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Short Sex

It all started at work. He was sweet, wearing his thick-framed glasses and his pin stripped suit. He was big (not fat), but as soon as we were introduced, I knew. I read him immediately. He was a little shy and emanated a certain sweetness.

Staring into his deep brown eyes, I actually missed his name the first time. I did however catch the smile that accompanied it. It was brilliant. Warming. I wondered if he was still a virgin.

Working with him was awesome. Of course I couldn't help it. I was infatuated. So when it started on Friday, I couldn't help myself.

We were at the coordinator's office, talking as usual, and after jumping from subject to subject for a while...

"... so I haven't been to the movies for a while, but i really want to see that new pixar movie."
"really? (trying to bait. i should've done this before) I haven't seen it either. i actually read somewhere that the past movies, right after the second part, were trials for this one. "
"really? (lifting his eyebrows. sexy as hell) Now i have GOT to see it. (shoot. he's not taking the bait)."
"yeah. i know what you mean. last time i went to the mall, tickets were sold out. I mean COMPLETELY sold out. It was 2 in the afternoon and there wasn't a single ticket left for the rest of the day."
"well, now i really have to see it (come on!) Hey, (clearing his throat. is that nervousness i detect?) are you doing anything tonight? (finally!)"
"nope. no plans. unless you count getting in my pj's and watching tv all afternoon."
"well, would you like to go to the movies with me? "
"(Would I!) well, sure! what movie would you like to see?"
he laughed. i loved to make him laugh.
"you're kidding right?"
"what do you think? (coy smile) where should we meet?"
"Well, how about i pick you up? Do you live far away?"
"no, but it's complicated getting there. i could wait for you on main street and pine"
"great, i'll be the one waiting in the car. See you at 5"

so i ran home, showered and changed. Tight jeans, blue shirt with the gold butterfly and gold heels. Blue push up bra and matching blue underwear with the rhinestone butterfly. Thank god i had just waxed everything. Just in case. I ran out half an hour before and stopped by the drugstore. By the time i got to our meeting place, he was already there.

I had never seen him in jeans before. With his shirt and sweater, he looked kind of preppy. I had never seen him in anything but suits. God, he looked hot. So,

"hey man! (keep it cool)" i hopped in the car.
"you ready?"
"i was born ready, baby (too forward? nah)"

and so, making small talk, we got to the mall. We bought tickets, and strolled around for a while.
"would you like a cup of coffee? my treat."
"i actually don't drink coffee."
"what!? you don't like coffee?"
"well, it's just that i'm not sure what to get."
"perfect! (really!) let me help you order. do you have a sweet-tooth?"
"you have no idea (my kinda guy!)"
" i'll help you order"

so i got him a caramel swirl, and myself a light, double shot cappuccino (might need the caffeine). We sat down and started talking. Finally, we were on my turf. Cafés made me very secure.And so, i found out about him, his life, his family, his childhood, past relationships (not a virgin, apparently) and so on. And soon, it was time to get to the theater.

We bought popcorn (great way to get some physical contact), found a pair of seats and got comfortable. The movie started, and as usual, I had to make comments about everything. Fortunately, he found them, let's say not annoying and had trouble suppressing his laughter. Points for me! popcorn worked too. i made sure we had as much hand brushing as possible.

After the movie, we obviously decided to get a bite to eat. I had mentioned i liked chinese food, so he steered me to a decent chinese joint (nice!). We got on the subject of food, and skimpy girls and i decided to not eat only a lettuce leaf and a glass of water (should exercise a few extra hours this week though). We had a great time. So great that...

"oh my god! i didn't notice what time it is."
"you're right. hey, they're actually cleaning this place up"
"do you want to wait and see what method they use to kick us out?"
laughter. "i don't think so"
he picked up the tab, against my protest, and we made our way back to his car. He opened up the door for me, and i made sure to lean on him for support as i got in. my heart started beating faster. (must not lose control.)

"so, the night is still young. now what?"
"i don't know. i'm not sleepy"
"ok. what options do we have?"
"well, we could..."
"ok. do you like to party? you know, go dancing or something?"
"lol. do you?"
"actually, i'm not really into partying. i've never found any really decent place. you know, great music, no drugs"
"i know what you mean"
"how about video games?"
"ok. i've got a wii and a 360. and you've got an xbox"
"yeah, but everyone's probably asleep at my place by now"
"that makes it easier. my sister's out tonight, so my place it is! (score!)"

so we moved on to his place. It was a comfortable, neat and cozy. We sat down on the couch. He turned on the tv, and got out the controls (360 it was!). It was actually fun. Not that i was expecting anything else. I'm always up for a good game. But i guess i had to take the next step. as the next level was loading, i closed my eyes and leaned my head against his shoulder, breathing in his scent.

"you tired?"
"of course not! just getting my second wind"
laughter. and then... he FINALLY put his arm around me. Ok! What was I to do? I snuggled. What else. We leaned back against the sofa. This was really nice.

"so, this is fun, huh?"
"i'm having a great time"

i tilted. and leaned. i hoped he'd watched all those romantic movies. I guess he had. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed. After a few seconds, we gently broke off. He was breathing a bit quickly. Exciting. I moved in again, taking his face in my hand and taking off his glasses. this was awesome. and it got better. he put his hands on my waist and ran them up my back. i hoped this was going were i wanted it to.

I did the same, but took it a step further. I put my hand on his chest, gently caressing, ran it up to his neck and then inside his shirt. And got the response i wanted. he started to run his hands up my back, under my shirt.

I shifted and got closer, stopped to take a breath, and lower my hand to his thigh. If this didn't tell him what i wanted, nothing would. I ran it up his thigh, getting tantalizingly close to the bulk that had appeared. As I shifted once more, i (accidentally, of course) grazed it with my hand. Nice and hard. Perfect.

i moved back, knelt on the couch, and proceeded to (practically) rip his shirt off. And he followed suit. Thank god. I leaned over and kissed his chest. He groaned. (he was too easy). I started to gently bite his chest, making my way up his neck and down to his shoulder. i wanted him so bad. but not yet. good things come to those who wait, right? leaning my entire body against him, i nibbled on his ear. (perfect position) he leaned in and kissed my breast, sending me through the roof. (must regain control.) (Pointless), especially after he started sucking on my nipples, ripping uncontrollable moans from me. It was all i could do to not pull on his hair too hard. i think.

he stood up. i didn't. i stayed exactly where i was and tugged on his belt, unfastening the clasp and pulling it off. I just had to caress that bulge. Which was the perfect move. He took my hands (always so gentle) and pulled me up. He led me to a room towards our right, which turned out to be his bedroom. At some point, between the caressing, the kissing, stroking and groping,i lost my bra.

His bedroom had a queen size bed. It was neat. It was just as cozy as the rest of the house. Giant fluffy pillows. He unbuttoned my jeans, pushed me on the bed and pulled them off. I was so glad i had started working out again.

I undid his pants and yanked them down. Biker shorts. Nice. He finished taking his pants off and leaned against me, kissing me, pushing against me and running his hand up my thigh. As he reached my crotch, he pressed his hand into me, feeling my moisture through my panties. I continued caressing him, his back, his hips, his backside. And i slipped my hand into his shorts, squeezing his buttock. Not taking my hand out, i ran it around, to the front. His cock was so hard. Juicy. wet. I wanted it. i needed it.

Sitting up, I peeled his bikers off. On my way back down, i took a quick taste. Just the tip. Nice and salty. Hard and beautiful. I couldn't help myself. I took a nice long suck, making him whine. I grabbed his balls. They were smooth and warm. i took a quick suck at them too.

I peeled off my own panties (and threw them somewhere). I climbed back on the bed, pushing him down and climbing on him. I don't think he minded. He started to rub my clit gently, making me rock back and forth, trying to catch his fingers inside me.

(wait. something's missing). i took a condom from his dresser beside the bed, ripped it open and unrolled it on him. Meanwhile, his fingers were working magic. If i could only ...

(got a better idea) I took his penis and coaxed it in the right direction. Just the penetration made me gasp for breath. It was more than i expected. magnificent. But i just couldn't handle it. I tried moving, but the pleasure of just having him in me was immobilizing.

I guess he saw me gasping for breath, because he rolled me on my back, climbed on me and penetrated me again. and again. and again. it was all i could do to keep from screaming. I dug my nails into his back and thrust my hips up to meet his. and i felt it close. i was about to come. i closed my eyes and let it wash over me, quivering. I guess it must have helped him, because i felt him tense up. With a low moan, he came. I could feel his juice pumping inside me (neatly caught in the life saving glove).

By now we were completely drenched in sweat. He held on to me after he finished. So i held on to him back.

"I.. I... That was..."
i exhaled.
"I know"
"god, i'm so tired."
i got up and started looking for my cloths. we had made such a mess (inward chuckle)
"what are you doing?"
"getting my stuff"
"but why?"
"well it's kinda really late"
"or early, depending how you look at it. stay."
he moved over on the bed. i sat next to him.
"you know what?"
"you have no idea how much i enjoyed that"
"i really wanted this. for a while actually"
"really, i had no idea. you never said anything"
"well, neither did you"
laughter. from both of us.
i lay next to him and put my hand on his chest, twirling the scarce chest hair he had.
he lay on his side, propping his head on his hand. he started stroking my hair with the other. i fell asleep almost instantly.

the next thing i knew it was morning. i was lying on my side. he was holding me in his arms, cupping my breast in his hand. I carefullygot up and slipped out of bed. I found his shirt rumpled on the floor and put it on. Where was the bathroom?

When i came back he was still fast asleep. Perfect. I climbed back in bed, behind him, spooning. I started to massage his back gently, working my way down to his hips and around to his crotch. It was still a little sticky from last night. But still delicious. I couldn't help it. i started to knead his balls. (only a little) I immediately felt a reaction. I started to stroke his penis, rubbing the tip, feeling the juice starting to flow. He moaned and rolled onto his back. But he wasn't awake yet.

I worked his shaft up and down a little more until i got a full erection. My own juices had started to flow as well. i felt the familiar warm, pulsing feeling, ready to invite him in.I grabbed another condom and put it on him. (ready!) I climbed on him, feeling the same paralyzing pleasure like last night. I braced myself and started to rock back and forth. His raised his hands and placed them on my hips, (guess he wasn't quite asleep after all) giving me extra support. i saw him smile as he helped me move. I grabbed his shoulders as he thrust his hips up, plunging himself into me while i moved back down. I felt myself losing control again. He stopped (why?!) andpulled out. (No!)

He flipped me over. I got on all fours, prepared to receive him from behind. As soon as he plunged into me, i came. I grabbed onto the headboard, trembling with pleasure. Instead of stopping, he bucked into me harder. He grabbed onto the headboard from behind me and pumping into me with as much force as possible. he moved fast.and faster. as my peak slowly started to decrease, i started to regain my breath.

i stopped moving and pulled away from him.

"what's wrong?"

I pushed him on the bed and propped a pillow under his head.

I climbed onto him, facing his feet and drove him into me. I couldn't help it. i let out moan and started moving my hips up and down as fast as i could. once again, he grabbed my hips and thrust himself up, into me as he was pulling me down. I felt his breath becoming quicker and more shallow. I knew he was going to come again. and so was i. as i tightened up and felt that wondrous pulsation come over me, i felt him do the same. His body suddenly became rigid and i heard him give a little shriek. I tightened myself up and received his pulsing warmth. But i didn't stop.I continue moving up and down as hard as i could, as i caressed his testicles. This made him shriek even louder. I kept going until i felt him start to descend.

I pulled him out of myself.

"wow. now that is the best way to wake up"

"ok. now i'm hungry"
"so, time for breakfast?"

we popped into the shower first. Lathering each other up was as sensual as i could be fathomed. I couldn't help myself. I knelt down under the pouring water and kissed the inside of his thigh. I slowly started to nibble my way up. I took some soap and lathered up his smooth testicles, making them slippery and delicious to the touch. His penis was starting to awaken again (good ). I leaned in and took it in my mouth. glorious. i started to suck on it, pushing it as far back as i could towards my throat and sucking hard as could when i pulled it out. Once again, i could hear him moaning. He put his hands against the wall, holding himself up and started working his hips. I put my hand around his hips, grabbing his buttocks for support. I leaned backwards and started working only on the tip. the bathroom walls made his moans echo even loader. He leaned over and grabbed one of my breasts, kneading it and squeezing my nipple. I worked him even harder, pushing as far as i could, working his shaft with one hand at the same time. I couldn't have done better. With one last, hard, stabbing buck, he pushed his penis fully into my mouth, grabbing my hair. He arched his back, trembling. His delicious, salty juice shot into my mouth. It was so much, that it started to dribble down my chin. I swallowed as much as possible and licked him clean, running my tongue down his penis, to his balls. I suckled on them a bit, making him shoot out a few last drops of cum.

We finished washing each other, getting to know each last corner, leaving no body part unexplored or unlathered.

breakfast was great. swimming in maple syrup. i wore his shirt again. it was comfortable. but this had to end.

"so i should get going"

he looked... disappointed? (really?)

"so soon?"
"G., i've got to get home, see you at work next thursday?"
"you're not free this weekend?"
"nope. but are you free next friday?"
lightning smile, dazzling eyes. lit up the room, i swear.

i hugged him tight. god, he smelled good. i gathered my things and got dressed. we kissed gently on the lips at the door as i made my way out.
i couldn't wait until next week. i just hope he knows this is only a fling. i just wanted to know what it would be like.