I was rubbing her breasts while Kevin was playing with her pussy, every time she would think he was about to shove that huge cock in.. He would start toying with her in some other way. I think she was just as ready as we were for him to fuck her. Her anticipation was sky high and her frail, tiny body was trembling with fear. The whole room now smelled of fragrant sex. You could almost feel the tension in the air. Oh how I enjoyed watching the man I love doing such horrific things. It only made me love him that much more.. We both new how sick we were but we could have cared less. All we cared about at that very moment was how much this slut was going to hurt, how much pain we could make her feel.. I kept watching him stroke and rub that beautiful pink slit of hers. Oh how it turned me on.. I got up and opened one of the bags we had brought along and pulling out a leather crop. I turned back around and smacked it on my hands a few times just to get her blood and fear pumping a little more.
[Sorry that this chapter is so short, I wrote this and got busy with work and school. I promise, the last part will be coming very soon! Once again.. Comments are welcomed!]
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