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Happy Campers


The girls fussed at each other like cats and dogs, but loved each other in a pinch. Barbara Spratworthy loved both girls equally, and saw a bit of herself in both. She sympathized with them about being forced to camp with people they didn't know. Barbara also liked her fine home, new car, and freedom from having to work so that she could carry on affairs with little risk of discovery. When Jerry explained that his boss didn't exactly invite the family camping, but ordered them, she gave her support to Jerry. They were going camping, and that was that.The camping trips were a well-known testing device for those being considered for advancement. The campout gave top level managers, and especially the chief executive, Harland Honeycut, whose motor home they would share, the chance to size-up not only the candidate but his entire family. They were all under the microscope, and Barbara made it very clear to each girl how terribly important the trip was. They liked their nice things as much as Barbara did, and both wanted to drive new cars when they got licenses. If their daddy earned a big promotion, they might. That little bit of bribery ended their whining, but they were still not happy campers.Jerry said, "Come on kids. Cheer up. Let's see happy faces. We're almost to the plant where we'll meet up with the caravan. Let's see that we make a good impression."Angie shouted at Stephanie, "Get your fuckin' leg off me. Are you queer for me or something?"Stephanie cried, "I am not touching your stupid leg because I want to. This is your stuff that has us crowded together. I will gladly throw that dumb boom box out the window. Mom, can't you do something about her mouth? If she says the 'F' word in front of those people, she'll blow it for us.""Angie, Stephanie is right; and besides, I have told you and told you - young ladies don't use filthy language like that. Especially the "F" word.""Mom, what am I supposed to do? She's over here rubbing off on me like some horny mutt. Am I supposed to offer my leg and smile."In exasperation, Barbara said, "Stephanie, why didn't you place the boom box between you. You know how Angie is about touching.""I know she likes to make a big deal out of nothing just to get attention and embarrass me. I placed the boom box by the door because I didn't want to be sandwiched between two sets of hard cold objects with knobs. Unlike Angie, who is obsessively paranoid about her repressed homosexuality surfacing, flesh contact with other females doesn't bother me. Even her leathery, reptilian skin is better than cold plastic.""Hey, fuck you, Stephanie; fuck you in the ass with a big dick."Barbara reached to slap Angie, shouting, "God damn it, Angie, you foul-mouthed fucking little bitch!"Jerry intervened, blocking Barbara's slap, "Hey! Hey! Girls. Enough already. Look, we're here. Everybody can get out and stretch. Please, for God's sake, smiles everyone."Jerry imposed an uneasy calm. The two sisters kept a distance between themselves. After exiting the car, they wandered about the six RV's as the drivers gathered for final trip checks. Jerry and Barbara put away the family's gear in the Honeycut's RV as Emily Honeycut directed and played the gracious host.Jerry knew Emily remotely, but Barbara and Emily had never met. Emily looked to be in her early fifties, the same age as her husband, Harold. She was in remarkably good shape and showed her class and breeding even in shorts and a loose white blouse. She wore tennis shoes without socks, and no gaudy jewelry as Barbara had expected. Barbara found Emily easy to talk to, but she never felt like they would be close friends.Jerry was as nervous as twenty-fingered clutz with a slippery vial of nitroglycerine around the Honeycuts. Just being in their RV made him nervous. He was sure he'd break something expensive, or spill something messy. He walked in measured steps and spoke when spoken to.The trip to the remote mountain lake campsite was quiet and uneventful. Emily and Stephanie read books. Barbara thumbed through women's magazines. Jerry studied work related manuals, and Angie rode the whole way with her boom box headset on, bouncing and squirming to heavy metal funk punk rock.The camp site had no facilities, but each RV had its own self-contained power, water, and bathroom facilities. Harold lectured the Spratworthys on conserving water, as they had to replenish their supply by carrying buckets up from the lake. He also requested that everyone do their pee in the trees, as the sewage had to be carried away in buckets, at least one-hundred yards into the woods, after the tank filled. "The bathroom is for number two," he explained, "the trees get number one." After the lecture, and when he was out of earshot, Angie said, "I'll bet Emily doesn't squat in the bushes."Barbara said, "Angie, don't start. This is her motor home. I wouldn't expect her to squat and pee. It's because we're here that the tanks will fill quickly. You girls do your pee in the woods. Don't even give them cause to think you aren't. Make certain they see you slipping away from time to time with toilet paper in hand."Angie said, "I'll slip away, but I'm pissing in the shower. They let shower water run on the ground. It all sinks in."Jerry jumped in, saying, "There won't be any showers. You heard what Mr. Honeycut said; they need to conserve water. We can all take sponge baths; and besides, we'll be swimming all day. We won't be getting dirty. Come on. Get your suits on, and let's go mix and mingle. Remember why we're here. Smiles, lots of big smiles."The girls were a big hit with the campers. The men appreciated Stephanie's graceful beauty (cover girl beauty), and Angie's hard-bodied, animal sexuality (Hustler centerfold beauty) equally. The girls stood out in their matching new bikinis, as they were the only young people along.Stephanie hated her bikini because it barely covered the essentials and was loose; Angie loved hers for the same reason except hers was too tight. Besides Emily and Barbara, only four other women were on the campout. One RV had four men, all from plant management, so men outnumbered women two to one. Angie liked those odds; Stephanie didn't.The older men were especially fond of the uninhibited Angie. They tossed her back and forth in the water, played grab ass games, and teased her with off-color humor that made her giggle. Angie didn't get upset if a man's hand accidentally slipped inside her top or bottom, and the girl was accident prone around the men. Angie only laughed when her top got pulled off her titties, or her bottoms wound up being used to play keep away. The guys would use her bottoms to lure her out of the water. Angie lured easily and would run after them all through the camp - sometimes bottomless, sometimes topless, but many times with noting on at all while holding her jugs to keep from getting busted in the mouth.Stephanie had no sense of humor, and saw to it that accidents did not occur. Stephanie stayed away from the men who were acting like fools over her sister and her mother. She detested the speedo trunks they wore, and Harold's was the worst. His was obscenely small and thin, showing his huge organ in detail. He was a big man anyway, but men with paunches, and lots of body hair should not wear so little, she thought.Angie angered Stephanie because she took delight in giving Harold erections by sitting in his lap. When she'd get up, Stephanie had to look away. She was also upset by her mother's obvious flirtations, and thought her bikini was obscene and worse than being naked.Barbara's bikini was little more than knitted patches connected by string that sometimes covered her nipples and vagina. A good portion of her shaved pubic mound showed and her ass was completely bare, the crotch string going inside the crack. Even though the suit was a gift given to Jerry by the Honeycuts, Stephanie thought the gift was inappropriate and wearing it in public would be improper and might be a test they would fail if her mother actually wore the suit. Barbara laughed her prudish daughter's concerns off, saying that just the opposite was true.Stephanie spent much of her time talking with Emily and helping prepare the evening meal. She cleaned the RV for her. She talked to the other women in camp and offered her help with their housekeeping chores as well. She apologized to everyone about her mother's bikini, and explained that she thought she had to wear the suit as it was a gift of the Honeycuts. She made excuses for Angie's outrageous behavior as well. She didn't have to make excuses for her father. He was never around. Jerry just couldn't mix well with any group. The men shunned him, and the women gave him scant attention. They preferred their own groups. The women talked about soaps, and gossip, and their stupid husbands making fools of themselves over the young stuff in camp. He knew his acceptance would depend solely on how his family fared. His strategy was to keep a low profile and let the girls do their thing. He took long walks in the woods.No one seemed upset with Barbara over the suit she wore. No wife said anything to him or her about flirting with their husbands. Jerry agreed with Stephanie, the suit was too obscene and being naked would be less obscene. He also agreed with Barbara - Harold Honeycut wanted to see her in the suit, only the suit, and nothing but the suit. Barbara came prepared to wear nothing but the suit for two weeks if that was what Harold wanted.As soon as they arrived at the camp, Barbara put the suit on and received confirmation that her analysis was correct. Harold and Emily praised the suit, and her in it. Barbara told Jerry that one of the wives took her aside and suggested she get friendly with the guys - very friendly if she wanted to make a good impression. Barbara took that advice to heart, and Jerry gave his approval after watching the wives react to a few test flirtations. They were amused, and no one looked upset - no one except Stephanie.After Barbara got the nod from Jerry, her actions floored Stephanie. Stephanie saw her mother french kiss the VP of marketing while he squeezed her bare ass. Late in the afternoon, she saw her mother enter one of the RVs with the owner. They stayed inside for over an hour, and everyone in camp saw the vehicle rocking in a steady rhythm. When she emerged, sweaty, with parts of both nipples showing, and the gooey crotch patch stuck to her pussy, she got applause on exiting. Thankfully, her father was not in camp to witness his wife do a cummy curtsie like a proud whore.When nightfall came, and everyone turned in, the Spratworthys learned how a one bedroom RV slept six. The small dining table dropped to bench seat level and cushion sections turned the platform into a small bed. The sofa, across from it, made another small bed when the back cushions were placed on the dining table. A narrow walkway ran between the two beds. Jerry and Barbara took the sofa bed, and the girls had to sleep together in the other. Barbara knew the shit would start the first time skin touched skin in the cramped space of the three foot wide bed.Harold would not run the power all night. With no air conditioning, they all slept with as little on as possible and no cover. Jerry wore only PJ bottoms. Barbara wore nothing at all and hadn't since exiting her third RV late that afternoon sporting a completely shaved pussy. She received great praise, so she remained that way. Besides, the guy kept her suit. Angie wore only her father's T- shirt, no panties, and Stephanie wore a PJ top and PJ short bottoms with panties.The Honeycuts retired to their private quarters in the rear and slept in a king size bed with a battery operated fan blowing cool air on them all night long. Surprisingly, the girls drifted right to sleep. Stephanie was an easy sleeper, anyway, and Angie was exhausted from chasing her bikini parts all day.Jerry and Barbara curled-up spoon fashion with Barbara on the aisle. They snuggled close, looking at their sleeping beauties by the light shining in from several Coleman lanterns hung from tree limbs. They talked in whispers. Barbara said, "I wish I had a picture of this to show Angie. She'd shit."Angie was sprawled with her arm across Stephanie's breasts. Her cocked left leg rested above Stephanie's mound and had pulled up Stephanie's PJ top getting there. They laid cheek to cheek, like lesbian lovers, and both parents could see that Angie wore no panties. Their heads laid in opposite directions from the girls, so they had a good view of Angie's pussy. Jerry said, "We must get a picture before we leave, but we can't be digging through our stuff now.""Jerry, look at Angie's pussy. That has to make you horny.""Barbara, I'm shocked. What kind of man do you think I am? Besides, I saw it three-hundred times today, and I wasn't in camp that much. The girl is asking for it, and there are plenty of men here willing to give it to her."Jerry had a growing hardon that he slipped out through the slit in his PJs, then pressed to Barbara's pussy, his signal that he wanted in. Barbara said, "Jerry, I wouldn't, unless you like sloppy seconds.""What? You had sex?""You said it was okay to be friendly. Well, someone wanted to get very friendly.""Who?""Steve Clements, Harv Gravey, Seth Greenwood, Pete Acres, and Jim somebody.""Where?""In their RVs. These a rolling motel rooms, you know.""How? Didn't anyone notice?""Jerry, I'm afraid everyone noticed, even Stephanie. She's pretty upset with me. I see you're still hard. You can't be too upset."Jerry reached between her legs and felt the slimy wetness, then eased his cock inside. Barbara said, "Easy, Jerry. Every move in this rig jostles the thing. I don't think we're going to get any real fucking done here, but it feels nice just having you inside me.""You would be content with this; you already got yours in spades.""Don't be jealous, Jerry. I fucked them for us.""I don't mind telling you it is a bit disconcerting feeling another man's semen in my wife's pussy.""I don't mind telling you, I like how that sounds. Look on the bright side. They made my pussy nice and slippery for you.""A lot of good that does me when I can't move.""You can move a little; just go very slow. I think this feels wonderful, like your cock is soaking in my lover's sperm. Would it upset you if I frigged off?""Yes, damnit. If I can't get off, you can't.""Jerry, stop. I heard something. I think..."The two laid still, feigning sleep, as the door to the bedroom creaked open. Through slitted eyes, they watched Harold move cautiously down the aisle. When he came near, they saw he was naked, sporting a formidable erection. He glanced their way, then studied the girls. He bent from the waist, putting his naked ass inches from Barbara's face, then stood with Stephanie's limp body in his arms. He turned and carefully made his way to the bedroom, eased inside, then closed and locked the door.Barbara and Jerry sat up and looked at each other, unable to believe what they had just seen. Stephanie's muffled outcry tore right through them. "Jerry, do something!""What?""I don't know, but we can't let him do this. Jerry, what are we going to do?""I don't know.""You don't know? Are you prepared to let him rape Stephanie?""You tell me what to do, Barbara. Are you prepared to return to the work place? Do you know what my chances are of finding another local job in the next two years. Zilch, Barbara, zero. Tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it."They heard a bare ass spanking, a hard spanking, accompanied by Stephanie's muffled cries. Barbara said, "Damn, they're beating her.""It's just a spanking.""If it were your ass it would be just a spanking. The nerve of those two. Who do they think they are? They must know we hear everything.""Yeah, you would think they thought owned us. I wonder who gave them that idea. Shit, you didn't fuck everybody."Barbara shushed Jerry and said, "Hold still. Be quiet. Feel that? He's fucking her, Jerry.""No shit. God damn, is he nuts? Emily must sleep like a rock.""Or she's holding Stephanie's legs apart for him...Hey, stop fucking me, you asshole. Our daughter is getting raped.""If we're not going to stop it, they sure won't notice our movement. Angie is dead to the world.""How can you even think of sex at a time like this?""Barbara, a time like this is during a rape. How can I not think of sex. Didn't you see that man's cock?""I saw. Still, it doesn't seem right, screwing through our daughter's rape.""Come on, Barbara, I'm horny as hell. We may not get another chance like this.""Jack off, then. No one will feel that either." Barbara pulled her cunt off Jerry's cock and said, "Shush. I want to listen."They both listened, and they both heard Stephanie crying as the rocking motion intensified. Jerry's cock wilted, but he soon became aware that Barbara was rubbing her clit. He said, "What the fuck are you doing? Is this any time to think of sex.""I thought you were going to jack off.""Not if I can fuck.""You can't. Jack off. I can't pay attention if you're fucking me.""Jesus Christ. My wife goes out and screws her ass off in front of everyone. My boss and his wife are raping my daughter, and I have to jack off next to my wife who is frigging her cunt to my daughter's rape.""Jack off quietly.""Shit!"Jerry and Barbara both achieved their orgasms, then went for another as the motion of the RV became a hard rock and roll. They listened to the activity going on in the bedroom for over an hour, through several breaks, then assumed sleeping poses when the noise and motion stopped. Seconds later, the bedroom door opened, and Harold emerged carrying Stephanie. When they got close, the stunned couple saw that Stephanie was nude and shiny. Harold set her on the bed and accidentally woke Angie. He quickly made his return, and got behind closed doors.Angie got up on one arm and looked at her sister. Stephanie was on her stomach, crying softly in the pillow. Her skin looked wet all over. Angie said, "Oh, shit, you reek. Yuck, you're all slimy. Oh, shit, you're disgusting. You're getting that shit all on the bed, you dumb slut." With that, she pushed on Stephanie's ass with a stiff finger, and Stephanie rolled off the bed, landing with a hard thud on the floor.Barbara sat up and swung her legs over the edge, mindful not to step on Stephanie who was lying on her back, sobbing softly."Angie, sometimes, you can be the coldest bitch. Can't you see your sister has been raped?""No, I can't. I wasn't about to look between her legs. All I know is she smells like low tide and is covered in slime. I'm not sleeping with Shamu.""Stephanie, get up, baby. Come on, let's get you in the bathroom and get you cleaned up."Jerry said, "Do you think that's wise? They might hear.""I hope they do. They might expect us to keep quiet about this, but they can't expect us not to clean her up...Stand up, Stephanie. That's a girl...Oh, God, Jerry, she's wet with...with, sex fluids, I think. What the hell were they doing in there?"Barbara and Stephanie disappeared into the small bathroom and emerged twenty minutes later. Barbara found her a T-shirt to wear and laid her back in the bed. Angie was asleep, and Stephanie drifted off shortly thereafter. Jerry waited to see her rhythmic breathing to whisper, "What happened?""She wouldn't say. She got raped. I know that much. Raped good, too: ass, mouth, and pussy. Emily was in on it. Her cunt juice was all over Stephanie. I mean, all over. There wasn't a dry spot on that kid. She sure is a juicy bitch.""Did Stephanie say anything?""Not a word, Jerry. She was like catatonic. You would have enjoyed giving her that sponge bath. I could place her in any position and she'd stay that way. If you think Angie has a cute pussy, wait till you see Stephanie's. I was sorely tempted to come and get you.""I'm glad you didn't. I don't think she needed that added humiliation.""I don't think she would have known. She was out of it, Jerry. If you get this promotion, a big chunk will probably go for therapy or an abortion, possibly both. He has two weeks to get her pregnant. He isn't using a condom, and we can't get Stephanie any protection out here. Chances are, we'll be taking home a pregnant teenager, maybe two.""I suppose we're resolved to let that happen?"Barbara reached for Jerry's cock and felt its rigidity, then said, "Yes, it would appear so. She can't get more fucked than she already is. He picked the right one. I shudder to think what Angie would have done.""Nothing if he valued his balls. He might come get her tomorrow night.""You're right. We'd better have a talk with her. Ni kicking."The following morning, the girls were up and about when Barbara awoke. They were in their bikinis, headed for the lake. Barbara woke Jerry and said, "Look, Jerry, Stephanie looks okay.""She looks damn fine, if you ask me. Do you think she's repressing?""How the hell should I know?"Emily emerged from the bedroom wearing a loose-fitting robe. She came into the kitchen and smiled, saying, "Sleep well?"Barbara smiled and said, "Snug as a bug. You?""Never better. Are you coffee drinkers?""Cream and sugar; Jerry takes it black."Emily said, "I'll brew; you fix. I take mine with one cream; Harold likes two sugars." After getting the pot brewing, she sauntered off.When the door closed, Jerry said, "What nerve? Treating you like a servant.""Jerry, that's called class. That's what you can do with money. You can have your way with a young virgin, then be waited on in the morning by her mother, confident that she'll kiss your ass and say nothing.""The coffee's almost ready. You'd better pucker up."Day two was almost a repeat of day one, but Stephanie avoided Emily. She avoided everyone, in fact. Angie was just as frisky, and Barbara got screwed by three more campers, one while Jerry was in camp. When the family turned in, Barbara pressed her naked, slimy pussy against Jerry's hard cock, and was slyly entered with the girls still awake. Angie and Stephanie were fighting over who had to sleep on the aisle. Barbara never did get a chance to have that talk with Angie, but Angie seemed to know what an aisle berth might bring.Stephanie refused to give up the wall, and hugged her back to it, fighting off Angie's attempts to dislodge her. They were rocking the coach, and getting loud, so Barbara had to intervene. Before she spoke up, she turned her head to whisper to Jerry, "How do we handle this?""Beats me.""I mean it. Do we sacrifice the one who is already ruined and traumatized, or offer fresh meat that might blow it for us.""I think you just answered your own question.""You're no help, Jerry. Would you like the honors?""I can't. Sorry."Barbara slipped her cunt off Jerry's cock and said, "You're sorry, all right." In a firm voice, Barbara said, "Stephanie, get back in your spot and let Angie have hers.""Mom, that's not fair. She slept here last night. It's only fair we take turns.""Stephanie, don't argue. This is your place, and that is hers. Don't make me get up. I mean it, Stephanie. Get away from that wall. NOW!"Stephanie reluctantly changed places, and once they were settled, Angie said, "This time, wash before you get back in bed."Barbara said, "Angie, honestly, you can be such a bitch.""Well, I don't want that pussy slime on me. She's the lezzie. She'd wear it all night if you let her."Stephanie rolled to her stomach and buried her face in her pillow, too ashamed to respond. Barbara started to berate Angie again, but Jerry nudged her and whispered, "Let her go. I want to hear if she has more to say."Barbara reached back and felt for his cock. She closed her fingers over his throbbing erection and gave it a sympathetic squeeze. They didn't wait long. Angie, still hovering over Stephanie taunted, "You should sleep in the nude. They never returned your PJ's. At this rate, we'll run out of things to wear to bed."Stephanie shrugged hard and pulled down on the hem of her T-shirt when Angie tried to push it up her back. "Come on, rape bait. I don't know why you even bothered putting panties on. Take them off, at least. If they see you with panties on, they'll think you don't want it."Jerry eased his cock back inside Barbara's pussy, and received a warm, wet reception. Together, they watched Stephanie trying to keep her panties up as Angie tried to take them off. Everyone froze when the bedroom door creaked open. Stephanie froze with her panties at her knees and her T-shirt rucked up to her shoulder blades. Barbara and Jerry exchanged genital squeezes and held their breath as Harold came to stand over the girls who were feigning sleep.He stood staring for a full minute, then bent down and shoved a finger up Stephanie's ass. The terrified girl's knuckles shone white as she clutched the cushion and groaned into the pillow. When Harold straightened up one minute later, he had Angie in his arms. On their way down the RV, they heard, "So, do you come here often? What's your sign? Hey mister, take me back; I left my teddy bear."Barbara and Jerry could not hold back their laughs after the door shut behind Angie. They were muffled laughs, but Stephanie heard them and said, "It's not funny."Barbara stopped laughing, and said, "I know, sweetheart, but you have to admire Angie's spunk.""Yeah, well we'll see how spunky she is when he brings her back."They all remained awake, listening to and feeling Angie's ordeal. Barbara and Jerry tried to hide their screwing, but when Barbara came, Stephanie knew. Afterward, Stephanie said, "I'll bet you guys did that while I was in there, too. That's sick."Barbara said, "Mind your own business, Stephanie. You've been giving me dirty looks for the past two days. If you disapprove of the way I act, look the other way.""I've still got ears, Mother.""Then cover them. See no evil; hear no evil. That's your motto, isn't it""Yeah, and speak no evil. That's what you're good at.""Why you little bitch. Take those clothes off.""WHAT!""You heard me. Take them off, every stitch.""Mom, no. I'm sorry.""I said, take them off. NOW, Stephanie!" Stephanie reluctantly pulled her T-shirt off, then kicked the panties down her legs."Now, roll onto your back.""Mom, please don't do this.""Stephanie. Do as I say."Stephanie slowly rolled against the wall onto her back, her tits and pubic bush shined in the subdued light. Jerry got up on one arm to look. Barbara said, "Now, you stay that way. They might want you again, and I want you to be ready. If he does take you, we're going to fuck. That's right, Stephanie, I said fuck. We're going to fuck to your rape, and then we'll be silent about it, because that's what we're good at.""Mom, please don't do this. I said I was sorry. I am truly, truly sorry. I can't let him find me like this. He'll think I want it.""That's the idea, Stephanie. I want him to think you want it. I want to get fucked again. Fucking to Angie's rape isn't as much fun as fucking to yours. She probably does like it."Stephanie gave up. Barbara gave up her torment as well. They all listened and rocked to the rhythm of rape. One hour and thirty minutes later, the bedroom door opened. Stephanie let out a tense squeal, and stiffened. Barbara and Jerry watched through squinted eyes as Harold laid Angie's wet and glistening body beside Stephanie. He stood looking at Stephanie, then reached over to finger her pussy. He fingered her for several minutes, then stood erect and departed. When the door shut, Stephanie pushed Angie off the bed. She landed on the floor with a thump, then slowly sat up, saying, "All right, I deserved that. Sorry sis."Barbara and Jerry sat up as Angie struggled to her feet. Barbara said, "What happened in there, Angie?""I don't want to talk about. I just want to get this fucking slime off of me.""Angie, what did I tell you about using that word?""Look, I've just had all my cherries popped by the biggest dick I ever imagined. I should have the right to say fuck. In fact, I'm going to say fuck all the way to the shower."Barbara got up and said, "I'll help you wash, Angie.""I can wash myself, Mother.""You can't get everywhere with a sponge bath. At least let me do your back.""I'm not taking no fucking sponge bath. I'm taking a fucking hot shower, a long, hot, mother fucking shower. If they don't like it, they can go fuck themselves. I'll fill the fucking tank myself. I earned this shower." With that, Angie entered the bathroom.Barbara turned to Stephanie and said, "She looks pretty spunky to me.""I'm not surprised. She finally indulged her secret lesbian desires and got rid of her cherries at the same time. Trust me. She earned a shower.""Stephanie, do you really think Angie has lesbian urges? Seriously.""I know she does. Mom, she is always trying to get at my vagina, and she rubs hers on me. It's not the other way around. That scene in the car came when she tried to get her hand up my skirt. When I pulled her hand out, she started that scene to teach me a lesson. I guess she figures that if she keeps up, I'll eventually stop stopping her and let her have her way."Barbara said, "I think that's great. I think you should let her have her way with you.""Why does that not surprise me?""I could order you to cooperate.""You don't have to. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. It really wouldn't put me out any, and I know how much she wants it. I almost gave in on the ride over to the plant, but you and Dad were in the car. If it turns you on, and I can make up to you for acting bratty, I'll cooperate. I'll let her do what she wants whenever we're alone. You have my word, and you know my word is good.""Yes, but will you reciprocate?""Do you mean, do her?""Yes, Stephanie. Will you lick your sister's pussy for me?""Mom, that's an awful thing to ask me to do. Isn't letting her do me enough?""No, it's not. I want to see you do it tonight, when she comes out, before she starts anything with you. I want to watch you initiate this. We both do.""Gosh, Mom. Right here, in front of you and Dad?""Yes. I want you to make up to her for all the torment you've put her through. You'll be making up to me too, for making me feel guilty about screwing other men. I'm sick of you playing holier-than-thou, looking down your nose at us. You are no better than us, Stephanie, and you need to be brought down a few pegs to realize that.""But, Mom, I'm not into that sort of thing.""I don't care. I want to see you convince Angie that you have turned lesbian with a deep desire to serve as her pussy slave. In fact, I want to hear you put it to her that way, and tell her she needn't do anything to you in return.""Oh, God, Mother. You don't know what you're asking. She'll be impossible to live with.""I know; I love it.""Mom, no, please! Anything but that. Not her pussy slave. That's sick.""Stephanie, I can make your home life miserable if I want to. I can make you wish you were a pussy slave.""Oh, all right. I'll give you what you want, but I'm only doing this for you, to make up. Here she comes. Pretend you're asleep."Angie walked down the aisle rubbing her wet hair in a towel. She stopped to look at her parents feigning sleep, then looked at Stephanie, lying naked in the bed. "Are they asleep?""Yeah. I waited up for you. Come on. Lie down the way you are."Angie laid on the spot Stephanie patted, then eased her head to the pillow while studying Stephanie suspiciously. Stephanie was up on her side, looking over Angie's body. Angie said, "Why are you naked, Stephanie?""I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. I know what you went through.""So?...Stephanie, why are you looking at me like that? Are you okay?"Stephanie placed her left hand on Angie's right breast and squeezed gently. Angie watched her sister's fingers move up to the nipple and come together, gliding softly to the hard point. Angie said, "Stephanie, why are you doing that? What gives?"Stephanie bent her head and kissed Angie's nipple, then sucked the nipple. Angie said, "What the fuck are you doing?...Look, if you want some milk, I'll get you some. You're sucking on a dry tit...suit yourself."Stephanie nursed on Angie's dry tit for a couple of minutes, then kissed her way down Angie's body. Angie watched her progress, especially as Stephanie's lips neared her pubic bush. She said, "If this is a tease, I'll wait till you're asleep then sit on your face and piss in your mouth."Stephanie crawled down, spread Angie's legs, then planted a sucking kiss to her sister's clit. This brought Angie up to her elbows for a look as Stephanie lay prone between her legs, bringing her face in line with the pussy. Stephanie looked up at her sister over the mons and smiled, saying, "Angie, I want to be your pussy slave. You don't need to do anything to me in return. This is no tease, so please don't pee in my mouth."With that, Stephanie licked up through Angie's slit several times. Angie brought her knees up and laid them flat, framing her sex with her hands laid palm down on her inner thighs, saying, "Far fucking out! Go for it, Sis. Suck my pussy. Suck his sperm out. That's it, Sis. Lick my spermy fuck hole, my little cunt slave. You're lucky I took a piss in the shower, or you'd be sucking piss right now. Suck my clit. Suck it hard and flick it with your tongue. Yes, just like that. Suck harder; flick faster. Oh, yes. Oh yes. Oh, Yes! Oh! Ugh! Oh! Fuck, yes! Suck it, bitch!"Angie strained up with her pelvis raised high in her release and Stephanie followed. Angie ground her spasming pussy on her sister's sucking mouth, then collapsed. Stephanie immediately fastened her mouth to Angie's cunt hole and licked while sucking. She licked as Angie languished in her post orgasmic stupor, head lolling on the pillow. Stephanie licked Angie's pussy for five minutes, even after Barbara sat up and said, "It looks like you were right about Stephanie."Angie turned her head and smiled blissfully. She said, "I told you so. Look at her, Mom. She loves licking my pussy. I told you she was queer for me, but you wouldn't believe me. You believe me know, don't you?"Barbara sat up and swung her feet to the floor. She leaned forward and peered down on Angie's wide spread and the mouth serving it without shame. Barbara pressed down on Angie's nearest inner thigh for a better look. Stephanie laid her head on the opposite thigh so she faced her mother while licking Angie's slit from anus to clit. Angie brought her fingers down and splayed her cunt lips to offer an even better view, pulling her lips apart for her sister's tongue and mother's eyes.Barbara watched Stephanie's long tongue lick through the interior of Angie's open slit, then used one of her own fingers to open the hole wider. Stephanie's stiffened tongue entered the hole as Barbara said, "Well, a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm glad you are willing to let her slake her lesbian desires on you, Angie. You're a good sister.""I couldn't let her suffer.""No, that would be cruel.""She wants to be my pussy slave.""Well, I want you to know that your father and I will support you if you'll go along. There's no need to hide this around us.""I guess I could play along, if that's what you and Dad want.""Will you see that she gets all the pussy she needs from now on? We don't want her going outside our home to hunt dykes. I'd consider it a personal favor if you would satisfy your sister's lesbian lusts.""Sure, but she needs lots and lots of pussy, Mom.""If you need help. Let me know. My pussy is not as cute as yours, but to a devoted cunt lapper like Stephanie, it should do as a between meal snack.""You can have her right now if you want her.""No, you give Stephanie her fill. If she needs more, she knows where to find my pussy. I'm going to try and get some sleep." Barbara stroked Stephanie's cheek while Stephanie continued licking. She said, "I'm happy for you Stephanie. You're lucky to have such a sympathetic and loving sister. Enjoy, sweetheart, and don't ever be shy around us. We all understand."Angie laid her head on the pillow and patted Stephanie on her head, saying, "You heard, Mom, Stephanie. Eat your fill. I'm going to sleep. If you need more pussy, get it from between Mom's legs."Barbara drifted off to sleep watching Stephanie serve Angie's pussy. She slept for an hour and awoke with a strange feeling between her legs. When she fully awakened, she looked down and saw Stephanie trying to get her head between her thighs. Barbara rolled onto her back and let her legs fall out. Stephanie applied her lips and tongue to her mother's sloppy bald beaver. Barbara nudged Jerry awake. Together, they watched Stephanie suck mother cunt.Angie watched also, lying on her side, propped on one elbow. She said, "I sent her to you. She was making my pussy sore. I told you, Mom. She's insatiable when it comes to pussy. You'll probably have to push her away to get any sleep."Barbara said, "She's very good at this disgusting act. I certainly won't get any sleep with her doing this to me. You know, Angie, I'm afraid we're going to have to bring in extra help to satisfy Stephanie's lust for pussy. I know a few adult women who'd spread their legs for any tongue, but you must know some girls that would help you out, don't you?""I know six off the top of my head. If I spread the word around school, I'm sure more will surface. Stephanie is very popular with the lezzie crowd.""Excellent. Then, by all means, spread the word about her. We're going to need all the help we can get to keep this little cunt lapper satisfied. I'll do the same with my circle of friends."Stephanie stopped licking and looked into her mother's eyes over her hairless pubic mound. Stephanie's eyes were pleading, but Barbara's eyes showed no mercy. Her mother held her cunt lips open with one hand while stroking Stephanie's throat with the fingers of the other. Stephanie slumped in surrender, then slipped her tongue deep in her mother's pussy hole as a sign of resignation.Barbara said, "Stephanie approves. She's really sucking my pussy now. She's so excited. She's finally going to get all the pussy she ever wanted, and she never has to leave the house to get it. Yes, baby, Mommy's going to take care of you. Mommy's going to take excellent care of you. Mommy's about to give you a big dose of pussy cum. Oh yes! Of fuck, yes! Eat that pussy, baby!"Barbara lifted her ass two feet off the cushion in a wide-beaver stance, then ground out her climax on Stephanie's face. Stephanie quickly got to her knees and scooted under, sitting back on her heels while supporting Barbara's ass. In this provocative position, Stephanie sucked her mother through a powerful climax, then remained that way to lick the cum that seeped out.Barbara let Stephanie take all her weight as she went limp for the post climax cunt lapping. Stephanie did a thorough job, and got her face wet all over by using her face as a fuck rag. After languishing under that intimate attention, Barbara reset her feet and began doing the wiping herself. Stephanie held steady, offering her subservient face for her mother to wipe her cunt on. Barbara and Angie turned to face each other with big smiles. Barbara said, "Having a pussy slave under our roof won't be as bad as I thought.""Yeah, and you know what else she'll do for you?""Pray, do tell""She'll take care of all your pussy needs. She'll wash it, shave it, massage it, and the best part is, she'll handle your periods for you.""Oh, I do like the sound of that. I suppose she wouldn't be much of a pussy slave if she wouldn't attend a bloody one. Oh, just the thought gives me goose bumps. I'm finally looking forward to my next period. How about you, Stephanie. Are you looking forward to my next period?"Stephanie lifted her mouth off her mother's pussy and said, "Yes, Mother. I'll do all that for you, and more.""I can't wait. Let's all try to get some sleep. Tomorrow starts early. I'm still not used to rising with the sun."The others fell asleep quickly, but Stephanie could not sleep. Angie insisted that Stephanie serve as her pillow. Angie removed a shoe lace from her father's shoes, and used the lace to weave a binding of Stephanie's two thumbs. She then had Stephanie lie where the pillows had been with her legs hanging in the aisle. She took the tail of the shoe lace and tied it securely to the handle of the roll-out window. Once set, Angie patted Stephanie's tight tummy, then rested her cheek on Stephanie's mound, smiling at her mother across the aisle. Barbara said, "Sleep tight, Stephanie."Stephanie knew she'd get a fitful night's sleep. She frequently looked to her sleeping mother. She knew her mother was a bit warped, but she still loved her dearly. Part of her motivation and a great deal of her personal pleasure came from pleasing her mother. She lived her whole life to please Barbara, to win her approval, and sucking her pussy won a great deal of praise and approval. Being bound by Angie also pleased her mother, so Stephanie tried hard not to dwell on her discomfort.Stephanie laid awake fretting about the new life she would lead. She decided she had no choice in the matter, so fretting was a waste of time. For as long as her mother wanted her to live that life, she knew she would live it, and live it to the best of her abilities, all the while looking for signs of approval in her mother's eyes. She would be the perfect pussy slave for Angie, playing the part outlined by her mother, the part of a lesbian with a voracious appetite for pussy, any pussy, but Angie's especially. She would humiliate herself between Angie's legs before a crowd, just in the hope that a favorable report might reach her mother's ears.Stephanie slept in ten minute bites all through the night. Angie awoke many times during the night just to torment Stephanie's tits and pussy. With her mother and father fast asleep, she indulged her lesbian desires, doing her best not to bring Stephanie off in the process. By morning, Stephanie not only had a full bladder, but a burning desire for a climax.Angie looked at Stephanie and smiled her devilish smile. Stephanie urgently whispered, "Please untie me. I have to go really bad."Angie roughly patted Stephanie's bloated belly, then whispered, "I'll untie you when I'm ready. Before I do, you're going to have to suck me off and relieve my bladder.""I'll suck you off, Angie, but I am not going to relieve your bladder.""Fine, then lay there and suffer.""Angie, that's sick. Please, don't make me drink your pee. That is so gross. You'll make me sick.""Piss is sterile, stupid. You won't get sick. Bonnie Parker drank everyone's piss at a beer bash. She never got sick. We'd fill her up, and she'd go in the bathroom to stick a finger down her throat. She came right back for more. You did it for the Honeycuts and didn't get sick. You will be doing it again and again before we leave. You'd better get used to it, cause I ain't squatting in the woods anymore, not while I have a pussy slave.""Oh, all right. I'll do it, but go slow.""I want to go slow. I want to drag it out as long as possible. You should be able to make me cum three or four times before I'm drained. Get busy and suck piss."After being released from bondage, Stephanie rolled to her knees and elbows as Angie got into a sixty-nine beneath her. Angie made a wide spread for Stephanie's mouth while toying with the cunt over her face. She was pleased when Stephanie started right in with a good cunt licking pussy suck. Stephanie got her first taste of sibling urine as Angie enjoyed her first cum of the day. More dribbles and small squirts followed as Stephanie did her best to induce another orgasm. She was forced to work fast as the pussy she serviced was extremely wet and threatened to spill out onto the mattress.The belly-down position eased the pressure, and she was able to drink more piss than she thought she could. She looked pregnant when she finished, and she did bring Angie to three good cums. After providing that service and needing to find a tree to do her own, Angie would not let Stephanie put any clothes on and made her wait while she got her bikini on. No one was up in the early morning twilight, so Stephanie didn't protest too hard, other than to hurry Angie with her dressing.Angie followed Stephanie into the woods and watched her sister piss, followed by a finger retch that left a huge wet puddle on the ground.Stephanie stepped away from the puddle and felt her trim middle with a sigh, saying, "God, Angie, you have no idea how good that felt. I feel reborn. I won't ever make the mistake of going to bed with a full bladder again, not if I have to make room for yours too."Angie said, "Come on. Let's wake up Mom and Dad. I'm sure they need to piss. Come on, porta pottie. Do your job.""I am not doing them too! No way.""You're my pussy slave, and I say you take care of Mom and Dad.""Don't push it, Angie. I'm not doing this for you; I'm doing it for Mom.""I don't give a shit, so long as you do it. Move it, pottie mouth, before I start yelling and wake everyone up." That threat put a trot in Stephanie's step. She ran to the RV with Angie laughing behind her.Stephanie saw Barbara lying on her back with one leg draped over her father's bare ass. Her naked beaver beckoned. Not wanting Angie to get the glory, Stephanie knelt and brought her mother awake by licking her pussy. Barbara struggled to a sitting position, looking down on Stephanie's beaver-smothered face with just her blue eyes showing. "Good morning, Mom.""Great, I thought I dreamed that." She shook Jerry, saying, "Hey, sleepy head. Get up and look at this in the daylight."Jerry rolled over, then sat up, staring. Angie entered at this time and said, "I brought the porta potty back for a refill. Her tanks are empty. Fill 'er up.""What are you talking about, Angie?""She drained my bladder for me, then went in the woods and heaved it out. She's my porta potty."Barbara made a disapproving face, then looked into Stephanie's eyes and said, "Did you really do that for Angie?""Yes, Mom. I'll do it for you and Daddy too, if you want."Angie said, "She's trying to get credit. I gave her that order as my pussy slave. She has to do it or she's not getting any more pussy.""Well, in that case, thank you, Angie. That was so sweet of you to share your porta potty with us."Jerry said, "Barbara, you wouldn't.""Watch me." Barbara let loose a steady stream that Stephanie eagerly sucked down. Barbara moaned, "Oh Christ, Jerry. You can't imagine how wickedly delicious this feels. She's drinking my fucking piss. Get your cock ready."Jerry sat up, moving his hips in line with Stephanie's head. Stephanie took all her mother had to offer, then licked her slit clean. With a parting kiss to her mother's clit, she went right over and mouthed her father's organ. He was not fully erect, so he filled her with piss. He was hard at the end from Stephanie's massaging suction, so Stephanie remained to suck him to a climax. After licking her lips, she went back between Barbara's legs and sucked a climax out of her.While lovingly getting her cunt lapped, Barbara said, "I've been thinking about how this porta potty thing will work. If Stephanie serves us, she needs to serve the Honeycuts as well. We are here to impress them. Right now, I can think of nothing more impressive."Angie said, "She will, anyway. We both did. Maybe if we offer her services, they'll leave me alone."Jerry said, "It can't hurt. She'll be drinking piss anyway."Stephanie listened to the exchange knowing she had no say and her negative input would be disregarded. Having to serve Angie was bad enough. Serving her parents was worse. Serving the Honeycuts was worse still. Her eyes pleaded her case while her mother pondered the idea. She smiled at Stephanie's obvious consternation, then said, "We could make a lot of points that way."Angie said, "She should do something for all the men. It's their points that count.""You're right. We could make her stay naked. With her having to wave her tits, ass, and pussy in their faces all day and night, and with the many trips to the woods she'll have to take to dump her belly tank, she'll be rape bait."Stephanie cried, "Oh, Mom, no!""Oh, Mom, yes. I told you, Stephanie. We like you getting raped. You can tell us all about it while we fuck at night."Angie said, "Great. I say we shave her pussy."Barbara smiled and said, "I say we shave her head and her pussy. I think her bald head will look adorable between Emily's legs."Stephanie teared up and began crying. She begged, "Mother, no, please, not my hair.""I'll buy you a wig for school. We're shaving you, Stephanie. Don't even try to spoil our fun. Hand me my bag, Jerry, and get a bar of soap and a bowl of water from the bathroom, Angie. Bring razors, too. Move, damnit! I want to surprise the Honeycuts."Jerry dropped the bag on Barbara's lap, then watched the scissors emerge. Stephanie had no time to protest, as Barbara yanked her head down over her lap. She grabbed handfuls of Stephanie's long silky hair and began shearing off huge clumps. Hair and tears fell together. In no time her head was a mass of short patches of straight hair. This is what Angie saw when she emerged with the bowl, soap, and two razors. She cried out, "Far out, Mom. That was quick. Don't cry, Stephanie. We'll make you pretty again. As pretty as you can make a porta potty, anyway. Here's a razor for you, Mom.""Jerry, get your razor and do her pussy while Angie and I do her head. Stephanie, you sit in my place and make Dad a good beaver. Hold still and stop crying, you big baby."They completed their work in ten minutes, then handed Stephanie a hand mirror so she could see herself. Stephanie's first reaction was shock, even though she was braced for a shock. She could not see herself in the reflection. The bald girl was not her, couldn't be, but it was. Slowly she came to accept what she saw, and she slowly gained an appreciation of the bizarre effect the shaved head would make between a woman's legs while she served her as a porta potty. Gradually, she adjusted and stopped crying. She then looked at her pussy, and she liked what she saw. Her pussy looked sexy and clean to her - qualities she'd recently learned to appreciate.She looked to her mother and smiled, saying, "I like it if you do, Mom.""Well, I like it a lot. Now, go knock on the Honeycut's door and offer your services."Stephanie's face fell and turned ashen. "Mom, no. They'll rape me again.""When are you going to get it through your bald head? I like them raping you. I want them to rape you. After we get home, I'll give them keys to our house so they can come anytime and rape you. Their friends can rape you. I don't care who rapes you, so long as you get raped well and often. Now, go get raped. While you're at it, get pregnant. Move, damnit!"Stephanie turned to face the ominous door, then shuffled forward stiffly. By the time she got to the door, her mother's words sank in three times. By the third time, she was ready to knock.Emily opened the door, laughed, and dragged her inside. The RV began rocking and rolling almost immediately. Jerry and Barbara added their motion in a passionate fuck, and Angie added her motion by masturbating to it. To those milling about outside, starting their morning rituals, the Honeycut RV appeared to be traveling a bumpy road.Fifteen minutes after Stephanie entered the bedroom, those inside heard a knock. They stopped. Emily said, "Who is it, and what do you want?""It's me, Barbara. I brought your coffee the way you like it.""Just a moment."Barbara heard whispers and movement, then, "Bring it in."The sight that greeted Barbara's eyes almost made her drop the coffee cups. All were nude as Barbara expected, but Harold had Stephanie bent forward on her knees while pinning both arms behind her back at the elbows with one meaty hand. Stephanie knelt on the mattress with her asshole in the perfect spot for Harold's monster cock. His cock was deep in Stephanie's ass and plowing her hard. Emily was reclined against the headboard with both legs drawn up, hooked on her elbows with Stephanie's face buried in her wide gash. She had Stephanie by the ears and was fucking her face into the wide open gash. They both accentuated the violations of her daughter as Barbara tried to get her voice. "Um, uh, where shall I set these?"Emily said, "On the side table."Barbara set the cups down on the table right beside Emily, then turned to watch the show being performed for her benefit. She said, while trying to appear unaffected, "Is there anything else I can do for either of you?"Emily pushed Stephanie's mouth to her puckered asshole. Barbara watched in amazement as Stephanie got a firm seal on the wrinkled rosebud as Emily said, "Yes, you can put that husband of yours to work refilling our water tanks. I'll want to shower after we finish with your daughter, and your other daughter severely depleted them last night with that wasteful shower she took.""I'm terribly sorry about that Mrs. Honeycut. I will see that it doesn't happen again. Jerry will keep those tanks full for you regardless. I do hope everything else is satisfactory.""I'm sure you do."Harold slammed his cock deep in Stephanie's ass, and she groaned loudly in Emily's ass. Emily repeatedly jammed Stephanie's head against her cunt as Harold repeatedly rammed her ass, pulling out to the head each time. Barbara had her bikini on and her hand slid to her mound, her middle finger slid under the crotch pad and unabashedly massaged her throbbing clit under Emily's smiling eyes. Barbara wanted to stay and watch, but Emily said, "Well, is there anything else?""Uh, oh, no, nothing. I'll, uh, go now." On the way out the door, she said, "Stephanie, you be a good girl. I don't want any bad reports about you."Barbara heard the unmistakable sound of two people having orgasms right after she shut the door. She also heard the sound of one young lady, coughing and sputtering through moans and groans. Barbara leaned against the door and brought herself to orgasm while Angie and Jerry watched with big smiles.After her climax, Barbara made her way to the others on wobbly legs. She collapsed on the bed and said, "Damn, Jerry, that girl rapes so god damn good. They loved her new hair style. I need to get laid, and you have to fill the water tanks. Angie, you help him. I'll wait for Stephanie."Stephanie emerged by herself thirty minutes later. She looked a sight. Her face and tits were wet and slime-coated. Sperm ran to her heels from both nether holes, and her belly was as bloated as it had been earlier. She crept along on unsteady legs. Barbara did not come forward to assist her, nor offer to wash her. Stephanie stopped to beg for some covering. Barbara said, "Not no, but hell no. You stay naked from now on. I want you ready to rape at all times. Now, go empty your tank and remain outside. Go trolling for trouser trout."Stephanie never knew such humiliation as she experienced when she stepped from the RV and saw the entire camp gathered to watch her egress. They were all smiling, laughing, clapping, or yelling out their approval to the Honeycuts inside. They followed her into the woods and watched her dump her tank. Stephanie saw her mother talking to the wives in a tight circle, and saw their excited reaction. She also saw her mother being praised, patted on the back, and kissed. Stephanie's humiliation slowly evaporated and was replaced with personal pride. She followed the ladies back to camp, walking with her head high and shoulders back.Stephanie was raped by every man in camp that day, often while in a circle of campers. She also performed her porta potty routine for two of the women, though she performed oral sex on all the women. Barbara had several fucks, as did Angie.That evening, when they settled in, they were all exhausted but Jerry. They placed Stephanie on the aisle ready for rape. Angie wore a T-shirt. It was Stephanie's turn, and Stephanie accepted that fact. Still, she was not happy. Her tension level rose as the time drew near. Barbara and Jerry's excitement grew as they watched Stephanie sweat. They were already fucking in anticipation.They stopped when the bedroom door creaked open but did not disengage. They watched Harold advance down the aisle, pause to look over the girls, turn to look at Barbara, then bend to scoop Barbara in his arms. Jerry's cock slithered out as Harold lifted Barbara in his powerful arms. Jerry saw Barbara's astonished and anxious face for a brief instant before they vanished behind the door. For two hours the coach rocked as loud groans along with anguished moans filtered through the door.Barbara exited the room under her own power, but barely. She went straight into the bathroom and emerged twenty minutes later. Stephanie and Angie were sitting up, waiting to hear what their mother had to say. Jerry was up as well, and helped her to lie down. Barbara eased herself onto her back and simply stared up at the ceiling. Jerry said, "Honey, what happened in there?""I don't want to talk about it, Jerry. Don't ask another question. Don't look at me. Don't touch me. Roll over and go to sleep. That goes for you girls, too. Put your heads down and don't make a peep." No one made a peep. The following morning, no one dared bring it up, either.The fourth day was much like the third. By nightfall, they were in their beds. They once again had Stephanie ready. Both Angie and Barbara were wearing T-shirts and slept by walls. Once again, Harold came out and surveyed the girls. When he turned to the couple. Barbara cringed, thinking, "He can't possibly reach this far out and lift me over Jerry." Still, Harold bent forward, but he came up with Jerry. This time, it was Barbara who caught a glimpse of Jerry's astonished and anxious face.When the door shut, all three girls sat up and stared at the door. Gradually, they moved to sit on the edges of their beds with their legs hanging off. When the coach began to rock, Stephanie said, "Mom, they can't be doing to Daddy what they did to us, can they?"Just then, they heard, "Oh! Ugh! Oh God, no! Oh Jesus! Oh Jesus!"Barbara said, "That should answer your question.""But, Mom, Daddy is a man.""He has everything we have except a pussy. Right now, he probably wishes he had that."Angie said, "Well, at least, now, we're all in this together."Barbara reached out and placed a hand on each girl's knee, saying, "That's right, and you girls have been fantastic throughout. Both of you earned new cars, and I will see that you get them."Angie said, "You mean Dad got a promotion.""I don't think so, sweetheart, but that doesn't matter. We'll get extra money, lots of extra money. The three of us have been accepted into the group. The only trouble is, we must remain in the roles they've cast us in. I'm sorry, Stephanie, but you are going to remain a bald lesbian porta potty, at least until you leave for college."Angie said, "But Mom, that's what she is anyway.""No, Angie. You know she's not, and so do I. As for you, I am just as sorry to tell you that you will remain a whore for the men, seven days a week, all year long, every year until you go into the Marine Corps or whatever. I know you're a lesbian, Angie, so stop pretending. Don't worry, you can still have Stephanie as a pussy slave.""Oh, okay. Oh well, I'm a lesbian whore. At least I'm not a bald lesbian whore.""No, but you will be. Emily wants you shaved. In addition, she wants you pregnant. She wants Stephanie on the pill, but she wants you pregnant. Sorry, Angie.""Oh great, a bald, pregnant, lesbian, whore Marine with a new car. Who the hell's going to ride anywhere with me." Stephanie and Barbara broke out laughing.Angie said, "I don't know about you guys, but they're making me horny. I want Stephanie to eat me, but I want you to sit on my face, Mom. I've been craving your twat for years.""Well, honey, you've known where it was all along. Did you actually think I'd push your head out of my crotch."Angie flopped back and spread her legs. She patted her pussy and said, "Eat it, Stephanie, and eat it good." She patted her cheeks and said, "Put those inner thighs right here, Mom."The girls enjoyed a three-way lesbian romp all through Jerry's ordeal. They were curled up in a daisy chain, mouth to cunt, when the door creaked open. They sat up and the girls moved to their bed as Jerry eased into the bathroom. When he emerged and got between the beds, he flopped on the bed beside Barbara and stared up at the ceiling. Barbara said, "I don't want to talk about it.""That's right, not a word, not one peep.""Fine by me. Unless you quit your job, there's nothing to talk about anyway. You didn't quit, did you?""No, and stop talking to me.""Suit yourself, but you're still going to taste the shit you ate whether you talk or not.""Barbara, I don't care. I don't want to talk about it."The EndRead other stories by the same author by visiting Phantom Base at HTTP://PhilPhantom.ComCAUTION: Exercise caution and good sense before engaging in unsafe sex practices that involve any exchange of body fluid, even contact with open sores or small cuts. Scenes involving large objects, tattoos, bestial sex, body waste ingestion, bindings, devices and gadgets are the stuff of fantasy and are offered to promote the only safe sex there is - masturbation. Before you try anything, find out what the risks and hazards are because they can all be deadly. Read, enjoy, and remember - sex with minors should be left to other minors. 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