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Camp Slut


In the summer of 1983 I had joined the US Army and would beshipping out for basic training the nest week. I figuredI would spend the last week of freedom for awhile doing someof the things I enjoy the most. One of my favorite thingsin the world is hiking up around Grandfather Mountain NC.There are some really nice trails up there and some primitivecamp sites that have just wonderful views. So I packed upthe truck and headed up the mountain. Now at 18 I was not a very big guy at all I was 5-8 but only weighedin around 130lb. I had long red hair that went almost to themiddle of my back. I did a lot of cross-dressing and reallyhad no trouble passing, but to day I was all boy. Well mostlyI had on hiking boots a T-shirt and very short kakie shorts.I spent most of the day heading down the trail I had pickedout stopping to eat lunch and read or just enjoying beingout in the open. There where a few people on the trail butnot enough to spoil the day. Early afternoon I came to a reallynice camp site that had a view out over the valley and figuredI had done enough walking for the day and decided to makecamp. It was going to be a nice warm dry July week so I had packedvary light. I set up my little tend and laid out my littlesleeping bag. And was just about to get some dinner startedwhen I heard some voices coming up the trail to my campsite.I only had to wait a minute and from around the bend therecame 4 men all some where in there 30’s I would guess. Theycame up and asked if I minded sharing the campsite for thenight. Well I did but what was I going to say to 4 guys thateach one was twice my size. So I said no problem I would enjoythe company. They introduced them self's as Mark,Chris, Neil and Tom. Apparently they all worked togetherand where out to have a bonding team building week end. Markwas the supervisor and leader of the team. The guys set up camp and I started a fire and sat back and watchedthem. They where all good looking guys in really good shape.Mark took off his shirt and the others soon followed suet.It was not long before my cock was getting hard and leakingpre-cum all over my leg. After the camp was set up and dinner was done we all sat aroundthe fire and Tom pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels and started passing it around. Before longwe where laughing and joking and just having a good time.I just could not get the thought of being surrounded by 4good looking guys. I guess I had a little too much to drinkbecause I started rubbing my hard cock through my pants.I looked over at Neil and he was staring at me I was cold busted.He said Mark get a load of this, Ray is over here rubbing hisdick and looking at you like you where a thanksgiving turkey.My heart stopped I am sure of it, I just know that this wasnot going to go well. Mark got up and walked over to whereI was sitting. So Ray what was it that got you to rubbing yourself and looking at me he said with a smile. Well I thoughtI am in it now, I might as well go for broke. It is just thatit exited me being around 4 good looking guys and thinkingof all of the fun I could have with that much cock. That isa lot of talk for a little girl boy like you. With that he grabbedme my hair and pulled my up on my knees. I was so exited butat the same time I don’t think I had ever been so scared. Markundid his pants with one hand while holding on to my hairwith the other. Then he pulled out his cock put it up to mymouth and said well bitch show me what you got. His cock wasnot all that long only about 5 ½ inches long, but it was verythick I could not get my hand all the way around it. I openedup my mouth and started sucking the head of his cock and flickingmy tongue all around his pee hole. Then I started tryingto work more and more in to my mouth. Soon Mark put both handson my head and started fucking my mouth. I could feel himgrowing even harder then with a loud groan he let loose andstarted cumming in my mouth jet after jet of hot tasty cum.I swallowed all I could but his cock was so fat that some wasrunning out of my mouth and down my chin. I sucked and lickedhis dick until I had cleaned up all of the cum I had let runout of my mouth. When I looked up at him he just smiled andsaid dam baby that was not bad, Boys who is next. Soon all4 men had slipped off there close and Mark told me to strip.I did as I was told and looked around and the men. Tom had thebiggest cock I have ever seen in my life it had to be a good10 inches long and had a huge mushroom head that was drippingpre cum. Next thing I knew I had a cock in each hand and one in my mouth.I would take turns stroking 2 and sucking the other makingsure know one got left out. I felt some one grab me aroundmy waste and pull my ass up in the air. When I turned to lookI could see Mark was behind me stroking his now hard cock.Some one pulled my head back around and shoved there cockin my mouth and I was back to sucking. The next thing I knowI felt the head of Mark's cock pushing agents my tightass hole. I felt a moment of pain as he pushed his fat cockup in to me, but it soon gave way to a wonderful feeling ofhim filling me up. He was driving me crazy I started reallygetting in to sucking as much cock as I could I was workingon Neil and I could tell he was about to blow. I relaxed andlet him bottom out in my throat. When he cam he shot most ofhis load straight to my stomach. As soon as I got the lastdrop I grabbed the next cock and went wild. Mark was now slammingaway at my ass my dick was rock hard and I know I was going tocum soon. I reached down and started stroking my cock tryingto meet Marks rhythm. I herd him groan and I know it was cumming.I felt him shoot his hot load deep in my ass and that was allit took I shot my load all over the ground god it felt likeI must have dropped a gallon. As soon as Mark pulled out thenext cock was up in side my now sloppy wet cum filled ass.I was in heaven I sucked and fucked until I could not holdmy self up any more. I had cum leaking out my ass and runningdown my leg. I was shaking and could not hold my self up. Ifelt some one grab me and roll me over on my back. I lookedup and saw Tom standing over me with his huge 18-inch cockrock hard. He grabbed my legs and put them over his shouldersand put his big cock head agents my wet ass. He slid abouthalf of his cock in me and I thought I was going to pass out.I had never felt any thing like it. He pulled back and nexttime I got it all I screamed in pleasure and pain. He justbent forward and started fucking the shit out of my ass hewas lick a jackhammer. I thought for sure that I was goingto slit in two. My head was spinning and cock was ready toexplode. Then I heard another scream and I am not sure weatherit was Tom or me. I felt his hot cum fill my already over flowingass the same time I sent jet after of my own cum all over myself. Then I passed out.When I opened my eyes I was laying in a tent. It was not my tentso I guessed it must be the guy’s tent. I had been washed clean,even my hair had been washed and combed out. I set up and Iwas still naked and I was a little soar. I walked out and everyone was sitting around the fire. I was wondering if you wheregoing to get up sleepy head Mark said. You sleep all night.He had a blanket on the grown next to him and he motioned forme to come sit down. Breakfast was wonderful and the guys took care of everything. Mark told me that all 5 of us would be spending therest of the weekend here and that I need not worry about gettingdressed that I was to stay naked and to please them when,where, and how any of them wanted me to. It was more than Icould have ever asked for I was pampered and fucked all weekend.  
When it was time to go we packed up all of our gear and the guyswent the way and I went mine. I never saw any of them ever againbut I will never forget them.
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