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Dad-daughter and me.


I had gone around to my girlfriends place to see her about our planned trip to town to do some shopping after lunch. 
When I entered her yard at the back her father was laying naked by the pool stoking his hard cock. 
I was stunned – I have seen naked men masturbate before and enjoy sex but to see him like that surprised me. 
Before I could beat a hasty retreat he saw me. 
He stood up and held his cock in his hand and said – oh Julie I am sorry I didn’t think anybody would be coming around here. 
I said I am sorry I disturbed you – and I smiled at the same time – You seem to be enjoying yourself. 
He said actually I was – but Anne is out and wont be home for a couple of hours – is it anything important. 
I said not really – but do you do this often. I was enthralled by his long cock and the fact he was still slowly sort of masturbating himself, stroking his cock as he talked to me. 
He said actually I do – how about you – do you masturbate often. 
I was taken back a bit at his forthrightness and without thinking – I said doesn’t everybody. 
He said I know Anne does and I have heard her a few times in her room. Do you two compare notes. 
I laughed and said where is this leading – do you want me to join you. 
He smiled and said I wouldn’t mind – I know you and Anne have had a few boys in your lives – you are not totally innocent. 
I said has Anne been talking out of school. 
No he said I actually found her in bed one night with a boy and afterwards we had a long talk. 
I said she has never mentioned that to me. 
He said possibly because she doesn’t want you to know what happened afterwards. 
I said – what are you talking about. 
He said Anne and I had sex that night together – Incest. 
I was stunned – I said you have had sex with Anne  
He said yes – and not just on that occasion either we have slept together a few times since and she and I realise what we are doing.    
I said I would never have believed this – even if Anne had told me I would have thought she was fantasising. 
Then he said – I believe you enjoy sex as well – Anne has told me a few stories about you.Then he said – Actually I would like you and I to get together – but only if you were willing – it would be a wonderful thing for the two of you to be able to discuss your relationship with me and for her to be able to talk about it to somebody else. It must be hard to keep something like that bottled up inside you. Are you sure she has not said anything to you. 
I said no way – you are actually asking me to have sex with you so Anne and I can talk about you. 
He said that is one way of putting it. I think the both of us would enjoy the experience and I am certain Anne would agree. 
During the conversation I had got much closer to him so as we were talking quietly – after all we didn’t want the neighbourhood to hear us.  
He took his hand off his cock and it was bone hard and sticking out directly in front of him and I was fascinated. I said that is one damn fine cock. 
He said if you are willing I am. 
Actually I was getting really worked up just seeing him naked and his beautiful looking cock as stiff as a board. 
I was that close I actually put my hand on his cock and felt it. That is something to be proud of I said. I have never seen one as big as yours before. 
He said how many have you seen  
I said quite a few at pool parties but I have only had personal experience with three. 
He said did you enjoy the experience  
I said very much. 
Has Anne had the same experience?  
She has had some and I know we have shared one at least. 
He said well here is an opportunity to share another one.  
God I said you are actually propositioning me. 
Yes – he said. 
The longer I stood there and I still had his cock in my hand I was getting hotter and hotter and my cunt was beginning to itch with anticipation and was soaking wet. 
I said I hope I am not going to regret this – but I am mad and will do it with you – I will not tell Anne but I will wait for her to talk to me and tell me she knows we have had sex. 
He put his arm around me and kissed me and as we kissed he began to undress me. 
I had never kissed a man this old passionately before and it was good. 
Within a minute I was bare butt naked and he was leading me to a lounge at the side of the pool. The feeling of the warm air on my naked body was so erotic and being naked in broad daylight with an older man was so wild I could not imagine what I was doing and willingly. I was being lead to my seduction by my best friends father – a man who admitted he had incest with his own daughter. 
I lay down and he positioned himself to enter me and I pulled my legs back to admit him. 
He said I see you and Anne have similar hair shapes – do you do it together.  
I said we have done it to each other. 
Then he entered me and the feeling of his cock going into me was absolutely wonderful and I let a little moan escape as he slowly went in to his full length. 
Ahh he said  - you like it 
I said I do. 
Then he fucked me and he made me feel something special – he told me how much he was enjoying the sensation of being inside me and the fact I was not scarred or concerned about him being in me. 
He said I assume you and Anne are both on the pill – I know she is. 
I said I am – you wouldnt be doing this unprotected if I weren’t. 
Ahhh he said that means I can enjoy the sensation of an orgasm with you. 
I said and I hope I can to. 
We fucked for about 5 minutes and then he said would you like to change positions  
I said if you like I don’t mind –variety is the spice of life. 
I got up on my knees and he arranged me into a position where he could doggy me, and then slipped his cock back into me. 
He had a bit of difficulty getting his cock in deep as I was in an ackward position and his cock was sort of jamming on its way up me and I could feel a bit of discomfort until I got into the right position and then he went hard and fast and the slaps of our body coming together and his balls hitting my cunt were like claps of thunder and sounded so erotic.I really was enjoying the sensation and my tits were swinging as they pointed down and he was pounding his cock hard into me. They were giving me a great sensation as well and I supported myself on one hand and tweaked my nipples with the other. It felt fantastic. I said I hope Anne enjoys doing this with you as much as I am. 
He said well she comes to me now when she feels she needs me. 
Maybe we could have a threesome some time I said. 
He said you will have to suggest that to her – I would love to but that’s for you two to decide. How far have the two of you gone together. 
I said she has not told you  
She has hinted that the two of you have experimented 
I said well seeing its kiss and tell time – Anne and I have performed oral sex on each other and masturbate each other. It all started when we shaved each other and I kissed he smooth cunt, I couldn’t contain myself and licked and sucked her and she had the most amazing orgasm. She did the same for me.  
He said well I know now you realise how good she is orally – I am sure she will tell you of her experiences with me – orally. 
I said have you gone down on her and he said no – but she has on me. She told me she would prefer I didn’t do THAT to her – fucking seemed ok but oral sex seemed to be going too far she said. 
I said nothing and lay back and enjoyed him fucking me. 
Then I said I am cumming, Im cumming ---- go hard and fast------ and he drove his cock into me until I screamed softly with the erotic delight of my orgasm – actually my first in the doggy position. 
The he said lets get back to me on top and we swapped position and he fucked me and had his pleasure off my body and then said – ok I am almost here – it will be ok to cum in you wont it  
I said I wouldn’t have it any other way – go for it. 
He grunted and heaved screwed his face up and I could feel him tense his legs as he pinched his arse muscles together and slowly pumped his creamy cum into my body. 
He lay on top of me for a minute to get his breath back then pulled out. 
I said come here and got him to the side of the bed and took his fairly soft cum covered cock in my hand and put it in my mouth and sucked my cunt mixture off it. 
Oh god he said – I don’t believe this. 
I looked into his eyes and he could see the satisfaction I was getting from the sensation of his cock in my mouth and me sucking and licking it clean. 
After a minute I took it out and said doesn’t Anne do that for you. 
He said she sucks me off m- but never after sex – that is awesome. 
I said does she swallow  
He smiled and says she does now- she gagged a lot at first but now she cant get enough of it. 
I said well we are both happy now – you got your way with me and I know what Anne enjoys with you and I can say she wouldn’t be dissatisfied. 
The fact she keeps coming back for more seems to indicate that – I am surprised she has not hinted at the fact she has sex with me. 
I said it may explain a couple of times she wouldn’t go with a guy she was with – my guess you had been there before him and she didn’t want to let anybody know she was full of your cum. 
He said in future I will just have oral with her before she goes out so she can also have her boys as well. 
I said well then I may even get some of your cum out of her as we have been pretty active orally on each other, but I have never sensed she has had sex with you before we do it. 
Now I said whats the chance of another fuck with that great cock of yours – then I will have to go – Anne will be back shortly and I would not like her to find us like this at this time – we will all have to work out a way that we all expose our intimate relationship with you. 
He said lets get this done first and he began to stroke himself to get his cock hard enough to go into me again. 
Once we were fucking he said how do you believe we should tell Anne you know what we are doing and that you and I have had sex together. 
I said I will leave that to you – you let me know when you plan to or after you have told her. I will be forewarned then – and prepared for whatever her reaction is. 
I had secret sex with him twice more during the next two weeks and each time asked him if he as discussed it with Anne yet. 
He said I have tried a few times when we have been doing it together but I cant go that extra bit and tell her. I have hinted a couple of time you should know, but I pick the time when she is almost ready to cum and she is preoccupied. 
I said well I have thought about it too – How about the next time you know she and you are going to be in bed together and I arrive unannounced – to her that is. Maybe during the day one weekend – maybe even out here and I can arrive like I did today and find the two of you in the middle of it and then it is exposed openly and both you and I know its going to happen. I just hope Anne can handle it. 
He said that sounds great – I wont have to tell her  - you will find us together and that will say it all. I just hope she doesn’t flip her brain. 
I said I will work on how I will tell her she and I have both done something wrong – with you - and we are no worse than each other – although incest is law breaking and what we do is not – but we can handle that between us. 
We then concentrated on fucking and we were now both accustomed to being with each other and the preferences for the way we liked to be fucked and the positions we enjoyed most. 
He decided that the following weekend would be best – if the weather was fine and sunny and having sex by the pool would be enjoyable. 
It all happened the way he and I planned it. Anne was shocked at being caught with her father – particularly as she was in the throws of cumming on top of him when I opened the gate and walked in on them – knowing what to expect. 
After a few minutes of trauma – It took Anne a few minutes to get over the shock of exposure and grief. He left me to me to settle Anne down and she sobbed uncontrollably for a while before she settled down. Her father and I laughed and we then told her we had planned it and he and I have been having sex for three weeks. That started her off again but soon settled down again and asked so many questions. While she was sort of ranting and firing so many questions off – sometimes the same one time and time again – I undressed and sat with her naked. Her father left us and came back with drinks which we all sat around and drank while we all talked together – sometimes all at the same time. There were so many questions to be answered and explanations discussed. 
It ell ended about an hour later after a few more champagnes and we were now relaxed and in the mood for anything. 
I explained how her father and I began having sex together and then deciding that we should do it with him then and there. We discussed who was going to be first while the other one watched. Anne suggested he and I get it together and she would see for herself that we had no inhibitions about having sex together and I had no problems with their incestural relationship. After all I had actually seen them together and her proving that she obviously enjoyed making love with her father. 
Her father and I then engaged in sex and Anne was quite animated about watching us and actually discussed what positions she enjoyed and how it felt while he was fucking her. She said she always got on top to cum as he had not managed to get her to cum in the missionary position more than a couple of time. The rest of the afternoon was spent drinking champagne and fucking. Anne and I even had oral sex on each other after he had cum inside us a couple of times. The first time she tried to go down on me was a scream as his cum kept leaking out of me and she couldn’t handle licking leaking cum, but had no problems if she couldn’t see it. 
It was almost midnight before I went home and left them to go to bed together – although he said after today I don’t think I could fuck anybody for a few hours. 
Anne said well there are other pleasure I can enjoy and licked her lips 
As I walked home I thought to myself – this cant have happened – my best friend is having sex with her father and I am sharing the sexual benefits of both of them – its unreal. Then some cum ran down my leg – it was actually true. 

Anne and I had our occasional boyfriends but neither of us engaged in sex with them unless we really wanted to which was now more rare than before – in fact we said no more often than yes to them – after all we were enjoying a wonderful sex life with her father.  
For the next year the three of us frequently had sex together – and Anne always told me when and what they had done together and never once had anything to say about me and her father having sex as well. She knew it was happening most times as she was there and well aware of us enjoying the sex together. In winter it was always inside and we often enjoyed our sex on a rug in front of an open fire. Hardly a week went by when we were not enjoying sex together. During period times one of us had to make up for the other but it didn’t stop one of us enjoying oral.