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Punishment Party, Conclusion


Meanwhile, her body, a thin as a twig, was outfitted with a piece of black cloth that was sewn into what had to be the smallest dress ever! It clung to her body like a skin, two narrow straps leading from her shoulders, over apparently nonexistent breasts, to her waist, where they joined into a skirt that did not even cover the bottom of her rear end. A pair of deep brown sandals were strapped around her feet. Her deeply tanned body (and they could see most of it) was so skinny as to be almost skeletal, which deeply disturbed all four of the onlookers.Apparently unaffected by their responses to her, the woman moved purposefully towards Didi, who shrank as far as she could into the sofa, her eyes wide with horror as she looked on. "Oh, this is just so exciting," she said in a powerfully sassy expression. "I want to hear all about you, Didi. Where does that name come from?" She squatted in front of the frightened girl, which caused her skirt to slide up even higher. She was not wearing a thread of cloth underneath. From where they sat, the four girls had a clear view of her spread ass-cheeks and a thick thatch of pubic hair below it. Even at that distance they could detect the odor from her cunt. Shirley had to cover her mouth to keep from gagging, Shannon's jaw dropped in shock, Leslie had to turn her face away for a minute, and Theresa's eyes popped open, practically bulging from their sockets.Didi also had difficulty maintaining her manner, getting as clear a view as a result of the woman's spread legs. Her face twitched, probably in an effort to keep it from contorting."Aren't you ever sparkling?" the woman continued, rubbing her hands on Didi's body, down her sides, over her waist and hips and along her legs. "You look so deliciously scrumptious. Oh, you must tell me where you pick up all of this wonderful clothing!" Shirley noticed her hand stop at Didi's knees, then begin to slide back up her legs, this time inching their way underneath her skirt."Uh . . ." Didi's voice strained as she quickly placed her hands upon her lap, stopping the woman's advance. She was clearly overwhelmed by the experience, but managed to somehow find her voice as she said, "I'm happy . . . I mean, glad to meet you, uh . . .""Oh, you can just call me Lace," the woman said with a dismissing look. "And that over there is my friend, Tools.""H-hi, Lace. W-w-w-what interesting names you have.""Just like your's," Lace responded cooly. "Where does that name come from anyway, Didi?""Well, uh, I just, uh--"Lace suddenly sat up straight, her hand left Didi's leg, and in a voice that was focussed and demanding, she suddenly ordered, "Take her!"Almost faster than the eye could see, Robertson and Ted had a hold of Didi, one on each side, hauling her off the sofa by her arms. She let out a brief scream and tried to lurch out of their grasps. But her efforts were diminutive, her struggle futile.At the same time the man called Tools joined the melee. He handed Lace something from inside his trenchcoat, and she quickly moved behind Didi with it. She reached the object around and smacked it against Didi's mouth just as she was about to let out another scream, but the object abruptly stopped any sound from leaving. Quickly she fastened the object, a red, leather ball-gag, from behind Didi's head. Then she reached lower, behind her neck, and suddenly the straps of Didi's dress came loose.Almost at the same time the four girls reacted, horrified by what they saw being done before their very eyes. It was Theresa who was slightly quicker than the others, jumping up and demanding that they stop what they were doing that instant.Robertson spoke to her firmly. He started with a threat that sounded very sincere, that he would only tell them this once: they were getting what they paid for, nothing more and nothing less, and that nothing would happen that they wouldn't approve of. The end of his quick speech was an order for them not to interfere.Shirley looked up to where Theresa stood. She had no doubt that what Robertson said was true. These people were dangerous! She would not put it past them to brutalize the four of them if it came to it. What had she been thinking when she freely allowed them into her home? They did not explain what they had planned, and she had not bothered to ask, assuming that it would be something short and uncomplicated. Not this! But for the moment she was more worried about her friend. Robertson's words were just the kind of thing that would get Theresa going. She was not given to following directions easily, no matter what the reason. If ordered, or threatened, even in dangerous situations, chances were just as likely she would fight back rather than use common sense and back down. Right now doing the wrong thing might cause them all trouble. Shirley did not want to speak to her now, did not want to say a word, even of counsel, to help her see the light. Instead, she waited tensely, until, finally, Theresa did what he had told her and sat back down. All four girls' attention turned back in muted silence to what was being done in front of them.The straps of Didi's dress slid off of her body, so that the entire dress fell to the floor, leaving her struggling in only her stockings and small bikini panties.Didi's breasts were bigger than Shirley had imagined (not that she spent any real time imagining what they were like). Free of their restraint and not covered with any illusive fabric, they stood out, large and heavy, the aerolas enormous dark orbs against her pale skin. She felt they put her own smaller, unfirm breasts to shame, bouncing and swinging freely from side to side as she fought her captors.Tools gave another object to Lace. By this time they had all skirmished around so that Didi was facing away from the four. From this position they saw the unusual leather bonds, unlike anything they'd ever seen before, applied to her wrists. Once in place, Didi's arms tugged from side to side behind her, but there was absolutely no movement or slack between her wrists.Spun back around by Lace, the three men grabbed her panties at once, yanking them down her legs and over her feet, dislodging her shoes in the process. Shirley's stomach jumped to her throat. What she'd told Robertson they didn't want was going to happen: they were going to rape her! Her head snapped around to where Leslie was sitting. She sat immobile, her face ashen, her eyes dulled. This was causing sensory overload in her, she reckoned. She was turning herself off to help shut out what was going on.Didi's naked and bound body was thrown down on the chesterfield again. Lace looked over to Robertson momentarily, and he responded by shaking his head from side to side."Well, let's see now," Lace exclaimed sarcastically as she knelt down in front of the helpless girl again. Didi's face held a frightened, anguished expression. She tried to twist away, but was helpless to do anything as the woman pulled her back around. The fight seemed to have drained from her quickly, so that all she could do was look on in tormented silence. Lace thrust her legs apart, revealing her pink womanhood below a small amount of pubic hair. "Oh, my goodness," she said in a voice that displayed genuine surprise. Her hand brushed between her legs, and Didi immediately responded with hysterical thrashing. Robertson and Ted had to keep her still again. "Well, would you look at that," she continued as she gently rubbed her hand across the pubic region. "Who would have ever guessed that you're a virgin!"8"What!" Shirley, Shannon, and Theresa all exclaimed at once. It even stirred Leslie out of her catatonic stupor. And there was no mistaking the surprised expressions on Robertson and Ted's faces."That can't be right!" Theresa spat. "You're out of your mind!""She's the fuck of Fatherton!" Shirley charged. "She's no virgin!"Lace turned her head, and the sneer on her face could have melted the polar ice caps. "Look, honey," she returned in a grossly snide voice, "when you've seen as much pussy as I have you know a virgin when you see one." She turned back to Didi, her hand still brushing over her exposed vagina. "She's a cherry, all right. There's no question about it. This little tart is probably tighter than an vice." She looked into Didi's face. "No extracurricular activity for you, honey? No hanky panky detentions? You probably shower in your gym strip, don't you? What a fucking prude! You make me want to puke!"Shirley was too stunned by this sudden revelation to know what to make of it. The other three appeared equally uncertain. She didn't believe it wrong for a girl to retain her virginity, but if anybody had openly revealed to a group of onlookers that she was or was not a virgin, either way, the very fact of its being brought into the open would have bothered her. It was her own business.Lace did not have any such inner qualms. After their brief outburst, followed by a noticible silence, she ordered, "Get her up."Like a rag doll, Didi was pulled up from her position again, Ted and Robertson each lifting one arm. Lace went over and spoke quietly with Tools, who had quietly retreated from the scene. After a short conversation, he disappeared once again behind the door from which they'd all originally emerged. When he came back out he was carrying . . . what? It was glistening and bright pink, whatever it was. Shirley thought it looked like a piece of rolled up fabric. Tools dug into his trenchcoat again and brought out a long tube of something. The cap was removed, and Lace squeezed an enormous amount of clear gel into her hand. Then Tools unraveled the material, revealing — Shirley gasped aloud — a huge plastic dildo!Lace dropped it into her handful of clear gel, and liberally rubbed it all over the tool. It was curled like an actual male phallus, was molded with hard-notched veins along its entire length, and ended in a big, mushroom-shaped head. Shirley saw that the material that had previously surrounded it was actually attached, forming an undergarment. That was what it was! It was to be worn! Conflicting signals raced through her. For the very first time, Didi's canal would be stretched and torn and filled with a solid capacity. Not with a friend or lover, not with living tissue that could feel and respond to her inner physical impulses. Her first experience was not even going to be in a warm, comforting environment. She was surrounded by people who pitied and practically despised her. And her very first time was going to be with a thing, made to represent a man's rock-hard schlong, but still only a thing. There was something about that, she felt, that was not exactly right. Why? She felt herself succumbing to her conscience, to a feeling of doing something unjust. And then she remembered: this is what they'd asked and paid Robertson to do! The only person it was not right for was Didi. How many times had Didi done things to all four of them, and who knew how many other people, that were not exactly right?At her first sight of the dildo, Shirley was also overcome with a deeper, more carnal feeling, one she would not dare to share with anyone else. It's result was an inner warming between her own legs, a slight jump in her pulse as her attention became more acute, focussed upon the massive thing. Deep, in the most primitive and private corners of her brain she felt a longing to use that herself, to wear it, to feel it in her, against the tingling walls of her vagina, moving in ways that would draw out the fiery savage which she now knew lurked beneath her carefully practiced exterior. Was that feeling wrong? She was being selfish, crude, not practical. It was not culturally acceptable. She looked over at the others. They were all paying more attention than before, still with wide eyes, and their faces held more color. The initial shock of all of this was starting to wear off, they were getting accustomed to what was happening right in front of them. Was that a glimmer of a smile on Theresa's face? Yes! She seemed to try to suppress it, but was at last unable. It spread in a joyously malevolent way. In that smile Shirley found all the justification she needed for her primal feelings. The anxiety that at first accompanied them now vanished. This was their ultimate revenge, an experience unlike any other, a punishment party that would settle old scores and undo all the wrongs that had been done to them!"I'm afraid there is no long-and-short to this, only long," Lace continued her sarcasm as she continued to rub the dildo over with gel. "I think you should know, you're about to learn a hard lesson."Didi renewed her struggles against the two men, her body wrestling helplessly and legs kicking while they held her.While this was happening, Shirley's attention was suddenly drawn back towards Tools. He took more objects out of his coat, this time a flaccid rubber bag and a transparent tube with something weird looking at one end.All of a sudden, Lace asked one of the men to get some warm, soapy water for him. "But only half-a-cup," she instructed firmly. "That will be all our little darling will require," she finished with a sinister smile at Didi, while still stroking the greasy dildo. Ted took firm hold of her, which wasn't very difficult because he was so big, while Robertson went to do what he'd been asked. It shook Shirley a little, to think that anybody actually held authority over him. She decided, instead, that it wasn't a master-and-servant relation happening between him and Lace, but one of mutual respect and cooperation. Otherwise they obviously would not work so well together. Apparently Lace knew what Tools was doing even though she was facing away from him. They'd obviously planned all this very well together.Robertson returned with the water, which Tools put into the rubber bag, then returned to holding Didi at one side.For a minute it looked as though she could not struggle any more; her body seemed to sag between the two older men. This behavior vanished and her opposition flared anew when Lace grabbed one of her legs and tried to place the foot into the pink panty. Robertson and Ted sprang down, each holding a leg in one hand, doing their best to hold them steady. Didi put up a good fight, but in the end both legs were placed properly within the panties, which were slid up until the tip of the greased dildo touched the outer lips of the helpless girl's vagina. Didi closed her eyes tight, as though that could prevent the violation of her womanhood. Her legs tried to squeeze together, but the two men held on fast, preventing it from happening. With the round dildo-head now against her, closing her legs wouldn't do any good any more anyway.At that moment Tools approached them with his apparatus and the four girls watched with wide eyed curiosity what they were going to do with it. Lace went up beside Didi, grabbed her head with one hand under her chin and the other against the top of her head and whispered threateningly into her ear.The girls' attention was locked entirely upon Didi as the panties were pulled up further and the large, shiny plastic pecker disappeared inside of her. She screamed, even against the ball-gag as it slid into her, forcing her body to endure all kinds of new feelings and sensations. Upon hearing the noise, a barely suppressed squeal escaped Theresa's throat. She was enjoying this immeasurably. With her approval clearly voiced, Shirley decided to join in the applause with hoots and whistles, feeling only slightly self-conscious doing so. Shannon and Leslie followed suit, with their own derisive cheers and hollers. A muffled groan against her gag was the only response Didi gave as her body was ravaged by the invading plastic member. Lace faced the four momentarily with a half-smile, half-sneer.Didi's body was then turned around so it faced away from Tools. The girls noticed then that only the front of the panty was pressed against her, while the back was stretched around her upper thighs. Lace went around to her backside, rubbed more lubricant onto her fingers, and then gently massaged them up into Didi's ass. Didi jumped at being penetrated from the other end. "My, my, aren't you ever tight," Lace said in a more soothing tone, as her fingers penetrated deeper and deeper into the nether recesses of Didi's anus. "You know, my dear, some girls who refuse to be screwed will allow guys to give it to them up the other end. I wondered if maybe that was your case, but I can see now that it isn't. You are simply tighter than a kettledrum." She slid her fingers all the way in, then slowly started drawing them out before pushing them back up again. After a few such strokes she removed her hand, applied more gel, and repeated the procedure. Didi was quivering uncontrollably behind her. When Lace had inserted her fingers all the way again she held them up there and in a voice of mock surprise said, "Why, I can feel something! Is that Mr. Peter Pecker on the other side of that fleshy wall?" A wicked smile crossed her face as she asked, "Doesn't that feel so good?"Didi shook her head violently back and forth, and Lace's smile vanished into an expression of disdainful vulgarity. She pulled her fingers out of Didi's anus-hole and, stepping away, told the others in a dry tone, "Do it."Tools took her place behind Didi. With silent, precise movements, he inserted the nozzle up into her anus, then adjusted something on the other end of the tubing. The girls all gasped as they watched the sudsy water drain out of the bag, though the tube, and into Didi's ass.Tools quickly removed the tubing, but left the nozzle still sticking out of her. Again, Lace began whispering vehemently into Didi's ear words that none of the four could hear. Whether or not Didi heard them was speculative; she appeared in too much agony for anything to register in her mind. Everything seemed to stop: the scene stood still as seconds dragged by. Finally, Lace lifted the back of the rubber panties over Didi's rear end, but still held the waistband out. Her other hand went back inside, and when it emerged, she was holding the nozzle in it. Then she snapped the latch which held the ball gag in place, allowing it to fall away. Didi did not scream. Her breathing was incredibly heavy, her face a near scarlet as she groaned and gasped and sputtered, trying to fight all of the forces working against her. Slowly, as though by some omen, her staggering legs turned her so she faced the four attentive girls. She stood in a crouched, bent over position, her legs spread well apart and bent at the knees. Her entire body shook, with a look of extreme, discomforting agony painted on her strained face.Everyone was shocked when Lace suddenly yelled out, "Now!"At her command, Didi's eyes squeezed shut and there was a very loud, prolonged fart. The water injected into her ass shot out against the rubber material of her panties, sounding like a jet-stream of hot air. It ran down between her flexed legs, now a deep brown color, while a pugnant odor filled the room. Didi exhaled a long, agonized moan. Her body lurched forward, but with her hands still locked behind her she was unable to break her descent as she fell helplessly to the floor.She laid there, on her stomach and knees, her ass in the air, panting heavily. The sound of her shit filling her rubber panties was obvious to the others. From where they sat, they easily saw the back of the pink panties turning brown. After only a few seconds Didi's quivering body could not maintain even this position. She crumpled over onto one side, and after several more seconds finally rolled onto her back where she remained, her legs spread wide, with the dildo fixed within her. More clear water flowed through her panties, until everyone realized that it is not water at all. She had pissed herself, apparently unable to maintain any of her bodily functions.The girls stared down at her for several long minutes before Lace finally went over and pulled her up. Her legs barely supported her as she was guided slowly back behind the door into the back room, followed by Tools, who carried Didi's clothing. "Let's get you cleaned up," Lace said softly. Ted and Robertson quickly set about cleaning whatever mess was left on the floor.There was a washroom next to the laundry room, and the running shower could be heard through the door. All the girls relaxed for a couple minutes until they heard Didi's crying and moaning again. It grew louder quickly, accompanied by a repeated wailing of "Mommy, mommy!" The four exchanged awestruck looks again, their eyes wide in surprised disbelief. The water stopped, and less than a minute later Didi stepped out again, fully dressed, walking in slow, unsteady steps. Lace walked beside her, her arm around her waist to help support her. Tools walked behind them both. Didi's face was expressionless. She did not acknowledge anyone as they slowly made their way back up the stairs and out of the house. Didi was completely changed from the way she normally was. It was incredible to have witnessed such a transformation.EpilogueSlowly she descended the stairs. Her body no longer felt like her own, her mind hardly able to accept that she had actually been here that day.Two weeks after Didi had left, Shirley could still see her, sense her panic, her degraded, deprived form on the floor, doubled over in personal agony, beyond the comprehension of regular thought and normal living. Didi did not act normal, but underneath her carefully constructed exterior she had been. She had been more vulnerable and childlike than herself or, she imagined, any of the others. What had they done to her? What scars had it left? It was the last time any of them saw her; when school resumed the next week she had dropped out. Though Shirley had seen the other three in the halls, they did not speak. It was only the beginning, she knew. Part of her thought that what they'd done was good, that they'd all done the right thing. Another part did not believe that what they'd done had been justified, and that what had taken place in her very own home two weeks ago would have repercussions for years, for all four of them. Who knew what they would be?Robertson had virtually disappeared. Not a word, not a sign, nothing to indicate they'd ever been together. Of that she was sad, yet thankful. She did not miss him, did not really even think about him personally. But his trap — his legacy perhaps — had worked on her. She saw now that she'd been had, used, just like so many other girls who hoped and dreamed that he'd be their Prince Charming. She'd been enamored, blinded by her own false hopes, despite the fact that she had thought she knew what she was doing. And he had taken her ignorant innocence, played with it, used it, then discarded it. These were things girls put up with daily. There seemed to be no end to it.She repressed the memories to return to the present, to what was happening now.She'd had no idea that this could have happened. Perhaps Robertson had. He had appeared so infinitely aware of his own powers, his own magic. Could he predict the effect he had on people, on girls, what happened to them after? Or maybe it was all on the surface, maybe there was no real magic? Maybe what she felt now had always been there, only hidden, and he'd served as a channel for realizing it.While she felt no need or longing for his presence or touch, Shirley felt very, very different from the way she had before. What Robertson had aroused in her that day they'd first talked, the day they'd screwed, had remained, only in a different form.That day he had provided her with a glimpse into the most primal of his being, the carnal centre of all people. She had responded to it willingly, savagely, but without any foreknowledge of herself in such matters. Now it was her's, a part of her body and spirit; she did not need anyone else to allow her to see or feel it.With that in mind, she moved into the bathroom. She was alone in the house right now, able to express herself openly while in private. The hair on the back of her neck prickled and her nipples pressed against the material of her bra as she stepped slowly over the edge of the bathtub. All of her senses felt heightened, aroused. She slowly drew her hand across the opposite arm, feeling it tingle her skin. Her hand continued until it came to rest on the inner curve of her right breast, just inside the deep V of her dress. It sent wonderful sensations throughout her body, erotic and voluptuous. She closed her eyes gently, craning her neck slightly as she did so.The initial warmth instantly overflowed her panties, running in rivulets down her legs and dripping through the material of her undergarment to pool around her feet. What a wonderful, truly thrilling sensation!END