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India and her dearest Master

Cyber Sex

kissofwolfsbane (9:17:44 PM): James??
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:17:50 PM): Yes, India?
kissofwolfsbane (9:17:57 PM): ~huggles~
kissofwolfsbane (9:18:03 PM): I hate college...
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:18:12 PM): I am sorry to hear that. I hate, never seeing you?
kissofwolfsbane (9:18:24 PM): i'm always on...
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:18:35 PM): Never message me?
kissofwolfsbane (9:18:50 PM): i have waited for you to to message me...
kissofwolfsbane (9:18:59 PM): becuase i think you might be busy...
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:20:07 PM): I never message you because you never seem to respond.
kissofwolfsbane (9:21:02 PM): I'm sorry... I geuss that might eb true too even thoguh i havnt seen any messages form you...
kissofwolfsbane (9:21:07 PM): classes are almsot done
kissofwolfsbane (9:21:12 PM): by the end of the month...
kissofwolfsbane (9:21:14 PM): >_<
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:21:15 PM): -Shrugs now.- That is nice.
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:21:23 PM): -Pets slightly. Not sure what to say.-
kissofwolfsbane (9:22:36 PM): ~nuzzles and purrs~ I hate finals...
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:23:10 PM): I am sorry to ear that.
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:23:11 PM): hear*
kissofwolfsbane (9:23:34 PM): Tests... Studying... Papers.... More tests...
kissofwolfsbane (9:23:38 PM): I'm about ready to die!
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:23:48 PM): -Pets softly.- Can I do anything to help?
kissofwolfsbane (9:23:49 PM): i havnt had a decent ngihts rest in like 4 nights...
kissofwolfsbane (9:23:53 PM): ~purrs~
kissofwolfsbane (9:24:08 PM): exactly what you are doing. xD
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:24:13 PM): -Begins to rub her shoulders softly.-
kissofwolfsbane (9:24:20 PM): Just being close...
kissofwolfsbane (9:24:22 PM): ~purrs~
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:24:31 PM): Yeah, no worries. -Chuckles now.-
kissofwolfsbane (9:25:06 PM): I love you....
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:25:34 PM): I love you too. -Pets gingerly.-
kissofwolfsbane (9:26:22 PM): ~giggles and turns towards his petting hand and nips and suckles softly on his finger playfully.~
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:28:11 PM): -Growls once more, watching her now. He moves foward, pinning her firmly to the floor now. Just letting himself pin her beneath him.-
kissofwolfsbane (9:30:28 PM): ~blushes deeply as he pins her and bites her lower lip, looking up at him. "I guess you have... missed this... huh?" giggles, testing his strength and struggleing from his pinningself.~
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:31:19 PM): -Growls still, just looking upon her as he leans in to bite her bottom lip in turn. He just snags it firmly, suckling abit moreso.- Well as it were my little one, I had quite missed what you give me, in my heart, and the ache in my body.
kissofwolfsbane (9:34:21 PM): ~felt her heart skip a beat at his words while at the same time letting out a sweet little moan with that so innocent voice of hers. Her hips grinded unconciously against his, and only if she would feel something rock hard there would she become aware that she was pressing against him. She struggled again, and loved the fact she couldn't move. "I-I love you, Master..." Were the only words that she could manage.~
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:36:43 PM): "Mmm, well hello there my slave. And I love you just as you know." As he spoke she would indeed feel something on the hard side press against her hips. Smiling in turn he just let himself press in even tighter, body nestling in tighter to her as he rumbles once more. "Mmm, you make my form rise to the attention you give."
kissofwolfsbane (9:43:11 PM): ~blushes deeper as he presses tighter, not able to control the moan that she was trying hard to withold. She looks into his eyes, feeling herslef become even more aroused, the wetness begining to gather on her panties as her scent filled the air. "I love you too.... And I have... Really missed this..."~
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:44:13 PM): Seemed to rumble for a few moments more, he let his nails press through her hair ever so slightly. Jerking her head back firmly, as he moves his head to her throat. A firm little press of his lips to her throat, suckling, nipping, growling. Wanting her to lose herself to the arousal.
kissofwolfsbane (9:50:12 PM): ~nuzzles softly into his hand as he ran his fingers throguh ehr hair, thinking he was going to be easy, but them he gave into her own masocistic ways, feeling the slight pain from his pulling made her whimper, moan, and ultimatelly be turned on more. With each nibble, suckle, and growl she could feel herslef loose herself form the stress of everyday life and there was nothing else but them.
XxExiledOfGodxX (9:52:28 PM): Was simply glad he could pull her away from the stress of everday life, that was his idea to bring her off into their own little world for the evening. A smile breeches his lips as he just pulls her back even more firmly as he just nearly throws her back down to the bed, she was bent foward over the end of the the bed as he just pulled her hands behind her. Swiftly fingertips went to work and she was cuffed, he eyed her now. A smile passing his lips as he began to drink in her attire.-
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:02:23 PM): [?]
kissofwolfsbane (10:06:06 PM): ~blinked as he pulled her back, but went with it, trusting him. She was tassed over the bed, bending over it, and next thing she knew she was handcuffed. Her body was already locked into the passion so much so that everything seemed like a haze as it happend, but only the cool metal of the cuffs brought her back slightly. She was wearing literally nothing but a spegetii strap black shirt, panties that one could see from the very short black shorts she wore with "FLAGS" printed in pink on the butt.~
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:08:12 PM): A little smile now as he just slowly let his fingertips press fowards across her form, slowly stroking his fingertips across her body. A content little smile to pass his features a moment more, grinning abit moreso he just let himself enjoy ever portion of her body, he was closing his eyes now. A groan passes his lips as he just hooked his fingertips in her short shorts, pulling them free of her waist easily enough. Letting the pool around her ankles.
kissofwolfsbane (10:10:47 PM): ~shivered slightly as he ran his fingers over her skin, They were warm like fire, a perfect contrast to her clamy cold skin. Once he had pulled her shorts down, she meeped, feeling her cheeks becoming warmer with blush but actually something about him emberrassing her made her like it.~
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:12:11 PM): Seemed to smile now, slowly he guided her up now as he just let his form rest in tight against her own. A little press of his form against her own. A humming sound passes his features now as he just nestled his hardness against her panty clad rump and spoke into her ear.- I want to make you mine, toy with you, play with you. Enjoy it all.
kissofwolfsbane (10:14:45 PM): ~would allow her form to be guided up as she could feel him against her. She could even feel him against her ass, the only thing seperateing them was probably her panties. At his words, she shivered, getting cold bumps all over her pale skin. Her white panties, by this point, was probably soaked.~
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:21:31 PM): Again he just allowed himself to pull her in closer to him and he just slowly let his hands roam across her chest. Giving her breasts a nice firm squeezxe as he slips his fingertips underneath her tanktop, nearly ripping it free as he removed it.- Mmm, what a lovely form my little pet has. Will you show it off for me?
kissofwolfsbane (10:25:58 PM): ~jumped a little as she felt his hands on her breast and moaned softly, likeing the feel. But to his next words, she blinked, feeling her cheeks once again. Never before had she modled her, what she thinks is ugly, body before anyone. She moved to where she could follow his dirctions and turned towards him, spreading her legs a bit so that he can play with ehr throguh her panties while presisng ehr chest foward, standing on ehr knees on her bed. IT was hard to really "show off" while handcuffed.~
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:27:45 PM): -Was able to smile now as she seemed to comply to such a thing. A little shake of his head for a few moments more, as he reaches around to peel the cuffs off from her wrists, a smile passing his features.- Silly girly. Let me get you free first. -As he spoke this time she could see he was indeed eyeing her panty clad sex. As soon as she was free he slowly presses his fingertips across her lovely little snatch, toying slightly.- Mmm, such a good girl. My beautiful little one.
kissofwolfsbane (10:31:45 PM): ~body shivvered as it recieved the touch in the area she wanted. Small pants escaped ehr lucious lips as her half closed passionfilled eyes shifted to his, a small smile decorating her lips. "T-Thank you... My beloved master...." His fingers were eaisly wet, even thoguh she had on her panties, the wetness even now decorateing those pale inner thighs. "A-And I kinda liked... being handcuffed...."~
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:33:20 PM): Gave off a little smirk in turn, watching her for a few moments more. He let his nails just slowly press across her thighs now, just letting gathering some of her wetness on his fingertips. Offering them to her lips to be cleanned. As he did he just gave off a little laugh, "Say that again my little dirty girl, tell me what you like?" As he spoke this time he just began to gather up his cuffs with free hand.
kissofwolfsbane (10:35:30 PM): ~as he ovvered his fingers, covered in her juices, she opend ehr small mouth, lapping her delicate tounge around his fingers, loving the taste before she sucked on them a few times before moving back to licking them. she looked up at him eberrassed obviously before looking away.... "I-I like being restrained by you, and also by the cuffs, Master..."
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:37:41 PM): Gave off a little chuckle from time to time, he let his nails press against her thighs. Stroking ever so slightly, he was content to let her enjoy herself now. But she would be his toy for this evening. "Tell me my little naughty thing, what else do you like? Tell me all the darkness your naughty mind enjoys."
kissofwolfsbane (10:41:03 PM): ~jumped a little at the small pain of his nails on her thighs, and then let out a shaking breath before saying: "I like it when you give me pain... I-I like it when you emberass me.... I like it when you use toys on me or fuck me hard...." She shivered at the words, feeling even dirtier by having jsut said them.~
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:42:49 PM): Grinning now, he just wats her for a few moments more, he was surprised by her words now. Letting himself smirk for a few moments, he just readjusted her and soon enough she would find those cuffs back attached behind her, a smile passing over his lips as he just bent her over his knee like a child that has been bad. "Well if you want pain, and humilation. I will be glad to give it to you."
kissofwolfsbane (10:44:47 PM): ~the cuffs somewhat allowed her to feel safe with him. She blinked as he pulled her over his knee, her big ass waiting there in the middle of the air. "I-I do Master... I want pain humiliation, and then finally to be fucked by you..."~
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:47:04 PM): Gave off a little smile for a few moments more, just letting his nails press across her rump as finally soaked panties were removed from her. Letting them fall down across her ankles once more. A firm little slap to echo as the first bit of spanking had begun, just giving that nice big ass a layer of crimson handprints. [Being naughty kitten?]
kissofwolfsbane (10:50:15 PM): ~moaned and screamed with each slap to her round rump that made it shake and jiggle a little. The pain made ehr wetter and wetter. "More..." she whispered softly, wanting more as she wiggled ehr hips, also wishing something was inside her...~ [yea... ~blsuhes~]
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:52:12 PM): -Gave off a nice little smirk at this point, he knew she was getting into that state of lust. A firm press of his fingertips across that red rump of hers. Squeezing, forcing it to jiggle from time to time, nice lewd slaps. Humilating her. "Beg for me to fill you with something, beg for me to plug you up like the whore you are for me." As he spoke this time, his eyes locked upon her wondering if she would. [I wanna watch. -Pout.-]
kissofwolfsbane (10:55:58 PM): ~moaned and screamed with each continueing slap and grip. "Master!!! This little slave would love to have her cunt plugged by whatever you wish just like the little whore she is!!! Please Master!!! I beg of you!!!" She felt uncomfortable saying it but she found it just coming out quite easily.~ [sowwy, no cam...]
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:57:36 PM): Was surprised by her words, was content to knwo that she was able to say that sort of thing, his form just presses in against her little rump firmly, his fingertip just slowly pressing against her pucker for a few moments more. He let his finger push into her ass in a teasing manner, wondering how she would react to having that plugged, not like she had a choice.
XxExiledOfGodxX (10:57:43 PM): [Sadface.]
kissofwolfsbane (11:00:20 PM): ~her eyes widend as he plugged her ass, releasing a sound from those lucious lips that was a mix of a scream and a moan. She has never had her asshole messed with before and while it felt really good, it hrut and also felt weird. She didn't complain, she kinda liked it, but would rather jsut have a buttplug up there and something else inside ehr.~
XxExiledOfGodxX (11:03:48 PM): Seemed to grin for a few moments more, he just let his form toy with her, that finger of his slowly pressing and rolling inside of her for a few moments, he nodded slightly. "That's my girl, I love to hear you scream and moan." As he spoke this time he just let his finger be pulled free, soon enough however she would have a nice, thick tail-plug to be pressed into that ass of hers, filling her up nice and easy. However, soon after he began to just flick his fingertips over her sex, idly teasing her. "Beg."
kissofwolfsbane (11:06:41 PM): ~loved being praised for her screams and moans, the wetness now falling all down her legs. More screams and moans filled the air as the buttplug filled her virgin ass. All screamed disappeared as he began to only play with her clit. "Fuck me Master!!! Fuck this wet horny little whores of yours that is begging like the little bitch she is!!! P-Please dear Master...."~
XxExiledOfGodxX (11:13:46 PM): Gave off a little smile now, just watching her as she screams for him, softly he was petting at her back and shoulders as she came down off the highg of having her ass plugged for the first time. "Mm, I think I can do something for that my little girl." As he spoke now he basicly dragged her out to the balcony, forcing her to lay over the bar, letting that dripping wet little sex of hers finally feel that thickness of his, just plugging that nice little cunt with one firm thrust. Forcing her lush little sex down upon his cock, her womb assaulted with his cock.
kissofwolfsbane (11:16:33 PM): ~blinked as he pulled her out to the balcony, knwoing people could probably see them, pondering if people would come out just to watch this little whore. As he shoved it in with one swift thrust, she screamed, feeling it all the way up to her womb as that scream became a moan of pure pleasure. "Ah!!! Master!!! I-It feels amazing!!!! P-Please.... more!!!!"~
XxExiledOfGodxX (11:22:06 PM): Was content to just leave her there, with a tail-plug, making her look like a nice little kitten. A smile passing free over his lips as he just gave off a growl now. "That's it my good little bitch, let the world know whom you belong to. Tell them all." As he spoke he grasped hold of her hips, letting them all see as he began to ride his lovely little pet. he just was content to slam himself into her time and time again, just grunting as he plows into her tight little snatch.
kissofwolfsbane (11:31:57 PM): ~screamed with each and every little thrust, tossing her head back, letting the black loacks look ever so elegant over he rpale beautiful flesh as it seemed to almsot glow in the moonlight. "Oh! Master!!! This little slut belogns to you and no one else!!!" She drooled as she looked down at the people below. "You only wish you had it this good..." She whispered between moans, meaning it towards the people who were stareing, even some guys jerking off to it as her large breasts jiggled and she could feel ehrself getting closer fairly fast thanks to all of that foreplay.!
kissofwolfsbane (11:31:59 PM): ~^
XxExiledOfGodxX (11:33:31 PM): Seemed to smile as he was content to slap that thick ass as he pounded away at her lovely form. He was going to work on that fine bit of flesh that was her form. He was gripping her with his nails just sinking himself up against her until finally with one momentus thrust he breeches her lovely little womb with the tip of his cock just sinking himself into her with alow little growl now. "Mmm, what a lovely little fucktoy."
kissofwolfsbane (11:35:42 PM): ~Her hands gripped tightly onto the railing as he let his nails dig into her. "Oh! Master!!! Your cock is sooo huge!!! it feels like my little cunt can barely take it!!! Ah!!! Yes!!" She moaned out still, feelign her legs slwoly become weak.!
kissofwolfsbane (11:35:47 PM): ~^
XxExiledOfGodxX (11:37:51 PM): Seemed content to just revel in her words, a low little hissing sound passing his lips as he approached his peak. That form of his moving rampant, just pounding away at her. He could feel her jucies squirting free as he was eager to just fill her up. Soon however he just heaved himself foward and his load sent deep into her womb, overfilling her, enjoying her. Owning her in all ways.-
kissofwolfsbane (11:42:53 PM): ~moaned over and over and over her pussy loving the feel of him thrusting so deep, making her feel soooo fucking good. Finally, he released his load inside her, and she also came with him. "Ah!!! That feels so good!!! I love being filled with your cum, Master..." She smiles and moves a finger down to her pussy, taking some of his cum, and moving it to ehr mouth to lap it off ehr finger as if it was her faveorite drug.~
XxExiledOfGodxX (11:43:51 PM): Seemed to smile in turn, he was content to just enjoy the show of her savoring his seed like it was her addiction. A low little groan as he plucked himself free of her. Letting one arm coil about her middle, as he drew her in closer to him. Supporting her now, a smile passing his features in turn. "Mmm, my little addict."
kissofwolfsbane (11:45:46 PM): ~purrs as she feels his arms around her and she turns to nuzzle itno his warm masculine body. "Mhm... addicted to you, Master...." She smiles and kisses his cheek. "I love you..."~
XxExiledOfGodxX signed off at 11:46:05 PM
XxExiledOfGodxX signed on at 11:46:37 PM
XxExiledOfGodxX (11:46:52 PM): [Sorry dc.]
kissofwolfsbane (11:47:03 PM): [its okies]
XxExiledOfGodxX (11:47:08 PM): [Repost?]
kissofwolfsbane (11:47:11 PM): ~purrs as she feels his arms around her and she turns to nuzzle itno his warm masculine body. "Mhm... addicted to you, Master...." She smiles and kisses his cheek. "I love you..."~
kissofwolfsbane (11:47:16 PM): was way ahead of ya
kissofwolfsbane (11:47:19 PM): []^
kissofwolfsbane (11:47:23 PM): [lol]
XxExiledOfGodxX (11:51:40 PM): -Smiles softly, just chuckling now. He pulls her up into his arms easily enough. "I love you too my India." As he spoke he just nuzzles her jaw. "Give me one moment love."
kissofwolfsbane (11:52:21 PM): ~nuzzles into him. "My James... and okies..."~
kissofwolfsbane (12:00:33 AM): ~nuzzles~
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:02:08 AM): -Smiles, holding her in closer.-
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:08:35 AM): -Nibbles on her neck.- Get off nice and hard for me?
kissofwolfsbane (12:08:56 AM): yesh very much so lol
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:09:04 AM): Need it?
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:09:22 AM): Feel less stress?
kissofwolfsbane (12:09:37 AM): yesh... did you get off nice and hard for me too master?
kissofwolfsbane (12:09:43 AM): and yes thanks
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:09:57 AM): -Smiles once more.- Let's just put it this way, if you were here you would of either had a mouthful or a cuntful. Either way.
kissofwolfsbane (12:11:15 AM): cuntful is my fave
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:11:25 AM): -Winks abit.- Glad to know it.
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:13:35 AM): What else do you like kitten?
kissofwolfsbane (12:16:02 AM): you
kissofwolfsbane (12:16:06 AM): ~kisses deeply~
kissofwolfsbane (12:16:18 AM): i love you so very very much...
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:16:54 AM): -Kisses her in turn, suckling on her lip.-
kissofwolfsbane (12:18:59 AM): ~moans softly at the sucking~ do you love me?
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:19:07 AM): I love you with all my heart...
kissofwolfsbane (12:20:56 AM): ~smiles~ thankies...
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:21:41 AM): -Grins now, nibbling on her throat.- And I wants to see you!
kissofwolfsbane (12:22:14 AM): after this semester you can, my love...
kissofwolfsbane (12:22:27 AM): but for now i must go to bed
kissofwolfsbane (12:22:29 AM): night
kissofwolfsbane (12:22:31 AM): i love you
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:23:00 AM): Nini!
XxExiledOfGodxX (12:23:04 AM): Love you too.