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A Slut Tries Bi

Slut Wife

Hi! It’s Amy the slut, again. First of all, if I haven't already been absolutely clear about the subject, I am a slut who is head-over-heels in love with her wonderful and sexy husband. I thought our love couldn’t be any stronger, but Will has been so sweetly open and responsive to my awakened sexuality, that it has deepened my love for him in ways that I never expected. He has lovingly supported my taking other lovers, and has warmly welcomed them into our relationship, generously sharing me with others, urging me to find and enjoy complete sexual freedom and fulfillment. Simply writing those words fills me with an overwhelming joy and euphoria. It is so exhilarating to completely reveal every aspect of my sexuality. To leave not one intimate detail of my eroticism unknown, so that I am fully exposed as a cock and pussy hungry slut. I am a sexual woman! I celebrate my slut-hood! I exult in my whoredom! Will and I often used to mutually fantasize about having other partners, but it took me a long time before I had the courage to act on my fantasies. I just couldn't bring myself to flout those ugly old repressive societal norms and express myself sexually. Essentially, I needed someone, besides my husband, to give me the permission I needed to go against the peer pressure of society and just let myself be a slut. My friend Kathy turned out to be that person. The first time I met her, I knew inherently that I had finally found someone, other than Will, who could understand my inner nature and accept me for the slut that I knew was hidden deep inside! Kathy is beautiful. She is a soft and round and sexy and ultra-feminine woman who is eight years younger than I am. She is slightly taller than I am and, while she works out regularly, she has a sensuous womanly shape. Her red hair, full breasts, long legs and round ass turn heads wherever she goes, and her vitality and vibrant personality make her the focus of any room she enters. I usually get my share of attention, and I've never had many self esteem problems, but she makes me feel just little bit like a fat ugly duckling. As you might be guessing, I have had a serious crush on her for quite a while. Kathy openly admitted that she was a slut the first week I knew her. She freely admits that she is wantonly promiscuous and bi-sexual, and acknowledges that she needs to have sex often, in many different ways and with many different people - as long as it is consensual and does not hurt anyone else (her first rule is: NO married men without their wives). As we got to know each other, Kathy and I often talked about my marriage with Will. I told Kathy that Will’s first marriage had been an open swinging relationship, and that right from the start of our marriage I had his permission to fuck other guys. So, when I told her about my attraction to Tom, she supportively urged me on. “You go, girl – he’s hot! Just do it!” That finally gave me the courage to take the first step toward becoming a slut, and after I fucked Tom for the first time, I could hardly wait to tell Kathy all about it. I breathlessly gave her all the details and told her how much fun it was and how wonderful my husband had been, afterwards. She just smiled and gave me a big hug, telling me how proud she was and congratulating me for becoming a sister slut. I was so turned on and excited from telling her about fucking Tom and having her welcome me as a slut, that my knees got weak in her embrace. My arousal, the feeling of our breasts pressed together, the pressure of her thighs on mine, and the sweet dusky scent of her womanly perfume nearly had me cumming right there in the office. For years, I've felt an attraction to certain women that I've always tried to deny, but they have often filled my fantasies during oral sex or when I masturbate. Lately, Kathy has been the main subject of those dreams. Whenever we talked, I couldn't believe how open and daring she was, and how casual and free she was about being a slut. Listening to her, I would blush as I felt my nipples harden and my pussy pulse with desire. Although Kathy never did anything overtly to come-on to me, just hearing about her philosophy and her sexual adventures with her many lovers had me squirming in my seat. My wet pussy was in constant titillation, and I couldn't help wishing that I was one of them! My development and growth as a slut has given me a wonderfully liberating and glowing sense of security and self-confidence as a sexual woman. I have been very curious about bi-sexuality for many years, but just like fucking other men, I was afraid it would harm my marriage. Well, I finally took the plunge and made love to another woman. I had sex with Kathy, and I am so in love with her!! What was I waiting for? It was incredibly hot and loads of fun! It was so sweet, so joyous! I must admit that I was a little (no - a lot) nervous before it actually happened, but that's to be expected. After all, religion and society have made such a big taboo issue of sexuality in general, and bi- and homo-sexuality specifically, that anyone naturally would be somewhat nervous the first time. But again, when it finally happened, it was so lusciously liberating! Being with a woman is so wonderfully warm and loving that it must be utterly natural. Making love to a woman is so blissfully exciting that it fills me with joy! Why are people so weird about it? I think that those who preach that homosexuality and lesbianism is unnatural and a sin must be crazy! With so much violence and hate in the world, we all owe it to ourselves to embrace our bi-sexual nature and experience all the love, peace and joy that multiple partners of either gender can provide. Kathy has been working in my office as my assistant for several months. Kathy's desk is in one of those office "cubicles" just outside my office, and whenever my door is open she is in my direct line of sight. If she turns her head slightly I am in hers. Often, I look up and catch her staring at me with those deep green eyes of hers. Most people would look away, but she just smiles at me, and I instantly blush and feel as though a hot flame has gone through me. The directness of her gaze always makes me tingle all over. In the office, we maintain a strictly professional relationship. But when I am with her outside of the office I feel like a tongue-tied schoolgirl, and I can't help flirting with her. We regularly have lunch and go out for drinks after work. Often, she joins Will and me for dinner and a show, and I have found that I don't mind Kathy flirting with him, as well. I wasn't one bit jealous. In fact, it was wildly exciting to watch my two best friends becoming more and more intimate. However, I still didn't have the courage to approach her directly, so she took matters into her own hands. When Will stopped by to pick me up after work, I noticed them quietly flirting and laughing as I straightened up my desk. When I turned out the lights and came out to join my husband, Kathy innocently asked us if we'd like to go out for some dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant. We had no plans, so we headed out for what turned out to be the night that changed my life. At “Jalapeno’s”, the food is delicious and the margaritas are fresh and strong, so there is always a big crowd. We had a round of margaritas while we waited for a table, and our conversation was unusually intimate and flirtatious. We finally got a table and had a lovely meal, talking about all sorts of interesting topics. The margaritas kept coming, and the conversation became increasingly sexual. Will later told me that by the third round I was totally focused on Kathy, openly and wantonly flirting and giggling like a teenage girl. Just like when I flirted with Tom in front of our friends, the thrill of people seeing me flirt with a woman in public was making me incredibly aroused. Will later told me that I was so cute and giddy that I just got carried away, and just as our fourth round arrived, I told Kathy how I had fucked both Will and Tom the night before. With my husband sitting beside me, I breathlessly confessed to this beautiful woman how brazenly and wantonly I had acted out my most sluttish desires. As I told her the details of my adventure, I was hoping for Kathy's approval, and when she told me I was making her wet and that she was proud of me, I glowed with sexual energy. Encouraged by her praise, I giddily plunged ahead and blurted out how beautiful and sexy I thought she was, and that I wanted to make love to her. Kathy just looked right into my eyes like she was looking into my soul, transfixing me, and said, "I know. I’ve known for a long time that we would be lovers." Kathy told me that she wanted me from the moment we met, and was just waiting for me to realize that I wanted her, and was ready to make love with her. The next few moments seemed like a dream. I don't remember moving. I don’t know how I got to the other side of the table. It seemed like I simply levitated to her side. Suddenly, I was in her arms! The poor waiter with our next round of drinks nearly spilled them all over Will, as I brazenly kissed her right there in the packed restaurant. I felt her breasts and caressed her hair, saying to no one in particular, "She's so sweet, she's so sweet, she's so sweet!!" My husband quickly paid the leering waiter and sent the round of drinks to a nearby table of shocked and staring young women. Kathy took my hand, and I followed her from the restaurant. I could hardly breathe in the intense air of eroticism that swirled around us, as we urgently walked arm-in-arm to my soon to be lover's nearby apartment. I was about to make love with another woman while my husband watched! As the handsome doorman let us in he grinned knowingly at us. Kathy has a lot of other lovers and, I found out later, has also fucked the doorman, so he had a real good idea of what was about to happen. As we waited for the elevator, I couldn't resist giving him the slutiest look as I brazenly give Kathy a big sloppy kiss. How can I explain the way I felt? Words are totally inadequate. I keep using the terms wanton, brazen, euphoric, free and liberated, but it was as if I had been reborn into a new and far more beautiful world. I had finally given myself permission to enjoy sex in absolutely any way I wished. I was dizzy with lust. In the elevator I couldn't keep my hands off her, and Kathy gave Will her key to unlock the door for us so that she could focus completely on me. She immediately started undressing me, and had my shirt and bra off by the time the elevator doors opened. I felt disappointed that there was no on waiting for the elevator, as I brazenly walked half naked down the hallway and waited impatiently while Will let us into Kathy's apartment. We hurried into Kathy's dimly lit apartment and she and I just stood in the middle of her living room, kissing and caressing each other. I impatiently tore at the buttons of her blouse, eager to feel her nakedness against my burning skin. I was in the grip of a fever, urgently fumbling with the clasp of Kathy's bra like a teenage boy, so I could fondle her full breasts and suck her hard nipples. It only added to my excitement to be able to demonstrate my desire and lust for this incredible exciting woman as my husband watched. Again, all I could say was, "Kathy, you're so sweet! Oh, Will, she's so sweet! You're so sweet! Oh God, you're so SWEET!!" And she was! I couldn't believe how sweet and delicious her mouth and neck and breasts and nipples tasted! How sweet and smooth and soft her skin was! How full and round her tits were! She was so completely unlike any man I had ever known. My husband just smiled as he watched us, gently rubbing our necks and backs, letting me take everything at my own pace. Kathy quickly sensed how much I love to have my nipples pinched and sucked, and that the harder they are pinched, the more completely willing and wanton I become. I'll do anything for anyone when my nipples are pinched like that! She took both at once, and looked into my eyes. "Amy, I know you. I know who, and what you are. I know what a lovely little slut you are. I know, because you are just like me. I know what a whore you are, and how much you love cock and need to fucked. I know that you are also a pussy-whore. You are my pussy-slut. You are my little cunt-whore.” Her words thrilled me. Kathy let my skirt fall to the floor, and I stood naked before her. She fingered my sopping pussy. “I am going to make love to you as only one woman can make love to another. You will beg for my pussy, and I will to teach you to lick my cunt. Then I’m going to have the pleasure of fucking your husband, while you watch. He’s going to fill my pussy with his hard cock, while you masturbate for us and show us how much you love to cum. You will become a complete whore and show us how much a little slut like you loves to cum, needs to cum, while I enjoy your husband." I could only mumble, "Oh yessss! Pleeeease! Please, Kathy! I’m your slut! Please, use me as your slut! I am your whore! I’ll do anything you want! Take me! Fuck me! Use me! Use me for your pleasure!" I don't remember walking into her bedroom. The next thing I remember was that we were all naked on her bed and Kathy's sweet mouth was on my pussy. I leaned back against Will who was holding me, cradling me from behind, pinching my flaming nipples and whispering in my ear. “I love you, my sweet, beautiful little slut. You’re so beautiful when you’re making love, fucking, being a whore! You love having your pussy licked, don’t you? You’re such a slut! You love having a woman eat your cunt. Look at Kathy licking your pussy. Doesn’t she look beautiful down there, between your legs? Look at her beautiful sexy eyes! Give yourself to her! Cum for her! Be her slut! Be her whore!” I had never felt anything so wonderful! No one had ever made me feel so exquisite! Her lips and tongue were so soft and delicate, her touch so knowing and sensitive as she sucked and nibbled and licked my pussy and clit, that I came in one of the biggest and longest screaming orgasms of my life! I never could have believed how wonderful it is to have a woman lick my pussy until it actually happened! I was in heaven... total bliss!! I lay between them as they kissed and fondled my tingling body, floating in a sensual haze of ecstasy. I was in a state of blissful consciousness in which nothing existed but lips and hands and skin and eyes and lips and hands and breasts and pussy and breasts and cock and pussy and skin and lips and cock and pussy... Will and Kathy, my husband and my lover, him and her, and her and him, and Her and Her, Her, Her, HER, HER!!... I just had to have her! It was as if I couldn't continue to breathe if I wasn't able to give her pleasure. I just had to see her pretty pussy up close. I had to touch and taste her! She was so beautiful, her pussy so glorious! I explored each beautifully delicate fold of her neatly trimmed and shaved pussy with fingers, nose, lips and tongue, savoring her aroma and flavor, greedily pushing my husband away to have her all to myself. I let my instinct take over, finding her swollen clit to lick and nibble, looking deep into her eyes to read her reaction to my searching mouth, to gauge the pressure and speed of my eagerly probing tongue. She was so juicily delicious. I couldn't believe how wonderful she tasted. I deliriously devoured this wonderful new treat, giving myself completely to my lover's pleasure. "Fuck her from behind! I want to feel you push the little slut's face into my pussy with your cock! I want to feel your cock fucking her! I want you to fuck me through her! Fuck her! Fuck her hard!" My pussy was still so hot that I came again almost as soon as my husband filled my cunt with his lovely hard penis, moaning and groaning into Kathy's beautiful pussy. I felt so proud as she came, too, screaming so that half the block must have heard her. "I need to fucked, now! Give me your husband’s hard cock! Will, fuck me so Amy can watch and see how her husband fucks another slut! Fuck me, and let me show her what a slut she looks like when she fucks you! Put his cock in me, Amy! Give me your husband! Put your husband’s lovely hard cock in my pussy, now! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Kathy was steadily moaning with lust. Trembling with anticipation I took my husband's throbbing erection and, for the first time, eagerly guided it into another woman's dripping pussy. I gently flicked her clitoris so that she bucked up to meet his thrusts. "Look, slut! Your husband is fucking me! He fucking another woman. His cock is deep in another slut’s pussy! My pussy! It feels so fucking good! Look at him fuck me! Look at his cock fucking my pussy! He’s not only your cock, any more. Now, he’s my cock, too! Look at him fuck me. Touch me! Touch my pussy! Feel me, where his cock is fucking my pussy. His cock feels so fucking fantastic!" Will sat back on his heels, so I could lay my head on Kathy’s soft belly, getting the best possible view of my husband's beautiful cock pounding her dripping cunt. The sight and sound and scent were overwhelming. I caressed the point of their union, pressing her pussy lips firmly around his cock. I nibbled her clit and licked her pussy juices from his cock, as my husband fucked the pussy I now loved. Kathy pulled me up so she could lick my pussy while I watched as my husband rammed his cock into my new lover. She slapped my ass as she moaned on my clit, wildly licking and thrashing her head back and forth on my pussy so that we were both cumming over and over. Will fucked her wildly, sucking and biting at my nipples as I shuddered through wave after wave of orgasm. I passionately kissed my husband. "Oh, Will! I love you! I love you so much! Fuck her! I love watching you fuck her. Seeing your cock in another woman’s pussy is so hot! I love it! Yes! Spank me, Kathy! Slap my naughty slut ass, while you fuck my husband! Fuck her, Will! Use your cock on her! Fuck her! Cum for me! Cum in her pussy, my love. Fill her cunt with your delicious cum. I want to drink your cum from her sweet pussy. Watching you fuck her is so fucking hot! It’s making me cum! I’m cumming!! Fuck her!! FUCK HER HARD!!!" Will soon joined us, spraying his hot cum deep into my lover's pussy. I couldn't wait to dive back into Kathy’s sloppy cunt, slurping up the delicious mingling of my two lovers' juices. "Amy, look at me. As you lick your husband's sweet cum from my pussy, you must listen to me carefully. There’s no denying it. We all know that you are a cock-whore and a pussy-whore. If you keep licking my pussy and make me cum, you will show me that you wish to submit to becoming my personal pussy-whore. From now on, you’re my bitch, and you agree to give your husband to me as my new boyfriend and lover, and that he and I will fuck whenever we want to. Stop licking me, if you can, but if you stop licking me, you will never taste my pussy again.” There is no way that I could ever give up that pussy. Nothing could make me happier than to be Kathy’s obedient little slut. I just pushed my face deeper into Kathy's beautiful pussy, blissfully lapping up her sweet juices until she again quivered in orgasm. “Good girl. At the office, you will still be my boss. But, at any other time, you will be my slut. I will teach you and train you to be a good slut. I will use you as my personal sex toy whenever and however I wish, and you will obey me without question or comment." That night was just the beginning of a fantastic evening of incredibly hot and wonderfully intimate sex. It has changed my life: I affirm my commitment and bond to Will. But I dearly love both Will and Kathy, and I am now their whore and sex-toy to lovingly use as they wish. In return, they allow me complete freedom to fuck whomever I want. Will and Kathy's only requirements are that I must be always available to either of them first, that I tell all of my new lovers that I am married, that I never spend the whole night with any other lover without at least one of them, and that I relate all my activities with any other lovers to them while the three of us fuck. My utter joy is obeying their wishes... whatever they may be... with whomever they wish... I now have a wonderful and loving husband, a wildly sexual girlfriend and sister-slut, and my sexy young stud Tom to fuck whenever I want. I feel more exquisitely loved and well fucked and desired in every way than I ever dared hope for. Just knowing that there are other women like Kathy who are not afraid of their sexuality, or of going after it aggressively is a wonderful thing. Thanks for letting me share this with you. licks & nibbles, your pussy-slut, Amy