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mom and her girls


After being away from home for the past week on business I could not wait to get back home. Even though I had secured 3 new accounts some days I wondered what ever possessed me to start my own company after my husband had left me and the girls a few years ago. While the girls and I have enjoyed the benefits of the company some days i just want to give it all up, to not have so many people depending on me, to have to have so many peoples livelihood depending on me. I cant wait to get home, to my own oasis, a place where i could let my hair down, run around bare footed if I want to, to see my daughters and find out how their week had been. At 18 and 22, Jo and Ann were taking more and more interest in the company, making sure things ran smoothly when I have to be out of town. I am so proud of them and how responsible and level headed they have grown up to be. As I drive around the last curve in the road before the driveway it was like all the stress and strain of the past few days melted out of me.
“I wonder where everyone is, the house looks dark. Guess the girls have gone out for the evening. Oh well, home sweet home, oh how I have missed it.” I got my bags out of the car and unlocked the door not realizing I was heading into a whole new world, a whole new way of life. Without even turning on a light I walked back to my room, setting down the suitcases I walked straight into my bathroom and began to undress, a hot shower was in order and then I would rummage for something to eat, maybe put on an old movie and just veg out, let the stresses of the week slowly melt out of me.
As the hot water cascaded over my body I felt myself starting to relax, the feel of the soapy rag caressing my body made me realize just how long I had been without anyone, how I have been spending all my energies on work and the girls, rubbing the cloth across my breast my nipples hardened and as if my fingers had a mind of their own they pinched and pulled on my erect nipples, slowly my hand slid lower, a slight moan escaping me as I rubbed the rag against my clit over and over again thinking about how good it felt, only with my eyes closed and my back pressed against the shower wall it was not the rag I felt sliding back and forth against me but instead it was…my eyes popped open not believing were my mind had wondered, what kind of woman, mother, was I to fantasize about, no I could not even say it to myself for I knew it was so wrong. “Get a hold of yourself old girl, maybe what you need is to get dressed up tomorrow night and go out and what is it the girls say get some action.” I laugh at myself because I know good and well I most likely wont do that. After rinsing off I step out of the shower and towel dry my hair before brushing it out and braiding it so it would be out of my way.
Walking into the bedroom I stopped in my tracts for there sitting on the side of the bed watching me were my daughters. “Well there you girls are,” I said as I turned reaching for my robe hanging on the hook on the closet door. “I thought you were out for the evening. How has your week been?” Tying the sash I turned back towards them with a huge smile on my face.
“Oh we are doing great mom.” Jo responded as she slowly stood up. Watching her I wondered where time had gone, what once was my little girl was not a beautiful voluptuous lady who stood taller than me, matter of fact as Ann also stood up I realized they were both taller than me, and both were beautiful young ladies.
“You girls have grown up to fast,” I laugh, “It seems like only yesterday you were crawling around getting into everything.”
“So mom, what were you thinking about in there? We could hear you from out here, sounding like some cheap whore, or was it a bitch in heat. And then here you come walking out with your nipples standing at attention, a dreamy smile on your face. What do you thin Jo?” Ann asked.
“Oh I would definitely say she looks like some bitch looking to get fucked.” Jo replied.
“Girls what in heavens name has gotten into you? You both know better than talking to me like that.” To my cringe I could hear my voice shaking, a part of me angry at how they were acting, but another part of me felt strange, like a hot fire was beginning to burn deep inside me.
I turned to walk out of the room but before I could take two steps I heard movement behind me when suddenly I was jerked backwards by someone wrapping my braid around their hand. “Mom” Jo whispered into my ear, “a few things around here have changed since you have been gone, from now on you are not in charge of anything. From now on you will answer to Ann and I.”
“Wh-wh-what do you mean” I stammer, hating myself for showing any weakness, knowing I need to be strong and set them in their place. “What do you thing you are doing? You both know better than talking to me like this, for acting like this” I say half heartedly.
“First rule, from now on you are not to speak unless spoken to, as a matter of fact you are not to speak unless one of us gives you permission. Do you understand me bitch?” Jo asked.
“Young lady you had better stop this right now. I don’t know what you think you are doing but stop it now and we will forget any of this ever happened.” I demanded. I knew I did not sound forceful enough, that for some unknown reason my words came out more like a plea instead of strong and authoritative as I meant it to sound.
Hearing footsteps I turned my eyes towards the sound, watching as Ann came to stand in front of me. “Well sound to me like the slut does not understand she has no say in anything. Also sounds like she can not follow even one simple rule. First thing you should know, there are consequences when you disobey either one of us.”
I glace down and notice she is holding something in her hand, it looks like a ball but there are straps coming off both sides of it. Then all of a sudden Jo yanks my hair back hard, whipping my head backwards and downwards until I stumble, “On your knees bitch” she growls into my ear. With another hard yank I have to fall to my knees to keep from slamming backwards onto the floor.
“Now open your mouth wide whore” Ann demands.
“What? Why?” I stammer.
“Jo” Ann says, “Since she is to stupid to understand simple directions, help her.” Upon hearing that Jo yanks my head so hard that I am staring at the ceiling, a yelp escaping me causing my mouth to open on its own accord. As my mouth opens I realize exactly what Ann was holding as she pushes the ball gag into my mouth and securing the straps behind my head.
“Now stand up bitch” Jo demanded while at the same time yanking me by my hair upwards giving me no recourse except to obey her. As I stand up on shaky legs Ann reaches out and unties the sash on my robe letting it fall open.
“Well, well, look at this would you sis, someone is showing how much a whore they really are. Look at those nipple standing out hard as a rock,” Ann laughs as she speaks because she can see my face turning red. I gasp around the ball in my mouth as she reaches up pinching both nipples hard, as my hands come up to push her away she twists them hard, “Put those arms back down now bitch” she demands. As I drop my arms back down to my sides she reaches up and pushes the robe downwards until it pools on the floor around my feet.
She turns and picks up a box I had not noticed off the floor and sets it on the dresser. I watch as she putts some steel cuff out of the box. My mind and body seem to belong to someone else, I try to tell myself that I need to get away from them, that I need to fight them, to escape but for some reason it is like my body will not respond to my mind, instead I stand rooted to the spot not really understand what is happening to me. She bends down locking first one cuff and then the other around each of my ankles. Standing she locks cuffs on my wrists and then runs a chain between the cuffs on both my ankles and my wrists. “Now for the finishing touch bitch.” She locks a steel collar around my neck and then runs a chain from the collar downward connecting all the chains together. “Look at the slut puppy now sis. I think steel fits her perfectly.” Ann laughed.
“Your right,” Jo replied. “Well little bitch it is time to explain a few things to you and I do hope for your sake that you are a quick learner.” giggling she added “Then again it could prove fun for us if you aren’t”
“On your hands and knees bitch, don’t you know bitches crawl?” Ann shoved me to the floor as she spoke. She then clasp a leash to the steel collar and started tugging on it. “Come on little bitch we are going to see if the saying is true of not. I say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks but sis says you can.”
My head was spinning at what was going on, it was like I was standing off to the side watching it all. I started following her down the hall, struggling to keep up because of the shackles. Part of me wondered what was going to happen to me, but another part, well I was feeling things inside of me that I did not understand. Was this punishment for the things I was day dreaming about in the shower, the thoughts I have had about my daughters over the past couple of years, or was I really asleep just dreaming all of this, was I going to wake up and realize it was all just a deep dark dream. I guess I had started slowing down because my thoughts were interrupted by a hard jerk on the leash.
“Come on bitch or I will drag you if I have to and believe me on this carpet that will so not feel good.” Ann continued down the hall finally stopping in the middle of the kitchen. There on the floor beside the cabinets were two dog bowls. One had water in it while the other had what looked like can dog food. A feeling of dread filled me and as soon as Jo spoke I realized there was a reason for that feeling.
“From now on bitch that is where you will go if you are hungry or thirsty. And if the bowls are empty then I guess you had better come to one of us to give you more.” Jo stood there for a minute letting her words sink in. But her next words had me shaking my head and trying to pull away from them both. “Oh and by the way bitch you do realize bitches do not use the bathroom inside, but instead they scratch at the door and bark to let someone know they need to go outside to use the bathroom.”
I started struggling harder whining against the gag until Jo reached into a drawer pulling out a wooden spoon and began spanking my bare ass with it. Tears filled my eyes at the humiliation of being bound, gagged, and spanked by my daughters. As if reading my mind Ann spoke up, “bitch from now on you are not to think of us as your daughters, for from this moment forward we are your owners, your Mistresses, when and only when you are allowed to talk you will address us as Mistress Ann and Mistress Jo. If you are asked a question you will answer yes Ma’am or no Ma’am. You will speak respectfully to us, and you will serve us in any and every way you are told without question. Do you understand bitch?”
I looked up into her eyes before dropping my head staring at the floor wondering how I was going to get myself out of this, wondering why a part of me did not want to get out of it.
“Bitch I asked you a fucking question. Do you understand?” she spoke slowly and loudly, demanding an answer.
I nodded my head that yes I did understand. In truth I still thought I was going to wake up and realize it was all a dream. All of a sudden a feeling of urgency hit me as all the water I had drank in the car driving back into town hit my bladder. I felt like I was floating and that if I did not hurry up and get to the bathroom I was going to have one heck of a mess to clean up. Not thinking I started to stand to run to the bathroom but a sharp tug brought me right back to my knees.
“What the hell is wrong with you bitch?” Jo inquired before noticing that I was squirming around. “Oh does the bitch need to use the bathroom?”
I tried to speak around the gag but when that did not work I nodded my head furiously, my only thought was to get to the bathroom.
“This should be a good one huh sis,” Ann snickered as she turned and started tugging me toward the kitchen door that opened to the back yard. “Guess it is a good thing when you decided to buy this place that you also bought the 25 acres around it huh bitch. Otherwise the neighbors would get one hell of a show.” She pulled me down the three outside steps and into the yard not stopping until she was a good little ways away from the house.
I just stood there on my hands and knees wiggling and squirming because of my great need to relieve myself. “Well bitch I thought you needed to go.” Jo said as she watched me closely. “Like I said you are a bitch now so if you need to go you will go like a bitch does.” She walked up to me and pushed against the small of my back, “Don’t you remember how old Sandy used it when we had her?” she was referring to an old lab we used to have when the girls were younger. “Spread your legs and squat down bitch.”
The need to go outweighed my embarrassment and I spread my legs as far as the chain would allow and began to relieve myself, a deep sigh escaping around the gag as my bladder emptied onto the grass. As soon as I was through I moved away from it as far as the leash would allow. I could feel the heat as my face turned bright red from not only embarrassment but also shame. I am not sure if the shame was because I was being treated like a dog, that my girls were controlling me or if it was because of the fact that a part of me felt like this was how it should be, that I wanted them to control me, to make me theirs. The feeling intensified when Jo reached down scratching me behind the ear “Good girl. Now don’t you feel better?”
Without even realizing it I was growling low in my throat almost like a big cat purring, my body leaning against her without even thinking. “Oh you like that do you bitch?” she laughed as Ann reached down rubbing her hand against my hair causing my body to start trembling. “I wonder,” Jo started to say as she leaned over shoving a hand between my legs, “Damn sis you should feel how wet the bitch is. So bitch you like being our pet don’t you? You really are a filthy whore dog.” At her words my head fell downward, shame filling ever part of me. “I think it is time to introduce the bitch to some more of what her life is not going to consist of huh sis.”
“Come on bitch lets go,” Ann stated as she turned and started dragging me back towards the house.
Once in the house she turned leading me towards the huge den. I had worked hard making a room where the girls, their friends, and I could all hang out. It had a large screen tv and media center, a couple of computers, air hockey, and a pool table, and room to even dace a little if the mood struck us. There was a small refrigerator and bar at the back of the room. As we entered I stopped in mid crawl as I noticed the room had been changed in the week I was gone. Gone were the pool table and air hockey game, gone were part of the seating that had one been in there. In their place were things I had never seen before except on a couple of late night movies I had seen years ago. Instead there stood what looked like a medieval stock, some type x in wood was against the wall, a dog cage stood in the middle of the floor, there was a wooded chair that looked like it reclined and had straps attached to it. I also noticed there was a video recorder on a stand in each of the four corners and it looked like they even had camcorders on top of both of the computers. There were all kinds of things laid out on the top of the bar but from my place down on the floor I could not see what all was up there and I had the feeling I really did not want to know.
She walked over to where two recliners were in front of the big screen and leaning down attached my leash to an eye bolt that had been put into the floor between in front of an end table between the chairs. “Stay bitch we will be right back”
Both girls left the room and my mind started racing. “What the hell has happened in the past week? It is like I have returned to a whole other place. I can not imagine what has gotten into the girls then again I don’t know what has gotten into me. Why did I not stop them? How did I allow myself to get into this situation, and damn it why does it feel like someone else has taken over my body. I can not believe I am reacting like this, how and why do I have these feelings when they are talking to me, when they are treating me like this.” My thought bouncing around in my brain, trying to make since of it all. Hearing the girls returning to the room I turn to watch them, my eyes opening wide at the site of them, both totally naked, holding hands. In each of their free hands they both carried a box. The girls walk up to the bar and begin picking up objects putting them in their boxes. I can not tell what they are getting because their bodies block my view. “Get a grip on yourself,” I think to myself as the sight of them causes my heart to skip a beat and my whole body to tingle.
The girls whisper between themselves and I strain to hear what they are saying, what they are planning but I can not hear but a word here and there. The girls turn and walk over to the chairs, each placing their boxes on the far side out of my site. “Well bitch did you miss us?” Jo laughs as she reaches out and turns on the television. “Lets see what kind of movie we can find to watch. I am sure there is one here somewhere that should be entertaining and educational for our little bitch.” She hit’s the play button on the dvd player and a movie starts playing, one I know was not here when I left for my business trip. Quickly I realize it is a movie unlike any I had ever seen before. There are girls walking around with nothing on by cuffs and collars, others were either tied to crosses or beds. There were a couple other females who seemed to be in charge using different things to hit or spank the ones tied up. One was sitting in a chair while another girl was, “Oh my” I thought to myself as part of me wanted to either shut my eyes or look away while another part of my caused me to keep my eyes riveted on the screen as the girl began to lick the one in the chair pussy, an unexpected jolt when through me as heat pooled deep in my belly.
“Mmmm that looks like fun,” Ann stated as she watched the scene unfolding in front of her.
“Your right it does” Jo agreed. Sitting up putting the legs down on the recliner Jo snapped “Come here bitch.”
I crawl over in front of her, looking up to see what she wanted. She scoots forward to the edge of the chair and spreads her legs wide. Her hands move between her legs spreading open her pussy lips “Get up here bitch and lick my pussy, and you had damn well better make it feel good too.” My shock was so great that I did not even realize Ann had gotten up out of her chair more less that she had unlashed the ball gag and that the only thing keeping it in my mouth was me.
“She said now bitch” Ann yelled while at the same time ripping the ball out of my mouth and shoving my head between Jo’s legs. “Start licking you worthless whore, now!”
The authority in her voice had me jumping to do her bidding without thought even thought a little voice in my head was yelling how wrong this was, how I could not, should not do as they said, but my body ignored that voice as I leaned forward letting my tongue slide across her clit causing her body to jump at the touch.
In the back of my mind I could hear Ann up walking around behind me, heard her moving things around but I tuned most of it out instead concentrating on licking Jo’s clit and pussy. My tongue flicking back and forth across her clit, teasing it, causing it to swell and poke out from her hood, my tongue sliding in and out of her pussy, smelling and tasting her. I heard a low growl somewhere in the back of my mind and realized to my cringe it was coming from me, I was trying to get closer to her, to not miss a single taste, a single drop of her sweetness.
Suddenly her hands tangle in my hair jerking my face tight against her as her body started convulsing around me, her juices threatening to drown me, but instead of trying to pull back instead I licked just that much faster, swallowing every drop not wanting to let any escape. “Oh god don’t stop, please please don’t stop” She screamed just before she collapsed backwards into the chair, her body limp and shaking. As I tried to continue lapping her puss with my tongue she finally reached down putting her trembling hand on my head, “No more, I can’t take any more” Her whole body shaking and trembling.
I sat back on my heels looking down at the floor, embarrassment and shame filling me, I could feel not only my face but my whole body turning red. I could not believe what I had just done, more less how much I had loved it. What kind of mother was I to do something like that to one of my daughters, to want, no crave to do it again. “They made me” I thought to myself trying to make myself feel better but I knew I let them, that somewhere deep inside me I had wanted it just as much as they had. It brought back to me the day dream I had been having in the shower. Before I could condemn myself further I heard Ann speaking.
“Come here bitch let’s see if you are really as good as Jo seems to think you are.” I turned and looked at her, she had leaned back in the recliner, her ass scooted to the edge of the chair and her legs thrown over the arms of the chair.
All that I had just been thinking seemed to fly out the window. Instead it was like a magnet was pulling me straight to her. As though my legs and arms had a will of their own I found myself crawling over to her and leaning forward, drawing the smell of her into my lungs. Without thought my tongue slid out, the tip of it flicking across her clit causing her hips to jerk upwards and her hands to reach forward pulling my face closer to her. Without her having to say a word I began licking and nibbling at her clit, my tongue dipping deep into her pussy and sliding around against the walls of her, tasting her golden sweet juices. I hear Jo getting out of the chair moving around but pay little attention to it as I am lost in Ann’s pussy.
Hands reach out grabbing my hips which cause me to raise my head up, to turn my head to see what is going on but just as quickly Ann’s hands grab the hair on either side of my head pulling me back to her. “Spread your legs some bitch, but don’t stop taking care of sis or you will wish you hadn‘t” Jo says. Her legs pressing up against the back of my thighs, her hand between my legs pushing something towards my wet pussy. “Bitch don’t you dare cum unless I say you can” she demands as jerks her hips forward, her strap on ramming into my pussy causing me to gasp at the unexpected feel of my pussy being stretched full.
My lips latch tightly around Ann’s clit as I suck hard, my tongue flicking back and forth teasing it, “Oh hell” Ann yelps, her legs across the arms of the recliner tightening, rocking her hips upwards, as I suck harder pulling against her clit as she moves back down, my teeth sliding against her. “Damn it bite me bitch” She yells. My teeth bite into her swollen clit while my hand reaches up without thought, two fingers dipping into her pussy fucking her in rhythm with the cock fucking mine. “Fuck me bitch, deeper and harder” she pants. I put another finger in fucking her pussy with my three fingers, my lips sucking hard on my clit at the same time. I can feel the walls of her pussy tightening around my fingers, her hips jerking upwards.
Jo behind me pummeling my pussy, her nails raking up my back, feeling the skin welting, the burning I had been feeling deep in my stomach moving lower, getting hotter, “I can’t cum, I can’t cum” I repeated over and over to myself as my body tried yet again not to listen to my mind.
“Oh fuck I am going to cum, oh damn” Ann screamed as she started cumming, her pussy juices squirting on my face, my tongue furiously working faster and faster trying to catch every drop. Her pussy squeezing tightly around my fingers.
“Cum bitch like the nasty whore you are” Jo yells over her.
My body starts convulsing around the cock, my hips slamming backwards against her. My whole body shaking as I cum harder than I ever have in my life. The lights in the seem to flicker and grow dim, the room tilts as I black out. A few minutes pass as my heart beat slows and my body begins to shake uncontrollably. Ever so slowly my eyes open and I realize my girls are on the floor on either side of me, watching me. “Damn whore we wondered if you were still with us.” Jo laughs. My mouth feels dry causing me to lick my lips, causing me to yet again taste both girls brings a sigh to my lips.
Laughing the girls get up and sit back in their chairs. “Go get a drink bitch and then come right back here.” Jo says. I start to stand up but hearing her clear her throat I quickly drop back to my knees and crawl out of the room and to the kitchen where my bowl is located. As I lean down lapping the water out of the bowl I can hear them snickering behind me. Turning my head I see them standing there, their arms around each others waists smiling as they watch me drinking. I turn back and finish the water in the bowl. “Had enough bitch or do you want some more?” Jo asks. I start to tell her yes but stop myself before uttering a word. Instead I remember what Sandy used to do when she was out of water and I lean down pushing the bowl over toward her.
“Good girl,” Ann says reaching down patting my head. “Here a treat for learning so quickly” She moves to the counter and pick up what looks like a strip of beef jerky and gives it to me. Realizing how hungry I was I began chewing it rapidly before I realized it was in fact harder and not near as tasty as jerky but instead was raw hide. The girls laughed at the look that crossed my face.
Upon hearing my stomach growl Jo laughed “Dumb bitch if your hungry there is food in your bowl.” I look over at the bowl and cringe realizing that that was really what they expected me to eat. As I look at the though the hunger wins out and I crawl over and begin to nibble at it. “Hum” I think to myself, “It pretty much smells and tastes like cranberry’s beef stew.” I realize as long as I keep that in mind as I eat that I can do so without wanting to gag. Jo leans down and sets a full bowl of cool water beside the food bowl. When I finish licking the bowl clean I move over and drink my fill of water.
When I am finally full I sit back and look up at the girls. “Come on bitch we have a few things to show you.” Ann says as they both turn and head back into the family room. I follow them back into the room but instead of heading back toward the chairs they turn towards the other end of the room.
Slapping her hand against her leg Jo says “Come”. I crawl over to her waiting to find out what they had planned for me now. “Stand up bitch” she says. A small part of me wonders if it is all finally over as she detaches the chains from the cuffs and collar. Those thought are short lived though as she instead pushes me towards the big cross against the wall. “Raise your hands whore,” she grabs one wrist and Ann grabs the other one pulling them apart and latching the cuffs to hooks at the top of each side.
“Now spread your legs bitch” Ann chimes in. I spread my legs and they again attach the cuffs to hooks at the bottom corners. My body feels stretched and wide open. Ann reaches over picking a blind fold off the bar and ties it over my eyes. Fear begins to build inside me not only from being secured like this, knowing I can not stop anything they plan to do but also because now I can not see what they are doing, I can not brace myself for whatever it is because I have no idea what is to come.
I felt a hand caressing my back, sliding from my shoulders to the small of my back and back up again leaving chill bumps in its path. I shivered as the hand slid back down only this time instead of trailing back up my spine the hand slid lower delivering a jarring slap stinging my bare ass. I hissed through my teeth to keep from yelling out as whoever it was popped my ass repeatedly with their hand. When they stopped I foolishly imagined they were about to release me from the cross but quickly I found that was not to be.
Hands reached up between my legs spreading my pussy lips, what happened next totally took me by surprise and brought a scream erupting out of me. Some type of clamps were attached to each lip and then a horrible tugging feeling followed as weights were attached. “What’s the matter bitch, don’t you like that? Well you had better start liking it because you will be feeling it often if we wish.” As Ann spoke I felt two hands reaching around pushing my chest out from the wall. The hands started playing with my nipples first rubbing over them and then pinching them. The next thing I knew it felt like something was biting into my nipples as clamps and weights are attached to them also.
“Just think slut every time you move the weights will start swinging pulling harder on your nipples and pussy.” Jo laughed.
“Please no. Oh please stop it hurts.” I cry out. Only instead of stopping my head is jerked backwards and the ball gag shoved back into my mouth. I try to spit it out but of course it does not budge. I start to struggle against the restraints only quickly realizing her words were true as the weights begin to swing and the clamps seem to bite into my skin even tighter.
“Hey sis hand me that one I think” Jo says to her sister.
“Here ya go sis. I bet she is going to love this, I mean heck you know how much she loves leather.” Ann starts laughing making me wonder even more what they could be planning to do to me. Before I could think any more about it I felt what felt like strips of leather stinging against my back. I jerk hard trying to move away from it only to feel the weights feeling like they were going to rip my nipples and pussy lips off my body. “Oh look at that Jo she does love the feel of the flogger on her skin, so you better give her more of it.”
I lost count of the number of times the leather bit into my skin coving my back, ass, and thighs. After a while I realized something very strange, while where the clamps was starting to feel numb but still hurt like hell, the feel of the flogger was causing the burning to begin again in my belly, like there was a connection between the pain and well in some strange way a pleasure. Finally the flogging stopped as suddenly as it had started. I felt hands yet again at both my breast and pussy, with a tug all four clamps were ripped off causing me to scream into the gag, tears slipped down my cheeks from the pain. Feeling slamming straight back into them only 18 fold as the blood rushed back into them.
“Oh look at the poor baby” Jo spoke as she noticed the tears sliding out from under the blind fold. Hands released the restraints on my ankles and my legs tried to buckle only my arms keep me from falling to the floor. “Stand up bitch” she said as an arm wrapped around my waist to take the weight off my arms. Once I could stand my arms were also released. “Now turn around whore and put your arms back up.”
I was then reattached to the cross only this time turned towards the room instead of the wall. “Well now” Ann spoke right in front of me, “I wonder how she is going to enjoy this.” I could hear something whizzing through the air just before something slapped against my already aching nipples. My body slammed back against the wall as I tried to get away from it.
“Oh what’s wrong bitch don’t you like the feel of the crop or is it you are begging for more” Jo giggled. Again I felt the crop raining hit after hit on my battered nipples, the stinging causing me to cry out against the gag. Then it changed its route instead of slapping against my tits it was coming in contact with my bruised pussy lips, spanking them over and over again. Yet again to my cringe I could feel myself getting wet and not totally understanding why.
“Would you look at that sis” Ann told her sister “The whore dog is getting the crop wet. She is worse than any bitch in heat I have ever seen”
A hand replaced the crop fingers ramming into my pussy. “Damn if your not right she is wet as hell.” Jo had almost a disgusted sound in her voice. “Hell what are we going to do with this slutty whore. Hell maybe we should just throw her to a pack of dogs, or put her on the street corner so she can be used like the useless slut she is.”
“Hey that might not be a bad idea.” Total fear and dread filled me at their words. “Bitch if you give us any trouble, if you do not mind us when we tell you to do anything then that is exactly what we will do with you. Do you understand you worthless whore?” I nod my head vigorously as the very thought scared me as I have never been scared before.
“Good. Now we are going to release the restraints and you had better not move until we tell you that you can.”
As my arms fall to my side I feel a short lived relief thinking they are tiring of the things they are doing to me. Instead a hand wraps into my hair and drags me a few feet over only to shove me into the strange chair I had seen earlier. “Lean back bitch” Jo says as the back of the chair is leaned back almost flat, hands pick up my legs placing them into what feels like stirrups on a doctors examination table. My legs are strapped into place and then my arms are pulled out to the side and strapped onto what feels like wing boards.
“Lets get you a little more prepared for what we are going to do next to you bitch.” Ann speaks into my ear. “The fun is only just beginning.” Her laugh as an evil sound to it and I break out into a cold sweat.
I feel something being set on my breast and over my nipples, not having any idea what it was until I felt a suction building around them. “I wish this damn blind fold was off so I could see what is being done to me” I think. The suction continues to get stronger and stronger making my nipples feel like they did when the girls used to nurse. That weird feeling began in the pit of my stomach again causing me to feel shame all over again.
“I think she wants to watch us” Ann says as she unhooks the blindfold. “See we are putting suction cups on your nipples to get them good and ready for what comes next. Oh and you will have one somewhere else too.” Seeing the questioning look in my eyes she reaches down separating my pussy lips as Jo places a suction cup over my clit area. As she pumps up the suction I feel like someone is trying to pull my clit from my body. There feels like there is an invisible rope between the suction and the inside of my pussy. My clit feels like it is growing bigger and bigger, that it is swelling so big it will not fit on my body any more.
“Now slut you just lay here like a good bitch for a while we go do a few things. Oh that’s right you don’t have any choice but to lay there huh.” Jo laughs as they turn and walk out of the room leaving me restrained there. Leaving me with my thoughts only to imagine what they plan to do to me next.
To be continued if anyone wishes it to.