it’s the problem of how it appears. If someone had seen you, I really could have gotten into all kinds of trouble.”Her eyes were beginning to well up. Time to ease up a little. I reached out and gently lifted her chin. “I realize you didn’t mean to get me in trouble.” I smiled, “Did, you?”She softened. “No.” “I didn’t think so.” Curiosity was getting the best of me, so I decided to ferret out a little more information before giving her the chance to “fix” things. “Why did Beth select me for this honor?” I delivered my question with just the right touch of sarcasm.“She picked you ‘cause I said she’d better not pick anyone gross.” Something was working behind those deep, black eyes of hers. “Besides, she thinks you’re cool. She says she thinks you’re wicked cute all the time.” The youngest member of the cheerleading squad was ratting her friend out! That might come in handy.“I see.” I leaned back against my desk, and clasped my hands over my cock, hiding the interest that the little guy was showing. “What happens if you don’t complete the task?” She looked a little worried. “Beside doing a whole bunch of stupid, gross stuff, I’m going to hafta give the guys blowjobs.”“I take it, that’s not something you want to do?”“Yuck”. Like the word “cool”, it was spoken in two syllables.“Have you ever done that?” I feared the quiver in my voice would betray me.She paused for a moment. “Ya mean a blowjob?” I nodded. She looked back at the floor again. “Nope.”“Then I guess I understand why you’d be upset about having to do it with a whole bunch of guys at once.” She seemed to shiver her reply. I reinforced the shiver. “Especially if you had never tried it before.” I let the moment pass, then queried, “So, what are you going to do about the predicament you’ve gotten yourself into?”“I don’t know.” She was beginning to well up with tears again. “I wanna be a Suede so bad. It would be like so cool.” She paused, then stumbled on. “I don’t wanta suck all those guys, but…” She lapsed into silence.I picked up where she left off. “Perhaps, you may not have to.” She whipped her head up. “What?!” “I said you may not have to.” I began to weave my seductive trap. “I don’t want you to get your hopes up, but I’ll consider it.” Her face brightened. “Really?”“I said, perhaps. I need to think this through. I really hate the thought of you being on your knees in front of a bunch of guys who are just going to blab it all over the place, ruining your reputation. Even worse, I hate the idea of you having to suck on one penis after another, until every one of them ejaculates on you…” She was cringing with every word. “Or… even ejaculates in your mouth!” She was developing a serous case of the willies. “But, what you’re asking of me is a lot. It means that I’d have to trust that you’d never say a word. I’d have to believe that, in order to be willing to take the chance.” I softened my voice. “Look, Ginny, I care about you. I think you’re a sweet kid. If I didn’t, we wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place. You’d be in the principal’s office, and we’d be calling your parents.” She was trying to remain composed, but was confused with the hope I offered on one hand, and the disgusting images I dangled on the other. “If you could convince me to trust you… if you could convince me to take the risk of going to jail, so you could become a Suede… well…” Did she want the bait?“Well what, FT?”“I might just be convinced to help you.” Relief was creeping on to her face. “I’m not promising anything. And, of course, we would have to make sure that Beth never said anything either.”“She wouldn’t. I know she wouldn’t.” Ginny was beginning to bubble with excitement over the potential change of events. “Do you think you really would? I mean, do you think you’d help me?”“I might. I need to think about it.” It was time for another pregnant pause. I deliberately acted as if I was mulling the problem over. I let a few moments pass, then gave the merest of nods, acting like I had come to a decision. “You know, you have a lot of convincing to do?”“I know. Please?”I forced a sigh. “Okay, here’s what I suggest. For now, let’s just pretend that you’re still just trying to touch me. That is what you’re supposed to do, isn’t it.” She nodded. “And… don’t mention this conversation to Beth. I mean it! One word, and deal’s off.”“I promise.”“Okay, then. For now, we’ll just play it by ear.” The hands on the clock told me that the first bus had finally departed. I acted concerned. “You’ve missed the bus.” Virginia started to look bummed. “That’s not a problem. Come on, I’ll give you a lift over to Beth’s house, and we talk a little more on the way.”A smile spread across her face. “Thanks, FT. You’re so cool.” She actually stood on her tiptoes and quickly pecked me on the cheek! I glowed, and decided that the little guy in my pants had been patient long enough. “So, what’s the game plan for now?”“To keep touching you.”“Soooo…” I pushed my hips forward just slightly. Immediate understanding flashed on her face and Ginny looked a little embarrassed. Still, I thought her black eyes were sparkling. She reached out and quickly brushed her hand over my growing erection.“Actually, if we’re going to do this, we should plan on doing it right. Touching me like that is fine if we’re in class, or the halls, or something. However, if you want me to take the chance of getting caught, then the rest of the time you really should do it properly. Now, try again.”She gave me another one of those half-nod, half-shrugs. Her hand reached toward my now tenting prick. She tentatively slid her fingers against the outline of my straining member. Her fingers explored the length of me, squeezing the shaft before sliding over the head. Then her hand was gone.I wanted more. “That’s a little better. We can always work on it.” I smiled to reassure her. “Let’s get going. If we leave now, we’ll get to Beth’s house just about the time everyone else shows up.” I flicked the light off and we left the building. Outside, I scanned up and down the parking lot to see if Jamie had come by for our after school “talk”. She was nowhere to be seen. Either she had decided that she no longer needed to speak with me, or she had decided to drop by on the weekend. The fact that we were neighbors would make that an easy thing for her to do. I ushered any further thought of Jamie from my mind, and looked at the athletic, thirteen-year-old beside me. The slight breeze was drifting through her long, brown hair pulling it back away from the gorgeous equine neck that softly curved down from her jaw line. She had the body of a gymnast, and two perfectly balanced lime-sized tits. Virginia was a stunning creature!As we drove out from the parking lot, I resumed my calculated seduction. “You don’t really have a lot of experience at this, do you?” She shook her head. “Have you ever touched a guy?” “Not really.”“Did you mind touching me?” There was a telltale hoarseness in my voice.“No.” “I see.” I decided to push a little harder. “Well, if you want more practice, you may touch me whenever we’re alone.”“Okay. Cool.” “Well, it is just you and me in the car.” Would she respond to my not-so-gentle suggestion?I was quickly rewarded with the answer. She hopped up a little, tucking one leg under her, and dutifully reached across the console. Her fingers tried to curl over the shaft and she began an awkward dance of stroking. She was tentative. Her trimmed, painted nails scraped against my trousers. She was trying to explore my firm flesh, battling with the confines of my pants that restrained my happily singing cock. Traffic was congested, and I realized we’d have a few minutes more than I had planned. “Ginny?”She looked up from her concerted ministrations, which had somewhat eroded into sliding her palm over the restricted bulge. “Have you ever actually caressed a penis? A bare one, I mean…”Her fingers clamped a little more tightly. “No. Well… sort of. Me and my brother used wrestle when we were kids. Sometimes he’d pull my pants down, so I’d do it back to him. I touched his a coupla times.” She paused, searching for the right thing to say. “But never a real one.”I couldn’t help but smile. “Well, it appears that this little trip is going to take a few extra minutes.” I indicated the cars around us. “Would you like to try it now?”She looked around. Her forehead started to furrow, and I could see her vacillating between being willing, and being afraid of being seen. “The other cars… can you see anyone below their shoulders?”“No.”“Well, they can’t see us, either. So, if you want to, you can.” She was hesitating.“Look. This is important. I never, ever, want you to do anything you don’t want.” I reached down and took her hand in mine. I held it, and squeezed gently. “I mean it. Never!” I looked over at her. “Okay?”She nodded. I wanted her hands in my pants… but I wanted her to understand even more. This was an extraordinary, young creature that had already shown her willingness to explore the unknown. Her budding sexuality was obvious, and the last thing I wanted to do was to push her too hard. I also found myself wanting to cultivate her desire for all things sensual. Tenderness was in order.“Ginny, there’s one thing you need to understand. You always have the right to decide what you do and don’t want to do. Not just with me, but with anyone. Guys are going to try all sorts of things with you. They’re going to lie to you. They’re going to do anything they can think of, just to get in your pants.” I paused. “If you want to do something, you go for it. But if you don’t, I want you to always say no. Don’t give in, okay?”“Okay. Thanks FT.”“What are you thanking me for?”“Well, people are always trying to make me do things I don’t want. You’re different. It’s like you understand what I’m going through.”This was going well! “I try.” I looked over at her again. “I promise you a couple of things. I’ll never make you do something you don’t want… except for stuff like homework!” I smiled and she laughed. “I promise I won’t ever lie to you. You can ask me anything you want, and you can always tell me anything you want. We can be honest with each other… okay?”She smiled in way that said she had just been given something very special. “Okay.” With that, she slid her hand out from under mine and rested it on her lap. While I felt a fleeting disappointment, I was happy with the trust I was cultivating. She glanced around, and then scooted around in her seat. Her hand reached over to my subsiding hard-on, and gently caressed it. She leaned toward me a little, and quietly asked, “You sure nobody can see me?”I smiled. “I’m sure.”Her neophyte fingers resumed their exploration. My cock again began to swell again, and the growing five inches throbbed, coiled and bound up in my jockeys. Although more than enough for my own pleasure, the little guy in my pants was on the small side of normal, and I wondered if Virginia would be disappointed by the size. I quickly remembered mine would be the first mature cock she’d seen, and in comparison to her brother’s little boy-dick, it would seem huge. It was getting rather painful, and I needed to set him free from the prison of my pants. I was about to reach down and lend assistance when I thought better of it. I wanted this to be about her discovery… her introduction to all things sensual… all things sexual. At that very moment, I realized I viewed this tender creature differently than the others. I desired to simply “use” Trisha. I enjoyed the compliant, sexual interplay with Luanne. Jamie and Janessa presented an interesting challenge in terms of sexual preference.Virginia was different. With her, I wanted to teach. To guide her. To explore. I wanted to share in her discovery. I wanted her empowered. For a moment, I was almost embarrassed by the strength of this realization. And, I admit I was excited by it.My cock was doubled over inside my pants, and Ginny’s fingers were becoming more and more bold. The increasing pressure of her hand was truly compounding the pain of my confinement. “Mind if I make a suggestion?”I caught the fascination on her face as she lifted her eyes from the tortured bulge in my slacks. “Kay.”“Your touch feels incredibly good, and I’m getting very excited by it. I think you can tell by how hard it’s gotten.” She seemed so pleased by that. “But, I need to ask you to stop. I’m all bound up down there, and it’s beginning to hurt.” The pleasure evaporated from her face, replaced with concern. She quickly pulled her hand away, obviously not wanting to cause me pain.“Either that, or you need to undo my pants so that there’s room for my erection.” “But I don’t want to hurt you.”“The only reason that I hurt, is that your hand feels so good. I’m excited, and I’ve got a serious hard-on now. There isn’t room enough for it in my pants, so it’s kind of bent in half.”“Oh… I’m sorry.”“Don’t be, because I’m enjoying it. But, you either should free him, or leave him alone.”There was just a moment’s hesitation before her hands crept back toward my tortured crotch. Ginny was concentrating on being careful. Momentarily avoiding the leering bulge of my cock, her hands delicately began to work the buckle and clasp. Her dainty fingers grasped the tongue of my zipper and gently pulled it down. There was something lewdly fascinating about her inexperienced fingers and their carefully painted nails, juxtaposed against my jaded crotch. She looked at the white bulge in my underwear, framed by the open mouth of my trousers. Not being sure of what to next, she looked up at me, and I smiled. “Thank you. That feels much better.” “What should I do next?”I chose my words carefully. “Nothing. Unless you want to.”“I think I want to touch it some more…” She glanced around, and noting where we were, continued, “But we’re getting kinda close to Beth’s house.”“Yeah, we are.” The disappointment in my voice was obvious. “I suppose you should stop.”The look on her face was if I had told her to stop playing with her friends and to come in for supper. My mind scrambled as I searched for an alternative. My eyes settled on the boarded up storefront of Mike’s Variety.“Or, if you want, I could pull in behind the store for a minute or two.”She was looking back and forth between the store and the corner of Beth’s street, just a couple of blocks away. I could tell she was torn between her curiosity, and the fact that her friends were waiting. Hard as it was, I chose not to influence her and to accept whatever she decided. While it was but a moment, it seemed that eons passed while she settled upon what she wanted. Her answer was one word: “Okay.”Trying not to let my horny relief show, I responded. “It’s purely up to you.” There was a flash of determined defiance from her.“Beth can wait.”“Okay, then.”I pulled into the driveway of the store and drove around to the back. I was thinking to myself, “That’s right, little one… you’re the one in charge… it’s all up to you… you have the power.” “Carpe diem.”“Huh?”I chuckled, realizing I had spoken that aloud. “It’s Latin. It means ‘Seize the day’. It’s what you just did. You decided to make Beth wait so you could do something different… something new.” I put the car in “Park” and looked at her. “I’m proud of you.”“Why?”“Because I just watched you choose what you wanted, rather than just giving in to your friend. I think that’s very cool.”Virginia was obviously pleased. “Well, she’s always telling me what to do.”“She not here, now.”“Yeah.” She reached over and her hand climbed up over the cotton-covered outline of my cock. Her fingers dug into my underwear, encircling the girth of my now throbbing member. Ginny’s eyes were fixed on my crotch, as she began to work her hand back and forth over the blood-engorged shaft. Her fingers explored the length of me, squeezing here and there. I watched the painted tips of her fingers as they worked along the hypersensitive crevice between the head of my cock and the shaft. Through the stretched cloth of my underwear, the nerve endings in my foreskin rippled, causing my cock to spasm.Ginny had felt my cock quiver, and she looked at me questioningly. “It’s just happy. It’s a signal that my body likes what you’re doing.”“That’s so cool!”My heart leapt, watching her uninhibited fascination. It was delicious, seeing this young girl discover the effect that she was responsible for. Her hand again began to wander, probing and squeezing. I gently coaxed her on.“Would you like to reach inside?” My voice was thick, and hoarse.Her black eyes answered for her and she slipped her fingers under my waistband. They encountered the growing patch of pre-cum that was seeping into my pubic hairs, and when she touched the tip of my penis where the fluid was concentrated, she shrank back, withdrawing her hand.“Ee-ew! What’s that?” She was looking at the glistening moisture stuck on her fingers.For the second time in as many days, I gently explained the purpose of the fluid. “Rub your fingers together. See how slippery it is?”Ginny did as I asked, fingers working the dick nectar. “A lot of girls like how it tastes.” She looked doubtful. “We’ll keep that for another time. One of the neat things about pre-cum is the way it lubricates the head of the penis. It feels incredibly good when a woman rubs it into the head of the penis with her fingers.”She accepted the suggestion, and began to slide her fingers through the thick coating. She twisted her fingers one way, then the other. She experimented with slipping her fingertips along the edge of the gland, tickling the excruciatingly tender flesh. Enhanced by the smeared cock juice, the feeling was exquisite. My dick began to lurch and bob in response to her touch. Virginia obviously enjoyed the reactions she was raising from my proud, little cock. I could sense the dawning of her awareness of her own special power. I explained how she should wrap her fingers around the shaft, imitating the way a woman’s vaginal lips would. Her hand was now sliding the tender skin back and forth, dragging it up and down the shaft. She was tightening and loosening her grip, applying pressure on the down-stroke, and slightly releasing on the up. She continued to adapt, changing with each gentle suggestion from me. The friction was beginning to take its toll. It was equal pain and joy, but I needed to lessen the irritation of her hand against the evaporated pre-cum stuck on my flesh.I cooed my next suggestion. “When you feel it begin to get dry, like it is now, you might want to moisten it up some. A lot of girls use their mouth to do that.” Her eyes reflected the question behind them, and I answered their query. “We’re not going to do that today. Instead, you can lick your fingers, and then apply that moisture to the head and the shaft.”Dutifully, she licked her fingers. The sight of her pointed little tongue flicking along her fingers was sexual nirvana. Her fingers delivered the first, light traces of spittle to my cock, and he bounced in response. “Perhaps just a little wetter?”She smiled, and once again lifted her fingers to her mouth. Her tongue lashed against the fingertips, along the sides, and over the tasteful polish of the nails. Her lips were moist, wet to the point of dripping with her sweet saliva. I longed to share the taste. To feel my lips exploring those delicate digits… to slip up along her lips, and then dip into the hidden recesses of her mouth. The pangs of want clawed at the base of my scrotum, and I was beginning to shudder under the weight of my desire. As much as I wanted to taste the sweet, virginal delights of this creature, I knew I wanted to wait for another day, another time.She pulled her hand away from her mouth, and a thin, silvery thread of saliva stretched between her lips and her fingertips. It stretched thinner and thinner, sparkling with the sunlight. It hung there for a moment, then snapped, swinging back onto her chin. Virginia grinned sheepishly, and quickly wiped her chin with her other hand. She then carried the new load of moisture back to my cock, the fingers wrapping around the veined shaft, wriggling like tender snakes against gentle blades of grass. My cock was beginning to throb with new fervor, a portent of the impending fanfare. The tempo of quivers in my testicles was increasing. The little drumbeats of passion were picking up speed, building to the crescendo that would mark climax. She sensed that something was changing, and her hand tightened around me. “It feels like it’s getting even bigger!”“It is. It’s a signal that I’m close to ejaculating.”She started to pull her hand away. I countered by slipping my hand over hers, gently holding her hand in place. “It’s okay. Nothing to be afraid of.” I rippled my fingers against hers, and in turn, she mimicked the same against my prick. Her hand was coiled within mine, and we slowly pumped my organ. I continued leading her hand up and down, hinting at the mixture of firm but gentle manipulation I preferred. She mimicked each small change in pressure, each subtle difference in stroke. Like teaching her to ride a bicycle, it was time to let go and allow her “pedal” on her own. She was concentrating on the flesh pole in her hands as her fist slid up to the now blood-flushed head. Her thumb slipped over the tip, circling the winking eye before plunging back down the shaft. I felt my sphincter cinch up. The drum roll in my nuts was reaching a feverish pitch. “It’s almost there…”Her hand tightened, picking up speed. She was mesmerized. There was a look of rapt anticipation on her beautiful, young face. Her eyes darted up to mine, and I was thrown into sweet oblivion. My fingers encircled hers once again, tightening firmly with my urgency. “Nowwwww…”Her eyes snapped back to my cock as the first surge of semen erupted from my proud little piece of manhood. The semen arched up, hanging for an instant before splattering back down onto our hands wrapped around my pulsating cock. The second spew was bursting forth… followed by a third and a fourth. Virginia’s deep eyes widened, and a smile slid over her face. Her hand tightened of it’s own accord and she rapidly pumped my quivering member, milking every bit of thick, white sperm from my spasming cock. I was panting in rapid, little gasps for air, and my body was flirting with the continual onslaught of “la petite morte”.I gently slowed her hand as the hot streams of cum dripped down over our fingers. The ropes of seed slid between them, mingling there as my dick let out the last gasp: quivering… ebbing… receding…I struggled to regain control, the need for composure over-riding the withering passion that coursed through me. I took my hand from hers, and she loosened her grip. Extracting her fingers, she looked down at the thick, gooey globs of semen that clung to her fingers. She toyed with it for a moment, rubbing it between her fingers.She tilted her head, fascinated by the man-seed that wrapped over her knuckles and thoroughly coated her hand. She brought her fingers close to her nose, and cautiously drank in the scent. I was fascinated. She wrinkled her nose slightly, then relaxed, drawing in the acrid bouquet. She seemed unaware of my watching her every move. She lowered her hand slightly, then brought it to her lips. Her tongue met the fingers part way, deigning to taste the thick nectar. The tongue slipped along the side of one finger, drawing a thin string of semen into her mouth. Her eyes closed, and she sat there for a moment. I could see the motion of her tongue working inside her mouth. It slipped out through her lips and along the lower one before retreating into her mouth. Her lips and tongue slid over each other as she fully tasted my seed. Her eyes slowly opened and focused on her fingers, still unaware of my suspended disbelief. She leaned her head in again, but this time brought her hand fully and snugly to her mouth. She drew the semen in, and closing her eyes, rolled it around in her mouth before tilting her head back to swallow. She sat there for a moment before her eyes fluttered open. Seeing me transfixed upon her every move, she blushed, and her shyness was endearing. She lowered her eyes. “I can’t believe I just did that. I thought it was going to be gross, but…”Her face screwed up in a mixture of curiosity and fascination. I swore I detected just a touch of carnal pleasure in her eyes. As her face relaxed, she turned them back to me. The dark pools of virginal rapture flickered, then softened. I was smitten to my soul.“That was one of the most extraordinary things I’ve ever seen.” “Me, too.” She smiled.“And, thank you. It felt incredible.”“Really?” She seemed excited about what she had accomplished.“I told you I wouldn’t lie to you. It really was incredible.” She literally glowed.I drew a deep breath, letting it calm the last vestiges of passion. “I hate to say this, but I suppose we should clean up and get you over to Beth’s house.”The smile washed from her face. “I s’pose.”I reached into the glove box and extracted some napkins. We divvied them up, each silently cleaning the remaining residue from our hands. I decided I’d be able to take a shower soon enough, and simply slipped my shorts over my flaccid cock. The withered little guy nestled in the still warm semen, and a feeling of contentment glowed within me.I threw the car into drive. “I think you’ve got the idea, now. I mean, about what touching me properly means.” Ginny grinned, and I deftly laid down another gauntlet. “You don’t ever have to do that again, if you don’t want.”She was quiet for a moment, and as I turned onto Beth’s street, she spoke. “FT? Is it okay if…” She flushed just a bit, a little tinge of red sprouting along her neck. “Is it okay if I want to?”My joy was overwhelming. I gently nodded, my head swimming with delight at hearing those simple words. “Any time you want…”She smiled. We rode past a dozen or so houses and pulled to a stop in front of Beth’s. The cheerleaders were all mingling around in the front yard, and Beth looked up from the middle of the cluster of giggling girls. At first she scowled, and then broke into another one of her mischievous grins delivered directly to me. I looked at Ginny, who had a satisfied look on her face.“Any time you want,” I nodded toward Beth, “But, within reason, if you know what I mean.”Ginny broke into a wide grin. “Gotcha.” She looked at the girls and sighed. “Well, I guess I gotta go.” She opened the door and slid out. I felt a pang of sad loss. Ginny greeted the girls who were beginning to encircle her. She turned back to me, and hollered, “Hey, FT. You coming to the game tomorrow?”“I wouldn’t miss it. You girls take care.” I winked, and smiled at Virginia.I then gave a quick wave to the girls, who all waved back. I looked over my shoulder, then pulled the car into the street. In the rear view mirror, I could see Beth zeroing in on Ginny, demanding, “So tell me what happened!” I looked down the street, and continued driving. I didn’t need to look back, because I already knew Virginia’s answer.“Nothing.”