This is my second time with her that deserves another review. The first time was quite good for me, as I previously mentioned. Yet, this time was like going over the roof wildly. First of all, I couldn't stop kissing her lips every conceivable way. It's like I was in a desert and her lips were the water I needed to survive. That kind of feeling was going on with me. So it was obvious that time for a blowjob has come. As she has put my dick in her mouth, the desire turn into fire, she didn't stop even for a second wildly going at it. That kind of focus and passion is quite rare in this town, I'm telling you. As I came into her mouth, she sucked every drop of sperm I had to offer. It was so wild, just after one minute of taking a breath, we couldn't stop and start making love again. Sucking and squezing those beatiful titties of hers was quite par with kissing her lips. But feeling of entering her tight, warm, wet and welcoming pussy was beyond wild. I just went with the flow of her deep breaths and melodic moaning.
Alia is "complete" in terms of her physical as well as personal attributes. As of looks, the photos here tell you much. She even, offered a photo without any makeup and that tells a lot about her beauty. She's like this amazing mermaid, who is not witholding any lust in bed. At first glance, she may seem a bit cold but that's because she's not the faking type.When you talk a little bit with her and start making love; you understand that she's quite caring and polite. Having conversation with her is quite par with the lovemaking part as well because she's quick-witted.
Fotoğraflardan göreceğiniz üzere, memeleri başta olmak üzere tüm o güzel kıvrımlarıyla doğal bir güzelliğe sahip Seren. Nitekim, bu doğallık gülümsemesine ve genel hayat enerjisine de yansıyor. Hayat enerjisinden neden bahsettim peki? Çünkü bir kadının genel hayat enerjisi onun sevişmesinde de belirleyici olan temel unsur. Seren'in yataktaki iniltilerinden titreyişine ve hazdan uçup gözleri hafifçe süzülürken çarşafı elleriyle kavrayışına kadar bu doğal ve yüksek hayat enerjisi kendini belli ediyor. Aldığı hazdan neden bahsettim? Çünkü haz almayı bilmeyen kadın haz veremez. Seren, haz almayı da haz vermeyi de çok iyi biliyor. Misalen, normalde cowgirl pozisyonunda kontrol kadındadır malumunuz. Seren, burada ritmi çok güzel ayarlıyor. Çünkü cowgirl'de olay sadece zıp zıp zıplamak değildir. Seren, göz teması, öpüşme ve memelerini yalatma arasında kurduğu denge ile birlikte, zıplama ritmini de çok güzel ayarlayarak işin heyecanını diri tutmayı başarıyor. Zaten, memeleri de yüzü de çok güzel olduğu için cowgirl'ün tam bir görsel şölene döndüğünü söylememe bile gerek yok. Sonuç olarak, uçtan uca ve kusursuz bir girlfriend experience sunuyor Seren.
Canım öncelikle güzel yorumun için teşekkür ederim . Daha çılgın dakikalara 🔥💸 🤪
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