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The School For Girls: Part One


After everyone had taken their seat, Harriett Taggert opened up a already thick file and after perusing the top page, leaned back in her chair, took off her glasses and cleaned them, and then with a shake of her head said evenly, "It seems that you were pretty busy little girl down in big city, well don't worry about a thing, Mrs. Davis, we're going to see to it that Quincy is kept very busy indeed!!!" "You can't make me do a damn thing," the mouthy little bitch snapped, while staring out the window as is she hadn't a care in the world, "and I'd just like to see you try!!!" "I'll have to apologize for my daughter's behavior," Joan Davis said sadly, "ever since her father passed away it's been getting harder and harder to control her!!!" "There's no need apologizing to me, Mrs. Davis," Harriett Taggert quickly replied, "it's certainly not your fault that Quincy was caught riding in a stolen car, smoking marijuana, shop lifting, and of course, probably the worst offense of all, having sex with a mulitude of partners, no, these were things that she did on her own and will have to pay the consequences for!!!""I realize that," Joan Davis replied softly, "but how in the world are you going to be able to control her, we've simply tried everything!?!" "That's right, teach," Quincy crowed, feeling that no matter what this old biddy tried it would be of no use, "I'm gonna walk outta here within three days, and you can book it!!!" A small smile broke across Harriett Taggert's face as she stood up and moved over to a door in the rear of her office, and after opening it up said softly, "Now, if you'll please follow me, we can get things wrapped up so your mother can leave!!!" With a smug look on her face, Quincy stood up and made a point of stretching her arms and legs in a manner that said "everything's fine and I'm going to beat you at this", and then with a little shrug of her shoulders, she and her mother followed Harriett Taggert into the next room!!! Sensing immediately that this was not a room she wished to be in, Quincy pressed herself up against the wall and watched with trepidation as Harriett Taggert readied what looked like a doctor's examining table!!! "W-what's that for," Quincy asked nervously while Mz. Taggert continued adjusting a series of straps and bindings!?! "You mean this," Harriett asked softly!?! "Y-yes, that," Quincy replied, sensing in her heart that any answer she received would be a bad one!!! "Well,"the admnistrator replied evenly, "I guess that you're going to have to lay down on it to find out!!!"With her face turning an ashen shade of while, Quincy shook her head no while sliding along the wall away from the dreaded table and the evil looking Mz. Taggert, that is until she reached the corner and had gone as far as she could go!!! With a look that made her stomach turn, Harriett Taggert said in a very sinister voice, "You either get up on the table of your own free will, or I will ring security and several very large men will come in here and put you there with force, it's completely up to you, I could care less which way it goes so long as you get up on the table!!!" Joan Davis was standing quietly at the other end of the room, but seeing that her daughter had no way out, she said softly, "You better do as she says, Quin, she's not fooling around!!!" Realizing that no matter what she did she was eventually going to end up on the table, with a great deal of anxiety, Quincy Davis slowly crossed the room and climbed onto the table and quietly lay down!!!With a little smirk on her face, Harriett Taggert patted Quincy on the arm and said soflty, "See how easy that was, you're already getting with the program, now lie still while I strap you down!!!" As a wild stab of panic swept through her, Quincy felt like getting up and fleeing down the hall, but it was much to late for that gambit, because her arms and now her legs were being firmly fastened to the table, rendering her for all practical terms, helpless!!! In a small almost whispered voice, Joan Davis asked, "W-what are you going to do to her, Mz. Taggert?!?" "In the next fifteen minutes or so," Harriett replied gently, "we are going to take complete control of your daughter's will, and while you don't have to stay, I encourage you to do so, I'm sure that after we're finished you will be quite satisfied with the results!!!"Joan Davis sat down in silence while Harriett took her place next to her daughter, and in a cold hard voice said, "Your days as a malcontent are now officially over, from now on you will do as you're told, when you're told, do you understand me!?!" Now almost too terrified to even speak, Quincy Daivs looked on in abject horror as Harriet Taggert began calmly cutting off her jeans with a razor sharp scizzors, not stopping until they were in a pile of ribbons on the floor next to them!!! As total panic set in, the young girl in a shaky voice begged, "P-please, I'll do what ever you say, just please don't hurt me!!!" "Very good, Quincy," the old lady said soflty, "you used the word "please" twice in the same sentence, that must be some kind of record, but in answer to your plea, I'm sorry but we're way past the point of caring a whit about what you need or want!!!"Quincy gave one mighty push trying to free herself from her restraints, but right away she could tell that is was useless to fight it, so when Harriett Taggert clipped off her pink panties, she didn't even bother putting up a struggle!!! "My, my," Harriett said softly, "you seem to have quite a profussion of pubic hair, covering your vagina, haven't you ever heard of trimming it like a lady!?!" "I've begged her to let me help her," Joan Daivs interjected, "but all she ever did was laugh and say that all the boys liked it bushy!!!" "Really," Harriett asked softly, "is that what you said to your mother!?!" "I-I was just kidding around," Quincy replied fearfully, "if all you want me to do is shave it off I'll be more than happy to do it now!!!" "I'm sure that you are," Harriett replied gently, "but I'm afraid that's hardly all that needs to be done!!!"After retrieving the necessary items needed for shaving Quincy's vagina, Harriett Taggert motioned Joan Davis to join her between her daughter's legs and offered, "At this point I ususally like to let the mothers take care of shaving their daughters, so if you'd like to, I'd be happy to let you do it!!!" Joan didn't have to be asked twice, so with a great deal of joy, she took the stool between Quincy's young thighs and began carefully removing every last vestage of pubic hair on her pussy!!! "All finished," she announced while gently washing the remaining lather from her daughter's plump labia, "but you have to admit one thing, she has a very pretty vagina!!!" "That she does," Harriett replied while trading places again with the young girl's mother, "but now we get down to it, so if you'll please hand me that small box over on the counter, I can begin!!!Joan gave the small white box Harriet who quickly opened it up and extracted a smooth two inch long plastic cylinder that was about one inch in diameter!!! "What's that," Joan asked, "it certainly isn't very big!!!" "No, it isn't," Harriett replied softly, "but it's capable of doing a very big job, here, let me show you!!!" Joan leaned her head over Harriet Taggert's shoulder, and watched in rapt fascination as she inserted the little clylinder into her daughter's smoothly shaved vagina!!! Quincy gasped as it slid past the outer folds of her cunt, and in a shaky voice asked, "W-what are you doing to me, oh my, that feels so good!?!" Ignoring Quincy completely, Harriett turned to Mrs. Davis and explainded, "What I've done is insert a microvibrator into Quincy's vagina, it can be activated with a remote just like this one when her particular code is punched in!!!" "Each and every member of our staff is equiped with just such a device and any of them can enter her code and with just the touch of a button, give her a jolt deep inside of her vagina!!!""That's extraordinary," Joan Davis opined, while staring at the now swelling lips of her daughter's pussy, "can I see it work!?!" "Of course you may," Harriett replied while handing the remote over to her, "just punch in the number 3045, after you see that number fill the little screen, you're ready to go!!!" "Harriett waited a moment until Joan Davis figured out how to enter the code number, and when it was done, she continued on, "Now, press any button from one to nine, with one being the lowest power rating and of course nine being the maximum!!!" Not quite sure what to do, Joan looked at Harriett and asked, "What number should I start with!?!" "Well, why not try three or four," Harriett replied, "you don't want to give her too much all at once!!!" Quincy was now nervously waiting to see what kind of reaction she'd get when the little hummer was turned on, and she was just about to ask a question, when like a bolt of lightning, her pussy was nailed by an incessant humming that nearly induced and orgasm in the first two or three seconds!!!"My god," Joan said soflty while watching her daughter thrashing around on the table as her vagina was being tortured with climax after climax, "I-I wouldn't even mind having one of those inside of me!!!" "Of course not," Harriett replied knowingly, "but not if someone else controls it, believe me, your life would not be your own!!!" Finally taking pity on her daughter, Joan shut the hummer off, allowing the poor girl's vagina to come back down to earth, while at the same time commenting, "So that's how you do it, through their genitals, very ingenious!!!" "You're correct in that we use their private organs to control them," Harriett said in agreement, "but this is only step number one in our punishment department, we have a much more direct way of dealing with them, and that is what we are about work on right now!!!""I'm sure that you'll just love this, young lady," Harriett said softly while producing a hypodermic needle filled with a clear liquid, "it's just what the doctor ordered!!!" "No, please no," Quincy begged in a weak voice, as all of her energy had been drained from her body from the crushing orgasm she had just experienced, "I-I promise, I'll do anything you say!!!" "Of course you will," Harriett replied while lining up the needle with Quincy's now engorged clit, "in fact I can just about guarantee that you'll do exactly what I say without a moments hesitation!!!" While Quincy was straining against her bindings, Harriet Taggert calmly informed her that struggling would only prolong the process, and if she lay still it would all be over rather quickly!!! "That's a good girl," Harriet said softly as Quincy stopped struggling a lay dead still on the examining table, "now this will sting for just a second or two, but then I promise you, after that you won't feel a thing!!!" Quincy gripped the edge of the table with all her might, but even that didn't prepare her for the pain that seared her clit in one blinding flash, but true to her word, in only a matter of moments, the pain just seemed to waft away, leaving her clit feeling nothing more than a slight tingling sensation!!!""W-what did you just give her," Joan Davis asked a little nervously, "she seems to have calmed down anyway!?!" "I just shot a local pain killer directly into her clitoris," Harriet responded, "because now I will install the main controling mechanism in her pussy!!!" With a great deal of interest, both Joan and Quincy peered into Harriett's hand where lay a small gold ring that glistened brightly in the artificial light!!! "W-what is it," Quincy asked, while preparing herself for the worst!?! "It's a clit ring," Harriet announced evenly, "the needle part goes right through your clit and out the other side, and since this is a permanent installation, a tiny drop of gold solder will keep it in place for ever!!!" "Y-you can't do that to me," Quincy shrieked, "I-I'll call the police or something, oh please, mom, don't let her maim me!!!" Harriett looked over to Joan Davis who sat there worried to death at the strange turn of events, so in a calm clear voice she offered, "Don't get cold feet now, Mrs. Davis, this is all for the best, and I can assure you that this clit ring will do more to control your daughter than anything else you could come up with!!!""But how does it work," Joan asked in shaky voice!?! "Well," Harriett replied, "inside the ring is a tiny computer chip that is activated much like the vibrator, but as I'm sure you can acertain, the vibration deep inside of a vagina is much much different than the same sensation directly on your clitoris!!!" Joan Davis thought abut that for a minute or so and then replied, "Yes, I can see that, but how do you discipline these girls by arousing their vaginas when in reality it's probably a pretty nice feeling to have!?!" "Now that is a very good question," Harriett answered quickly, "but the answer is in this little device right here!!!" "What on earth is that," Joan asked dumbly, "it sorta looks like a male jock strap, but different!!!" "But different indeed," Harriett Taggert replied, "it's made out of the same material that is used in bullet proof vests, so it is practically indestructable, and at least capable of resisting any attempt by our girls to remove it once it's locked in place!!!" "But how do they urinate," Joan asked while taking the device from Harriett and looking it over carefully!?! The vaginal covering has a slit just wide enough to pee through," Harriet explained, "but once the device is on and locked in place, it is impossible for a girl to sexually relieve herself unless we open it up for her, or if we induce orgasm with our remote controls, either through the vibe in her vagina or the ring through her clit!!!"After the somewhat long winded explanation, Harriett returned her attention to Quincy's clitoris, and in a couple of seconds, she had successfully threaded it through the little head, and after letting the tiny soldering iron warm up, she put a little drop of gold solder to secure the ring firmly and permanently in place!!! "Good," Harriett announced, "all done, now all we have to do is put the chastity belt on her and she'll be all set!!!" "Let's see how you look, dear," Joan Davis said to her daughter after Harriett had clicked the lock shut on the durable belt girding her vagina!!! "It looks awful," Quincy wailed, "I don't wanna wear this thing," but her struggles to tug it off were as fruitless as her attempts to escape the examinging table, so finally she quit fighting it and stood there waiting for Harrient Taggert to tell her what to do next!!!Joan Davis took her daughter in her arms, and after giving her a big kiss on the cheek, she wished her well and quickly left the building and headed back to the city!!! Tears began forming in Quincy's eyes when she realized that she was now truely alone in this awful place, but in the next several seconds she was about to find out exactly how bad it could get, because all at once her clitoris seemed to become electrified as Harriett Taggert activated her clit ring, sending the poor girl reeling across the room while trying desperately to remove the harness protecting her now impenetrable vagianal area!!! "See what we do to bad little girls," Harriett said softly while turning up the power and inducing a series of the most brutal orgasms Quincy had ever felt!!! "P-please," she moaned while her cunt was flying into overdrive, "I can't stand it anymore, please, no more, no more..........." Quincy was so far gone that even though her cunt was a burning cauldron of sexual excitement, the overload was so great, that she slowly slipped off into blessed unconciousness but still vaguely aware of the trouble she was in!!!THE END