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Susan's Dress


She was just about to scream when she saw the large window curtain moveaway, and a young man stepping from behind it.``Richard!'' Susan cheered. ``What are you doing here? You know myfather doesn't want to see you! He'll be furious if he'd know you'rehere!''``Well,'' he said, staying as quiet as possible, ``why do you think I'mhiding behind the curtains?''She giggled. Sure enough, if her father would've come into her room, heprobably wouldn't have found Richard. She walked over to him, and gavehim a kiss on his nose. ``But seriously,'' she said. ``What are you herefor?''``Well, I was in the neighbourhood, visiting an old friend'' Richardreplied, ``and since I live 25 miles from you now, it's hard to secretlymeet up with you as we used to do, without your father finding out aboutit. So I thought I'd abuse the visit to my friend, and see you in themean time.''``So you just got here to see me? How sweet!''``Yes. And to take a bath, if you wouldn't mind -- I drove 18 milesyesterday, and will have to do so for the next few days to get home''.``Where's your horse, then?''``At Mr. Brenning's farm. He's a good man, and has agreed to take careof my horse as long as I'd want. Without asking questions.''``I see,'' Susan said. ``Well, you can take my bathroom if you want --I'll call Jennifer, and tell her I'll take a bath.''``Won't your father notice?''``No, he's not here today.''While Richard went to the bathroom, Susan reached for the bell, andcalled for Jennifer, her personal servant. Soon enough, Jennifer openedthe door. ``Did you call me, miss?''``Yes, Jennifer,'' she said, ``I would like to take a bath now. Wouldyou ask the cook to prepare me something to eat afterwards?''``Are you feeling allright, miss?'' Jennifer said, obviously a bitconfused. ``This morning you said you didn't want to take a bath,since you've already had one yesterday evening?''``Yes, Jennifer, everything is OK. You were right this morning, Ishould've taken a bath. Never mind what I said this morning. Now, willyou go to the cook, and do what I asked, please?''``Yes, miss. Of course. Will you be taking your bath here, or in themain bathroom?''``Right here.''``And what would you like to eat, miss? Something small, or perhaps abit more?''``Well... I feel like some cream pastries. Could you take care ofit?''``Of course, miss. Bye.''Jennifer turned herself to the door, and was about to open it. WhenSusan saw her open the door, she realized Jennifer come back with thepastries when Richard were not in the bathroom. If that happened,surely her father would hear about it; she had to avoid that.``One more thing, Jennifer'', Susan said. ``I'm thinking of dressingin front of the mirror here, so I'd appreciate it if you'd not bringme the pastries until I call you again. Allright?''``Yes, miss. Of course, miss.''Jennifer bent her head momentarily, and left.Susan went to her cabinet, took out a few towels, walked to thebathroom, and handed them to Richard. ``There you go,'' shesaid. ``Soap is in that cabinet over there. Anything else you need?''``Well, I could use a shaving knife, but I guess you don't havethose,'' Richard said. ``No, of course not,'' Susan said, and shegiggled. ``Well, I'll let you take care of yourself, then. I askedJennifer to bring in some cream pastries for me; we can enjoy themwhen you've had your bath.''``Sounds good,'' Richard said. With that, Susan went back to her room,and picked up a book, so that Richard could have a little privacy.She wasn't sure at first, but after a short while, she knew she wasn'tmistaken: the sound of horses arriving was entering through herwindow. Slightly curious, she went up and looked, and saw it was herfather.It took her a few seconds.She dropped her book. ``Oh my,'' she said. If my father finds Richardhere. Then again, her father coming home doesn't mean he'd come to herroom. Still, she shouldn't take any risks. She walked to the hallwaydoor, and placed her ear against it. She heard her father enter, andcall out for Jennifer, who must've been in the hall herself.``Jennifer, is my daughter here?''``Yes, sir, but she's taking a bath right now.''``Hm. I See. In her room, or in the main bathroom?''``In her room, sir.''``OK, thanks. But what are those deliciously-looking cream pastriesfor, Jennifer?''``She's asked me to get her those, sir. I think she'd like to relaxonce she's had her bath.''``I see. Well, you can give me those, I'll be going upstairs, since Ineed to talk to her. I've got a sur...''Jennifer didn't hear anything else; she had to hurry. Her father wascoming up the stairs, and Richard was still in her bathroom. Since itdidn't have a door, her father would surely see Richard if he enteredher room, and she couldn't risk that.``Oh my,'' she mumbled again.``What's wrong?'' Richard asked.``My father has arrived, and he's coming this way. I've got to hideyou, quick!Richard jumped out of the bath, and they both started looking for asuitable hiding place. He tried the bed, but it was too low. Theytried the cabinet, but it was too small; besides, Richard being sowet, her father would probably see it anyway. The curtains didn't workeither: a giant wet spot on the floor with naked feet in the middle ofis not exactly what one would describe as 'hiding'.Then, suddenly, someone knocked on the door. ``Susan?'' she heard herfather say. ``Are you dressed? Can I come in?''She looked at Richard, startled, and scared, not knowing what todo. With Richard in her room - naked! - she didn't know what herfather would say; never the less, she managed to utter areply. ``Almost, daddy; hang on please''. That would give them sometime, but not too much. Richard knew that too. He gave the room onefinal glance-over, and ended on her legs. Or rather, her dress.Her giant, wide dress. The kind of thing that was fancy now, in theyear 1880, with a width of about a meter and a half. Since Susan wassupposed to be taking the bath, and not he, seeing a wet spot thereshouldn't hurt.He lifted her dress, jumped in between her legs, and sat down on theground there. She wanted to protest first, but then realized thegenius of his move; and even though it certainly wasn't comfortable,she did not urge him to leave that spot.``I'm ready, daddy; you can come in now.''The door opened, and her daddy entered, carrying a plate of creampastries. He had been right; they did look delicious. But at themoment, that wasn't where her thoughts were.``Hi, darling,'' her father said. ``Jennifer told me you asked forhere. Where do you want to put them?''``Why, you can put them on that little table in front of the window,if you like,'' Susan said, a little confused. ``What's up, daddy? Iassume you didn't come here to do Jennifer's work?''``No, certainly not,'' her father said, while he put the plate on thetable. ``I wanted to talk to you about something else, so I justbrought it with me.''``I see. Then what do you want to talk to me about, father?''``Well, darling, I have a surprise for you,'' her father said. ``Iknow that you don't like how I asked Richard to move away, and Inoticed you've been a little unhappy lately. So, since I wanted tocheer you up a little bit, I prepared a picknick by the riverside. Iknow how you like picknicks, so if you feel like it, we'll leaveimmediately.''Susan smiled. Obviously, her father thought it was because she likedthe surprise; she could tell by the look on his face.In reality, though, that wasn't the case. She smiled, because hewanted to cheer her up because he thought Richard was 25 miles awayfrom her, while in reality he was hiding behind her legs. However, hersmile made things a little problematic; if she'd say no, her fatherwould certainly know something was wrong, ask on, and eventually he'dperhaps find Richard. On the other hand, she really didn't want towaste the time she could have with Richard on a picknick with herfather.That was about the time she felt it.Once he was under her dress, Richard noticed how beatiful her legswere. He loved her, and he'd always known he'd have married thispretty girl, if it were not for her father. Admiring her legs, heheard her father enter the room.Richard realized he was getting aroused, and tried to think ofsomething else. Susan's father put a plate on the table, and that madesome sound. He remembered what Susan had said about some creampastries, and focused on those pastries. They would probably bedelicious. He imagined how Susan and he would be eating them later on;perhaps with a bit of coffee. Overhearing their conversation, Richardheard her father mention something about a picknick. That would evenbe a better idea. Instead of eating those pastries inside, with alittle bit of coffee, they should go out, and eat them on ablanket. They would sit there, bare-feeted, eating the pastries. Aslight wind would come by, and he would see her legs. Her beatifullegs...It wasn't working. He couldn't focus. He had to... He couldn't stophimself.Slowly, he turned his head toward her left knee. He hesitated. ``Don'tdo this,'' he thought, but it was of no use. He kissed her left leg.She immediately moved her leg away, and he realized she wouldn't haveit. He tried to look away from her legs, but that was impossible; herlegs were everywhere. He looked down, but a bit of water had drippedthere, forming a mirror, showing his head between her beatiful legs.He turned his head to the upside, and lost it completely.My God, she wasn't wearing underwear. He expected to see some whiteclothes covering her ass, but he didn't. He watched her like that,for a few seconds, and realized his cock was throbbing, and rising. Hecouldn't stop himself anymore. The pastries where fully out of histhoughts; all he could think of was her beautiful bush right in frontof his face. She was saying something to her father; he didn't hear,and didn't care.He had already moved past half of his original distance when herealized he was getting closer to her. He knew he should stop rightthere, but his dick was taking over now. Slowly but surely, his mouthmoved closer to her ass. When he touched it, he poured his tongueinside, and probed around. He felt some bobble, and played with it abit.Right then, he realized she had tensed her muscles. At that time,Richard could only think of one reason why she would do that: she wasabout to get angry at him. He backed off, closed his eyes, and triedto concentrate on something else.It took her a split-second to realize what exactly she felt. His lipson her left leg... although she liked him doing it, bringing a warmand tender feeling to her lower belly, she had to focus on somethingelse right now. She jerked her leg away from him.``Well, Susan, what do you say? I can see you like the idea!''``Yeah, I do, daddy,'' she said. ``It's just that...''``What, dear?''``Well, I'd like to eat those pastries first. They're freshly made,and they look so delicious. Plus, I'm not completely dressed yet.''``That's for sure, they do look delicious. But we have to leave now,because I have someone waiting at the river, to prepare everything. Wecan't wait for an hour before we leave; that would be rude.''``I see,'' she said. At that very moment, she felt Richard touch herass. ``He doesn't know when to stop, does he?'' Susanthought. However, when she was about to take a step backwards, so thatRichard couldn't do anything but back off, he touched her clit.That set her off. She felt an unfamiliar, but wonderful feeling riftthrough her entire body. She tensed all of her muscles inreaction, so suddenly, that both Richard and her fathernoticed. Richard backed off; her father asked whether everything wasallright.``Uh, yes...'' she barely managed to utter; but she wasn't payingattention to him either. She hesitated. She didn't want Richard tostop, yet she had to get her father out of here, the sooner thebetter. She moved her left leg, put it down again. ``You know what,''she said. She lifted her left leg from the ground, and slowly, as tonot fall, and to make sure her father wouldn't notice, put it aroundRichard's back. ``You go ahead. The river isn't that large, I'll findyou; will you ask Jennifer to prepare my horse?'' She pulled Richard'shead back to her crack. He got the hint, started to eat her out.``Sure,'' he father replied. ``We'll be at the castle - you knowwhere that is?''Susan couldn't say anything anymore; she knew that if she tried, hervoice would betray her. She nodded. It worked.``Good - see you there, when?''``About an hour.'' She was scared for a moment, since her voice hadtrembled. He didn't seem to notice; he closed the door, and left.Susan wanted to scream out, but she knew her father would hear it, andcome back. She bit her lip, while Richard worked her pussy. For fivelong minutes, she had the very first sexual experience in her life,and loved every minute of it.Richard started by sucking on her clit; but soon, he added a finger,probing her inside. When he heard her father leave the room, he didn'tcare for the noise anymore, and started to suck her juices out ofher. He put her hands on his head, through the dress; he pushed hisnose and his mouth inside her. She started to tremble on her feet, shealmost couldn't support herself anymore. Suddenly, she felt a warmfeeling boil up in her crotch; it spread out to her entire body. Shewas cumming.Spent, she fell down with a muffled scream. Her sweat-covered bodyeasily slipped out of her dress, and she sat on his lap, naked, withhis hard cock right in front of her belly. She threw the dress in thegeneral direction of her bed, and kissed him on his forehead, then onhis eyes, cheecks, mouth. He kissed her back, and started to move hiscock against her. Feeling that aroused her; she broke the kiss.``Baby wants something, doesn't he?''``Yes, please yes,'' Richard said, breathing heavily.``Hang on. We won't be doing anything until my father is gone.''She got up, and walked to the window. Bending over the little table infront, she saw her father mount his horse, and drive off.By the time she wanted to turn around to tell Richard that it wasokay, she was the one who was mounted. Only then did she realize whata show she must have been giving to Richard, bending over that tablewith her bare ass up in the air like that. But she did notcare. Richard was fucking her, and it felt great; that was all thatcared. The movement of his cock going in and out of her crack made herlose her grip on the table, and she fell with her breasts in themiddle of the cream pastries. She squiled.``Go on,'' she yelled. ``Fuck me, yes! Fuck me!''Richard was fucking her, doggy-style, with her breast going up anddown through the pastries. The whipped cream inside and on top of themwas getting smeared all over her breasts and her belly. They bothstarted to moan loudly. Richard increased the rythm, and she movedback to join each of his thrusts. He took some of the cream, andsmeared it over her back. Seeing the once-deliciously looking pastriessmeared out on her back like that made him go over the edge; he felt acontraction in his balls, and he spurted his load of sperm inside herpussy. With that, she came as well.Shivering, trembling did they both fall on the ground. After coming tohis senses again, Richard noticed the cream over her belly, breasts,and back. He licked up some of the cream off of her lower belly, andshe giggled by the feel of that.``You like them?''``Yes. Your cook knows his job. Pitty we destroyed them like that''``Then why don't you eat all of them?''Richard said nothing, and licked her entire belly clean, allthe while looking into her eyes. Having done that, he kissed her righton her belly button, moved his mouth onto her left breast, andlicked it clean as well. When reaching her nipple, he bit on itslightly.``Aw,'' she said.He replied by showing her his tongue for a split second, and proceededto her right breast. By the time he had reached her right nipple, itwas erect. He sucked on it a little, and kissed her again.She got up from the ground, and sat on her knees. He proceeded toclean her back. When he was almost finished, she moved her hands tothe plate, and took some pastries. She let him finish; then, suddenly,turned around, and threw the pastries and the cream all over him.``Now it's my turn,'' Susan said. She took the restof the plate, andsmeared it over his body.She then licked him clean. Starting with his face, kissing his mouthwhile she went past it, she worked all the way through to his lowerbelly.Only then did she notice that some of it had dripped on his cock,too. She hesitated; after all, it was his cock; she didn't really wantto put that in his mouth.``Oh well,'' she thought. ``It's just a little bit.''She licked it off of his manhood. It twinched.``Do that again,'' he said. ``Please!''Susan didn't really want to oblige at first, but then realized thatRichard had done almost the same thing to her before. She licked itagain. It twinched again. She watched in awe how it grew. She didn'tthink anymore; she put the head in her mouth. It didn't smell as badas she had though it had.Before long, Richard was fully erect again, and Susan was giving him ablowjob. ``Oh yes,'' he said. ``Please, Susan, don't stop''. Susandidn't plan to. Moving up and down along his shaft, she brought him toa point where he thought earth did not exist anymore. Seeing Richardgetting aroused like that, Susan started to play with herself aswell. He came in her mouth; she swallowed most of it, but spilled someover his dick and on his crotch as well. Feeling him getting limpagain, she didn't care about his dick anymore, and lay back.Richard helped her reaching the same point he had just reached. Sheplayed with her crotch; he moved his hands to her breasts, andmassaged those. She increased the speed; he joined her fingers withhis right index finger. He saw some flowers standing in a vase rightnext to her head; he threw out the flowers, and poured the water overher clit.That did it. She came in a loud and screaming way; she couldn'tcontrol her motions for a few minutes.When she relaxed again, she realized the hour had passed. They bothgot dressed again, and went their own way - Susan went downstairs,and drove to the riverside; Richard waited for a while, left throughthe window, and walked back to Mr. Brenning.