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Olivia Wilde: The Tonight Show With Jay Leno


This is a work of complete fiction.It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it.No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you.No one over legal age should read this for the same reason.All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person.I do not own The Tonight Show or the characters from it.I do not know Jay Leno or Olivia Wilde or have anything to do with them.Comments are always welcome and appreciated so you should feel free to share.

So I was accidentally watching the Tonight Show with Jay Leno the other night but luckily the lovely Olivia Wilde was on.During the interview she starts talking about her dog, Paco and as she’s talking about her dog I mishear something she says.She said that her dog was a bad guard dog and would let a rapist into their home but I heard that he had let in a rapist.So this is the rest of the misheard story.

Story Code: M/F, Noncon

Oliva Wilde: The Tonight Show With Jay Leno
By Muhabba

“So he actually let in a rapist?” Jay asked from behind his desk.“An actual rapist?”

“A actual rapist, Jay,” Olivia answered smiling.“I’m telling you, Paco is a terrible guard dog.”Fits of laughter and giggles played through the audience.

“So, ah, so what happened?” Jay asked.

Olivia started laughing, “Well, a stranger broke into my house a fucked me, Jay.”More laughs went through the audience.“That’s what happened.”

Jay chuckled, “Heh.Well, I guessed that part,” he said and then raised a hand out to indicate the audience.“We can all guess that part.But I mean, what was Paco doing while the stranger was breaking in.I assume this happened at your house?”

Olivia sat back in her overstuffed chair as she spoke.“Well, two of them broke into my house.But the worse part is that Paco actually helped,” she said laughing as the audience laughed along with her.

“Really?” Jay asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Olivia responded.

“O.k.I’m intrigued,” Jay said as he put down his notes.“Not only is Paco a terrible guard dog against criminals, he’s also a accomplice.Tell us everything.How did your dog help you get raped?”

Olivia folded her hands in her lap as she started her story.“Well, the first part I was told by the Police since I was asleep at the time.It was about 3:00 AM and Paco was sleeping in my bed next to me.I was wearing a old T-shirt of my fiance’s, Jason Sudeikis, and a lime green thong with little ankle socks.I like to keep it cold in my room so I was wrapped up in my lacy pink comforter and my bedroom door was open so Paco could take himself to the doggy door out back if he needed to go.”

“Now, like I said,” Olivia continued, “The Police say that it was about 3:00 AM so I was dead asleep.The two men started picking the locks on my front door after already disabling my alarms and the noises must have woken Paco.He didn’t bark or anything, instead he just got out of bed and trotted downstairs.I kinda, sorta woke up, y’know?Just enough to know that Paco was moving around but not enough to wake up all the way?”

“Sure, sure,” Jay agreed.“I think we all do that.”

“Right,” Olivia said.“So, I’m still asleep and Paco trots downstairs where 2 men are trying to break into my house.We’re guessing that Paco just sat, watching the door or something, just to see who it was and the Police guess he got tired of waiting.Based on some scratches on my door it looks like Paco started leaping up and smacking the door with his paws and eventually he smacked it just right to let the 2 men in.”

Jay and the audience broke into laughter.“I know, right?A terrible guard dog,” Olivia said as she laughed along.“So the two men begin ruffling through my stuff stealing, I don’t know, a couple of watches, some earrings and just a little of this and that, but nothing major.And the whole time Paco is probably just following them around, wanting his belly rubbed.But anyway, they didn’t get too much, just some little knick-nacks.”

“Right, right,” Jay agreed.

“Well, it looks like one of the men took their ‘spoils’ and left his friend to, I don’t know, clean up?, wipe down prints, I don’t know,” Olivia said as she continued her story.“At any rate I guess Paco got bored and started walking back to my room.So instead of Paco following the crook around, the crook followed Paco.”

Jay interrupted, “And why do you think that it?The intruder following your dog?”

“According to the Police the crooks only went after the open rooms, I guess trying not to wake anyone up,” Olivia answered.

“I see,” Jay said.“Pretty sneaky.Unfortunately in this case, the open door led to...”

“To me, right,” Olivia agreed.“So the crook made it to my room where I was sleeping.Apparently he was shocked to discover a celebrity because the Police say by how deep his foot prints were in my carpet he just stood at the foot of the bed, watching me sleep for a while.”

“And where was Paco?” Jay asked.

“Sitting in the doorway watching the whole thing,” Olivia laughed.“Anyway, the crook was watching me sleep for a while and I guess deciding what he should do.Eventually he reached out and pulled my comforter off, leaving me in my T-shirt, thong and matching socks and covered by my sheet.I didn’t think anything about it, and I did the kinda sorta waking up thing but I just figured it was Paco getting back into bed bed so I just went back to sleep, y’know?So after watching me for a bit more, probably making sure I was sound asleep, the crook pulled my sheet off.Now, I move around a lot in my sleep so my sleep clothes usually bunch up around my waist so this guy would have seen my lime green socks all the way up to my tiny lime green thong and my exposed stomach, and since I like it cold in my room my nipples were probably rock hard and poking through the thin material of my T-shirt as I slept.”

“Right, right,” Jay said.“And where was Paco now?”

“Still just sitting in the doorway watching!” Olivia laughed as Jay and the audience joined her.“I know, right?Well, the guy watched me for a while more and then he stripped naked except for his mask, one of those black ski mask thingies.I guess he was kinda loud because right about then I woke up.At first I’m just kinda groggy and I’m thinking it’s Jason until I see two things: the first thing I see is the mask and that kinda shocks me all the way awake because the second thing I see his his giant cock.”

The crown oohed and ahhed as Olivia held her hands about a foot apart and noddedher head like she agreeding with them.“I know.So now I’m totally awake and kinda trembling in fear or because of the cold and my arm starts to automatically reach for my phone on the night stand and the guy says, ‘Uh uh,’ and shows me a knife.I drop the phone on the floor and start to sit up but he just whispers, ‘Don’t move.’I’m frozen in place while this strange, naked man with a giant, hard cock leers at me, tapping his knife against his thigh.

“Oh my,” Jay said.And then with a smirk he asked, “And Paco?”

“And there’s Paco, still sitting in the door way with his tongue hanging out,” Olivia giggled.“So Paco’s in the doorway as the intruder starts to crawl up onto my bed and straddling my ankles.He places the tip of the knife along the inside of my lower calf and slowly starts tracing it up my leg.I don’t have any choice so I spread my leg out wider as he reaches my inner thigh and I can feel his hard cock occasionally bumping against my lower legs.I’m breathing pretty heavy right now and I’m looking around for anything to use as a weapon and I notice the phone on the ground.Now, Jason and I have been trying to teach Paco to fetch so I slowly start gesturing to the phone and trying to whisper, ‘Fetch,’ without the intruder noticing.And you know what, Jay?”

“What’s that,” Jay asked.“Did he fetch you the phone?”

“No.He fetches me one of the guy’s socks!”Olivia broke out into laughter as the audience and Jay joined in with her.Catching her breath she started the story again, “ Now the guy traces the knife tip up my other leg and I’m forced to spread out my other leg and by now my feet are touching the opposite sides of the bottom of the bed with him leering down at me from his spot between my thighs.He lays down on top of me and I can feel his hard dick throbbing between our bodies and he suddenly thrusts his tongue into my mouth and kisses me roughly.He broke the kiss and licked along my jaw and began nuzzling my neck.And I’m kinda ashamed to admit it, but I started shivering and moaned out a little.”

“And why’s that?” Jay asked.

“Well, I’ve always loved to have my neck nuzzled and kissed, and love it when my men have a little bit of beard stubble.I like the feel of it scratching across my neck and shoulders,” Olivia said, a little flushed.

“So I imagine this guy, this stranger, accidentality found your special spot...?” Jay asked as he winked at the audience and pretended to take notes.

“Yeah,” Olivia said as she giggled.“So this guy is nuzzling my neck, accidentality turning me on, just a little, and I’m still looking for a weapon.I just start gesturing wildly at Paco who starts bringing me random objects in the room; his ball, one of my shirts, his leash, a shoe, his plastic water dish...”

“So nothing useful?” Jay smirked.

“Nope,” Olivia said, shaking her head.“And meanwhile this guy starts using his hands on me, sliding up and down my sides, up under my shirt and just begins to maul my tits and trying to suck my nipples through my T-shirt.And it was just setting me on fire, Jay.I was trying so hard not to moan out in pleasure as this complete stranger just began working my tits. I can’t tell you, Jay.I was scared and confused and so turned on, I can’t even explain.

“Mmmm, yeah, yeah,” Jay agreed as he nodded his head.

“And I’m still trying to think of a way out or a way to get a weapon or something,” Olivia said as she mimed looking around frantically.“And there’s Paco, sitting maybe 3 feet away, watching the whole thing happen with that goofy dog grin on his face.So here’s this guy squeezing and massaging my chest and then suddenly he leans up and places the knife at my collar bone and I nearly freak out, but luckily he just trails the tip down my chest to the neck line of my T-shirt.He slides the cold metal under the neck of my shirt and slides it down and the material just seems to spread open and expose my tits to the cold air.And with the way I’m panting, my naked chest is just rising and falling really fast as I pant.”

Olivia shifted in her seat as her pussy started to moisten as she remembered that night.But ever the actress she kept her composure and continued with her story.“So there I was, my arms still in my T-shirt’s sleeves with my tits and chest fully exposed,” she said as she licked her lips.“And this guy just whimpers.Whimpers like Paco when I tease him with a treat, right?”

“Or 2 treats,” Jay said, the audience and Olivia laughing out.

“Or 2 teats,” Olivia smirked.“Next the guy laid down on top of me again and I can feel his dick smearing pre-cum along my stomach since it's pressed between us.At the time I was to scared or turned on or whatever to notice but he then put the knife down on my night stand so he could cup and squeeze my breasts.”

“Uh huh, uh huh,” Jay said.

Olivia made sure to look out at the audience to make sure they felt included in the story as she continued, “At first he’s kinda gentle, maybe a little nervous or something but then he just starts squeezing and mauling my tits and bolts of electricity are just shooting through my body, y’know?Now I can’t tell you if it was just him moving around on top of me or me kinda, unconsciously responding to him, but as he moved down a little to keep mauling my breasts his giant cock was right on top of my thong and we’re just grinding our groins together.His dick is just rubbing along my panties and sliding over my clit which is hard as a pebble by now and I’m just thrusting my hips up to meet it.We’re just griiinnnding together, dry-humping.”

Jay tapped the eraser of his pencil against his desk as he listened.“Itchin’ for a little friction, as the kids would say.”

The audience and Olivia giggled, “Right, right.Now, I’m trying not to moan out in pleasure and I’ve totally forgotten about escaping but I do look over and see Paco just sitting on the guy's pile of clothes, just staring at us.”

“Ever the watchful guard dog,” Jay said.

“More like the watchful voyeur pervert dog,” Olivia laughed.“So I’m biting my lip, trying not to moan, when the guy bends down and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth.That’s it for me, the straw that broke the camel’s back and I moan out and try to push my tits into his mouth.He’s switching between nearly chewing on my nipples to sucking hard on them like some kinda hungry calf or something and I’m just writhing in pleasure, almost crying out.It was pretty intense, Jay.”

“I bet,” Jay agreed.“Ya never know how you'll react to stuff.”

“I know, right.”Olivia said.“I think it was, like, a adrenalin thing.Anyway, I’m moaning and gasping and I just can’t help myself, right?And all of the sudden I feel it, I’m about to cum.I mean, that’s pretty impressive, even for me.Jason is always joking about how sensitive my body is and now this complete stranger had me read to cum after only a few minutes.”

“Right, right.The ‘adrenalin’ thing,” Jay said, nodding his head as if it explained everything.

Olivia shrugged.“I guess so.Anyway, like I said, I’m about ready to cumNow I guess part of my mind was remembering that this guy was dangerous cuz I hadn’t moved my arms or legs since all of this started.My legs were spread, still wearing my little socks and my arms are just spread out from my now sweaty body.So here I am, gasping and moaning in pleasure, writhing underneath this strange man, mostly naked, dry-humping him and trying to push more of my tits into his talented mouth, ready to cum.My blood felt like it was boiling, Jay.And you know what?What happened right as I was about to cum?”

Jay was enraptured.“No.What happened?”

Olivia through her hands up like she was exasperated.“He just stopped.”

Jay and the audience bust out laughing.“Oh no,” Jay laughed out as he clapped his heads.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders and looked around, acting like she was confused.“I know.What was that?” she laughed.

“Oh my God,” Jay squealed as he slowly stopped laughing.“What happened then?”

Olivia held her hand to her chest as if she needed to catch her breath.“Well, he sits up on his knees and just stared at me for a little while.Just leering at me, y’know?”

“With as much time as he spent just staring at you, I bet he wishes he had brought a camera,” Jay smirked.

Olivia nodded her head enthusiastically.“Probably.Well anyway, I start to come down and at first I can’t stop staring at his huge schlong.It’s just pointing straight at me and just dripping pre-cum, but as I’m staring at his cock I notice his hands are by his sides, right?”

Jay nodded his head.“The knife.Right.”

“Yeah,” Olivia said.“I notice he’s not holding it and I look over at my nightstand and there it is, right where my phone was.”

“Oh my,” Jay said in a fake gasp.“So what did you do?”

Olivia had to shift around in her chair again, her pussy starting to throb as she answered, “Nothing.I didn’t have a chance.I guess he must have seen me see looking, y’know?Cuz the next thing I know his arm is just a blur as he reached out and grabbed it.”

“Oh no,” Jay said as he hung his head down, shaking it side to side.“Your one shot.”

“And that’s not even the worse part, Jay,” Olivia said with a giant grin.

“Oh, no.It gets worse?” Jay asked smiling.

“Yep,” Olivia said.“First he wags the knife at my face like a parent getting on to a child and saying ‘Tut, tut, tut. We’ll need to do something about that,'."

“Really?” Jay asked, looking serious.

“I had a flashback to my mom catching me stealing cookies,” Olivia giggled.

Jay chuckled, “So in the middle of being raped you flashback to your mom?”

Olivia laughed, “I know.How random is that?Plus, that’s still not the worse part.”

Jay tried to contain his laughter.“Really?It gets worse?”

“Totally,” Olivia said.“He says he’s going to have to do something to keep my hands from getting me in trouble and starts looking around.And here’s the worse part.”

“O.k.What?” Jay asked.

“He finds the leash that Paco had fetched,” Olivia said as she burst out laughing.

Jay and the audience laughed for nearly 2 minutes before Jay could talk again.“So Paco really was a accomplice.”

Olivia manged to finally stop laughing enough to answer, “Exactly.So the guy ties my hands above my head and this caused my breasts to really pull up high and tight on my chest, right?So he bends down and gives a quick lick and suck to my still hard nipples and if this is because of how turned on I still am or I’ve come down from my near orgasmic high enough that I was scared again, I don’t know.”

“So you’re back to normal enough to be scared again?” Jay asked.

“Oh, totally,” Olivia said.“So he tied up my hands, sucked and pecked my tits and then he slowly ran the tip of his knife from my collar bone, down my chest, between my tits and over my fluttering stomach to just above my now soaked panties.I can see him lick his lips through the hole in his mask and with a flick of his wrist he just cuts the sides of my panties.Now I was planning a photo-shoot the next day so I was shaved completely bare and the instant the cold air hit my swollen pussy I shivered all over as goosebumps broke out across my naked skin.”

“He didn’t stop to just stare at you again, did he?” Jay asked.

Olivia shook her head as she shifted in her seat again and giggled.“No, no.Just licked his lips as she laid down between my spread legs.”

“Now, now,” Jay interrupted.“He laid down on top of you again, between your legs or...”

“No,” Olivia said.“Below me, between my legs.I had just expected him to fuck me and get it over with but he didn’t.He just laid down between my legs.”

Jay cocked a quizzical eyebrow at Olivia.“You didn’t have just your ‘average’ rapist, did you?” he said as he grinned.

Olivia returned his grin.“I know, right?So I look down my totally naked body...”

“Except for your socks,” Jay interrupted.

“Right, right,” Olivia giggled before continuing.“Totally naked except for my socks.So I look down the length of my body and I can only see the top half of his head as he takes my ruined thong between his fingertips and slowly pulls it out from between my ass-cheeks.And as the wet material of my thong slid over my asshole it just seemed to set me off again, causing me to shiver all over.And this time I knew it was all in pleasure.”

Jay nodded his head like it was obvious.“Uh huh, uh huh.And do you usually go in for anal?”

Olivia tried not to blush.“Not before then,” she said sheepishly.

“And now?” Jay asked lecherously.

Olivia blushed a deep scarlet as she slunk down in her chair, holding her hand over her face to hide her red face and embarrassed smile.

Jay and the audience laughed for a few moments before Jay held a hand up to quiet the audience.“Now, now.Let’s not pry,” he said to the audience.“Her private life is private.”Jay looked back at his beautiful, embarrassed guest, “Now you were telling us about your rape.”

Olivia cleared her throat, unable to stop smiling or blushing in embarrassment.“Right.Ahem, right.So now he just throws my ruined thong to the floor and settles down, getting comfortable between my legs.By now my legs are almost sticking straight out, almost like I’m a upsidedown letter T and the bed’s pretty full so the guy has no where to set his knife down and looks off the the side, seeing Paco.And you know what the guy does, Jay?”

“By now I can’t even guess,” Jay said chuckling.

“He sets the knife down in front of Paco, says ‘Guard this,boy,’ and then scratches Paco behind the ears,” Olivia said as she broke into laughter.

Jay laughed, “I bet Paco loved that.”

“Just started wagging his tail in joy,” Olivia giggled.“So now this guy has his hands free and just runs them up the insides of my trembling thighs to my bare pussy.I can actually hear him licking his lips and I just sorta whine, ‘Nooo...’ and not just outta fear either.I mean sure, I’m still scared of him and everything but I’m also afraid of how much I’ll like it.And I don’t want to like it, y’know?But...”

“But with everything that’s happened so far you can’t really control yourself, sure,” Jay said.

“Exactly, Jay,” Olivia said.“So his hands glide up my thighs to ither side of my soaked pussy, and I mean I’m dripping wet by now.And now, he’s back to like when he started on my breasts, he’s kinda tender about it.He licks both of my labia, one at a time and then kisses right above my clit and I groan out.It was kinda a mixture of lust and despair, y’know?Lust because it felt sooo good and despair because I was kinds disappointed in myself for liking it, y’know?So he keeps kissing and licking around my pussy and making me wetter than I’ve ever been before.I swear I could hear my sheets squishing as I started rolling my hips up, rubbing my hot cunt against his mouth.And the whole time I”m just biting my lip and mewling, trying not to moan as I’m rocking my hips and slowly thrusting myself up at him.And then he does it.”

The breast thing?” Jay asked.

“Oh yeah,” Olivia answered enthusiastically with wide eyes.“He wraps his arms around my thighs, puts his lips against my pussy and just shoves his tongue deep into my dripping hole.”

The whole audience ooh’ed and aw’ed.

“And his tongue, Jay...” Olivia continued.“Let me tell you about his tongue.I’m not saying it was as long as his prick, but if felt pretty close.”

“Really?” Jay asked, astonished.“I’m kinda jealous.”

The audience and Olivia broke up in laughter.“Really, Jay?” Olivia asked.

Jay held his hands up defensively as he laughed.“No, no.Not the getting to rape you part.Just, y’know...”

Olivia patted Jay’s shoulder as she smiled.“It’s O.k., Jay.I get it.He was pretty blessed.And let me tell you, he put it to good use,” she said as she readjusted herself and rubbed her thighs together.“He just starts attacking my pussy with his long tongue and I cry out as I just suddenly cum.I clamp my thighs around his head, shove my hips up and just scream and scream as I’m cumming.It was just sooo intense.I’ve never felt anything that intense before.I’m just thrusting my hips up and rolling them in pleasure.And he never lets up, either.He just keeps going and going, attacking my gushing cunt with his tongue and I’m just screeching and howling out in pleasure as I keep cumming and cumming.I’ve never... I’ve never felt anything like that before, Jay.”

“I bet,” Jay agreed.

“And here’s another, ‘That’s not even the worse part,’ Jay,” Olivia said as she grinned.

Jay looked around as if the answer was somewhere on stage.“O.k., I give up.What was the worst part?”

Olivia tried not to laugh.“I was yelling out so loud and so long that Paco started howling out with me.”

Olivia, Jay and the audience broke out into rolling laughter.“Oh nooo...” Jay squealed as he wiped away tears.“You’re kidding me.”

“No, no,” Olivia said between fits of laughter.“Oh, it was terrible.Now it’s like I was being raped but with a soundtrack.”

“Oh nooo...” Jay gasped between fits of laughter with Olivia and the audience.As the laughter began to subside Jay looked over to Olivia again.“Have you thought about maybe getting a cat?” he giggled.

"Right then I was," Olivia giggled.

“I bet, I bet,” Jay agreed.“So what happened next?

Olivia looked out over the audience again.“Well, the guy finally lets up on my wet pussy and I finally stop cumming so I stop screaming and that means Paco finally stops howling.”

“Right, right,” Jay agreed like it made perfect sense.

“So there I am,” Olivia continued.“Naked except for my socks, sweat rolling off my body, occasionally twitching and panting as I try to catch my breath as this guy, of course, just sits up to leer at me some more.”

“Probably wishing for that camera,” Jay interrupted.

Olivia giggled, “Probably.So finally I get control and just look up at the guy, pleading ‘Please,” and by then I don’t know what I’m pleading for.Either him to stop or not, I don’t know.And there’s his thick, long, hard cock pointing straight at me and I suddenly realize what I’m pleading for.He lays down on top of me again, his dick throbbing in between our groins and he bends his head down and kisses me roughly and passionately.He just plunges his tongue in and I can taste my cum on him as he’s kissing me and I’m actually kinda ashamed to admit I started to kiss him back just as roughly and just a passionately.”

“The adrenaline thing again,” Jay says.“You just can’t help yourself.”

“I guess,” Olivia said sheepishly with a sly grin.“So then he leans up and grins at me, sliding his arm down between our naked bodies and I feel him adjusting his cock so it’s resting just at the entrance to my wet pussy and I know what’s coming next.”

“He’s getting ready to go ‘All in,’ as the kids would say,” Jay said as he interrupted.

Olivia’s eyes went wide as she nodded in agreement and rubbed her thighs together.“Yeah.He lines up his giant cock with the entrance to my dripping pussy and I can feel my heart fluttering, in nervousness or from anticipation I don’t know.”

“And did he do what he had been doing?” Jay asked.“That whole ‘nervously starting off slow’ thing?”

“I wish!” Olivia exclaimed, throwing her hands up.“In a instant he just thrusts straight up, deep inside of me, filling me up and stretching me like I’ve never been before.My legs with my little socks shoot straight out, my hands grip the leash tightly, my breath catches and pushes my chest out, my eyes are shocked wide open and I can feel his heavy balls resting on my ass-cheeks and I just cum.I mean it was that quick,” she said as she snapped her fingers.“It just hits me like a freight train.Just runs right over me and I just scream out as it crashes through me.”

“And did Paco...?” Jay asked, letting the question trail off.

“Yep.Just started wailing away with me,” Olivia said as she and the audience laughed.“But it didn’t stop this guy.He just starts barreling into me.He’s reaching places I didn’t know I had, rubbing spots I didn’t even know were there, y’know?His hips were a blur as he fucked deeeeep into my vulnerable body.The whole bed was swaying and creaking and my whole body was being shoved up and down with the force of his thrusts, my head was banging off the headboard.And I just can’t stop screaming or cumming and he’s not slowing down, he just keeps going like a jackhammer.And, still a little ashamed to admit it, I wrap my legs around him and at first I try to match his thrusts but there’s, like, no rhythm.He’s just going at me so I just roll my hips up a little to meet him and allow him as deep into me as he can go and I just lay there, forced to enjoy the ride.”

“Oh my,” Jay said, pretending to be stunned.

“Nothing I could do, Jay,” Olivia said as she shrugged her shoulders dramatically.

“Well, yeah.The whole ‘rape’ thing,” Jay said, agreeing with her.

Olivia shifted in her seat as she rubbed her slender thighs together again.She could feel her wet pussy and wished that she had worn panties to this interview.She licked her lips as she continued, “So my orgasm kinds ‘subsides”, I guess is the word, and I finally stop screaming so Paco stops howling and just comes right over to the bed and sits right next to my head before sitting down to watch, his tail wagging furiously and his tongue lolling out of his mouth with that goofy grin dogs have,” she giggled as the audience laughed.

Jay chuckled, “Heh.Maybe Paco wished he had a camera?”

“Maybe,” Olivia said as she chuckled.“So I’ve stopped screaming and now I’m just grunting, moaning, panting like Paco as the guy drills into me.And I’m, like, really upset because I’m tied up and can’t move my arms.Not because I’m thinking about escaping, I’m way to far gone for that, I’m angry because I want to hold his arms to brace myself better so he can have a better angle, I want to roll him over and ride him, I want to pull his head down and thrust my tongue into his mouth.Rational thought had nothing to do with it, y’know?”

Jay nodded his head.“I think we can all understand that,” he said, holding his hand out to indicate the audience.

“Right, right,” Olivia said, squirming in her seat.“So there I am, sweat running off of me, my hair plastered to my face, unable to move while this stranger pile-drives me.I’m just forced to lay there and take it, frustrated and angry about not being able to participate more, totally forgetting I didn’t want this in the first place, just scowling up at him because I can’t participate more.And I guess that Paco picks up on my emotions because his tail stops wagging and he starts whining at me.

Jay chuckled again, “Heh.Well at least he’s finally on your side now.”

Olivia and the audience laughed.“Finally!” Olivia giggled.“Now the guy slows down a bit and just thrusts hard, deep, like ‘Bam’, ‘Bam’, ‘Bam’,” she said as she clapped her hands every time she said ‘Bam’.“Finally he just buries himself inside of me and just holds himself for a few moments, just staring at me again.”

“Of course,” Jay says mockingly.“Cuz that’s his M.O.”

“I know, right?” Olivia giggled.“And then he slowly slid out of me.And let me tell you, it took him a while.And the whole time I’m just mewling because I’m desperate to cum and I’m afraid that he’s done.”

Jay threw up his hands in mock exasperation.“Heaven forbid your rape be over,” he chuckled.

“Oh, I was way, WAY!, to far gone for that,” Olivia said giggling.“So I’m grunting in frustration and thrusting my hips up, trying to get his prick back inside of me, needing it, humping the air like a horny puppy and this guy is just grinning at me as I’m whimpering.He reaches down and grabs my tits, giving them a squeeze and causing me to moan before he slides his hands down my sweat slick body and grips my waist and flips me over, face down on the bed.”

“Seems like a pretty strong guy,” Jay added.

“Oh yeah.I’m pretty slender and he just lifted me up like a doll and flips me over,” Olivia said as she mimed a flip with her hands.“Now part of being slender is, unfortunately, not much up top,” she said, thrusting her chest out.

“It’s fine.You’re very beautiful,” Jay said in mock condensation.

Olivia laughed as she relaxed her chest, “Thanks, but it’s true.But I like to think God made up for it with my butt.”

“I think we could all agree on that,” Jay said, leading round of applause with the audience.

“Thanks,” Olivia said as she broke out into laughter.As everybody calmed down she fanned herself with her hand.“Woo, kinda embarrassed here.Anyway, there I am face down, ass up on the bed, my hands still tied as I whimper in need and the guy starts running his fingertips from my shoulders down to my waist.When he reaches my taunt ass he palms both of my cheeks and squeezes, his thick fingers digging into my flesh as he massages.He spreads my cheeks apart and rubs my little asshole causing a little ‘eek’ of fear to escape from my mouth out of fear.”

“Just fear?” Jay asks as he smirks.

“Just fear this time, Jay,” Olivia said condescendingly.“Remember, I’ve never done anal before and he’s huge so I’m totally freaked that he’s going to, you know...Anyway he releases my ass and spanks my cheeks a couple of times and I can feel my cheeks ripple a little with each smack.Next he lines his cock up with my pussy again and I’m actually relieved because I’m going to be fucked again and I’m also relieved he’s not going to tear my ass apart.He shoves himself in slowly, slowly stretching me again, slowly filling me and I groan in animalistic pleasure and part in lust and part in frustration.

Jay cocked his eyebrow.“Why frustration?It sounds like you’re getting what you wanted?Even if, y’know, you didn’t want it in the first place.”

“I’m frustrated because he’s going too Slow! Olivia chuckled.“I’m trying to push myself back and whining in frustration because I can’t”

“Why’s that?” Jay asked.

“You gotta remember that my arms are tied, Jay,” Olivia said.“And they’re already stretched as far as they can go.”

Jay nodded his head in agreement.“Uh huh, uh huh.Sounds like he’s doing it on purpose.”

Olive nodded back.“That’s what I was thinking.So I’m grunting and moaning in desperation as this guy is still slowly shoving his cock into me.Finally the strength goes out of my legs and I collapse forward, my head on my mattress and my ass stuck high up in the air.I can hear him chuckling at me which just pisses me off more.It’s bad enough that he broke into my home, went through my things and started raping me, now he’s laughing at me about how desperate I am for him to rape me more and it’s his fault for causing me to be this worked up and more sexually frustrated than ever before in my life.I mean, I can feel my juices running down the insides of my trembling thighs, y’know?So I grit my teeth, look over my shoulder with my wet hair hanging in my eyes, glare at him and just whisper, ‘bastard’ at him.”

The audience and Jay broke out in ‘oooh’s’ of astonishment.

Olivia looked over the audience with wide eyes as she continued her story, “I know, right?I was pissed.So he stops laughing at me and I can see the disbelief in his eyes and then I see the disbelief turn to anger and I start to get scared again.”

Jay chuckled, “Heh.I bet.”

Olivia chuckled back, “I know, right?So he grips my waist tight and shoves the last few inches deep inside my sweaty, vulnerable body.And with the new position it feels like he’s driving even deeper than before and I cum even stronger than the last time.I scream out at the top of my lungs as boiling pleasure shoots through my veins and I feel my tightly stretched pussy grip and ripple along his thick shaft as she starts fucking me quick and deep.It feels like he’s barely pulling out an inch before just slamming back in ‘bam, bam, bam!’,” she said with wide eyes as she clapped her hands together with each ‘blam,”.

“And I bet Paco...” Jay said, once again letting the question trail off.

Olivia laughed as she answered, “Oh, you’d think.But this time I’m just totally screeching out and Paco’s just running around the bedroom like there was a cat loose or something.And mean while I’ve totally lost control of my body, I’m thrashing around, twitching and jerking, my legs kicking out...It was literally the most intense thing I’ve ever felt, Jay.And the whole time the guy keeps a tight grip on my waist, hard enough to leave bruises as he fucked me like a jack rabbit.Finally I run out of air and stop screeching and just collapse, just falling nearly flat.If my knees hadn’t been bent under me I would have been flat on my stomach as I just lay there passively as my orgasm finally subsides.

“And Paco?” Jay asked.

Well, he stopped barking, finally,” Olivia answered.“Unfortunately by now I’m close to the side of the bed and Paco just starts licking my face,” she said as she laughed.

"And your hands are tied so...” Jay said laughingly as he once again let his question trail off.

Olivia had to contain her laughter before answering.“Oh, it’s worse than that Jay.I’m so exhausted that I can’t even turn my head.I have to just lay there and let him,” she giggled.

Jay joined the audience as they laughed.“I guess you could say you getting raped doggy style from both ends,” he snickered.

“I guess so,” Olivia agreed.“So there I am, passively getting taken from behind, and I guess the front too, and the guy reaches up my waist, sliding his hands up underneath my prone body.When he gets to my chest he palms my tits and pinches my nipples hard, causing me to moan as he buries himself balls deep into my aching pussy and erupts.It’s like a fire hose as he fills my body with his thick cum and I can hear him groaning in pleasure as he relieves himself deep inside of me.Finally he finishes and collapses on top of me, grinding his softening cock inside of me as he plays with my tits.And the whole time Paco is still just licking my face,” she giggled as she kept rubbing her thighs together.

“Well, Paco just feels sorry for you I guess,” Jay offered with a grin.

“Probably more like he just wanted his ears scratched,” Olivia giggled.“Now the guy slowly climbs off of me, trailing his hands down my limp body and squeezing my ass-cheeks before trailing his fingers down my twitching legs.And I can feel him getting off the bed and hear him breathing as he stood by the foot of my bed and I know he’s just staring at me again,” she giggled.

“Continuing with his established M.O.,” Jay offered as if it perfectly explained everything.

Olivia giggled, “Must be a serial stare-er.”

Jay laughed.“Right, right.So I assume that’s when the guy left?”

Olivia nodded her head.“Yeah, yeah.Just got dressed and left.But, and here’s another reason Paco is a terrible guard dog, he just follows the rapist out, wagging his tail the whole time!”

Jay and the audience erupted in laughter.“I guess to the lock the door behind his new friend.”

“I guess,” Olivia laughed.“So I start untying the leash and finally get my hands free and about that time Paco comes back.I start crawling around to look for the phone, wanting to call the police, and after about ten minutes I find the phone.”

“Oh, good,” Jay says enthusiastically.

“Not quite, jay,” Olivia said, grinning broadly.

“Oh?And why’s that?” Jay asked, looking intrigued.

Olivia broke out in fits of laughter.“Paco’s got it.”

“Oh noooo...” Jay said as he and the audience joined in on the laughter.

Olivia tried to control her breathing so she could speak.“So now here I am, naked, gleaming with sweat, hair plastered to my head, cum dripping out of my well fucked body, legs wobbly and I have to chase after Paco so I can finally call for help.”

“I guess Paco didn’t want his new friend to get in any trouble,” Jay laughed.

“I guess so,” Olivia grinned.“But really, even after he helped me get raped, I still love Paco.”

Jay grinned.“That’s sweet.Thanks for dropping in,” he said as he reached over and shook Olivia’s hand before turning to the audience.“Olivia Wilde, ladies and gentlemen.We’ll be right back.”

The End.