“And just what are you doing with these magazines?” Ma had found my stash of nudist mags and now I was on the carpet. All my life she had always told me that if I told the truth I wouldn't be punished, so now was the time to see if she really meant it.
“I, uh, I look at them and, uh, ….....”
“You play with yourself?”
“Uh huh.”
“How long have you been doing this, and how often do you play with yourself?”
“Two years. And I ja.... uh, play with myself every night.” She chuckled.
“I know what jacking off is. Every night for two years? You started when you were twelve? Don't you know you can hurt yourself? Have you rubbed sores on your … dick?”
“Huh uh, Ma.”
“We better make sure. Take your clothes off so I can check.”
Jesus, talk about being embarrassed! I hadn't been naked in front of Ma since I was five or six. But I didn't think I'd get away with refusing, so off came my pants.
“No, take everything off. No need to be bashful with me, Roger, I used to give you your bath and dress you, remember?”
I undressed, she had me lay on the bed, and I thought she went a little overboard on the exam. She held peter and moved it back and forth, looking at it from all angles, she was so close I could feel her breath on my balls, which only made my dick harder. And I noticed that she was breathing harder, too.
“Well, I don't see any sores or anything else wrong. But you shouldn't jack off every night, Dear.
Holy shit, Ma had my dong in her hand and asked me why I wasn't getting laid!
“Geeze, no, Ma! Even if I knew one who would, where would we go?”
“Hmm. I wasn't thinking, Hon. Well, I guess as your mother I should try to help you out. That is, if you wouldn't mind screwing an old woman.”
“You mean....?
“I know, I'm not as pretty as the ladies in your magazines, but I don't think I look too bad for my age. Tell you what, why don't you think it over while I go to the toilet?”
What was there to think over? Ma might think she's an old woman and not very good looking, but I thought different. Hell, she was only thirty-eight, a lot older than me but far from over the hill. I almost jacked off right then, trying to imagine what she looked like under her clothes.
When she came back she only wore her undies.
“Should I go back and get dressed?”
“Wow! No way!”
“Good!” she laughed and laid next to me. “How about a nice kiss for your mother?”
That evening I learned about French kissing.
She just chuckled and held my face to her boobs, and soon I was as hard as before.
“Now, Roger, shall we see how your prick likes my pussy?”
Whooee! My prick loved her pussy, and I'm sure the feeling was mutual! Before we turned off the light and fell asleep Ma came once and I came twice more. As I drifted into dreamland I heard her mumble,
“Tomorrow we'll throw those stupid magazines in the trash. I don't think you'll be needing them any more.”
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