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Back Door Summer, Chapter 5


Suddenly, from out of the highest clouds above her head, a soft voice began calling her name.“Dorothy. . .Dorothy sweetie. . .time to wake-up, hon.”The gondola began to rock back and forth violently, and the snakes twisted tight against her ankles and wrists. Her mind began to clear and it occured to her that Dorothy was not in fact her name. Something had gone horribly wrong. She closed her eyes, screamed as hard as she could and came racing back to Earth.The little blonde opened her eyes, noticed she was still completely nude, and then was greeted with a horrible shock. She was bound hand and foot by lengths of rope on top of what felt to be a soiled box spring mattress, the ropes were tied off on the corner posts of an ancient bed frame.Tears instantly began to fill her eyes as her waking mind began to register what was happening to her. An Asian girl, who seemed to be about eighteen years old or so, was standing next to her and smiling. She wore a flimsy purple bathrobe, open to the waist, and nothing underneath. The little girl could plainly make out a trimmed black bush and perky B-cup tits. In her left hand the stranger held a smoldering cigarette, in her left a willow branch.“Oh, good, you’re awake Dorothy.” The Asian girl remarked, “I was afraid those rednecks had gotten you so drunk you might be out all night.”“Why. . why. . . are you. . .you calling me. . . that?” the younger girl whimpered softly.“I have to call you something, and most girls I bring back here don’t want to tell me their names. One name is just as good as another, isn’t it?”Tears streaming down her cheeks, the little blonde realized she had better try to not be too scared, not to lose complete control. She had to figure out what was going on.“My name. . .name’s. . .Traci. Traci Jenkins.”The expression on her captors face turned from mild amusement to livid anger so suddenly it was as if a switch had just been thrown. She stubbed her cigarette out between Traci’s immobilized thighs, just below her asshole. Sparks flew up, causing the girl to writhe and scream. A pair of dirty panties were shoved in her mouth to silence her, then the Asian girl cracked her willow branch across the seventh graders naked little breasts.“And my name’s Mistress! I think we’ve wasted enough time with social niceties, now I will teach you how a proper little girl should behave!”With a long, satisfied stretch and yawn, Pig Bone pried his sleepy eyes open and turned over on his side. His filthy bed was a tangle of sweat and cum soaked sheets and the sweet smell of sex still hung in the air.He scratched his hairy balls and looked about the room, then sat up and swung his feet to the floor. Chuckling softly to himself he padded out into the hallway to see what the other folks were up to.The other two bedrooms had their doors wide open and from the sounds of it he wasn’t the only one to have woke up from last nights fun and games. Looking into the first door he was greeted by a sight that caused his piss hard cock to twitch and his big balls to churn and fill.Young Peter was flat on his back with Molly sitting on his face. Her gorgeous little ass slowly bounced up and down as the thirteen year old boy worked his tongue up her snatch and snaked two fingers deep in her cum stained butt. The top heavy blonde, still wearing her see-through “wife beater” shirt, worked one hand up and down Pete’s leaking prick, her other hand cupped her brother Trevor’s balls as she deep throated his cock.“Fuck, sis,” Trevor sighed, worked his hips back and forth, “you keep getting better at this. My fucking dick feels like it’s all the way down in your gut. Gonna blow such a nut, Mol. . .”Molly moaned and fucked his dick harder with her mouth and throat. Her pussy was dripping wet and slowly soaking Peter’s face. Several clear drops ran down his cheeks and chin. She gave a little shiver as Pete switched his attention from her steamy little hole and began to softly bite and suck her clit.“The kid’s learning fast!” Pig Bone thought to himself as he began to jerk his cock.Trevor really picked up speed and began to brutally jam his cock into his sisters slutty mouth. Molly gasped and choked, a river of spit running out the corner of her mouth, but she made no attempt to pull away.Pete’s mouth was suddenly filled with warm girl cum as Molly’s puss quivered and began to flow with cream. He drank it down hungrily and gave one last good suck on her bursting little clit. As she still shook with pleasure, the boy pulled his fingers from her ass and examined them. The tips were colored light brown and traces of last nights semen stained their length. He hesitated a minute, then shoved them in his mouth and sucked them clean.Trevor grasped his little sisters blonde head in his hands, buried his dick in her throat until his balls hit her chin, then began to fire his load. She gasped, choked and moaned as she struggled for breath and hot jizz spurted down into her teenage tummy. She had drank down so much big brother cum over the years that the procedure had been honed to perfection. Even when the overflow began to stream out her nose she just gave a little snort and struggled to swallow faster.By this time Peter had reached the finish line as well and his pre-cum pouring knob swelled purple and began to shoot. Molly slowly pulled her mouth off Trevor's cock and looked down as pearly ropes of sperm blasted out and stained her shirt, soaking into the fat tits underneath.“Fuck yes, Pete!” she sputtered, her brothers cum dripping from her nose and lips, “Fucking make a big fuckin mess! Your hot dick is so fucking sweet!”After several seconds the teenagers had been completely drained of cum and all three collapsed onto the mattress. Molly finally pulled her shirt off and Peter’s eyes grew big when he saw her giant tits fully exposed for the first time. Trevor reached over and began to softly massage her left one while the Jenkins boy followed his lead and grasped the right.Molly just sighed and rocked her hips while she got felt up, sucking the semen out of her filthy shirt.Pig Bone decided to make his presence known and knocked loudly on the door frame with his rock hard prick.The kids looked up and greeted him, then Trevor leaned over and sucked his kid sisters nipple into his mouth and began to suck hard.“Getting breakfast early, eh, Trev?” Pig Bone drawled, drawing a curious look from the young Jenkins guest and a lecherous grin from his thirteen year old niece.The burly trucker laughed and nodded at the girl.“Go ahead, baby, show Pete you can squirt just like his sister.”Molly turned and looked Peter in the eye as she gently removed his hand from her tit. She replaced it with her own, slowly rubbed her heavy jug, then aimed her rosy pink nipple at his face.Peter nearly fainted when a hot, thick stream of breast milk shot out and splashed across his face. His dick roared back to life and he sat frozen for several seconds as the little tramp blatantly milked herself into his slack jawed face.. “But. . .but. . .,” Pete stammered as she aimed her tit downward and squirted a long stream of boob juice onto his dick and balls, “I thought you were only thirteen, Molly. How. . .?”“I am, dummy!” Molly laughed, “But I still had a baby a few months back. I’m what my momma calls an ‘early bloomer’, I guess. That’s why my titties are so big!”Pete took this in, wondering where the baby was now, but dismissed it as unimportant. All he cared about now was the milk bath his crotch was receiving and the fresh load of sperm beginning to fill his sack.As Pig Bone turned and continued down the hall he heard the Jenkins boy gasp. The hairy brute figured it was caused by Trevor leaning down to lap his sisters milk off the young kids balls. Trevor had a thing for that. Not hearing any further reaction or complaint as he approached the next bedroom door, Pig Bone wondered how long it would be before Pete would have a hard dick in his own mouth or ass.Even before the truck driving hick had reached the next door, he could imagine from the sounds exactly what was going on. His sisters soft, sweet voice purred out quietly and her words became discernable when he entered the room.“That’s it, just like that, nice and slow. Little Mellie likes her fucks to last, don’t ya baby doll?”“Uh. . .uh. . .fuck. . .uh. . .yes, momma.”Mr. Bone looked in and leaned against the frame of the door, his massive cock now pouring a thin trickle of pre-cum onto the soiled floor. On the dingy bed his younger sis Bunny sat nude with her legs spread wide. Across her lap was her twelve year old daughter Melanie, also naked as the day she was born. Jammed between her tiny thighs was Bruce Jenkins. He tickled the girls little clit with one hand and probed deep into her underage ass with the other. His middle-aged hard-on was slowly sawing back and forth, crammed deep between the lips of her swollen little puss.“Oh, Christ, Melanie,” He groaned, “so fucking tight, so fucking hot.”“Please keep fuckin me, Mister. Don’t stop, it feels so good in my cunt.”Pig Bone grinned when he heard the words and watched the effect it had on his guest. Bunny noticed as well and as Bruce picked up speed the dishwater blonde began to pinch her little girls budding nipples. As he began to uncontrollable pound the youngsters hole, Bunny knew what was coming next.“I think Mr. Jenkins is going to have an accident, baby. You better make sure it’s not too much of a mess.”“I will. . .uh. . .uh. . .oh, shit. . . momma. I’ll clean it. . .uh. . .uhhhhh. . .all up.” “I’m sorry, sweetie, I can’t hold it any longer!” Bruce cried out.Bunny suddenly jerked her daughter back, causing Bruce’s rod to pop loudly out and his fingers to come out of her ass. It jerked up and down, a silver thread of pre-cum still linking his piss slit with the kids pussy hole.Melanie opened her little mouth wide and stuck her pink tongue out like a welcome mat. Bruce took his cue and raised himself off the bed. Bunny grabbed his throbbing cock and began to jerk it roughly into her baby girls hungry mouth, feeding her like a little bird.Bruce groaned and watched through a lust crazed haze as his first thick spurt fired out and filled his target up. As the second shot streamed out, his load was already beginning to run down her chin to splash loudly on her super-heated cunt. Melanie’s throat worked overtime to swallow all the yummy cream but there was just too much. When he saw that the girl had enough to fill her belly, Bruce aimed up and shot the last few ropes onto her mommies panting face.Clapping loudly, Pig Bone showed his gratitude for the sexy little show. He bowed deeply to the three and continued on his way down the shabby trailer hall.Entering the living room, he caught Tawny and Tim just as they, too, were finishing their morning fuck. He watched his teenage daughter getting her tight brown shitter plugged by her cousins pumping dick. Tawny frigged her cunt and gasped and moaned, holding onto the boys ass and driving him home with her other hand. Tim grunted like a pig, then slowly drew his prick out of the dirty hole and began to spray her curly red bush.The piggy tailed teen jerked her ass in circles as Tim sprayed out several streams of jizz all over her pussy hairs. When he had finally emptied his fourteen year old balls, he squeezed out the last few drops and sat back on the floor. The girls pubes were soaked white with teenage spunk.Tawny looked over at her Dad. They shared a smile and wished each other good morning, then the red headed slut laid down on the couch and pulled her knees back until she was staring up into her own pussy mound.Timmy’s cum dripped off her hairs and filled her open mouth, a great deal splashing on her face. She giggled as she drank down her treat, wishing she could force herself down a little more and actually lick her own burning clit. Her cousin watched the lewd display and fingered her gaping anus while he rubbed his emptied balls.Pig Bone looked about the living room, shrugged to himself, then headed to the bathroom at the far end of the hall. As he passed the rooms once more the sounds of sex were starting up again, and he wondered just when they’d all have cum enough that they could go get some breakfast to eat.The bathroom door was shut, as he had expected, and he smiled once again. Throwing the door open, the huge man burst in and shouted with all his might:“Surprise, baby! I found ya!”The room appeared empty, but the window was opened wide. The little blonde must be in the shower now, he figured, airing the room out after a stinky morning dump. He was taken aback that his entrance hadn’t caused her to shriek or jump, but after all the dick sucking she had given him last night, he knew this kid was something else.He ripped open the shower curtain, anxious to look on her hot little bod once more, but it wasn’t Traci Jenkins that he found inside.On the wall was a note, held in place by a wood handled ice pick.He ripped it down and scanned the words:“You worthless fucking hick. I’ll be keeping one of your little whores until you come back and work for me. Stop fucking around, I need a run made to Kaiserville in two days. Call Byron for details. I’ll keep your brats pussy warm until you get the job done.My boys will be on their toes, so don’t try anything. Just drive your fucking truck.”It wasn’t signed, but he knew well enough who had left it. With a shaking hand he ripped it off the wall and went charging back down the hall.“Bruce! For Christ sake Bruce! I don’t know what. . .I’m. . .I can’t. . .” the giant stammered as he rushed into their room and showed Bruce, Bunny and Melanie the note.Bruce shook his head, confused.“My God, Pig. What’s this all about?”Pig Bone was too distraught to speak, he just babbled and paced the room. Bunny explained the deal.“It’s Kim Tang, a heroin dealer from Stanton Falls. Pig use to work for her, doing long hauls in short time. It was good money, but then he found out what sort of business she was in. Pig may have an open mind, but getting kids hooked on junk is not anything he’d willingly have a part of.He quit, and Kim swore that he’d regret it. I guess this is what she meant.”Bruce looked over at his new friend and realized that the formerly super human titan was trembling, holding his face in his hands.“We have to do something, call the cops. . .” Bruce whispered, unsure what the rules were in these shady sort of deals.“No!” Bunny cautioned, “She has videos. . .of us. . .Pig and I would loose the kids for sure, even if they did send her to jail. Kim won’t kill anybody, it’s not in her nature, but the girl is gonna be in for a rough couple of days. Ms. Tang has some. . .unusual tastes. . .”Bruce walked over and placed a hand on Pigs shoulder.“We can fix this, friend. I have money, and a little bit of power. Just tell me what you need. What can I do to get Molly back.”Pig Bone raised his head and a tear rolled down his cheek.“It’s not Molly,” he choked, “They grabbed Traci by mistake!”