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Slut Wife

Topic: MY LITTLE SECRET DESIRE My little secret desire.
 Yes I had this secret desire to watch my wife getting fucked. I just didn't dare reveal it to hadn't been married all that long. We had a great sexual life together,but I wanted desperately to watch her getting fucked by another guy. She had all the attributes necessary,good personality,fantastic and what appeared to be a slutty fun loving side. Not being married that long we had not gone down the sharing secret desires line that much. So I kept this too myself.
 I knew she liked flirting when out with our friends and this was on one such occasion. We were at a pub where we knew the landlord well and he had a habit of stting amongst the clientel and trying it on with the wives. This particular night he plonked himself between my wife and another of my mates wives. She was some years older and was having none of it.
 As the night wore on he was chatting enthusiastically with Dawn,my wife And I saw her putting her hand tentatively into his trouser pocket while being egged on to go deeper by Steve,the landlord. Having touched something,blushing she quickly retrieved her hand from the said pocket and funning,punched at his shoulder. He then turning towards her conspiritally opened his pocket somewhat and displayed what she had touched.
 It turned out to be a rather slim hard aluminium cigar container. Smiling widely he removed himself from the fray and went to help behind the bar. Somewhile later he was back at it. This time he sat himself in between myself and my wife on the otherside from where he had sat previously. She in turn went to the loo and on returning finished up with me then her then the landlord with a mate at the far end. Me and the mate watched as the landlord again got my wife's attention and was trying to get her to feel in what was now his other pocket.
 "No,you're not getting me again" she exclaimed. 'No,I'm not' he responded,pulling the thin tube from the original pocket. "Well what have you got hidden in this one?" 'Nothing,honest,its just a bit of fun,- really it is' She tentively started putting her hand in now,stopping and I could see her fingers groping around,obviously expecting another ploy by him. She went deeper and then felt some more. Her face changed now. Her brow furrowed and his face went bland as she with her mouth close to his ear whispered something. Her hand explored somemore. "It is I heard her whisper,that's the head of your cock!" A broad grin crossed the landlords face as I distinctly noticed he was getting hard. "You dirty old sod" she whispered, "You're getting a hardon" And promply but slowly pulled her hand from the pocket.
 She turned to me. "Did you see that,he got a hardon when I felt his cock,he's got a hole in that pocket and all" This had not been lost on the mate on the otherside as he had also been watching the antics of our landlord. Who by now had removed himself and carefully covered his protrusion on moving away. The night went on with no further moves made on my wife. Ribaldry was at an end it seemed.
 My wife on the other hand continued to quietly comment on his hardon and how much and in such detail she'd felt it. Virtually ever vein and feature seemed to be rivetted in her mind. I commented eventually, 'You evidently'  enjoyed the feel he let you have, "No,of course not,I was just saying" 'Yeah,it sounds like you were just saying it made you horny and you enjoyed feeling another man's cock' "That's silly" It was left at that,but I was convinced she'd got a buzz from the experience.
 'I bet your knickers are wet' "Leave it" I did and watched as other events overtook the moment. One such moment was as my wife again went to the loo,the mate I mentioned took a good squeeze of my wife's ass cheek on her way out and the other one on her way back to her seat. A furtive glance from her to me told me she hoped I hadn't noticed. Sitting again, "I didn't ask him too" 'I know,don't worry about it,he saw you playing with the landlord' She blushing. "I hope he didn't get the wrong idea" All the time secretly I hoped he did get the right idea. That is she's horny and up for it.
 We all drifted off at the evenings end and no one but me noticed as this mate pulled my wife aside as we traipsed along the sidewalk. They were missing and only I had clocked it. I knew the area well and intent on seeing what they were up to and secretly hoping I was about to see what I'd dreamed of,I too drifted away from the straggling group.
 Back I went to where they had left us. Not a sign of them. I stopped and listened. Nothing,then I heard a faint giggle,it was coming from a small lane. This lane had various wall protrusions down the entrance part of it then it opened out into a clearer straight part. I snuk quietly down it stopping and listening. "No,we'll get caught doing it" 'Just have a feel' - A gasp, - He - 'Keep doing that,ugh! Fuck,come on' - "Stop,that's tickling, - Giggle, - oo! don't its making it tingle"
 I now spotted them,he had his cock on display and my wife was wanking it. Meanwhile her dress was high up her hips and he clearly was tickling her pussy. "No! we'll get caught" I watched as he pressed his cock now towards my wife's pussy. It touched and he had it inside her quim in a flash. His hand squeezed deeply at her buttocks. "Don't shoot it up there" He was instantly in full flow as he pumped his knob up her cunt. She started to push at his thrusting and with her usual sounds I heard and seen my wife being or rather getting fucked by another man.
 From leaving the group,this had been only about 18 - 18 minutes. They stood enjoying the aftermath of their respective orgasm's. He with his hardon still in her started to play with her clit again. "Wait" She eased him away a bit as she fumbled with his waistband between their bodies. His trousers now dropped to his ankles,no shorts. As she moved him still further away,I saw the gleam of her cunt juice along the length of his shaft.
 She was removing her panty's,with them gone she started in again. With his hand around his hardon I saw him jab it again back inside her vagina. "Go on,fuck it in me properly,not with all our clothes in the way. He now fucked at her with a vengeance. The thrusting was so frantic that once it popped out completely and jabbed into her belly. "Get it back in,I'm nearly cumming, AAGH! OO-OO UUGH! You're making me CUUMMM! This was the usual sounds of my wife cumming as I watched him race to his climax, the strain in his loins was showing she was about to get one hell of a spunking and she did. In the next second he tensed and with short sharp thrusts he spilled his seed deep inside my wife.
 She clung tightly to him as she,on coming down from her orgasm,opened her eyes to be confronted with me watching her as he pulled his dripping hardon from her body. Her look was a picture too behold as he looked down at his dripping cock, while instinctively she put her hand over her naked sopping wet cunt. He nearly vapourized as I spoke. 'Lets keep this between ourselves then shall we?' My wife went to speak. I putting my hand to my mouth with a SSSH! stopped any further talk for now with, 'When we're all sober,its the wrong time now'
 With me on one side and my mate on the other,both with our arms around her we followed on to our destination. Not though before in her panic as we moved away,she broke free from us and made back to retrieve her knicker's. This gave us both a bonus as she bent to pick them up revealing a very wet sticky pussy and upper thighs. Like a woman,her guilt just had to know. Alone later she couldn't resist, "Are we finished over what happened?" 'Of course not,think of it as more of a beginning' "BEGINNING!!!?" 'SSSH! Of course' She was now even more bothered,but she needn't have been. She had a very understanding husband. That's another secret though!