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Caught by Mom and Claire - Chapter 1


From that moment, Mom’s attitude seemed to change, finding fault with everything I did, constantly ordering me around and making me do house chores. It was always as though I had committed some obscure crime. I have to admit things changed for me too, and that, even though Mom seemed cold toward me, I had started to fantasize about her sexually. I had started masturbating every night, or before Mom got home from work, and whenever I grabbed hold of my cock the first thing that came into my mind was that day when Mom touched my balls. But somehow I always felt responsible for Mom’s irritability, so I was constantly terrified she would catch me during my nightly masturbation sessions, for I felt for sure then I would be in a whole heap of trouble.Anyhow, all that was a few months before the Friday night I mentioned earlier, the warm summer’s night when Mom and Claire sat laughing together on the verandah. I could see them through the window and they both looked sexy as hell. Their laughter, their gorgeous hair and shapely breasts, their long legs and boots, were all drawing my hand toward my cock. As though in a trance, I moved over to the window and pulled the two sides of the curtains together, just leaving a tiny crack through which I could still see the two of them. Then I slowly began to rub my cock through the tracksuit pants I was wearing. They were oblivious, talking about their jobs and where they were going that night. My cock got hard very quickly, and I couldn’t resist the temptation to pull down my pants and start jerking off properly. I was pulling and pulling, imagining what it would be like to fuck these two alluring women, and got so carried away that I didn’t notice my hand was banging against the curtain. Before I could do anything about it, Claire suddenly glanced at the window, and the widening of her eyes told me that she had seen everything. That was when the world came crashing down around me.I immediately jumped back from the window, horrified, and pulled my pants back up. Standing there, frozen, the moments passed, and I couldn’t resist the temptation to peek back through the curtains. Maybe Claire hadn’t really seen anything, maybe she would keep it to herself. I opened the curtains so that a tiny sliver of daylight entered the room, but my heart started beating even faster when I saw that, not only was Claire leaning over to whisper something in Mom’s ear, but they were both staring right at the window.Before I knew it my mother walked in the door.“Tim, what have you been up to!” she shouted.“N- nothing,” I stammered.“Don’t give me that crap, Claire saw everything. Now out with it.”I couldn’t speak. There was no way my mouth could form the words to admit what I had been doing.“Well?” she said firmly. Still nothing would come. “If you won’t tell me I’ll have to bring Claire in to tell us herself. Claire! Come in here a minute.”Claire came in and in retrospect I think I saw just the hint of a grin, but at the time I was too terrified and ashamed to really register.“Claire, now what exactly was little Timmy here doing while we sat outside?”“Well,” Claire said, “you can tell what he was doing by that wet patch on his pants!”“Tim,” Mom shouted, “Were you or were you not standing at that window and staring at Claire and pulling your cock?”“Yes Mom, I’m sorry Mom,” I managed to get out meekly.“I will not have my friends become the object of your disgusting little fantasies. Not in my house. How does it make me look, raising a son who is a disgusting little pervert?”“I’m so sorry Mom, it was an accident.”“You bet you’ll be sorry,” Mom shouted. “Come over here right now.”I walked over to Mom, who gazed disgustedly at the patch of pre-cum on my pants.“Now lie down over my knees so I can give you a good spanking.”I was flabbergasted. Mom had NEVER spanked me before. Finally I realized there was no choice. I lay over her knees. Mom pulled down my pants to expose my ass, and gave me a few whacks. I couldn’t believe Mom was doing this, and in front of Claire!“Claire, you should spank him too. He was staring at you after all.”“Really?” Claire asked, hesitating. She had a kind of amused look on her face. “Oh well ok, I’ve always liked the idea of spanking naughty little boys.”Claire came over and spanked me a couple of times. She seemed to be enjoying it. My legs were slightly apart, and I couldn’t help noticing she let her fingertips drift down and gently tap my balls after each spank. I could feel my cock getting harder and harder.“OK,” Mom said, “now stand up you filthy little boy, and go to your room.”I stood up, but before I could go to my room Claire laughed and said, “Look, I think he liked being down there across your knees Anne. He’s even harder than when he was standing at the window.”“My God,” Mom was shouting even louder now, “you truly are disgusting. Were you staring at your Mommy too? Was I being too kind in thinking you were just perverted enough to stare at Claire here?”I couldn’t answer but that was confirmation enough for Mom. She went quiet for a moment, like she was taking it all in, and when she spoke again it was softer, but just as firm. “OK then, if you like staring at us, we will stare at you. We like staring at little boys and their little cocks don’t we Claire. Go on Timmy, show Mommy and her friend how you play with your cock.”I couldn’t move. The moments went by.“I said pull that cock!” Mom shouted, and slapped my cock hard. It really hurt but it still just bounced around fully erect. Again I realized I had no choice. My hand slowly reached down and my fingers gripped the shaft.“Pull!” Mom shouted.I began slowly jerking off, the two of them staring at me intently. I gradually got into it, and I was rock hard.“You have to admit Anne,” said Claire, “its not a bad cock for a little boy.”“Yes looks like he inherited his father’s one good trait,” Mom replied. “But he’s also a disgusting pervert just like his father too. You like pulling your cock for us do you, you dirty little boy?”“Yes Mom,” I said, not really knowing what to reply.Mom cupped her hand under my cock. “Cum,” she commanded, “cum into my hand.”I pulled faster. I glanced over at Claire, who opened her mouth slightly and, to my astonishment, let the tip of her tongue touch her top lip, and then winked at me! Suddenly I was cumming everywhere, in Mom’s hand, up her arm, and over her boots.Claire laughed out loud. “He must really have been turned on. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much cum,” she said.But Mom was not amused. “You disgusting boy. Eat it,” she ordered, and rubbed her handful of cum against my mouth. She made me lick it all off her arm.“Now get on your hands and knees and lick your disgusting cum off my boots.” I hesitated, but the look from Mom told me I had better do what she said. I got down and started licking. “See Claire, what a pathetic little boy I have raised. I should chop off his cock now before he gets worse.”“Oh no,” Claire replied, “Don’t do that. Just keep him for our amusement and make him make it up to you.”“That will take a lot,” Mom retorted. “Tim, go to your room, shut the door and don’t come out. I want you asleep when I get home. And I want you to think about what you’ve done to embarrass your mother. Now, Claire, finish that last sip of wine, so we can get going. I won’t have my worm of a son ruining your night. I will deal with you, young man, when I get back tonight.”Claire swigged her glass, and with that, the two of them departed.More Taboo Incest Hardcore AtTRUE INCEST&INCEST CARTOONS&INCEST THEATER