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The Downsizing of Harper Valley


Jerry did in fact call me the Monday evening following Warwick’s party. I rather think both girls had made a bigger impact than usual. To cut to the chase though, he asked me directly, if I thought they might be at all interested in a “private gathering” just at his place with a couple of young boys that he knew. 
“How young Jer,” I then asked him, surprising myself at the speed with which I answered. Images best not described, were forming already! 
His answer of ‘fifteen’ and ‘thirteen’ blew my thought processes momentarily. I could see the headlines now: “Under-age girls charged with under-age rape.” Now, that’s the way to sell newspapers! 
“Jesus Jerry,” I replied, “Are you serious?” 
“Sure,” he answered. “They’re my nephews as a matter of fact - good kids. Just so happens they’re kinda ‘interested’ in girls. Hey, you know what it’s like…..whatever you can get huh?”  He cracked up at his end. 
“Are you talking just a feel-up here Jer….or the whole enchilada?…not that a thirteen year old is exactly ‘going too many places’ I imagined.” 
“Well I guess it’s a case of ‘see what happens’ really,” he muttered. “Can’t script a thing like this can you? Incidentally, they’ll be over my house Wednesday night. Michelle is staying out at a sleepover with girlfriends so we’d have the place to ourselves.” 
God-damn I was just imagining what could happen! 
“Tell you what Jer,” I said, “Let me think about it…maybe ask the girls if they’re interested, OK?”   
We left it at that. 
As it happened, Kylie happened to stroll in half an hour later while I was watching TV. Jenna was still upstairs finishing off an Ancient History assessment – one of the few I wasn’t landed with at the last second. I figured I would sound her out on the idea. 
After I had laid it on the table for her as it were, she kinda sat there dumbfounded. 
“Gosh dad, are you serious? Thirteen and fifteen year old boys? There was I detected the slightest of glints in her eye though. 
“Well I can only go on what Jerry told me,” I replied, “They’re his own nephews, so I guess he’d know their ages.” 
Even talking to her about it, I was beginning to get a tad warm under the collar. The thought of them both being touched-up by young boys that age wasn’t exactly unpleasant. I have a sneaking suspicion the concept was something less than repulsive to her also. Talk about exposing your daughter to moral danger…‘what better way to do it is there?’ I was thinking. 
Then Kylie really made it interesting. 
“Have you forgotten dad?” she said, “Jenna won’t be here Wednesday night. She has that Hockey Final on the south coast…she won’t be back ‘till Friday morning.” 
I had forgotten.  Far from putting paid to the issue however, it seemed to me perhaps fortuitous. “Would you be interested in going on your own then sweetheart?” I asked cautiously. “Jenna need never know!” Damn, I was digging a deeper pit to hell for myself with every sentence. She gave out with a small gasp of surprise and then said nothing for a few moments. 
“You’d be there  wouldn’t you dad?” she asked eventually.  Like I was going to miss it! 
“Of course Kyles……hardly leave you alone in that situation would I?” I told her.  
I rang Jerry back and told him the outcome.  I don’t think he could believe his luck. 
“Hell Noel,” he replied, “Does she know she’ll be there with the two boys all on her own?” 
“Well obviously Jer,” I answered, “I figure if she can handle three men in one shower, two boys will be no problem. By the way, that is just the two boys Jer…no freebies for their Uncle you understand?” Sounded like he was laughing though I guessed he was scowling off-camera. 
“Wasn’t even thinking along those lines,” he finally replied. Like Hell he wasn’t! 
I have to say that the intervening thirty-six odd hours passed remarkably slowly. Picking Kylie up (Jenna had already left town with the rest of the team on the school coach) at 3.08 pm I brought her home and she zipped up to her room to get herself ready. I prepared just a light tea as I had no idea when we might get home.  
As teenage girls do, she took an age in the bathroom…but what walked out was assuredly worth the time invested. Just as well my son and other daughter Natalie were home early that Wednesday. So far as they were concerned incidentally we had just concocted the tale that I was going to see a business friend locally, and that since his daughter was a friend of Kylie’s, she was tagging along with me. 
But back to Kylie. Hottest of short skirts hid God-knows what beneath….well, in terms of panties I mean! Everything else was most familiar to me, be assured! Hair all moussed-up, touch of lip-gloss and a rather nice, yet conservative little jumper, beneath which her lovely breasts were but mere curvy hints. Whatever perfume that was, I could have drunk it! 
“I’m really nervous dad,” she whispered as she got in the front seat. I leaned across and kissed her. How much did I want to slip my hand up under that skirt right at that moment. How much did she want me to I wondered? 
“That figures,” I replied. “Kinda apprehensive myself sweetheart.” 
Jerry’s place would take barely any time on a skate-board, let alone in a car. We were pulling into his driveway inside five minutes. 
Well I tell you, if Kylie was nervous, Jerry’s two nephews were close to catatonic. Bryce, the younger boy – he actually looked more like eleven, studiously avoided all eye-contact with Kylie, even when he shook her hand. Gerard, the fifteen year old was a little more forward in as much as he actually smiled at her and muttered “Pleased to meet you Kylie.” What one wonders, was going through his mind at that moment! 
Jerry had, so he told me later, merely told them that Kylie was a real little hottie and that she might let them kiss and cuddle her at some stage. God-damn, if someone had told me that at thirteen years old – I would have read somewhat more into it……like “kiss her where exactly???” 
I saw Jerry’s expression when he first saw her – five will get you ten he wasn’t thinking about world current affairs. The first few minutes were a bit awkward. Jerry asked everyone what they’d like to drink and I’ll swear I saw his eyes drop to her breasts. I was thinking much the same thing. Having got Kylie and the boys some soft drink each, he fetched me my standard JD and ice while he loaded up a scotch for himself. 
I asked the boys what school they were at, what subjects they were studying, etc while Jerry was engaging Kylie in flirty conversation and she was responding precisely as I would expect. Girlish laughs, wriggles in the seat, frequent tugs at the hem of her skirt which achieved no more than drawing attention to how short it was, seated as she was like that. I noticed the boys glancing at her knees once or twice then looking away embarrassed. 
“Hey Gerard,” Jerry called out, “Why don’t you and Bryce take Kylie upstairs and show her some of the new games we have on Michelle’s computer?”  What he was meaning of course is “Why don’t you take Kylie upstairs and show her some new games on Michelle’s bed.” As they trouped up the stairs, Jerry whispered to me, “God she looks hot today!” 
“Don’t I know it Jer?” I replied… “Just don’t get any ideas my man!” He looked crushed. 
We let them have twenty minutes or so before we followed them up to see what was happening. 
The three of them were clustered around the small computer desk, Kylie in the chair, Bryce on her left and Gerard behind her looking on.  Walking over to the group I could see why Gerard was loathe to move….having an excellent view down Kylie’s top especially when she leant forward a little. They were taking turns playing the computer at draughts. With the central heating turned up it was pretty warm in there. I thought I might make it just a tad warmer. 
“Hey Kyles, aren’t you hot in all that wool sweetie?” I said in feigned innocence. 
She turned around, “Oh Hi dad,  yeah it is a bit warm.” So saying she pulled the jumper off over her head. Now this was more like it. Hot little short-sleeved low-cut top that really showed off to advantage her breasts. Pretty thin too, you could see her light blue bra clearly….and Gerard was definitely looking in that general direction. 
“Either of you two got any girlfriends at school,” I asked casually. Bryce just shook his head while Gerard took his time to answer. “I’m a bit shy with girls,” he finally said. “Most of them in my grade like older boys anyway.” Damn, I reminded myself I had to get the address of that school.  
Just as Kylie finished her game, beating the computer all to hell, Bryce asked if he could check his email, Kylie got up to let him sit down. How wickedly sexy she looked in that skirt, I knew  every little thing that Jerry would be thinking. All of them illegal. 
As Bryce fiddled with some web-sites, a hot porn pop-up filled the screen. “Ohhhh oh, sorry,” he mumbled, blushing hard I imagine…“I didn’t do that!” he added. In his haste to eradicate the site, he maximised the picture – one rather cute little redhead topless and a couple of other slim blonde little things cavorting in ways their daddies may not have totally approved of. It was a spanking site of some sort, as all of them were rubbing their bottoms by the look of it. Lower in the teaser, another young girl was being held across another woman’s knee. I was instantly reminded of  Susie and Tanya. 
“Bryce!!” said Gerard, “You’re embarrassing Kylie.” 
“Oh, I don’t know,” I interjected, exploiting the situation for all it was worth, “Kylie doesn’t really mind being spanked at all.” 
“Dad!” she glowered at me. 
“Well you don’t sweetie, c’mon admit it!” I was teasing her unmercifully. “Last time I caught you over Jerry’s knee you weren’t complaining too much….nor was he as I remember,” I turned to him, “eh Jer?’ Jerry was looking for somewhere to hide. 
The two boys didn’t know where to look, and you can’t blame them. 
“Bet she’d even let you two do it to her,” I said looking straight at Gerard. “You’d like that, huh kids?” Gerard looked at Bryce for a second…. “I guess, but I don’t think you’d like it if we spanked your daughter.”   
“Wouldn’t bother me none,” I said. “She’s cheeky enough at the best of times. You want to paddle her?” Gerard was looking distinctly interested. Kylie was glaring at me….. “You wouldn’t dare dad!” 
“I seem to remember you using those very same words almost two years ago Kyles,” I said, “Remember that night?”   Now she blushed! I moved over to her. 
“Nooo,” she cried out as I dragged her over my knee in the nearby easy chair. God she looked hot. I could see out of the corner of my eye Jerry coming to life in no uncertain way. 
“OK boys,” I said. “Who wants to go first?…c’mon, don’t be shy.”  
Bryce stood his ground, but Gerard moved over if not somewhat cautiously. He stood now just a couple of feet from her prominently displayed mega hot bottom, that little skirt clinging tightly to every curve she possessed. 
“No dad,” she was squealing, but really making little effort to get off me. 
“Here,” I said, “Let me show you how to do it,” and gave her a smack of medium intensity right across that shapely little rear-end. She gave a shocked yelp and wriggled delightfully.  
“C’mon Gerard,” I coaxed, “Give her a couple.”  
The lad moved up beside her and gave her an exploratory spank that would barely have disturbed the average family cat from washing itself. Judging by his expression though, the contact with her rear end was far from an unpleasant experience. His eyes lit up. 
“That all you got?” I kidded him. “Look here Gerard, this is one naughty little girl, put some heart into it.” His second attempt was way more impressive – actually got an “ouch” out of her. Bryce by now was at least showing some interest in proceedings and had sidled up to his brother. 
“This is embarrassing me dad,” Kylie cried out, her face somewhere near the carpet. I gave her a couple more myself to be going on with. Her breasts were now plainly able to be felt against my upper thigh.  
“I think you’ve faced worse than this sweetheart,” I told her, as she wriggled sexily. The sight wasn’t lost on Gerard I noticed who’s eyes had pretty much been glued to her quivering little bottom since first I made contact with it. 
“Go on Bryce, spank her,” urged his brother. The younger boy hesitated but the sight before him quite obviously over-ruled his reluctance and he gave her one pretty good smack given that his hands were not that big. 
From there on, they took turns and by the time they’d given her at least six or seven each, the party was jumping.  
“Stop them dad,” she pleaded, “That’s enough - It’s making my bottom sore.” 
“Really?” I said, “Let’s have a look.”  Before she could resist, I had her skirt up and her panties half-way down her backside…hot little red ones. 
She was right… was beginning to glow fractionally. At that moment, both boys blushed an equally bright red and Kylie, trying to cover her bottom with her hands, cried out “Nooo dad, pull them up pleaaase.”  
“Here Gerard,”  I said getting to my feet and holding Kylie firmly around the waist, her knickers gathered slightly below her bottom, “Sit in this chair and put her over your knee.” 
The lad lost no time in complying and as Kylie struggled vainly, I forced her back over the boy’s knee. “C’mon Jer,” I called to him, “Hold her arms for me.”  A few seconds later, we had things really under control. Kylie stretched across Gerard’s knee, Jerry holding her hands down near the floor (with I imagine, a hands-on view of her jiggling breasts) l  knelt down behind her gripping her legs, slightly splayed now, leaving  Bryce and Gerard with their hands free to continue the punishment. 
It was with little difficulty we had them push her skirt up and tug her panties right down.  Bryce baulked at the actual ‘tugging’ – Gerard seemed to find it quite therapeutic. Judging by both boy’s expressions when they  were confronted by a seventeen year-old girl’s flawlessly naked ass, I’d say it represented a definite learning-curve in their young male lives. Kylie was then subjected to a really hard spanking session, with both boys taking turns. I figure it would have hurt a bit.  But there again, I know her and just how hot their descending palms would have been making her.  Whether Jerry took advantage of his position and proximity to her various body parts, I couldn’t see. I can’t imagine he would have passed-up such a hot opportunity.  
Calling a halt to proceedings a short time later, especially as the boys were really getting in to it, we let her get up, where she hastily pulled her knickers back up and began walking around half sobbing and rubbing her bottom. I could see the beginnings of a bulge in Gerard’s pants. Of course it didn’t approximate that which Jerry already had. 
“You said we might be able to kiss her Uncle Jerry,” Gerard asked somewhat matter-of-factly, then looking at me.  
“I don’t mind son,” I said, “Why not ask her?”   
Still rubbing her bottom ruefully, Kylie surprisingly blushed slightly when the elder boy posed the question. “Why do you want to kiss me?” she asked, rather naively I thought.     
“We’ve never kissed any girl,” Gerard mumbled. “Just want to see what it’s like!” 
Still sniffling from her undeniably harsh but fun treatment, Kylie stood up, smoothed herself down and approached Gerard. 
“Ok, just one little kiss then,” she crouched down level with his face and leaning forwards kissed the boy on the lips.  
Poor Gerard – I think he lost the power of speech. Eyes as big as small dinner plates, he sat their motionless after she withdrew from his lips.  
She turned to Bryce standing close by. 
“Would you like to kiss me too?” The boy shuffled about awkwardly, not seemingly able to either make up his mind or whether to perform in public.  
“Well lookee here,” said Jerry from across the room, “You want that your Uncle show you how to do it?”  he glanced across at me hopefully. 
I nodded, I knew Kylie wouldn’t mind. 
Jerry walked up to her, put one arm around her waist and just kissed her as hard as he knew how. Kylie responded with undeniable passion. As Jerry’s hand slid towards her lower back, eventually cupping her bottom, she seemed to melt against him, her arms tightening around his neck and quite obviously her breasts pressed up encouragingly hard against his shirt. In other circumstances, I think Jerry would have taken her there, right on the floor. 
So heated was the exchange, as they broke off Jerry just looked at her, obviously entranced beyond measure.  “Wow Kylie,” he muttered, “You sure know how to kiss, Yessiree!” Vestiges of her lip-gloss remained on his own lips – how hot would that have tasted, I wondered? 
Kylie was breathing hard – I knew that look.
“Kiss me now please,” Bryce asked her. I think Kylie had forgotten he was there. 
She smiled and bending down, let the younger boy kiss her. I saw him tremble and in that one second, grow decades into manhood. Such was the effect on the lad, he put his arms around her neck and took up the option of dessert, with a second serving. 
“Wow, you’re going to be a great little kisser,” Kylie said to him, straightening up. The boy looked chuffed and took a hold of her hand instinctively. 
Gerard, who I would imagine was at the mercy of a rampant hormone attack right that second, seized the initiative. He patted his knee. “Would you maybe come and sit on my lap Kylie?” he asked tentatively. 
God, it had taken him long enough. 
Jerry had seated himself on the edge of Michelle’s bed, vitally interested in developments….much like myself I hasten to add. 
Flirting with the boy, Kylie flicked her hair back and walking over, positioned herself squarely on Gerard’s knee, giving him an eyeful of her hot little bottom as she sat down deliberately slowly.  
Not sure quite what to do for a moment, he held her to him as she laid her head back on his shoulder, her face up close to his. 
“Well?” she said, “I thought you wanted to kiss me?” 
Tentatively he turned his head and kissed her. Obviously the combination of her soft lips, perfume and pert little breasts just inches from him, did the trick. He went back for seconds. 
Bryce sidled over to watch his brother’s progress. Whether an instinctive reaction, biological curiosity or just feeling acutely brave, as Jerry and I watched he extended a hand up beneath Kylie’s breasts and appeared to be experimentally feeling her there. Kylie jumped a bit, wriggled on Gerard’s lap and disengaged her lips. 
“Hey…that’s naughty,” she yelped. Pushing his hand away. Bryce looked a little chastened. 
“C’mon, you love it,” teased Gerard, having a quick feel himself. She blushed and pushing his hand away too, said  “I do not…I’m not like that!” 
That did it.  Jerry just cracked up on the bed. 
“I’ll say you’re not Kylie!” he mumbled. I was smiling to myself. She blushed more. 
“Dad,” she said, turning to me, “Aren’t you going to stand up for me?” 
“Sweetheart,” I replied, “They’re only ribbing you. Just enjoy yourself honey!” 
Gerard shot me a glance and most likely thinking what I was expecting him to be thinking, leaned across and began kissing her again. Definitely no resistance this time.  
Within a minute Gerard’s hand had moved up once more to her right breast and he began rubbing her softly. Jerry and I both were feeling the effects of the unravelling scenes before us and were partially unravelling ourselves.  
“Have a feel Bryce,” invited Gerard and the younger boy responded by once again beginning to lightly fondle her other breast. Kylie was wriggling about now with what I imagine was a growing pleasure. I would guarantee her panties were far from dry in strategic spots. 
Gerard invited his younger brother to kiss her again and the two of them took turns now, their recent shyness all but a memory. 
“Why don’t you three come and sit on the bed here,” said Jerry, vacating his spot in favor of the computer chair.  They didn’t need any further coercion. 
They sat Kylie on the edge of the bed with the two boys either side. Bryce, obviously keen for a little action, pulled her face towards him and began kissing her with all the amateurish haste of a young boy his age. Kylie seemed not to mind. What did get a reaction out of her was Gerard leaning across and experimentally laying his hand on her thigh, very slightly pushing the hem of her skirt up. She put his hand on top of his, but pointedly did not seek to push it away.  
Bryce meanwhile had his left hand flush on her breasts and was rubbing her – having the feel of his short life. Kylie was no longer resisting and if my ears were not deceiving me, she was beginning to utter a few hot little sighs and “ohh’s.”  
“Push her skirt right up son,” Jerry suddenly blurted out, looking across at Gerard’s hesitant progress. His own hand I noticed had dropped to what appeared to be a painfully swollen area of his lower groin. I was developing symptoms along a similar line. 
Deciding obviously that aggression was the better part of valor, the lad just thrust his hand up under her skirt as far as he was able. This achieved three things. Firstly he found out just how wet a girl’s panties get when they are hot. Then Bryce decided “what’s good enough for my brother is good enough for me” and slipped his hand up her skirt too. Thirdly, Jerry extricated his erection and began his own little path to salvation. 
Kylie of course was way past the “objection” stage by now and was inciting the boys to further indulgence, partly by spreading her legs – at least as far as that tight little skirt would allow - and partly by kissing them both with a ramped-up passion.  
Both boys now were rubbing her pussy through her panties and that let me tell you, was not a sight to permit one to remain cool, calm and collected….not that Jerry was any of those.   
“Put your hand in their pants Kylie,” he gushed – a raging work in progress I noted. 
I saw it, but I couldn’t believe it. They had her pushed flat on her back now, her bottom right on the edge of the bed, which freed-up the use of both her arms. Groping rather than having any visual guide, she found both their zippers and slipping her hands inside, managed to free both erections from their underpants. Both were small. Bryce especially was tiny by adult comparison and did he blush and whimper as she brought forth his virginal and still-developing manhood. 
Gerard began whispering to Kylie but what exactly was said, remained inaudible. As she ran her hand up and down their erections, although she was really only using a couple of fingers on Bryce’s, the boys began to take things into their own hands, as it were. Gerard was the first to slip his hand inside her knickers and her little sexy yelps confirmed that indeed his fingers had found some mutually stimulating areas of interest. At the angle she was lying it was fully obvious he had a couple of fingers up inside her now. Bryce had slipped his hand beneath the leg of her knickers and was exploring the surrounding territory it would seem. 
“Strip her,” Jerry called out in desperation. It was a borderline order! 
She put up a token struggle as they pulled her up to the center of the bed and began divesting her of her top. I liked the “nooooo” especially, even as she helped them undo a few strategic buttons. Gerard figured out the need to unzip her skirt first..and within seconds she was lying there in just her bra and panties, wriggling and covering up. Between them they got het bra off and for a moment, both were rendered speechless at the sight of their first pair of exposed young breasts. Kylie even managed a convincing gasp as Bryce gently pulled her nipples. I could see how erect they were even at the distance I was. Jerry was pulling other things and with considerably more zest. I knew there was no way I was going to be able to avoid this descending into a full-on rape session. 
Gerard was whispering something to his brother. Next moment they had her pinioned on her back, her arms above her head as both boys lowered their heads to her breasts and began suckling her. I figure if too many more people keep doing this to them, both Jenna and Kylie are going to start lactating. S’pose we’ll save a bit on the weekly milk bill. 
The final bastion of self-respectability – those tight little knickers  - were the last to go. Having sucked her until she was moaning, not to mention with both their hands down inside her panties, the boys took a hold of the elastic and tugged them down, to her gasps of “Noooo…leave my panties on – pleassse!” 
With her naked now, it began to get interesting. Gerard’s erection was considerable and his needs even more so it appeared. Obviously without prior experience in such matters, he was reluctant to take off his trousers but seeing little other option, shucked them off and positioned himself between her legs. Holding his erection more like a slim-line, if not ineffectual battering ram, than a weapon of mass destruction, he appeared reluctant to take the next step…always assuming he even knew what that was. Jerry, ever the obliging uncle was up and over there. 
“What are you waiting for?….fuck her boy,” he roared, staring unashamedly at Kylie’s very open labia and attending to his own erectoral needs concurrently.   
Bryce’s eyes were bulging as he watched his older brother penetrate Kylie’s slit. Wriggling her hips, he was no more than an inch or two inside when she started really cranking-up the pleasure soundtrack.  
“Fuck” said Gerard uncharacteristically for one so young, as he watched his own progress…. “It feels sooo hot in her!” Jerry, kneeling on the bed now, had his pretty-damn-big erection well in range of Kylie’s lower abdomen, watching his nephew’s fumbling attempts at rape. I had of course to join the group on the quilt.  “You think I was going to miss this???” 
“Ohhh” was all Kylie could contribute to the conversation, Bryce now fondling both her breasts with consummate pleasure. Never had I seen her nipples more erect. 
I knew it would be quick. No boy his first time can prolong the event, having less control than a suicidal lemming. Gerard jerked about like a deranged manikin and had to hold on to Kylie’s knees, well-spread though they were, as he fired off the cannonade.  It was way too much for Jerry also, who directed his hot little stream in a wide-ranging arc between her neck and upper thigh.  I was saving mine! 
Gerard slumped backwards, almost unable to believe what he had just accomplished. Kylie lay there, one hand on her pussy now, the other across her breasts, not so much trying to cover them up as simply having a rest. 
“Go for it Bryce,” called out his brother, then as if remembering where he was, looked at me half-apologetically.  
“it’s OK, I said…..Kyle’s call!”  
Bryce wasn’t listening anyway and had crawled around to be between her legs. He seemed to be staring at her pussy, unable to believe he was looking at such a forbidden sight. Just then a tiny trickle of cum ran out of her and the boy leaned forward to allow the whitish fluid to run over his finger.  Kylie then shocked us all. She held her arms out to him and whispered “Come on, you can fuck me if you like.”   
So hot was that, Jerry’s erection returned to its former glory, Gerard gasped, and Bryce was struck dumb. Talk about stage-fright. Whatever, the younger boy moved in close and jaw-dropping as it was, Kylie half sat-up and taking a hold of his tiny appendage, even in its erect state that is, guided it into her. I doubt she could even feel it – but Bryce obviously did.  Jerking into her with absolutely no control, he simply pushed in and out, reddening visibly but in the grip of a feeling that could never again be new for him. Kylie lay there, arms over her head, her hips doing more work than the boy’s erection. 
“That’s it Bryce,” she encouraged, at the same moment pulling him nearer and kissing him. It was just sexual overload for the young kid and he spurted whatever it was he had, hard into her, before pulling out in embarrassment and hastily zipping himself up.  Hotter than anything I’d seen at any party, I was needing some serious servicing. 
Jerry however was molten. “Let me fuck her Noel…please??” he begged in an agony of lustful distress. I couldn’t deny him the pleasure and nodded my assent. 
Now he did know what he was doing! 
Getting her to kneel on the bed, the two boys could but stare at her hot little bottom, her pussy completely visible, as their Uncle took her pretty damn hard. To say he fucked her six ways from Sunday would not be an exaggeration.  She was forced to get down on her elbows as Jerry’s thrusts must have been encroaching upon her cervix….if not further. As he came inside her, a minute or two later, I could see she was completely given over to it and mid-way through her own climax. Following Jerry’s suggestion that they “play with her tits” both boys were by then holding and tugging her nipples themselves, one either side of her. 
Jerry collapsed, Kylie clutched at her pussy, goo, seeping out of her and sprawled sated on her back. 
Did I say “sated?” Not two minutes later she looked up at me all imploring, and whispered. “Come on dad, its your turn.” Technically, she was right! 
I think for the other three, this was the highlight of their afternoon. I kinda enjoyed it too. 
It behoves me not to detail the rest of the afternoon and evening. I will just say that Kylie was fucked for the next hour or so every which way. Jerry was insatiable and the boys growing confidence saw them trying most every recognised position with her….and then some. Poor old Kylie found herself christening most every room in the house. Making her get dressed we then took turns undressing her, either singly or all together, literally stripping her where she stood, forcing her then to run around the house naked. The boys especially seemed to find that a tad arousing. Eventually we just had to leave and the boys were accorded one last thrill – having a shower with her. The hot images of her in there with those two soaping her up remains one to savor. I think it took us forty minutes dressing her – so much kept coming off again! 
Even as we were saying our goodbyes, Gerard pulled her down on to his lap again and was in the process of tugging her panties back down when we just had to call “time-out.”  Kylie I know, would have been happy to stay the night and this my friends is the heart of the dilemma now. What have I turned her into? What have I become myself? 
Jenna knows none of this and that is how it must stay. The Harper Valley  afternoons are going to have to be wound down and Kylie weaned off her diet of excessive and exotic pleasures. As for me? I really do need to join that sewing circle.

(c) Peter_Pan and Lulu Publishing Inc NC

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