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Reviews from Yannis

Registered: 06-03-2009
PM to Yannis
Beauty: 0.5 / 10
Feelings: 4.5 / 10
Communicative: 0.5 / 10

Με το που μπήκε μέσα ξενέρωσα,τόσο με την εμφάνιση(οι φωτογραφίες είναι τίγκα στο photoshop),όσο και με την τελείως απόμακρη συμπεριφορά της.Υπό άλλες συνθήκες θα την έδιωχνα αμέσως, αλλά ήταν αργά(γύρω στις 04:00),δεν υπήρχε τίποτα άλλο διαθέσιμο κι επειδή είχα καύλες,είπα να την κρατήσω.Βγάζει τα ρούχα και η ξενέρα συνεχίζεται,λόγω του στήθους της,που ήταν πεσμένο,με ραγάδες και με μία ελιά στο αριστερό βυζί.Πάω να ξεκινήσω με γλυφομούνι και λέει όχι,απαγορεύεται.Τη βάζω να μου κάνει τσιμπούκι. Βάζει ένα λίτρο αντισηπτικό πάνω στον πούτσο μου και αρχίζει να τον παίζει με το χέρι της,ενώ έγλειφε λίγο την κορυφή.Της λέω να αφήσει το χέρι και μου λέει όχι.Μόνο αυτό μπορούσε να κάνει,λέει,αλλιώς θα έκανε εμετό(το γράφω ακριβώς όπως μου το είπε.)Τα υπόλοιπα βαριέμαι να τα γράφω...τέλος πάντων,τσαντίστηκα τόσο,που την πέταξα έξω από το δωμάτιο στην κυριολεξία.Με παρακάλεσε να την αφήσω να βάλει τα ρούχα της,για να μην τρέχει γυμνή στο διάδρομο και να λέει κι ευχαριστώ που γλίτωσε το μπουκέτο.Απαράδεκτες υπηρεσίες,πεταμένα λεφτά.

Reviewer: Yannis (12 Recenze)

Hi.First of all i have read your reviews and i saw that you have put a lot of bads..you don't like anything.second i am an escort with a lot of experience and i never let down my clients about my job.i think its a mistake with this review.you have talk in this review about what you see in the pictures.i never saw you in my life and i didin't had any client yesterday...all the best but i see from your reviews that you don't like any of the girls that ylu have been....all the best and again i don't know you and i never saw you in my life.i hope to meat nice gent's here in greece who they realy want a lady..

Beauty: 6.0 / 10
Feelings: 9.0 / 10
Communicative: 6.0 / 10

When I booked her,I said I wanted her to do anal and the agency said OK.But when I got there,she said she doesn't.She didn't even wanted me to touch her asshole(not sticking a finger,just touch it).She said she wanted extra 50€ for CIF.What she DIDN'T say,is that this 50€,is just for cumming in her face ONCE.I stayed there 2 hours and I fucked her three times.So,in the second time,while I was cumming,she pulled her body away quickly,so that the cum goes to her breast and not her face.Ain't it rediculous?!

Reviewer: Yannis (12 Recenze)
Beauty: 1.0 / 10
Feelings: 5.0 / 10
Communicative: 1.0 / 10

I made a booking for her and she wasn't even there.She confirmed the booking,but when I got there,Polina wasn't in the room.Stella was there,instead of her.A serius ageny would never act like this.Only stupid amateurs do.

Reviewer: Yannis (12 Recenze)
Beauty: 1.0 / 10
Feelings: 7.0 / 10
Communicative: 4.0 / 10

About the photos,her ass has many ugly marks,that you can't see here,due to photoshop.About her services...There are NO services.Stay the fuck away.She didn't wan't me to touch her and she was moving her body to avoid my dick.The only thing she can do,is telling you what she doesn't allow you to do.Needless to say that she doesn't do anal,like her profile says.She doesn't know the job at all.

Reviewer: Yannis (12 Recenze)
Beauty: 6.0 / 10
Feelings: 8.0 / 10
Communicative: 9.0 / 10

The booking was for Polina,but instead of her,Stella was there.I decided to stay though,because she's really pretty.Her services are neither very good,nor too bad.Just the usual.No fingers in her pussy,blowjob was not deep and she didn't allow me to hold her head while she was doing it.Her profile says she does anal,CIM and CIF,but she doesn't.

Reviewer: Yannis (12 Recenze)
Beauty: 1.0 / 10
Feelings: 6.0 / 10
Communicative: 1.0 / 10

She doesn't worht shit.Just another amature who doesn't know the job.She didn't let me lick her pussy,she was moving her body,trying to avoid my dick,she didn't want me to touch her and she was totally unfriendly.

Reviewer: Yannis (12 Recenze)
Beauty: 2.0 / 10
Feelings: 7.0 / 10
Communicative: 1.0 / 10

Η κοπέλα είναι μεγάλο νούμερο.Καλύτερα πετάξτε τα φράγκα σας στα σκουπίδια,περισσότερο τόπο θα πιάσουν...Οι υπηρεσίες της είναι της πλάκας.Τσιμπούκι "στοιχειώδες",δεν επιτρέπει πολλά αγγίγματα και σε μία στιγμή μου λέει να μη μιλάω ενώ την γαμάω.Της είπα ότι θα συνεχίσω να μιλάω και αυτό έκανα.Δικό της πρόβλημα αν θέλει να πηδιέται στα μουγκά.Πέρα από το πήδημα,η συμεριφορά της,γενικότερα,ήταν απαράδεκτη.Έκανε κάποια ειρωνικά σχόλια,τα οποία,φυσικά,της ανταπέδωσα...Είναι τελείως μαλακισμένη και δεν ξέρει καθόλου τη δουλειά.

Reviewer: Yannis (12 Recenze)
Beauty: 2.0 / 10
Feelings: 6.0 / 10
Communicative: 1.0 / 10

The photos are absolutely fake.This girl doesn't look at all like the one in the photos,she doesn't know the job and her pimp waits in the door to take the money.Don't book her, it'll be a waste of money.

Reviewer: Yannis (12 Recenze)
Beauty: 5.0 / 10
Feelings: 7.0 / 10
Communicative: 3.0 / 10

First of all,she's not as thin as you see in the photos.Second,she tries to avoid sex by talking and after some point the whole thing becomes rediculus.During sex she was neither very good,nor too bad.Her blowjob was just the usual and she won't allow you to play with her nipples.Not reccomented.

Reviewer: Yannis (12 Recenze)
Beauty: 9.0 / 10
Feelings: 8.0 / 10
Communicative: 5.0 / 10

She's like a fuck machine.I mean, before and after sex,there was no communication at all(she was either talking on the phone,or writting on her computer),but during sex,she was really good.She gets fucked very hard.I fucked her twice and I got very horny.

Reviewer: Yannis (12 Recenze)