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Raping Amanda Bynes and April Lavigne Part 2


I sat up on my knees, with my inner thighs brushing the sides of Avril's tight little butt cheeks and my cock dripping away on top of her panties. I wanted to hear some humility from this little slut."Not feeling so tough now, huh bitch." I said matter of factly as I held onto the area of her soft delicate skin at the back of her thighs, just under her knees, one leg in each of my hands."I'm really sorry! I promise I won't say anything bad if you stop this!!!!" begged Avril frantically.Leaning over her, I again pressed my weight into her. I loved feeling my skin against hers. I had my face just inches above hers, hearing her rapid breaths and seeing the little drops of sweat that had beaded on her forehead. It kind of hurt to feel the clamps on her nipples pressing into my chest, but then why the hell should I care, after all, they were hurting her much more. She turned her head, not wanting to make any eye contact. That was about to change now."Look at me slut, with your eyes open, or I'll really hurt you BAD!" I said loudly. She complied, although the look she gave me was one of mixed fear and hate. I knew it absolutely totally quintessentially killed her to have to stare into the man that she wanted to kill for treating her like this. This was paradise!"You don't want to be fucked? Is that what you're telling me?" I asked in a serious tone."YES!!!""Yes you want to be fucked?""NOOOOO!!!!!!!!""But you said yes Avril!""NOOOO!!!! I meant NO!!!" pleaded Avril, her entire body shivering underneath me, arousing me even further. I sat up again and I started pulling up on her nipple clamps sharply, watching her small tits being pulled up into pointy little cones. That got a big reaction from her as she cried out in obvious pain."Would you rather I just do this all night? Or what about this???" I then let go of the clamps, watching them wiggle around her jiggling tits before I started to slap hard against her inner thighs. That brought some more agonized screams. Man, that lung power of hers was harnessing the sperm in my balls to get ready for takeoff."You're hurting me!!" she cried as I slapped her about ten times on each reddening thigh before I started molesting her feminine treasures over her panties. Suddenly, Avril froze, and her body completely tensed up. My fingers trailed over the cotton fabric, feeling every nice fleshy lump and moist groove that lay underneath them. This young slut surely had a great pussy under her panties, it was going to be so much fun busting it open for her! I thought about how many men would like to be in my position right about now!"I think it's time I slide these panties down and see what you're hiding in there slut. Beg me to slide them down!""Fuck you!!!" was the reply I received. Jesus, she was getting profane again. Time for some more pain!Instantly, I sat on top of her legs and kept her from kicking me. Using both hands, I grabbed a good solid hold of the sides of her panties, scrunching them at the waist band, and started to yank it up towards her head. Unfortunately for Avril, it was wedgie time!"DON'TTTTTT!!!!!" cried Avril as I started yanking them upwards, tugging at the material as hard as I could. The crotch area of her tight green panties began digging up into her pussy lips violently, obviously causing her a LOT of discomfort, judging from the screams. I loved watching her upper torso twisting and writhing in all directions, with her hands cuffed helplessly above her, as she struggled hopelessly to escape. I turned back to see that Amanda was still watching the action with wide eyed interest."Hey Amanda, do you think I can pull these panties right off?" I asked her. I didn't expect a reply, and I didn't get one. From her anyway."Fuck OFF you fucking faggot piece of shit cocksucker motherfucking faggot asshole...." repeated Avril over and over robotically as the pain sensors in her brain struggled to deal with the compacting pressure her cunt was feeling.Angrily, I let go of the panties, only to regrasp them, this time in the front and underneath her. I started sawing them back and forth, wedging them even further in between the luscious lobes of her ass and in between her pussy lips. I could see her outer lips bulging out from around the thin band of material between them, knowing her clit would be getting 'rugburned' underneath there as I kept sawing away.Avril stopped swearing, and starting making incomprehensible noises as I tortured her sensitive tissues between her legs that had probably never felt anything like this before. I loved the sawing action, despite my arms getting tired, but it was sure fun digging those panties up her crotch!"Ok bitch, it's obvious they're not coming off this way, time for a reversal of fortune!" I stated as I quickly yanked them downwards, pulling them off her crotch completely, exposing her for the first time."Holy fuck!" I exclaimed excitedly! Avril Lavigne's pussy was unbelievably arousing! Her pussy looked like that of a 12 year old's, sporting such tiny little lips in a long slit and with hardly any hair at all except for some peach fuzz over her pubic bone. I had to take a closer examination.I noticed that Avril's cheeks were starting to turn red from sheer embarrassment and humiliation as I sat off of her legs and continued to yank her panties completely off of her. Instantly, Avril's knees pulled up into her chest, and she turned over to the side in her best efforts to hide her pussy from me.Stepping off the bed, I grabbed a roll of duct tape and began to plan the position I wanted Avril to be in. I grabbed her kicking left leg, which wasn't easy with all of the thrashing and yelling going on. I took her ankle and pushed her foot back until her heel was just touching her left butt cheek, resulting in her knee pointing straight up to the ceiling. I began wrapping duct tape around and around, effectively keeping her left leg completely bent. I then repeated the procedure on her right leg. Perfect! Avril continued to cuss me out as I put my hands on her knees and pushed them back so that they ended up on each side of her breast. This deliciously lifted her pussy and hips up a little off the bed, pointing directly up at me, giving me an even better look at her pussy and now her asshole too!Talk about a set of tight holes, it was obvious that this rock star hadn't seen any action."Jesus Avril, you must not be fucking your drummer after all, or any of your little boy groupie fans. Your holes look pretty tight to me!"Avril clammed up as my cruel words sunk in. I knew I was humiliating her past anything she had ever dreamed she could feel. Her entire womanhood was simply exposed and vulnerable to anything I was going to do to it. I had to take a closer look.Sitting on my knees, I then bent forward, causing my ass to go up into the air. It was a good thing my mastiff Duke wasn't in the room right now, or he'd be up on the bed trying to hump me, that damn dog would hump anything when he saw an opportunity. I continued to hold Avril's bucking legs down, it really wasn't that hard as my arm strength was much greater than her leg strength. I leaned my head downwards right towards her pussy. Avril could feel my breath against her skin, causing her to again tighten up and cringe every muscle in her body as she prepared herself to be touched.Oh man, the smell coming from her young tight pussy was fucking incredible!!! Unmistakable odors of pussy juice wafted up to meet my nose. I thanked God she wasn't menstruating this week, that would have been a horrible shock. Instead, the glorious smells of Avril's juices hit me like a bouquet of roses. I started salivating like a Pavlovian pet."Oh don't!!!" cried Avril as she felt my nose nudge into her pussy, just under her clit, and I began taking slow deep inhales, to smell that tight girlie juice filling my olfactory canals, causing my old factory between my legs to generate more blood to my aching cock, which wastelling my brain it was now time for action!I had to taste her cunt too. I stuck my tongue out and began licking the dry outer skin of her pussy. Digging in a little ways allowed me to find that it was much juicier inside her tight labia."Hey Avril, you're like a fucking jelly doughnut, you've got a cream filling in your twat!" I said excitedly as I continued to use my tongue to transfer more of my saliva up and down the length of her outer pussy lips. Avril shivered and bucked trying to turn herself away from my tongue's advances, but it was no use. I was in heaven.I started sucking and vacuuming her pussy lips into my mouth, and started probing deeper inside her lips, tasting her sharp odor and licking her out. Fuck she tasted good, and knowing this was THE Avril Lavigne made her taste even better to me. I then tried to poke my tongue as far in between her pussy lips as I could. After another 30 seconds or so of tongue exploration, I sat up and licked the sweet juices from her off of my lips, making an overexagerated smacking sound."Mmmmmm mmmmmmmm, that is some fine rock star cunt you've got down there Avril. Hey Amanda, want to try some? I saved some for you!"Amanda only stared back in shock, never dreaming that I would insinuate that she would have to touch her little friend on the bed with me. I stood up and walked towards Amanda, who began shaking with every step I took. Kneeling down on the floor in front of her spread legs, my face was now eye level with hers. This was my first good opportunity to see Miss Amanda Bynes up close. She was every bit as hot as she was on tv, but with a much more erotic expression of fear and horror in her eyes."You've been so good Amanda, that I am not going to hurt you in the same way as I did to slut-girl over there. You don't want me to hurt you now, do you Amanda?" I asked in a peaceful calm voice. Amanda didn't verbally answer, all she could manage was to quickly turn her head back and forth in a 'no' movement. God she unintentionally looked like such a bimbo doing that. I expected to hear the sound of marbles rolling around loose in her cranium, but then I realized that marbles wouldn't have had any room with all that air inside her."That's right my little airhead. You don't want to be hurt. So don't make the same mistakes that your friend made, and you'll be just fine. Of course, I can always find another set of nipple clamps if you want.....""Nooooo, I'll be good!" complied Amanda eagerly. I wonder if Dan Schneider, the producer of "The Amanda Show", ever fantasized about hearing those words coming out of this little angel's lips. If I had been him, I'd have placed Amanda in this position a long time ago. Oh well, better late than never!"Then since you're going to be so good, I'll untie you now, how does that sound?""Yes, please," said Amanda, her voice being trembly and awkward, not at all the confident exuberant voice she displayed on cable television."Atta girl. That's the spirit."I smiled at her kindly as I started to undo her bonds. Once she was free, she began to rub her sore wrists, but she didn't look at me. Taking her hand in mine caused her to flinch and pull back quickly, but when we made eye contact, she submissively let me pull her to the bed, without any fight at all. What power I felt! By seeing what I was capable of with Avril, she decided to let me do what I wanted! I couldn't wait to see how far Amanda would go before I would have to get rough with her too."Get up on the bed Amanda, I want you to stand above your little friend, with one foot on either side of her waist." I ordered. I started to rub my stiffened erection with one hand while I watched Amanda comply."Good girl Amanda, I certainly don't need to whip your tits because you are doing everything I say. Right?"Amanda nodded sadly as though she had given up all hope. Avril was pouting away underneath her. I could see that the two of them had made eye contact, as if to say, we'll survive this. Awwwww, how touching. Two girls being such good friends. I was going to help their friendship by making it evolve into something a little more personal."Ok Amanda. Now take your pants off.""What???? But....but you said....." Amanda blurted out as though I had just lied to her."I'm not going to hurt you! Although I will whip your ass the same way I whipped slut-girl's tits and legs if you don't do as I tell you."As agonizing at it must have been for her, young Amanda Bynes began unzipping her hiphugger jeans with trembling but dainty fingers. She pulled them off of her hips, and I moaned aloud as I saw her blue panties clinging to her tiny round little ass. Amanda paused for a moment, and I wondered if I was going to have to give her a little more incentive to continue, but eventually she lowered her jeans and stepped out of them."Toss them here Amanda. Come on."Amanda turned and gently underhanded her jeans through the air, and I caught them. Holy shit they were small, I don't think I could've wrapped the waist of her jeans around my thigh!"Jesus Amanda, what size are you???" I asked."I....I'm a one two." said Amanda with a shaky nervous voice."You are so gorgeous, do you know that Amanda? I've watched you on "The Amanda Show" for years. Fuck Penelope Taint, I'm your number one fan babe! Hey Amanda, pull your panties up a little please."Amanda complied and pulled her panties up, straightening any folds in them, and contouring them perfectly along the globes of her tiny childlike butt cheeks. A one two. My god, how the hell do women get built that compact? How the fuck are they supposed to pump babies out of a cunt that's squeezed into a tiny waist like that? Amanda Bynes!!!!"Ok Amanda, now the tshirt please."At first, she started to pull the shirt up, but stopped just short of her boobs. "I...I can't...." she begged."Amanda, you're doing so well! Don't make me whip your ass until you can't sit."Making the right decision, Amanda resumed her tshirt removal, pulling it over her head and her long flowing brown hair. Now I knew why she didn't want to continue...she wasn't wearing a bra!"Looks like your petite 32As don't need any support. You are one fine looking specimen of the female teenager Amanda. Thin and petite, but that's why I love you." I gushed. Look at her Mike, I thought to myself. Amanda Bynes standing on YOUR bed, wearing nothing but a pair of panties, a pair of socks and a pair of white running shoes. Her tiny tits resting just over a flat terrifically tight tummy, and an ass that could make a homosexual straight! "Now, I think Avril here has suffered quite a bit, and she needs to know we still love her. I kissed her already, but now it's your turn to give Avril a little kiss Amanda, okay?" I said, watching for her reaction."Don't you fucking touch me!" said Avril as she glared at Amanda above her. That did it!!!I marched towards the bed causing a frightened Amanda to leap off and cower into the corner of the room, her head buried into her hands so that she wouldn't be able to see or hear the pain she knew I was about to inflict once again on my bitchy captive. Avril of course didn't have that luxury, and once again, her mouth had just signed a check that her ass was going to have to cash."You fucking bitch, I told you NEVER to speak to Amanda like that! You're going to fucking pay!" I said as I reached her."Noooo!!!! I'm sorry, don't hurt me, I'll be good!" begged Avril, but she knew in her heart it was too late. She had pissed me off big time, and was going to have to suffer some more now!I crawled onto the bed between her legs and pushed her knees up to the side of her chest again. The way her feet were duct taped to her thighs, caused her feet to provide me with just the right amount space in between them to fit my body where I would be very soon. My cock was proudly jutting out, ready for action!"I'm sorry!!!!!!" cried Avril as I placed my bare cock directly onto her pussy lips and held it there."Amanda, come back here, Avril has something she would like to say to you." I said, as Amanda stood up and came over to us, crying again."Wipe those tears Amanda, you won't be the one who needs to cry in about two minutes. Now lay on the bed beside Avril and look at her!" I commanded. Amanda did as she was told and as the two girls continued to cry, I forced Avril to apologize."I...I'm sorry Amanda.""It's okay, please don't cry, you're making me cry." said Amanda touchingly."Awwww, you two made up. Give her a kiss Amanda to show her you forgive her."I watched as Amanda leaned in, her face puckered at the thought of, heaven forbid, kissing another girl, but she did it! Amanda gave Avril a little peck on the lips! Avril didn't seem to like it either. How adorable!"That's not much of a kiss, let's see some tongue action girls!" I said as my cock began dripping precum over Avril's exposed pussy, and I started moving it up and down her still moist slit. That started Avril to begin kissing Amanda back more passionately, as though that was going to stop her from being raped! Heh heh. Yeah."Don't forget the tongue....."Sure enough, both girls forced their tongues out and darted them around with each other. It was totally erotic, despite the fact that both of them were humiliated beyond belief. I watched them for five minutes straight. Everytime one of them turned towards me to see if they could stop, I simply grimaced, and they immediately went back to the licking and kissing. Saliva was everywhere as the insides of both girls' mouths were wet. It was a beautiful sight to behold."Ok girls, that's enough. Amanda, take those nipple clamps off of Avril's tits, they've been on for quite a while now."Thinking that would help Avril feel better, Amanda immediately removed the clips, only to hear Avril cry out from the building pain of the blood rushing back to the areas of flesh that had been restricted for so long. I loved looking at Avril's still flattened nipples slowly regaining their shape as the blood began filling them up in what had to be a most painful process.Amanda seemed to be confused as she watched Avril's painful reaction."It hurts!!! Make it stop!!!" cried Avril."You think that hurts bitch? You haven't seen anything yet! But Amanda's going to see it close up." I laughed. "Amanda, get your head over here, I want you to watch Avril lose her virginity up close. It's going to be great!""I don't want to!" said Amanda in the cutest little girl voice possible."Don't get all Moody on me Amanda, or I'll have to make a Point of doing this to you too!" I replied as Amanda knew she had to do whatever I wanted, because it was I that was in control of her life now. Total control.Amanda leaned in to see what I was about to do. But I wanted more from her."Now Amanda, I want you to hold Avril's slutty little pussy lips open for me, this is going to be a tight squeeze!""NOOO!!!! Don't rape me!!!! I'm not on the pill!!! Let me suck you!!!! I'll suck your cock!!!! Please!!!" cried Avril. Wow! The things young girls will do for you if they really want to. It's amazing."You'll suck me off huh? Well I would have let you before my dear little cunt, but your filthy language has made that impossible. Why would I want to shove my cock into such a dirty hole? This one's much cleaner!" I said as I rubbed my cock around Avril's tiny pussy lips.How in the hell was I going to get my cock inside her I wondered. Her pussy seemed so small and girlish. Avril would certainly be the tightest squeeze my eager cock has ever found its way into to date. I knew Amanda would be tighter though. It was going to be fun finding out!As Avril continued to beg and make me some interesting offers, I stuck with the task at hand, and focused my instructions at Amanda."Now Amanda, lean in really close and don't you DARE pull your head away at ANY time, or I'll simply take my cock out of Avril's twat and cram it into YOURS! If you obey me, I won't rape you. I'll simply keep you as my raping sidekick as we fuck the shit out of our little sex toy we have here, understand?"Amanda nodded quickly, again with the airhead head movements. So adorable! Of course, she didn't need to know that I had just lied to her, after all, Amanda was the one I really wanted to fuck, Avril just happened to be my entrée!Yes, life was good right now!"Now hold her pussy lips open so I can shove my cock into her. Hold on tight Amanda, you're going to hear a new kind of music coming out of Miss Lavigne's mouth in just a few seconds."Amanda's trembling hands did as they were told, and she pulled Avril's labia apart. I shuddered as I watched Amanda looking at the tiny hole of Avril's vagina peeking open, barely. Her piss hole was also visible as was her little clit hood. I horked a gob of spit into my hand and started to lather up my long awaiting cock. The images in front of me would be burned into my mind forever. Even if I went to jail for 100 years for this, nothing would ever be able to take away the memories of this moment. Celebrity copulation. I felt like ol' Leonardo on the tip of the Titanic. Except I wouldn't be plunging into anything even remotely chilly. This was going to be a much warmer adventure. Heh heh.Pushing forward a little bit caused a gasp from Avril's lips as she stopped begging, and must have resigned herself to what was about to happen."Ok this!!!!!"And on the word this, I shoved my hips forward, and popped the head of my cock inside that tight little hole between Avril Lavigne's legs that millions of men had dreamed of popping themselves.And the resulting shriek which came milliseconds Avril shouted out as though she had just lost her best friend. Well, in a way she was. Avril's cherry was about to go! Now for some humiliation time...."Man Avril, your pussy rocks!!!! You are so fucking TIGHT!" I said, trying to keep my voice as normalized as possible, but I couldn't help but hide my excitement.My cock head was just resting so snuggly one inch past her cunt sphincter. I could feel Avril's body heat around it. Seeing Amanda's fingers still holding Avril's lips open was so erotic. I had to hold Avril's legs from kicking, but it was easy, I had great incentive."What do you think Amanda, do you think I should go in a bit more?" I taunted. Amanda closed her eyes but when I raised my voice, she opened them up again as I forced her to watch the intimate details going on between Avril's and my sex organs. Of course my sex organs were giving me a lot of pleasure right now and hers seemed to be giving her a bit too much pain."OHHHHH GODDDDDDD it hurts!!!!" Avril started shouting, "Take it out please!!!!! You're killing me!!!"I started laughing, I was only in the bitch all of one inch! She had no idea what pain really was.But she was about to find out. :)"Ok Avril, I'm just going to push in one more inch, and then I'll stop again." I said as I gently nudged my hips forward, but not enough to actually push farther past her tight hole opening. I moved my hips back and forth a fraction of an inch, feeling her young body shaking and contracting underneath me."Remember Amanda, you move, you LOSE! Got it?" I asked her. She nodded her head, not daring to move!Now came the fun part....With one big huge sudden thrust, I literally SLAMMED my hips forward, burying all 6 inches of cock inside Avril in one massive movement! (What about the other 2 inches you ask? Well they unfortunately remained outside as my cock head slammed against Avril's cervix, denying them entry....I suppose Avril's pussy is two inches too short!)"AGGHGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Avril in immense pain! Nothing could have prepared either Amanda or I for that shrill screeching sound that emanated from her pouty red lips. With my cock totally buried 6 inches inside the slutty popstar, I felt totally victorious! I felt like singing! And what more appropriate song than one from Miss Lavigne's own collection. She does write her own songs you know, so I thought I would pay her a nice homage while I stretched open her sore swollen pussy walls further than she ever imagined was humanely possible."I'm just a boy, you're just a girl, can I make this any more obvious! I am in love, haven't you heard, how I just rocked your little world!" I sang obnoxiously, rubbing victory salt into her bitter little wounds.With as sudden a movement as I had used to slam into the pussy below me, I yanked my cock out of her just as brutally, causing Avril to scream again. Damn it was cold out here, I thought to myself as the colder room temperature air hit my cock.Amanda seemed to be in shock. Avril's punished pussy quickly closed up, looking as tight as it had before I plowed 200 pounds of male flesh through it. But I knew that inside, that sk8er girl was smarting. Damn, I wasn't a woman, but I just knew that her pussy had to hurt. Shit, I didn't think I was going to get in there on one thrust. Oh well, the hell with her feelings, my cock wanted back IN! "Keep the slut open Amanda, I'm going back in for seconds!" I said gleefully."NoOOOOO!!!!!! NO MORE!!!!!! YOU'LL KILL ME!!!! YOU'RE TOO BIG!!!!" begged Avril over and over as tears streamed down the sides of her cheeks. I ignored her pleas, and simply inserted the first inch of my cock back inside her hole. Strange, but it seemed tighter this time. Could it be her painfully swelling pussy tissues reacting from my first thrust? Her cunt muscles clenching in a desire to prevent a repeat performance? Involuntary muscle spasms? Ahhh, who cared. Physiology wasn't my strong course in university."Ahhh, that feels nice. Ok Avril, I'll go more slowly this time. Well, on second thought, nahhhh."SLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another major 200 pound thrust and I was again inside of her as far as I could go, pounding the back of Avril's pussy, jarring her into another loud scream, and this time with more colorful lyrics! "FUUCCCCCCCCKKK!!!!! OHHHHH FUCCCCCKKKKKK NONONONONOOOOO" screamed Avril. I liked this howling better than her album."Mmmmmm, you're so fucking tight you little slut, you fucking pop star musical fuck toy. You were born to fuck Avril, your body was simply made for shoving cocks inside it!" I taunted.Tiring of her screaming, I commanded Amanda to start kissing her again, but now I wanted her to go on her hands and knees, with her ass pointed towards me as much as possible. Amanda did just that, and I had to force her to take her long flowing hair out of the way so I could actually see the kiss. I now had the perfect view of some nice teen lesbo kissing (even though Avril was NOT kissing Amanda back!) and a view of Amanda's panty covered butt sticking up in the air!"Kiss her faster Amanda, don't let her turn her head on you!" I instructed as I reveled in Avril's outrageously tight wet pussy. God it felt GREAT!I slowly started pulling out, watching how Avril's inner pussy lips were being pulled away from her body, in a frantic grasp to keep my thick cock buried inside her. My cock had a nice sheen of pussy juice on it, and a small trace of pink on it, probably a bit of blood from a resulting tear of Avril's pussy getting battered twice. Once the head of my cock was just in one inch, I slammed back inside the 5 inches with a groan. Avril screamed into Amanda's mouth, but Amanda was doing a good job of following orders, and she muffled the kiss well.I started pinching Avril's nipples again in my fingers, knowing how swollen and puffy they were from their earlier abuse. It was neat. Everytime I twisted or squished her nipples exceptionally hard, her pussy muscles would convulse and twitch around my cock. Hey, maybe Avril was tutoring me in the physiology I was missing! What a sweet girl.I pulled out 5 inches, then slammed in 5 inches, repeating the process over and over and over and over. My hips were moving at a faster pace as I started totally fucking Miss Lavigne. Fucking was an understatement, I was pounding the living shit out of this slut. Her pussy must be on fire from the pain I was inflicting on it. Good, the cunt deserved it for being so bitchy."Hey Avril, just think, I'm the guy that popped your cherry! I'm famous! You'll never be a virgin again! Sorry Avril. Sucks to be you!" I said merrily as I continued to pump her tight little pussy.I started stretching her out even more by pulling out and pushing in at different angles. My cock was so engorged and hard that it had zero give to it, so the only thing being punished was the inside of Avril's slippery pussy walls. Imagine, 18 years of nothing inside it, and now 5 minutes of thoroughly abusive filling! Avril still thrashed sexily underneath me as I pumped her harder and harder, never able to get my full cock into her, but it felt great nonetheless.The funny thing was, I was staring now very intently at Amanda's rear end, fantasizing that I was fucking her instead! I was using Avril's cunt as a masturbatory tool for my true desire! Poor Avril. Oh well, I thought as I drove into her in a particularly violent thrust, causing her to emit a loud ughhhhhhh sound. It sounded so erotic, that I kept thrusting as hard as I could, trying to recapture that noise from the slut's body, managing to do so every 18 thrusts or so.After 18 more minutes of solid pussy abuse, I was ready to blow a load of sperm I had been saving up for so long. The question was where to put it? I thought I should be a gentleman and ask Avril. She should have some input in this, since it was her that I was inputting into."Hey Avril, your cunt is so fucking tight that I'm going to have to fill it with my little wiggly sperms. Do you mind?" I smiled."MMMPHHHHH!!!!" Avril said through Amanda's mouth. I took that to mean, 'sure Mike, I want you to fill my cunt with a load full of cum!' But just to be sure..."Hey Amanda, lay off the lesbo stuff. Let her talk!" I said as I refrained from pumping for a moment, buried deep inside her. Pushing Amanda aside, I leant over Avril, and grabbed her by the hair, holding her so that her face was staring directly into mine. There was that look of hate again!!! Wow, was she mad! Holy cow, she was steaming!!!"Hi Avril, having fun?" I asked so sarcastically that I must have snapped a nerve inside her as she exploded."You motherfucking cocksucker I'm going to KILL YOU!!!!!" Avril screamed at the top of her lungs.Boy was I glad her hands were locked up at the headboard, I think she wanted to do something terrible to me. Oh well.I gave her another couple of wicked thrusts while still holding her head, and staring into her eyes. She gasped and winced."Oh yeah? You're going to kill me huh?"WHAM!!!! SLAM!!!! THUD!!!I made eye contact again after those."Your pussy's so fucking tight Avril but it won't be for long! I'm going to make sure I ruin it for you bitch. I'm going to cram it full of big dildos and sex toys, I'm going to make your hole as big and gaping as your fucking face hole, what do you think about that slut?" I said in the same condescending annoying tone as before, it drove her crazy!"You fucking bastard!!!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!" Avril started to repeat over and over as she began crying again. I think she realized that she wasn't the one with the power here.Duh!!Some more heavy thrusts now as I felt my sperm load ready to go!"Ok slut, I'm gonna pump half my boys inside your soaking hot sperm container known as your pussy, and the rest of it is going somewhere else!" I now turned to Amanda again, who sat catatonically watching us."Amanda, hold your hands out for me, you're going to be catching some of my sperm in them!" I said and sure enough, out came the hands. She cupped them together so adorably, it was so cute."Atta girl." Another series of sharp jabs into Miss Lavigne followed. "Ok slut, now you'll be wishing you had been on that pill!" I said as I unleashed a torrid flood of white goopy semen deep inside Avril's pussy, making sure she knew I was doing it."OHHHHH YEAHHHHHHH MANNNNN, YEAHHHHHH, I'm CUMMING IN YOUR CUNTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!" I yelled as I gritted my teeth, and mashed the back of my penis head as hard inside Avril's pussy as I could, feeling my balls pumping their contents out inside her.On the second pump, I withdrew my cock, feeling myself releasing more cum all the way through her clenching pussy tunnel. When my cock fully emerged, more cum splashed out all over her pussy lips and her asshole, some even made it to her bellybutton! Fuck it felt great!"Oh yeah, this is GREAT!!!!! I LOVE IT!" I said hoping Avril would hate my happiness even more. I aimed my cock into Amanda's hands, and dumped several more loads of hot white sticky semen into them, holding her wrists to make sure she didn't move."Fuck me, you're a mess Avril, my sperms are leaking out of you like a faucet! Geez, I really dumped a lot in you! Do you feel them swimming inside you? Do you feel my cum coating your pussy walls? You really are a slut letting a man do that to you! Hey, maybe you'll have my baby now!!! Just like the girl in your song that you stole the skater boy from! Isn't it ironic! Dontcha think? A little too ironic? Yeah, I really do think. Oops, my mistake, that's not your song, that belongs to another female singer from Canada, but one that actually has talent and can actually sing. You're just a skater slut. A fucking zero, a nobody. And you're kind of ugly too, your nose is kind of too big for your face....."....and on and on I went, trying to say the most demeaning and humiliating things I could to Avril, trying to give her the full experience of knowing what rape was all about. Now that the verbal humiliation was over, it was time for some more physical stuff.I jammed my finger inside Avril's remarkably tight pussy (geez, I was going to have to use my monster 3 inch thick dildo to bust this hole open!) and felt around for my sperm. Yep, she was soaked in it; it was everywhere inside her. Yuck.Pulling my finger out, I made a grimacy face as I made her look at me again."Yuck, look how gross you are down there between your legs Avril. You're filthy. And so is my finger. I think you should clean it off for me."I then took my time to wipe my goopy finger off all over her candy-lipstick coated lips and tongue. She squirmed and tried to twist her head and close her mouth, but I managed to transfer all of my sperm to her face. I then reached back down for seconds, and repeated the cleaning."Atta girl, you filthy whore! Suck that sperm down your throat, let's cover your lips and your tongue with it. I know you want it, slut that you are!"I then wiped up all the sperm from her tummy and smeared that all over her lips, cheeks, chin, nose and hair. Man, she had sperm everywhere! I wondered what drying caked-on sperm would look like in an hour or so. It would be fun finding out! Avril HATED me putting my cum all over her face and hair, it was so degrading for her, but I wasn't finished.I reached down and felt her sperm soaked asshole with my finger and I jammed a finger three inches into it! Man did she let out a howl!"FUCK YOU!!!!!!" she said as she felt my finger swirling around inside her asshole. When I pulled it out, I brought it to my nose and smelled it. It smelled like a mixture of cum and the faint smell of what the inside of an ass probably smells like."Ewww, my finger's all slimy and gross. You better lick this off too you slut, after all it's your sperm and your ass coating that's on it."I smiled from ear to ear as I wiped my slimed finger off on her tongue and lips, while clenching her jaw with my other hand to make sure she didn't bite me. I almost forgot, Amanda had a ton of sperm in her hands!"Ok Avril, had enough?" I asked and then waited for a response. I didn't have to wait long at all."YOU FUCKING FAGGOT FUCK YOU!!!" said Avril robotically. I knew she was defeated, exhausted, sore, degraded, and furious all at the same time. So of course, I wanted to make it even worse.Grabbing Amanda's hands, I smeared the heavy globs of my sticky cum all over Avril's face, God it was a mess!!!! Sperm was everywhere, and Avril looked like the sluttiest singer around. It literally covered her face, lips and tongue in slimy globs and drops."Ok Amanda, stick a finger into her pussy and then feed her as much of my sperm as you can, I need a break!" I said as I stood up and stretched, feeling my pussy juice coated cock finally subsiding now. He'd be ready for more action in no time!As I watched Amanda feeding more sperm into Avril's mouth, and Avril angrily accepting it, I reached into my sex toy bag and tried to decide what size of dildo would be appropriate to cram up Avril's swollen reddened pussy, as I knew that she would miss not having me in there for a while. I finally selected a fake penis made of hard rubber that was about 6 inches long and that was 2 1/4 inches in diameter. It also had a set of straps so that some dyke could strap it around her waist as though she had a real cock in front of her! Perfect!I walked back to the girls and knelt on the floor by the side of the bed, watching as Amanda and Avril quickened their cum transferring act, afraid of what I might do if they stopped."That was fun Avril, but I know you want more practice at sex, seeing as you're so new to it, so guess what I'm going to do....""FUCK OFF AND DIE!" said Avril smarmily. I loved her attitude!"Good guess, but nope. I'm going to let you get fucked by this!!" and quickly I held up the large dildo in front of her face, and watched as her eyes bulged open in shock."No!!!!! Oh God no more!!! I'm sorry!" she answered as I could tell that the last thing she wanted was anything else in between her legs, let alone the monster sex toy I was wagging in front of her."Typical slut, here come the apologies again. Well guess what Avril dear, it gets even better! I'm not going to be fucking you with it, good ol' Amanda here is going to be getting the honors. Isn't that nice?""W....what?" Amanda asked with fear."Look Amanda!" I explained eagerly, "You can wear this, and then you end up getting a cock all your own. Isn't that exciting?? You used to fuck people all the time when you played Judge Trudy on "The Amanda Show", and now you get to do it for real!""No, oh no, I....I can't....I don't want to hurt her, you really hurt her!!" Amanda begged, but of course, her pleadings fell on deaf ears."You don't have to thank me dear, I want to give this gift to you. Put it on!"I handed the strap-on dildo forcefully to her, and I could almost see her heart literally sinking as she knew she didn't have a choice. As she began buckling the strap-on cock onto her hips, over her panties, she began to apologize to her fucked out friend."I...I'm really sorry Avril, you know I don't want to do this to you!" said Amanda as she finished buckling the cock holder around her size 1 waist."I fucking hate him!!! Fuck!!!" spat out Avril as she watched in fear as Amanda finished putting on the strap-on. Oh my God she looked so hilarious! Here was this less than 100 pound teenage girl, totally feminine in every way, sporting a large 2 1/4 inch thick cock in front of her! I had to stop myself from laughing at how ridiculous she looked!"Wow Amanda, look at the size of your cock! Mine's longer, but yours is thicker. Avril's gonna love this!" I taunted as I told Amanda to kneel down and start fucking the shit out of Avril's pussy with that huge dildo in the missionary position.It took a bit of time, but finally, Amanda maneuvered herself into a position where it was possible for her to start fucking Avril. I knelt in close to watch the penetration. I wanted a front row seat of this huge thick rubber dildo forcing its way down Avril's already punished and leaking twat. Fuck yeah! I wanted to see that pussy spread big time! "Okay Amanda, start fucking the shit out of her!" I exclaimed excitedly. Amanda leaned forward, but as soon as she made contact with the dildo to the tips of Avril's puffy pussy lips, Avril screamed NOOOOOOO and started trying to twist her hips away."Don't worry Amanda dear," I coached, "Once you force that fucking dildo inside this cum filled slut, you'll have pinned her to the bed, and then she won't be able to buck you off."Suddenly an inspiration struck me! I tore off the duct tape (causing painful screams) from Avril's legs, and I wrapped them around Amanda's waist. I used rope to Avril's feet together, thus preventing Amanda or Avril from coming apart too easily. I liked bringing good friends closer together. :)"Now Amanda, start fucking!" I said, but Amanda just had a hard time bringing herself to doing it."Please mister, can't you see that she's in pain! You raped her, she's really hurting!" said Amanda, her voice sounding braver now. No wonder, she wasn't the one being fucked and raped.Yet."Ok Amanda, you leave me no choice." I said as I picked up the leather flogger again. "If I feel that you are not giving your entire effort into fucking Avril's tight slutty hole, I'm going to start whipping your little ass, and I don't want to have to do that!"That incentive seemed to work, almost too well!! I burst out laughing as Amanda, without any foreplay at all, just jammed that rubber dildo half way into Avril's swollen shut pussy just like I had! Oh my God, the look on poor sweet innocent Amanda's face was priceless as she watched Avril scream out in agonizing pain! I don't think she realized how hard she had pushed, but when she tried to pull back, I simply slammed the flogger over Amanda's tight little ass!"OWWWWWIEEEEE" cried the sexy teenager as she humped forward to get away from the pain of my whip, now causing Avril to scream out as the dildo pushed further into her totally unbearably painful pussy."Fuck you Amanda!!! Take it out of me you bitch!!!" cried Avril. Poor girl. She just earned herself another visit with the nipple clamps.Acting quickly, I reattached the clamps, much to Avril's horror, but this time, once they were on, I connected a chain that ran from the end of one clip, around Amanda's back, and then I attached it to the other clip. Now, everytime Amanda pulled out, it caused a painful pulling and tugging of Avril's red swollen nipples!"NOOOOOO!!!!" cried Avril as Amanda pulled the dildo out almost all the way from her clutching pussy lips. This of course resulted in her nipples being cruelly yanked until Amanda pushed forward again, easing the tension in the chain tugging Avril's nipples, but sending her into screams of agony from the thick dildo reaming out her tiny tight little pussy!"Too bad Avril, you're in for one painful fuck. I'm glad I'm not you, and I'm sure Amanda is too! Ha ha ha!!!" I laughed. Avril didn't laugh back, so I suppose I'm the only one who found my joke to be funny. Oh well, I was starving, it was time to think about dinner!"I'm going to go into the kitchen now and make us something to eat, I think we all worked up a healthy appetite so far tonight, wouldn't you agree girls? And the night is still young, we have so much more to do tonight!" I said cheerfully.I watched as the indecent but erotic forced-lesbianism took place on the bed. Amanda was slowly pushing and pulling the dildo in and out of Avril's poor pussy, and was trying so hard not to cause her too much pain in her nipples by pulling out too far. I didn't like the pace Amanda was setting so I decided to say something."AMANDA! Do you want your ass whipped again? Fuck the slut HARD! NOW!!!"This was the first time of the night that I had truly raised my voice to Amanda at that level and I think it scared her to the core. Instantly, she began fucking Avril like lightning, pumping that cock in and out a the rate of about 60 pumps a minute. Now that was a good pace, that was as good as I could do! Of course, this meant that Avril's nipples and pussy would get a more brutal torture out of this. Serves the slut right for being so damned high and mighty. What an arrogant little bitch."Atta girl! That's the spirit, just like that Amanda, don't you DARE stop fucking her or slow down in any way!" I warned happily.Both girls were now sweating profusely from their heavy labor. Poor Avril was getting her precious little pussy reamed silly by Amanda's monster cock. No mercy, just two little celebrity fuck bunnies humping away. And on my bed! Yes, I deserved some food!"I'll be watching you! Don't forget!" I reminded them as I opened the door to the kitchen and stepped inside. I could watch most of the action from inside the kitchen as I popped a nice big frozen pizza into the oven for Amanda and I to eat later. I then opened up a nice big 600 mL can of dog food for Avril, dumping it inside a huge doggy bowl. I didn't think Duke would mind sharing his food with her. After all, she was a bitch.There, I thought. The cold mushy dog food for Avril is ready now, and the nice pepperoni, mushroom and green pepper pizza will be ready for Amanda and I in about half an hour. Now what should we have to drink?I opened the fridge and took out a Budweiser for myself. I decided that I would leave Amanda's diet Coke in the fridge for now so that she could enjoy it nice and cold while eating her pizza. Now, what should I get Avril to drink?Holding my flaccid penis, I aimed it at the bowl of dogfood and began to piss all over it. I watched as my hot steamy urine began soaking through the dog food and filling the bowl. Once the level of piss almost reached the rim, I didn't want it to overflow so I grabbed a glass and filled it up with the rest of my piss. There, by the time the girls were done fucking, and the pizza was ready, Avril's urine, or should I say my urine, would be nice and cool, to match the dog food. Gosh Mike, I thought, you're such a thoughtful guy. Nothing's too good for your guests.As I returned to the bedroom, I saw Avril begging Amanda to stop fucking her, and Amanda replying over and over again how sorry she was. However, Amanda was brutally pounding Avril's little ass into the sheets beneath her, driving that dildo home into what I hoped would be a stretched open gaping hole, formerly known as the pussy Avril refused to give to anyone.The girls noticed me again, and it caused Amanda to increase her fucking motions, not wanting to get whipped again by my flogger. Amanda learned quickly, maybe she wasn't the airhead I thought she was after all.I sat on the bed beside both of the girls, and watched the lewd lesbian love show from all angles, loving how that massive dildo looked being ripped and shoved in and out of Avril's cunt. I even stuck one of my fingers up Avril's tight crinkled asshole so I could feel the dildo moving in and out. Wow, that was so neat how I could feel every little ridge from the fake veins on the dildo moving in and out, through Avril's rectal walls. That really was a thin membrane separating a girl's pussy and ass chutes. I wondered if I should try shoving my fingers up both holes to see if they could feel each other! That would be a great scientific experiment. And then what if I jammed my entire hands up a pussy and an asshole, would I be able to tap my fingers together? Thankfully Avril provided the young teenage body with which I could try. What a sweetheart. I just knew she would enjoy helping me with that, as I pulled my finger from her asshole and made Avril suck it off again.I then sat down on a chair I pulled up next to the bed, and sipped my Bud. Now I could relax for a half hour until the pizza was ready, and just enjoy the show! But before I could sit, there was one last bit of business to take care of."Girls, you're doing just fabulous, keep up that pace, dinner will be ready in half an hour. While I'm waiting, and you're fucking each other, I thought we could listen to a little music, what do you think?"I didn't receive any response, but then I knew that they were pretty busy with each other so I forgave them. Turning on my stereo, I decided that I had the perfect choice for the music I wanted to play. Avril Lavigne's album "Let Go"!I wondered if Avril would appreciate my choice in music at this exact moment. I turned up the volume extra loud as the pizza cooked in the other room, and I sat down to enjoy the spectacular view in front of me.Avril continued to cry and yell as her humiliation increased from Amanda fucking her horribly sore pussy and her own words coming to her ears from my stereo....."Chill out, whatcha yelling for....lay back, it's all been done before..............."***PART 3 COMING SOON!!!***Thanks to the many readers who have sent me emails about my stories. Your comments, criticism and feedback are always welcome and appreciated.Once again, to all authors out there, thanks for your great contributions. And to all readers out there, hopefully you'll be inspired to contribute stuff too. I'm certainly not a polished writer by any means, just a layman trying to give a little back. My belief is that even poorly written erotic literature is better than non-written erotic literature. And writing this stuff is not only surprisingly simple, but it's also a lot of fun. So keep writing out there!Best wishes,Dave Haugen, [email protected]