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Donna's Workout Part IV

Slut Wife

Donna’s workout part IV.
Now I’ve read about encounters like this on other web-sites and they all go like this.
We looked into each other’s eyes and fell into an incestuous embrace, or some such shit. That’s not what happened here.
First off a short description of Anna is required. She’s a pale blond like my wife Donna, with equally pale blue eyes. They’re so pale that they almost have no color at all. She’s taller than her mom, with legs that would make any athlete proud. She’s run track and field for several years, and if it weren’t for that she wouldn’t be going to the prestigious school she attends. She has a smaller chest than her mom, with 34c cups. She has a pale almost alabaster complexion and fine white teeth, that needed no help growing up. Her nipples are a rosy pink color, much like her mother’s and a shapely round little butt. If she has an ounce of fat it doesn’t show.
I took all this in as she squeaked and dove for her robe while I fell back into the hallway, stood, and ran back to the living room. Marilyn and Angie were still watching the movie and had begun to caress each other yet again. I stormed into the room, I was seriously pissed and was going to have some answers.
"What the fuck is Anna doing here?" I screamed at them.
I crossed over until I stood in front of them with my fists balled up and ready to fight. I was covered in sweat and it began to run down my back and legs.
"We already answered that question about Donna," Angie said with a smirk.
"You filthy rotten bitch," I yelled and reaching over snatched her away from Marilyn by the hair. With my free hand I slapped her across the face. I pulled her back in for another backhand slap by her hair, and continued this using her hair like a yo-yo cord until I was too exhausted to move.
As I did this Marilyn stood and tried to drag her away from me. I countered that by throwing a roundhouse punch into her jaw. She dropped to the floor like she’d been shot. I finally let Angie slip to the floor as I stood there heaving and blowing trying to remember what my life had been like a few hours earlier.
I’d had a devoted and loving wife, and daughter. I’d been in a monogamous marriage with my wife of 22 years, who I’d do anything for. My life had made sense, it had fit into a normal model that I could accept and deal with. Even all of the events of the last three hours hadn’t been entirely awful, just weird. Now this.
"Dad?" I heard from behind me.
I turned and saw that Anna had left the bathroom dressed in one of the black robes I’d seen everyone else wear. She was standing there with two towels and a handful of wash-clothes in her hands. I could tell she’d seen at least part of my tirade with the two now semi-conscious women. I took a large towel from her and wrapped it sarong like around my waist, as she handed me first hot and then cold wash-clothes to clean up and calm down with.
"I asked you what you were doing here a few minutes ago," I said.
"I belong here dad," she answered. "I’ve been coming here for 2 years now, whenever I was in town."
I groaned out loud with fury and pain. My little baby was in this nest of creatures, and they’d done god knew what to her. What was worse was that she, like her whore of a mother seemed to love it.
"How did you get started with these people, Anna?" I asked.
"You and mom are partly to blame," she said defiantly. "You went on that trip of yours for your anniversary. Who did you leave me with? Do you remember?"
It took a moment before I could do so. Then it came crashing down on me. We’d left her here with Marilyn. It had been a few months after her divorce, and Donna had thought it would be good for both of them. We’d taken a 18-day cruise around the Caribbean as a second honeymoon to celebrate our 20 years together.
I swayed a bit on my feet and fell onto the couch. I looked about me and saw that Marilyn was helping Angie to her feet. Angie stood there with her bloodied face and scratched and battered lips, supported by Marilyn who was bleeding heavily from the nose.
"Wow lover," Angie said. "You’re just getting me warmed up, don’t take too long with her, I’ll need another good fuck soon."
Marilyn said nothing as she helped her down the hall towards the bathroom I’d just left.
"Lover huh? It seems that I’m not the only person here with a story to tell now am I?" Anna said quietly. "How have been spending your evening daddy?"
"Nevermind that for now," I countered. "How did you get started up with these people?"
"It started because I was bored," she said. "You guys just left me here with somebody I didn’t even really know that well. I was almost 18, and you left me with a baby-sitter. I deserved better than that. I was old enough to look after myself. After a couple of days I started looking around the house. I found her little gym downstairs and her cache of tapes. After I watched a few of them I got really hot, and when she got home I confronted her with what I’d found."
"Then what?" I asked weakly.
"I told Marilyn that unless she let me join them, I’d rat her out," she replied. "I can just imagine what you’d have done then. You’d have freaked just like what I saw, but even worse would be that she and her group would all go to prison. She really didn’t have any choice. So she called her group together and we had a party."
"Did she tape that one too?" I asked.
"Of course she did," she said matter of factly. "She tapes all the parties. I asked for a copy of it, I have it back at school and she kept the original. Would you like to see it? It’s really good, I took a turn at the altar, and got fucked and eaten by about 18 people. It was great."
At this point I have to admit that I couldn’t stand any more. All I wanted was for it all to end. I sat on the couch with my face buried in my hands and began to moan. Anna watching my reaction came over and sat beside me. She pulled my head down to her shoulder and breast and began to say soothing words and shush me like a child. I sat there wracked in guilt and pain, over what my little Anna had gone through.
After a while her soothing treatment got through my pain and grief and I began to say, "I’m sorry." I said it over and over again. It became my entire focus to try to let her know how terrible I felt about what had happened.
"Daddy, it’s fine," she said when she saw that I could listen. "I wanted to do it. I still want to do it, it’s fun and I really like it. They have never hurt me, and I’ve never done anything that I didn’t want to. They don’t force themselves on anyone, and they don’t make anyone stay if they don’t want to. It’s a type of freedom that I’d never known until then. Please don’t feel bad about this, it’s what I want."
"But now they have your mother too," I croaked.
"I know dad," Anna said. "I asked Marilyn to approach her and bring her in. I was going to have her bring you in soon too. I wanted to wait a while first, because I knew you’d be the hardest to convince."
"What?’ I asked feebly. "Why in god’s name would you do that?"
"Because I love you and momma so much," she replied. "I wanted you and her to feel the same love and acceptance that I do. I wanted the both of you to be as happy as I am. These are wonderful people and they love me, and I them. I wanted the other people in my life to be as happy as I am."
"Sam too?" I asked, referring to her older brother.
"Yeah," she said. "It was what I gave him for Christmas last year. I brought him to the New Year’s fling that Marilyn has every year."
I groaned again. It was getting worse. I felt myself alone and detached from reality. My mind spun again and I felt on the verge of passing out. Anna seeing this, got up and went to the bar. She returned with another large tumbler full of scotch. I again tried to down as much as I could in one drink. The burning feeling of the drink as it passed down my throat brought tears again to my eyes, and seemed to help snap me back a bit to the real world.
"Daddy?" she asked. "Are you going to be all right?"
"Honey I don’t know that I’ll ever be all right again," I said. "What are you doing here now, I thought you had finals this week?"
"I did, I’m finished though," she answered. "I have 18 days until the next semester starts and Marilyn called and asked if I could come home for a special party. She paid for the plane ticket and met me at the airport and everything. It’s going to be great. She has mom downstairs and I’m to be unveiled to her soon. Mom is taking her fourth turn on the altar. No one else has ever done that many times. Marilyn has called in all her friends and some people she parties with when she travels out of state on business. Mom’s having the time of her life."
"How do you know all this?" I asked.
"Marilyn has a closed circuit live feed from her party room," she replied. "It plays on every set in the house."
She jumped up off the couch to cross to the table where the remote was. I watched her as she stood up and walked. Her robe bounced up with her and gave me a flash of her legs and pretty little ass. She stood there and switched the channel until she came to what she was looking for. Then she came back to sit beside me.
I watched the screen as the door on the left side of the room opened to pass Angie and Marilyn. They’d cleaned up and looked steadier on their feet. They wasted no time in crossing into the room and jumping into the first pile of writhing, fucking and sucking bodies they could find.
"Angie really likes rough sex," Anna said. "You probably got her going like a furnace when you belted her around like that. I’m surprised that she and Marilyn didn’t just find a quiet corner of the house and fuck each other sick."
"Anna don’t speak like that," I said automatically. She looked at me and I at her, and then we lost it. I began to laugh until I cried. She did the same. It was several minutes until we could both focus back on the screen let alone breathe.
The action on the screen said it all. Again as usual, there were multiple feeds and it looked as if someone were switching the views from the different cameras, showing different parts of the room, and different bits of the action. The previous parties I’d seen hadn’t had more than 35 people in them at most. Looking into the room, I saw that there must have been nearly 100 people in there. There were men and women of all ages. Some looked older than the rest, but still in very good shape, and some looked much younger.
Again Donna was on the altar. She seemed to love being the center of attention. As I watched a man I’d never seen before was spewing cum onto her face, while her pussy was being ploughed by a burly looking black man. I saw Fred, the ever ready little fucker hammering some red-head in the corner of the room, near the bar. She looked like she was about to pass out from sheer exhaustion. The camera dwelt on them for a few minutes, as the woman had yet another orgasm.
Anna laughed and said, "that’s Fred of the long fuck. He got on me the first night, and I thought I was going to die. He just keeps on fucking, he’s amazing. Thank god he was the last guy in my pussy."
That took me a back for a minute. Here was my little girl talking about fucking some guy I’d just seen fuck her mother in another tape. I thought I’d try a little conversation to keep my brain from frying any more, and the liquor had really loosened me up.
"What’s his secret?" I asked.
"I don’t know, he won’t say," she replied. "But I’ll be damned if he just can’t cum unless he’s in some girls’ mouth. I’ve seen him literally fuck a woman to sleep, because she’s too exhausted to move. Most of the time one of the other girls will finish him off, or he’ll move on to someone else. He is a machine though."
With that she began to provide a running dialogue about the people present. She first told me of the people she didn’t know. These were the extra hands that Marilyn had called in for the big event. There were about 50 of them, and as she spoke I could tell she was making mental notes of which one’s she’d pursue when she went downstairs.
Then she began to discourse on the people she did know. She told me anecdotes of previous parties, who they were, what they did for a living etc. She told me of one preacher and his blond-haired wife who’d been members almost from the beginning. She told me of how the preacher couldn’t get off with another woman unless he could see and be seen by his wife. She also told me that the preacher’s wife had never had an orgasm until she’d come to one of the parties, and then only with another woman.
There was the story of the two tit obsessed women of the second video I’d seen and their love affair with lactating women. They loved the feel of tits filled with milk, and the taste of it. They were live in lovers who came here to play around and drive each other crazy. If any of the other women in the group were expecting or were nursing they would each pool their money to buy as much as they could.
There was the guy who loved to watch himself in the mirror. He was a bodybuilder and looked great. Every sinew and strand of muscle he had showed in stark relief under his skin. He wouldn’t do anything unless he was in an unobstructed line of view with a mirror. As I looked at the screen I saw him pull his rather large tool out of the ass of a black woman, and stroke it a few times, watching his reflection. He then placed the head back at her anus and pressed slowly in. She groaned and wiggled beneath him, frantically frigging herself with one hand.
There were two women, neither of whom Anna knew in the play pen, watching with gaped mouths and busy hands as they watched the action going on around them. They were really giving the toys in the pen a workout as they watched the sweating, heaving mass all around them.
There were 4 men standing over by the bar, drinking and watching the proceedings. They looked like any other small group of Sunday afternoon quarterbacks reviewing the big game. They pointed and made comments about the various couples, or groups and made the occasional cheer or jeer when someone came.
As I watched the feed from the room, I felt the liquor I’d drank again begin to lull me into a fit of relaxation. I felt Anna snuggle up next to me. Like she had when she was a little girl watching tv with me. I was reminded of how bizarre this situation was when I saw her begin to frig herself with her right hand, up under her robe. I startled and tried to move away.
"Don’t leave dad," she said. "You’re so warm and nice to cuddle with."
"Anna I don’t think it’s right for me to be this close to you, or watch this," I said.
"Why not?" she said. "You’re not really my dad you know."
That hit close to home. All I could do was to stammer out an incoherent denial.
"Dad, I know all right," she said. "I know that you’re not my biological dad. He’s dead."
"How did you know, and when?" I asked.
"I found out when I had knee surgery last year," she replied. "Do you remember donating blood in case I needed it? Well, mom had them run a paternity test on it. I looked at all the paperwork; I’m studying to be a nurse you know. I looked at all the paperwork and the test results when they came back in. I’m over 18 so they had to let me see them. I knew what to look for, and when I got out of the hospital I confronted mom and made her tell me the truth. So if you wanted to fool around it’s not like it would be incest or anything."
"Yeah but it will be if you do anything with your mom," I said.
"So what?" she replied. "We’re both adults in the eyes of the law, and no one can do anything about it anyway. What do you say dad, want a romp with your little girl?" She said this as she stood and removed the robe ever so slowly down her perfect shoulders until the mounds of her breasts showed.
At this point I defy anyone reading this to do anything other than what I then did. I was drunk, both with liquor and lust, staring at a half-naked nymph, with only a towel to separate us. I’d been sucked and fucked since shortly after arriving at the house, and wasn’t in the best frame of mind to begin with. I was seriously pissed at my wife, my son, and daughter, and everyone else in the house at the moment. All I wanted was to wipe the smirk off her face.
I grabbed her by the hem of the robe and pulled her onto the couch. She spilled onto it and her robe opened on the way. I landed on top of her looking down at her firm young breasts. I could feel the heat of her snatch through the towel on my balls. I cupped one of her tits and fingered the nipple. I felt a shudder go through her as she reached down and pulled the towel away from my crotch.
She moaned lightly into my ear, as I lowered my mouth to her tit and began to gently suckle at it. She was busy as well as she slowly stroked my cock to full size. She squeezed the shaft and head as she did so, milking my dick along.
"I want it in my mouth dad," she murmured.
I leaned back on my knees as she dove down to meet it. She completely swallowed my cock until I was balls deep in her throat. She started licking and working over the shaft, with her full tongue and tried to swallow even more of it into her hungry mouth. After a few minutes of this, she began to lick the shaft and the underside of the head, like taking in her first ice cream cone. She licked and slurped along the entire surface of my cock. She seemed to truly relish the taste of my meat and when she encountered some pre-cum, gobbled it down moaning around my dick. I was again in the paradise reserved for those men who encounter the exceptionally gifted cock sucker. I could see that the techniques I’d enjoyed for years were being passed around what passed as the water-cooler here. The word had gone out, and she like the others had taken their lessons to heart, so to speak.
She sucked and licked me for a time that I couldn’t really measure. At one moment it felt mere seconds and the next like she’d been doing this for days. Before I could shoot in her mouth though, I pulled out and reached down to her and asked, "do you want me to fuck you?"
"Oh yeah dad," she said. "It’s always been a wish of mine for you to fuck me, I’ve wanted that since I was old enough to know what fucking meant."
I stood with her, slipping the robe to the floor, and kissed her gently on the face. I kissed her, on the mouth and we briefly sparred with our tongues. While she stood immobile, I ran my mouth and tongue around her neck and throat. I nuzzled the back of her neck, and kissed the hollow where her neck and shoulder came together.
I began to kiss my way down her body, pausing for a few minutes to work over her breasts and nipples. I could feel her first orgasm take her as I gently bit her left nipple. I discovered that she was definitely her mothers’ daughter, even if she weren’t mine.
I continued on to her flat tummy and kissed and licked her navel and kissed along the line of her hips, as they passed around to her luscious behind. I grabbed and kneaded the cheeks of her ass, and slowly began to spread her ass cheeks with my hands. I just had to know if she’d inherited all her mothers’ passions.
I reached back as she squatted a bit, and ran my index finger along the crease of her butt. She moaned again. As she did that I placed my finger right at the entrance to her hole and gently prodded. She had another small orgasm, I could tell as I had started to slowly separate her labia with my tongue when she came. I discovered she was a gusher, just like her mom. She began to slip down to the couch and I rode her down, licking and jabbing my tongue into her snatch while tickling and pressing in on her rectum.
"Please fuck me," she moaned.
I did a small pushup to get lined up as she pulled her legs up and out. I pressed down until the line of our bodies was as well lined up as I could and slowly pressed the head of my cock into her. She squealed out in pleasure and slammed up onto me, impaling herself on my cock. I began by riding her slowly. I tried to do half thrusts in and out, but she was having none of it. She wanted all my cock in her, as deep as it would go. Seeing this I accommodated the lady by just bumping the end of my cock against her pubic bone. We kept at this for about 5 minutes, until I tried to slowly pull out. She let me do the slow comfortable screw at that point and I settled in for a long one.
She varied her reactions to my thrusts, and as she did so her hands became busy as well. With her mouth locked on mine in a deep tongue kiss, she began to stroke and scratch the outsides of my thighs, with her nails. She also would reach back and give me some of what I’d given her, with one dainty finger seeking out my asshole. As she did this I felt her signals, so much like her mother’s that she was about to cum. As I also felt this I broke our kiss, and latched onto her left nipple with my mouth and began sucking like mad.
This tactic, I’d used with her mom, also had the desired effect on her. She came hard, and it was all I could do to hold on. She was much stronger and in better shape than Donna, and I knew it would be a close thing to stay in her, until I shot. As she bucked and screamed, I let loose my last load of the night. It wasn’t the biggest one I’d ever shot, but it was one of the very best. I poured it into her pussy like a river, and came down from my orgasm with a shudder.
I felt her lying beneath me in a pool of our collected sweat, and cum. She’d gushed again, and the combination of our fluids was spread across the surface of her pussy and smeared across her thighs, when I pulled my flaccid cock out.
"Damn, that was hot," she whispered.
"You’re not kidding baby," I said also whispering.
"Dad, I’ve got to go downstairs in a few minutes," she said.
"I know; they’re all waiting for you," I said. "But let me ask a favor or two of you first. One, don’t tell your mom I was here, and don’t let anyone else do so either. Two don’t wash up before you go downstairs, and let your mom eat your pussy first thing. I want her to taste our cum. Will you do that for me?"
"Oh yeah," she replied with a twinkle in her eye. "A little cheap revenge on mom then?"
"Yeah and on you," I said. "Oh by the way, your mom also cums really hard if you lick or bite her nipples right before orgasm, but if you finger her ass, she’ll go out of her mind."
"Where are you going to be/" she asked.
"Baby, I’m beat and my poor head needs a break," I replied. "I’m going to grab a shower and a cab and go the fuck home. I won’t wait up for either of you, so have fun."
"Oh dad, I hope you’re not mad at me for keeping the secret and getting you and mom into the group like this," she said very quietly.
"I’m not sure what I am at this point," I said. "I need a little time to sort all this out before I can answer that question. I’m also not sure when or if I want to tell your mom that I know. I’ll have to think about it. But I’ll tell you this, I’ll get some time off from work, and we’ll take you back to school in the motor-home, and maybe we’ll take the time to get to know each other better."
"I can’t wait dad," she said as she walked towards the staircase.
She was completely nude with one hand down between her legs cupping her snatch to keep the mingled cum inside. I sat back on the couch to watch as she entered the playroom and crossed over to the altar. This was a tape I was going to have to have a copy of, but I’d watch the live show first.