This story is about how I come to be sexually involved with my cousin. I've had a thing for her for a few years now and she's had a thing for me aswell. It started out as a normal cousin friendship. My family always goes over to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving and Christmas to celebrate and be around one another. Us cousins generally ended up outside throwing a football, baseball, or frisbee for fun after we eat. When its dark we play hide and seek though I'm probably older than who should be playing hide and seek. But when my family is around it makes me feel like a kid again so I join in.Well as we've gotten older and into that age where our hormones start boiling over and doing our thinking for us. We started being alittle more touchy feely with one another. Nothing over the top just normal copping a feel of one another or a smack on the butt. Our time was usually spent in the basement of our grandparents house so we could all be kids without constantly being told to stop doing something and because it was cooler. My grandparents like it warm upstairs so its just more comfortable downstairs. Well as time went on I started realizing she liked me, because she would follow me around or sit right next to me and lay her legs across my lap. And that is how our first sexual experience together happened. She would do it and a few times I didn't think anything about it, but then one day I noticed and thats when I decided to see how far it would go. After here legs layed across me for awhile I layed my hands up on her leg and left them there. Then I slowly started running them up and down her lower legs and gauged her reaction.She didn't stop me so I continued and moved up to her thighs slowly still seeing how she reacted. Still didn't deny my advance so I continued inching my way up her thighs as I rubbed and massaged them. It wasn'tlong till I was at the leg of her shorts and thought if she is going to stop me it will be now, because once my hand goes into her shorts she knows it has gone from somewhat innocent touching to something sexual.
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