ÂI walked slowly off the bus and onto the sidewalk infront of my home.ÂI didn't know what was to come ahead of me.ÂI looked at the wooden door with the faint little window peeping out.ÂToday was the day. ÂDad wasn't going to expect me home this early; I had forgotten to tell him that it was a half day at school and from hearing the sounds that i did last night, I knew that he had been jacking off.
ÂMy mom had just died the year before and as a result, dad had been doing a lot more masturbating to get rid of all the wanting of sex.
ÂSometimes i would come home to a porn flick on the TV and dad in the bathroom probably washing up from what he had just been doing.ÂHe didn't want me to know what he had been up to, but it was pretty obvious what.
ÂI walked up to the door and slowly opened it.ÂAs i peeped inside, i could see nothing but an empty house with Porn TV on.ÂMaybe dad had gone shopping or something and left the television on.ÂFeeling a lot more confident, i walked inside and shut the door behind me.ÂNothing yet.ÂSo i swung my back pack over the chair and sat down.ÂJust because no one was home didn't mean i couldn't watch TV.
ÂThey were showing two lesbians fucking each other with their feet.ÂWatching this, i started to get a little horny and decided to pull my shirt off.ÂI mean, why not?ÂNo one was here.
ÂI took my bra off and released my medium sixed breasts.ÂThey bounced up and down, happy to be free from their prison.ÂI took one boob in each hand and examined them, taking note that they had gotten bigger and rounder over the summer.ÂI decided to take my pants and undies off as well...minus well since half of me was undressed.ÂMy tight and shaved little pussy felt cold out in the open...i decided to cover it with my nice warm hand to make it feel better.ÂThis really turned me on and for the first time in my life, i masturbated.
 ÂSuddenly, the door popped open and there stood daddy.ÂI immediatly stood up and covered myself, shocked that he had found me there.ÂSurprisingly...he smiled.Â"Its OK sweety,"ÂHe said "I have been waiting for this moment.
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