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WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson VIII


"Attention! Do not read any further if you are either too young, not allowed to view this kind of content in your region/area/whatever, offended by this kind of material, or related to the author by blood!" Spike announced as he read off a piece of paper. "In other words: Read at your own risk!" "Disclaimer's kind of late, don't you think?" Sandra asked with crossed arms. "We're already on the eighth chapter, you know." "I know..." Spike sighed as he crumpled up the piece of paper and chucked it away. "Seriously... related by blood? How's the reader gonna know if he or she is related the author if the author's keeping this a secret from his family?" "And how will someone know if they're offended by this story's material if they haven't even read it yet?" Sandra added. "Plus anyone underage will probably keep reading anyway," Spike added. "Anyway... I'm finally in the story," Sandra said. "And I'm not happy about it at all." "Ah... right... that part," Spike replied. ***** "....." Asterisk simply stood there, staring at his desk with a blank look on his face. He had a bad feeling that something he would rather not find out about happened to the desk since he last sat in it. "Take your seat, Asterisk," Mr. Smith said before turning around continuing the lesson. "Uh..." Asterisk looked up at the teacher and noticed that, once again, he was facing the black board. He looked around and noticed that everyone else was either sleeping, whispering, passing notes, listening to music, gambling, eating, or any combination of the above. Noticing an empty desk nearby, he dragged his own desk over to it and switched the two of them. Unsurprisingly, no one even glanced over at what he was doing. "Zzz.. call... zzz... yum..." Trent snored and talked in his sleep at the same time. His hand was on top of the two cards he had in the poker game he was playing at the moment. His other hand was feeding him cheetos even though he was sleeping. "Psst, is there something wrong with your old desk?" Monica asked Asterisk. "Let's just say... ignorance is bliss... some of the time," Asterisk replied with a nervous chuckle. Title: WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson VIII Class: 4D Room: 104 Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! Now you're... wait... those aren't incantations. Those are pok- Behind Windroy Twelve Forrest Secondary School, across the fields, across the street, and twenty feet down was a creek with many trees and bushes on either side of it. There was a wooden bridge with railings that intersected the street and built above the creek. Since the bridge was thick and the trees even thicker, the spot right under the bridge was the perfect hang-out for activities best left unseen from public eyes. One particular individual was making full use of this spot. Derek was standing there in the shadow of the bridge with a thousand page book in his hands. He stood atop a rock that was flat and had plenty of space compared to the other rocks next to the stream of water. He found the book in the school library after his bitch of an English teacher handed out the assignment for a book report, which was due in six weeks. That was barely enough time to even finish a book! At first, Derek thought about just choosing the shortest novel he could find, but then a certain black book caught his eyes. It was as though it was calling out to him. Before he knew it, he was checking that book out. He was skeptic at first, but when he tried out the first spell he saw, the guy sitting behind him suddenly screamed out for his hair was on fire. Derek was startled, but managed to calm down long enough to recite the words to extinguish the fire. After that, he realized that the magic was for real and the book that proved it was now in his possession. Ever since he was a little kid, he had always been fascinated by the supernatural and read all kinds of books about myths and magic. By the time he started High School, he gradually lost interest and eventually accepted the reality that magic did not exist. Aside from this, he was just a regular student with a normal social life and a hatred for English class. He had slightly curly brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a few freckles on his face. He wore a brown shirt and blue jeans. "Let's see here... yeah, that'll be useful," Derek muttered to himself as he looked over the spells that were available to him. Fortunately for him, the spells were divided into sections and the index at the back helped a great deal. The first section that caught his eye, of course, was the one about manipulation. He scanned over the section and found quite a number of spells under that subject alone. The details and explanations behind each spell was also there, but Derek hardly understood them at all. It didn't really matter to him, though, since all he needed to make them work was read the incantations... or 'the keys' as they were called in the book. Derek immediately heard someone approaching and close the magic book with a slam. His body tensed up and his breathing became heavier for he was anticipating this moment for quite a while. Of course, there was also the possibility that someone other than the person he was waiting for had stumbled upon this place in which case he was ready to use his manipulation spell to make them go away. To his delight, the right person had arrived. "Derek?" Heather asked as soon as she was under the bridge. She skipped along the rocks until she was standing on the same rock as Derek. She had olive green eyes and dark chestnut brown hair that reached just past her ample breasts. At the moment, she was wearing the school's black and red cheerleader's outfit since she had just finished the cheering squad's first after-school practice of the school year. In her hand she held a note asking for her to meet her under the bridge after school. "Did you leave this in my locker?" "Yeah, I did," Derek replied with a smirk as he approached Heather with a confident look in his eyes. "I just wanted a word with you, that's all." "If you're asking me out, just stop and we'll pretend this never happened," Heather replied with her arms crossed. She remembered all through last year how she turned down several other guys since they didn't interest her and right now Derek was no different. "I was going to, but-" Derek began. "Then we'll pretend this never happened," Heather interrupted before she turned around and walked away. She only took a couple of steps before she heard the words: "Prosternere," Derek grinned as his black book started glowing with a dark green hue. The light surrounding the book appeared to snake out and made its way through the air towards its target. Neither Derek or Heather saw the green light for it could not be seen by normal eyes. However, that did not matter to Derek as long as the spell worked and worked it did. "What di-" Heather began to ask before she was hit by the green light. Suddenly finding it difficult to breathe, she dropped to her knees and clutched her chest. She was completely overwhelmed by the power of the spell as it seeped into her body and took control from the inside. Soon enough, her breathing returned to normal and the pressure of the green light lifted off of her. However, she found that no matter how hard she tried, she could not get back onto her feet and she could not raise her head high enough to see anything above Derek's knees. Before she knew it, her hands were on the ground in front of her as she prostrated herself before Derek. Panicking, she started thinking to herself, What's going on? Why can't I stand up? I can't move! "Heather?" Derek asked cautiously as he looked down at the cheerleader's submissive form. If the spell didn't work, he wasn't quite sure how to explain what just happened. According to the details of the spell, Heather could not disobey any command given to her by Derek as long as she was within a 100 mile radius from the black book. Confident that the spell had worked, he said, "Stand up, Heather." Almost immediately, Heather got to her feet with her eyes still downcast. With a horrified look on her face, she asked, "What did you do to me?" "I made you my slave, thanks to this book," Derek smirked in response as he brought the book up for Heather to see. When he realized that Heather was still looking down, he said, "You can look up now." "Sl-slave? W-why?" Heather asked with wide-open eyes. Her attention turned towards the black book in Derek's hands. Questions and thoughts about what was going to happen to her raced through her panic-stricken mind. Maybe I'm just dreaming. Yeah, that's it. Magic doesn't exist, so I must be dreaming. "Why do you think?" Derek asked with a chuckle. Staring straight into Heather's eyes, he gave the simple command, "Take off your clothes." Dreaming... I'm just dreaming, that's all, Heather assured herself as her hands took a life of their own. Her top was the first to go. She reached back with her hands and unzipped the top before letting it drop into the creek. Her red laced bra fell in afterwards, but unlike the top it was gently carried away by the stream of water. The next to go were her shoes which were kicked off into the water. Now she stood topless and barefoot atop the rock and only a few feet away from her captor. If it weren't for the spell, she would had hesitated at this point, but since she was unable to disobey the command given to her, the skirt was unceremoniously unzipped and thrown on top of the rest of her uniform. "Nice... just nice..." Derek smirked as he watched the cheerleader expose herself one article of clothing at a time. His eyes were on the pert and ample breasts displayed before him. They were milky white in colour with cute pink nipples standing erect as a result of the cold weather of the fall. Her long and muscular legs were a testament of the long hours she put in her cheerleading and gymnastic practices for the past four years. If this is a dream, please let me wake up, Heather was increasingly worried that she was not dreaming at all despite the unreal circumstances she was in at the moment. With trembling hands, she hooked her thumbs into the strings of her red laced panties and pulled them down to her knees. Lifting one foot at a time, she took off her panties and dropped them into the water. The panties followed the bra down the stream and disappeared from sight. Now her completely shaven pussy was displayed for Derek to enjoy. "Heather, you have a smoking body. Just thought I'd let you know," Derek grinned as he lecherously took in the full view of the naked cheerleader. Without warning, he reached out and roughly grabbed hold of the breasts. He handled them carelessly and it didn't occur to him that his rough handling was hurting Heather. He took hold of Heather's left nipple with his middle finger and thumb and dug his fingernails into them. "From now on, you'll do anything I say." "Ah... stop it! It hurts!" Heather cried out as she felt the pain go through her body like a knife through butter. She walked to back away from those hands, but she couldn't even move let alone fight them off. It slowly dawned on her that she wasn't dreaming after all. The pain in her nipple and breasts were proof of that. "Stop it! I can still scream!" "Then I order you to shut the hell up," Derek replied coyly as he looked straight into Heather's eyes. "....." Heather opened up her mouth, but no words came out. Terror etched across her face as she realized that she could no longer speak. She tried to scream as loud as she could, but it was as though her throat was blocked by a muffler. "Let's see here..." Derek smirked as his left hand travelled south of the border. His fingers found the shaved slit and they forced their way in. As soon as he did, he realized that Heather was still dry in that area. Well... at least not as wet as he would had liked her to be, anyway. "Hmm... gonna have to change that. Exciere." Oh no... what did he do? Heather thought to herself as she felt her heart beat faster and her blood boil with excitement. She found herself becoming more and more aroused by the second as soon as the incantation hit her ears. Her pussy throbbed hungrily with arousal and juice began to flow out in large quantities. She could not believe the intense pleasure running through her. "Alright, you stuck-up bitch," Derek grinned devilishly as he brought his hand, soaked with pussy juice, up to the naked cheerleader's lips. "First, clean my hand with that slutty little mouth of yours." Heather complied by opening her mouth and sucking on the fingers one at a time until they were clean. It was only because of that last spell that she was able to cope with the thought of tasting herself on her captor's fingers. "From now on, you're mine to do with as I want," Derek grinned. "When we're alone together, you will not speak unless I tell you to. You will not tell anyone else about this. If anyone asks, just say that we're going out. Tomorrow, I want you to wear your shortest skirt with no underwear at all. That means no bra or panties. Now... sit down in the water with your legs spread." Unable to resist the command, Heather stepped into the water and sat down. A cold shiver ran up her spine as soon as her buttocks and pussy broke the water surface. Conveniently enough, she was sitting with her pussy facing the current of the creek. In her highly aroused state, she had to fight hard to keep herself from cumming right then and there. With the book tucked away into his backpack on the rock with his shoes and socks, he walked over to Heather and stood before her. Without anything further to say, he unzipped his jeans and fished out his cock. He pushed down Heather so that she was lying down into the water. Fortunately, the water was shallow so the brunette's face was still above the water surface. Planting his hands on either side of Heather's head, Derek lowered himself until he was right on top of Heather. He didn't care that his jeans were getting soaked when he lowered himself into the creek since he was pretty sure the magic book at some sort of solution for that. His balls dipped into the water as he lined up his cock with Heather's pussy. Once they were lined up, he slammed his cock into the wet slit with a single powerful thrust. The cheerleader gasped with pleasure in her mind for she could not do so with her throat as it was now. Derek felt the pussy walls tighten around his cock like a vice, though that did not stop him from pounding away at the chestnut-haired girl's pussy. It was obvious that he was still inexperienced, but that did not matter when the Exciere spell was at work. Heather felt nothing but pleasure from the rough fucking she was getting and the flow of water against her buttocks. Soon enough, both of them came at the same time. Derek pulled out and shot his load all over the cheerleader's flat stomach as Heather rode the waves of pleasure in the body she no longer controlled. "I still can't believed it worked," Derek said in amazement as he stood up. His eyes turned towards his backpack, which contained the book that could change his life forever. A sly grin etched across his face. "The fun's just getting started." ***** "Is your hair okay?" Monica asked with a concerned look on her face. She walked along beside Asterisk through the empty soccer field since their homes were in the same general direction. "Yeah, it's fine now," Asterisk replied as he reached up and touched the part of his hair that was on fire. Despite the strong smell of burnt hair, there was little to no visible damage to it at all. "I wonder how that fire got there? Maybe I was doing that whole aura thing wrong." "No... that does not make any sense," Monica replied. "None of the stuff you had done thus far had any relation to fire at all." "True..." Asterisk replied as the two of them crossed the wooden bridge together. "It's a good thing that the training I did do was related to water. It's pretty neat. My aura feels like water. See?" "Not quite, but close enough," Monica replied as she lifted her hand up to feel the blue light emanating from her classmate. She silently stared off into space as her thoughts drifted back to the training two days ago. *It took me a week to get an aura as clear as that, but he only needed one. Was it because of that placeor was it his own natural talent at work? "Say... do you think we're be facing those demons again any time soon?" Asterisk asked. "Not that I'd want that, but... uh... you know..." "You wish to test your strength?" Monica asked. "Ah... hah... yeah..." Asterisk replied. "Something tells me you will get your wish soon enough," Monica assured her friend with a gentle smile. "When you do, be sure to give it your all." "Sure thing. I'll do my best, so... uh... do yours, too." "Of course." ***** The next day... in English class... "Has everyone finished the first chapter of Jane Eyre?" Ms. Quartz asked as she held up the book that everyone was supposed to read for the weekend. When only a couple students raised a hand, she sighed and shook her head in disappointment. As she cracked open the book to the first chapter, she said, "We'll read it together, then. Everyone open their books to the first chapter." Ms. Quartz had the appearance of a very strict and conservative teacher despite being only twenty-three years old. She wasn't that tall, but she was tall enough so that wearing a couple inches of heels solidified the air of authority she was well known for. A navy blue suit with a white blouse underneath and black skirt was her attire today. Her onyx black hair was tied into a bun behind her head and held there by a single bobby pin. Her sharp eyes were completely black, which complimented her soft and attractive face without taking away any of her tough demeanour. In fact, they somehow accentuated it. "Psst... could you share your book with me?" Fallout, formerly known as Asterisk, asked the person sitting in the desk next to him. "You didn't bring your book today?" Sandra asked with an annoyed look on her face. "Yeah... I... uh... didn't actually pick one up," Fallout explained with a nervous chuckle. "I was daydreaming about Frisbee-throwing polar bears and before I knew it, class was over." "You had three days to pick one up," Sandra pointed out. "Wait a minute, didn't you raise your hand?" "Oh... right... now that I remember, I did bring it here," Fallout replied as he smacked his fist against the palm of his hand. He ruffled through his backpack, then pulled out ten sheets of paper that consisted of the first chapter of Jane Eyre. "Kinda sucked when she... what?" "You read it off the net?" Sandra exasperated. "That's illegal, isn't it?" "Um... oh look. It looks like everyone else forgot to bring their books," Fallout immediately changed the subject. "I already knew that something like this would happen," Ms. Quartz explained with what appeared to be a patient tone of voice. She walked over to the grey cabinet at the front of the room and pulled it open. With a stern expression, she faced the class and said, "All the books are still here! You had Thursday, Friday, and Monday to pick one up at the beginning and end of class, but none of you did. Now... I want every single one of you to go up and there pick up a book. You have ten minutes to pick up a book and read the first chapter. Be sure to read it thoroughly, cause I'm giving a pop quiz right after time's up!" "Now that I've looked closely, this isn't Jane Eyre. This is Jane Eerie; a completely different book altogether," Sandra commented as she looked over the pages Fallout pulled out from his backpack. "You're screwed." "Eh? What? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," Fallout apologized. "I was trying to figure out why Ms. Quartz didn't make sure everyone picked up a book from day one." "You're kidding, right?" Sandra quirked an eyebrow at Fallout. ***** "Eh heh... barely managed to get a passing grade," Fallout chuckled as soon as class was over. Coincidentally, English class was the last class of the day so he was out in the hall next to his locker. "Seriously... what the f***?" Sandra scowled. "How did you manage to do that when you hadn't even read the first chapter?!" "I don't see why you're angry when you've got a perfect score," Fallout replied. "What makes you think I'm angry? I not angry at all," Sandra grumbled as she shoved her books into her satchel and walked away. "What's wrong with this class? Not just this class, but all those other classes, too." "What crawled up her ass and died?" Derek asked as he watched Sandra walk away in a grumpy manner. "Um... I'm not sure. Not as though she's the one teaching the class," Fallout scratched his head in response. "Maybe she's pissed about being the only one who actually pays attention in class?" "Yeah... heard she even got a perfect score on the quiz," Derek smirked. "Speaking of the quiz, kind of sucked that we had to take it, huh?" "Yeah... sucked, but it's not like it took a huge chunk out of our grades, right?" Fallout replied with a chuckle. "What do you think of the teacher?" Derek asked with crossed arms. "Kind of a stuck-up bitch, don't you think? I had her last year and I gotta tell you, she's a lot worse than she looked today." "No... not exactly," Fallout replied. The conversation suddenly became uncomfortable. He was getting a bad vibe from this guy even before they talked, but he figured it was just his imagination... until now. "I'm... gonna go now. I've got friends waiting for me." "Hey Fallout! We're racing to the mall today!" Trent shouted down the hallway. Right after that, he was gone. "See?" Fallout said before he brushed past Derek to go after Trent. He stopped a few feet away, then turned around and asked, "You're in the same homeroom as me, right? What's your name again?" "Derek," Derek replied. "And y-" "Oh! I forgot to mention! Last one at the food court's gotta pay for everyone else's meal!" Trent shouted down the hall before disappearing again. "Ack! That can't be good," Fallout groaned before he raced off towards the mall. "Gotta go! See ya, man." "Ah well... can't have too many helping anyway," Derek sighed as he walked off in the opposite direction. As soon as he turned at the corner of the hallway, Heather and three guys went over to meet him. The three guys were Derek's friends and they all happened to share the same certain English teacher last year. In fact, two of them had to retake English over the summer. "What a slut she's become," One of them was molesting Heather's breasts from behind. "You said you did this with magic?" "I still say it was some kind of trick," Another grumbled cynically. "You could've rigged something up beforehand when you made that tree burn." "And the lightning bolt?" "Taser... or stun gun. I'm tell you it's not going to work." "I dunno... he took his shirt off before he made that lightning bolt. Probably wanted to show that there were no tricks involved... or at least I hope that's why." "If it doesn't work, I'll just tell her I dragged you along, alright?" Derek grumbled as he pushed past his friends towards the English classroom. "Oh... and hands off my girl. You guys can do whatever you want to Ms. Quartz, but Heather's mine." With that said, Heather was released and the five of them headed for the English room. As usual, the hallways were completely dark and empty after school. At first, Derek thought that maybe Ms. Quartz had already left in which case the plan had to wait until tomorrow. However, as soon as they arrived, there was light coming from the bottom of the classroom door which meant that the English teacher was probably still inside. Sure enough, as soon as the door was opened, Ms. Quartz was seen next to her desk, getting ready to leave. "May I help you?" Ms. Quartz asked as soon as she noticed the five students suddenly entering the classroom. "Of course you can help us. You can start by taking off your clothes, bitch," Derek sneered. "Excuse me?" Ms. Quartz dropped her briefcase back onto the desk and approached her student with an angry look on her face. "Just for the record, we didn't know he was going to say that," One of Derek's friend put in. "You heard me, you little whore," Derek spat. "Take off your clothes or I'll do this to you. Ruptura!" As soon as he said the magic word, the cabinet full of books suddenly exploded and shattered into several different pieces. The confetti left from the explosion floated through the air and the metal doors just barely missed Ms. Quartz's head. One of them grazed her cheek and left a tiny trail of blood, which basically pushed her over the edge into shock. "Vallum!" Derek immediately shouted just before the doors reached him. A red wall of light appeared in front of him and stopped the doors just in time to keep them from slicing his head open. The wall of light vanished after a couple seconds and the doors fell to the floor with a thud and a clang. "Wha... how... did you...?" Ms. Quartz's wide-open eyes fell to the metal doors as the small scraps of what was once literature surrounded her. She fell to her knees for she suddenly lost the strength to stand up. "Holy sh**! That was awesome" "Watch it next time. I think a nail almost poked my eye out." "You just saw an exploding cabinet and all you can think about is a nail poking your eye out?" "I'm more impressed by that wall, to be honest. Looked cooler." "This is way more fun than just charming someone," Derek laughed as he pulled out his spell-book and started looking them over. "Course, I might still have to do that just to keep her quiet. What you think, guys?" "Use the spell," All three friends agreed at the same time. "Right... better safe than sorry, huh?" Derek grinned mischievously. He turned his attention back on the English teacher as he stood proudly over her. "Time to bid your freedom farewell, Ms. Quartz. From now on, you're going to be our cock-loving little slut who'll do anything we say. Prosternere." ***** Man... what's this feeling I keep having that I should had stayed behind at school? Fallout grumbled to himself in his mind. He tapped his foot and fingers nervously while his free hand was scratching his hair. "You know, I have seen murder suspects in court who were more calm than you," Monica commented as she gave her friend a concerned look. "What is the matter?" "It's cause Rock eats like a pig, right?" Trent asked with a grin. "I've never seen anyone eat more than ten hamburgers before." "For the last time, they weren't for me," Rock growled angrily. "They were for Scar and Horn." "Sure... whatever you say, man," Trent laughed. "Next you'll probably say you need to feed that suit of armour." "Maybe not, but he did say he needed some oil," Rock replied. "No... it's not that," Fallout replied. "I just... have a feeling I have to be somewhere... but I'm sure it's nothing." "Go," Tim said. "What?" Fallout blinked. "Go," Tim repeated. "I'll pay." "Uh... are you sure?" Fallout asked as he stood up. "I'm really gonna go." "Then go," Tim said again. "Ah... I'm leaving my wallet anyway," Fallout took out all the money he had in his pocket. "Oh... right... I don't carry a wallet. Well... I'm still leaving all my money. If that still doesn't cover it, I'll be sure to pay you back. Thanks. Bye!" With that, Fallout was gone. "I will go with him. See you!" Monica said as she left the table to go after her friend. "So... just us four left, huh?" Trent grinned. "Let's play public strip poker!" Rock and Tim got up at the same time and left the table. "I'll play!" Kera exclaimed as she pumped her fist into the air. ***** "Woo! Looking good today, Sandra!" Gary, the quarter-back shouted from the football field. At the moment, what remained of last year's football team was having after school practice before try-outs. "Did ya come all the way back here to see me?!" "F*** off, dirt bag!" Sandra shouted back as she rushed past the field towards the school. "Is it true that you don't like guys?" Hal, the Tailback shouted. "Maybe we can change your mind with-" "I think she's too far to hear you," Click, a Tightend and Wedge Buster said. "Practice is almost over and I need to head home soon. Let's wrap this up, shall we?" "I can't believe I left my notes in class," Sandra grunted as she ran through the hallways back to class. She never noticed how creepy the school could be after hours until now. With the exception of hearing the football team practicing in the football field, the hallways were incredibly dark and quiet. For this reason, it was easy for her to pick up the light that was coming from the doorway to the English room. "Oh good. Ms. Quartz is still in."