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The Sexy Hillary Duff Pt. 2


Adam let that lie slide and bowed down low, a teasing smirk on his face. “Well, milady, your chariot awaits.” Prompting a smack on the back of the head from Hillary. Over the time they’ve worked together Hillary and Adam have become very close friends and the cast and crew often thought they might be in a relationship, but Adam could only wish for that. Almost automatically their hands reached for each other as they walked slowly back to the set. “Looks like you’re in a bit of a bind today.” Adam blurted out, trying to make conversation.Hillary looked at him quizzically, and noticed another teasing grin fighting it’s way back onto his face. “Having to stare up into Yani’s heart throbbing eyes for all of ten seconds.” Adam finished and Hillary Duff tried to hide her blush by laughing slightly. Adam could only smile as he noticed her trying to hide her embarrassment.Two hours later they finally called it quits and Hillary was happy to be done for the day. After about three or four more takes she had finally passed the seemingly impassable scene with flying colors. Hillary was walking off the set and two arms were suddenly on her shoulders, she looked to her left and right to see the arms belong to Yani and Adam both of whom had wide smiles on their faces. “We have both decided that you must go out with us to dinner tonight.” Adam said. “Yes, we’ll have a lot of fun. So now you must come.” Yani completed.Hillary looked to her left and right again, a smirk on her face. “And when exactly did I make the decision to go?” They stopped walking and Adam and Yani walked in front of her. “Well, considering that we are more or less a trio, the majority rules.” Yani replied. Adam smirked and spread his hands slightly. “And we both decided you would go with us.” Hillary let out a mock exasperated sigh and wrapped an arm around her two favorite guys. “Ok, ok I’ll go.” Hillary caved in. The two began walking with her out of the set area and her driver, who had eyes like a hawk, immediately pulled up in front of her.“Sorry, Larry, my friends and I are going out for the night and won’t need a ride. Will you tell me mom?” Leia said and her driver, a very nice but old man nodded and smiled. “Have a nice night out, Hillary.” After looking at both of the boys she silently said, “Oh I think I will.” And the driver drove from their sight. “OK, to persuade you to come with us we have a little surprise for you.” Adam said, taking her closest hand. “I love surprises! What is it?” Hillary asked. “Well, I don’t really know if I am considered a surprise but I’m glad to be here anyway.Hillary turned to see Lalaine and like all girls, much to each and every guy’s ultimate dismay, screamed in their happy girlish way. Hillary ran to Lalaine and they both hugged tightly, Hillary suddenly not so exhausted. “Oh my God, what are you doing here?” Hillary asked and realized that was a little rude. “Not that I mind but shouldn’t you be in America?” They were still hugging and Hillary could smell the nice, flower-like fragrance that Lalaine always loves to wear. Lalaine is not the best actor in the world, but Hillary found her to be very cute and for some odd reason she got so turned on while around Lalaine. Hillary ignored it mostly, and tried to ignore it now, except for the fact that she had been so incredibly horny the entire day. Finally the two pulled away. “Well, I thought it would be cool to come over here to Rome and see how the movie is coming so far. I’ve missed you both so much.” Lalaine hugged Adam who seemed to blush furiously when she did. Hillary looked at Adam curiously and he could only shrug in reply.“And you must be Yani Gellman.” Lalaine said, holding out her hand for him to shake it and mumbling something that sounded like “On how many times Hillary has spoken of you I have no doubt…” Instead of shaking it Yani took her hand in his and kissed it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Yani said and Adam laughed and hit Yani on the back of the head. “She just got here! Can you please revert from flirting with her for a while longer, Yani?” Making Yani blush furiously this time and Lalaine smile.That night had been a blast for Hillary, hanging out with her friends and having fun in The Ancient City. They had all gone dancing and everyone felt like bumbling idiots when the trained Hillary Duff began dancing, bringing in a bit of a crowd who wanted to see her. Yani only knew what he had rehearsed for the movie and it truly wasn’t much. Lalaine was pretty good but her moves did not match the music. Adam knows how to dance thanks to a certain episode of Lizzie McGuire but he seemed too embarrassed to dance much.The two guys had been watching Hillary and Lalaine dance, their bodies move and sway to just about every song they put on, causing both guys to salivate big time. Hillary noticed this and took Lalaine by the arm, and whispering something into her ear the guy’s couldn’t hear. Lalaine smirked and nodded, and much to the two guys astonishment, the two began dirty dancing with each other. Oddly enough to the guys the two girls seemed to know exactly what to do. Their bodies rubbed against each other, their breasts showing hard nipples through thin shirts, their hips touching and rubbing each other over and over before switching to another position. Hillary had done this just to tease the guys, but she soon found out the joke was on her. This was all completely turning her on. Not only rubbing up against Lalaine but having the guys watch them do it made her horny as hell, which only caused a quick increase in movement, their bodies rubbing against each other more and more sexually, their foreheads sweating, both getting so turned on that it no one could have split them up.Hillary needed to cum so badly, and wanted Lalaine to bring her to orgasm even if it meant they do it right here on the dance floor. Lalaine was having similar problems. Her pussy was so wet from all of this and she was dying to slide her fingers deep inside her pussy and fuck herself wildly. The two boys had hardons that could crack a walnut and all they could do was watch. It seemed like hours later when the girls stopped dancing from exhaustion. They both walked over to the boys and after a long awkward moment they left the building and everyone could readily agree that they had never been so happy to feel the cold night air. “It’s late…maybe we should get a nice hotel room tonight.” Hillary offered, still not really under control of herself. Lalaine thanked God silently that it was dark out, so the boy would not see the telltale wetness on the front of her pants. “We have the money. Two to a room, Yani and I, you and Lalaine.” Adam offered and they all agreed. A short time later, although it seemed like an eternity of awkwardness and silence, and walked into a pretty decent hotel and got their rooms. Hillary and Lalaine wished the two boys sweet dreams, which they probably will without wishing, and went into their own room. Just as the door closed the two girls basically jumped into each other’s arms, their lips smashing together with bruising, sexual, needful force. Hillary’s hands moved all over Lalaine’s body, squeezing her ass cheeks, rubbing firmly against the curve of her back. Hillary’s chest smashed against Lalaine’s tits, both girls’ hard nipples sticking through their shirts and rubbing into the others own tits.Lalaine pushed Hillary to the bed and got on top of her, their pussies begging for a release, begging to have each other’s tongue or finger inside them. Hillary pulled gasping from the kiss and stared up at Lalaine. “Oh God, Lalaine, fuck me!” Hillary blurted out, spinning around and putting Lalaine on the bed, pushing and holding her arms to the bed while their hips crashed furiously with each other.(This is not the end of this scene and I've already gotten it written out. Trust me it'll make you jizz your pants. Anyways, the next part will be posted if I get some good reviews so please review if you read this story!)